THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County Official Paper L. A. Long, Editor. Kntered at the Post Office at Hillsboro, Oregon, as second class mail matter. WEDDED SIXTY YEARS Mr. mid Mrs. Peter Boscow held open house Feb. 19, 1920, the oc casion Wing their sixtieth wed ding anniversary, A groat num ber of friends attended the home a n d light refreshments were served. This lovable couple were Subscription, $1.50 per annum. j Issued every Thursday by Mrs. F.. C. McKinney and L. A. Long.! It is hoped there v ill be no one ; in opposition (o Wm. C Hare .should he run in the primaries for, Nate Senator. He has done splen did work in the House and he will oiitinii." it in the Senate. It i iaeu of Mr. Hare's calibre who will keep the paving trusts at l ay, and as Oregon is mi a cam paign of highway improvement we need such Men as Mr. Hare in the Senate at Salem in order that the state may not be robbed in broad daylight. MEMORIAL vf ,M I ; Sv.s I V t -? I w The memorial services Sunday for the soldier dead and the pre sentation of French certificates was largely attended. Mrs. Peter Poscow , lride CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness during the illness, death and obsequies of the late son and brother, Kdwin I.erov Crawford, and return especial thanks for the beautiful floral tributes. -Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crawford and Family. Hillsboro, Feb. 25, 1!20. giwn heartfelt congratulations and wishes for many returns of the day. Last evening the Masonic and Eastern Star orders gave them a reception at the Masonic Hall, and a regular wedding followed. CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our .sincere thanks to those who so kiiullv tendered aid and sympathy in our bereavement, the death am! oh sequies of our father, the late M. C. Lincoln. F.lbert J. Lincoln, Geo. Clyde Lincoln, Mrs. Winnie Berry, Trella Lincoln. Watch for the dates of Mrs. Stockton's Spring opening of mil linery. Lawrence Taggart has just re turned from service in the U. S Navy. He recently left the Fiume territory, where he was on the U. S. Ship Pittsburgh. Wm. Steele, of Seholls, who lost liis 9 months old infant in a fire which consumed his house Feb. 17, was in the city this morn ing. Mr. Steele wishes to thank their friends for the many kind nesses and aid given them in their misfortune. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Washington In the Matter of the Estate of Klinabcth Urech. deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Elisabeth Freeh, de ceased, has tiled in the above en titled Court, his final account as administrator of said estate, and that said court has appointed and fixed the 2!th day ,of March, l!20, at the hour of J :,H0 A. M, of said day in the Court room of said Court in the County Court house in Hillsboro, Washington Coenty, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof 4 j Hate of first publication. Feb 'I ruary -, U20. ! O. It. Freeh, j Administrator of the I'.state of; Elizabeth Freeh, deceased. IS. A. lmlav and Samuel 11.; Lawrence, attorneys for minimis trator. MRS. ETHEL SIPP Mrs. Ethel Sipp, w fif of A. I.. Sipp, died Feb. 24, I '.120, at the home above Mountaindalc. The funeral took place Fehy. 25, in termeut being in the Arcade cent etery. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis May, ami i survived by her husband, two sons, Samuel and Clifford: ami four daughters, Mildred, Viola. Dorothy and Doris. U. F. Harper, of Portland, was, in the city Monday. Oliver Rowray, of below Hon verton, was In the city yesterday. Jacob Oelingor, of below Beav erton, made his annual call on the Argus oilier Monday. Spring opening millinery date, Mrs, Stockton's, to be announced soon. Wntch for it. Judge Bagley spent the last of the week hearing the Hawley di vorce ease at Oregon City. For sale: ISU7 Ford, good condition; good rubber; new top. -F. H. Jossv, Banks, R. 8; Tel. N. Plains HF2. 51-3 Monday following the 22nd was a legal holiday ami the banks and court house were closed all day, as welf as tin" post office a part of the time. Slahwood for Sab- l our foot, $.1.25 per cord; li! inch, if t.25 per liuiicka, 2181 or (I B2 cord.--Alexander v Hillsboro. Telephone ! 12. There will be a program and pie social at the Johnson school house at 7:30 P. M Feb. 28. South Tualatin Ladies' Quartette ami special music, together with a farce "Hohson's Choice." Ev erybody come and bring pies. The Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Dickey. No, ISSJI Fir St., Wednesday aftenmon, March a, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Deck will have charge of the urogram. Ladies', Misses' and children's moderately priced spring and summer hats nt the Handy Varie Ir Store, next door to Post Otliee. big assortment. Shop early, fl I !l Mrs. IS. L. Tucker lias returned f.-om Beaverlon, where she at t mini the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Peck, who lias been quite ill Montgomery Turner, of Banks .s in the city yesterday, and called on the home paper. W. I Moore, of the Washing I n County bank, wns down to the city Monday, greeting friends -i . .. . Peter Boscow, Groom W. W. Boscow, their son, gave the bride to the father, and Rev. Deck performed the ceremony. There were about eighty people present and the function was one of the most enjoyable for years. The Argus joins all in congratulations. Christian Church Services Bible School at 10 o'clock a. m. ; preaching at 11, by Elder C. A. Sias, of Forest Grove. Young People's meeting at 6:30 in the evening. Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Mrs. John M. Miller, of Corne lius, for j ears in the hotel busi iess. men eeenlly. .-e l'H"s a daughter, Mrs. Cellars, tf Mo Minniille, .ml a step son. Jam-, Miller. For many years her bus band conducted the Cornelius ho tel, just south of the S. P. depot Mary D. I.itherland, w e 1 I known at West Union, is eonval escing from an operation for ap pendicitis by Dr. Holden, at the Portland Sanitarium. The patient was in a critical condition for several days, but is now getting along nicely. Before you decide on the make of car you are figuring on buying this coming season, it will be to your advantage to look over the "American Beauty." The Pan American can be found on exhib ition at my display room. D. Corwin. 49-51 Frank Ritchie was out from Portland Sunday, attending the Memorial services at the Metho dist Church, receiving the Honor Certificate for his brother, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrow, of Oak Park, were city callers Saturday. LiHle lCi will lell iioil eod week how to furnish jour homG yropGnv J. T. Crews, of beyond Laurel, was a city visitor yesterday. Go to the old, reliable place to buv tour garden seeds. Oreer, Powers & Co. 61tf Theodore Bernards, of Ver boort, was a city caller yesterday morning, Mrs. A. T. Smith, of Portland. Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Iinhrle, this week. Lost: llerkshirr brood sow, li years old; black with white in forehead. Thco, Bernards, For est Grove, R. 2; Vcrboort. 818 UIJS. I -.1' Mrs, D, P. Patterson and her two daughters, of Dallas, are In the city, guests of Mrs, Patter son's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter llocow. The visitors came to help celebrate the sixtieth wrd ding anniversary of their host ami llOstSNO, J. S. Culbertson, who recently purchased the Inglish place, near Manning, was a Hillsboro call r the last of the week. Garden time Is coming soon and Grerr, Powers Ac Co. Is tl place to get garden seeds. 61 f R.I. -J L . ... ." -!' " don't ship your furs 1 1 k I 1 unless the bundle is tagged to'Shubcrf The Ilioltes! Prices Ever Known Thai's What You'H Gel from SIIUWERTM WE WANT 'r.M NOW-AKO WILL TAY TCE PRICE Hi CET 'EW Dear Friends: In our "Little House Keeper" you recognize MARY JANE who is BUSTER BROWN'S ittle sister as she appears in the big newspapers. She will be in this paper each week for a long time and advertise our furniture store. Advertising is merely telling you WHQ we are, WHERE we are, WHAT we have to of fer and what we ask for it, and WHEN we have it. It is the easiest way for us to tell you about our business a thing you all desire to know. We know you will read what "Little House Keeper" has to say. Respectfully yours, minTk -.n. Da-k 1 30.-; :o 2S.ce :flrii?i- fi isooioL'M lo.ooto .: lo.ooto e.w Uual Color 2U.(aJluli).h) UlaiittUvO 10.00 It H jO 100 to 61) 8001a S.00 Coatt J iSOO to 12 1G 1 1I.C1 to 9 Of' fc.OOH 7 00 1 tPOta S-tl t.001o 400 MUSKRAT Spring I 8.00 ta W fl:ii"io 5i0 5.00to 3.751 30 lo 2.7.1 J 00 to 2.00 Wmtef 6.50 to MO S.00 10 400 1 150 to 2.7S f 2J10to 1.71 1 2iflto ISO S K.U N IC iiUck j IS M to 12.05 IDWto 9 50" 923 la t& 8P0lo 11) 7.00 U Ut Short lO.uOta D.00 .Slj 7.S0 7-15 to i: tSOto 5iJ t.00 to 100 Narrow S.00 to 7.CJ OtoS.00 Si0toS.f3 4.7S to 4ii 4.50 to 200 Broad 500 to 4.r 3.7 to 3..'5 1M to 2-rJ 2J5lo !.?' 2 ?S la 125 . 1 mm. I I I li li III I II III I II 1 TluHe extremely high pries for Orcein Kur are bawd on the well, known ' bhUiiLUl'' hbnal Riatling mul arc quoted lor Immediate ihlp mrnt No. 3, No. 4 tnd otherwisa inferior tUtn t highest maiket value. Ship your Fur now when w Wint 'enu You'll get "mort money" and get it "quicker" too. "SIIUBERT RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPV SHIP TODAY AND " KEEP 'EM COMING FAST 8Mi( aii wim runs direct to A.B. S HUBERT" AMERICAN RAW FURS 15-27 W.Austin Ave. DcptwtfChkaijo. U.S.A. LIBERTY THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY-this week mmm ll i'- - f J ll 1 "l .Willi a Mr 'f ' ' l ams " BIG DOUBLE STAR BILL Fatty FATTY 'ARBUOCLE A'Deserefdf ARBUCEOI IN I ! vi ,. 1 11 a l "- V I If "A Desert Hero,J AND arguerite M Clark IN " I CI 99 s ciope NO RAISE IN PRICES MARGUERITE CLARK 1eti Elope Matinee Saturday LIBERTY THEATRE Monday and Tuesday March 1 and 2 SPECIAL PRODUCTION A 7 REEL PICTURIZATION OF EDGAR RICE BOURROUCH'S FAMOUS BOOK. 66 Of the Aroew 7 BIG REELS ALSO News Weekly Mutt and Jeff Comedy BARGAIN PRICES FOR THIS .BIG SPECIAL ADULTS, 25c; CHILDREN, UNDER 14 YEARS, 10c TRICES PLUS WAR TAX.