The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 08, 1920, Image 1

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    iBMWl'l'Wi . .t Will .lpMW.ill
No. 44
Takers Forbidden to Divulge Any
Information Obtained From You
Farm District! re the- Places
Where There's Kel Trouble
I i- t'Liixut I'.iiiiiin riitor fur i r
I iii lc- .Kainui I ii abroad in N nsli
iiinl"" County, anil yon mi' nlioiil
to In- Iisti-tl in llii' iiiiilliini r
t urn-, of I It lulled Mnti'i. Tbc
t' ii u It ir mi t ii r Imi eirtiiin form I"
' y fill, mill In- ii t xpt i lr il In ),"' thiv
inf. n iniitiiiii fur tin Kin rrnni' iil,
unit you are 1ml Ik I'laiiu' I In:
iiit'"iliiiiii r. Tin- IiIhiiUh Kfr for
niiil.ilili' mill In n- in wlinl I In- tin
lion it 1 1 1 1 In know :
Miir nr mi your last lurllidny ;
wliillur innrriril or miiU'i U'ttrt
in t ii- 1'. S., if iilo n; nntiinilizi d
or it lit' u ; m-jiri lint uinlird, if.
ntiluriili.i il . In I lit-r or not yon
arc iiblc In mill or In wrili-; llir
nioll.rr liiii,ur of both your
inli; win-it iimllor brtui ;
ult'ii' f :i t lit- r wut born; your
t , in riii ilion or irofes-ion j
uln lln r you are i iidnvrd, ein
jiloyrr, or working on your nun
lllTKtllll . I
Hit if ton nrc a fitrmrr, (Ion
your fun lint j n tt i omuiriired
ln ii yon lime reached thli point, J
for you must gitr m urnilv
jios-ilil,' mi luriiriili- neeiuinl of
i vcr tiling raised; your livi slork,
wiluri of your produce mid of
stork, and in inv other lloni per
Imitin to fiinn statistic.
Tin' bin "slirki-r" to ninny it to
It'll tin- birtlil;nT of t tit-i r par
i nts, mid it would Mirrisf- you to
know just how iiiiiiiv nrc tumble
lit ti ll tins iiifui million. To j-rt it
bite mi tins the Argils asked tin
lirst ten people met, mil I only
four of them could tell tin- exm t
place of birth of both f ilher mid
Ill i in lj the lain- at
lite Inline nil horn after Jmt. 1
!irtoiiiilliil from the roll, in it is
Hi jf desired to jrt-1 the census us
It stood .Inn. I ,
tilcn Hell, of Mc.Miiinulle, Inn
bought ii half interest in I he Don
eliou I tulcrtakiiif( business, Mr.
Hi ll litis been associated with V.
V. .NiacV, of Mi'M intivtlle, several
uiirs, it) the same line of busi
ness. 1'. L.'ollettc, of Cornelius,
w .is in the city the lust of the
week, accompanied by his father,
Senator l.alollelle, the hifj peach
kin),' of Marion County. I. I.,
.ays tliat Loganberries have suf
fered some where the tops were
exposed to the weather above the
mum s, s In n il was so extremely
colli mil he predicts a (joud crop
anyway. Jle is not yd certain
whether or not the zero weather
nj'iretl the pencil trees.
If you didn't get that bank book and letter we mailed you,
come into our bank and let us show you what it was.
It is important that you look into our "Christmas Banking
Club" plan, for it means much to you and family.
Come in today and learn how, by banking small amounts
regularly, you can have a nice sum at the end of fifty weeks.
We will be glad to tell you about it.
There are 12 clubs to fit every purse.
You will receive 3 per cent interest.
MUses TeituessiT mid l.uey
Weiitln-rreil were hostessen at n
lel niven Tuesday iifternoon for
Miss Until Harbison, who win
married New Yeap day to V. W,
(iartlner. The iifternoon was
hpenl in sewlnR for the bride anil
dainty refreshment were scried.
Those present included the Mes
ilmni'N 1'.. II. Smith, 1 1irlriiuipf ,
licren, Payne, Shole, mill the
Missis Until Harbison, Mailer
Imbrie, Tennessee mid l.uey
Farm Wanted Thirty to BO
acres improved, with building
and family orchard, fruit, etc., on
good rond, mid clone to town and
shipping point unliable for dairy
ing. 1'arty will pay -! for a
place that unit", l'lcaae give com
plete description and full particular.--Ilalph
Harris Company,
827 Chamber Commerce, Port
land. -
First Congregational Church -llible
School at 10 a. in. Worship
and sermon at I I a. nt. and 7 :'Mi
p, m. ; topics " The Call of Ser
tin" mid "The Danger of IUin
Side-Tracked." Special music at
l.oth services. Midweek serllce
on Thursday at 7 :.'I0 p. in. Sub
jrit for the month of January,
"Christian Americanization." II
,. Ueck, minister.
Orwlle (i. Wilkes, who m de
tained from going F.asl to the
Ford Motor Shop, on account of
the storm, passed through from
Tillamook the last of the week,
etiroute to Detroit, Michigan,
where he will spend several week
in the mechanical "department,
liltiiiK himself as an expert on the
car that is universally used.
. Notice to all liaiidsinen llills
boro hand practices each Thurs
day night, at the hall, above I'ur
ity Hakery. All bandsmen arc
invited to attend mid become a
part of the organization. A Hi nil
whether you join the hand or
not. It 17
For sale: Three young horses,
good work animals; two good
work mules; 5 foot McCormii k
mower and a hayrake, both in
good repair. F. A. Hiichcr, Hea
vrrtou. It. .1; ft mile south of
Iteedulle. 1 1 Ifi
Mr. Carl A. Hande departed
Mondny for I.o Anirel,-, Cab,
where she will visit her sister,
Mrs. F.ii""uc Kob'-ll. She will
stop at Orlmid, Ockl.ind and San
Francisco before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Taiuiesie
mid Dr. 'and Mrs. . I'.. Tamiesie,
of I'ortlainl, visited New Year's
with the wister, Mis Marie Tarn
iesie, of South Eighth Street.
John Ironsinde, of Laurel, who
has read the Argus for a cpiarter
of a century, wan in Tuesday and
started on hi 20 year lap.
J. W. Jackson, of North I'lains,
was city caller Tuesday, and re
membered the Argus for hi 20th
For sale: A $15 Edison
graphophone with 85 record
thrown in for $lfi. Write UtO
Main St., Hillsboro. 48-45
Comrade J. L. Crow Will Preside
Over Poit for the Ensuing Year
Veterans Send Meisage to Capt.
R. Crandall, at Los Angeles
General Hansom I'osl, (j. A. 11.
and the Woman's Relief Corps
met at the hall in the court house
last Friday and jointly installed
olliccrs for lite ensuing year. Tin
large gathering of veterans and
ladle enjoyed the lug annual
banipiet in the adjoining dining
room, ami there wi re many iih ui
bcrs present from Forest (irove.
After dinner W. M. More, of
Portland, a iiietuher of the noted
Veteran quartet, installed I'ost
olliccrs a follow . :
I'osl Couuuatider, J. I.. Crow,
Senior Vice Commander, M. C
Junior Vice Commander, J. W.
Chaplain, Hubert Anderson.
Adj. and Quarter Master, 1'.. F.
Ollieer of Day, Frank Doughty.
The olliccrs for the Hclicf
Corps were installed by a team
from Forest (irove, Mrs. Sophia
Smith installing ollieer.
After installation ceremonies
were over speeches and songs
were in order. Mr. Morse, w host
address ami vocal numbers look
the house by storm, was followed
by an address by Hon. II. V.
Gate, who was at his best. At
the conclusion he was cheered to
the echo. Mr. Gates alluded to
Judge Crandall and wife, who for
years had not missed mi installa
tion ceremony, and a telegram
conveying New Year's greeting
w as sent, vi. :
"To H. Crandall and Wife,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Gen. Hansom I'ost ami W. R
C. in joint session assembled, in
loving remembrance send best
wishes for n Happy New Year."
The meeting was one of the
finest held for some years even
tho familiar figures were absent.
Having sold my farm I will sell
at public sale at my place, 3 miles
south of Cornelius and 6 miles
southwest of llillsboro, known as
the old August Krausc place, on
Heginning at 10 o'clock a. m.
Registered HoUtoin cow, I years
old, low-ana Colantha Lady 2d.
No. 2!25tS; 1 registered Holstein
bull, 2 rears old, Matador Segis
Dckol, No. 223782, sired by Mat
ador Segis Walker, 7 Aro daugh
ters average 21.458 lbs
at 2 vcars; 1 registered Holstein
heifer calf. born'.Nov. 15, lyit); 2
3-ycar-old high grade Holslcins,
fresh last fall; 2 j-yearold high
grade llolsteins, fresh last fall; 1
2 year old high grade Holstein,
fresh last fall; yearling Holstein
heifer, fresh last fall; .1 heifer
calves, about 4 mouths old. AI!
cows tuberculin tested. One mare
10 years old, weight about 1100
lbs.; mare, 8 years old, weight
about 1250 lbs.; marc, 3 years old
weight about 1100 lbs ; broke to
work; set chain harness; -t work
harness; single harnes and 5
horse collars; Syracuse walking
plow, 14-inch; about 50o feet lx(i
fence hoiirds; Oliver Chilled
plow, 14 inch, new; log chain; 1
wire stretcher; CO-tooth steel har
row; 2 horse C-shovcl Interna
tional tiding cultivator; li. inner
top buggy; 3-inch Mitchell wide
lire wagon; hay forks; manure
forks; manure .shovels; scoop
shovel; wheelbarrow; 5 10-gallon
milk cans; some household fitrni
til re J Kellogg telephone mid
many other articles too numerous
to mention.
Lunch at noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash;
sums over 20, a credit of 8
months will be given with 7 per
edit interest and approved secur
ity. Xo property to be removed
until terms of sale arc complied
Gtt.stnve C. Ituecker.
J. C. Ktiratli, Auctioneer.
Mrs. Elizabeth Conklin, of
Rosebtirar, has this week been the
guest of her son, Clarence Conk
lin, running a locomotive between
here and the mountains on the
Tillamook line.
J W Hughes, of Forest Grove,
was in the city Monday, enrotite
to the country to look over sonic
dttrv stock.
Try the Argua $1.50 per year.
F. Klatt, of West I iiion, wits in
the ity Tuesday iimniing,
John Hcrdlciii, of alum Bloom
ing, was a city visitor Tut-sd.iy
Oscar Johanscn, of I'oitlaml,
was out the last of tin: week, the
guest of his friends hi re and at
Wanted: Two tilt: ditchers, to
work by rod F,. I. Donelson,
Hilsbnro, Ore., H. I; one mile
out. 1:1 It
Horn, Dec. 27, 19 I , Mr. and
M rs. I'ercy Ciirsl ens, ol i'o rt la lid ,
.1 son. Mr. and Mrs. ns for
uii-rlv resided at Hanks.
For sale: Jersey cow, (i years
old, will be fresh soon. One mile,
east of llillsboro, end of Oak, J.
Hiehler, llillsboro, R. 5. II it;
Lutheran service n.-xt .Sunday
afternoon al 2 o'clock, at the Ail
vent ( hurch on liasehne M. '.
H. Sehaus, Pastor.
Ib-nry Harrington ci I. br.. t' d
his H'Jiul birthday Inst week and
the Harrington home was invaded
by all the county relative-, .-mil
their friends.
For sale: Five, room house,
with bath and pantry; eily v aler.
and wired; all kinds of feu i t ;ur;
large lot; close in. Car slop,
block distant. Call for particu
lars, Room 3, Donelson Ruildinir.
Third Strett, Mil! ,boro. 1 i .,
James Cutright, the four war
old son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Cut
right, of Uuxton, died, .
lii'JU. from malnutrition, the ,
having been ill since la t Febru
ary. The body was buried in tin
Hanks cemetery, Fiub rt kr
I'rickett directing.
A (juict home wedditm i :s vl
etnnied nt 3 o'clock Jaihi.irv 1,
If 20, at the home of Mr 'and
Mrs. R. F.. Harbison, when their
daughter Ruth Lelilia became tin-
bride of V. W. Gardner, of this
citv. Rev. E. T. Simpum. a cous
in of the groom, officiated.
The house was beaiilifuilv dec
orated with greenery, cut (lowers
and palms, and the Kpiscopnl si r
vice ceremony took place beneath
an arch of stnilas- ami ferns. I'ri
or to the ceremony, Mr. Haul IV-
tri, with Mr. Petri accompanist.
sang"0 Fair, O Sweet and Holy."
As Mrs. J. I). Hergcn played the
wedding march from Lohcii':rin
the bridal party entered the room,
the bride with her father. The
bride was attended by her sis
ter, Marv Harbison, as maid of
honor, and the proom. bv hi
brother, Wilf-e, Gardner, of
Portland. Master John How ard
Dergeli carried the ring in a laii:,"
calla lily.
The bride wore a gown of
white georgette crepe over vUin
and carried a shower bouquet of
Bride roses ami orchids.
After the ceremony a reception
was held mid light refreidimcnt s
were served to about 50 iruests,
including relatives and friends
of the contracting parties.
The bride and groom are well
known in llillsboro, Mrs, Gard
ner having been with the North
Const Power Company for the
past two years ami Mr. Gardner
with the Copeland & McCrcadv
Lumber Company for the past 5
years. After a short trip Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner have returned and
will be at home to their friends
after Jan. 15, at !Hh and Baseline.
A county meeting: will be held in
the llillsboro Public Library on
Friday afternoon. Jan. !, nt 2:00
o'colck, for the purpose of rally
in:; to the support of the Wash
ington County public health
nurse. This meeting has been
called bv Miss Jane C. Allen,
State Advisory Nurse, who has
been organizing this work here.
Every part of the county should
be well represented at this meet
ing. This will alTord the different
commtinties an excellent oppor
tunity for show ing their approval
of this splendid work towards i
raising the standard of public
health in this county.
At this time also, the Washing
ton County Public Health Asso
ciation will be formed which will
function about as a library board
functions in the management of
a public library. Every commun
ity in the county will be repre
sented on the slate of officers and
i on the committees. Oreiron now
has four other such county pub
lic health associations and they
have proven excellent -for cement
ing the relationship between the
people and their nurses.
Let us see to it that a ffood bisr
delegation from this community
tittends this inectir"T.
Cannery Industry Growing Over
th State
Oregon Produced 15,000,000 lbs.:
of Wool in 1919 i
Highway between Clatsop and
Tillamook counties to b: rockedJ
Rainier--$75,0"0 bond is-.tie-
for city hall and waterworks car
ried. Allany Many tracts fur berry
cult tin: being sold.
Albany-- Forty acres north of
town to be planted to grapes.
C oipiille New lumber mill in
corporated for 100,000.
Albany The Puyallup & Sum
ner cannery here closes its first
season with big pack. Plan bi
addition to plant nctt year.
Railroad from Cliein.iwa to Mt.
n ift 1 is planned.
Eugene has if' 1 25,000 buildings
projects planned for HI20.
New berg - -Valley C; 'lining C'vi.
to enlarge plant.
Termini: Mt. Hood railway to
have ne'v JO room hotel.
liend -111 Shevlin-Hixon Lum
ber Co. employes ow n homes.
M.irshfiehl Shortage of lop
ters reduces men employed in
Legality of state dog license
ta to be tested.
Rosehuri to have new prune
packing plant in 1920.
Portland tax levies have climb
ed steadily since 1901. County
taxes for 1920 leap 28.2 per cent
over 1919, in spite of the 6 per
cent limitation.
Portland Supple & Ballin ac
quire Columbia shipyards to op
erate same.
Harrisburg -.50,000 sawmil!
' Ompany being organized.
Astoria New salmon hatchery
!o be erected immediately on riv
er above Chinook.
Portland Peerless Belt & Re
pair factory to enlarge its plant.
Corvallis Three new business
houses to be built next spring; a
bank, .store building and garaije.
Bend 150 acres given for
tiemorial park.
Pendleton $75,000 Baft is't
church planned here.
Davis California Lumber Co.
to erect new mill.
Oregon teachers' convention
rejected request to join labor
Portland East side apartment
house sells for $25,000.
talent 26 acre fruit tract, 8
miles north of here, sells for $300
an acre.
Cottage Grove Local cannery
pay ou over $50,000 during past
year. Total pack for season, 289
Eugene Condensed milk plant
will go up here.
Oregon produced 15,000,000
lbs. wool during past year.
Portland American Can Co.
to erect $1,000,000 factory plant.
Costs $600,000 a Year
In 9 months the people of Ore
gon used 30,000,000 gallons of
irasoline or at the rate of 40,000,
000 gallons a year.
The so-called gravity test
which eompells the people to pay
1 1-2 cents a gallon extra costs
them $000,000 a year.
What benefit accrues to the
people of Oregon from this"cmv
ity" test which costs them $600,
000 a year?
There can be no possible bene
fit to the users of gasoline unless
the law is to make jobs for a lot
of inspectors. Oregon 'Manufac
We desire to express our sincere
appreciation and extend thanks
to all who so kindly tendered as
sistance and sympathy durincr our
bereavement, the death and ob-,
srnuies of the late John C. Miller.
and for the beautiful floral offer- ;
Mrs. Marv J. Miller. !
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Miller,
Mrs. Chas. A. Miller
and Children.
"KOWS" !
We buy and sell cows. Barn west
of condenser wood yard. Come i
and look them over. j
Waleh and Hoffman,
ti-47 Hillsboro, Ore.
For Sale Baled timothy hay, :
finely cured. John Ironside,
Laurel, Ore.. R. 1 ; quarter mile
i from post office. 44-46
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and R 'tail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. S. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.
John E. Bailey,
Vice President.
H. E. Ferrin,
Assistant Cashier.
At Call of Comptroller, Nor. 17 1919
Loans $552,722.00
U. S. Bonds 185,802.56
Other Bonds 102,097.26 1
Banking House. 19,987.28 j
Other real estate 1,850.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank. 2,250.00
Cash and due
from banks 224,606.57
Total $1,089,815.67
This Bank affords Its patrons every banking facility consistent
with conservative management. Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations respectfully solicited.
$25.00 to $500.00 on Terms to Suit.
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlingham,
S. G. Hughes.
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus 81,081.28
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits 978,284.45