hi WE VOL. XXVII. HILLSBORO, OREGON MARCH 11, 1920. No. 1 EIGHTY IHH NEW LtGIOli POSTS Oregon I. as I'.i;lity I'ontu to Crt-tl-it of the State NF.W YORK IIF.ADS THE LIST Legion Mm A ili to Share in the Memorial Services liu i rasing Ml llir rale nf u thou sand (i tn on t It , llu' American Le Koiii passed tin' H.OOO I'dhU murk I ' middle nf lVlirutry. In addi tiori In hh( ill tin- ( 'njli il Slates ft ii port just killed hIiiih otic in ('till! d.l. one ill I'iiuI.iiiiI, lime ii I raiti c, one in Mi vi-i, in 'ii utna, lime in llic l'lulliiiiics, oik in I U uii ninl N in Cuba. N'riv Void Sl.'ilr, with a total of H.U posts lint,!-, llu- list, llllU lOlllillg SCCo'tlll villi III) I nisl: IYniis K h ii i i . third, f.-". i'Mt; Iiiwii, fourth, I 1,1; Mimic Mil ii. fiflli. Ill; Ohio. sitli, ;I5! : Missouri, ni iiiIIi. 27(1; Mulligan i-iylillt, i'.ltl; Iniliiiii.i, nil, lit, '.W'l (mil i Jitm V Ii III Ii. 1' 15. Tlir ii inn I r t f pools in tin- nlli ir stales mi IVIini.irv 17, when A tm-1 i. mi l.eejcui report slinurit N.0I3 po.ts, wen-as f !li .is : Al ah-mii, ,'IS; Ali.kd. ! ; Wi.ona. 2s ; Atk ins is. 10.,; (jilifoii.ia, '.Ml; Colorado, Ml ; ( 'onu.i tirn! SO; I i liw rc, Id; I listrnt of t 'nliiiiilii.'l, l l.iriil i, ii I , iiiUiiirt, H."; Idaho, IS; Kansas. .".'I; kVnliii , HO . I ..ni-iiiiiii. Ml; Maine. !.'l; M.-irylaml. 77; M.l.-ii'lillHtl, '.'11; M is jjssipni "!; Montana, Ii7; Nchriskn, llf; Vt-v fiil.i. l'l; Wit ILiuipsliire, 71; NVw Mriio, HI; nrlli Cnniliii-t. 71; North Dakota, liiK; OU.I.o mi . II'.'; Oregon, SO; Itlmdr Is 1.1111. Ill; S.mlli Ciiroliiii, 65; Suttlli U.iknl.i, lii.'; Ti'Mlnssee l'l; Ti 151: l'l th. l(l; 'i r tin ttil, 7i; Virginia, Illii; Vnsl iimtnii. U.--.I Virginia, H; Win uiisin, U'.Mi; i. iMiuiu'. M I. Pursuant In n rr si 1 1 1 1 1 inn niloit t il al llu- M iiim tijiuIiH C 'run ni inn tin' American 1 i ((iiiii dat ri'iiit".t cil (In- honor ami rii ili-ifc of shnriit ; in 1 1 iv iiirinori.'il exercises f Ml ' (i Hill A Mil Of till- !1iii. lif (ii. il I In- ( "iinftilt rn t v Viti-r.in-, Tin- rrsoliilinn nf ilit Ai.i rii iii I r;,nii proviilcil "tli it (In- iui-r ii'HIl l.cpintl rriilcM llu- liniinr ninl iivil-jo nf i.-irti'iinliiiu' in llu- irrmnriiil srrvii-ts if lh" fJrnn.l Army of tlur It jnihllc nrnl ninl llu- Confi'iliT.-ili- VcU-rmiH. wliil.- llu v still live, utiu nftrr "ili-.'ill1, to lie tin- iiift'-ney wliit-li hIkiII i-otitjiiiit llii-r- srrvicis no tluil tlii ir I'r'ivi'-i 'ii(l (!'- in-,' of nil dllii r Ainrrii-.'iu nililit-rs hIimII In- ittiiilv r-M-rvcil nml I In- mi inury of llicir ilfiU 1m- ver- irtl(ili'il lluill llir t ii ti (if lovi .iinl inriiiory, nml thut a cojiy of (his rrMiliiliuii be furwnnlnl to till- Cniiim.-Hiilrri of tin- (iriiml Army of llir ftrpiililii-' ami llir Coiifnli r.'ilr Vrlrrnii"." PUBLIC SAIX Ottilllf In tin- ilciilli of my lius liniiil, llir Into Otvilli I'licki'lt, I w ill st II nt pdlilir Kalr mi my farm I milr west of llillslioro, mid a half mile .south of the llnsilitH Pioail, nt ten a. in., nn TIT.SDAY. MARCH 23, lif.'O. I'iltt ri'Kislrrril I lolstrins, 7 rows mid our hull; luill h llrn urrvrld 'alr Vrrmnn Duke, BB!V S2!l; rnlvrd Ort. !1, 1DI8, Is the grandson of a world's record row mid grandson of luirinoits Vale ('ot iltiroiia ; rows as follows Hrnulv Mercedes .lulin nn.-i, sire, I. undo Cerlirn Johnnn.i; dam Jtrmily Mi'l-rcdi'S ncHi'r"(-rvcld ; row, I.itdv Hi-islo (iri-lii'it Jnhitti lia, sit-r, I.nndr (irrhrii Joliuittn. Report of SHUTE SAVINGS BANK February lU'.SOl'RCF.S Loan $8HJ,18U4 Banking House... 2),000.00 Furniture and I'Txture-i 12,000.00 Other real estate CliO.OO fa -,h and Due from Banks 21(,11H.1.2 $l,ll-7,!i:i8.fi(i INCREASE Feb. 28, 1H20. .fl,Ot!8,ri2(Ui7 l'rli. 28, 1919.. )i(i5,2(i5.10 : . (lain in 1 year... $ 102,2(il.!7 f I j (Idiii Miirrnri' Urinto Ddli iif r I veld j cow, Jiciiiity Mrrmlrit )i-' llciiKi rvrld, oirc Don Curlon of Hivcrxlile, ilnni, Sndii; Mrrrrdri. Dclli-imrrvcld ; row, .Siitiiiyrrofl Id'Kol Scroiiil, iirr Afii- Cormi enpid frown ItcKol; dmii, Sun nycroft Drk'ol; row, I'unny K to it 4 1 Nlniihopc, hirr I ii-nt-rvrlil K i n w Jrwrll, iliim 1'iliiny Collon SlnnliiH! ; row, HrKsir fit-rln-n .IiiIiiiiiiki, hire, Sir Ui.liop ('Ilium rum Wdyiir, dmu Lady Hrislo (ii-rlun Jolirtiinn; row, May I)r I Ii iiui riclil Wnynr, sire Sir Hisli op Clijmnriiiii Wiiynr, dmn, Hrini ty Mrrrrdrs Del Irnjfrrvrld ; srv--ii ftrruli Jrrvy rowi; tram m k iii(tr-H, it 200; liruvy tram linrnriH tow mid Nomr iiit, i Mmiih ln-r. tu (i ii ii n- sprciulrr, rorrui((ilrd roll rr, K ft ; hpriiiKtuolli li.-trrow, drij; Imrrow, disr linrrnu-, I t in plow, 5 ft l)ii-riiix mow rr, oliiiup pull rr, rout rutlrr, liny rullrr, milk rurl, Kntpirr inilkin nui rliinr, I II, I'. K'i niii'. I'll fork, riililr, pullry, rtr., .'I ' inrl tniik wiiKon, with 12 fl lm ; si it lr tiiiKuy, Imiukv linriirss, 50 .il Kiivilinr Imik, lniyriik, 'A'-, tons linli-il li.iy, Ii tnni loom- (ot t liny; 10 toii vrlrli liny, iirrr rr ruli ill ground; 2 liorsr rultivn lor, I luirHi- rultivntor, Irildrr, I ilii.i it purr lirrd Wliitr I.rKliorn linn. ; do purr lirrd Hluiilr K I .ii id It cil In us, II tin ijhIIoii milk i 'i fi t, rlidins, slnivi K, forks, and nil sui'ill tu ili found on f iri.i. I rcc- I li 1 1 Ii ni iiiion. Trruis of Sulr )''J0 nml iindi-r rash; inir 20, H montlis pr.ni-il nolr ii! M prr rrnl. p Mrs. Uosr I'm k i ll, (nrr ,t, W. Ilui'lirs, Aurtionn r. O M. (inlloWAV, ( Ink. Miss Itrrti liH Jours, nlli niliiiu llu- () A. f. Siliool of Musii , week-end visitor nt Immr. I'. II. Hnwlliy and wife, of South Tualatin, wriH- ritv rnllrr. 4 Saturday afternoon. Ir. I". 1!. Itrown and wife, of I'.Hll.inil. were out Sunday, tin nue-.li of Mr, and Mrs. T. I'., Coriwlius, of loitth of town. Vntitrd--A girl for hoitsr work, in family of three adults Call at IHOli .Nisin St.. or photic lli.'l, Uillsboro. 52 2 A- I., Chase, of Vancouver, w a in i r tor Tfis( of llir week, visit, u. llir (i, 1., Marupifs, of Virginia riaec. Mr. Chase formerly re sided on Oak St., this city. Party wants to borrow $7,000 on 122-aere farm between Uills boro and Ileavrrton. Stroud & Co., Incorporated, Heaverton, Oregon. 51 tf II. Ii, Adams, Atly.,CTiamlier of Commerce, Portland, and Claude II. Shcivlrv, n Portland printer. were in the city Monday, on a sheriff's sale ease affecting some laud near Orrneo. The G. A. II. ami llelief Corp meetings (icem again like on limes, now that Judge and Mrs. Ii. CrandaH' have returned front .os A n ire Irs, and are again a part 'of llillslioro life. And, incident ally, the street looks the belter when one sees the Judge prratn- : bul iting aloiifj the walks. i Tor sale: Having sold my dai ry herd I will sell my 18 months : old registered Holstein bull, which wan my herd sire; fine an- I inuil; -will also sell ten tons of j ensilage, first class, and nome baled vetch and oat hay. A. I Bendler, Cornelius. It. 1. 61-8 ' a J.J. 'aliKle,rk, of Kinton, was a city caller Saturday. He re cently sold IS head of mutton to a Portland firm for $31.1.20, and I the buyer -said they tipped the ' scales the best of any sheep sold ' to the market down llirre for a year, Some price for sheep, and per head they brought the high est money paid for n year. .i ...... - il Condition of 28, 1920 LIABILITIES' Capital .'. $ 00,000.00 Surplus and Un- divided Profits 19,111.8!) Deposits 1,0158,520.07 $r,H7,938.,Vi IN DEPOSITS Feb. 28, 1920 ,$l,0o8.52i.(i7 Nov. 17, 1919 ... 997,fl(i0.05 i ' (jiiM (,ime last ' Statement $70.fi? 62 ' Wan Veteran of Civil War and had Two Enlintmenti WAS A VETERAN PYTHIAN Had Been a Reiident of Thi County Nearly Fifty Year Ji J. Mead eacuani, 1 II. -arli righly year 'ied al his home on I ir Street, I'.n ,1 l ifth, Sunday rvrc'ii.', March 7. 11120. after an illness rovrrina' m i i ral vears. He was :i. it-it in l'orl'!"r Co., Ohio, Srpt. 17, IK 10, and was married 'o .Miss Martha Jack sun in IHfiU. li'-n llir war broke out he rn listed in the Sixth Indiana Infan try as n Volunlrrr. and served in Hint body until March II, lHli.'l, when he was discharged thai he might enlist in lire Mississippi Marine lirigmle. lie nerved the remainder of llir War in that or gaiiiation, and rerrird his dis rhargr Jan. 21, IKIi.l, at 'irks burg, Miss. He lame to Oregon in 1870. and had brrit a resident of Wash- 5 x - t ' iff' Wh; ; '! iiwtou ('.I'ltitv nearly lilt ytu'v residing in (ilrueor, al Mniintaiu ii ili-, and thru at Banks and Hills born. His lirst wife having pass ed away, he w.ys married to Mrs. Isabclle Funis, at Vanrouvrr, Wash., Jan. 5, 1909, the widow and the following children sur viving : Chas. K., Uillsboro; Thomas (i., Banks, near Wilkesboro ; Henry O., of above Mountain dale; Mrs- Anna l'vans. Portland; George F... of above Mountain dale; William 1'., Portland; Mrs. Fred Funis, of Banks, and Julius James, of Seattle, For a number of years after his arrival in Washington County ho was one of the acti.'-' Ili cxher mrn of the Northern part of the county, and he gained a w ide ac quaintance thro his activities. He was one of the chi-rter members of Gleneoe Lodge No. 22, Knights of Pythias, of Glen eoe, anil later of North PI. ins. He was ivearing his veteran jew el, civen him by the order rfter 25 years of active membership. Four of his children have pass ed Clara, who was Mrs. Ben Smith, of old Gleneoe; Lulu LI len, who died in childhood in In diana; Iiussell Alired, who died nt Mountaindale in 1878, and Oren Ransom Meachaiti, a rail way engineer, who died in W ish intrton Stale in 1909. ' Mr. Mcacham had a host of friends in this section and he was noted for bis inUtis' friendship and his opposition to fraud if all kinds. His last years were inva lidism, and he rarely went out after moving to the countv cent, but he never lost his intere?t in public affairs. The funeral took, place Wed nesday, and the service was held nt the North Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church, interment being in the church cemetery, un der the direction of Undertaker Limber. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means of thanking our friends and neigh bors for their kindness and assist ance during the sickness and death of niv dear husband, and also for the kindness shown bv i the merchants and business men of Uillsboro. Mrs. Irene Lambrix. For Sale Registered Holstein bull, 2 years old. Jesse Hansen, 2 miles cast of Oivneo. Postolfice address, Reavrrton. Ore., R. 2. rhono 29RX2, Uillsboro Cen tral. 52-2 Jos. Tftimler, of near Farming ton, was in Saturday. O. J. Si hlri lit, of below Beav crton, was in town Saturday. K. Hasinusen, of south of the rivrr, wan in Monday morning. M. 1'.. Watson, of west of the city, was an Argus caller Friday. J, V. Vandcrvelden, of Roy, was a city caller Monday morn ing. It. W. Graf, of Hillsdale, was an Argus rallrr the last of the week. F.d. Olsrn, of Farmington, was greeting friends in the city Sat urday. (i. W.-Whituiore and wife, of Laurel, were in town the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gro. Biendorf, of North Tualatin Plains, were city callers Saturday. F.inil Osprlt, of above Moun taindale, called on the Argus yes terday, after a business trip to tlir court house. For Sale Several tons of loose vetrh hay. I'. H. Bowlby, Cor nelius, It. 2. Phone Uillsboro. 23 R 2. . 1-3 L. M. Bin II, sawmill man, now located nl New berg, writes for another ' jear of the religious weekly. Oscar Miller; of Gales Creek, was down Saturday, greeting his county seat and former North Plains and Shady Brook friends. Win. H. Lyd.i, of North Forest Grove, was in the city Monday, greeting friends. Bill is thinking of selling out his big farm and taking it easy. For Sale High grade Jersey cow, out of Sehtiliuerich herd; fresh two weeks; fine flow of milk; gentle; good familv cow. Wendell Davis. Fast Oak St.. Uillsboro. 1-3 John Parsons, of Catching, near Fore-,1 Grove, was a city caller Monday morning, and remember ed the Argus for the 2fith annual pay men t, of subscription. Spring, Cleaning Don't forget that Ben Srgel pays the highest price for rags, paper, i-uhber, scrap 'rofk,'"saick J, auto tirs nni everything in discard line. Tele phone 2451Z. 52-3 . John Simpson, who is sawmill ing above Albany, was here over Sundav. John was forced to shut down a few days ago on account of the ravages of the flu in his crew. Shingles for Sale If vou want shingles order now, before the raise. Extra Star A Star shingles red cedar, $li.50 per M, while thev last. Wakh & Hoffman. 1559 Fir, or 1353 First St. 3 Ambrose Schmidlin. who went into the north of Buxton country when it was a wilderness, was in the citv Friday. Ambrose has hewed out a nice home in the big woods. J For Sale Monroe & Griswold 13-inch ensilage cutter, mounted on trucks; equipped for power; self feeder attachment ; un but little; filled but two silos. Cheap at $270 D. Giger, Uillsboro. R. 1. 1-3 S. A. Cooper, former O. E. agent here, now ranching over near Laurel, was in town Satur day, shaking hands with bis many friends. Coop says there's noth ing like ranch life to keep the joints supple and the muscles working properly. Rev. Jesse T. Anderson. Bap tist minister here several years, was up from the Coos Bay section the last of the week, and paid Uillsboro a between-trains visit. He is now in charge of the steam er which carries Baptist work alona the points of Coos Bay wat ers . Uillsboro was pleased to see him again. J. W. Jackson, of North Plains, was in town the last of the week. He had just returned from Port land, where he went on a "wild goose chase." It appears that Clyde Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Berry left here for Monta na, and when they arrived in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Berry lost track of Lincoln, It appears that they took separate trains mtd when Mr. and Mrs. Berry ar rived at Spokane, they left the train and telegraphed here for in formation about Clyde. Mr. Jackson went to the city and af ter several hours of inquiry, he found that Clyde had taken an other train, ten minutes from the time the Berrys had left, and beat thrm home a da)' the Berrys losing the day they laid off in Spuk.uic. Aa they had intended to go together the separating was a source of much anxiety. JUDGE BUGLE! GIVES mill Court Looks Askance at Wife'1 Pleading Amended Complaint i GIVES CHILD TO FATHER ! Must Pay $250 Per Month For iu Care Until Further Order Judge Bagley Tuesday evening signed a decree giving Willard Haw-Icy, of Oregon City, a di vorce from the wife, who sued for separation, and the father get the permanent custody of the 28 months old daughter. Pending possible appeal, how ever, Mrs. Marjorie Hawley gets the custody of the child and Mr. Hawley must pay 230 per month for iti care and support. Mrs. Hawley jn her complaint askrd for the custody of the daughter; wanted 150.000 ali mony; and n decree of divorce for herself, alh-ging cruel and in human treatment. The Court heard the case for two weeks, and over ten days was consumed by him in looking over the testimony in transcript after he had oner heard it orally. He allows Mrs. Haw ley $1,000 to ap ply on an appeal if she w ishes it- The Court evideiitely looked askance on Mrs. Hawley's charge of unnatural arts on the part of the husband. In the final paragraph of his opinion Judge Bagley says: "Their attitude and demeanor and the testimony, both oral and documentary, has so impressed tne court mat but one logical con clusion can be reached the con clusion that the defendant is en titled to a decree of divorce based upon the false charges made in the amended complaint and in open court of attempting an un natural crime. Nothing could be more cruel and inhuman than a false charge of that character made under the circumstances of this case. ".The decree of the court will. therefore, be that the defendant be divorced from the plaintiff up on the matters and things related in ihe supph'meiital cross com plaint; that the permanent care, custody and control of the minof child of the plaintiff and defend ant be awarded to the defendant ; that the temporary custody of the child, subject to the further or der of the court, be awarded to the plaintiff, and that the defend ant pay to the plaintiff the sum of $250 per month for the sup port and maintenance of said child until the further order of the court, and the court suggests, hut does not order, that plaintiff be permitted to occupy the fami ly residence until the final deter mination of this cause upon ap peal, or, if jiot appealed, until the expiration of the time limited for appeal, and that if appealed, the defendant pay to the clerk of the court the sum of 1,000 for the purpose of defraying all of the expenses of transcript of testimo ny, transcript of the cause, ab stract of record and briefs in be half of plaintiff 'and tiling and trial fees in the supreme court, and that said moneys be paid by the clerk of the court upon the presentation of bills for such ser vices, certified to be correct by counsel for the plaintitV, and that the decree shall specifically pro vide that the minor child of the plaintiff and the defendant shall not be removed from the state of Oregon; that while said child is in the custody of either party the other party shall have the right at all reasonable and seasonable times to see and visit said child." STATE HIGHWAY Only three miles from a 40-acre farm with deep, rich soil, perfect drainage, ideal for dairying and poultry; good buildings, family fruit; 18 miles to Portland over good roads. , Write owner for particulars, L. Kearney, R. R. 2, Box 1 15E, Hillsboro, Ore. 3 Coffee Club Meeting The regular meeting of the Hills- boro Coffee Club will be held Sat-; urday, March 13. at 2:30 p. m., at i the residence of Mrs. L. W. Hyde, j 1554 Ljncoln Street. Hostesses, , Mrs. L. W. Hvde. Mrs. R. F. Pe-1 ters, Mrs. C. D. Williams. Elec- j tion of officers and other impor tant business. Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. My matings are much better than ever this year, and we guarantee satisfac tion. Price, $1,150 for 15 fgers. E. L. McCormick 1324 Jackson St. 47-tf C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Uillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and ReUll Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thornburgh, President. D. R, Cheney, Assistant Cashier. John E. Bailey, Vfc President. H. E. Perrin, Assistant Cashier. FORESTGROVE NATIONAL BAN FOREST GROVE, ORE At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17, RESOURCES Loans $552,71.00 U. S. Bonds 188,802.56 Other Boads 1O2,0O7.J Banking House- 19.687.J8 Other real estate 1,850.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank. 1,100.04 Cash and due ' from banks Ll,60o.7 Total $18,IU.7 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility conskieot with conservative management. Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations respectfully" solicited. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS Kill the Scale Before It Kills Your Trees Spray in the eariy Spring, while die trees are dormant, with SHERWIH-WlLUm DRY LIME-SULFUR Standard Lime-Sulfur Solution in Dry Powdered Form It has all the good qualities of Liquid Lime Sulfur but eliminates the bad qualities. Use Dry Lime Sulfur in your orchard this year. It will save you time and money. Come into our store and get prices and descriptive, literature. t The Delta Drug Store Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOFFMAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Matin Street : Hiiiuboro, Oregon - KZKJ W. W. MeEldonrBy, Cashiar. . F. Burlinghaca, S. G. Hughe. K LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 81,011 Jl Circulation IS,0OO.M Deposits J 87884. Total $ 1,088,1 1.T I J