fff F IT48 y - ,Lgg H JnilLLS VOL. XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, FEBRUARY 19, 1920. No. 50. 1 I BR IHREE PASS AWAY IN ONE f Boyd Kenyon Long, ilia Wifu mid Their Infant Child, a Son ALL GO WITHIN ONE WEEK lluahand Wat Son of Mr. and Mrs. L A. Long, of llillilmro Dili' of I lir- hinl til nil full, in in: llltilllil ll( lllUlMll.lt U.'IH Hi. ill lllll III! Mi l l of lu, K In nn I. oil).', Ill Mid-, (ilmlvs, nihl lli,,, tllf.'tlll unit, Imrn I i I, i H an ( Till" lllllll IIIH('li Ultlllll MM . Ill nftir hirlli, mid I lit- nuiilirr f.il Ittwrd Iriilny iiiuriiinx, ul 1,,'Ki 1'rli. 13, I In fntlii r pnnin ut M:XU Saturday rvfiitn, I Yi. I I nt hit liuiiii' on I'.tiNt S.ilinitii .sirr. HoVil LoilK ni tin rlili tt mm of Mr. nml Mr., I.. A. I.llll, of IlilUlinru. Jlr hh Imrn nl Mil lni, Vnh., in Mnrrli, I!''.'. . N l-lllll'nil'll ill till' llllMmr, krtionl, nnri rrnl Ihrrr Mar ii I., ii 111 I in li V , 1 nl ri'Kiiiirnl I'. S Army ninl urn Milium, I f,n n rimililrrilili- llmr nl I loin, lulu Afdr In in inil-lr ri',1 mil uf tin n-rviir In 111111111 ilin ,i r.itl road Irnin trrtit-r nm wli.ii ulrirkrn Imd hrrli t nrkinK foi nrarly two yrnr fur tin- Siutln-rt. Pacific Company in I'urtUiul 11, a nirntlirr of (lir Tr n in in, i, mul I lir ilmilili' f 11 n- r n I uiii In-),' in rorlUiul, Tui'oilny nftrriiimn Krv, Sawyer ullii inlum lit tli UniiliitiK Mil'iiti c ( li,i., . Tin Ilrotlirrlinnd of Tr-iiliini ii lirld n ii-rvti-r nl Ihr ( li,iic- in tin- I'.irt land ('ri'iiintiiriiiiii. Mr. I.oiik n kiiI "."I iiiir nlul lirr mniili-ii lutnir mii (ili.lv Mi-Donnh Sin- i uriliiiiu il nl an rarly aur, nml reared h lirr (raniliarrlil, She l.au. t lirothrr, inn' of hum Joint veteran of the A. I". I ., ii hum in t lit rity from W.illfi Wiilli fominjr In n ( I nut tin- lift rite Mr. I oiiK luiil iiIh iii tin ii nn in valid, aiul lu r ltclilc.niin Ii nl itrvruiril lirr litittmiul li 'i n ! lenderncKi, num. lint? out lii lifi to muh an rvlrnl Hint In- . it rrdit In Ilium If ami In tin- cum niiiliit ' in vv hu h Ik' In nl Hi"iilri hit ifirrnli. Mr. I Din. ii mm ivcd 1 v lo lirotln-ri ami two -.iilrri I -iiiitilil I'.. I. mil.' now nf Smttle; Clifford 1. I.Oinf at liomr ; Mr. nil V. W i lls, of New hrr-f . ninl Margaret l"liii,al liuiiii' lor Sale----Two cowi, I just fresh; three year old. I'lntnr 8H45.--H. II. Ilainni, live miles noutliM rat of I lilNhoro. 81 1'ivr acre of land for sale nl a bargain. 1. ("or will. ' 51 INDUSTRIAL REVIEW I'oitlnml will ., iuI , .-,ilo,)ll() ,, city hmIi r mhIii m 'i'jo, i 'il' in r.Mnn.il, , n- ill In ; "I'l'i-oxiiiKii, Iv ,tms:i,i;u ,' ( . ! "I'll-- no nn ui.'ul.il,!, f,,r U. ,.,, ; -tnirti.iii ,.f mail,, I ,,,.,(, , . ! inn, hi, fount,,., ,,f )r, K,1U ,Iir ! I'm tin- Vi nr IML'II, I'liin i ill,- ).i.li,,, n, r to voti- iiin ii (i mi . ,11110,1)01) IMl i,,llr In ruin,, ,. in,,. ,!,,,,, ,1,,,,, ,r i ft. I'iii'I l.iinl iroiii.f, .i'.'IOO.OOli no -in. nml I, m,,- f,,r sol. In r, ol nil u iir,- W mllnn- Unjt , In IhiiI.I ,v i I"" S.I, ,;, , ., Hi I tllll llr.u, It, ,l r.m.l In In I'uill iii M ullii, iiiiiiIi , ,,m,i , I'orlliiml Six mast vnlin, si liiioin r l imn linl. Wrst Cimst saamill, -.1 WriK Kot oiil. i, f,,r m't far,, , was :i!(l niMir llini tin sliii)ir,l nml li.nr l.'l.nl'.' i .ir, of until j, , rail ur,li r, mi 1 1 1 1 1- liouks. Coos li.iv an, I i,.,i ,.iHinill III! II tl sr of , .iyf I if mnli ( aim run s.i u mill n mm r .1 to Crnlil n-r in i k . Wi st roust Inmlii r mills liuok i il ::,. 1100,000 f, .-I in ,,r, I. rs last Mi i k. I, ss lliaii Ml p. r n nl of tin total Inisiin ss oil, ii ,. Alplin' milling u if ra t inns fin ilm ;ioo jifrsmis. I!, ml Nf u . 100,00(1 slr-nii, jiowi r plant is lifinif rnslnil. K I it in rt 1 ll I alls J . 1 1 1 1 1 1 t l Co. to crfi'l in h ) I ii 1 1 i 1 1 lt mill. Sm. in Hunt lir. is. In Imilil in 15, otltl nifkhi iluiil. Orinnn l.i n.riir i'l.iiTI cm r ii in - nl si liool fiiml,. 'i la rn X'nlli v ( aiiniiu Ciniippiiiv Innlilinif .f.'IA.OOO ml.li 1 ion. itosi Iniri- Itoulrts "o. iTrim rrv rlilirnrs il,int IV mil. Ion Hull, lint- pi rmil totaling .fd'.'.U'.'S issm-il. (ir.Hi, If Itoiiile (-els nrw .T'.'iO, (100 f nut pin king plant . Tolril.i ti loin- liii,' i lfflrif mill jmuiT plant ami rnilro.i.l i xliti ,inii. I nu'riif slnirn liotfl Iii mill t m o stories. I'l iiillfton I O. 1', tn i r, i l loillff Inline nml Inisillfss liuiiii Hfi ihpnit to Inn e lie s.i vi mill. I "ii u --in- Innl (irowfis' Asso Illation to half new Iniililinif. j Siilhi ilin I'lmlm ts Co. tn Imilil 10,000 nil.litinil In pri sfiit strue 1 lure. ! Ho, i, I liner Mnsier I' r u i I Uiroviirs ,soiiitinn slate thnt !, apple i rop for thi year ilmilileil that of la si vein-. Salmi - Koad work under eon Irnet in Oreijoii under siipervi siou of slate hiuliHav ilep.i it inetil fur years 1)I! nml l!1'-'" total . 17. !i-t7.ii0!l. Oli-d-nnl-i 1'ast-Ileal estate eon linties to he verv m live. 11,. M 1 JkVJ, air am mmaists MN-iZ.ii fee fi iic-ai .Clf" JoitiOUIl IV" , N7 T w w i- . s. mwJ fJ P F. K I Y '..'.a i v -r '- ww i ii ii wi avnfr,s club TO ACCUMULATE MONEY JR (f25Weekly ?ys -1L Asl $SO it XOO $2.50-2 $10002 THE PLAN For f.0 Weeks deposit weekly 25 eeiils, SO eenls, $1, If 2, $5, $10, $'.'0 (or more). No i-o.st to join. No dues. You do' not lose any part of w hat you deposit. THE PURPOSE At the. end of 80 Weeks you ran draw out $12.50. ,2fl, $30, $100, $250, $500, $1000 (or more) and have ,',ady money. Hut the pur,..,, of tint. Club is to R.ve vou a way to save money regularly, and let it neenmulnte for aome future use, such as eduealinx your children, buying a new home or ko'K business. In only 250 weeks, which will pass by rapidly, you M ill accumulate $f-.50, $125, $250, $500, $1250, $2500, $5000 or more. Deposit in our bank (hose little sums you waste and you will become independent. You can save- do il. Begin now. You will receive 8 per cent interest. .11 V Ikl I . - - l rmrm . . I J lw $SO it J $2 - xoo J $5 - $25022 i 1) -..t.. -5002 i ) "' " 1000" SHUTE SAVINGS BANK E Cedar Mill and Orenco Sec Soni and Daughter Wed UNIQUE NUPTIALS READ l-Kifiman and Rich Familie United St. Valentine's Eve One of the prellii sl and must de lightful Wiililnif-s ever held in this foinilv uas witnessed at H :80 n'floik on Ihe eve of St. Valen tine, l' h. Ill, l!i'J0, when Miss Alda Until Hu ll and Carl I . 1'k K i n i n and Miss I'.li aiior May I'-g--,'imaiiu and '1 ' 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 J. Itieh vi re united ill mnmai-e nl Iti tli any ll.iptist Chuifli. The service uas read by Rev, W in. (iraf in the preseiiee of n large iiuuilier of frifiidsaml relatives. The churi-h was In autifiilly decorated with fern and flutters, the color scheme liiing pink, white and ((reeii. I're e riling the crrrmonv Mrs. Si Inoi iter, of Portland, sang "I I.ove Vou Truly." At the strains of Me lull Issohn's wed ding march Ihe grooms ami at I -1 1 1 1 ,-t 1 1 1 s entered, Tlleophil Rich bring :il I 1 1 , 1 1 -, I by his brothers. Mark and IVavid, ami Carl Kggi iiimiii by his lirollur, lifii Crom and Otto Siliult.. Then down the aisle came the bridesmaids. Miss Christ.-t Wenger, of Salem, for Miss Rich, ami Miss Sclm.i Seliull, for Miss I'. L-tf i ii in ii n . Af ler them came Miss I.ut lla Ilar m It, of Salem, maid of honor for Miss Rich, followed by Miss Rich on Ihe a nn of her father. Next came Miss Lilly Sehuiike, of Portland, maid of honor for Miss I iri'iiuiiuu, followed by Miss F.g i i 1 1 1 1 1 it , arr ompauie d by her f.i ther- Roth brides were beautiful in while channelise, wearing veils nml carrying bouipicts of white carnations and lilies of the valley. Miss Rich's attendants wore pink eicmr d' liieteor, uilh liouipiels of pink radiations, tthile the attend mils of Miss F.ggiman's wore blur ereine d' meteor and curried yel low spring llowers. Thcophil and Alda Rich arc son and daughter of Mr. ami Mrs C. Rich, of Oreeo, and Carl and I'lennor I'.ggimauu are sou and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An drew F.ggiinann, of Ret haiiy. All four t oiing people are deservedly popular in the county and hove r host of friends tvho wish them much happiness. After the ceremony the bridal couples were domiciled ill quaint little green house tempor arilv constructed of fir and crd.n boughs, from which th V received the fnum'tilulatinns anil good wishes of their friends. It was from this pretty lillle bower bungalow that Ihe brieds, later in the evening, served the wcddiii" cake. A bountiful wedding feast was served the many guests, and during the evening Ihe llclhany male quartet rendered two splen did numbers. Manv beautiful and useful gifts were received by both con pies. After an extended lionet moon. Mr. and Mrs. F.ggiinann and Mr. and Mrs. Rich will be nl home to their friends in Relhany. AUCTION SALE By order of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, 1 will sell at public sale at the lati John Reichen place, back of tin old West Union church, about 7 miles N. E. of IlilKboro. at 1 p in., on TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Team work horses, 6 cows giving milk three of them Brown bwiss; one bin I cow: 2 heifer calves; lot of White Leghorn chickens, 10 stands of bees, 6 irutnea fowls, one manure sinetuler farm wagon, hack, Garden City sleel plow, tooth-harrow, disc harrow, seed drill, hayrack, huyruke, spray pump stump jack, mower, some tools anil other things too numerous to mention Terms of sale All sums undei $20, cah; all sums over $20. oi approved bankable, note, for ( months at 8 per cent, interest Two per cent, oil' for cash over $20. CHRISTIAN HLICIII'.N, Administrator of the Estate John Reichen, Deceased. J. 0. Kitratli, Auctioneer. of Overland truck for sale nt a bargain. D. Corwin. V.. J. Brocks, of Iowa Hill, was city caller Friday. (ieo. I'urdy, of Oak l'ark, was a city caller yesterday. Dr. J. 1'. Taruicsic, of Portland, wag out the first of the week. Gustave Rueckcr, of Blooming, has moved to the city to reside for few weeks. I). A. Otto, of Bald Mountain, above l.anrel, Was a city visitor Ihe last of the Week. M. C. Hewitt, the contractor,. has hern moving mum: buildings up in the (iaston country. Mrs. M. Sauer, of Portland, Has out the last of tin: week, vis iting friends north of the city. K. L. Mains, of ( In hull in Mountain, near Laurel, ttas a city caller Wednesday afternoon. For sale: Several hundred pounds rccleaned elovrr .seed. Phone aR25.- (ieo. Bu rsdorf. Cornelius, Ore., R. 1. 50-52 The Washington Hnlel is mak ing some improvements in Hie dining room which lends to its attractiveness. Marriage licenses were granted the past tfeck to Harris and Ma rii: Bouligt; Eric W. Brown and Marie Crosby, D. L. Smith, of above Banks, was in town Saturday, greeting friends and transacting business with the county court. Registered Jersey bull, 1-1 mouths old, tine type and con formation. Rage Patton, Ilills horo, R. 1 ; Mason Hill. 48 50 (ieo. R. Zimmerman, of above North Plains, came in from the Wallace settle inc nt yesterday on business at the court house. Fred (illlfette ami Eta Nor- luautliu, of I'orest Grote, Ore., were united in marriage l i b- I t. l!20, Rev. J. AI. Barber orliiia- tmg. W anted The address of Amy R. llaudley. Last In an! from on Route 2, Hillshoro. - Geo. R. An .lrcfv s, Public Administrator, Fresno, California. t"-50 Loganberry tips for planting. line and healthy. Any quantity. -(ieo. I'urdy, Ilillshoio, R. 4. l'a miles test of town, on Base line Road. , 50 52 Married: At Sherwood, Feb. 17, IS'20, W in. R. Ca-dile, of Ore gon City, and Mildred Helen Pi zer, Miles J. Haines, City Record er, officiating. For Sale- Registered Holstein hull calf, (i weeks old Feb. 1 .- Fred Grosstn, Hillshoro, R. 1. Box 150. Telephone, llillsboro. 34R4. 4S-50 Albert G. Miller, of Los Ange i, and Mavbelle Miller, of this county, were united in marriage Feb. 17, l!20, Judge J. W. Good in otlicialing. C. F. Grabcl, of M i n t e r Bridge, was a city visitor yester day. Mr. Grabcl has been ap pointed to register voters in the new precinct named after him. Perkins National Herbs art highly recommended by users for blood, liver and kidneys 200 pills, $1.25, plus war tax, 5 cents. Postage paitl. W. L. Stevens, Laurel, Ore. . 47-tf E. II. Deery, who formerly con ducted a meat market at 4(!2 Jef ferson St., Portland, has located it 1ST, Third St., and invites his Washington County friends to ship him their meats of all kinds. Treatment of past twenty years continued at new location. 50 Will L FOR SOLDIER DEAD be Held at M. E. ChurchJ Sunday, Feby. 22 FRENCH GOVT. HONORS Hillaboro Post, American Legion Prepar-a Program . I have the E. C. DeWitl ci Co c line, of proprietary medicines This line needs no recouimeuda lion afler being used once. Wi carry the following -in slock postage prepaid- DcWill's I.a.x ative Cold Tablets; DeWilfi Cough Syrup; DcWitt's Dyspi p sia tablets; DcWitt's Kidney tab lets; DcWitt's Little Early Risers Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. W. L. Stevens, Laurel. 47-tf PUBLIC SALE Having sold my farm, the under signed will sell ut public auction, on his farm, llj miles north of old Centerville, on a part of the Schelt'lin farm, at 10 a. m., on MONDAY. MARCH 1 Team of horses, 7 years old, weight 2000 lbs; 8 grade Guernsey and tlul stein cows, in good flesh and giving full flow of milk; calf; 2 ho 100 lbs each; 3-inch wide tire wnon, new, with bed ; farm truck, new l ui y with pole and shafts; MeCormi, k mower; 2 walking plows, hay raik, spring tooth harrow, spike-tooth ha row, 2 horse coin cultivator, 900-lTi . apacity Simplex cream separator, 1 ul-bearing grindstone, 200 ft cable mil blocks, betw een 200 and 800 bii: hels white seed oats, new kitchen rai e, heater washing machine, Esta oi r.ui, roll-top il.-sk, soma household fmi.iture and all small tools to be found on a well regulated farm. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms of Sale: $20 and under cash. On sums over $20 a credit of 7 months will be given with 8 per cent, interest and approved security. No property to be re moved until terms of sale are complied with. Ernest Wiebohl, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Sunday, February 22nd, 2:80 P. M., will witness Memorial Ser vices in the Methodist Episcopal Church at Hillshoro, for the pur pose of presenting the French Government Memorial Certificate to the next of kin of those who made the supreme sacrifice dur ing the World War. The Hillshoro Post has ar ranged a suitable program for the occasion to w hi'-h the public Is cordially invited. Seats will be reserved for the immediate fami lies of all those men arid women to be honored. PROGRAM America Audience. Invocation Rev, Walter Skip worth. "France in Rattle Flame," Ed win Mark haui -MissTinah Bech- en. Song of Liberty, Mrs. II. II. A Reach W'omaiis' Choral Society. Opening remarks Earl L. Hotibs, Commander, Hillshoro Post No. 0. Address Hon. E. B. Tongue. Solo, "The Americans Come," Fay Foster Mr. Paul Petri, Lil lian Jeffreys Petri, Accompanist. Presentation Address C. Hen ri Labbe, Consular Agent of the French Republic. LaMarsellaise, Rouget de Lisle Woinans' Choral Society. "Star Spangled Banner," Fran cis Scott Kev Audience. Benediction Ret. J. T. Cos telhie. The List List of men who died in the Service during the World War and who will be honored Feb. 22 by the presentation of the French Government Memorial Certificate to the next of kin : Homer O. Akin, Beaverton, Or. Russell Earnest Carter, Hills horo. Ore., Co. M, 18th Inf., 1st Div., wounded in action at Cha teau Thierry, and died of wounds in A. R. C. Hospital, Nieully, France. August 2nd, 1918. Fa ther, George Carter, Hillshoro. Ore. Robert Christensen. Chester Carroll Gates, Hillsho ro, Ore-.Co. G, !8Ui Inf., 1st Div... died of wounds, June 12th, 1918, received at Cantigny France. Fa ther, O. B. Gates, Hillshoro. Millard Miles Gates, Hillshoro, Ore., Co. F, 18th Inf., 1st Div., died of wounds, Nov. 17, 1918, received at Chateau Thierry and Soissons, France. Father, O. R. Gates, llillsboro, Or. William Gottleib, United States Marine Corps, Aug. 12th, 1918 at Mare Island Hospital, of tuber 'ulosis. Mother. Mrs. Anna Gott eih. Hillshoro. R. 1. Claude M. Gray, llillsboro, Or.. Co. B, 28th Inf., 1st Div., killed at Soissons, France, July 18 1918. Father Wjjliain Gray, Hillshoro Kingsley Crandall Hendricks, Beaverton, Co. I, 161st Inf., died of pneumonia, I-'eb. 7, J 9 1 8, Base Hospital No. 9, France. Father, E. A. Hendricks, Beaverton, Ore. Herbert Johnson, Beaverton, Ore. Inia Inona Ledford, IlilUboro, Ore-, IT. S. Army nurse, died in France. Oct. 7th, 1918. Mother, Mrs. Mary Led ford, Ore. Victor H. O'Rourke. j Herman Robert Pfahl, Cornell-, us. Ore., to. U. tti Int.. died Off penuinonia at Whipple Barracks,' Arizona. Oct. 17, 1918. Father,, Carl Pfahl. Cornelius, Rt. 2. I Charles Robert Ritehey, Hills-1 horo. Ore.. Battery B, 147th F.j A., died of influenza in France, Jan- 29, 1918. Sister, Mary James, St. Mary's Institute, Bea vertoh. George Elmer ScHultheis, llillsboro, Ore., 118th Encrineers. died Nov. 30, 1918, at Verdun, France. Mother, Mrs. Bertha Schultheis, llillsboro, Ore. Edwin Smith. Donald James Sutherland, llillsboro. Ore., .United States Marine Corns, 4th Brigade. Fa ther. R. E. Sutherland, Hillshoro. Ore. Glen Swallev. Charles Lewis Walker. Hillsho ro. Ore., Co. B, 127th Inf., 82nd Div., killed in action at Gesues. France. Oct. 18th, 1918. Father, V. W. Walker. Hillshoro, Ore. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO, (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Corneliu and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot ihipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grab chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillshoro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thornburgh, President D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier. John E. Bailey, Vica President. H. E. yerrin, Assistant Cashier. W. "W. MeEldowney, Cashier. E. F. Burlingham, S. G. Hughe. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. At Call of Comptroller, Nov. 17, 1919 RESOURCES $S52,72t.OO . 188,802.06 Loans U. S. Bonds. Other Bonds Banking House Other real estate Stock in Federal Reserve Baok C ;h and due from banks 102,097.26 19,987.28 1,850.00 2,350.00 24,606.07 Total $1,089,118.67 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus Circulation Deposits $28,000.00 61,031.22 28,000.00 978,284.48 Total .$1,089,818.67 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK COUNTY IN WASHINGTON This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent with conservative management. Accounts of Individuals, firms and corporations respectfully solicited. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS Hillshoro, Kill the Scale Before It Kills Your Trees Spray in the early Spring, while the trees axe dormant, with Sherwin-Williams DRY LIME-SULFUR Standard I ime-Siilfur Solution in Dry Powdered Form It has all the good qualities of Liquid Lime Sulfur but eliminates the bad qualities. Use Dry Lime Sulfur in your orchard this year. It will save you time and money. Come into our store and get prices and descriptive literature. t The Delta Drug Store One of the soon in the Weils' store. oertitu-ates can show window he at Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOFFMAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street : Hillshoro, Oregon