i j, . . - ... i '., . --'J County, Oreifon, within nix month from (lute hereof. I)teU at IUIIhIhiio, Oretfon, thl Mttieh 4, Clyde Lincoln, Executor of the Limt Will ami Tr tment ttitd MmUIo of Moii Ih C. Lin coin, rhx-pioied, M. !l. Hunip & D, 1, lluinp, Attor ney for the Kutiilo Horn, to FrnneU Medenin nl wife, ltlllxhoni. Mnieh 8, IMQ, .inn, THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County Official Paper L. A. Long, Editor. i"$abij5 Sake Notice to Farmers - The Both-1 F. Hauley, of leisv villi", w any Feed Chopper, beginning mi Argus ml lor yesterday. March 6, will run every second: Horn, lo Mr. mid Mrs. J. and fourth Saturday' in the Wilson, of Heaverton, March month until further notice. 51 1!S0, twin sons. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice l horoby ff'von Umt Ui un liornlKiKHl hna 1khii by th County Court of VnnliinRion County, Orcutm, duly ftppdintcil Kxwutor of the Lttnt Will mill TeHtiummt mid Astute of MorrU C.' Lincoln, ilweuned. ni ltu duly nualiliwl uclv Kxerutor, All persons having cluim Kilnit iniit eH(nti) nr hereby rtHpiiied to pic sent the mime to n with proper 1. Go-carh"" Fmtered at the Post Hillsboro, Oregon, as class mail mutter. Office at second- Subscription, $1.50 per annum. voucluu ul the lw olllee of M. 11. Hump, in HilliilHtro, Wnxhinitton, Issued every Thursday by Mrs. K. C. McKinney and L. A. Long. Senator Chamberlain has an nounced his candidacy to succeed himself in the United State sen ate, and he is being opposed by a number of democrats around Portland. He has generally been opposed by the same fac tion, and has been elected with out their support. This time, however, they are uncovering, thus giving the Senator a chance to know who is fighting him. The Artrus predicts that Mr. Chamber lain, who is 100 per cent. Ameri can, will go back to the Senate with flying odors. What he ha- lone for the service men com mends him to every thoughtful ..iter of whatsoever parly', ami what he has done as a statesman for the country, and for the Ore gon country, are his best vouch ers for a winning campaign. Or eon is fortunate in having a man of the Senator's capacity at Washington.and it is mighty hard for the Bourbon democrats and the stand pat repuhs to pull the wool over Oregon voters' eyes at an election. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT In the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County In the Matter of the Kstate of Fred A. Olds, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the un designed administratrix of the es tate of said deceased, has filet! in the olmve entitled court and cnuse, her tinal account and report as such ad ntinistratrix, and the court has fixed and appointed Saturday, the "rd dav of April, 1920, at the hour -of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, ami the court room of the above entitled cour and cause, her final account and rt nin-t as such administratrix, -ind tin court has fixed and appointed Satur day, the 3rd day of April, a' the huiir of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and the court room of the atx ve en titled court in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and fr the dual settlement of said estate Dated this 4th day of Mare. 10:'0 Sarah J. Olds. Administratrix of said Kstate. Mare, McAlear & Peters, Attorney; for Administratrix. FOR COUNTY CLERK To the members of the Republican Party and the voters of Washing ton County: Having filed a petition for nomi nation for the office of County Cleik 1 will say in seeking the nomination, I am not unmindful of the generous treatment and loyal support I have received in the past from the ccilnty of my birth and lifetime residence In no sense am I demanding the nom ina'ifT!, but will certainly appreciate it if you desire to grant it. H. A.Kurafli. (Adv.) SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stata of Oregon for the County of Washing ton. Mary E. Egglcston, Plaintiff, vs. Herbert J. Eggleston, Defendant. To Herbert J Eggleston, the above named defendant: In the Name of th State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the lt'th day of April, 1920, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer or otherwise plead, then for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the reliet asked for in her complaint, namely, for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and yourself, the defendant, and for the further decree awarding to the plaintiff, Mary E. Egjrleston, the care, custody and education of Karoline Eggleston, Herbert J. Eg gleston, Jr., and Howard W. Eggles ton, and for such other relief as is meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for seven publications in the Hillsbo ro Argus, a newspaper of general cir culation published in Hillsboro, Wash ington County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered the 3rd dav of March, 1920. Date of first publication, March 4 1920. Date of last publication April 15, 1920. Henry E. McGinn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office: Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un nndersigned was on the 2nd day of ' March, 1920, duly appointed Execu tor of the Last Will and Testament of J. M. Butler, Deceased, by the County Court of the State Oregon for Washington County. All person having claims against said deceased or said estate are hereby notified w present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at Garden li'ime, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and pnblished March 4, 1920. Last publication April 1, 1920. Perry Stewart, Executor. Beck & Hoecker, Attorneys for Executor. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sum Gunther, Gaston, March I, 1920, S port, Mr- and Mrs. Will E. Chalmers, of near Roy, were city callers yesterday, ' Mrs. Sarah J. Olds, of Middle ton, was a Hillsboro caller the first of the week. Mrs. New Mother Fresh air is one of the best things for baby, so come in and get a new go-cart or baby ibuggy. We have "beauties," and they will stand the wear. While looking for a go-cart, stop and look at our furniture for every room in the home. It will delight you in style, strength and PRICE. Our Furniture FURNISHES. Respectfully yours, trattemri wurmrm iZ. V. LIBERTY THEATRE FR,sD.L.y ft : I .tr c-;aCv JPr ' lf,; -IN- 'A Knickerbocker Buccaroo' An Extra Reel An Extra Pep Show mmmmmmmmmMBKmmmmmKmmammmmmmmmmmm Coming MONDAY - TUESDAY March 8 and 9, 1920 EDGAR RICE BURROUH'S "Romance of Tarzan" Sequel to "Tarzan of the Apes" Prices 10c akd 25c, Plus War Tax REMOVAL SALE! WE DESIRE TO CLOSE OUT 1 OUR PRESENT STOCK OF WALLPAPER BEFORE MOVING TO OUR NEW LOCATION, AND WILL OFFER A SPECIAL 25 Per Cent Discount ON ALL PATTERNS IN STOCK 25c Values 19c 50c Values 37c 75c Values 56c $1.00 Values 75c $1.50 Values $1.12 bklrtCi YOUK ROOM MEASUREMENT. WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDER LARGE OR SMALL Patterson Furniture Co. ON MAIN STREET The New LEXINGTON Minute-Man Six I II . " li PRICES Touring Car - $2425 Lex Sedan .... $2850 Sedanelte - - - $3125 You w.int your new e.ir to be emnforlHliIe nml meeii(iiiie ally dependable, nt well as . Attractive in np)ear.'nee. You wnril it to ( inlxulv marks of distinction that w ill con tinually show evidence of your (food taste and judgment - a ear that will not only he .nlinireil, but that will bear up under the most severe tests. These arc only a few reasons why you will approve -new l,t vinilon models. Every car that leave the Lex intcton factory bcurs the unmistakable stamp of master workmanship and "built in" quality that characterizes Lexington Vehicle!. ' The Lexington recognises no peer in abundance of pefw er, efl'uHcnoy of spring suspension, easy Nterrin and economy in cost of operation and upkeep. Lexington owners enjoy the lasting satisfaction of full Value received for every dollar invested. J. C. WEGNER, Dealer FOREST GROVE, ORE. AUTO SUPPLIES Our new stock of Auto Equipment Is here. UV are handling a high grade of goods in this line, and at usual Make the Price We Sell Diamond Tires An error by n salesman in our supply order gave us too many Weeds Tire Chains, I'niil this stock is reduced to normal, we will give 25 per cent off on all Weed Chains ALLEN & IRELAND Third and Main THE EXAMINATION imrinnnniiniili mi iwnii x n mm mm mm mmmiiwamimt'Umnwmmrrthrn"iimifn I Of your eyes for glasses depends on the experience and skill of the operator to use scientific instrument eorrecMy. lly the use of the Opthaliuoseope, one of the latest and most scientific instrument)) known to Optical science, I can detect the smallest defect in the eye, which Msntre my patron of absolute comfort and eyeglass satisfaction. Don't fail to have we examine, your eye with this won derful instrument next Saturday, March 6, Washington Hotel, all day. All examination made by me personally- Dr. Will J. Thompson Portland Eyesight Specialist For sale: Three good cows, fresh March 1. J. T. Crews, Laurel, R. 2; a miles south of Laurel on Newberg road. fil-fi Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Drageau, of Orenco, Feb. 2!, 1920, a daughter Red clover seed, free from weeds, 55c a lb. Parcel post paid any where. V. L. Steevns, Lau rel, Oregon. 52-2 15. Flei.selm'uer, of Gaston, was down to the. hub yesterday, meet ing with his many friends, i For Sale About 40 nice White Leghorn hens and some duck eggs for hatching. Inquire of Guy Martin, Witch Hazel Station, on S. P. line. 50-52 For sale: Monarch 12 20 Cat erpillar type tractor, reasonable price. Drown Bros., Corn'cliiiN, R. 2, Kox 8(i. Phone Scholls 2, 5 line 9. 50-52 i Ford Ton-truck for Sale; in good condition. O. K, McCarthy 1132 Third St, Hillsboro, Furni ture Store. 52 2 Wanted I pay best prices for beef cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.; can use good .stuff any time. Phone, Beaverton; mail address, W. W. .VfQlbr, Reedville. Or. 50-89 Chester Stewart i.s carrying one of his hands in a sling, the result of crushing a finger when crank ing an auto truck. Loganberry tips for planting. Fine and healthy. - Any quantity. Geo. Purdy, Hillsboro, R. 4, iy2 miles west of town, on Base line Road. 50-52 March 1 came in with a little of both the characteristics of the lamb and the lion. The morning of the day was lamb-like, and by nightfall there was a wind and ram and by midnight it was spitting snow in other words) the lamb had lain down inside the lion. Just what this will meanao the prophet w'e don't begin to as sumebut Oregon is "Jake" anyway. I Wish to Announce Thatl am now located in my new quarters on the corner of First and W ashington Streets That I still represent the Oldamobilc line, including the light six, eight cylinder touring and light truck. Light Four Overlands Willy's Knight Cars That I have recently taken on the MASTER line of TRUCKS, with Inter nal gear, Worm, and Double Reduction drives, One and a half tons and up, solid or pneumatic tires. I have increased rny supply and variety of accessories, tires, greases, ' oils, etc. Always abundance of air pressure, and water at curb, an efficient man to assist you. Am in a better position to give that SERVICE, which truly SERVES. Yours for better service and satisfaction in the operation and use of cars or trucks pin-chased from me. G I V E : M E : A : CALL E. L. PERKINS HILLSBORO, OREGON f i v t