The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 29, 1920, Image 1

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    jr it r hi ti - - t -" - . .-j n ,...i. i ,w
Me HaLLSBaro mcaos, ,
Plunged Butcher Knife Into Mi
Throat and Cave Blade Twint
Cut Down by Gideon Mickey;
Taken to Hospital; Died Tuesday
Ilt'lir' Adli, nu i iilmiil HO ytwii-H,
trird the Miieidr routr lit st Siilur
day rvt-iiiiijf, hlmrllv n f ti-r nix
o'clock, nt hit I i 1 1 1 - in Nurlli
1 1 i 1 1 1 n r 1 1 , living Tui'mluy morn
lug. Ahli llllN hl'l'll Ml llllK vc rv
iuccrly fur wiiiic time, liming
hccii in ill lii-nll Ii. Mr. I.iiiioh,
a iielglilinr, mi I In- Imdy huiifinK
ill the hmk vnnl of the Ahli home
mid ( oil. .1 'r.ll.H Mill r. Milt, r
tlmiiM tilt nlil Mill II wilt ilriul
niul t -lc ft t m 1 llic I'linuirr. (iiil
on Mickey, n iiiijjlihiir, nrrived
licfiirc Coroner I.inilirr ri'iichi-d
th- pliuc, niul rut tin- lici'ii mail
lIllMII. r. Itllllll Wilt HHHI nt tin-
Mi'riir, niul in ii Hlmrt 1 1 n i - Ahli
wnt I'otmi'iiMiN nml n bilking it
"blue ktrenk." Hi- ni tiikrn to
the lioiiitnl, win' re hi- Iujim'iI in
to n nlfiti' of count Siinil'iy morn
Ahli fi-jiiml in circuit court hist
Sn in ill r r nml lull. ImviiiL; Mini hit
wife, Judith, fur n ilivoree ilecree.
Judith fought the elite niul there
wrri rlifiritrt nml counter
1'hnrKen. Judith clniiiii'il I Ii-tir v ahutivf, -niul Henry chiiiucil
thnt Jiulith Imil struck him with
her (itt; with n hoe, niul t In I the
gclirrnllv lllilile hit life iiilti mhli-.
After the evidence wit in Judtfe
Hnylry found that Judith wnt i n
titled to flu decree, Their in
erty, consist injr of two houses,
wn Hettleil out of court.
Allli nml hi wife ('mm- here
from the Itoi hiirK coiiiilry smite
years ugo, Itolh hml temper nml
ditpliVH kept the inlt;hhorliinid
entrrlniiieil from time to time.
Dr. It oli It nt the lirtt hml mi
ivin n to Ahli' recovery, he
cnusc of hi -frrnlly ciid-chled
The W:hll!ton County lloNlein
Hrenler' Aoeiittion hn nr
rnnf(fil l huhl it iiii-etiii-r in Hills
horo, Friday, April ilO, nt 2 p.
Ill, At this time I'rof. I-.. I.. West
over, of Corvnllis, w ill he present
to upenk to the breeder about the
lirrediiij-; of some of the mure Im
iortniit llolttein f.'tniilie. S. II.
Hall, Seeretnry of the St.-ite Hol
hteill Association, hit nlso been
invited to be present. Trunk t'on
nell, President of tin County As
Noeiiitiiiu, hope to Ii.-mc a (fund
meetinir nt thi time, nml expect
every Ilolstein breeder to he
County Agent.
An iieeurnte law stenographer
wislun typing to do at home. Mail
work to Mrs. V. V. Scott, ltoulc
1, (initnn. 8 11
It. Ci. I.cedy, one time Matter
of the Slate Grunge, niul who ha
represented Oregon in the Grange
National Convention, wa In the
citv Saturday. , '
Ate you Doin
your Duty?
you. xive
. Your Future is going to be
Your duty to yourself and your home folk is to prepare a
comfortable future.
The little sums you spend every day for silly extrava
gances would make a nice looking bank balance at a time
when you will need money.
Put your money in our Bank.
You will receive 3 per cent interest.
Kthel May Vic hiich Marl Wine
for divorce, alleging cruel treat
ment, They were married in
lit 12, ond Mr. W'iiii" miy tluit
the conduct of her hiitliaml !
came no iinliearnble in 1 01 H tluil
hhc left him. She wiiiit tin- en
tody of tin: ix year old ilniightcr.
Itoteoe Hurt), I'lirtliilul nttor
ney, wit a city culler Monday.
Mr. Iliirtl 1 inn- of tin: liiittlcr
of the ItiiMii City, and i well
known in court circle here, hav
ing defended JliTiui-tt Tliiiiiipi)ii
when he wn tried for the Jcn
ning hlnying.
I;ee Scar, of Albany, wn down
the putt week mid returned to the
I.iuu County capital '1'iiitihiy ,
driving John' SiiiipKiin't I'neknrd
tt-uek up to the mill. While here
Dr. Hobb removed n nerve from
one of hi optic. "
M.S. and Alex Weir, of Cdojm r
Mouiitnin, were Ililltboro vititort
Saturday, on a timber deal. The
brother are Milling timber to
John )avi, of Hen vertini, who
wilt put in it Hit s mill in a short
Mr. Hugh Hoger returned the
first of the wt-ek from it visit with
her father, Jacob Miutt, at Mt.
Angel, and while cumuli' Inline
visited with her mother, who it
ill lit St. Vincent' Hospital,
If you have milk cowii. beef
cntth; hog or nhccp fur aale,
drop me a pott card. Ilighritt
price paid. Albert Heav
erton, Ore., R. 2j Tel. Hillnboro,
211X1. 89 39
Chat. H. Taylor, of near Hoy,
wa an Argu caller Monday. Mr.
Taylor ha received the ollicinl
paper for over 25 year, and it
taking another chmicc nt it.
For Sab 17x22 Sandwich hay
pre nnd 10 h. p. (i!xl() Hutsejl
engine, complete with bells, tanks
mid pumps. - Fred Peterson, R.
2, Portland, Ore. 8-10
The Auxiliary to the American
Legion will meet in Veteran Hall.
Wednesday evening, May 5, at
7:.'ll) o'clock. All member arc
rcipiested to be preteiit.
I'red Peterson, of near Cedar
Mill, wn n city caller Tuesday
morning. The Peterson fami
ly hn been on the Argu list ever
since it initial year.
For Sale, ehe.' -One pnveri'd
wagon in good order: i ie top
buggy, nearly lien ; a In oik; fen!
grinder, almost new. B. Lris.
I'envL-rlon. 8-10
Fiigclie Humphrey, a brother
of J. II. Humphrey, write from
the Alberta that on April there
was still two feet of snow up
For Sab' -Lot of miiiiII seed
potatoes. Inquire of R. U. Super.
on Hawthorne ranch, one mile
northeast of Scwcll utatii.n. Tel-'
ephone 2022. 6-8
John F.ngledinger has been
buwy for a couple of weeks mak
ing improvements around the
Vred Englcdingcr home, Dnscliiie
Austin Sims, of Farmingtmi, re
port thnt Winter w heat is doing
nicely in hi vicinity, but that n
little warm weather wouldn't hurt
Perkins has everything for
your car. Try him once. 3tf
tbe Future you are making now.
Opening Game of Season at Local
Grounds, Sunday, May 2
First Ball Across (?) Plate E,
L. Moore to Receive, Hare to Talk
The American Legion ba,eball
teaiii ha been signed up; ().
1'lii-lpN, who i the Ilillsboro
t'lub'a godfather for the boy, has
had the ground put into shape,
niul hit uccll that the players are
attired In huits befitting cham
pion.; Manager Poll Sexton has
picked the boys mid the open
ing game will take place on the
local ground, Sunday, May 2,
ttlieii the Kirkpatrick All Start
will visit the city, (iaiue will be
called at 3 o'clock. Mayor Wall
will pitch the lirsl ball, and I'.. I..
Moore, through whose effort tin
Imll park Clinic into existence,
himself an old catcher, will re
ceive the sphere u il (louts close
to, near by, or some where in tin
proximity of the vicinity of the
Inline plate. And then the boys
will be "off" for their initial garni
of the IH'JO season.
Incidentally, Win. Harris will
umpire the game, and if he Mir
vives, nil other games here.
Portland' parade for the Itt'JO
ti'asiiii, in the same league, hail
750 ball player in lin - and the
local boy here are going to have
it parade from iip-touu to tin
park. Win. (1. Hare will make a
short talk Hare I one of the
best fan in fandoni. The band
will be out to stimulate things.
The II. A. I.', will be started
right, and we shall see sniiie tine
hull. Judging from what the boys
do we will be able to see league
hall ;it compared to that article
but a few moons back. The price
fur admission to the bleachers
will In- ,'t."i cent, and 50 cent w ill
ice you to the grandstand. All
the ulilliiiie player are milking a
"run" for the gntiiilstand'Suiiday.
to help swell the receipt..
The II. A. I.'s. are one of .'If)
snappy team in the league, and
iildtiine player are getting out
to sec the youngster perform.
Hill Sell ii line rich, I'd. Schulmer
ieh, Jack Itailey, ('buries lbicbaii
an, mid numerous other "has
been" in day of yore, arc figur
ing to crowd the grandstand, and
you must get in curly if jot, are
to get a scat away from the sun.
Manager Sexton Int. signed up
the following boys
Catcher -- Hoy Schubncrich.
H. D. Foster and Marvin Robin
sun. Pitchers Eugene (!ray, Law
rence Tnggart, F.dgar Kiinin.t and
.lack Solder.
First base Paul Fitch, F.dwin
Hiirkballcr, S. F. Airs.
Second base Martin Jaiisen.
Shortstop Duke McCurdy,
Dick Itrames.
Third base Harvey Iiatche
lar. Field Ivor Irwin. Carl IVs.sin
ger nnd ('bet Henderson.
With this bunch of boys, with
the band out, with n nice day, and
with Roy and Harry Cook, Tone
Ilernirns and possibly John Cars
lens down to see the lad do
things Ililb.boro should certain
ly see some ball giime on Ch.nm
poeg l)y, May 2.
Corvallis, April 2(5.-- (K A. C.
biddies again lead the All North
west Egg Laying Contest nt the
stnte college, Washington. The
report just received slates that
the high pen to date- November
B to March at is the liarreil
Itock pen owned by the Oregon
Agricultural College with a total
of i W eggs.
The same pen made the highest
record for the month of March
with a total of IIS eggs.' While
the Oregon hens did not start the
contest at first place thev have
been gaining rapidly. In Febru
ary the pen was first for the
month but sixth for the entire
period. Ry the end of March
they had reached first place for
the full peiod, which lead they
continue to hold.
There are 120 entries in the
contest, representing some of the
most prominent breeders of
Washington, Oregon. Idaho,
Montana, British Columbia and
Texas. Another pen of O. . C.
hens was lending the contest nt
the Western Washington Station
contest for the same period.
W. J. D.
See me for a good buy in used
cars and a Ford truck. D. Cor-
(). P. Matson, of near North
Plain, wa a city culler Tuesday
Collection Knight Adjust
merit Co., McMinnville, Ore. i tf
Nelw I I.'inen,of Retlutny, trail
acted business in the city Friday.
J. IF Oorbtnd, of beyond Nyrtl
Plains, was in town Saturday eve
Perkins is now located in his
new quartern give him a call.
Free air and water. 8tf
l-.dltor ,. i:. .tent!, nl r;,c
Times, Forest (irove, vas a e Her
A. li.fiurrigu, of above Hanks,
was an Argus culler the last of
the week.
For sale: Rhode Island lied
eggs, for hatching; l,00 for 15.
Phone 4RX. 5-8
J. J. Nusbaiiiiier, of m'ar Phil
lips, was a city caller the last of
tin: week.
II. H. Hull, of Shady Iirook,
wit down town Tuesday, meeting
oldtiiuc friends.
Ray Emmott came down from
Yamhill, Thursday evening, and
remained until MonJ.-iy.
A. Simmons, of above the .fr-
caili: district, was in the citv
Momlay morning, getting some
repair for hi gns engine.
F'or Sale Seventy-live White
Leghorn laying hens; (i3 live
weeks old chicks; baby' crib
bed. II. Ilandron, No. 33!) Sev
enth St. 7-9
First IS.-iptist Church, Third
and Fir St. -Bible School at 10
in.; preaching nt II a. m. and
7:45 p. in.; H. V. P. V. at 7 p. m. ;
prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday
For Sale, reasonable Several
head of high grade Hol.tteiu cow
and two high grade Jerseys, all
in milk, heavy now. Also it pure
bred Ilolstein bull, 2 year. old.--Henry
Duyck, Roy, Ore. 7-9
Leo Schwnnder, of above
Moontaindalc, was greeting hit
friends in town Tuesday. Leo
has been having a iege of iiitiu-
111..1, ami say it is some slow in
Try our mail .rder department.
We have a moat complete line of
general merchandise. Prices are
right W ill pay parcel post any
where in county or state. W. L.
Stevens, Laurel, Ore. s-ttf
E. D. Kerr, who for six weeks
has been nursing a knee, was in
Monday from his North Ilillsbo
ro place, getting very expert on a
pair of crutches. He will soon
be able to cast them aside.
Can give man who has two or
three lively boys work on farm.
Use man on farm and boys in
onions at weeding time. House
for family. Ole Oleson, Hills
dale, Ore., R. 2. C-7
T. E. Nesbit, commercial trav
making visit here ninny years,
now engaged in business for him
self in an auto accessory, made
the rounds here Tuesday and
greeted bis old time friends.
Several registered bull calves,
heifer calves, and registered bull,
yearling; also some registered
Ilolstein cows, in milk, for sale.
John A. Lindow, Farmington; ad
dress, Ilillsboro, Oregon, R. 5;
Hox G5. 6-8
Congregational Church, Fifth
and Main Sts. Bible School at
10 a. m.; worship and sermon at
!I a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Topics.
"The Man Who had to be Show n"
nd "In the rong Place. Spec
mi music.'
II. A. Deck, minister.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cowley, who
cccntly sold the Liberty Restau
rant, will store their household
joods in Portland for the present,
being unable to get a house in
Ilillsboro. Mrs. Cowlev will vis
it her home in the Okanogan
count rv.
We have clients who are want
ing to buy farms of all sizes, from
5 to 10 acre tracts up to 300 acres
or larger, well improved, ch ;e in
to rail and highway, or out far
ther. We get prompt action for
we have a big list of buyers in
constant touch with us. If voti
want to sell, write to Edwin Ja
cobson, 71(5-18 Spaulding Bldg.
Portland, Ore. 6-8
Mrs. II. Scbulincrich end rtain
ed the F.'trinitiffton Community
Club ladies on April 22. Mrs. C.
Schulmerich was a guest. Mrs.
Butler was elected secretary. The
member of the club have decided
to limit the number of the organi
zation to 25 and take in new
members from nearby communi
ties, especially those who would
be interested in cr community,
and school. The next meeting
w ill he htMd May 18 at the home
of Airs. R. L. Robinson. Contributed.
n m mm :t
State Taxes Have Increased Sev
en Millions
Berry Production Stimulated by
Good Prices
Total State taxes for 1920, $32,
596,095, increase of $7,000,000
over 1919.
Hop have reached the dollar
mark, highest price paid in 38
year. -
Salein A new source of state
revenue i derived from collect
ing ten cents a load from gravel
taken from Willamette river. If
thi rule were applied to all
streams in the state it would raise
a large sum annually for the state
treasury. A state license tax on
dance that are now supervied
by counties would also produce
large revenues.
Oervnis Three peppermint
distilling plants to be built near
Springfield to have a $25,000
meat packing plant.
Portland plans new armory
costing $3000.000 to seat 40.000
Coos county will vote on $1,-
000,000 road bond issue.
Lcland -SO.000 capacity saw
mill to go up on Brimstone creek
Albany to have mode 10-aere
berry farm to stimulate small
fruit growing for cannery pur
Lane county will vote on $2,-
000.000 road bond issue.
Haines Farmers to build $30,-
000 co-operative grain elevator
Madras to have new high school
The Dalle Plans for airplane
landing arc being made.
Astoria $30,737.50 to be
spent on paving of Dike road.
Florence Shingle Company en
larging mill.
Portland $ 15,000 warehouse
to be built here.
Portland to Jiave several new
school buildings.
Klamath Falls Large new ho
tel almost completed.
Portland company building 15
new bungalows.
Salem 500 acres to be planted
to strawberries.
New cannery company incorpo
rates at Myrtle Point.
Roseburg hatchery to be en
larged. Milton to have 20 more blocks
Frcew atcr will pave 25 blocks
this spring.
One of the changes of note along
Automobile Row is at the Willard
Storage Battery Service Station.
Mr. Cudy, who has been the lo
cal representative, is succeeded
by Mr. Ennes, who will have
charge of the management, is an
experienced Automobile Storage
Battery man, having been in
charge of the Willard substation
in Portland for the past two
He is thoroughly familiar with
Willard policies of service, and
will spare nothing to deliver the
same to the ear owning public of
Washington County with as near
100 per cent efficiency as is possi
ble. The present location is 10.50
Second Street, Ilillsboro, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mapcs, of
near Laurel, were city callers on
Henry Boge, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Monday, greet
ing friends.
James Malum, of O. A. C.
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mahon.
I have two extra good deals ill
used cars a Buick Six and an
Overland 85-1. Terms if desired
D. Cor win.
- J. B. Phillips, who recently
purchased a place near Blooming,
was in the city Wednesday. He
takes possession the last of the
Mrs. J. G. Palmatcer and
daughter, Mrs. F. G. Mitchell, de
parted the first of the week for
Ashland, where they will make an
extended 'visit with Mrs. Palma
teer's daughter, Mrs. Geo. Spen
cer. S Eyes that need glasses de
serve the best. That's
why Dr. Thompson's glasses
make good. Consult him about
your eyes next visit, Wednesday,
May 5, Washington Hotel all
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint'
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thortaburfh,
D. S. Ckmejr,
AMfitant Caahler.
Joba E. Bafle-r,
YlM Prident
H. E. Ferrin,
Aaatataat Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Nor. 17, 1919
Loans $SS,TSf.OO
U. S. Bondi 18S,S04.S6
Other Bond 10J,OOT.I(J
Banking House. 19,987.18
Otkar real aaUte 1,850.09
Stock in Federal
Reaenra Bnk I4I9.04
Caih and due
from banks 214,600.(7
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
The Delta
Prompt Repairing
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon
W. W. MEdowny,
E. T. BttrUsfham,
S. G. Hugh.
Capital $1 1,000.99
Surplus 01,081.11
Circulation 18,000.00
Deposits 978,1 S-S.01
Total $1,089,1 18.07
Drug Store
! 4