The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 01, 1920, Image 1

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No. 4
County Leads Stale in TrappinK
Field Hcxli'iitt
Every Avenue of Farm Induntiinl
Work Invaded
Corvnllit, MjiiIi III. No i'liiintv
in Oregon, mikI " in lln' i n
tin- it ii I r y . Ii i Mirpnssid 1 Im
rerolil lit 1 1 liy Washington
eoiuity in lrn'nny moles anil
pliers. In n N. (', .hnnis
illllll v nl, i nl mi lln- jnli In
Oelulier, l!)IT. line nf tin (iisl
lllillHl lllilt III. I'll'IIHIS of l
roiinlv uiiiiIi i! .ill. nil. , I In mis
K 1 1 1 ll K l iil nf nudes .'in. I ucipliers
In iiiiiin 1 1 inii Hilli lliis i-t I I in n
series uf mi rhny i rr In III
in tin- m iiniil iiiiiin i uf llii- I'ouiity.
Methods nf lr:tiiiiiK nuilri mill
Knj.ln IS M.'l. I .I:IIIM.I .lllil l Ills
Were inude In pool mole pelt
tlidiiijill lln- coil nt y (lui.lil's nlliee,
Mori' limn .'IIIKI imliv iiliin N Mere
r iit'ln il I liiniiuli I In or iiniliii.;s
most uf lln in In mi- si linnl i Inl
I r ii,
At n result i.f this work (In
nullity tumuli reeonls slmu lliil
ill l!MH inn I 1!) l!l !( Inl il nf .'17,
711 limits wiri t r . i f i I an. I III,
I Hit-gophers were ih si i o e.l. In
l!M7, tlir y in- in i.nis In
cmiiptlii, ies i rr pnid on
only '.'Mi? mi id Mini ITT" it"
plier. In l:IS Mini I'M!' Mr J tin
hnn pooled iiml snl. I 'i tnl.'il nf
Il.tN.I ii i 1 1 - nlls, tlir riiiiiU
frinii rfliirncd tin- loulli
fill trnpper 'f'.'sii.'i.Tll. l ln Inl il
list nf count I it lit Work In lln
riiuiilv fur llnsi tun icirs w.'ts
i. illy 27 10.
I rniiumr is (i i in nl in
III n It V sections nf .'isliinyliin
County, Ill t i ' I i r : 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 with tin
ilrmi'tmclil of soils nf lln Orr
iron Cnlliu.' fnur
driiiiliL'c il. iiiniislr.iliniis i ir ar
riniifcil fur l. Mr. .I.iiuUoii in
1 iM H anil ii Intnl nf It.niHi f.rl nf
till' I .'i ill following directions Hill
Slltsestilllls jjivell hy I'i'tifcssnr
W. I.. I'nwers. In' it I T ci-lil
such ilemoiisl rations Merc Inld
and .'100 aires wire included in
the ana drained. The total
area of land put under drain iiue
in the two M ars as a result of this
serv ice was ini.'V acres.
( irt y dinners a re a pest in t hose j
ureas lif 'nshinaton County thai
lie in or near the foothills. In
t!ll! the county I'anu linri nii fos
tend n stpiirrel poistinini nil
paiirn that resulted in 1000 ipiaits
of puis. tin d hai'ley hcin:; disti i,
huted hy !ippriiui il.'lv .""0
farmers uf lln- county, This poi
son was priprcd under the di
rcitioii of County Amnt . I unison
front the formula reeninmt tided
hy the C. S, llioloyieal Survey,
The resulting sav inif In crops ha--hecit
const r uliv cly otinialid nl
from 10,000 lo if-'l ft. 000.
Washington County is one of
the most import inl poultry emiu
ticn in the slate'. I'luler the au
spices of I he Kit nil lliireiii four
noullrv schools were nrii.n
last vear. These were
hy ISft interested poultry men
mid women. County Agent Jam
ison reports that nutrked Improve
ments in housing, feeding and
breeding nielhods followed these
1 1
.SAFE in
Our sHfety deposit vaults were built to protect your valua
bles. They are made of heavy manganese steel sunk in con
crete, making them fireproof as well as burglar proof.
You will have peace of mind, when you put your valuables
in one of our safety deposit boxes.
Rent per year $1.00 and up.
ii 1 1 ry schools, nil uf which were
itililrcNHi il hy (!, I Itrcivsler, who
wiii nl that, linn- connected willi
the poultry I ui r I ini' n t. of the Or
ckiiii Agricultural College. Mr.
Ilrcwslir also (jiivo lice culling
demonstrations that ucrw nr
ranged hy County Agent .laini .on.
A total 'of JlOli iiltemlcil these
ili iniiiislnilioilN. Out of one Hock
of '.'10 H total of !I5 hens were
culled. Ticsc ,'lfl Inrds luiil only
live eggs in II week.
'anility Agent J fi in i it in litis en
oicntleil with breeder of pure
hn-il tlniry slock ill the formation
of llulsliin J! riders' Associa
linn; it County (iiieriisey Cluh
ami a ('unity Jersey ( allle Cluh.
The (iiieniHcy Cluh has ordered
T.I heiul of the shipload of (iiiitu
scys that the Stale (iueniscy
('lull is endeavoring to purchase
direct from the Island of (iin ru
scy. The Jersey Cluh is making
plans to assist the State Jersey
Cattle Cluh in cehhratinu the
ircakiii: of n world' record hy
a Washington County Jersey
owned hy J. J. VlillKlcck. The Association is yiiiiiLt as
sistauee to the estililishnunl of
llnlsteiii calf i Inhs this year.
In view of the fact that there
wi re more than IDD tractors in
opt -ration in Washington ('utility
the In mi Hun an helicit'd thnt an
effort should he made to make
iniiilalile to these tractor owners
the solution and means of preven
linn of the various tractor Irou
hli s, ineludiiiK luliricatioii, iui
I fun .'Hid motor timing. Accord
iuflv, a three day traelor school
was arriiiiKed ill January. I!M!I.
in cooperation with the depart
mi lit of l arm Mechanics of the
On tfon Arieiiltural Collect' and
the various tractors dealers, l if
ly t iuht tractor owners or pros
piitiw owners itt t c mlcit this
school. One of these men slated
that the ill f ruial ion he secured
as worth n hundred dollars to
hint. Others expressed them
selves ill like fashion and it was
voted to make this school an an
niial event. Dilliciiltv in scciirinii
il suitable place ill which to litilil
it iniuli' it impossible lo slutfe tlir
m In. nl Ihis viar. however.
J. K. Weaver, of Shady II rook,
wan in Monday, eiiroutc to Port
I'.. I. Cornelius, of aho e North
I'l.iiiis, was in Monday, ureetinu
eouiity sent friends.
(,inrden time Is coming soon
iiml Cireer, Powers Si Co, in the
place to pet garden irrda. Sltf
Harry (luild, represent ing the
Oregon Journal, has moved to
the ( Irove lo reside,
Mrs. John Miller, of Portland,
formerly interested in the restau
rant business lu re, was out l'ri
Win. Slollenlierg. of hi yiniil
North Plains, in lite Zimmerman
st Itelcinent. w as dow n to the
! count y seat Sat unlay.
I Notice to 1'iirmers The Heth-
l.'iuy Kecd Chopper, beginning
I March li. will run every second
land fourth Saturday in the
I month until further notice. SI -8
1 1 C. I.. Itrovvn, of Maiming, w as
alii ndediin town Saturday. His son, Clif
ford, who put in 18 months over
in Siberia, is now running a log
ging locomotive and wasted but
little time getting into the liar
' 1
lull I llll LI E I
111 M
I "Mill
"llll WW
Celebrate Golden Weddimj
Their Home in Millsboro
Were Married Near Farminsjton,
March 26, 1870
V very pretty iifTnir hist Friday
whs the celebration of the (iold
ii Wedding of Mr. find Mrs. ,J.
. (iruhel nt their home on Rail
road Street, when their children.
Urnntlehildrcii, great gniiidehil
Ircn, mid invited guests were
present to honor their fifty years
of wedded life. A big dinner w as
the feature of the dav and the
golden wedding table was heau-
tifullv dceoriitcd, and laden with
splendid utetill,
Mr. and Mrs. (iralu-l were
united in marriage near I -firming'
ton, March 'Jii, INTO, and the only
two 1 i v i I if witnesses of the mar
riage are William Ingram, of
1 ariniiiuton. anil .Mrs. Jav it It
ouibe, widow of the late timer
nor W ltli eoinlie. Mrs. lir.tlit
in .1 1 il - il name was .s,iraii .lane
.vi'ivlnn, ami siie was a iiauulili r
of the late Mr. Newton, after
nun Newton is named.
Their entire wedded life has
been spent in Washington County
and t In-v have a host of frieni
who tender congratulations, liolli
are active in M, K. church eireli
and both are held in the hiuhcst
esteem bv an extended ei
Rev. Walton Skipwirth and .his
wife were among the guests, and
Rev. Skipworth graced the event
with n eulogy of the home life of
the happv heads of the (' - '
fainil v.
Those prccnt were Ho. I and
Hostess; Mr. and Mrs. ('has.
Cirabel; Mr. anil Mrs. M. 1.. St n r
devant; Mrs. John (irabcl. widow
of the late John (Jrnbel; Mr. urn
.Mrs. Wieneeke: .Mr. ami .Mrs.
Chas. l'falll; Miss Ka (irabcl ;
F.arl (irabel; Sturdcvaiit ;
Wilson Wieneeke; liessic YA ie
neeke ; Franklin Fverelt ; Mr. and
Mrs. C. Chi'istciison. and Rev. and
Mrs. Walton Skipworth.
Mrs. (irabel Sr. was presented
with a new golden wedding ring,
and the groom was the recipient
of n gold locket, gifts of the day.
Wni. Thornburgh. of above
Ranks, was a city caller Monday
Dr. I.. W. Hyde departed the
tirst of the week for Montana to
attend the bedside of his father,
who is critically ill.
Illume islanil licit eggs tor
hatching !fl.5,0; per setting; ba
bv chicks, 25 cents each, delivery
April 18. P. C. Samsel, Ilillsboro,-
R. 4, Marlin Place, Oak Park
on 0. E. l-(i
F.astcr Program: The Sunday
School' will render interesting
program next Sunday, Eu.sUr
morning, nt RaptisJ Church, com
mencing nt 10 o'clock a. in. You
are invited to be present.
A !
' r ; -
F'rank Ililhcke, of m-nr l arm
ington, was nil Arns culler Fri
Ji. L. GriililU, uf l lw Hnher.
was a city culler lln- la, I of the
Mrs. M. V.. Smith, nf below
I'armintnn, was a ilillslioro call
er Friday.
Two young Niiws, pitts nt side,
for sale.- -II. A. Wi-tk, HOB First
St., Ildlsboro.
(i. W. Moore, of near North
1'lains, wai a culler at the Argus
ollice Saturday.
Go to the old, reliable place to
buy your garden n-eds.--Greer,
Powers & Co. 5Hf
Itln inliald Krui'gt-r, of f'oopcr
Ml., below Iteeilvillc, w as an A r
aus caller I'riilay.
(tood work liore, Jiarrifsi and
single exprcKS wagon for sale.
.1. II. Hensley, Ilillsboro. 2-1
('. C. Heers, vvliit is now living
on his I.evcricli bake pruperty.
w as in tow ri Friday.
Heifistered Duroe Jersey hos
and pigs for sale. Jicst strains.
II- O..Stcijc, liiaverton. 3 (i
('. A. liurton, of Fortl iud, for
merly of Cedar Mill, was an Ar
gus caller the lirst of the week.
Oregon yellow Dan vers onion
seed for sale, 1.30 r lb. Very
clean, ("has. 1'iriiarcl, Heaver-'
ton, Ore. 3 5
A. k. Key Holds, of Cornelius,
w as in town the littler part of the
wet k. g reeling friends and paying
lii si rn-ss iiieii n mil.
('has. Fierce, of i'ort l.'tiul. with
the Fire Dept. ninny years, vva
out the last of tlte wet-k. lie has
sold his Forest (iruve property.
Team horses for salt- 7 years.
3,000 lbs., coal black; sound and
true. .:iV0. (has. I'ermtnl.
lieav erton, ( )re. 3 S
The Social Circle of the Cmig.
Church will bold a Food Sale.
Saturday, April .'(nl. at the Mt r-
ant ile Store. Si
10 :.10.
.Icnnie M. seeks to rreover
107 sacks of Spring ami Winter
oats in the custody of tlnj sheriff,
and she wants the (train restored
to her or wants $180 in the coin
of the realm, and JlOO fur unlaw
ful detention.
For Sale Monroe & Griswold
13-ineh ensilage cutter, mounted
on trucks; equipped for power;
self feeder attachment ; run but
little; filled but two silos. Cheap
at $2701). Oiger, Ilillsboro, R
1. 1-3
John 1'.. Wi tlei'.ageil v7 years,
died at Milwaukie, Ore. March
2S. 1!L'0. lie was a brother of
Herman Wet.ler. of below New
ton. The funeral was held from
FiulcyV. I'oi ll.-ind. Tuesl:iy after
noon. He left two sisters si ml four
Fred erre, wliu saw service
on the Mex Border, ami at Ft.
Worth, as well as nt Kelly Field.
during the war. was in town the
last of the week. Fred is wishing
Hint liiitshoro ami JMicrwootl
would cooperate in gettint; a mar
ki t road between the two places-.
For sale: Team mares;, !) years.
.'i'JOO; one is registered l'en her
on; other grade l't rehcron ; eolt
from tirst sold recently for $1185.
Also pedigreed Airedale dogs;
brood sow, 300 lbs.; 1 1 il Ford
touring ear with extras. Weaver
- Dahue.niile X. of North Plains;
I'el. North Plains HF5. Address
!iillsboro, R. 3. liox 5S
F. M. Ward, for several yr.tVs
in the grocery business on Second
Street, has leased the bin' lower
' j floor department in the Pythian
IJuilding. and is remnilellin
it for
I .i... m,.i .,f ,,,,.,. rv
Mr. Ward has a lense for five
vears, and will in a short time he
ready for business. ,las. Turner
has leased the south part "of the
structure and has taken posses
sion with his barber shop.
Two divorce cases were tilei
the last of the week in circuit
court. Walter Roy Schulnif rich
asks for separation from Edna
Hogrefe Schulmerieh on th
grounds of cruel treatment. H
says they have lived on n farm
and she has been very much dis
satisfied with country life, eon
stanlly nagging lim. He alleges
she siieut a great ileal ot ner
time visiting, and finally left n
note March 11 saying she was go
ing away and it would be need
less for him to .search for her. Hi
later tried to induce her to return
but she refused. They were mar
ried at Rlooniiiig July 25. 1915
Gertrude lilankenship sues Roy
15. Rlunkenship for divorce on the
ground of desertioii in 1911
They were married at l.c-wiston
litafio. in l!)li. and have one
child, a daughter, aged 5 ye-ars.
Have Leased Athletic Park and
Are Putting it in Shape
HilUboro Club Will Finance Boy
With Suits Thro Business Men
Ilillihoro American Legion Post
No. 0 is to have a ball team in this
year of our f.ord. 1920, and the
boys are going after the baron.
They have twenty-two men from
which to select a nine that is ex
pected to wallop any valley team
and a lot of the classy teams of
Portland. The destiny of the
team nt present is in the hands of
Win. Si xton, Earl Hobbs, C G.
Keiter and Dr. Rossman, and tin
boys have leased the old hall
grounds in Athletic park and
have had them plowed up and
worked (low n.
The Ilillsboro Club has voted
lo see the business men and fi
nance the suits for the team that
is to defend Ilillsboro' banner.
The team, last year won against
Sheridan. Woodburn and Capitol
Hill, ami the boys think they will
have a better nine this season.
They have three or four south
paws ind three good catchers,
and young Gray, who did veter
an work pitching in 191!, will
again he with the team.
'"lie clubhouse will have show
er liatlis installed and this w ill be
a comfort long needed.
A practice game will be played
on Sunday, April 11, aiid the
opening game is dated for April
IS. The coaches and committee
are now trying out prospective
players at every opportunity and
when his "I'mps" says "Play
Ball!" we may expect to see some
classv work on the diamond.
Richard Reycraft died at Xania
ka. Alberta. Canada. March It.
120. He was bom in Bothwell,
Ontario, Canada, July 8. 1864.
I le left Ontario in 1 885. and went
to Manitoba, and then to the I)a
kotas, finally landing in Oregon
in 1SSS, He lived here until three
venrs ago. when he went to Can
ada. He was employed on the
N'amaka Farm for the past two
vears, and met his death while
on duty during a blizzard of
March 11. He had been an Odd
Fellow for the past 23 years, and
the Odd Fellows assisted in the
service which was held at Cal
gary. lie was martied lo Mrs. Xellie
Smith, of this county, March 21.
1S!4, the wife and following
children mourning his loss Mrs.
Sara' Relfsc. of Ilillsboro; Mrs. Hagnell, Rochester, Alberta,
and Paul I... of Portland. Three
brothers and three sisters, and
three grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Reycraft, who resides at
Portland, attended the obsequies.
nul Mrs. Fred Bagnell and daugh-
ers, Helen and Rubv, of Roches
ter, joined them at Calgary.
rhe Reaverton .Scouts will play
the Ilillsboro Scouts a basket ball
game on the Heaverton floor. Dr.
Rossman and Mr. Olson are se
lecting the team. The Fagle Pa
trol has change its name to the
Wolf Patrol, with Homer Deck
eader, and Lester Cdnseoe, assist
Iris Wells is the manager, and ;
Philip Thompson the Captain of
the Panther-Reaver Patrol basket
ball team.
Dr. Rossman has received a
vollev ball and is now instructing
the Scouts at plav.
The Reavers and Rob Whites
tied in a knot-tving contest.
Asst. Scout Master Siriith hasi
been giving the bovs a drill in the
signal alphabet, using the first ten j
letters. i
A. F.. Dailey, rural carrier on
Laurel, Route 2. was in Monday,!
shaking hands with Ilillsboro!
friends. lie has been taking a j
vacation for a few weeks. i
Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs j
for hatching; setting of 9 for
$2.25. C. C. P.eers. on Leverich ;
Lake place, north of Oak Tark
station on Oregon Electric. Ad-j
dress Cornelius, Ore. 4-6 j
Wm. E. Merritt, aged CO, died;
at his home near Recdville,
March 30, 1920. Services were
held at the Donelson & Bell Par
lors in Ilillsboro this afternoon,
at 2 o'clock, and interment was in
the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Mr.
Merritt leaves a widow and a
brother, Ostrom Merritt, of
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thorabnnfh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
Johi E. Bailey,
VIc President.
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17, 1019
U. S. Bond
7 yt
Other Bonds 102,097.20'
Banking House. 10,087.28
Other real estate 1,850.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank. 2,250.00
Cash and ' due
from banks
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
Fill in this coupon with your nami and address, bring it to our store
with Ten Cents and you will receive a Twent y-Five Cent can of Floorlac,
and a Fifteen Cent Varnish Brush. ' 'his introductory offer is limited
Sign your name and bring the coupon to our stort; today.
Address .
Sherwin-Williams Floorlac
Hen- is an opportunity vliiih will not soon present itself
arain. The coupon printed beUvv when filled in and presented
at our store with lOe will entitl you to
One U Pint Can of Flo rlac . 30c
One good quality varnis'i brush 15c
Total value 45c
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
. Is
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon
W. W. McEldomiey,
E. F. BnrUncfaaa,
S. G. Hughes.
Capital (25,000.00
Surplus 01,051.22
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 78,2e.45