THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County Official Paper L. A. Long, Editor. Entered at I the Post Office at Hillaboro, Oregon, ai seeond clats mail matter. Subscription, $1.50 per annum. Issued every Thursday by Mrs. . C. McKinney and L. A. Long. Hoover was beaten in Califor nia bv Mr. Johnson bv a vote of perhaps 100,000. The Food Ad ministrator gave the Senator a hard chase in the Southern part of the state and I.os Angeles went against Johnson. As Johnson ap pears to be 'unable to break into the East it begins to look a tho he will be eliminated as -i faelor at Chicago. First Baptist Chnreh, Third and Fir St-.. ruble School nt 10 a. in.; preaching at II a. m. and 7:15 p. m.; H. Y. P. F. at 7 p. n.; prayer meeting at T.iiO Thursday evening. Senator S. 1$. Huston was in town from Portland yesterday, on legal business. S. 11. is still the same old scout, and never feels out of place in a county seat town. LS-'JL Blossom time i on in Oregon, and cherries will soon be ripe. J. T. Shannon was in from Meek Plains today minus tint moustache he had been wearing for years. For sale; Hardy cabbage plants, Early Copenhagen Mar ket, Jersey Wakefield, All head Early, 15c do.; $1.10 per 100, post paid. Mrs. W. E. Rice. Hillsboro, R. 8. 9-11 A "Story Telling Hour'Vwill bo given by Mrs. Dodge, Librarian, to children aged from 7 to ) years on Saturday, May 8, from 11 to IS o'clock in the forenoon, at the Library. Entrance at the side door. .t Shock Absorbers - ........ X , v - --, . WV2Sl- - MAKE A CHEVROLET RIDE LIKE AN OAKLAND Sold By F. L. PRANGER & CO. Oakland and Chevrolet Dealers 112S Third St. Hillsboro Oregon The Whole Secret of A Better Tire Simply a Matter of the Maker's Policies This you will realize once you try a Brunswick that a super-tire is possible only when the name certifies that the maker is follow ing the highest standards. 'For fire making is chiefly a mat ter of standards and policies cost plus care. Any maker can build a good tire if he cares to pay per fection's price. AH men know Brunswick stand ards, for Brunswick products have been famous for 74 years. Formulas, fabrics and standards vary vastly in cost Reinforce ments, plies and thickness are a matter of expense. And these vari ations affect endurance. It rests with the maker how far he wishes to go how much he can afford tp give. For there are no secrets nor pat ents tp hold one tack. , To ascertain what each' maker offers one must analyze and test some 200 tires as our laboratories have done. Then it is a matter of combining the best features and building ac cording to the highest standards. Once you try a Brunswick you will understand how we have built model tires, regardless ofi factory expense. Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the same as other like-type tires. Our saving is on selling cost, through our nation-wide organization. We realize that you expect more from Brunswicks, and we assure you that you get it ONE Bruns wick will tell you the story. And then youll want ALU Brunswicks. No other tire, youll agree, gives so much foe your money. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis 1 "IMN Mi I 111111 Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads TALLMAN & ELLIOTT, Forest Grove E. L. PERKINS, Hillsboro T. C. Reynolds, W. O. Honel son, C. E. Wells, Jack ll.iynnrd nnd CiroVer Combs have been trolling for salmon off nnd on the past week at Oregon City. Wells, Donelson and Reynolds hooked some fourteen pounders and (iro ver let two grt nway from him -satisfied that eiuh weighed a rwt. Father J. C. Heesaeker. Sunt, of the Orphanage at St. Mary's, near Heavorton, was in Hillsboro yesterday. He is taking eare of St. Matthews pulpit during the absenee of Father Costelloe, who is still confined to St. . Vineent's Hopital. Guy Stover, a pastor who was always a favorite jn Hillsboro, lias returned to the city and oc iu pies the pulpit in the F.vnngel ieal ehiireh. He is getting the home ready to receive the fami ly, whieh arrives in a short time. For Sale My residence nt 1525 Second St.! Hillsboro, Ore. Mrs. K. MeNelly lligelow. 9 For 16-ineh first elass fir wood, oak, nnd fir knots, see H. l'rnhl. Orders promptly filled, l'hone i'SUS, Hillsboro. 7 0 l.osli & Sthlaltman, licavrrtou Velie dealers, were in the eity Tuesday. They recently deliver ed Vclics to William Thurston land Jos. Taunler, each getting a I Forty-eight, and a Thirty-four to Ted Shallberger, The boys have opened a new garage nt Heeaver ton on the highway. FOR SALE A fine suburban home, right at (untania Station, Oregon - F.lee tiie Uy.; 18 acres, nice nix room house with Colonial verandah on two sides; new ham; tool jibed; poultry and hog house; finest of drinking water; also never fail jing creek; fruit and berries. Will also sell furniture nnd personal j effects. W. .1. Head, lteaverton, !Ore., H. 3. 2lf 'A Iff fiiiv- 'iyVp$ I) V If U 1 Mr 1 Let BlueBird be your laundress! Why don't you change washday into a Blue Bird day and save $16a month washing expense, and save all that hard rulvboard wear on your clothes, without adding one whit to your work. See what you save! Washday with laundress: Washday with BlueBird; Waees S2.50 Carfare 15 Meals . .60 F.Iectricity .0$ Total Si.TS Total JU.0S The whole purchase price of BlueBird is en tirely paid for by this weekly saving alone. Prove this by free y. trial in your home! Arrange this free demonstration for your next washing day. ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHES V Phone or Call . ", Notice! At a. meeting of the County Bankers held recently it was agreed that the interest rates on savings deposits and six months certificates of depos it would be 3 per cent and twelve months certificates of deposit would be 4 per cent. This bank will pay the above rates. HILLSBORO NATIONAL BANK Caniftom The Registered Percheron STALLION Black Weighs 1940 -Will Stand Season 1920 Every Friday at Hillsboro Every Monday at Schef f lin on the H. C. Sahnow place. Balance of t ine at home place, S miles Northeast of Hillsboro. TERMS: Single, $10; season, $15; to insure, $20; to in sure colt to stand and suck, $25. M.ire sold nr taken from county fee due immediately. Care to prevent hut responsible for accidents. BEN SAHNOW, Owner Wanted 1 pay best prices for href cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.; can use udi stuff any tim!. Photii. Ilcnvcrton ; mull ndilress, V. V, Mrllar, Reedvill. Or. 60-1) ft I'or Siili, clii jip- Om- rovrrtil waxiiii In onlrr; one tup I'llXy, '" '"' y "i-w; also inn- fri il new. II. Leia, 8-10 irrinilrr, nliiio,t l!in vrrton. LAND FOR SALE . . Those who w ish to go into the I.o!;iiilii rry liiisiness, or any kind of erop, for that matter, will ' make a good investment hv ur , ehasiriK this tract -'0 aere.s, half I mile north of Ueedville; half-mile from S. I. .station; half mile, from Oregon Electric station; on milk route; rural mail route, near the school and church, and only 1't miles from Portland; on county road which is rocked half mile from Tualatin Valley highway. I'.iir price and terms. See, or ad dress Mrs. A. Weisctdiaek, owner, Ueedville, Or'-. S-IO I The XcedlecraW Ladies of . Hillsboro will have an apron and , food saht in Ilillslioro, Saturday, May 15. Location will he given next week. I I 1 a Rosea; Vattv' AumcKLX, LIBERTY- Friday, Saturday in "BACK STAGE" Comedy Special 1 lri. VFIf IfF? The Car with Endurance And the Car of Comfort The Velie automobile is not an experiment it has made good everywhere. ' It is the car for a good road and negotiates bad roads with greater ease tK-.ii other cars of its class. Big Velie Six - - - $2185 Small Velie Six - - $1735 If You Want a Car of Class, Get the Velie LET US DEMONSTRATE NEW SERVICE GARAGE Try our new garage for service, promptness and despatch Accessories in stock ) Losli & Schlattman Beaverton, Oregon On Highway, Opposite Post Ofice