The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 12, 1920, Image 1

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-J L
.. . ; it
No. 49.
I'iUJ LI 1.1. J
Henry Clark, Discharged Soldier,
Rubbed Can? Home Sunday Mylil
Vilrl Finally Tut Orw Over on
Clark' Miik and I lt Wni Good
Henry I I, irk, a ili'.elniri il . . 1 , 1 i , i
Imiliiitf frniii Curl liiinl, mill,, , id,
M r. Jiiie iliine ('nie liiMlse m
In si I lill ,lmri, SiiimIm nii'lil. iiu.l
n t niini il by I rank S hiIm I
(with l.tiliimlt Urni ) lifter n run
nhig Unlit "f block, lie n Mri
( nie relurueil limnr l.ile
ileluMK, alii mI tlinl llie lights
ui rr on in the limue nml ihn eiii
i il n until in llie front runin.
Slie nt oliee culled Mr. Witihrl.
u lio rnlied to llie i c ur of t lit
wird. Tin' IiiiiIit rutin' out niol
liirned ihiiV from lierr Wmhrl
vint, rrnihed through mime Him
iiliiyil I'riur, in i.le it nur (lie
fence, juinird into nnollier yitril.
nml tln-n iliniirnred. Wniliel
run to the nlrei-1 liiterei lion nnd
( lurk liiinlly emerged from tin
ilnrk rioi. Wnilnl tried to ntn
lurk, Imt llie tliief broke mul
run inward fir, with Wnihci1 after
liiui. Clark fell into n diteli mul
U'mliel fell lirliind lulu, Inil
he Winn en u m l t the fui
tie, nild for II w lull' it uni
i 1 1 and tuek" (o who huh oiu
to capture the other. Wniliel
threw the mnii, nml ( link turned
him. Wnihil finally K"' hil'i down
und railed for help. (lark 'wiid
l,r would ft" with him, hut u lien
Wttilirl ri leineil hi hold lie nnin
Marled to make his cieiipc. Wni
hel then threw the t Imp Mild a
minute Inter, pruned u short nrm
jsih lii the jaw, and (lark ua
hori dil I'oluhnt. (irniil l.iuuleii.
attracted ty the call, then arrived
.mil tin- Iwu held tin- prisoner nil
td Ir. I'. II. Smith t inn in his
ur lllld thev look the thief to the
Ills' disehiirxe papers were
found on his person, nnd tin- slier
ilT'll olliee relieved him of a Kohl
watch which helolied to the l.ile
M. ('. fuse, ni well n a fmuiUin
Clnrk hail heen ill the Sehuiell
.er'lioiue earlier in the i ieiimu.
nnd hnd tilled hit poekets with
Clnrk would nay iiolhin of his
aiitrrrdcnU, nor would he tell
from V henee he fame, rxeept to
admit thnt he fame out from
He is aged about iU veins.
His face enrrieil a nasty flit
reeeived from Wniliel. Operator
Jlntfcle assisted in huntinir tU
chap dou ii, nnd was watching th
eorin r, mnith wlnn (,uk ran in
to Wniliel,
. Overland truek for Mali; nt a
ImiK"'". I). Cui win.
!...('. lloelTel, of Wild, llniei,
was n eily lisilor Monday iiioiii
l"K' !. A. I'atterioti, Ihe furiiitiirr
dealrr, is eoiiv alesi ini; from a ur
i re ii I tu, k of the II, i
Will do I rotor plowing for
I" r acre, ii lephone, Seholli
I, Ifl J, Line !. II. ( line, Laurel,
il. I, Itox II, I. 47 pi
Miss Marion l.ylle departed
the Ii r il of Ihe week for Salem,
lor a fen weeks' isil with her
pan nis, Mr. niul Mrs. C. I'., l.ylle
I'll 1 1 ..I mil ii Virgil W'eekert, of
the State Highway, Washington
County ilistrnt, wni in tin: eily
Monday, on liiisiiiesH connected
w illi law violations,
.1. C. Hartley, i-.illed here from
M irs loll, U n., to attend the fit
in r il of his sou in law, Arnold
liln, h s, returned to Ilin Columbia
Ittver home the lust of the week
I or Sale Registered llolslein
hull enlf, II weeks old fell. I.--
I red (irosieii, 1 (dishorn, It. 1,
io 150. Telephone, I (dishorn.
:illt t. M 50
Arthur Knon, of (iaston, was
Xrei lin friends in the rily Mint
day ft, -i n, miii. Arthur had the
tlistinetion of Iiiimiik as many
oiis hi the serviee as any other
iiihii in the county.
Win. II. Hay, well known here
w In il a hoy, Imek in the MOs, was
one of those drawn on the I. H
V. juror panel at lloipiiam, last
week. , II. told fouilsel he hat1
alt "uuspeakiihle opinion" on I In
Centralis, tragedy, and of eoiirse
this disipinlilied him from sitting,'
on the jury. Hay runs a hotel it
I I j u i ft in .
I'.yes that need lasse arf
(25 entitled to pe eiali.ed ef
foils. That's why Dr. Thonip
devotes his entire time, thought
and i Units to l ye T'x iminnlion
and the making of Quality Class
es whieh are ground in one of tin
liest npiipped plants on the l'a
eilif Coast. Consult him ahoul
your rye elass needs next visit
Saturd'iV, I eh. 14. Washington
(lot. I. all day.
I I ViiiK h't'k. of hinton, was
up to the tily Monday afternoon
.1. .1. says that in places the fold
In. . oiiiire.l Winter uruin in ins
locality. ihinuiiiK il considerably
Mr. Vankletk and his sons, wflo
own the I'hfiinpinuship cow in the
Jersey senior yearling class, have
....lln-r heifer with her second
eaJf which is coming to the front
She made K7 pounds of butler fat
in her lirst month of milking this
. 23, 10 28
unveil many of the disiippoinl
merits tlicy experience wucu dis
carding tire which h'ue pused
nwiiv before their time.
Bitfgeit Show Floor Space in the
United SUtet
Truck Show lo be Held in Armo
ry Few Block Diatant
(if .A
mms cim
deVr i $s5Coc
Ask fcS
Mmit $10
It $20
I'or fiO Wvekn, deposit, weekly '25 cents, 60 cents
'!, $5, $10, $'.'0 (or more). No cost to join. No due
You do not lose any part ot wiifu you ucpos...
At Ihr end of B0 Weeks you can draw out $12.80,
-B $50, $100, $250. $(500, $1000 (o."niore) and have
r"adv money. Hut the purpose of this Club ia to give
von i way to .save money regularly and let it accumulate
for some future use, such as educating your children,
huying a new home or going into business.
In only 250 weeks, which will pass by rapidly, you
will accumulate $.i2.5(), $125, $250, $500, $1250, $2500,
$,-i00O or more. . .
. ... i i.i iii...riv Honda and never missed the
1 OU OOllglll . .
v- ii. i ....... .Iiitv In vonr eountrv. iow no
money, i on mu ..
your i
You will n ive 3 per cent interest.
ir duty to your family and your
You can save do il. Come in
II. C J'eterson says noine idea of
the sir.e of the big automobile
nhovvXU, be held in I'ortland the
entire week of February 2U to 2H
may be gained from the fact that
the Ice i'alaee, where the motor
ear part of the show will be held,
is the largest show room on a sin
gle floor in the United Stales. Its
Sti0xl30 feet, without a aingle
post to obstruct the view, give
more space than is available for
cars even on the main floor of the
huge Coliseum Uuihling, in Chi
cago, winch is .'100x120 feet in
Hut large as it is, the lee I'alaee
can accommodate only the pas
ticnger ear section of the I'ortland
Show. A year ago, both passen
ger ears and trucks were hhown
on Ihe same Hour. This year
there are so many passenger ear
exhibits, and so many .special
models, that the lee I'alaee will
be devoted exclusively to passen
ger ears, wlnle trucks will be ex
hibited in a separate truck show
in the Portland Armory, a few
blocks away.
The pussenger car show in the
Ice I'alaee will be by long odds
the most complete ever held in
the I'acilic Northwest, and the
truck show will be Ihe first exclu
sively truck event on the I'acilic
Coast. Iloth will be under man
agement of the general show coin
mittee, anil one ticket will admit
visitors to both shows without ad
ditional cost.
In the passenger ear show- there
will be a total of till different
makes of cars, to say uothiuir of
the fact that at least 17ti different
models will be show n. The Port
land show will contain almost as
many different makes of cars as
were exhibited at the recent New
York show, the big event of the
year in motordoni.
Kighty different makes of cars
were shown thrre, as compared
to till at the coining Portland
There will also be 50 different
makes ot trucks, ami approxi
mately 100 different models on
exhibition in the truck show.
1 he paved road makes it .pos
sible for many from this county
to attend this big exhibit.
Ed. Northrup, of Shadv Urook,
greeted friends in town Monday.
Five acres of Jund for sale at a
largaiu. l). l,orwm. 4! 51
Hub Simpson, of South Tuala
tin, was over tow n Monday afternoon,
Victor Crop, of North Plains,
as a city caller the last of the
0. II. Soehreli, of above Hanks,
as in town Monday, enroule to
If you want to have money on
our spraying, look up 1.. I.eis
dvcrtisement in this issue.
Miss Gertrude Kay, of Port-
st of
One of the most remarkable re
cent movements to attain nation
al prominence is the one that has
for its objet't the pointing out of
method by which motorists may
obtain increased mileage from
their tires.
One would imagine that tire
denier would be pleased to have
tires wear out quickly, so thai
new purchases would be neees
arv. Rut this is not generally
true. There is more rejoicing to
dav over one ear owner whose
tire run 10,000 to 15.000 miles
than over a hundred whose lac
of care prevents them from get
tinir many miles thev are entitle!
This national tire conservation
movement will read Ilillsboro on
Saturday, February 14th, when
Tire Conservation Day will be oh
served. Carrying out the idea of
helping all local motorist to se
cure more serviee troni their tires
F. E. Ilartrampf and M. P. Cady
of Ilillsboro, have arranged to
have an expert from The Good
year Tire & Rubber Company
present at the demolish utions
who will give an entire day ove
to the consideration of the tire
problems of all local motorist
pointing out the most insigniti
cant repairs which, if made
time, wi II add nnnie asurahly to
tire mileage. The tire dillicullie
of ench motorist will be given in
dividual attention, these dem
onstration will be held at M. P.
Cady's Garage.
Sections of tires will be exhib
ited, showing the different kinds1
of wear that tires are subject to.
and the method of combating
them. Tire Construction will be
followed from the crude rubber
of the forest to the finished tire,
readv to start on its career of ser
There is nothing mysterious
about tires, and therefor-, no
pood reason whv motorists should
Organize at Meeting in This City
Monday Evening
Manche Langley Elected Sec'y-
Treas. of Body
ami, was the ween i nn gm
ousin, Mrs. M. 15. liump.
I). ('. Stokesburv, of Forest
rove, was in town .Momlav, on
Misiness at the court house.
W. F. Robertson, of (iaston,
as down to the city Saturday,
and made his annual call on the
Lost Urown and yellow Shep
herd dog, lame in right front font.
Notify J. A. Vaiuli-rveii, Ilills
boro, It. 3,
J. 1). Anderson, the wi ll known
barber, was able to be on the
street the first of the week, after
siege of the "flu."
For Sale Two cows, 1 just
fresh; three years old. Phone
3IU5. R. II. Hansen, live miles
southwest of Ilillsboro. 51
Oscar Smith, running the F. J.
Williams' place, near Sewell,
added his name to the Argus f in
ly list the last of the week.
W. N, Harris, the battery ser-
ice man, reporieti inr iiusincss
Monday, after bucking the cur
rent epidemic for a day or so.
Chas. E. l.ylle, traveling auth
or tor the Male Jlmliuay oni
. . . . H i
mission, was in lite tuv Mtniiiav
fternoon, etiroute to Portland.
M. M. Mead, now living at
.inton. was out Friday, visiting
his brother, A. A. Mead, who i
coiivalese ing from a serious ill
ness. Humphrey Smith, aged
71 years, died in Portland, Feb. 5.
1 ; 2 0 . She was the aunt of .Mrs
John C. Rut hanan, of Forest
I rove.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail W. Wells, of
Newberg, were lu re Saturday, to
attend the funeral services of tin
ate Obed Wells, grandfather of
Mr. Wells.
For Sale--An All-Work thrt
bottom Tractor; has plowed but
.100 acres; in good condition; or
would trade for a smaller tractor.
-Rciben Urns., Banks, Ore.,be
ween Hanks and Mountaiu-
lale. 40-50
Willis Anderson, of Broadmead
Farm, near Sheridan, passed thro
town Momlav evening, on his re
turn home from a month s visit in
California, lie was accompanied :
by John Wortnian. the McMiiin-
ille banker.
Overland 85-4 five passenger
ar, equipped with extra good
tires, spotlight, entirely new but
tery ; top ami upholstery in good
condition; driven between five
and seven thousand milt's. For
sale at a bargain. D. Corwin.
Julius Wetleking ami sons, Carl
ami Julius, came up from near
Kiuton, Monday, making Ihe trip
in an auto truck without chang
ing- gears which is sum,' change
from the old order. Carl says
that Winter grain is still flourish
ing finely down bis way.
E. H. leery, w ho formerly con
ducted a meat market at 402 Jef
ferson St., Portland, has located
it IS7. Third St., and imites his
Washington County frit lids to
shin him their meats of !,ll kinds
Treatment of past twenty years
continued at new location. 50
Albert N. Stanton, who f rmer
Iv owned the McCourl ranch.
south of Oak Park, was city
visitor Monday, greetin c i irmer
friends. For several verrs he
held a position with the V.-ier
Frank Co., but of late hi.s been in
business for himself In the Rose
Citv. lie reports that his son
Bruce, is now a fireman for the
O. W. H. & N., and is married
R. L. Shellev, who held the
Christian Church pastorate in thi
citv vears ago, is one of the bail
iffs in the I. W. W. murder trials
now being held at Montesano
Wash. Shellev's picture was
Monday '.s Oregoiiiau. Sliclle
left the ministry some years ago
and went into the mercantile bus!
ness in Southern Oregon, later
The attorneys of Washington
County met at the court house
Momla v evening and organized a
Count v Bar Association, which
for some months has been in the
embryo. Officer were elected
as follows: Bento-ii Bowman,
President; W. P. Dyke, Vice
Pres. ; Manche Langley, Sre'y-
'i he associ ilinn adopted .1 eon
tilution am' by-laws, ami not
withstanding the II. C. I.., atloK-
I the following moderate scale
of minimum charges:
Office. Business
Except to clients paying
monthly or yearly retainer: Oral
nlvice, $2.50; written opinion,
Drawing instruments
Deed, mortgage, bill of sale,
bund for deed or power of attor
ney, $2.50; mechanic's lien, when
iinoimt does not exceed $25 and
same is not loreciosea or collect
ed by attorney, $2.50; same, over
$25," $5; contract, $2.50; simple
lease, $3; farm lease in duplicate,
$5; w ill, $10.
Organizing corporations
Where capital stock does not
exceed .$-1000, $25; where capital
stock exceed $1000, $50.
Examining abstracts of title
Where amount of loan or pur
chase price does not exceed 4-500
fee will be discretionary. From
$500 to $1500, $7.60; from $1500
to $5000, of 1 per cent.; from
$5000 to $"50,000, lo o 1 I'er
cent, on first $5000 and 's of 1
per cent, on balance. In excess
of $50,000 discretionary but not
less than fee for $50,000 ab
stracts. Provided that abstracts
of 10 pages or less fee is dicre
tionary. Collections
On all claims not exceeding
$300, 15 per cent, of amount col
lected. On all claims of $300
ami less than $1000, 15 per cent,
on first $300 ami 8 per cent, on
balance. On al! claims of $1000
or more, as above, and 4 per cent.
011 excess. Claims under $10, 50
per cent.
Justice and Municipal Courts
Criminal cases, $10; civil eases
involving not more than $100,
$10; civil cases involving more
than $100, $15.
County Court
Civil cases, $20; criminal cases,
Circuit Court
Civil cases involving not more
than $500, $25; civil ?nses involv
ing more than $500, $50; uncon
tested divorce cases, $75; misde
meanor and other eases, $50; fel-
mv, $75; murder or rape, $250.
The foregoing fees do not ap
y to cases taken on contingent
ees or for eases where the Court
is allowed to fix the fees.
Where assets do not exceed
J 1 00. (?25; where assets do. ex
it $100. $50.
'robate Business
Where value of estate does not
xcced $700, $25; where the val-
it . . "rtn ,k. r..
ie ot estate exceeus fiuu mc in
hall etpial K of the amount of
he statutory commission of exec-
itors or administrators.
Contingent fees
Damage cases, when settled 1
without action, 25 per cent. oC
amount collected; damage cases
when settled after action but I
without trial, 40 per cent, of
amount collected; damage eases
when settled after action and
trial 50 per cent, of amount col-
ected. Cases other than damage
cases when settled without trial,
20 per cent, of amount collected;
cases other than damage cases
when settled after trial 30 per
eent. of amount collected.
HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and ReUil Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. B. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
John E. Bailey,
Vioa President.
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
W. W. MeEldowney,
E. F. Boriuifffaam,
8. G. Hughes.
At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17,
Loans $658,711.00
U. S. Bonds 180,803.56
Other Bonds 102,097.JJ
Banking House- 1987.S8
Other real estate 1,850.00
Stock in Federal
Beserre Bank- M50.00
Cash and dnc
from banks 94,606.57
Total $1,089,8U'7
Capital tJ 5,000.00
Surplus 61,08 Ml
Circulation 15,000.00
Deposits J 978,184.45
Total 11,089,815.67
This Bank affords 1U patrons erery banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of Individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
Kill the Scale
Before It Kills Your Trees
Spny in th ettly Spring, while the trees are dormant, with
Standard Lime-Sulfur Solution
in Dry Powdered Form
It has aO th good qualities of Liquid Lime Sulfur but
eliminates the bad qualities. Use Dry Lime Sulfur in
your orchard this year. It will save you time and money.
Come into our or and get prices and descriptive
The Delta Drug Store
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boscow will i
be at home to their friends at
their home on East Main street,
on Thursday afternoon, February
19, between the hours of 7:30 and
10:30, when thev will celebrate
their sixtieth wedding annivers
There will be an entertainment
followed by a basket social nt the
I.eisvville School, Feb. 20, at 8
iVln. U- Fiu h ladv is asked to
brine; a basket.
Elderly lady wishes position a
housekeeper, citv or country, in
cnvnll fitmilv. Inouire at 1146
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon
not know all about them, and be
going to the Sound.
First St.