The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 15, 1920, Image 1

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No. 6
Pii Resolutions Asking for Con
ference of Committees
Ak Every Civic Body to Srnd
Commit Iceman to General Mcr
IlilUiuru I'ost u, it f lit.- Aini r
linn I.rjluii hiio iHiiiil n rail to
nil rivic (iruiiiii.iiliniis of (lie illy
to iion riit- in foi iiiiil.iliiin fr
ma unit orKuiii.ittion t jrt ir
llillll till- IIIIIVl' to i II Hllitlllllt'
liniiiiirml t.i tin- in. ii nlio h. rvril
in the world (ir. Tin following
rtniliiliun wu iuloitri lit ii rr
I'fllt liurtinu nml (heir li'lltr In
the vnrimii lnxlii'1 i j ii I 1 1 ii s tin'
hii iiit :
"Win-niis: A rrirrHriit-ilivr
Kitlii-rintf of lin n iin, uuiiu ii ,,f
thin in in mi ii in I v lime ex prc-KHcil mi
uiiiuiliikiiii' ilisirr to irnt 11
Mlituhlr to the i ..i r
vii'i mi' ii , nml
i'i i .
urn-tii ; , loiiitiiillrr li;i,
Ihtii noiutii to l.ikr m tioii on
lorntion of ii jli- itii, K,ith,'r tlir
lii-rrtxurv itntti rrlittnc In it h
1 m i 1 1 1 i 1 1 . iiiul,
Wlirn-iit: Wt of tin- Aiinri-
run l.i khhi mi;, I n prr vnl.itn r of
tin-- r MTiirr nu n of Ilic rtiiu
liniiiilv, fill t It ft t i' ilriirr to in
trr into tin- in tivilirs of tin
llloM lllrlll -il llir in xi lit urm rii
lion nitty ilrrivr In n, lit from
xiii h it 1 u 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 l( ;
Tlit-rtfon l it ItrxoK cil :
Tlmt the HilMioro I'ost of hi'
Anifriritii I.rjjioii m mi ri roril fix
iiiilnrxinii tlu' rouiHi'il nnnr inn!
n 1 1 jic in I our uf jt t inriiilirri ( art
oil n joint roniiiiiltii' nml Unit thr
vnrititi iirjfriiiiiitioim In nikt-il to
appoint oiii' of IK iiii-niln'rx to art
on miiil nil ii 1 1 1 1 a ml lli.'il vii'l
coiiiiiiiltii' nii inlirrx unit for thr
piirpiiKt of f ITrrlinit it i-rin.'in nl
organization, .Mmuliy tirtiini;,
April ail, nt thr IlilUlinro Club
"Ntift: In inur the
above resolution, it in not thr ilr
irc of thr 1 lilKliuro I'list to be
little thr efforts of tin- present
conilitittrr, lint rcnluing that thr
lliiilrrt.'ikini; it n big our nml our
which directly elicits thr cx-scr
vice iiinit it wants to assist,"
Th" I'ost unanimously desires
to hrlp thr citUcns who nr work
ing to establish ii community
house Kiiitalilr for n Memorial,
nml will cooperate to thr cvtclit
of their ability. Tiny fi'fl that
thin is n liuittrr of lital interest
to Ihrin nml to thr rivir welfare
of tilt t oiiiiiiiiiiily nml believe this
plmi will it results, nml unify
thr city mill county in thii worthy
Mlldf rtakiil.
Corvallis, April 1 t. kallicrinc
Anbrthr. of llillshoro, has been
ntipoinlcil of thr ihnnrxtir
Nciciiee nml (t r t ilrpnrtinrnl of the
Hi. Hum hiuh M' iiiii . Miss Aslmlir
1 14 senior in til'' school of hoiiii'
rcoiininirs nml Hrrrrtary of thr
WaxhiiiKton County ilnl' "
J. S. Taylor, of luyonil I.aiirt l
wan in town Momlny.
A. (1. ItfitU, of Tillimook, wiiN
rfjtlNlrrfil nt thr WitHhinloii,
Situnliiv, Mr. MraU In out of thr
'I'illaiiuiiik pruplr. who iilwnyx hail
faith in the rouxt rouiit y, unit lit
niivh tlmt tin popiiliiliim of thr
country over then: will inrrnixc
iluiilily within the next five ynirx.
Hi citi'N llir hinliwuy, whirh will
In tin ilt-t ttl In fori- iiiauy iiiooiin,
iiiul thr nrw Wilxiin Itivrr Hail
way now lirnikin tlirouuli from
In If Criiki an rviilrnrt that tin
outkiilr worlil In foili to inovr
ritjlit up to the Tillnmiiok coun
try. Mr. Ural hus lnukril hix
fnitll over thrre liy cxleiihlvt pur
I'hriHrN of really.
W'c luive client! who are want
i ii K to liny f'iriiiH of all slzi-s, from
5 to 10 nert trartH up to 800 aerr
or larger, well iiupron-il, clone in
10 rail nml highway, or out far
tlu r. Wr m l prompt aetioii for
r liavt n l)i( lint of huyrr in
iinixtiiiit toiirh with it H. If you
want to ni'll, write to Kilwin Ja
loliHiiii, 7 1 ti-1 K Spauhliiif-; Hlilf.,
I'ortliiiul, On. ' (1-8
There art: now 8110 regular
Htiult-iiU eiirolleil nt (). A. ('. In
mlilitioii to tin -hi 1117 hhort
roiirHt xliulriitt have rrjjixlrreil
iliiriiiK tin' ,M nr. The nu n out
11 ii ii 1 1 x. r the wtiuirn nrarly three
In tint. Of thr total reKtitercd
Ii! I 'i are men and jlliM are w onien.
Thix iiiikis the total registration
for the viar 'S27.
Albert S. II. ill, who in year
Inn k ill tin dim past win the su
prriiiteiuli'iit of the water and
light plant, wat in tow u Saturday,
inroiitt In llankx, where he met
with il iirynii n. Hall was with tin
I'.nniiirrrx over in France, and
wax one of the lirst to jfel aeroxs
ii ml l.i st to git hark.
I'. A. Hntrhelar mid family,
uho liavi lived ea.xt of town for
several yearn, depart this week
for Heaver, 1 illamook Co., to
iiinke their future home. The Ar
x followii lit in to hix new nil
But Had Never Killed a Venison
in Hit Life Wanted Reputation
Bethany Lad Payi $50 to Get it
of Record he Killed a Buck
Vcnrx ii uo W'axliinuloii County
Hauled a pioneer w ho had never
killed a deer, altho he went out
n lijioiisly every fall and made n
ry. Hix failure wax always a
matter of much humor to lux
friends. One day when it was
out of Ki axon for deer killiuu; the
list rit t attoriic v for the then fifth
iiilieial district was very much
surprised to (reel the unitlrinaii
in liis oilier. The pioneer told
hint he had a coufi hsion to make
ami he wanted Npeedy court ac
tion, lie it wort that he had been
guilty of mi infraction of the law
ami when nxkcil what his misdeed
was nm ill "1 killed a buck deer
For Sale at n H.iritaiu -Two
registered Durot' Jersey sows, to
litter ill May from registered wire
Our n vrarlinir, other 1H months
T. I'.. Cornelius, Hillslioro, t
mile south of (irnbel school, 7
(!. A. lliird, of near Aloha.
w rites for another year of the Ar
gux ami xnys lor county news
Von can't be beaten." Messagm
like these iiinke you smile even i
one dues stub a toe occasional! v
Call uive mail who has two or
three lively boys work on farm
I se man on farm nml tinys in
moons nt weeiliiiff time, iiousi
fur family. OK (Meson, Hills
.bile, Ore.', It. 2. ti-7
Mrs. T. II. K.iliott and daugh
ter, Mr,, W bitten, of rortlan.l
wi r.' nuei.lx at the C. W. Ited
iiiimd I , nie, the last of the week
Ole (Meson, of Olrson station
below Heaverton, was n rity call
tr Tursil.'iv liioriiinir. He hhvs it
is still too wet to .seed onions.
For sale: Dnmlv riding: and
driving: pony, cheap.-Otto Sol
hfiger. Hillslioro, Route 8; phone
North Plains KiFlS.
Joe Harrington, of near Shef
Din, was greeting; friends in town
I he last of the week
Perkins l now located in bis
new niiarters--ifivc him a call
Free nir and water.
mm r
Ms no us
unless you
What would be the ue to plant a field or a garden and
then destroy it? , ,.
What's the use of making money, then wasting it ;
If you have a leak in your pail or tub or barrel or plumb
ing, you stop it. When you carry money around in your pock
et and waste it, it's a leak in your future stop it
Put your money in our bank. .
You will receive 3 per cent interest.
II. W. WtKtcolt, of West
I'nion, wno in the city Tuesday.
Perkins has everything for
ml. ...
your car. I ry mm once. an
M. McDonald, of the Oregon
Nursery Co., was up to thtr city
Two young town, pigs at side,
for sale. 11. A. Weik, 805 First
St., HilUboro. 4-6
V. N. Hatliorn, the Laurel
dairyman, was in town Tuesday,
on business at the court house.
Go to tin: old, reliable place to
buy your garden seeds. Greer,
rower & Co. Bltf
(ileii I'uwcru, who saw service
in France, was out from Portland
Tuesday, visiting home folks, the
(iiiv Power.
Team home for sale 7 years,
8,000 lbs., coal black; sound and
true. $370. Chas. Hcrrmrd,
Heavrrton, Ore. 8-5
I). R. Wheeler, now in the mer
cantile liiisiucss at .viiiim, wax in
town Tuesday, chasing down the
lusive potato market.
Miss I'vu Pitman, pianist, will
take pupils, for piano instruction,
Prices Range From $6 to $6.50
Per Sack According to Quality
Tons Lost by Big Freeze Last
Winter, Affecting Short Crop
ast week, lie was taken mm starting April 17. or particular
ourl mid pleaded guiltv, p.-ti.l Ins plume- 385, IlilUboro. 6-6
tint, anil went about Ins business
ears afterward, just before he
lasseil awav. In nrrnmr convert
I nml confessed to his family
that lie bad never killnl a ilccr
at all. but "wanted it to be of
record' that he luTd landed til
list one buck."
A Itethaiiy boy now has it of
record that he killrd a drer. nil ho
it was out of season. He pah:
$51) and his three compaiiiom
paid if 10 curb, all bring paroled
on tin balances of a $150 ho
at' Ii ,
Frank Nolan paid $."15 for kill
ing game birds out of season, and
was naroled on the remainder of
stiff line.
Adrian Dyg.nrt pleaded guilty
to mm sumiort and must liav ?!15
ier month to his wife and family
or n to the pen, while John S.
Hailev must piing'.c up $10 per
month to the lady of his bouse
hii.I iiunisters or ifo tin same
Ilrnrv Larson, charicd will
larceny in a store, was given
The Social Circle of the Cong.
Church will be entertained bv
Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Allen, ut
le home of the lattt r, on Thurs
day, April 'ii, al p. in.
Registered Jersey bull, about
1H months old, from the est
herd, for sale. F. Elliott, Hills-
iiiro, R. 3; Shady lirook; phone
N'orlb Plains 15FI2. 5-0
Dr. W. D. Wood returned the
last of the week from a trip down
state in the interest of his eaiuli-
laey for the Secretary of State,
and says he received much encouragement.
T. S. Wilkes, with a govern-
nit-nt surveying project, working
up Ins helit notes at l ortlanil. is
home for a short vrfeation. prior
to takiiiir the Held airnin as soon
as the weather permits.
M.i in moth Bronze turkey eggs
for batchinor; setting of 9 for
$2.25. C. C. Beers, on Levericl
Ijike plner, north of Oak Park
station on Oregon F.lectrie. Ad
years at Salem and parolrd tlur- dress Cornelius, Ore.
ing good behavior, he to report
twice curb month to the paroli
ollicer. t ruest Holme was given
the same sentence with the .same
parole. F.aeh is, however, to pay
the costs of his case
I. Kcniiner was fined $500 for
violation of the nrobi law, anil
was paroled on paying $125.
Tin grand jury. V. J. (Ircgir.
f.ireiu.'lll. J. I. 1 Ollllir. I'.. I-.
Norllirup, II. Bom. W. Borteb-
ardt, John W. Winters and l.eon-
nnl llrown. ill session the nasi
week, reiiorled 22 true bills to the
-. - - ,
Potato growers this spring have
)t;n seeing the sky as a limit in
price lor their production unit
the price today has been ranging
from $6.25 to $6.50 per sack, ac-
i . i I-. i ir
online lo ipiaiuy. .1 specially.
fine lot brings $6.50 per, while
under quality finds ready pur-
base at six bones a sack.
The bulk of the crop, however,
.1 I tf. , 1 3 . t
sola around ? i anu .?-"', ior
that wa a good price. It is esti
mated that there are but two or
three carload lots left in the
ounty, alt ho there are quite a
number who have small sack lots
icre and there thro inability to
iff t them to market on account of
the bad roads.
The eroi) Inst year was not up
to standard yield, causing a short
ige in the state, and, beside, it is
estimated that one-ipiarter of the
rop harvested was frozen last
winter an experience that sel-
lonis comes to the Oregon potato
As the situation now stands
there is not enough supply left to
satisfy the home demand, and
the table is destined to be spud-
less in a few weeks. It is re
markable bow things adjust
themselves in shortage of this
kind. The young lad who never
liked the Irish spud is now heard
to say, "Pass the potatoes" quite
often, where in olden days one
.1,1 to threaten to fleece him if
he refused to eat of the homely
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie auction nt bis ranch, one mil
mirth nf Come ins. at 10 a. in., on
Black Percheron colt, 2 years old
8 head of graded milk cows, viz:
,'i Jerseys, two of them fresh since
October and out since November
5 llolsU ii s, one fresh last Octo
ber and tw o ' esh last December
nml one I list fresh, one tresti
about date of sale; brood sow-
John Deere three-quarter wagon
three-tniarter Bain wagon, almost
nrw: set Studebakcr truck
wheels, hack, heavy barn ss
horse disc, springtooth harrow
riding cultivator new I leering
mower, bay tedder, new Moliiu
manure spreader, pl.itf inn smiles
Fresno milk cooler, and numerous
ot'ier articles.
Lunch at noon.
Terms Under $20. cash; $20
and ' over, s mouths'
ii,!, nt S ner ernl interest. No
property t" be- removed unti' tin
terms of sale are complied with.
Geo. Susknicr, Owner
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Frank Sholes, Clerk.
The management of the Ilillsl
ro American I.euion baseball
team, after a conference with th
boys, concluded not to join th
League, as they wish lo play inde
urndeiit baseball, wherever and
whenever they feel like it. Tin
boys expect to have a team wortl
w hile and will take on the winners
of the Portland inter-city league;
as well as any of the valley
leagues. The Legion team is go
ing to have a season of ball wit li
mit being tied up to a schedule.
They hail a line practice meet last
Sunday, and expect to tie up h
game in a couple of weeks.
J. II. lirandaw, son of Mr. am
Mrs. A. Brandaw. who has been
in Arizona aim -ew .Mexico, ior
many months, arrived home tin
last of the week, bringing his itis
charge iroin ine u. .". -rmv.
Several registered hull calves
heifer calves, and registered bull
Marling; also some registered
Holstein cows, in milk, for sale
IoIih A. I.indow, Farmington ; ad
, fr it, . T, v
ilress, Hillslioro, wrcgon, n. a
Box 65. 6 8
J. J. Ingram was in the city
from Farmington, Tuesday. He
will go to The Dalles in a day or
so to atlenil tne DCiisine oi ins
brother. Dr. A. P. Ingram, who
was badly injured in an auto
wreck Sunday.
Oscar Miller, of near Roderick
l ulls, was ilown to the city 1 ues-
ilnv. lie sun lias annul suu
icks of line potatoes to dig out
of a sandy loam, and he is anxi
ous to harvest but as spuds
rawl a little right along he isn't
worrying much.
Harry Sliger, who was with H.
V, dates in olden days when that
gentleman owned the water and
light plant, was in the city the
last of the week, the guest of his
daughter, Mrs. Loreu P. Jackson.
Harry spent (he afternoon greet
ing his tddlinie friends.
For sa'e: Team mares, 9 years,
H200 ; one is registered Percher
on ; other grade Percheron; colt
from first sold recently for $385
Also rtediureed Airedale dogs:
, i -
approval t,r00(i sow aoO lbs.; 101!) Ford
touring car with extras. Weaver
it Dahne.niile N. of North Plains;
Tel. N'orth Plains 41F5. Address
Hillslioro, R. 3, Box 58. 4-6
Miss Owsley, the teacher of the
Farming-Inn school, entertained
the Welfare Club of that district
at the school house, April 8. The
children of the school gave a few
recitations and some demonstra
t ions of their methods of" study
ing, which the members of tin
club enjoyed very much. The
Club will meet with Mrs. II
Sehiilinerieli at her home April
Havinir rented mv place, I will
sell at public auction ut my place
I mile southeast of Hillsboro, on
the Farmington road over the
Itootl Bridge Route, at 10 a. m..
Team horses, 1) and 10 years old;
team bay mares, about 1300 each;
O. I. C. sow, 250 lbs.; dozen pul
lets; emv of merit, pick of herd;
S good cows; registered Holstein
bull; 5 tons oats, 20 bushels po
tatoes, 3 sacks seed corn, 25 lbs.
Aberdeen turnip seed. 25 bushels
wheat; set harness; plow, 60
tooth barrow, old hark, buggy
with pole and two shafts, 700 lb.
scales, fan mill, plow with riding
attachment, grindstone, wagon,
iron wheel truck with grain tight
rack, wheelbarrow, saws, bam
mers, axes, scythes, shovels, tools,
Furniture cooking utensils,
dishes solid oak sideboard, large
Majestic range. 3 kitchen chairs.
5 dining chairs, 2 rockers, 4 iron
bedsteads, springs, mattresses.
linoleum, washing machine, com
mode, dresser; Planet Jr. band
seeder, i,uitivator attachment; ft
milk cans, heating stove, orders j
on car of best lime at $14.50 per
ton on car or $15 by truck; Uni-
ersal Moline tractor, new. guar
anteed and in perfect order; Ov
erland 1914 car. Also have 2000
Loganberry tips to sell at once.
Lunch at noon.
Terms Under $20, cash; over,
6 months' bankable, note at 8 per
cent interest.
Fred Wright, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
J. Wismer, Clerk.
I The Argus will
! good clean rags.
pay you cash for
Major Harry Kays, with the
Twenty-Ninth Division in V ranee
and Germany, was in the city
Sunday, if guest of Donald E
Long, at the L. A. Long home. He
and Donald were together at
Camp McClellan, and went to
France with the Division. To
their surprise they met at Seattle
last Winter and have been work
ing in the same department. The
world is some small these days
We wish to thank the friends and
relatives for all their kindness
.luring our recent bereavement.
the death of husband and father,
also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. T. II. Elliott.
T. II. Elliott Jr..
Marea Elliott Whitten.
Bids will be received by the
County Court of Washington
County, Oregon, until 2 P. M.,
Saturday, April 17th, 1920, and
then opened, for the crushing of
rock at the Martin Quarry, Scog-
gins Valley.
Specifications may be seen at
the office of the County Judge. '
A certified check for $100.00
must accompany each bid and
the 4Court reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Court,
this 6th day of April, 1920.
J. W. Goodin,
5-6 County Judge.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and 'North Plaint
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices, j
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thorn burgh,
D. S. Cheney,
Assirt&nt Cashier.
Joha E. Bailey,
Vioe President.
EL E. Ferrin, .
Assistant Cashier.
V7. W. MsEl-iowney,
E. 7. Barlingham,
S. G. Hnghes.
At Call of Comptroller, Nor. 17, 1910
Loans $J5J,7H.OO
U. S. Bonds 185,80a.B
Other Bonds 103,007.18
Banking Honse 1087.tS
Othsr real estate 1,880.00
Stoek in Federal
Reserve Bank- MIO.M
Cash and doe
from banks 214,009.57
Total $l,80,ll.7
Capital $1800.
Surplus 01,081.31
Circulation 18,000.00
Deposits 078,181.48
Total $1,089,818.07
This Bank afford its patrons i ery banking facility consistent
with conservative managemec L Accounts of Individuals,
firms and corporations respect! jlly solicited.
Sherwin-Williams Floorlac
Here is an opportunity which will not soon present itself
again. The coupon printed below when filled in and presented
at our store with 10c will entitle you to
One Vi Pint Can of Floorlac J 30c
One good quality varnish brush 15c
Total value 45c
Fill in this coupon with your nair r and address, bring it to our store
with Ten Cents and you will receive a Twenty Five Cent can of Floorlac,
and a Fifteen Cent Varnish Brush. This introductory offer is limited
Sign your name and bring the coup j.: to our store today.
Address .
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon