The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 22, 1920, Image 1

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    fcj nmr"11' 111 " Iill 1 - ii u ,1,(1,!;, rf'-"
No. 46.
i lurled 1 ri m Motorcycle and Iter
SUuil wu I mctured
l ire Uuibicd on Machine Near
Coineliu- Driving 45 Miles Per
'nniilii (iarinaii, u hivtrrii year
i, hi srlmul Kill ul I'orcst drove,
. an ulmosi instantly killed Mini
nit moi-iinig, l I ii nail 1
, i lurk, mi Ii"' I oresl irove
i nil .Imiiii I ighway, a ijiiarter iif a
i, iilr writ i f lli' .Standard Oil Co.
.l.inl, iii the result i'f ii tin- burst
ni; mi ii motorcycle drivrn l v
I i .Iron IIiii Im r iiiiiI mi w In' I'
lit I If (i'liiiiiii child 'iit tilling on
tin- rear h ul. lr. I'.. H Smilli
icitcln il lie- scene i f tin- ti-"K 'I
just a lew seconds before the
iliiLI expired, limber sustained
a broken I U ml W li Iii-imikIiI I"
tin Smilli I i tl .! in tin city
I'.. I- Irriililii III. Tin- two lld I' f
J'orcsl (in. vi- Inil ii few minutes
I,, fun- tin- fatahtv, iiiul il it "'I''! ill'' it .'tell t w it driven '
l i ilr of LI miles I" r l,""r
w Ii n tin- tirr hiirstcd.
Tin- Carman Kirl had left I1""""
supposedly ciiroiilc to schoiil. Sin
mi l It ;i V V.'ilsoii. w lii also Iwii
laolorcyclc. I.til mi ll.n l'" r had llir
onK I unit in In- as ' Tllliull'll
t i ride with tin litter.
I'liruiirr (;". J. limber M'
ilny afternoon u nil In the Hiutoii
l iiili rtnkiiiK Parlors, nt Fort st
Crow, hiuI In lit mi investigation
Hi- ascertained llmt Barber and
tin- Carman girl were not ae
ipiainted. Hoy Wilson, aged '-Ml,
sal, I Hint In- nml I In- Oarinan Kill
I, ail planned a trip to Portland on
his motorcycle. He overslept
Monday morning, and the girl Ii
nnlly telephoned him. H'
I if went to llif Karage w here ''is
machine was kept, mul nift Bar
ber there.
1 If said Unit H.iilx r was cu
loule to Tillmuook, ami was go
ink' lo tin- coast la Bertha, mill
from lliri-f on tin- New berg route
to McMinnv illc. llf asked llar-l-.rr
to carry the girl ''is
limit- iii In- had luu, I, in. lUr
lit-r tnrortl 1 and wh to
li-nvf I lir- uirl ut lli-rtlm, In ri
Wilson it i to ifk lu r up. Wil
noil slaili-il n few mi nil If lal, r,
lint wni not in night wlirn thf fa
lulity took )lff. llf found thf
wrfrk, ontl rf moved thf m.irhinf
from tin- highway.
Ilnrlii r win tjiif stiotif d by thf
I'oromr, lit thf Smith Hospital.
J If said In- wns lint 17 yt-nrs old,
mid that nsiilf from figrcfing lo
l.iki- thf girl to Hrrthii knew noth
ing of hrr. mid that lie ditl not
, pi-nk to hrr at any timr nflfr
I h- v sliirtnl.
Thf girl s pnrrnts nrr Mr. anil
Mrs. Harry Garmiin, mid slit- wm
irjrd lii In t Di-ffinhfr. She was
(.upposrd I i have gotir to srhool,
nml the in ilhrr Ihought shr was
v tr - j c
L, .
fliiFWiU itart you.
"J -, v-
ice how little it take to start every member of your
family in the Club, and just think what a Merry Christ
mas you will all have next year.
10-Ccnt Club Pays. . $127.50
G-Ccnt Club Pays 63.75
:Mnt Club Pays 25.50
1-Cent Club Pays 12.75
You can make the largest payments first and decrease
youv payments weekly.
1 1 costs nothing for your whole family to join the
Club, and is a sure way to success and wealth.
Pring them all in today.
You will receive 3 per cent interest.
in srhool h Iicii thf news of death
t nine.
I.istfoii liarlirr in thf son of
I'fctl V. Hurhrr, who in well
known at llillsboro and Cornf
Hum. Ilin Bgi; In glvi-n correctly
ut 17, and he has hern married
about a y-ar, hi wife being in
Tillamook County.
II. A. Sliaildi-n wan in from
nrar North I'laini Tuesday.
I'.niil Duyck, of Vcrboort, wa
an Argus taller Tumday niorn
ilay iiioriiing.
Mrs. ,1. V. Neiircr anil Mn. T.
I'.. I'onu-roy, of l'ortlaiid, were in
llillsboro TiifNtlay.
I.. M. llrsse, of Scholls, was in
the city Tuesday. He wan occom
punird by Walter Ili-aton.
l or Sab Itrgislfred (Iiiernney
bull, four years obi; fine animal.
( i o. II. Mrvrr, Cornel nit, R. 'I,
liox Hli. ' M-il
(Jf i. T.ngleiliiiger, of N'anepii
vrr, has bien a llillsboro visitor
I hi- p.isl Mirk, rellfwilig old '',
ipininlaiiff s.
Tor Salr- Halt-,1 timothy liny,
.lilirlv etirrd. John IroiiHitle,
l.aiiit l, Ore., It. I ; quarter mile
from post oilier. H-tli
J. C. I.ainklii la again able to
be at the ullop, after a few day
i f loiilinr nirnl to Ida home, due
to ii slight Injury,
l or sale: Jersey cow, C years
old, will br fresh soon. One mile
'n-t of llillsboro, end of Oak. J.
I!,, 1,1,-r, llillsboro, It. 5. 4 4fl
Mrs. J. A. Vandehey has old
her Centervllle ranch and pur
rhnsetl a place near IJaxrldale,
south of Iteedville.
I.em luglea came down from
(he west fork of Dairy, Tuesday,
and spent a few hours greeting
friends in the county seat,
I or Salr: Hill grown iiurhanks
srln l stork, il. lnrrnl iii town on
onb rs, al Ihmisi s. - C. O. Horn
ecker. IHUboro, It. 8. Telephone
.13 It X A. Also hin t several tons
loose mixed mid clover hay for
salr. 4i 47
Residents in the East part of
town are almost a unit for a sew
er system, and il begins to look
lis though th, V uill bf supplied
with a sanitary sewage system be
fore next Full. The surveys are
now in progress.
lor sale: live room house,
with bath mid pantry; city water,
mid wired; nil kiiuU of fruit ;very
laritc lot; close in. Car stops
block distant. Call for particu
lars, Room 8, DonrUon Building,
Third Street, llillsboro. i-iO
Methodist Episcopal Church,
Third ami Washington Sis., (The
Church of the Friendly Greeting)
Walton Skipworth, pastor -9:48
a. in., Sunday Srhool ; 1 1 a. in.,
sermon, "I Will Arise and Go to
My Father;" !i:S0 p. m., F.pworth
mid Intermediate Leagues; 7:80
p. in., sermon, "A Beautiful
Dwelling ;" choir practice at the
parsonage Tuesday evening, and
prayer mectiirg Thursday evening
triii r rami iir
m the Club.
FOR S10F $55,000
Bruce Schulmerich and Wife and
Herman Collier Let Go Big Farm
Schulmerichs go to California for
Future Kesidunce
One of the largest deals cousuin-mntf-d
in farm realties was closed
the pant week when the former
Collier farm near Scholls, con
isting of U47 acres, 40 acres of
which was owned by Mr. ('oilier,
and the balance by Mr. and Mr.
B. ('. Srhiilnir rich, was sold to A.
S. I'.llis, of Portland. The farm
has 170 acres under cultivation ;
has three farm residences; anil
has a model dairy located on il.
There are also several acres of
choice onion land, a money maker
in any kind of a year. Messrs.
Collier and Schuliuerich took ov
er in trade a two-story concrete
and brick building in Portland,
on Yamhill ami Nineteenth Sis.,
and -40 acres two miles out of the
city of Siieramento, mid the price
for the farm was fixed at. 55,000.
.Andrew Hngland, of llillsboro,
negotiated the deal.
Mr. I'.llis has already taken
possession of the farm, and
Messrs. Collier anil Schuliuerich
have tukeu over the other prop
The Collier farm is noted as a
sfreat producer, and is considered
one of the best properties in that
Srliulmerich is now getting his
business affairs straightened up
preparatory to joining Mrs.
Schuliuerich, w ho is at present at
Orland, visiting with her mother.
Mr. Collier departed the last of
the week for his California home,
where he has ten or eleven tracts
in the Orland district.
The many friends of Bruce anil
his wife regret to see them leave
old Washington County, but they
expect to be nicely located ill the
The Portland properly taken
in trade is a t!!x0 structure,
modern, and is close against the
Multnomah Club. The new own
,.r- .1.. intend to keen it, and
have already
placed it on
We buy and sell cow. Barn west
of condenser wood yard. Come
and look them over.
Walch and Huffman,
14 47 llillsboro, Ore.
K.vinir sold mV farni 1 will sell
at public sale at my place, 3 miles
south of Cornelius and 5 miles
southwet of llillsboro, known as
the old August Krause place, on
Beginning at 10 o'clock a. in.
Registered Holstein cow, 4 years
old, Iowana lolantna l.any in.
No. 292648; 1 registered Holstein
bull, 2 years old, Matador Segis
Dekol, No. 223732, sired by Mat
ador Segis Walker, 7 A to daugh
ter average 21.408 lbs uuttertai
at 2 years; 1 registered Holstein
heifer calf, born Nov. 15, 1919; 1!
3-year-old high grade Holsteins,
frosh last fall; 2 5-yeuroIil ingn
grade HoUteins, fresh lust fall; 1
2 year old high grade Holstein,
fresh last fall; yearling Holstein
heifer, fresh last fall; 8 heifer
calves, about 4 months old. All
cow s tuberculin tested. One inare
10 year old, weight about 1100
lbs.; mare, 8 years old, weight
about 1250 lbs.; mare, 3 years old
weight about 1100 lbs; broke to
work; set chain harness; set work
harness; single harnes und 5
horse collars; Syracuse walking
plow, 14-inch; about 60 feet lxti
fence boards; Oliver Chilled
plow, 14 inch, new; log chain; 1
wire stretcher; fiO-tootli steel har
row; 2-horse 6-shovel Interna
tional riding cultivator; Banner
top buggy; 8-inch Mitchell wide
tire wagon; hay forks; manure
forks; manure shovels; scoop
shovel; wheelbarrow; 5 10-gallon
milk cans ; some household furni
ture; Kellogg telephone and
many other articles too numerous
to mention.
I.unch at noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash;
sums over $20, a credit of 8
months will be given with 7 per
cent interest and approved secur
ity. No property to be removed
until terms of sale are complied
Gustave C. Ranker,
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
1'eter VanAsche, of .South
Tualatin, wus in the city .Monday.
Mrs. K. J. Johnson, of Payette,
Idaho, is ill the city, the guest of
Watson S. Tiltou suffered a
stroke of partial paralysis last
Saturday, and is reported very ill.
L. P. Adams has becu confined
to hi room with tonsilitis, which
developed into near pneumonia.
J. C. Hare was out from Port
land this week, spending a feu
day at the Mintrr Bridge ranch.
. A. Mead is improving right
along, and anticipates going to
the Sht-pperJ Springs in the not
distant future.
Mrs. C. A. lldiule returned
Saturday evening from a two
weeks visit at I.os Angeles and
other California points.
H. W. Scott, of Cherry (irove,
wa in the city Tuesday. II. W.
say that Cherry drove st.irtoi a
new shingle mill lust week.
V. S. Galloway, of near Wapa
to, wa struck by the Portland
S. P. car train Tuesday morning,
near Gaston. He was internally
injured, but will recover.
Farms Wanted If your Wash
ingtoit County farm is for sale,
write I). McCht-sney, 30 4 Oak
St., Portland, Oregon. We have
cash buyers for good Washington
County farms, and give you the
best of service. 4(i5 1
F'ree Methodist Church, John
Hesslcr, pastor. (ieiieral
Coufcrence, I'.iaugrlist B. W .
Huekabee is conducting a revival
. . . i i t i
campaign in Hie local ciiurcn
Preaching every night and Sun
day at 1 1 a. in. All are invited.
For sale: Three young hore(
good work animals; two good
work mules; 6-foot McCorinick
mower and a hayrake, both in
good repair. F. A. Bucher, Bra-
verton, R. 3 ; 5 miles .south of
Reedville. 44-4fl
First Congregational Church
Bible School at 10 a. in.; worship
and sermon at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; topics, "The Individual's
Contribution" and "Putting Tirst
Things First." Special music at
both services. - H. A. Deck, min
ister. Friday, Saturday and Sunday
were three as fine days as anyone
might want, and all regretted the
change of weather which came
Sunday night. The frosts and
consequent melting during the
day may play havoc with Mime of
the inter-sowy grain.
Notice to all bandsmen - Hills
boro band practices each Thurs
dav night, at the hall, above Pur
it v Bakerv. All bandsmen are
invited to attend and becoin.
part of the organisation. Attend
whether you join the band or
not. 44 47
. V.. Pegg. if I'eaverton, was
a flillshorti caller Monday. W.
F.; is one of the boys who has
faith in his district and Washing
ton County, and never overlooks
an opportunity to speak the good
word for this part of the North
S. Thwaite has purchased the
residence at Fifth Railroad,
formerly owned by Y. W. Thom
as. Here was another instance
of advertising in the Argus. Mr.
Thwaite read the paper Thurs
day evening after supper and
walked over and paid a piece of
money down on the property.
E. H. Decry, who formerly con
ducted a meat market at 4ti2 Jef
ferson St., Portland, has located
at 1ST. Third St., and invites his
Washington County friends to
ship him their meats of all kind-t.
Treatment of past twenty years
continued at new location. 50
Workmen engaged in i-t-ting
the Tamiesie building into
.shape for occupancy by Allen Sc
Ireland, the hardware firm. Sam
Stcinke has charge of the carpen
ter work and the Taylors arc tak
ing care of the culsouiiniii. The
partition will be taken out and
four pillars will support the up
per floors in the center of the
structure. Messrs. Allen & Ire
land have leased the basement of
the Donelson building, to the
north, and it will be used as a
storehouse. They expect to get
into their new quarters in about
three weeks.
We are in the Real Estate busi
ness, and we are now ready to list
all kinds of City or Farm proper
tv, both large and small. We can
exchange vour property or sell it
for you if priced right. List your
property with us and give us a
trial. e have calls every day
for all kinds of property for sale
or exchange. Write or call over
to our ofHce, 8 miles southeast of
llillsboro, on River and Fnrminsr
ton road. A. L. Yanksey Co., R.
2, Box 132, Hillsboro, Ore. 47
I If eld by California Court at
tviarysville for Murder
Beaverton Bank Robber in South, ,
Confesses to Both Crimes j
Win. McQuillan returned the first
of the week from California, and
clears up the case of Chester
(lark, escaped convict, the for
mer Forest (irove lad w ho robbed
the Beaverton Bank last Spring,
(.'lark was arrested in California
for a holdup at Marysville, in
which a iifijro auto driver wrts
killed. Clark w as taken before j
the negro just before the driver!
died, and he was unable to posi-l
lively identify him. Later, how-
ever, ( lark broke down and ad ;
milled the killing. He also ad !
ini.M. . tind he robbed the bank j
near Spokane early in December.!
just prior to his going South.
( ' 1 -l rjf scaped from the Oreiron ;
penitentiary last AuLrust. while J
working in the penitentiary farm.
fields. II.- was not apprehended. !
mid drifted to Spokane, where he
was met by his girl-wife, whoi"
former home was beyond Van
couver, lie rohlieil me hank at
Spokane, and gave his wife $ti00,
which was found on her person
while a passenger on the train'
from Spokane to Portland. She
denied the husband's guilt, but it
was pretty conclusive that he did
the job.
Clark made a clean breast of
the negro murder without being
subjected to any pressure, and
he also admitted that he had rob
bed the Washington bank.
Clark had been going by the
name of Conlev prior to robbing
the Beaverton bank, and in Cali
fornia gave his name as Sinims.
Mr. McQuillan identified Clark
as the escape from the Oregon
pen, and gave the' California offi
cers all the aid possible.
Chirk is the son of the late
Joshua Clark, and when a small
child lived in this county. The
Ud. who is only a few years past
his majority, has either execu
tion or a life sentence staring him
in the faff.
Alhrrt Tozier. well known here,
now "ver in the Ciranite Moun
tains, aiding in census work for
the government, and incidentally
buckintr snowdrifts, writes The
Arcus that one of the banks at
I'liion has in its possession a re
volver once owned by the father
of Jas. Matrriuler and John -Mai-ruder,
both of whom are well
known here. Old pioneers in the
Northwest will remember Ma
irruder Sr. was murdered in the
sixties, w hile returning from the j
mines in Idaho. Maifruder was,
supposed to have had over ifl8.-j
000 in old dust when killed, the j
estimate being made by those who
were in the mines with Matcruder,
uid in a position to know about j
what the .slain man had when he;
left the diggings. j
las. Magruder is now in Mil-)
ton, Ore., and John is resitting at;
Elgin. I'liion County.
Mrs. Susannah Louise Burr, wife
of Chas. D. Burr, died at the fam
ily home above Banks, Jan. 14.
11120. She was born in Michigan.
March 2(5. 1SU. the daughter of!
Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon, and j
was married to Mr. Burr, in Mich-1
man, uet. ju, itoo, ana nicy'
came to Oregon in 1RS0, settling
in the Banks section. She is sur-1
vived bv the husband and three,
laughters, Mrs. I.enna Wilkinson,
Michigan; Mrs. Alice Wilkes, of
Hillsboro, and Mrs. F.dith Bled
soe, of Wapato, Wash.
The funeral took place Jan. 16,
Rev. F. S. Ford oiliciating. Inter- !
ment was in the Banks cemetery.
Undertaker Prickett in charge.
Mrs. Burr was a devoted wife
and a loving mother arid she will
be missed in her community.
When you go to Portland use the
United Motor Bus Co's. stages.
They give service.
Call up 260 IX for information.
Waiting room for ladies. Car
leaves every hour, from 7:20 a.
m. to 8.20 p. m., at twenty min
utes past the hour. Every driver
is a union driver.
United Motor Bus Co.
Portland Station, Fifth and
Morrison Sts., Post Office corner.
Try the Argus $1.50 per year.
Hilhboro, Corneliu and North Plaim
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 2'3.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. E. Chsney,
Assistant Cashier.
John E. Bailey,
Vice President
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Nor. 17, 1919
Loans $452,722.00
U. S. Bonds 188,802.86
Other Bonds 102,097.26
Banking House- 19,987.23
Other real estate 1,880.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank. 1,280.00
Cash and dne
from banks 24,606.87
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
$25.00 to $500.00 on Terms to Suit.
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon
mi t
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlingham,
S. G. Hughes.
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus 61,031.22
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 978,284.48
Total $1,089,815.67