The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 15, 1920, Image 1

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No. 45.
Returns Same Official List in
Year Juii Concluded
Now Carrie-1 Over a Million and
Half Loral Farm Insurance
'I'll I ni'iui ri' Mlitnnl Fire Iniiir
fini'i ..'ii, if W i t jj; I n 'miiit'
tv ti Id ilt n ii ii hii 1 HM(tiii)' it! I In'
Mill Imrii ( lull room Mmiiliiv af
li'i imiiii mill ii fir r Im-iiniik I In- re
"(l'l of si-il vi i y Km In It it tc r,
i licl. il olliri ri fur t In yrnr H'i!0
"I'll lli'uly rlt'fli'il iilliriri wirr
till iii -.mice ill tin- mi mi ( imri
t ti IhhI year, uith the xi rlinn
lli.'il tin ilHiiiriiltiuil volt'il to
nu rt'i tin two iillirfs of sn i l.iry
and t nn suriT, uliiili 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 tin
riitlniH out of our ollii'i'il. Tin
new ulliicri nr-:
I'l. S. I'. (inif, Jletliany.
Vie.- I'r- s., Alfr.-.l iu. rl.Vr, It.
I i
Nvy. Irei.., Irwin Hitler,
t.iii, It.
Iloiinl of llifictori
S, I'.. (irif, Alfred ( iu.rlur.
I'.rwin Ititlrr. of iil-iive, V. I".
ll.iH-.r, ( 'iii ih Iiii., Ii. !i ; (irrluiril
( loci t.v, ( 'ornrliiiH, H. 2,
Aiiiln-vt r.uiiii:iii, I'orlUnd, It.
ninl J. .1. Winner, I'ortlmid, It.
'I'lii-. iiiinrniirt mutual loti
t l liuiin"! in lliii county
for ,17 yeiir., mid it today carry
mi; uirr fi million mid half of
farm miiiraiiiT. It it an iii-.titn
tion of wliwli ili foundrri ami
mi-uil'i-r s an i ry proud mid well
they niny In.
Scrretarv Itittrr r-nd hit report
for ll- yrnr, ami it ti ll. (In I'd
low iui inter--! iiiir tory:
l.i id nlticcrtt, directors and ai
praiirri, during the yrnr I'll!',
l ire lo-ors paid, year of l!H!i,
I'aiil tire losie. .iinr or ki tii . ii
tiou, .-f'.T.'.HOO.
Cash received from premiums,
,'i-cssiucnls timl feci, oiiit'i
tirunuixaliuit, $47,l1:r..:! .
Total in in raiii-i- in fore, I -i-i.
ill. I!18, l,ft0li,HI!).Ol).
' w iijsuriim-e, I !!!, IliU,
.1 tH.OO.
I'Apirid or taiiti'lli'd iluiinn
tin year, .f IS, MOO.
Insurance in for' Dec. HI,
I !!!, -?l,lia,lU!i.00.
Members, Dec, 81, I'm, t K).
Admitted during yiir, BS.
I.o-I during year, 8i5.
Members Dic, .'II, !!)!, fHi'J.
I'.r cent, lows Id each 1,1000
of insurance, 1.70.
IV r cent, expense" each $ 1,000
insurance, 78,
Total cost cadi $1,000 insur
ance. ..- H .
i.craire cost per $1,000 in
suraiice last 10 years, $'..2 1.
No. policies issued during year
ended. 'J0I.
Total assets on hand, cash,
Im. nils, etc, ,f tlt,lH.ti7.
t -TiS 1 Vl
m ji-i "I . r ' jri
i-.vr. . n s 1
5-0 CLUB
i- Start every member
TLJ of your Family
. in the Chib.
See how little it takes to start every member of your
f imily in the Club, and just think what a Merry Christ
mas you will all have next year.
10-Cent Club Pays $127.50
5-Cent Club Pays 63.75
2-Ctnt Club Pays 25.50
1-Ccnt Club Pays 12.75
You can make the largest payments first and decrease
your payments weekly.
It costs nothing for your whole family to join the
Club, and is a sure way to success and wealth.
Bring them all in today.
You will receive 3 per cent interest.
I .on i s Miiyiii. who owns li'i
m rrs in the old Naylor claim, mi
joining I'orest (irove, has sue
his renter, A. A, llollovoel, for
daiiiage-t in the sum of $'00
Mavca iiI1cits that in 1017 I
leased tin farm to the di-finifan
for a live venr term, lie nays that
contrary In the leasehold the ih
fcrtdaM'riit down 21 nsh anil oa
trees and about a hundred snml.
er trees, many of which ilTordc
a breakwater when (iales Cr
went on a rampage, Ih want
$,'i00 for the damages due to i'iiI
lillK Ihe timber, $IS0 H the f
value, $50 other iUimk,
I'.. II. I)errv, who formerly con
(I tut fil n meat market at Iii'.' Jt-f
ferson St., I'ortlauil, has localei
at 1N7, Third St., and imUes hi
aslniiLrloii (otii-lv frieiiils to
ship him t In i r meats of all kinds
I reatment of past lueulv Vears
continued at lie location. AO
!! n v I'.muiott has houi'hl tin
line herd of llolstiius eoiistiliit
iug the . W. Williams herd of
linkers, and comiirised of .'10
head. Mr. Williams is oiiiu out
of the dairy hiisiness, owing to
the labor situation. These cos
are tine producers, and are fri
or soon will be, and It iv e(pects
to linil a ready market for them
He also has a registered Ilolstein
herd head, and several tine milk
ers from the Council herd.
We are in tin- Ileal (''.stale bnsi
ness, and we are now readv to list
all kinds of City or I'ariu proper
t V. both larie ami small. e can
exchange your property or sell it
for von if pin eil nulit. 1.1st vour
property with us and give us
trial. We have calls rvcrv ilav
for all kinds of property for sail
or exchange. Write or call over
tn our nHice, 8 mill's southeast of
Hillsboro, on Kiver and I'arniinir
ton road. A. I.. Yntiksev Co., It.
Hox 1.12. Hillsboro, Ore. 47
Conductor I'm n k Allison, h
has been running a train through
here for many mouths, on the S.
I', red ear service, was taken lo
tin St. Vinci-lit' Hospital the oth
er day, his trouble being a uer
Vous breakdoH u. I'rauk is one of
the favorites alonu the line, am)
the genial old scout has the sym
pathy of a l.irgt circle of friends
llirlie Van Auki-r has sued
Chas, S. VanAukcr for divorce.
They were married in the Fast
Vears ago, and seven year ago,
Ihe wife alleges, the husband de
serted her. There is a minor
child, of which she asks the cus
tody. For Sale Ttcgistered Guernsey
bull, four years old; line animal.
' Geo. H. Meyer, Cornelius, It. 2,
Hox 80. " 45 -17
William, the 8 year-old son
of M r. and "M rs. John I. Marsh, of
near Cenlerville, fill while at
play at school Tuesday and broke
a leg. Dr. I., W, Hyde reduced
the fracture.
For sale: A $45 Fdison
grapliophoue with 85 records
thrown in for $lrt. Write 1340
Main St., Hillsboro. 43-45
Try the Argu $1.80 per year.
1 1I - i ' L
i v -- ?
-si J, IK.
Enthusiatic County Meeting is
Held at Library
Eight Community Vice Presidents
are Elected
At a well at tended meeting in tin1
Hillsboro Public Library last
Friday afternoon, the Washington
County Public Health Associa
tiou, was oruaiii.i-d. More
than lifty people were present
the colli ill it ii it ii-st of Gaston
Hanks, l oresl drove, l orni-lius,
Tualatin, Sherwood, .Scholls and
Heavcrtou being will represent
ed. I'll I 111 sin sin and reat inter
est were shown iu tin work of the
count v piiolie health nurse, ami
tin ci operation mid support of
every community was pledged.
Miss Jane C, Allen, state ad
visory nurse, explameil the plan
of orgaiii.ation by which every
community center in the county
has ion on the various
eominiltees needed for the suc-
cesslin supervision oi uie
nurse' work, and each local
group of committee members is
headed by a community vice
president. The committer which
will carrv on Ihe work are: (a)
Executive committee of nine,
which is elected annually and
which acts as an advisory coun
cil; (b) Nurse committee, ap
pointive, which has direct super
vision of the nurse, and employs
. i k.- 'i
or discharge lier; (ci nu i nv
committee, appointive, which at
tends to providing loan closets of
bed linen, and sick room supplies
for the convenience of the nurse;
(d) I'ublicitv committee, nppoint-
, . t " . -.. I . a I .. . -I
ive, Which sees to II lliai me iviirn
of the association and its nurse
has freipn nt publicity in the local
At the oritnnizatioil meeliuir the
ot!irers and executive
ominitlee were elected:
President, Mrs. V. Uronk
I'orest (irove.
Nice I'resident. Mrs. M.
Lewis, Hillsboro.
Secretary. Mr. Heiidickson, of
Forest Grove.
Treasurer, Mrs. C. W. Rollins.
of Hillsboro.
Community Vice. Presidents:
Mrs. L. W. Hyde. Hillsboro.
Mr. C. Abbott, For si
Mrs. Glenn Stapleton, Gaston.
Mr. Paid Gilrov, Tnalitin.
Dr. G. D. i, Hank.
Mrs. L. A. Jackson. Cornelius
Mrs. J. C.'Huntlev, Reaverton.
Dr. John liarcroft. Sherwood.
F.xcchtive Committee :
Mrs. R. L. Smith, Hillsboro.
A. R. Caples, Forest Grove.
Louise M. Cochrane. Cornelius.
I. X. Robinson, Tualatin.
Claude Hiitehens, Ranks.
Judure (loodin. North Plains.
Ray Cook, Reavcrton.
M. R. Johnson, Forest Grove.
J. .. Morbaek, Sherwood.
' "KOWS"
We buv and sell cow. Rani west
of condenser wood yard, tome
and look them over.
Walch and Hoffman,
H-ll Hillslioro, ure.
LUvin-r sold my farm l will sell
at public sale at my place, 8 miles
south of Cornelius and 5 miles
southwest of Hillsboro, known as
the old August Krause place, on
Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m.
Reirlstered Holsteiu cow, i years
old, Iowana Coluntha Lady 2d,
No. 292548; l registered ilolstein
bull, 2 years old, Matador Segis
Dckol. No. 223782, .sired by Mat
ador Segis Walker, 7 Aro daugh
ters average 21.-158 lbs buttertat
at 2 years; 1 registered Ilolstein
eifcr calf, born Nov. 15, 1S19; 2
8-year-old high grade ltolsteins,
fresh last fall; 2 5-vearold high
grade Holsteins, fresh lust fall; 1
year old high grade Ilolstein,
fresh last fall; yearling Ilolstein
heifer, fresh last fall; 8 heifer
calves, about 1 months old. All
cows tuberculin tested. One mare
10 years old, weight about 1100
lbs.; mare, 8 years old, weight
about 1250 lbs.; mare, 8 years old
weight about 1100 lbs; broke to
work; set chain harness; set work
harness; single harnes and 5
horse collars; Syracuse walking
plow, 14-inch; about 5"0 feet lxti
fence boards; Oliver Chilled
plow, 14 inch, new; log chain; 1
wive stretcher; f!0 tooth steel har
row; 2-horse ti-shovel Interna
tional riding cultivator; Banner
top buggy; 3-inch Mitchell wide
tire wagon; nay lurks; maiiui-
lorK; manure shovels; scoo
siiovti ; iieeinarrow ; ii)-galfoh
i . i . i 1 1 . ,,
milk van; niin- household fiirni j
ture; Kellngg telephone audi
many other article too numerous I
to mention.
Lunch at noon.
Term $20 and und'-r, cash
-uiu over f20, a credit of 8
.1 :ll t . -
nullum win lie given Willi 7 per
cent interest ami approved secur
ity. No properly to be removed
until term of sale are com-ilicd
Gustavi C. Jtiiecker,
J. C. Kuralli, Auctioneer.
Judge Geo. K. Rag ley thi, week
rendered a decree of divorce to
Martha I)icriibecher, w ho ' had
sued Frank I'oenibi i her, askm-.-for
separation ami the M,in ,,(
300,000 gross alimony, and one
third interest in a , i u amounl u
realty, Prior to enniini; into court
the husband and ife sitthii
their property litrhls thro stipn
laliou, and upon llliu this, the
i nun ai once aHariieii .Mrs.
Doernhecher her freedom. The
iiisband, in the properly settle
ment gave his wife :
Cash, $70,000.
A three-year note for .(!!. 'i.'iO.
secured hy .-(, -..hull worth oi I .
S. Libri ly Hands.
A Picrce-Arrow automobile.
An Oriental rug of great e, h,e.
A prino, furniture, 'iclro!;i. '
pictures, a sewing machine. i !i
furniture listed included h'tt
Used ly Mrs, Don nbe loi pri r
to the divorce. In turn. Mr,.
Doernhecher give the I usleind
learanee on all othe- pi i-son il
and real property owne I by the
lw) in cumin,'!.
Other Cases
Fddie Brown, a pugilist, plead
ed guilty tu assault July 4. at tie
local grounds, and was paroled
upon agreement to pay ..V) to
Ttie clerk of the court. Brown
once fought 1 I rounds for a dol
lar watch, and after the h. title
went home minus the trophy, as
some one had stolen the timepiece
while the scrap was in progress.
Hard luck, says F.ddie.
The case of State versus Zab
ratas, charged with liipior law
violation, will be tried Jan. 20.
The ease of Win. Brown Vs. J.
II. Thomas was continued to Jan.
K. G. Hagt y, of Sherwood,
up Tuesday on legal busines-
D. Giger. of near Phil
came in Saturday to settle
some public sale matters.
For silt-: Jersey cow, t! vears
old, will be fresh soon. One mile
east of Hillsboro, end of Oak J
. .....
Riehter, Hillsboro, R. 5. t t-4d
Geo. W. Brown, of Tigar '.. v i
up to the city Tuesday. Co W.
looks as though the cold V inter
had agr -ed w ith him.
Jas. II. Jack, who has been
teaching over iu the Wasliougal
V.'ishv, schools for some time, w a
in the city Tuesday afternoon.
Warren Williams ami F.. F.
Northrup, of near Roy, were
down to the hub Tuesday, and
called on the religious weekly
while making the rounds.
Zibe La Rue, in the furniture
business at Sheridan, was down to
Hillsboro Monday, renewing old
friendship. Zibe says the city at
the headwaters of the rives is
forging along nicely, "thank you
For Sale: Hill grown Bui-bank
.select stock, delivered in town on
orders, at houses. C. O. Horn
ecker. llllshoro, R. 3. Telephone
3.1RXA. Also have several ton.
loose mixed and clover hay foi
sale. 43-47
For sale: Five room house,
with bath ami pantry; city water,
and wired; all kinds of fruit ;very
large lot ; close in. i Car stops
block distant. Call for particu
lars, Room ,'), Donelson Building.
Third Street, Hillsboro. 44-4l
F. M. Crabtree, of Laurel, was
iu Tuesday, and reports that none
of his walnut trees were injured
by reason of the heavy freeze a
few weeks ago. it is reported
that some of the trees on the low
lands have frozen so badly that
they will be worthless. Xo re
ports of injury as yet have come
from the upland orchards.
For Sale Baled timothy hay,
finely cured. John Ironside,
Laurel, Ore., R. 1 ; quarter mile
from post office. 44-4(i
Notice to all bandsmen Hills
boro band practices each Thurs
day night, at the hall, above Pur
ity Bakery. All bandsmen are
invited to attend and become
part of the organization. Attend
i wiieiiirr tun linn I lie iiann nr
...i. ..I ii i i
210t. 44-47
Eastern Demand and Orders Said
to be Enormous
New York Orders 65 Car Loads
of Oregon Cider
Portland - Lumber 'prices will
soar to unprecedented level. dur
ing winter and spring, according
to lumber company official here.
Demand for Douglas fir and other
woods from this section by east
ern building and manufacturing
industries will reach an enormous
volume during the next year.
Portland Pacific Steamship
Co. contract to carry 4,
0"o0v6oo'rr"'lumber to'Ori'erit. h ii-. Sauvies Island saw
mill sttit. up, -ration.
Portland stove works to build
new plant. Carman manufactur
ing company will build addition
Hood River claims to have
(500.000 new construction work
Klamath Falls box factories
and sawmills increase capacity.
F.iigene fruit grower gets $771.
3 I for crop One acre raspberries.
Warmer buildings needed to
protect root crops and live stock
in western states. j
Roseburg Oregon Growers'
Assn. to build $15,000 packing
plant here. j
Eugen Milk condensery to be
Pendleton- 3 t, 5 13 acres under
irrigation in Linatilla county.
Roseburg Two large farms of
2100 and 3100 acres to be divided
into tracts of 50 and 60 acres for
fruit and bvrry culture.
Salem ti5 carloads apple cider j
ordered by New 1 ork firm from
Phez Co.
Cove Hay bringing $25 a ton
Astoria Ne.. $100.0t'0 busi
ness block to be reeled.
Albina Fish, r flour mills buy
lots to build plint here.
Marshlield - rancl ers to
plant 175 aeres berries.
New company to operate bo its
on f'olumbia and Willamette.
Prim vilie -Mrs. McDowell to
build 14 bungalows and 100-l-oom
Seio lumber mills to be en
larged. Astoria-Clatsop county adopts
?'t27.H!.50 budget. $195,000 to
i .) on roads.
One-third wool produced in
state, or about 4,250,000 lbs. .used
by local mills. Value $7,000,000.
Forest Grove New machinery
to be installed in local eannary.
Will double capacity.
Portland Palmolive Co. to re-itu-ild
factory destroyed by fire at
cost of $750,000.
Portland T liree 12,000-ton
steel tankers to be constructed.
Oregon City Work on foun
dation of new mill of Crown Wil
lamette Paper Co. being rushed.
Over 200 nddtional men will be
employed on construction and
other work which company con
templates, will add $25,000 a
month to payroll of Oregon City
and vicinity.
Cottage Grove Johnson Lum
ber Co. purchases 100.000,000 ft.
timber in I'nipipia forest.
Crews to begin work on Hood
River-Mosicr stretch of Columbia
Highway soon.
Albany boasts largest chair fac
tory on Pacific coast.
When you go to I'ortland use the
L'nited Motor Bus Co's. stages.
They give service.
Call up 2U01X for information.
Waiting room for ladies. Car
leaves every hour, from 7:20 a.
m. to 8.20 p. in., at twenty min
utes past the hour. Every driver
is a union driver.
United Motor Bus Co.
Portland Station, Fifth and
Morrison St ;., Post OtHce corner.
Chief of Police Carl Larsen ini
tiated his first w eek as peace of
ficer by putting eight canines in I
the pound. Carl says the offend
ing dogs must go in the locker ns
long as the ordinance says so
For sale: Three young horses. 1
good work animals; two good
work mules ; 8-foot McCormick j
mower anil a hayrake, both in '
good repair. F. A. Bucher, Bea-'
verton, R. 8; 6 miles south of i
Reedville. 44-46 j
Chas. Pfahl, owner of the
Wachline place, above Blooming,'
w as an Argus caller the last of the
week. ,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephons; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. .
J. A. Thoruburgh,
D. E. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
John E. Bailey,
Vice President
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Nov. 17, 1919
Loans $552,722.00
U. S. Bonds-
Other Bonds
Banking House
Other real estate
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank
Cash and due
from banks
Total $1,089,815.67
This Bank affords its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
$25.00 to $500.00 on Terms to Suit
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : IIlII-Loro, Oregon
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlingham,
S. G. Hughes.
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus 61,031.21
Circulation 85,000.00
Deposits 978,28.45
Total $1,089,815.67