Smb. VOL XXVII. HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 22, 1920. No. 7 DISTRICT SEVEN No Change in Advri tiwd FiKUrr I School Mrrting Friday RAISE $7,(HKJ MORE MONEY This Will F.nnblc Director to RP. new Contract With Trailier A fnir hl.i'( mm, I nil. mini m liiml ilut rn I mi i lu,u H HllMmro II, K, Scliuol , I'cj liny - n inn. li l.u jj. r nl I. ii,,uii r lliiiil i iiMiitlly .n Hi nl ,, flln,. lioll of I III, klll.l, 'I II, ll(r...,, wn to voli- it limlt'i f,,r . ,,,, ili l(in ynr. Hi.- lKHIl , llitf Imiii lull rrh., , fr verlm In tin- (i, ., ,r, ''M IhiiIki I ironiM , ,y Id, II,, ,r, ,,( liri-i-lori win mii, lli"lllllljlllf uii .-. (,!,,! ', movril to n,,ii( Hi, i -liiii.ili , nn.l W. () I) im liiui a-. 1 1 if m e on, I. I hi" ilotioii nf 1 1,, .im,;i I lilinil Unit tin- li.inr.l of run mlr cunt mil f,,r ,,,,ln r (or Ho- iH'.'o -.'I s, l, Vriir III I UIIHIIIIM1H I Willi U Mi rim hijlhrr u:;i h ) in It n t ) hv I It trm-hrr, tin rmii- in liunrr fm thi iti-iii Wttm pro li, ill li,,- hi, ly mIt ir tin- pr. , i ituii t .tr Till II, Until,, I !l llltltl 11 1 rims In ruuml 7. Hit, nuikiiii; ll- l itiom-y to In- r u-. ,1 .y lli,- l'ri,.i In v around ,'.'?, '.'i; . Tin- totril rvp, nsri ,,f lli, , ,,iii l"jtf yrnr. Milli III,- psn niriil of n Iiuii.I in tin- -.inn ,.f 1 1,0110, niiiKiny fun, I, fl.iuio 8.100 in in ten-it nn, nil,, r lu.-il liri', will run itroun.l , I :t , s 7 Outside of tin- tnv ,,r, I i ilny tin- ilinlriit hIiiiiiIh Iii nn m . I (I. il 10 from ..tli. r iKiireev Tint In r' viLirir ulll run to liout fi'H .1)011; tin- fm I il , o-l nroiiinl nn, I tin- iiniinr nervier Hill run linn- la jf'J.IOII I.ilil mill m iIi r ill ro-. tin- ills Irlrt itrotiliil fiiOO. Sunt Sti pin 111 llli-sril seeini; llie lint (ti'i-w lliii) north nr. r.illi IT, III I I lii-.nrnitf tlnni for Hie (irl time in o i-r flo Sun lint nht ny ! ii tin- li r h t In ri porl the linrlmitfi r uf ri iill .'iml Irul Sprinx. hut Mr,. Slrplu ii-. In nl him to it. 'litis litis t u-i-ii i I ,i 1 1 K'Ainll in this nciril. hi, I it h'ls given Suit m il It riuui-rii. rv n tun k in if him nslh-ss in his slnp. I.nst Thursil.iv night Iii wife heard him r.'imhling,' iinv nt lln tvrlflli hour, mill sin- iteil to hrr if hr wire l.ilkini' iihoiil miliir ohltimr uirl Iml In- Hdsu'l. Hi vn v iii if : "W'liiil in I In orhl i thr mutter ilh t hose (frrnr ? They (ire htle this Sprintf. Just thru Mrs. Stephens heiinl thr hunker (.'"''"f N"rl h oer the North I'l.ilus roinl, amt she smiled nncl went to sleep to ilremii of n w ilil jfooe ro.-ist. Sum h.iil ! n trui' to himsi If. The hoiikiiii; lool awnkeiieil hi suheoiiseioiis miml, mid hr IiihI heeii instruiuentiil in rnilsiue; hi wife to hint him to 111 miinml honor, nml he senrs hr will t;ilk no more in his sleep. Wnnteil to liny, f irm or nere 'nit? from owner. I'. M. Mmlilen, Wiishiimton Counly It t-it 1 1 y Co.. Ilei.lel ll.iihlini;. ' I'houe ilTIII, Hillshoro. Oreiron. Are you Dpiri Your Ruty? SAFETY f0UR BANK. i Your Future s Roing to re lncrum.t Your luty to yorclf nd your home folk. ,s to prepare a "tuleum; you spend every day for .illy extrava BaIe. wouia Ike a" nice" looking bank balance at a tnue, when you will need money Bank. Put your money in our You will receive 3 per cent SHUTE SAVINGS BANK lr. mul Mr. I'.rvin llurkloilter, of South 'l'liuhiliii, were l ily eill ers Siilunhiy, lor Kiih-; Hhmlr Isliifil Iteil Ki, for lmtehinKi $.0() for IB. I'hoiif -IHX. 6 8 A. W. Wulker went to I'ort I'iml, Monthly, to alt, inl tin- fu m nil of tin- ,. r Smith. Two young howh, pi ut hlr, for itle. II. A. Weik, 80S Flwl St., IlilUhoro. 4 i M. M. IIiikIii.-, of Oak I' 'irk, wiis in town Monthly lryhi to Ki t ,i ilnt,. v. tt li Ihf fair w eather propht t. Minn J'.vn l'itnmn, plmiist, will tftke pupil, for pin no ilixtmrtion. hlnrttn April 17. 1'or imrtiruliin, phone 383, Ilillxhoro. S (1 (ieo. Diirety, of Shmly Itrook, wii in town Monday murtiiiiK' ureetiiiK eoiinty ni-iit iitipiiiin lanee. I or Suit Lot of hiiiuII m ril poliitut'H. Iniuire of H, I). Soper on I In lliorne rnueh, our milt liorlhenst of Sewell slnlinll. Tel ephoiif aiiaa. 0 H Mr. and Mrs, ("nrl I.nrsen vveri Nieher( isilor Suiiilay. W hen they arrivt il they w ere shoeketl to Irani that Mr. I'rossrr. a si ter wf Mr. I.nrsen, had diet! n few hour In-forr. Can give man who ha two in three lively hoy work on farm I'se man mi farm mid hoy in onion nt w eeding time. I (oust for faniilv. Olr Oli.sun, Hill dale, Ore.', It. i. li-7 The neeond Sunday "after F.a ter" tame to u laden with Spring I! i inline Spring nl mosphere hut Monday follow til with Apri' showtrs. When that full muon mils around perhaps we run h.'ivi several tlav of real Orrgun i i nther that i mi nil erliser. Fur Sale at n liargain -- Twi registered Dnroe Jersey sows, to litter ill May from registered (tire One n yearling, other IS month T. I'.. Coriieliu, Hillshoro, ' i mile s, i ii t li of (irtihel sehool. 7 ('has. (i. Koeher, fonuerly ol Seholls, retiirnetl last week from a Winter'. stay in Southern Cali fornin. lie will remain here hut a few day and then expeet to go Fast on i visit. He is a hrother of II. T. koeher, of Hillshoro. A. I., (irelie was in from near llillstlale, Monday, greeting old lime friends. Mr, iintl Mr, (ire he will start to Southern Oregon as soon as the weather settles nml will spend the Summer here mid tin-re, tamping, in hope of lieiie lilting Mr, (irehe's health. H. D. Kelly, who owns a rmieh near lia.i'ldale, was in from The Hail. .. .Monday, ruining out 'to to .penti n day or so at the rant h. He is , liter Serviee Foreman for the O. W. U. X N. Co., and when he gels tiretl of railway serviee i going to settle tlow n to the sun pie life on the farm. We have client who lire want ing to huv farms of all, from S to 10 ai re tracts up to .100 acres larier. well improved, close in to rail nml highway, or out far I her. Wo get prompt action for we have a log list of huycrs in instant touch with us. If you want to sell, write to F.dwin Ja eolison. 7 1 (! 1 H Spaultling lildg.. Portland, Ore. .i r..k..M aii Bin mnliintr nnw. interest. iA (H V "Til JM lis v-' w VOTE 4P. G. "YES" Measure on Ballot at the Coming Primary AUTOS AND GAS TO PAY Ceneral Property Will Pay Noth ing for State Road. Tin: . follow ing from lln: Oregon Road Association is ample rea son why we should vote "yes" on tin- "4 per cent' measure coming up May 2 I , in lieu of the fact I hat we slill have h lot of state high way work projected in this conn cor the information of tin Portland Clearing House, Vict President W. I,. Thompson, of the First National Hank of Portland, eligageil ,llie scrvicus ol ceriilieo public iiccountants to examine in to state highway revenues ami audit the ollieial figures set forth us to whether the revenue re ceipts w ill finance all of the statt highway hontls to he issued un der the pending per cent roatl hood measure to he voted upon at the Mav 21 election. Following is the full text of the report on the siihject, hy Whitfield. Whit coiuh C pauy, certified puh ie accountants : Dear Sir: At vour request, or the infor mation of the Portland ( Icarinc House, we have verified the state meut of r.stiinaletl Income to Slate Hiuhwav I' u ltd as comiiareii with Interest and Principal Rc quirrmcuts to carry .f 10.000, 000 Itolltl lis per table puhlisheil II the Oregon Voter. This is haseti upon the estimated iiiimher of motor vehicles, estimated licensi fees nml estimated gasoline tax anil we Iintl same to ne correct. We snhinit herewith statement setting forth the result of our ex i M . including I lie moiithlv 'Hcrage gasoline tax per car from March, IIM!. to March, IH'.'O. The increase in vehicles regis lered, ranuts from H..1 per rent in 1I15 to per cent in 101 !. The estimated increase for 1020 nml lii'Jt is 2ti per cent and I! per cent respectively, w ith the in crease declining gradually to 2.S per cent in I !.'!, after which no increase lias Keen caiciiiaieu. The average license receipts per car for the months of January anil Fchruarv, 1 !-(), amounted to 20. 8S, Kighly-eight cents per car is estimated to cover admini trative expenses, leaving if'.'O.OO per car to he divided as follows: To State Highway Fund . $15.00 To County in w hich vehi cle is registered 5.00 !'.'0.()0 When figured on a monthly ba sis the average gasoline tax per car is $5.'2!, which i,s 2I cents above the amount used in esti mate. For conservative reasons, we have used the same figure ($5.00) as used in the puhlisheil article. The annual "Interest and Prin cipal Requirements" computa tions arc correct, based upon the following premises: That the balance of the Six Million Dollars Hontls (Chap. 123, Laws 1917), the State Co operative Honds $1,800.00 (liYnn- liarrett. Chap. 175, Laws 1017) and tht- Ten Million Dollars Poinds (Chap. 17.1. Laws liHil) now unsold, will be sftld ilurin ; the year 1H20. Also that further Hoiuls will be sold as follows: Year Amount 1020 $5,000,000.00 1(121 1(122 5.000.000 00 102:1 1021. 5,000.000.00 2,200,000.00 $22,200,000.00 Also, that the $22,200,000.00 proposed Bond Issues w ill bear l';o per cent interest and mature one-twentieth each year after the f i ft Is year." INSURANCE OFFICE MOVED To new location. The office of John Vnnderwal, the insurance man, is now with the Washington County liealty Company, It num.-: 5 and (i, Heitlel lluiltling. To place the blind people of Oregon on a self-supporting ba sis, relieving them from depend ence on charity, is the purpose of the legislative bill to be voted on by the people of Oregon nt the special state election May 21. Dr. T. L. Perkins writes that the bill provides for the levying of one-sixth of one mill as a state tax to be used to erect and equip an industrial and employment in stitution for the benefit of the blind of this state. HOMER L. SMITH Homer I.. Smith, son of Mr. nml Mrs. W. F.. Smith, wi ll known lien: several years ago, died April Hi, Hl'-'O, ut Portland, after an ex tended illness. He was horn in Osage. Co., Kansas, March !), I Kill), anil w hen n year old came to Oregon willi his parents. For several years the Smiths lived be yond Sewell Station and in South Tualatin, later moving to Sher man Counly. He leaves to mourn his loss his pan nls, now- living near Philomath, lieiitou Co., ant) the following brothers - Frank. Portland; F.rnest, Sherman Coun ty; Willis ami J.nnes, Wasco Co.. and Fred, of Philomath. Deceased was IS mouths at Camp Mills, w here he was detain ed after being kicked by a horse just prior to the departure of his troop to France The young man hail his leg broken ami was unable to accompany hi" company across to France. He was a nn niber of Hillshoro Camp No. BOO, Woodmen of the World, and carried $1,000 insnr anee. The funeral took place in Port land Monday afternoon. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. Palmer, of Idaho Falls, w ill i; occupv the pulpit in the Chris- tian Church, Sunday, morning and evening. April 25. Mr. Pal mer is recognized as one of the most convincing speakers in tin Northwest, ami his appearance here is a matter of 'congratulation to the church. Sunday's services: Sunday School at 10; preaching at 1 1 ; C. F.. at 7; pre.x-liing at 8. You are invited. SOME CASE A rather peculiar case was befon Judge li.igli y, Monday, w hen F.d- ward l.yon was cited to appear anil show cause why he should not be puniahed for contempt of court in a case where it had been decreed that he should pay Ida M. (ireen. his former wife, $20 per month for the support of a sixteen year old boy, son of the two. I.yon went on the stand and swore that he was unable to pay the $20 per on account of the fact that he was married, getting only $I.S0 per day, and had a new wife and infant child to support. He offered to take the boy home in order to reduce expenses, but this the boy declined, as did the mother and the grandmother. Lyon's ex-wife is married again, her name now being Green. Judge Hagley adjudged I.yon guilty of contempt, but did not pass sentence on the ground that he would be advised ill the prop er decree by judging from Lyon's future attitude. I.yon works tor the Standifer Co., of Vancouver. is a Spanish War Veteran, and bears a irood reputation. He ad mits that he is hopelessly in debt and that when he pavs .'10 cents per day carfare, leaving him $1. 50 per day to support himself wife and the new youngster, lit , . i i ft rn. i : i. lias nouiiug leu. i ne enure mai ler amounts to $2 10, when he will be released from further pay ment, as the lad will be 17 next Fall. It has been some time since people married to others after a divorce decree have been in ap pearance at court. Harold Joslyn. charged with stealing gloves from the Cherry Grove store, was last week sen tenced to five years in the pen up on pleading guilty, and was pa roled upon payment of $25. He must report to the officials every two weeks, setting forth the na ture of his employment, and upon any breach of good conduct the parole will be revoked. John It. Bailey, pioneer of the Buxlon country, was in the city the first of the week. J. It. was one of the first to recognize the possibilities of prune culture in his district, and he has spent much time and money on orchard im provement. - A - Work for Year i. Marked Out in Several Line, of Farm Work A. E. WESCOTT MADE HEAD Other Officer. Elected and Lead er, in Dept. Work Named The Washington County Farm Bureau organised in Hillshoro last Saturday, and the county was represented from various sec tions. The, purpose of tht? organ ization is set forth in its constitu tion : "To develop in each communi ty of the. county a systematic ro- grain ot work among tin: mem bers as a means of making agri culture more profitable, farm life more pleasant, the rural structure more permanent, thus contribut ing to the general prosperity of thr: county as a whole." Officers were elected as follows A. F.. Wescolt, Banks-, Presi b nt; .. F.. Jones, Vice Pres.; X. A. Frost, Sec; Wm. Schulmerich. Treas. A program of county work was ..ii i '.i i sclietiiili'il. imscti upon tne neeos of the various districts. Ileadiny tin- list of projects adopted is Dairy Herd Improve ment. William Schulmerich was elect eil as County leader. He is already planning a Conntv Mm- paitrn for Tictter dairy sires, and will ciicouraifc the orgaiiix.itiou of Dairy Calf Clubs. .Rodent Control was adopted, with E. F.. Jones. County leader. The Bureau appointed a commit tee to appear before the Coenty Court, reauestinir that body t) take the proper steps for the en forcement of the Rodent Control law. enacted by the last legisla ture. It is the purpose of the Bu reau to have rodents controlled on lands owned 1)T iinn-resiiL rits, as well as all other areas infested. Thev will also continue the Mob Pelt Pools, and encourage in ev ery way possible the trapping of moles and gophers. Poultry improvement was taken up, the County leader of which is yet to be selected. Poultry schools, culling demonstrations and tours will be a part of the work undertaken in this project. Chas. Herb was selected as County leader of Crop Improve ment. UfuUr bis direction efforts will be made to certify many fields of grain this season for seed purposes. Potato certification will also be considered, and fer tilizer trials w ill be undertaken in the several communities. The more important of these w ill be the using of superphosphate on corn and potatoes. Drainage was also made a part of the program, it being the be lief that agriculture can be much improved by the use of more tile, and also much land can be im proved by cleaning out the Tual atin River. During a discussion, mention was made of the bill which is now before congress ap propriating money for the clean ing out of this river; a committee was appointed to make investiga tion, and to lend support to the measure. The fruit interests were not ov erlooked, and a Horticultural project was adopted, with t.arl Pearev, of Dilley, as County lead er. Under this project, the best methods will be investigated, and tests of different orchard prac tices will be made, and tests will also be made of the various fer tilizers. Fruit insects and dis eases will also receive considera tion, while a tour of the orchards of the County is also planned. The officers of the Farm Bureau,! together with the County project, leaders will form an executive committee, which will hold regu lar meetings for the consideration of the Countv agricultural needs, i The Boyd logging camp in South Tualatin has shut down un til the roads are in better shape, the hard rains of last week hav ing put them in such condition that truck service would cut them clear through to the soil. The county started work the first of the week putting the macadam in shape and Mr. Boyd will not haul any more until the weather set tles and there is better going. A bad sewer break is being I looked after bv the oil v on Base-J line." just east of Third St., quick sand having caused the trouble. It is estimated that it will take several hundred dollars to get the sewer into shape. Jack Gotleib, of north of the city, is carrying one of his hands in n sling, the result of a bad case of infection. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillshoro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped 01 rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at Telephones; Cornelius, City 1515, J. A. Thornbnrgh, President. D. K. Chaney, Asristant Caahier. J ohm E. Bafltr, VU President. H. E. I errin, Audatant Cashier. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17, 1019 RESOURCES Loaat i $551,711.00 U. S. Bonds 185,801.88 Other Bonds 101,097.18 Banking Hoosc 19, 87.18 Othar real estate Stock in Fedaral Reserve Bank Cash and daa from banks 1,850.0 Mlft.04 214,608.1 T Total $l,88,ll.7 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COU.VTY This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent with consarvatiTe management. Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations respecti ally solicited. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS SPECIAL FREE OFFER! TO INTRODUCE Sherwin-Williams Floorlac Here is an opportunity whii'i will not soon present itself again. The coupon printed below when filled in and presented at our store with 10c will entitle you to One Pint Can of Flocrlac 30c One good quality varnish brush 15c Total value 45c Fill in this coupon with your nan with Ten Cents and you will receive and a Fifteen Cent Varnish Brush, Sign your name and bring the coup Name, Address . The Delta Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOFFMAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon the Lowest Prices. Hillsboro, Main 14, North Plain, Main 263. W. W. MEdowaey, Caahlar. E. T. Barlinxbua, . S. G. Hugh. LIABILITIES Capital $1I,000. Surplus 81,081.11 Circulation 18,000.0 Deposits 978,114.41 Total $1,089,1 18.8T c and address, bring it to our store 3 Twenty Five Cent can of Floortac, '.'his introductory offer is limited to our store today. Drug Store