' ""ra'' f'"iC'iS "''--''' imf'-vS'' M s No. 12 VOL. XXVII. HILLSBORO, OREGON, MAY 27, 1920. LEGION TEAM WINS il GJt Defeated the Ctiulois in a Pitch ers Buttle, 3 to 1 GRAY DID CLASSY WORK Allowed but Four Hit find Struck Out Nine Batsmen Tltr Amirilllll l.lgioll Post III rlahsie "lil I lilUliuni tool, tin (' tutors dow it the Inn- last 1 1 1 1 ilny in il thfcul that will stinl 114 k tm i ii n 1 1 1 1 1 ( In tin- local hul :t tn I. Tin' (Vndors art- fast bunch, luit liny wt n 'li l nl.li tn rt llu- range of tin- I.r gion nu ll nl any 1 1 1 1 1 1 . itml tin way llillshoro i 'imiI hull warm i ll t hi- i'ii'kl" f tin' hearts nf thi bai ball fans hii they in v i r mi t il'I-tl llll' COullll'SS llf I lit- r Iter noon. Tin- game wan phiyt d in at' hour iinil SS minutes, was full ul net inn ill nil liinri, mill was Icniiiic nt ii I'f ul that. I'll !- (irity, tin- lilllf southpaw, was in lilii- fnrm, biking: tlif visitor. il, n h illi miiv Hnli. lie struck nut nine i'f their swalsiii'ii among whom were lads that li'ivi bci-n Hilling litis off other pilch rr in tin- in t r rily league. Hi lllsl lil llll l lllH position like II vcti-ran nf llu- iliiiiiniiiil. t-'ikinv ir i Imiirts without mi error. Il wit a Imng ii game frniii slarl to titii.il iiinl the Hi vi-ml hundred wIki vvitniHst-il it wire nunc thai plitcil with the hraiiil nf ball tin II. A, l nrc putting u. Tin uiillii-hl'TH shouldn't hi- imrlook iil, t ithrr, fur they have ifiim thro four gaines without mi rrrm being clmlkcil iiuaiiisl lln iii, tak ing; r i-rvthiiift in sight when there wns ii possible chance. Iinil of this kind is M h it gives h man n Imul pride in his In'im tcntn mid il 'il" means rcci -i 1 ! il tin- l.ox iillicc. Tin- liiu: up Sunday Gray. pit' her; Dcssingir,, catcher, Air, lb; Jaiiscn, 2b; l.rauus ,'lb; McCurdy, on; I'. Henderson. If; I'.rwin, if; Ihirkhalti r am) Had ln liir, rf. Suud.-i v's Results It II I. IIilUlH.ro : 7 (Vmlort 1 ' M ult linliiall Guards 10 H .'I Sherwoml I t IIinyniaii Iblw. , Cnnt Hi - '' Kirkpnti'iiks 10 Ifi 5 Hood River " 12 Astoria iiinl t In- Portland I W'.'h tiil not play, owing to ruin ill thr const cit v. STAN DISC W 1. P Kirkpntrirks ' 4 0 I turn HilUborn A. I , :t I 7M Mult. (iiianU :i I 750 llniu-vinan Ililw. .. ... 'i I liHT Sin-rv ood a -' r.o" (Vnilorn i! iOO Astorin l HihhI IliviT 0 000 CnmMS lllui'N 0 V 000 A Slmvctiil Itnvcs It was tiio fold n day for thr Indie. F.rwin K"t lufnri' taps Sat unlay nllil. It wns u cntv of too miwli (iray for t In Ci'iidors. Hood Iiivrr mid Cainas art' You OUR. BAN K 15 A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR MONEY. Nobody wants to slave awny until they die. No one is looking forward to an old brc of poverty and want. But old age is coming and your earnini; capacity is goint;. You won't look forward with fear, you'll look forward with joy to slowing down when you have a good fat "bank account" as the result of your steady deposits in the bank. Put your money in our bank. You will receive 3 to 4 per cent, interest. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK pace wild Srattli', nny- way. I'll say lh.it y i mi up; (iray has siniif sniiilniiii' In n il is work injr rinlil, li)i'V rami' inln fashion aain Siiinl.i, Iml our Imys didn't in Vist. I'.ill Harris uill Ik' tin- olliiial I ' in is" fnnii now on and lu ll ill olliriati' at Sunday's .(jainr ul thr loral yiiiiiiuls. ' Tin' II. A. I,.'s an Kninif t" Sin -ruiind nevt Siuiila' to rross Imls uilh thr Inivn Ihat priiiliui'il Di li llikrr, t In liiif li- ijiurr, ,lii-.i jili Dnwm r has surd (,'ur rii- )niiir for ilivurrc. Tliry m ri- inarriril at Xaiirouvi-r in l!l.'l. am) I In- Uiishaml .wrarv Ih it tin' m i fi- many linn s h is told him thai -In iliil not h r him. Id: sayt shr Mas jrahnis, would lint I'link hi un .'ils, and ralli'd him all kin 'i of Itaiurs mIii ii kIii hiih in niu' nf In p moods. Tlu'ri i n- on rliildii'ii. . f.. ,1. liushlou hai sold I It itorr Imtldiliu oil Waihiniilnil St.. with .11 firl f inula-.'!' In Mr. mid Mr,. V. Uillii.'-s. Mr. H.islilow has rnndiirti d luisini's llu-n- for n jr.irv ami will take his family In May Vii w for thr tiiuiiiu-r. mid haiidli hi, lifi' iiiHiiranii' hiisiin'is diiiinif llu -.ii m in i-r months, Mat. I. hi NnlKili, of r.ir.st (irovi. srikt to forrrlnsr oil n hmisi and hit in nut' of tin- mldi lions of Ihat rily. Shr says hrr iiiiirU;at.'r iitlN for 171. mid Hurl NolNrli and ifi' and lYrn N i ill -si Ii an- t In di frlidaiils. Thr mill- has In ' ii runninif srvrrnl 'i-.irs- Dr. ('. Vi-wton Duhs mul wifr. nf tin Chili.i Missiuu of thi' I nil. il l', aut-i du al Cliurrh, w ill jiir a Missionary addrrss at tin llillslioin Churih. I'riday, Mill ,'S, al S ii. in. Tlii v sail fur China .lino- .'I mi Ihr Stiann r I'nssia. Hal.y ihii-ks, from n iniilin-j; of Tancri'd strnin lien to ilannon's "Roynl Kini;" cockerels; May 15 to Juni- 1, $18 per 100; after June 1, $15. Paul Dudley, Alo ha, Ore. P 14 I'rii' Mrlhmlisl Cliurrh, John (1. Il. ssl. r. Pastor S. S. at 10; t'nion iiiriuiiri.il si-rvii'i' at M. L rhiiri li at II; P. uii'i'tinif at 7 ; pri 'tii-liiii-f at 7: la. Prayer meet intf, Thursday uiuhl. All wel eome. S. Co ley, until rrei nl ly pro prietor of the l.ilii-rly Itrslaurant has rrtiirni'il from llrilish ( 'nl u in hia.-iind has houjihl a hntrl Inisi iii'sh in Itiisi-hurif. in lake posses- siuii at ulire. Wanted: Position 'as hook keeper or stino rapher ; hook kri imiii iirefrrreil. .ililress "liook" Care of Aruiis, hut do not 111111110111- or call personally. I t A. J. I.i-Vill.liss mid Alice I.. Dt-Villdiss, on lieensc from this enuiily wire inarrieil in I'orlland May IN, UC.'O, ltev. 11. T. Alkin siiii i H i i -i . 1 1 1 1 ni . Albert I.. Ciiinniinijs, uf Slwn.lv llrook, mul Jennie Allen, uf Hus ton, were united in marriage May 20, 1 lUfO. It iv. II. A. Deck of eialiiiff. l'or Sale - Chevrolet, in (food condition - I5M). A. L. Drake. 1000 feel north of Witell Hazel Station, on S. P. 11-18 w Have I DAY IF ki'i'pinjf PolU Forty Per Cent, of the Re publican Vote Catt CO. OFFICES HOSS RACE Legislative Ticket is Clone, L. M. Graham Being Just Back of Wire Primaries eniiie mul primaries (jo hut the public iulrrcsl is ulwavs ecu in the uiiteoiiie of n republi can primary in ti nsiiiii-ioi-C 'mm t v - fur u iiuininiitiiin (trm-r ally spi lls election so far as llu county candidates are ennccrin il. Hiram Join "Hui pulled the presidcnlial iioniinatinii, receiv iutt forty per eenl. nf the vote east. The vole was Very lijilil nud Johlisnii was yiven 1571 out of the 37011 voles cast in the pres idential litcht. I'.very one sup posed to he versed in publics thuu-'lit Johnson would he top ped by Leonard Wood, hut the (i iitleman who was mad lu -i i i . i i . i cause lie illilll l ui l in (o in I-'raiiee received only 1 J K bal- ols. Hoover, who announced he .1 . - I 4 1 . .1 whs oil Uie ucKci, inn wiinsc .i i 1 1 . name was prinlea on i in- naiun. was fjiven t!)7, while Mr. I.ow- deil, who is a son -in-law uf (no. M. Pullman, of Pullman car fame, received 501. J In- enuntv ticket, ill the eases nf the legislative canilidales. and the commissioners, was a noss race"' from start to finish. The vote is hi-mif canvassed by Deliulv Luce, I.. A. Jackson and D. It. Wheeler, mul is as follow s republican ticket : 1 Deh'uates to National Hi publi can convention, four to iio M.n Lean, 87S; Maris, ii't; McCain ant, 11(17; Olsen, 1007; Rand. 1117; Stewart, Ht5; linyd, 1100; liutler, K,'i:i; Cmnern. !!; Car ey, 10 15; Cuiuptoii, I'.'ti; Hani son, 7!!; Hickey, .'t7; Kolloek. till); MaeDonald, 10511. Delegates lit lai'ne to same eon vention, two to go - Wriifhtuiali. ll!:t; Adains, 12ti!;J5.iulii, IIU: Kendall, JtL'0; Too.e. 1!I78W l'or President - Johnson Wood Low dell .. Hoover V. S. Senator--Stanlield Ifi -to 1 2 m tsi L'osr. Abraham ' list Secretary of Slate Dr. Wood .' 1 1 1M5 Kozer 7M Public Service Com. lbi.'ht.-l .... : Cousin For State Senator Win. (. Hare tii r 1 1 10 :to7.". For Joint Senator- - Dennis lOliO Kilw ards '. 1117 John U. Sinilh For Keprescnlativi 120!) high- 2t7! 2 17 t 2 1 ! 2171 three est named V.. F. Fisher ! A. 15. Flint Wcsteott L. M. Graham For District Attorney F. H. Tongue 2772 long term . - 12!ti 1112 1031 Co. Commissioner J. J, Wismrr II. P. Cornelius Wadsworth . Co. Commissioner, .short term - John F. Cnrstens liiOS John McClaran ! I;i7) For Sheriff Cieo. Alexander .'1 1 1 1 County Clerk-- H. A. Kuratli 2297 McCbisson I'J.'IM Assessor W. F. Holey 0000 Treasurer F.. H. Sappington 31155 School Supt (Continued d) page 21 BAND CONCERT The program for the baud con cert in the court yard this coining Friday evening Aubl Faithful, march. Silver Star, inlerme.zo. Rose Queen, waltz. (irniul Opera, march. Mexican Kisses, .selection. Midnight Flyer, inarch. Forest Whispers, selection. Spirit of the Times, march. T. C. Revnolds. L. F. Finmott. J. W. Council mid Y. O. Donel son departed last Saturday for a week's tour to Seattle nud north ern points. They will fish ali.ng the sidelines and may get into P. C, before they turn back to the South. They went over in the Reynolds car. Young lady stenographer and book-keeper wishes position. Good references. Stella Arndt, Huber, Ore. .12-14 Chevrolet for sale.-I), Corw in. Fred Jesse, of m ar liny, was a city caller Tuesday, It. Cook, of Cornelius, was an Arj.'iis caller Monday. Fred Hamel, ol (In neo, was in tow n the middle uf llu- week. (iiistav Krause, of South 'I'ua latin, was- n cily caller yesterday. Helidi'r.snn Sniiih, of Hanks, was in town the las! of the week. F. F. H inley, of I.eisyville, was a cily visitor the last nf the week. Door and window .screens at the Second Street Lumber yard, Hillsl.oro, Ore. Vl'l'.i ('has. Purdiif, nf I'orlland, was in the city Tuesday, ('has. is now working fur the John Deere people. Hefore yoil. decide nil a used car it will be to your advantage to conic in and examine my stock. Terms if desired. I). Corwin. Wanted: Middle aged woman for general housekeeping. --Apply at Washington Co. Hospital and ask for Mrs. J. I.. Auld. First P.iptisl Church. Third and Fir bible Scl I. 10; preaching at 11 and 7:.'10; H. V. I'. I'..(i:.'t0; pr.-iM r ineeliiig, Thursday night. For sale: Ten pigs. Will bold until weaned; order now. -Jos. II. Sens, I Iillslu.ro, It. ."I ; Il's miles northwest of city. 12-1 I- Mrs. Jas. A. Imbrie departed for Seattle, I uesilay morning, to alleiul the bedside of her sister. Mrs. Hallard, who is reported i, cry ill. Wauled: X collector eapabl of taking charge of nil oltiec. A splendid opening for the riirht man. pply P. O. Hox 271, Me- Minnville Ore. 10-12 Mary Litherl.-ind. of U est I moil, rccentlv uuilerw cut an operation for acute appendiciti anil lias lullv reenvereil anil Is again in charge of Hroughtorl it Wiggins Logging Co., of St. I lei ens. .Mr. ami .Mrs. .. 1.. 1 lint were up from Sihidls, Monday. A. Ii was ceci iving congratulations on his nomination to the legislature The primary between the four candidates was a "horse race right enough. A good steady man wanted to work on ranch- married prefer red: wife In keep house. Com foi'table liniue, steady employ incut and fair pay assured. For particulars see or address F. Al Heidel. Hillsboro, Oregon, te' phone ii II. l'-'tf ('has. Matlhes, of near I.aurtl was in town yesterday. He say the ruck road will soon reach hi nlaec. bill is uf the opinion that something will have to be done with the 1 lillsliuro Laurel road before winter, or it will be too rough for travel. (ieo. lioolrv. ot Hanks, was in tow u Monday to get another plo for his tractor, l.eo. wanted the third share to use in potato plant ing. He w ill plow -fin his crop thi year and says Ihat the biggest yields come from Ibis method out in his count ry. .Marriage licenses were grunt ed this week as follows: Paul F. Vuvlslike and Hilda Fessler Mareell A. Yuvlsteke and fs belle Fessler; Paul R. Oshanie. bridal Veil, and Pearl L. Snider. Heaverton ; John 'P. Hunton and H.-iltie K. Curry, Forest Grove. ' l-'ai'l Wilson, of Hanks, has sued the l!ni i rs.-il- Mobile Tractor Co. for .,'U)0. He alleges bis contract of purchase was that tin v would supply parts at call, and he says the machine had a defective mo tor block, and their delay cost him 25 days work with the trac tor, woitli $12 per day. Chas. VandiTwal is over at Rockaway, getting ready for the season, lie is putting up a dance hall, and will have the place rea dy by the time the beach is popu lated by the regular summer crowd. Mrs. Vanderwal joined her husband this week and they will make their home at Rocka way for the summer, and. per haps, permanently. A negro by . the name of C. McKriver. traveling with Barnes' circus, left the big tops at Port land, last week, and. hiked to the Sherwood district, as broke as a circus follower ucnerallv is. He entered the Hraseeseo home and stole some silver knives and forks and spoons, some grocer ies, ele.. and then went on bis way. lie was apprehended later when he tried to sell some of the ..silverware. Deputy Sheriff Ward Dow ns went down ami picked tip the colored chap. He claims to be 21 years of age, but lie looks as tho he might be forty. 10 HOLD CONTROL Passes Resolution Not to Sub-let for Dancing CLUB ASKS FOR SUPPORT City Fathers Will Not Allow In- dividuals to Conduct I'he City Council Tuesday cve- lung parsed a resolution to the rf- ct thft no persons shall be per mitted to conduct dances in the proposed pavilion in Shnte Park, and when dances are allowed, nt such functions as celebrations, the affair will be under direction and supervision "I tne council. 1 his iction was brut about because of the Hillsboro Club's resolution. which reads: ' fo the Honorable City Council of the City of Hillsboro. Gentlemen : At a meeting of the Hillsboro Club held Tuesday evening, May lSth, j920. a resolution was pa$s- 1 directed to the City Council in substance as follows: I Whereas, the Hillsboro Club initiated the idea of improving the Shute Park of the City of' Hillsboro and appointed a com mittee to confer with the City Council to the end that the Coun cil would cull a special election for the purpose of voting bonds for such improvement; And Whereas, contemplated in uch improvement 'was the erec tion of a pavilion for public use sAnd Whereas, pursuant to such request of the Hillsboro Club the City Council acted favorably up on such report and submitted to the tax pavers of the Citv of Hillsboro at a special election to be held on June 8, 1920. a $15. 000 Shute Park bond issue; And Whereas, it was and is the intention of the Hillsboro Club that a portion of such bond issue should provide for the erection of a pavilion as aforesaid and that said pavilion should be un der the con-rol at all times of the City Council, and that said pa vilion should not be leased, sub let or rented to any individual for dancing purposes and that When said pavilion shall be used for dances it is the sense of the Hills boro Club that such dances shall tie under the immediate supervi sion of the City Council at all times. Now Therefore, Re it resolved, by the Hillsboro Club at the meet ing above, set forth that this res olution be directed to the City Council of the Cily of Hillsboro requesting the Council to pass a resolution embodying the forego ing provisions, and that said res olution be duly adopted by the Council and entered in the rec ords thereof. Respectfully submitted. C. E. Wells, President of the Hillsboro Club. MEMORIAL DAYS The Grand Army Post and Relief Corps, assisted by the Spanish War Veterans and the American Legion, will properly observe M emori.il Days, Mav 30 and 31. ti Sunday services will be held in the Methodist Episcopal chqrch at 11 in the morning. Rev. H. A. Deck will conduct the principal service, assisted by the pastors of the other churches. On Monday the four organiza tions, together with the Hillsboro Hand, will convene at the court house square at nine in the morn ing. The G. A. R. veterans and Relief Corps will be escorted to the cemetery by squads from the Spanish War Vets and the Ameri can Legion. The ritualistic set vice will be conducted at the graves of the fallen veterans and at the conclusions the mounds wil be decorated. The parade then return to the court house square in the sajne formation as it proceeded to the cemetery. At two o'clock p. m., the as sembly will convene at the Meth odist Episcopal Church for the exercises, consisting of songs, recitations, etc. Hon. H. V. Gates will be the speaker. All who can 'possibly furnish automobiles to take the veterans to the cemetery at nine Monday morning will please be on hand to give the aged veterans atid their ladies a lift. For sale: Forty acre farm, 4 miles from Hillsboro on good rock road; all in crop, fruit and berries; now modern buildings, 10 cows, 2 horses, and farming tools. R. 3, Box 113. 12-15 Jos. F. Saunders, of Bethany, was in town yesterday afternoon. G. B. BUCHANAN & GO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot thipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lovret Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thoruburgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier, John Vice FORESTGBOVENATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Call of the Comptroller, May 4, 1920. RESOURCES Loans $573,663.06 U. S. and Other ' Bonds 217,147.34 Banking House 19,041.00 Other Real Es tate 1,850.00 Stock in Fed. Res. Bank 2,250.00 Cash and due " " from Banks 195,660.94 $1,009,612.34 Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County 3 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON 12 MONTHS CERTIFICATE !v mw BRING US YOUR The Delta Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing H Q F F M A W JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street : HilUboro, Oregon E. Baiky, W. W. McEldowney, President Cashier. E. F. Burlingham, S G. Hughes. LIABILITIES Capital, $25,000.00 Surplus, $73,414.41 . $98,414.41 , Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 1 886,197.93 $1,009,612.34 KODAK DAYS ARE HERE. YOU WANT ONE. WE SELL THEM. LET US SHOW YOU OUR STOCK. KODAK TROUBLES Drug Store