The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 18, 1920, Image 1

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No. 2.
Was Chief of Looter of the C. C.
Store Lust Wednesday Nirfhl
He and Kelly and Two
GirU Fiuretl in the Robbery
Hurry (inrdiicr, of IlilUlniro,
I U't an iiuimle of t In- S ilt in pen
lit nl i it r v , U hk.hii in die luiU of
law, ( iui'iliH-r, Kugciu- Kelly, n
I'orl IhihI crook, Mini lun Portland
ii'ft, ni'rr I hi" lnnlrrs of lln ('. (',
Store, in this city, t i l Wcilnri
day liilil. Mnlii l 1 .tin iy, one of
tin' irli, rented llu- cur from tin
Smith Aulo Co., and the quartet
rem hi-il HilUboro ihout mill
niht. luhr in the nilit tiny
otetl ii M tilrv, itiul (inrilncr en
Irreil the building thru the rear
window. He look out ('',) pair
of hhocN mill !il uiH of clothes,
n iloeii jittirs of mi lk hose for
men, (I hey slighted the "hidit-H III
the party") nnil two suit cis.s
The I'urd Nt.ii led for I'orl I, mil
post luisli, nml went thro lleuvcr
ton at 10 inih er hour. When
they struck the Itr Titfnrd road
at llerth.'i mill reached the top of
the lull they must lime let the
tlivtcr take, the hit in its tertll,
for uhni they rim heil (he lioltoiu
of the hill vi hi re it Is fenceil oil
Imtli siiles, just hefore the Slrtvill
mud lirmu he off. the cur com
lileliceil to skill II htlililrttl feet
hefore it wtis wrecked. Il
struck one siilc of the fc ncinn
skiililcil to the other siile, st rik
inir the posts, mnl wns jpoii turn
eil turtle, with sltoi-s, suits, islioes
ntul socks seiitlercil l over the
roml, Voiie of t he oceiipmits wns
iiljlireil, hill the c.'ir was wricked.
A 1'orlluiiil ill ici t iv t; p,i .seil the
roml iiikI smv the wreck curly in
the morning mnl coiiimeiieeil in
estiK-ition, IIi' sunn found thnt
the cir hchuicil to the Smith
Auto Co., mnl in n few hours Kel
ly ntul the two girls were under
rtrrcsl, (im'ilm r wus cnutrht the
next iln v nt Vancouver, Vn,, ntul
hrot to I'ortlmid.
(iordncr is well known in Hills
horn. having been reared here,
lie wiis sent to the pen in July,
liilfi. for it stiitutory ofTeiise, mid
it is vitd nerved time in the same
ilislit lit lull , liter, nil it ehare of
luriiily from Multnomah Coun
ty. Vntimf Gardner w as capable in
the hiir timber, and was able to
cum seven or eittht ihdlnrt per
(In y. lie chose the easier way of
timkiiisf ii living, however, nml is
now ciirnute hack In the state
Albert A. Mead, well known fig
nrc in llillshoro for a number of
vears, died nt his home in F.nst
HilKboro, March. IB, H.'0. after
mi illness which covered a period
of seteral years. He w as horn in
Steuben Comity, Indiana, June
J!, I S 17. and when a child moved'
to I'clcrslmrg, Mich., with his
parents, He grew to mmihond in
that stnte and at the age of I 7 en
listed in a Michigan Cavalry reg
iment and served until the war
ended. He came to Oregon in
IMS'.' mid after a brief stay went
to California, returning here in
IN8K making this county his
home ever since. He has resided
at Ilustou and llillshoro, and hail
a wide acipiainlance all over the
county. For many terms he
served as hiiiliir in circuit court.
The funeral semces were held at
the I'.iuks M. K. Church, Sunday,
Rev. Ford conduct inn 'he wrvicc.
lit', was laid to rest hv the side of
Report of Condition of
February 28, 1920
Loans $H!)ff,18 1.8 I
Hanking House... 211,000.00
Furniture and
Fixtures 12,000.00
Other real estate SCO. 00
Cash and Due'
from Ranks 210,191.. 22
$1,1 47,938. 5(i
Feb. 28, 920,..$I,0(i8,B2ti.(i7
Feb. 28, 1919... 000,205. 1 0
Gain in 1 year... $402,201.57
hi brother, the bile A. Jv Mend,
In the Hank cemetery. Three
brother survive- M. M. Mend,
of Liiuitnn; Ciissiiis It. Mead, of
SprifiK!cld, Oregon, mid I V.
Mend, of Chicago, 111.
Mr, Mead will held in highest
esteem by nil who knew him, tin!
his pnssiug In it mutter f genuine
regret to his numerous friends.
Owing; to the dentli of my ins
bund, the bite Orville I'rlekctt, I
will si II at public snle on my farm
1 mile west of Hillshoru, and a
lutlf mile Mouth of the Ihiscliiie
Itoml, nt ten n, in., on
Tt'I'.SDAY, MAHCIl 2.1, IfC'O,
F-igbt registered I lolsleinn, 7
cows and one bull; hull Is Hen
gervchl V'nle Veeinaii )uke, 23!',
521 ; calved Oct. 3, 1918, is the
Krmiilson of it world' record cow
mid grandson of ( juirinoint Vale
Cornucopia; cow na follow
Heniity Merccde Johanna, hire,
I. mule (ierbcii Johmiun;, dam
Itcnuty Mercede Dellcrgcrvcld ;
cow, Lady Hristo (icrben Julian
nit, ire, l.umle (icrben Johanna,
ilitiu rioreiiee Hritu Dellcnger
veld; eow, lienuty Mercede De
llengcrveld, ulre Don Carlo of
liivcrside, dam, Sudie Mercedes
Del lengcrvcld ; eow, Siiiinycrofl
DcKnl Second, sire Aggie t'nrnu
ciipiii ( row ii DcKnl; dmii, Sun
riycroft DeKol; eow, Fanny Is
hind Stmiho)e, sire I lengcrvcld
King Jewell, ihini I'.'iniiy Cotton
Stnnhope cow, lieitsie (icrben
Jiiliiiuift, sire, Sir Hishuj) Chitini
cum Wayne, dnut Lady Hristo
Gi rbcii JnliMiiiiit; cow, Mny Dc
I lengcrvcld Wnyne, sire Sir Bish
op Chiniiicum Wayne, dam, Beau
ty Mercedex Del lengerveld ; aev
eu grade Jersey eowa; team hlnck
iiiarca, 8200; heavy team harness,
sow and Home pig, 4 ht.mds bees,
uiaiiure upreader, corrugated roll
er, 8 ft; Kpriugtooth harrow, drag
harrow, harrow, 14 in plow,
5 ft Deering mower, Mump pull
cr, root cutler, hay cutter, milk
cart, Empire milking ma
chine, l H. I', gas engine, hay
fork, cable, pulleya, etc., 3i inch
truck wrjgon, with 15! ft box; tou
gh' buggy, buggy harness, 50-gal
gasoline tank, hayrack, tons
baled hay, ll ton loose clover
hay; 10 tons vetch hay, acre car
roll in ground; SJ-horse cultiva
tor, 1 horse cultivator, tedder, t
dozen pure bred White Leghorn
hens, 8 do, pure bred Rhode Is
land Red hens, Jt ten-gallon milk
cans, chains, shovels, forks, mnl
all small tools found on farm.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 and under,
cash ; over $'-'0, 8 months' ap
proved note at S per cent.
Mrs. Rose l'rickctt, Owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
O M. Calloway, Cerk.
( has. J. Cowaniah died March 3,
H-'0, after a .short illness. He
was born near Council Station,
in 1 S; 5".',' and has made his home
in this county since birth. All his
life he has spent on the old
Cowaniah homestead. Cowani ill
was n typical woodsman, and in
early days he waa noted as a
hunter. He is survived by a half
sister, Mrs- Jasper Keller, and a
step-mother, Mrs. Clemens, of
near Council Station. Deceased
wa) reliable in every way, and
had many friends in the section
ill which he lived.
Richard II. Parson, Cashier of
the Hank of Sherwood, was in
the city the last of the week. Mr.
Parsons is an ardent .supporter of
a good road between here and
Sherwood, and asks the Club of
llillshoro to get behind and as
sist in getting one- The Club w ill
sure do it.
Capital $ 00,000.00
Surplus and Un-
divided Profits 19,111.80
Deposits 1,0(58,520. 07
Feb. 28, 1920...$ 1,008,520. 07
Nov. 17, 1919... 997,500.05
(iaiu since last
Statement .... $70,900.(52
Highway Now Finished Six Miles
Beyond Here
What The Statu is Doing Along
Industrial Lines
The Warrens have completed
paving the six miles between
llillslioro and Forest drove ami
this finishes the 20 miles out of
Portland on the West Side aurvey.
Whether or not the commission
w ill continue on to, (ia'ston this
year is not yet declared.
The- log trains are rolling in
with loads from the mountains
daily and in a few weeks anoth
er train making a round trip daily
will be put on to the tiiiibcrbclt
freight runs.
Other industrial notes of the
Marshlield (10,000 capacity
sawmill to go up on lake Taehc
uitch. Astoria - One of linest hotels
ill N'orl Invest to be built at (ienr
hart. Hammond -Point Adams Pack
ing Co, organized with $50,000
Two million available for mar
ket roads III next two years.
Portland - $20,00o' spent on
iiiiprnvcmeiils on Multnomah ho
tel. Salem to get a w oolen shirt fac
tory. Astoria Large ramp going in
on Houser Logging Railroad.
Crown Willamette Paper Co.,
and Hawley Paper Co. grant iif
crease in wages to 2000 employes
totalling $228,000 annually.
Honil River -Concrete fruit
packing plant -to be built in upper
Albany- I. inn county fair to
erect pavilion and si other build
Paving progressing rapidly be
tween Portland and Astoria.
Banks wauls an electric light
plant, a creamery and a cannery-
(ioat and .sheep shearing as
usual begins early and with rough
weather there is liable to he great
loss of ewes and lambs.
Troiitdale to have hank with
$15,000 capital.
The boys are now passing their
tenderfoot tests fast and there is
a reason for all of this rush. Last
January a rule was passed that all
hoys who have not passed their
tenderfoot test by March 15 will
he dropped from their patrol and
the ones who have passed their
tests, w ho nre not already assign
ed, will fill their places. All of
the Patrol Leaders and assistants
have passed, so this doesn't wor
ry them. Seoul Master Deck an
nounced that in a Week there will
he a new election of Patrol Lead
ers and assistants "because some
of them don't seem interested
enough in the movement.
With each week the baseball
season comes closer and the fever
is attacking the scouts. The Bob
Whites and Katies held a meet
ing after the. regular meeting, for
the purpose of choosing ollicers
for their baseball team. Patrol
Leader George Thompson was
chosen Captain and Scout Ken
neth Linklater was elected man
ager. They expect to have a
good team and Manager Linkla
ter says they want to get in prac
tice as soon as possible so they
can be in shape to whip the Bea
vers and Panthers. The Panthers
and Beavers will hold a meeting
March 10, for the purpose of
choosing their otheers for their
Dr- J. II. Rossman has ordered
a volley ball for the scouts to use
after meetings.
Assistant. Scout Master R. L.
Smith has given us two lessons in
signaling and an exhibition was
given at the last meeting by two
scouts. It is one of the require
ments of the sceondclass test to
be able to signal correctly.
Dr. Helms is giving us instruc
tion on bandaging which is anoth
er qualification for the second
class scout.
Those who have not yet passed
their tenderfoot test have been
instructed on knot tving bv Scout
Master Deck.
Parents of the scouts and those
who are interested in scouting arc
cordially invited to come to scout
meetings which nrc held over the
new garage on the corner of Sec
one and Washington. The meet
ings nrc held every Tuesday eve
ning nt 7;00. Scout Scribe.
G. G. Ifldhorn, of Laurel, was
a llillshoro visitor Saturday. .
Miss Vera Mcfod, of Beaver
ton, It. 2, was a city caller the
first of the week.
Frank Sholes, Cashier of the
Cornelius Bank, was down to the
city the first of the week.
Mrs. A. Souther, of Unlet, Or.,
was n guest of her daughter, Mrs.
,I. Hump, the past week.
Glen Staplelon, Cashier of the
(iasloit State Bank, was in town
Saturday, greeting county seat
frien ds.
Wanted A girl fur house
work, in family of three adults.
Call nt 1800 Main St., or phone
10.1, llillshoro. 52-2
It is reported that Kd. Schul
iiierich, who went to California
several days ngo, is suffering
from an attack of Influenza.
Want to rent: Farm of 100
acres or more. Also 7-passeriger
Stiidehaker ear for sale; price,
$800. Louis VnnMelthekc, Lau
rel, Ore, R. . 2-4
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stevens,
of Astoria, motored up the Co
lumbia Highway the last of the
week and visited friends in llills
For sale: Horse, 10 vears old;
good work animal; sound and
true; about 1450- Fred Urelliau
cr, Garden Tracts, llillslioro, on
Garibaldi Avenue. 2-4
Michael Sushauer, who has
lived for .10 years on his Cornelius
ranch, was in town Monday pay
ing taxes and his Argus sub
scription. For sale: Registered ; Hol-
stein hull, four next December;
must change herd sire; fine ani
mal. M. Sushauer, Cornelius,
Ore. Phone 83R9 HilKboro. 2-4
Party wants to borrow $7,000
on 122-acre farm between llills
horo and Beaverton. Stroud &
Co., Incorporated, Beaverton,
Oregon. 51-tf
John Friday, of Banks," was in
town Monday, greeting friends
and incidentally , doing a little
missionary work for the coming
primaries,' , !
L. J. Creps, of near Banks, was
in the city Monday. He reports
that the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cres died of pneu
monia last week. The little one
was aged one year and 20 days.
For Sale Monroe & Griswold
13-inch ensilage cutter, mounted
on trucks; equipped for power;
self feeder attachment; run but
little; filled but two silos. Cheap
at $270 D. Giger, llillshoro, R.
1. 1-3
W. B. Dennis, of Carlton, an
nounces his candidacy for joint
senator, a n d thinks Yamhill
County is entitled to the nomina
tion as this county had it for 8
years and Tillamook had a whirl
at it. Dennis says he is for more
permanent road work and he w ill
do his best if nominated and
Wm. llehrnian, of Cornelius,
was in town the last of the week.
Wm. is rapidly getting his new
purchase, the Col. Haines place,
into shape to take care of his reg
istered Jerseys, ami will move his
stock to (the ranch in a few
months. Behrman has some fine
stock, and will add more to his
herd soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Vilson Brock, of
Pendleton, arrived the last of the
week to attend the funeral of
Mr- Brock's brother, the late J.
W. Brock. Wilson hardly knew
the tow n so much has it changed
since he conducted a drug store
here away back in the early nine
ties. He is now interested in bus
iness at the Round-up city, and
says there is no town like Pendle
ton and no state like Oregon.
The State Advisory Board for
the Home Work of the Salvation
Army held a big banquet in Port
land Wednesday and the delega
tion from this county on the list
w as W. V. Bergen, assistant cash
ier Shute Bank; J. IL Garrett,
secy.; Supt. of Schools, B- W.
Barnes; W. W. Boscow, J. M.
Goar, Ed. Moore and F. J. Sewcll,
of llillshoro; Judge W. II. Ilollis,
F. A. Watrous, sccv. ; Omer Fen-
dall and Mayor J. N. Hoffman, of
Forest Grove.
Washington County Farms
Wanted: If vou desire to sell
your farm, we can furnish the
buyer. We are the oldest farm
dealers in Portland, and our fa
cilities for securing purchasers
are unexcelled. We have now a
purchaser for 80 to 100 acres up
to $18,000, Also a purchaser for
around Kit) acres up to $35,000.
If vou desire to sell your farm
any' size, drop us a line and we
will call and see you. Hargrove
Really Co., 122 North Oth 'Street,
Portland, Ore. 2-4
Ha Representation in Both U. of
O. Glee Clubs
Little Old County Seat Forges to
Musical Front
Three Hillsboro girls, Marjorie
Wells, Florence Garrett and Mir
iam Stockton, are members of
the Girls' Glee Club, llillshoro
has as big a representation on the
Girls' Glee Club as the city of
Portland. Added to that the fact
of Vincent Engeldinger being ac
companist oi the same organiza
tion and Russell Morgan singing
with the Men's Glee Club, it can
be seen that llillshoro students
have gained excellent recognition
in the musical circles of the uni
versity. The explanation for
their success lies in two facts
which are a follows: First,
Hill.sboro has had unusally good
vocal and Instrumental material
students, in other words; sec
ond, Hill.sboro has had a number
of very excellent musical histriie-
Vincent' Engeldinger has join
ed the S-Maralda, a local campus'
club. Engeldinger sayi: "They're
a fine bunch of fellows and are
mostly cl-serviee rn f n so 1
thought I'd join." 4 "
Russell Morgan will accompa
ny the Men's Glee Club on its an
nual tour during spring vacation.
Morgan sings second bass in the
organization. Programs will be
given in Albany, Salem, Bend.
The Dalles. Pr'ii.eville, Pendle
ton, LnGrande, and Hood River.
( Miriam Stockton is now a mem
ber of the Girls' Glee Club and
will accompany the organization
on its spring vacation tour. She
sings a second soprano. Miriam
is delighted over the prospect o
the trip. .
John Dierdorff secured second
place and Herbert Scheldt ninth
lace in a psychological test for
journalistic aptitude recently
taken by over 100 journalism students-in
the university. John re
ceived a total of 225 points and
Herbert' 205. DierdorfT ranked
highest in the Sophomore jour
nalism class of about 20 students
and Scheldt ranked sixth in the
Freshman class of 70 members.
Florence Garrett and Miriam
Stockton visited home over the
Next week the examinations
for the winter term are going to
he? given- Then will come the
spring vacation which starts on
March 26. The spring term will
commence on April 5. The stu
dents all look forward to the time
when they will be able to put
their feet nnder pa's table and
eat ma's cooking again. Herbert
E. Scheldt.
line suburban home, right at
Quatama Station, Oregon Elec
tric Ry. ; 18 acres, nice six room
house with Colonial verandah on
two sides; new barn; tool shed;
poultry and hog house ; finest of
drinking water; also never fail
ing creek; fruit and berries. Will
also sell furniture and personal
effects, W. J. Head, Beaverton,
Ore., R. 2. 2tf
We extend our heartfelt thanks
to those who tendered aid and
sympathy during our bereave-1
nienl, the death and obsequies of:
the late J. J. Meacham, and re-
turn especial thanks for the floral:
tributes. j
Mrs. J. J. Meacham & Family, j
llillshoro. Ore., March 14, i
1920. . j
The Mrs. L. O. Dershaui public!
public sale has been withdrawn, j
Mrs. Dersham having sold the ,
personal property at private sale.'
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for Countv Clerk, on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the primary
vote, May 21, ' 1920. If nominated
and elected, I pledge myself to an
economical administration and cour
teous attention to the public in the
conduct of the office.
J. P. MeCdasson,
Hillsboro, Oregon, , formerly of
North Plains and Cornelius.
(Adv.) 2-tf
J. R. MoNew, of above Buxton,
was down to the city Monday.
Robt. Johnson, of near Cedar
Mill, was an Argus caller Mon
day. .
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
Joh E. Bailey,
Vie President.
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17,
Loans $5S2,7t.0
U. S. Bonds 188,803.56
Other Bonda 102,087.88
Banking House. 19,887.88
Other real estate 1,850.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank- 1,180.00
Cash and due
from banks 14,006.87
Total $1,089,111.67
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
Is Good Business and
Is Good Paint Sold By
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Main Street ! Hillsboro, Oregon
v & co.
W. W. MeEMowBey,
E. F. Burliaghatn,
S. G. Hughes.
Capital $38,000.09
Surplut 61,081 JS
Circulation 38,000.0
Deposits 978,384.41