J'rrklni National Ilrrlm are highly rrronimriulrd by liner fur blotx I , liver mid kidney liOO pill, $1.'JB, pint 0 -iil H war lux. I'lmtnge paid. V. 1,. Sti-vciis, I.miiivI, Ore. " il If "I'll Tell the World" sayfc Hie Good Judtfe The man who doesn't chew this class of to bacco is not getting real satisfaction out of his chewing. A small cUqw. It holds its rich laste. You don't have to take no many fresh chews. Any man who ues the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles HWHT CUT is short-cut tobacco W-H CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco if5' CRISP, COOL, SNAPPY DAYS, AND YOU WANT SOMETHING HOT, TRY The Den of Sweets "HilUliorii'i Lending Swi i t Simp" Hot Specialtie Olympia Oyter Stew, Hot Chicken Tnmnlei, Olympia Oyster Coiktnil, Chile Con Came. Hot Drinks Hot CUm Nectar, I lot Tonato Bouillon, Hot Chocolate, Hot Malted Milk. Try Our Home-M.d Candy It' Delicious CIGARS PIPES TOBACCO BOY SCOUTS In November, 1 1)1 it, a troop of Hoy Scout' uiih organized here. Itev. II. A. )eek ii Scout master, mid H. V, liirms, l)r. K. T. 1 1 I n i H nnil )r. ,1. II. I! ii , .inn ii eonipoic the troop cmiiliiil ti r, , A. Oliotl lillii It. I,. Suiilli lire n sKt a ti t Seoul muster. The Troop i rumpimed nf t lie following putroK with lluir oil) ecri: l!ol Whiles, (irnrge Tlioinpioii, lender; (iirnM linrr, iDisitlnnl . Ilriivrri, I'hilip Thouip win, leader; Warren Ilmic, histiint. I'nntheri, Irni IU, lender; Itoln it .limes, ll h 11 il ;l III . Kilties, Ilermiiii Siller, leader; Homer Deck, n tii-il i it t . The troop is full now, luil n new troop will hi 1 1 1 1 e organized. The Hi-iivcrs ,n, d huh Whiles ImVe i ik Ii urgrtiiizi il it liiisketlmll t ra in mid have played two gaim s, eiieli leiiin liking one. V third game will lie played. The pal roll are now preparing for hllselillll, llie null's Mild I'oli Whiten, nud the Hi mi ri and 1'aii thers lire (filing tui-i-l ln r lo oil"HI ie h haselmll team each, ll is in J tended to nrgiilie a troup team , W hieh w ill plu.V (."i nies uilli ul her I roups of Seutits. When Chief Seoul t''.eeiilive, James I'.. West, addressed the I'orlliud Scouts, Assistant Seoul i mauler Olson took Cue patrol lenders ami assistants to hear him. Motion pictures of the I'orl land Scouts' Camp Here shown after tile address. Wednesday, I i li. 1 H. Scoiitmas ter Deck (.'live nil address In t lp Scouts and their friends. Pictures of the Scouts nnd their activities were nlsn shown. Aftir this the Scouts who had heard Mr. West were called upon to tell what Mr. West had said. Seoul Scrilie. BACONA ITEMS Mis Carrie Nelson has relumed home from Portland. J'rtiest Jeppcson made a trip to Hlllslmro Saturday, with some Vulilillde pelts. Mr. Del'ever was Inking Census ill Hncona last week . A liirt'id.iv party ws tendered Miss It i 'el HolTmaii. at her home, l ei. P. The famous Hacona Sewing Cluh In1 e their sewing well tin tier wiiv- Oilier Washington Co. Sewinur Clnlis take notice. Ours is (he luiueli that captured three of the five prizes of the tountv last year; if you don't want this to happen attain Ret hiny. Hacona school celehrated four holidays Friday afternoon, Feb. 13. An interesting feature of the program was the reading of oritii- nal poems written by the lligli School class. Cor. MRS. R. F. HARPER Mrs. J. P. Jlhea, 1 ICS Maple St., returned Sunday evening from Portland, where she had been for two weeks, during tl. ,nlm--s. and obseijuies of I.. ,!.-ing!il i, the late Mrs. It. i . Harper. Mrs. Harper was burn in I'ai gem- twenty five yean nan, and had lived in the WiII imh lie b y until four years :iw. ,, ,,, becnine the wife of l!. I . Ilirper of Portland, w ho is an i mplovei of the Porlbind (bis Coke "c, liesides her husband ami par cnls, Mrs. Harper leae, thre brolhers, W. It. ('.my and W. Cray, both of McMmin ill' . Or. Frank (irav, of Albinv, and a si. ler, Mrs. I. Imcr C. (lib-,. ,,f p,,,i bind. The funeral services une held from the J. P. I'inh v Son ( (1 delinking Parlors, Portland, l i b. '20. inlei nienl lieilllf in tin ! , , i r ie ( i ineterv. For .sale: Si Vi ral hundred pounds recleaiied cbn.i need Phone lt'J 5. (bo hi.-rsdorf, Cornelius, Ore, It. I. ."( ,V2 j NOTICE TO CREDITORS I In th County Court of the State of l Orovun for Washington Countv. In the Mutter of the Kfttatu of Katie i.nndiuii-r, deceu icd. Xotjec is hen-hy fivi-n that the un dei "iiu il hai been (July uppointed hy i llie aixive entitled Com t, as Adminis ' trutor of the estate, of defeased, nnd 1 has duly ipjalihed as Pui-h; ii. ... 1 1 I, . , isu, uieieioie, an perxonx navinj; I eiainis :i;aiiisl cam ntate are hcriliv , notifieij and re'jUHid to present the jiaino, toiithcr with nroner vouchers therefor, to the unricrsiirned at tlie jaw ollieea of Hare, MeAlear Si Peter, in the American National liank Iiuild irix, in JtillHlxito, OrcKon, within nix months from the date hereof. Dated thin 2'Jth day of January, 1920. Paul I.andau:r, AdmiiiiHtrator of said estate. Hare, McAlcar A Peters, Attorneys for Administrator. List Your Farms With iiw If you want to tell. We have calls every day from men who wis!, to buy Wib inton Couuty Farm Property. Hardly a day paisen thtt we do not answer inqulrln. We Insure We carry Home of the bett companies handling fire Insur ance. A. England Main Street Get Goodyear Tire Economy for That Small Car ii Just as owners of the highest-priced auto mobiles get greater mileage and economy out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear advantages. The 30x3-, 30x3V&-, and 31x4-inch sires of Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money's worth in performance and satisfaction which only the utmost in experience, resources and care can produce. This extraordinary money's worth begins not only with the merit of these tires, but also with the first cost, which in most cuses is: no greater and sometimes actually is less, than that of other makes of the same types of tires. Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dart,Maxwell,or other car., takin j these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time. 30 x 3Vi Goodyear Double-Cure Fahrir, All-Weather Trend 303Vi Goodyear Single-Cure Fabric, Antt-Sk Id Tnad Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tultes are thick, Mron! tubes t'ut reinforce casings properly. Why rislt a good ca inn wiih a cheap tube; (.loodyc.ir Heavy tourist lubes cost Mile mo. than fubti ot li'sn merit. 30xJ'i c.e in w-tr- proof bag 2022 s in wUr- $W j NOTICE OF FINAL .SETTLEMENT : In the County Court of th State of ! Oregon for V asliinnton County. ; In the Matter of the Estate of 1'etei , Feferwn, diseased. I Notice i herehy given tliat the un- di-r.-igned Executor of the last will i and ti-Htarnent of aaid dcceJi iit, has miij in the above entitled Court and cau.ic, hi final account and renort at hulIi executor and the said court ha iixi-d and uppointed t lie nd day of March, l'J2i), at the hour of lu o'clix-k A M ot faid day, and the Court room of the above, enti.tled court in Hill buro, Oregon, ag the time and place for, hearing objections to said final account and for the tinal settlement of haul vritate. Dated this I'Jth day of February, J'.fJO. Chrifitoul.er iiokelnian. Executor of the la.t Will and Tes tament of Peter Petersen, deceased. Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorneys for Executor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under signed has lm by the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, dul appointed executor of" the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Juatina Casmier, deceased, and has duly qual ified as such executor. All peir-ons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the Bame to me with proper vouchers' at my resilience at Cooper ; aiountain, near iieaverton, Oregon, . or at the law otlice of M. B. Rump j and L. I. Bump, in Hillaboro, Wash- j ington County, Oregon, within six : montht from date hereof. ! Jiatetl at Hillsboro, Oregon, this : February 12, 1920. ! Julius Gasaner, Executor of the Last Will and Test- anient and Estate of Justina Gasaner. i deceased. ; XL B. Bump & V. D. Bump, Attor neys for the Estate. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL I PROPERTY In tha Circuit Court of the State of i Oregon for Multnomah Countv. : In the Matter of the Estate of Chris- j tina Peters, Deceased. j Notice is hereby given that in pur- ! suance of an order of the Circuit I Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, made the 10th day of February, 1920, m the matter of the estate of Christina Peters, de ceased, the undersigned, as adminis trator of said estate, will sell at pri vate sale to the highest bidder for cash, Gold Coin of the United States of America, or for part cash and the balance on terms, on or after Thurs day, the 11th day of March, 1920, all of the right, title, interest and estate of the said Christina Peters, deceased, Best Fire Insurance John Vanderwal London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company Office phone, 931; res. phone 203 Donelson & Bell UNDERTAKERS Phone 951 Calls attended illicit, or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hillsboro Oregon The Home of Good Things When you want a cosy, com fortable place where you can get a hot drink, a lunch, candies, ice cream, call at The WIGWAM Cigars and Tobaccos We are agents for the Ore gon Journal. hail est the time of her death, and all of the right, title and interest that the said estate has hy operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to that of said deceased had at the time of her death in and to all of that certain property situate and lying in Washington County, Oregon, and particularly described, us follows: Lois One (1) and Two (2) and the West half of Lot Three C,',), in Ulock Forty ( 0), in Cornelius, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. And such sale of said property to b subject to continuation by said Court, the terms and conditions o: said sale in cash, Gold Coin of the United States of America, or part ca-ih and balance on time. And it sold on time to be secured by ;. mort gage on real property sold. Lids or offers may be made at anj time after the first publication of thik notice and before the making of said sale. All bids must be in writing and addressed to the undersigned, and left at 811 Spalding Uldg., Portland, Ore gon. Date of first publication February 12, 1!20. Date of la.st publication March 11, 120. John M. Peters, Administrator of the F.state of Christina Peters, Deceased. ADMiWlbiKAlGR'S NOtlCfc 1 0 CivcLU 1 UKb Notice is hereby given that the under jigntd was on me Uth Uuy ol ieoru aiy, i'Ji), by the County Lourt ot a-ifiinglon county, Uieyon, uuiy ap pointed admiiiiatraior ot me estate oi Chas. Hull, deceased. .Now, tiierelore, ail persons having claims, aguiLal sum estate aio Hereby required to pi went the Suliie to tnt undersigned at tne law oihco of John il. Waii, at HUleOoro, Oregon, witiiii, ix mouths: from tne date hereof. Dated tins 12th day ol February, A. D. mu. Julius Hendrkkaon, . Administrator of the Estate of Chas. Hall, deceased. John M. Wail, Attorney for Estate. ADMIWiS iKATOR'S NOTICE Tu CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed was on inc lUth day Oi itbru ary, la2u, by the County Court oi aahingtou County, Oregon, duly ap pointed txecutiu and exevutwis ol tne last will and testament of Chas. A. iianley, deceased. Now, therei ore, all persons having claims againit said estate, are hereb) retjuued to present the same to the undersigned at the la.v oitice of John 41. Wall, at UUIsUno, Oregou, within su months from the date hereof. Dated tins 12th day ol February, A. D. ly2o. Llizabcth liardey, Francis F . Iianley, Albert E. Hardey, Executrix and Executors of the Es tate of Chas. A. iianley, deceased. John M. Wall, Attorney for Estate. of laid day, aell at public auction to the highest bidder for canh tu hand, all of tiie following described rmU property, lying, being and situate in Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is 6SI. 18 feet west of the southeast coiner of the Isaac Lutlcr Donation Land Claim, and 20 feet Noith of the South lioundary of said claim, the ice Nonh 0 degrees VJ minutes West 2.s-',..0 feet, more or less, to an internet titm uiili a line 00 feet Southerly from nn.is- uieu ai right angles to the center line of the Oregon Electric Itailroml ijn. pany's tract, tlitmce South tij degreeg h.j minutes v.tux along a lino panillel with and bU feet southerly from measured at right angles to thu cen ter line of the aforesaid railroad track 27.ii4 f.jet, more or less, to the West boundary nf a eal.i ni I owned by the Oregon Electric itail- roau company, thence along suid West boundarv of th (Ir-einm l- i...,.' trie Itaiiroad Company trai ts South u uegrees i,i minutes Last 104.11 feet to a uoint M ft txjundary of the Isaac llutler Donu- uoii i.anu Claim, inence West atil.ln fe:t. more or les. in t!i tilum nf 1,. ginning, containing 1 i-j acres, the aaiu lanu oeing situate in tne South east quarter of Section ;;,",. Township 1 North of Kange 2 West of the VV il- lameue aieriuian, all situate in the County of Washington, and State of Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the cost and ex penses of sale and of said writ. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as per statute of Oregon. Dated at HUlsboro, Oregon, this 2ith day of January, 11)20. Geo. Alexander, Sheriff of Washington County, Or egon. By W. W. Downs, Deputy. H. B. Adams, Chamber of Com merce Building, Portland, Ore., At torney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE-MENT SUMMONS In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. Thos. O. Cladding Seisus Fiances II. Cladding. To f iances M7 Cladding, the above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby iei;uired to appear you are hereby retired to appear and answer in the aboie entitled court and cause on or before the 1st day of March, 1320. said date being six weeks after the lirst publication of this suuunons, the date of the brst publication thereof being January 15, 1920; and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: For a dis solution of the marriage and mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the court may appear just and equitable in tne premises. Ihis summons is served upon vou by publication by order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge ef the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Washington, which said order was made, dated and entered on Jan uary 14, 1920. The date of the first publication of this summons is Janu ary 15, 1920, and the date of the last publication is i ebrtiary 26, 1920. uson T. fclume, Attorney for Plaintiff, post office address, 426 Failing Building, Port land, Oregon. Dated this 15th day of January, 1920 SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution, order and decree of sale, issued out of and undjr the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washing ton, dated the 2tith day of January, 1920, in favor of Claud II. Sheeley, plaintiff, and against John Schultz and Charles W. Wiegel, defendants, for the sum of $23.50 cost and the further sum of $150.60 with interest thereon from the 24th day of Janu ary, 1920, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $22.31 taxes, with interest thereon from the 24th day of January, 1920, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $75 attor ney fees, with interest thereon from the 24th day of January, 1920, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make sale of the real property hereinafter described, I have levied upon and pursuant to said execution, order and decree of sale, I will, on Monday, the 1st day of March, 1920, at the South door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Washington County, Or egon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the Matter of the Estate of Menzo A Olden, deceased . Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, has filed in the above entitled court and cause, his tinal account and report as such Executor, and the court has fix ed and appointed the 28th day of February, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and the court room of the above entitled court in I'llsboro, Oregon, as the time and place for hearintr objections to sni.i final account and for the final :v:tt! -ment of said estate. Dated this 29th day of January, 1920. ' John R. Olden, Executor of said Estate. Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorneys for Executor. SUMMONS la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. William Rogers, Plaintiff, vs. Geo. T. Kelso and Kel.-o, his wife, A. II. Tanner ai.d Tanner, his wife; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, I 'efondants. To Geo. T. Kelso and Kelso, his wife (her given nam;; unknown), also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint filed here in. r in the name of the Sta'e of Oregon; You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear in the above enti tled court and cause and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 4th day of March, 1920, said date be ing after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, the first publication thereof being Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 1920, and set up by way of answer any claim you or each of you have in or to the real property herein described, and you and each of you will please take notice that if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree adjudging plaintiff to be the owner in fee sim ile and in the actual possession of all (f the following described real prop erty situate m Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 10 of the City of Cornelius, County bf Wash ington, State of Oregon, according to the plat of said city as recorded on the county records. And that you and each of you be forever barred laid precluded from claiming or attempting to claim or inserting any interest in or right to t aid premises or any part thereof ad verse to the title of the plaintiff therein, and that the title of the plaintiff in and to said real property e forever quieted a.. ai'ainst any ilaim of interest, righi. or title there in on the part of either of you. This summons is served upon yo .i ly publication thereof in the Hillshc to Argus pursuant to and by virtu : ef an order of the Hon. Geo. R. Bag ley, judge, of the above named court, nude anil dated the 17th day of Jan uary, 1920, which order requires tha you appear and answer eaid com plaint on or before the said 4t.h dav of March, 1920. John M. Wall, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence Address, Hillsboro, Ore gon. WINTER Is the best time of the year to do inside repairing, re modeling rooms to suit present conditions and rarious other little jobs which you will be too busy to do wbrn Spring comes. Remember, we hava a complete stock of Eve rytblng in BuiVing Materials. R. L. TUCKER The Wig warn L BES5MER, Prop. Phone 841 Main St. & P. R. & N. Tracks, Hillsboro, Ore.