The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 05, 1920, Image 1

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No. 48.
Buy Ai ct into Int rent and At
tendance and Show Fine Rnut
Wrestling Match wai Wen by An
dy Miller Sum Show it wag
ltctttciit linn filnl four hundred
Mtlniilril the Aim in mi Legion
Post Smoker at Ihe Shuli- Hull
lust Thursday mchl, mill the
in til una inn' of uliich I In- irr
vice boys arc justly proud. All
1 lilliluiro joined with tin- hoys in
making tin' evening a greal sue
rcss, Mini the wrestling nml box
lii( feature were n i t mil v mil
V nrlli w Ihlr,
Andrew Miller Jr, won the
wrestling iiuitrh ; w n i ii -t Burnict
Powell, Frank Schuluierich refer
rcciug Ihf limit. The llhl W eights
put tip it line sIium iug,
Tin' four boxing I. mill win
llilssy events, allho some nf llu
cmiti inters were it lilllr (.hurt of
lirritlh nt thr rounds continued.
Ir. I., W. Hyde, who in olden
days always was ready In mix
villi anyone in tin' M(tifi rt'it circle,
I. ink nit Sinn Sleinkc, mul i( was
give mul litki'. )r. Hyde's condi
tiull wasn't hardly tip In "due
f.irin," ni Art M illcliberger would
:iy, lull II ii thr heavyweight
feature it f tin- evening, mul nf
forded plrlily-nf i ii I r ml .
Wilhrr Dillon nn.l I". Boyd'
M nl I In pad- Willi fril, mul John
Dodge Jr. attil W. Courtney mi
r-d it in it lively fashion.
Thr real event of tin evening,
however, w as Ihf limit between
(. Phelps, nf Ihf Liberty, mul T.
t'. Reynolds, of Ihf Cash Gro-f.-ry.
Thfir two were fairly well
matched in weight, mul linllt nrr
in Ihf has been class, lint if Ten
Itickard ftmlil hnvr seen thrill,
Tin Juaua, Mexico, would have
match July I without ilmibt. A.
('. Shitlf refcrreed Ihf boxing
bouts nttil W. . Ilm-ris uni Ihe
tlllli keeper. Ill' Wilt accused I'f
holding III.- liiiif it lillh' I I mi I li
tiny s v. in n thrir respiratory 1 or
gaiis weir commencing to clink,
but Will denied Ihf accusations,
saving that thrrf minutes was nl
way it linlf hour In it winded
inn n. Shrrrill Brown mul Frank
Schtiliiicrii h wrrr in Ihf ring i
m-cotttls to Ihf contenders.
It is thf intention nf Ihf Pnsl
to give another smoker in thr
ltfttr fut ii r" .
Punch mul cigar were served
throughout thf evening, mul as
rvt ills i't the evening was about
the best card Ilill.horo ha mimii
in many months.
Sehlegel's uii'lii '.ti i mul thf
f ij 5o
fj2 .s a
tiM $10
It $20
For AO Weeks, deposit weekly 25 cents, 50 cents. $1,
2, $5, $10, $20 (or more). Nn cost to join. No dues.
.Yon tin not lost: any part of what you deposit.
At the end of 50 Weeks you can draw out $12.50,
$25, $50, $100, -$250, $500, $1000 (or morf) anil have
rnidy money. Hut the purpose of this Club ia to give
vou a wuy to ttnvf money regularly and let it accumulate
for Nome future use, such as educating your children,
buying a new home or going into bunincKS.
In only 250 weeks, which will pass by rapidly, you
will accumuliiU' $(i2.50, $125, $250, $600, $1250, $2500,
$5000 or more.
You bought Liberty Honds and never missed the
money. You did your duty to your country. Now do
your duty to your family anil yourself.
You can save do it. Come in.
You will receive .1 per cent interest.
Hillsboro lliiinl furnished music
fur tin- iiicitNioii. It w n an
liiiiiiiifil nt thf gntlu riiiK 'hut thr
I.tiiin wmihl ivr tin net', nt Ihf
.Moiitf Mull, .Siituriliiy rt ruing,
I t it, 7, In uliu li llif . nl. In- In in
vilril. Ovfilmul truck fur nt n
Iih i uri i it ,- I). Cnrwin.
Alhrrt .InriHon, of Wrbnort,
fitllftl on I ho luiiitf pnpfr .Sntiir
ibty .
John l.llinll. of iirar North
I'huiit, mm m city tnilur thf lint
nf thf vti'rk,
)r--l (iardiirr. nf Imv i- Muuu-tniiiilnli-,
wan tim lniif Irii-n.U in
llu- i ily Sittur.l.iv.
Will tin Trulur plowing for n
per acif. Trli ilii.m-, SthiilU
1554, l.inf 'it.- II. Hliif, I.aurcl,
it. I, Jin 8il. 17 t'l
11. V. rriikrlt, thf lUnki un-ilrltak'.-r,
wan a cily tnllfr Sittitr
day, mul Ihf AxgtM
ill hi visiN,
S, K, (inif, nf llrlhany, ))rriii
tlflil nf Ihf I itriiu-ri' Miilttnl, m
in town Snliinlay, tin iutiiraiti'f
till Stilt M,
I'ur Snlf Hcgistrrri! Iliililrin
bull calf, (i ttft-ks nhl l ib. I.
I-'ml (trnstfii, llilKbiiru, It. I.
liox 150. Ti'lt'phiinr, Hillilmrn,
'Itltt. 4H -50
A, II. Flint, of Si holls, wit ill
ihf cily Siiturilay. A. H. unys
I hi hits linn thr must srvrrr
Winlt-r in his Imig rrsiilriicr in
tin cotiitly.
W'untfil - Thf itil.lri-ii of Amy
It. ilamllry. Last lu-Hr.l from tin
Kiitilr a, liillibiiro.--(irti. It. An
ilrrw.-i, I'liblic Ailininiitrntur,
Fresno, California. 47-00
J. V. JIarttry, nf Maryhill,
Wash., nrrivfil in thf city thf first
of thf w t t k In iiltrn.l llu- nbsf
ipiifn of his noil -in- law, thf latf
. Hladrs. Mr. Hartlry livfd for
uititiy yrarn up in thf Hunks rc
linn, ami is Mrll kin. n all nvrr
llif N'nrlh iniinlv.
Wallrr nrrchfr, of Flinnnica,
was in linin Moiulsy, having just
clnsfil a ileal for thf sale of bis
four acres mul bungalow to Sam
uel Itniiiiif, who for 25 years has
been working the Fx press Co.
at Snlf in. Thf eimsiilf ration was
tS200 mid now Walter h In
scared of another small place, of
Ifii or (iftffil aerf.
fj I'.ves that nefil ghissen art
entilleil In i,peeiali.f tl ff
forls. That's why Dr. Thomp
ilrvotea bis entire tintf, thought
mul cITorls lo Fye Fxatninalimi
mil the making nf (Jualily tilnss
i s w bich are ground in one of the
lust equipped plants nn thf Pa
eilie ('twist. Consult hint about
your pyc glass needs next, visit,
Saturday, Feb. H, Washington
Hotel, all day. S IS
mums club
$60,000 mwm
Extendi Acroti Entire Block,
Dateline to Waihington Street
Medford in Large Sawmill
Other Note
The A. J. Kay & Son $00,000
Cannery ia progressing rapidly
along foundation work, and car
penters anil masons will soon be
putting up the structure. The
company in hiring local help, and
in ortler to do this turned down a
contractor' figures which were
probably as low as good biiiinrss
would warrant. The firm, how
ever, took the position that lliey
would have to be at (he site dur
ing building operations, anil con
cluded they could employ local
labor and at least about rijual the
contractor' price.
Springfield poultry man re
ports $.1.47 net for eggs per ben
in U)9.
State gas tax netted $27,717
for December.
Main highway from Astoria to
Nelialem to have live miles paved
in lt20.
A house built entirely of Doug
las lir, Sitka sirnce, Weatern
hemlock and red cedar grown in
Oregon and Washington is going
to be the center of attraction at
the forth-coming exhibit of the
Own Your Home exposition in
New York City.
Pacific Power and Light Co.
adds 4000 patrons since June
Salem organizing $50,000 home
builder' corporation.
Portland to have three new
telephone exchange buildings,
costing million.
Eugene to have wholesale gro
cery warehouse.
Astoria district expects to pro
duce 83,000 barrels cranberries in
lleud 1919 payroll Shevlin
llixon Co, increased 37 per cent
over 1918.
(iaribaldi sawmill to erect 100
workmen' houte.
Few persons outside the con
fectionery industry realise what
it means for 100,000.000 prosper
ous prople to ( ii i t using alcohol
and go to using candy.
Medford Large saw null deal
to revive Pacific and Eastern rail
road. Hoot Ii -Kelly Co. extending rail
road above endling.
Echo A new $t5,000 bank
building to be erected here.
Portland Box manufacturers
and lumbermen who supply that
branch of the trade, from ( alifor-
nia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho.
Montana and British Columbia
conter on box making umusirv.
Warning sent to fruit packers and
eanncrs to get ortler in at once.
Box stock declared scarce.
Dallas to have a cannery.
Tillamook New mill opens.
Increasing car shortage liable
to cause general shut -clown on
Pacific Coast lumber industry.
Klamath Falls to have new
business block.
(mid Heach--- ork has liegun
on highway.
Oregon City turniture concern
to put up new structure.
Eugene Mutual C reanierv As
sociution to locate here and build
$75,000 milk condensing and
heese plant.
. Pendleton Creamery to instull
$10,000 improvements.
Dufur -Hotel Albeit to be re
Freewater will have new hotel
James Harman Mel. in, aued t7
years, died at his home at Lent
February 1. 1920. He is survived
by his wife, Drusilla, and the fol
lowing children: Mrs. Myrtle
Griffith. Mrs. Minnie Bill, Mrs
Agatha Gibson, Portland, am
Mrs. Grace Hundibo, Dunsniui,
The surviving widow was Mis
Drusilla Constable prior to her
Of his immediate family he
survived by brother, Win. Mc
Lin, of Puyallup, Wash., and two
sisters, Mrs. Thos. Lmrick, o
Ilillsboro, and Mrs. Ella Row en
of Rock wood, Ore.
Mr MeLin was born in Wash
ington County, and was a son of
the late Win. Mcl in, who Nettled
on a donation land claim between
this city and Cornelius. The fu
neral took place Tuesday ;it
II. H. Boge, of Farivington.
greeted friends In town Saturday
Fred Groun, of Helvetia, was
an Argus caller the last of the
Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. A. Scwell, of
Sewell, were city visitors Monday
T. C. Reynolds has bought tin
interest of Mr. Park in the Cash
W. H, Gillenwater, farming out
on Itoute 1, Cornelius, was in the
city Saturtlay.
Fred Wohlachlegrl, of beyond
Laurel, was over to the city Sal
urday afternoon.
Geo. Itoundey, with the Mays'
BroH. Store, at North Plains, wa
in the city
Miss Mary Grand, teaching at
Hock Creek, was in the city Srthir-
lay, the guest of her sister.
Henry Mnlthes, of Portland,
was out Saturday, greeting his
Ilillsboro and Laurel friends.
Henry Meacham and A. L.
Sipp, of Moiiritaiiubile, were
Ilillsboro visitors the hist of the
L. ('reps ami two suns, L. J.
and A. W., of Banks, were in Un
ity Mend ty, attending the funer
al of A. Blades,
('has. Wuiiderlich, of Ct nlrr
ille, was a city visitor Monday.
He reports the flu making bis sec
tion a visitation.
For Sale Fresh
cow, high
grade Jersey; years; calf at
side.- C. W. Hankuis, Ilillsburo.
West Jackson Street, Garden
rraels. IS 50
H. (i. Luck, of above Muiiiitain-
lale, was a city caller the first of
the week. He ii waiting patient
ly for the roads to settle so he. trail
ome in with the machine.
Overland 85- five passenger
ar, equippeil Willi rxira good
res, spotlight, entirely new bat
tery; top and upholstery in irood
ouditioii ; driven between five
and seven thousand miles. For
sale at a bargain.' -1). Corwin.
Jacob and Adolph Mohr and
families, late of Ft. Saskatche
wan, Alberta, arrived with their
families the lust of the week and
will locate in Washington Coun
ty. The gentlemen are cousins
of Michael Mohr, of south of the
E. II. Deerv, who formerly con-
lucted a meat market at 462 Jef-
erson St., Portland, has located
tt 187, I bird St., and invites his
Washington County friends to
lip him their meats of all kinds.
treatment oi past twenty years
ontinued at new location. 60
F. W. West fall has sold his
place on F.dison St., North Hills
boro, and bought ti residence at
Huber, where he moved Tuesday.
He will continue his work in
Portland, commuting on the elec
tric line. Mr, Westfall hud hard
ly received a deed for the Huber
place until he was offered a prof
it of !:I00 on the place.
John l'.nglcdinger Jr. ami Geo.
FuiiiHitt finished constructing two
apartments for f. C. Reynolds,
in the Grange Building, Saturday
night mid went over to Vancou
ver to spend Sunday. Mr. Rey
nolds now has three apartments
in the tipper story ami has no
trouble in renting them, as there
is a call for them in exee.-.s of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray. S-'gler, of
Klipsau, Wash., w here Ray is one
if the I'. S. Const Guard i, in the
Life Saving Service, we.c iome
the past week, guests of the Sig
lers und other home foll.v. Ray
lias but a few weeks mor " of ser
vice, and was not decided when
be left, whether or not he would
remain in the service of Uncle
Sam for another year. Ray's ap
pearance would indicate th it the
life has an reed -w ith him.
1 have .the E. C. DeWiit Co's
line of proprietary nicdxines.
This line needs no recommenda
tion after being used one,'. We
carry the following ii stock,
post ! ge prepaid DeWii : 's Lax
alive Cold Tablets; IX Witt's
Cough Syrup; DeWitt's Dyspep
sia tablets; DeWitt s Kidney tab
lets; DeWitt's Little Earl , risers
Bee' Laxative Cough Sy.up. W
L. Stevens, Laurel. ' 47-tf
Rcpi m utative Win. ' Hare
will in a few days meet with the
Senate .nd House committee to
investi'ii.L' the Fish and Game
commission and report to the
Governor, Mr. Hare's many
friends in Washington County are
insi :ting that be. run for the State
Senate in the coming election. He
has done veteran service in the
House in st-tnding up for the
rights of the muiry as against the
big paving concern, and he will
be in a position to continue his
work if sent to the Senate.
Prevention it Better Than Under
takers' Visit
Care of General Health an Impor
tant Factor
Now that the Flu is prevalent in
Oregon, and is making Washing
Ion County its second annual vis
itation, health officials are busy
combatting this dread disease.
The following circular issued
by the county health officer, is
sent the Argus with request for
"The present wave of influenza
in the State of Oregon is passed
at this time, but the disease is
prevalent throughout the state in
a milder form than it was last
year. On the recommendation of
the secretary of State Board of
Health (Dr. D. N. Roberg) the
following is given for your earn
est consideration.
For the next week or two, dis
courage unnecessary communica
tion between Washington County
peojde and the City of Portland,
where the disease is prevalent.
Avoid gathering in crowded
places, which is a ready way of
spreading Influenza (Flu).
If attacked with a severe cold
and fever call your physician.
Washington County has a rec
ord for a low contamination with
the present attack of Influenza,
now sweeping the United States.
Be rinilant and keep up the good
record, following the hints' here
Dr. L. W. Hyde,
Health Officer, Washington Co.
Here are some excellent point
ers, observance of which will do
much to prevent attack of the in
sidious disease.
Breathe through the nose that
is what it was made for' and
germs will lodge before they get
dow n to your bronchial tubes.
Flush your nasal channels night
and morning with water in which
may be dissolved plain soda.
Get some throat gargle from
your druggist and use it morning
and night.
Keep your bowels open and use
discretion in your diet.
Half the danger of Flu attack
ing you w ill be eliminated if you
follow the advice of Grandma
Good woman, who says, "Keep
your mouth closed and your bow
els open."
t). A. C, Corvallis, Feb. 2 Fran
cis Rollins and Leon Allen, for
mer Hillsboro High School bas
ketball' team, played a stellar
mine for the Fleur de Lis Club,
in the intramural series at the
Oregon Agricultural College, last
Thursday night.
In one of the most hotly con
tested games on the local campus,
the Fleur de Lis defeated the
Hear Cats, 20 to 12. Despite the
act that the Bear Cats put up a
vonderful exhibit of team work
ml basket shooting, the forwards
ere unable to break away from
the stellar guards of the Fleur de
This w as the third game of the
eason for the intramural basket-1
mil league championship, in all
f w hich Rollins and Allen have
hown the same degree of skill.
t'he Fleur de Lis is composed of
icn who have seen active service
i the late war, many of them be
ing residents of Hillsboro.
W. J. Dryden.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Farmers' Feed
Shed, Hillsboro, at 1 o'clock, on
Seventeen head of high-grade
Holstein cows, all in milk, some
just fresh; selected from the War
ren Williams' herd, one of the
producing herds in the county.
All these cows are tuberculin test
ed and are big fine animals, run
ning to white very strong .All
are good milkers and have clean
bills of health.
Mr. Williams has decided to
quit the dairy business and we
gave taken over the herd.
Terms of Sale Cash or bank
able note at 8 per cent.
Emmott, Stout Sc Reedy,
J. W. Tompkins, of Gaston
was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pauli, of
Elmoniea, were up to the city the
last of the week, guests of Frank
Pauli Jr.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
John E. Bailey,
Vice President.
H. E. Ferrin,
AasistaDt Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Not. 17, 1019
Loans $552,722.00
U. S. Bonds 185,802.89
Other Bonds 102,097.28
Banking House- 19,987.18
Other real estate 1,850.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank. 2,250.00
Cash and' due
from bank 24,800.07
Total $l,089,ll.fl7
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Account of individual,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
$25.00 to $500.00 on Terms to Suit.'
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Mam Street : Hillsboro, Oregon
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burluigham,
& G. Hughe.
Capital $25,000.00
Sttrplu 61,031.12
Circulation 25,000.09
Deposit 978,284.45