The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 18, 1919, Image 3

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. Walling, U.I.U; Gin, Wiuth, ; Chas
'"' Kill...-. 'I I- , I, mil, I I.,. I... II. f f Ml
following I i r 11 . ill tin- !) niltt r mm, JN; 1) il Ilcnwiiier. I) It
Tin' Cimlilv Court n I to wt'd
I, l hi of ( 'mi 1 1 :
Koiuhi mill ilu;liwiiy
II W McDonald, 2.IU; II W Mc-
noun il. HI. till: J M l.ilkiii:,nh il.MW'
Iidhi. i: iv iv it i i .i,.,.. ;. -"; ' 1', 10.60J Chun
.H n..i. & i.,;,t i 1 ; "? : , 'LV. V.i f '
llruHi rum, WW!, Julm,, ( ;h,i,te. .' V. ,,' '"" 'j" "v
m.. 20; Julius Cl.ii.,.e,, f-!..87;i I w" Ti .kV0j, M?h "mN.'tmK
BO; lien lUiwki'r, 8; I. Varidchey, ' Strieker, 35 John Trachsel, 5.65; running thence south along the ca.,tn "aid premises or any part or par-
"....'. rmi namei, m: wtaio Illd Accident lino or (inlfl tract .No, Dl a , hhinre ' eel thereof to tho t t le of
Coimumiijoii, Ztt. ,d( 450 feet, thence west on u ' plaintiff therein and thereto; and
Bridge-. Urn- parallel with tin- porlh Uund-1 that plaintiff have mch other and
Mrl'iirliinu Bios, (1 10.20; Oscar ary linn of said tracts Son. J0 further relief as to the Court may
"'. !; nii iiiu n i o,; i, n nu :m a iiihibiicp oi 4 net, thence ; iwm just and equitable.
Tompkins, 2.h0; Hoy Burger, 110; north -KiO feet to tin; north hound-i Tfii summons U hit
r.'i i. in ngiov. i , 1 1 i.i) ; i, ahutr ww ' cni'l tracts .Vos. 00
tu.k, 12.5(1; V A Ktitloii, 9; V E D.- 91, thence m along said north
on, ,'i0; II lloguc, 9; C E Long, 40; (I boundary line 487 feet to tho place of
T Vogi.1, 9; L 1' Buldwjn, y; R F ; Iwjf Innfnif, containing 5 acres, n,ore
iteaNoncr, lu; J (i Hook, VI; li A ' "r "" '" mK a p'rt of tracts
if ariinifion, 4; W A Knox, 4; R V
K.iiMoiii-i',; Frank llokomh,
tt; I'ird GruNNi-ii, ; Kd Croawn, 4;
ti lUich.-n, H.ui!; !' J Schmidt, 4.50;
r j m-iimim, ; It Kuufmun, JO; Hi.ii
ry llaurr, ; C JukkI, 'U ; U'uU r !- Oil to. of ( aliloiniii, .',.t.oh; ,.',.. V,.," Vf' l
Wm M-yulllan, 7.Wj I. )...,. Auto i.,'' 7'' Co., Mrlmll WVIU Co, t, ' TIm!
7v; v M t it) lit... i:i.,; ci,1M M ."V" f, ?
w ( ,:, vua; w w tioif in. v.' ;,!:!'.'.,.1;
to, i . l ; roiMitnd Motor Cur c1(,
Mii'uvoon i.umix'f t o. II.OM:
L C M.4,ull, 1.;:7 A liiithrhi & Co,
::'.:i; J I) Miiy & Son, llft.7u;
hiitlu liiililxlriiil Aividi'iit ( uiiiimu-
ion, JU.iiV; I. S llanu'H, I7.5(I;
ililUlioio (iuriiKi', $lii.U5; llunnynmn
llaithvuiB Co, 7.li0; Km mot t lloov
u, iCiii; l.ccih, $iiy,7j; R Wil
Iiuiiik, $k;,z;,; J) Huhlmid, :J7.50;
Aii-n lluii, l',U.0;Kd KulU-r, l!l.
!.0. John l.ulll-r, H.;i.,; J Uit-lK-y, $,.;
K llarp.T, U; Kuy lii'uwiner, JHVXKi;
John Wilnon, i:t; tino Htdfiidifo,
lu; llfinian liirk.r, :i:).75; Alum
1 1 kaimoii, ....;'; ; W I, Hualmuur,
l.:i7; II K SuhLuuit, ?:;,; Carl
.SiichuuiT,"; ;h .Suxhimrr, f
(o; Jud Nii'hiHii'iniiH, Uii.iiO; Kr-d
l.fpMclmt, ?'J.'j;; Curl Suidiauor, 6.:';
J Mi IiimIiiiium, 5.00; Cml iuahauer,
Ul."!7 ; Jud'miiH, $,'!0.; Her.
mail HiH-kiT, 5; A li kiiiKon. 4.50:
t ail .Sulminr, II.L'5; Arnio Mckln
wo, 1D.I2; ('ail .Sul.aiir, 4. Ml; 1, C
Mchiuist, III,',; Win UoIxm'U. 14 'T,;
lioy Miilin, ."J; 1. II llr
ill, H.40; K.-x Sum
'uinlulf, 4.50; C M
HoHHiim, ltl.60: W
Anwm Stowdl, ti; H
C A Alln. 4: C, W
Alh'ii, Hurt Wulur, a.50; Kd Wul-
lr, .i.ou; Jaiiitm Hoiel, 7; J I) Con
Kr, ; J 1'olick, H; J 1) Conger, 20;
C, l'Uip.--, zh; C C KoIh-iU, U; Ja
cob Miller, 12 ; 0 U Ihoimm, 7; Fred
HeHM, ; Ivfln Hhaner, 5.25;Uobrt
Mwuliam, 10.60; It O Jloherif, 10.50;
W t; Kdy, 3; K C Wetzel, 3; W C
Kdy, li, R O IIoIwik, 10; Rulrt
Meiuham, 35; J t; Klliuniittii, 7; Wm
lly. 14; Ivan Shaner, 12.25; Roy
Moher-, J4; S T Stephen, 10.60; Kd
W widl, 1.75; Jaroh Kchnclder, 1.70;
Carl Meier, 3.60; Trunk Schneider,
i.iii; i'. Miniri'r, Hl.bO; Fritz Fisher,
10.76; Fred I'fallle. 0.75: Tom Keuu
W, .75; ivtr KeioiliT, 0.75; John
Sattler, .7S; C F Tlurd, 6.76; Tom
guidley, 0.75; Joe (juiKley, 10.75; Jno
urna, .; u (i Wulliinf, ; Jim
O Meara, 12,25; 0 Hurtig-, 2.25; K
Minifer, Y0. j Hum Hauler, 39; C F
Tiirurd, 41; John Saltier, 41; Tom
KeHnler, 3!i; Fred I'fallle, 38.75; John
Mioy, ii; lorn Uuiuley. 41: Joe Oulir
ley, 12.75; J Korhiuint. 8; Jim O Mea-
iu, 1.1..10; John lichii, 42.76; O O Wal-
inikii Hi .Il
r,, I.,,.. .11 r.i. n .
F..I .Smith, 7; (l . fiuy. 3 60: Uov T" .TV' . er 1 mr
K..I., I2.M ; ( () l.,tl I I IKl, !' 5 A Zwriner, 71.25; J C
K.iuipiiunt, 115,10; .Smith Auto lio-l l .Vu K l 'V ''0,'.' ' t. 8.60 J
live, Co, 525; Tho i;,,Tl Shop, SOZ' vtrVV
IVmlall llunlwa,,. 1,,,,, ( 0. 2 (15 ! rJ: fVH J J W
IUI..,, KMnaUKhty Co,' 50.4. ; Hal! T. ,('IJ, 1 lnh,'alft ;j"h.n' lM i ''
lo. Wii.rht, 4 0.,; llo'watd, I V,"' VJ 'f.0..1" JtT' 25Wj
r.. 1 r.n. .1 11 .i.e. 1.. 1 ,, AIM Sle(,il, 12.H0 V em Summers.
,-r Corporution, $ !5.62; Uull CrL-' ;'.;' i'.V "'T, ? ,0;.RE5 SiT
der Mi Co, 31.40; Hod'aon FW,,auKh. ! I, ?' 5 f.t'f'i 8.. J? '
ty Co, I. .U; Lawrence I'leree, 1H.60; , Z.'-r. ' .;. ,, C. i. 5, -
an. I..1O; L U (.olt 4 Co, ; ,.-,. .., .... , w
10, i; lliiKkrll t nrpenter Co, 4!.40;
! 01 th t ouhi power Co. 42.40: Cone-
l.i.d Lumber Co, 4:1.61; C W St-huld,
Rennet t. 102.50; L N Rider. 75.25:
John Hrum, 4; Fred . KifKiman, 7;
rerry .stream, 10.38; L N Rider, 42;
1 I. ll'lriiiv J- l.ilm lt,.. ! f I'
rVT 15 1 ine Co ltl 11 i ' VVankBeTOoV CV.
l T l w'T ;, 1 Y""' U' lilHkwW. 62; I' Holme. 70; T
I,, -i .t Ti ! v V rV.'T "l'l'n. 1i; I Srhnene, 2; (J 11
.;,h .' , . , ,Uv'' l.oma, 3.50; J Kte, 3.60; Jacoh
H" U"' 'TO..fmur.r:!M,ller. ; Kd WalU'r. 9: Fre.1 Cor-
fuitimmr, luj.uii; n r ... . i. , 0 , ,,,MI.
: i. .itunh 111 f.ili A .1.. i u
Her, U1.12; ti luman. 91.40; A j -fV. tv.nt, T .V , irn iTii '
J-ivm' Ce ,b5 cit r J. J fsrfr;.' ,Iar,7
..... . ii . . , , , ,,r . t- .i leai'h, 11.50; R il 1 Iniiiw. 6; V
vet & Mint a to, I4U:; rorent i .... 1 1 .. In o i .
, . .. ,. ,. ... i V nndervelilen, 10 W liuhbert, 6.25;
t,i. .v,. t.aiHKe. H.,12; Ceo K Allen, . lla.P.1M ,: ' V o;
"I 11, V! V T.,t II II".'.. .....,,," v..v..,, .. , .,,..,,,0,
7 i . , t i . ' , . , - ( hristi tisoii, 4.50; K W Christen-
(olvnt St Hume ( . .":U7; Joseph: ... . .. , -..' n , V, .
......... ,,,-, , , mam ., , a. U'm Id. I.I. 1 V
U IlL.lll
12.40; Urn Zurcher. 12; Frefl Kilter, , T 'llM; S
u" i u V , ., . . , veiie, i; i II old en, IS; J Mo ine,
Sin Hnh.)i. 8; hied llmhu p, H J (. ;..,.,r,. ci.mH...-., nn v nour.
vj -. 1 Kol-t Ji" Co. .2; Foielt
J H oun .SI... 7 j Juke S , . U W;'I(.r. 1;1.u5. 0u Eriek.son. 29.43; Hell m alter, 22,50; John Walter, r, iv -j ... i i, ., i
2! 50; AlUeit Schneider. 11.80; S 11 t" K ' u-Ll , m VJi
t.ili.ln. 22 50: I. J IlolU. 30: Fred ! .' ",n ?. . ,u"" or.?'.!, 5": Mr-
r nox. i i mi; r mi mci.oy la; i.ioyu ,, t- A9,... .,,.,. ., .
hiiox, 1.50; L J Holt, 21; W m UolU, I .... vi a. w. u-' TV
'. ai . c.iii.. ( fit km. I l." .,il,i ' ' ' Alb K,'n1i 7J.87 Wm Welsh,
Vi. i f ' '., A ,'n m r f "Ti82-U,5 J JnJette, 48.37; W Zuer-
" .-I M'? ''nr v nf,"' G4 F Kellort, D7.37;'j Gay, 9;
' , i f'',: JoneH, 13.60; ..Hur-i Au F ..,. ',.'.,:
J'ine, I ; J K
f, 9; Sam F.eUhauer 9; W-W i 807.
Kiey, 6.i5; Koy Hioknw, I.,..; K 1 . iiu, i.,k t...i..i iu. i i r 7
irhy. 3.3K; W K Ramey, 'J'n ."
Till. Hr.D IUIJL
19.13: John Traclmel. 115.62: F
1 leiHchhauer, 17.60; Roy Porter,
,; ,sam Heinehhauer, 67.50; Chan
jMilvley, Ift.lK; Keto McLeod, 1.50;
iduatav Redner, 13.50; Bill Hutes, 41;
1 .Ine Kelenrnth, 40; Jame Walter, f 9;
I John Walter, K; U Rates, 12; Chester
Il.iten, 12; Custnv Kedner. 31.50:
: I'aul Schuler; 25.23; Sain Koherntein,
10.25; Arton Guerher, 9.02; Lester
i Hull, 2.68; C.untav Redner. 120.60: li
I Fleinchhttuer, 110; Ed Cox, 9; Cha
, Sc nam. 7.50: V L HmrnrH. 3 60 r Jim
v,. ... ... .i .m,i... i Heard, 0.25; Anile Coor(te, 4; Rene
I ' MWWB MeltelH'ke, 4; Frank Meltebeke, 4;
Wel'proof 't AuRUst Melteln-ke, 4 ; Alven Whitford
twSvr 'i 'WfsOT'W ('lm HiU'hcock, 4; John Hitchcock
Q.teJ ' i( ton. 4 ; J
1 MeCann, 33.40; Jim McKmney,
!' .'! UM; Jim Henrd, 4,80; Henry Foot,
, . 234.50; K Itschner, 4(1.80; I) B Rea-
1 ry tin' A rji tis, lrl.60 n r (0ner, 21; Rav Mahler, 49; Fred
-41 FiitannsAmmunition
Shooting Rfehr.
4jE " "
New Service
Jror You!
If you want to know about any property you see advertised
in the Portland paper by the PACIFIC AGENCY, see A. R.
England, of your own town.
We have subscribed for the PACIFIC AGENCY SERVICE,
and have full particulars of all properties handled by them,
regardless of where it may be located.
If you want to sell or trade, list your property with us and we
will place your listing in all the oflices having the PACIFIC
AGENCY SERVICE, which means that your property will
receive the combined publicity and selling forces of the prin
cipal communities of the Northwest.
We are the exclusive representatives of this SERVICE in
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Real Estate and Insurance.
Phone 42 1W
The Pacific Agency, Inc.
Suite 514-15-16-17-18-19, Swetland BIdg., Portland, Oregon
Knox, 4; J C Hook, 21; U W Whit
ooiiih. 215; T C Starrett. 1K1.I2: Karl
I M. Cort, K0.43; W II McCrady 131.31:
Rudolph HardeU'tk, ,4.60; Curl Cur
ti, 4-1.4.1; Frunk Miner, 39.93; Law
rence Green, 0; J K Mathein, J2.93;
Curl I'uvix, 12.93; John Collier, 46.
; Hen F HoHkiim, 9; AI Lench, 8.43;
J K Smith, 2.81; G K ILxiver, 17; C
J Starrett, 77; G 1 McNamoe, 13.60;
I. S itierly, 4; William Ilurg, 6; N G
McDonald, 8; 0 11 North, 8; H N
Cutlinii, 8; L A Wooton, 112; D B
Wooton, 90; C K Lonif, 26; F K Dix
on, 25; Loula IHIIeeke, 20; A liutter
worth, 8; Hiram Kkun, 8;; Jamex
Churchill, 39.37; R II Lilly. 15: W
Parium, 1.1.12; G II Hay, 22.50; Ben
Hanelt, 15; A W Wilon, 11.25; John
McIlolMrt, 15; John Wilaon. 7.50;
A Ferrill, .1.75; Frank WiUon, 16
W A Sartffint-, 25.50; J J Adkinn, 30
A W Wllnon, 10; Chet Vincent, 10
J A Ferrill, 2; John McClaran, 37
rrel muter, 45; Geo Townend, 10
J Ihoinpnon, H.i.2.; A Heckman, 34.
50; And Heckman, 61.25; O M Grim
21; J H Hoffman, 42; O M Grimm
35; W Simmon, 14; J H Huffman, 7
W Krlifht, 0; T Cole, 3; Edward Van
lAm, 12; Warren Huher, 7; Remy
lielpliin.-lie, 1.75; William Sahpow,
4.60; Hugo Sahnow, .1; John Cawriie,
85c; Leonard Ken, 3.50; rrank Rch
.1.60; Cha F GraM, 12; Roy flavi,
3; John SchmelUer, 9.75; Rowell
It i o, 1.3C.
Mr Mary Runyon, $6; Mr M B
Welch, 115- Anna Llnpnan, $15; C
F Cnnteel (for Newt Peter I $5; Kva
Adunm, $10; Anna Lindlmm, $15
Anna Cuxtard (for Lucy I'm cell ) 10
Gerhard GoeUo (for F Freitiur) $8
Mr J A Altman, $5; Clara Koelich
I0; Ncllio Callahan, $17.50; Cora
Stemple, $17.50; RrittK 'iron (for
May Dixon) $25; Ixjuiku Vaiiloo
tlO; Kvaline LaChapelle, $15; Mary
Hollund, $10; Carrie Hanacn, $2..
Mr J A Vandehey, $25; Hennie Ad
am, $15; Good Samaritan HoHpital
(for F Knott) $17.10; Kmton i
.-:hulinvrich( rfor Mr Wiswell, $10
V'erhcMirt Gen Mde Co (for Mru Pa
v.-y) $22.23.
, Witnensea Circuit Court
C 1) Hornecker, $7.20; A Powers,
47.80; -C A Weatherford, $2.20; S J
(iallowey, $6.60; John lloyd, $2.80; G
V Hale, Ili; J McAllister, $1!.3&; Mr
Hwen Frle. $2.00; J II Hoffman, $7
A G ltarber, $1; Art Hill, $6.30; Uu
ii-e Meyer, $6.10; J C Wood, $3.60
W I. Walch, $3.60; William Gregor,
$3.60; John Koeker, $6.20; Jarne
liiidon, $30.40.
Witnee Giand Jury
C W ltedmond, $2; K R Wolfe, $6;
Kd Wolfe, $6; S J Galloway, $2.30;
C ( tloriilx'cker, $2.40,
Widows' Pensions
Minnie Johnson, $17.60; Charlotte
K l.eviik, $17.50; l.uella D Crane,
$10.; Hose Sears,, $10; Nettie Jeffer.
$10; Kthel May Noyes, $25; Maggie
Lee' Hoover, $10; Josephine R Lllin,
$17.50; Laura T Haves, $26; Ometrn
Alpha Brown, $10; Clara R HelUcl,
$25; I Kleanor Noye. $25; Lizzie
Wade, $40; Alvina Williuma, $17.50;
May Brown, $17.50.
Circuit Court Jurors
Peter Hoffman, $25; Frank L Jen
nen, $33; Alfred Greenburir, $52.20;
F G Miller, $28.40; Martin C Lsrsen,
$15; John C Bechen, $10.20; B F
Purdy, $31.80; Jno A Kirkwood, $31;
John Ireland, $31.80; Bert A Barber,
$27: Geo BuckitiKham, $34.20; Albert
M Porter, $38.20; Byron LaMont
Geo O Frost, $27.80; James Buxton,
$4.20; Frank F K night, $4.80; Fi nest
C Brown, $4.20; Fred Stucki, $7.80.
Harold Rupprecht, 40c; Joseph
Herb, 80c; Ben Davis, $2; Mis Wil
son, $6; Curl Plumlee, $1.50.
W W Boscow, exp counjy jail. $3.70
Irwin Hodson Co, ex dist atty. 6.25
Hut tie & Hoffman, exp Clerk's
(Continued on jmge 4)
Notice I hereby given, thut the un
demiKiied filed in the Countv Couu
for the County of Washington, Stule
oi uregon, on November 10, 1919, her
linal account in the estate of Fnd
Krdman, deceased.
Now, therefore, said Court has set
tho time and place for the heuring of
the same as Monday, the 16th day of
December, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the
County Court room at the Court
House, at Hillsboro, Oregon, to hear
objections thereto. Minnie Erdman.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Fred Erdman, deceased.
John M. Wall, Attorney for Estate.
In the Matter of the Application
Louis Pulky and Mary Pulsky,
husband and wife, to vacate por
tion of Chehalem Mountain Orch
ard No. 2, In Section 2, Township
3 S. Range 2 West, Willamette
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Louis Pulsky and Mary
Pulsky, husband and wife, have filed
with the County Clerk of the State of
Oregon for Washington County their
petition, asking for an order vacat
ing all of Chehalem Mountain Orch
ards No. 2, except the following de
scribed nortion thereof, to-wit:
Tract No. 69, 70 and a one-ncr
tract described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersec
tion between tract 70, 71, 76 and 77;
running thence North along the Fast
line of said tract No. 76, 220 ft.;
thence West parallel with the South
line cf said tract 76, 198 ft.; thence
South parallel with the East line ff
said tract 76, 220 ft.; to the South
line of tract 76; thence East along
the South line of said tract 76 to the
place if beginning, containing one
acre; tracts 80. 81 nnd that portion
of tracts 90 and 91, described a fol
low: Commencimr at the Northeast cor
ner of trr.ct No. 91. of what is known
a Chehalem Mountain Orchards, ac
cording to the duly recorded plat
thereof now on file in tho office of the
County Clerk of Washington County,
No. 90 and 91 of Chel.ul-m Moun
tain Orchard; alo
A strip of lund 20 feet In width and
100 feet In lensclh nlm" the north
boundary of tract No. S9 and 90,
Chehalem Mountain Orchards, com
mencing at the northwest corner of
the land herein conveyed, to be used
a a private rijrht of way ;
and the roadway, the center line of
which is the section line between sec
tion Z and II. T. 3 8. R. 2 W. Wiil
Mer., and the lane, 20 feet in width,
aionjr tne went tuui or tract 68 tin I
79 nnd extending from the s-rtion llrj
between said Section 2 and 11,
aforenai.l, North to the South line nf
the tract 80 in ('hehnlem Mountain
Orchard No. 2.
And that said petition will '
broujrht on for hearimr before the
County Court of the State of Orefro i
for Wahiniton County, at the re(ro
lar term thereof to he hi Id in t!
County Court room In he Cou t
House in Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon, on Wednesday, In.'
7th day of January, 1920.
Dated this 24th day of November.
Tsui's J'ul'ky.
Mary Pulsky.
Hare, McAlar Peter, Attornevi
for Petitioner. P. O. address. Hil!
horo, Ore., with offices in the Shute
Saving Bank Building.
rved tioon vou
y publication in the Ifillaboro Argus,
i.y order or Hon. George R. Bagley,
J.i'li'e of the entitled Court,
which order was made and dated
Nov. 25, 1919, at Hillsboro, Oregon.
M. B. Bump and D. D. Bump,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Residing at and having their post of
fice address at Hillsboro, Oregon.
s i A i r. OK OREGON FOR .
In the Matter of the Etate of Sarah
4, Mc.Nut, deceased.
Notice i hcrebr iriven. that th nn
designed has bun duly appointed
by the above entitled court, a execu
tor of the last Will and Testament of
said deceased, and has duly qualified
as uch;
Now, therefore, all person having
claim against said estate are hereby
notified and required to present the
same, together with proper voucher
therefor, to the undersigned, at the
law ofnee of Hare, McAlear & Peter,
in the Shute Savings Bank Building,
in Hillsboro, Washington County, Or
egon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated this 13th dav of November,
1919. URoy Brady,
Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorney
for Executor.
L. E. Wilkes, Plaintiff,
Madison A. Hoffman and Hoff
man, hi wife;
Also all other person or parties
unknown, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or Interest in the real
estate described in the complaint
Herein, Defendant.
To Madi'inn A. Hoffman and
Hoffman, his wife;
Also nil other persons or parties
unknown, claiming nnv rii'ht. title.
estate, lien or interest in the real es
tate described in the complaint hire
in, the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon.
vou and each of you are hereby re-
luirert to appear and answer the com-
olnint filed against you in the above
nt it led court and cause, on or before
'he )at day of the time prescribed in
the order for publication of this sum
nons, to-wit :
Oi, or liefore the expiration of
weeks nert, from and after the dnte
of first publication of this summons.
"lie date of first publication thereof
being on Nrv. 20, 1919, and set forth
by way of answer anv claim vou mnv
have to the real property hereinafter
Icscrilied: and if you fail so to nn-
pear ami answer satd complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
o the court for the relief praved for
in his said complaint, to-wit: That
piamtitr. It. K. Wilkes, be adjudged
inn decreed to he the owner in fee
illiiple or all the following bounded
:ind .hvcrihed real nroneHv !timt.ut
In the County of Washington nnd
Zirta - ... .
w.ti- uirnun, io-wix;:
1-ots 10, 11 and 12 in RIocIf 1 In
West Portland PI ace. Washington
Countv. Oregon, and that the title of
unintifT to said property be absolute-
y quieted;
And that it he decreed th nt von
ftnd each of vou. and all nersnrw
burning by. through or under vmi nr
either or uny of y.m be forever bar
ren and preclud.-d from claiming or
utempung to claim, asserting or nt
rem pting to assert, anv internet
right, title, claim or lien. in. to or nn.
premises or any part or pnr-
'ei inereoi auverse to ttie title of
niaintifr therein and thereto; and
Hint plaintiff hie such other and
runner relief as to the Court mnv
seem iust and emiitable.
This summons is served nnon von
U' Publication in the Hillsboi
by order of Hon. George R. Bagley,
Judgn of the above entitled Court!
wnirn order "was made and dated
Nov. in, 9I9, nt Hills-boro, Oregon.
M. ri. liump and I. D. Bump.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Residing nt and having their post df-
nce address at Hillsboro, Oregon.
L. E. Wilkes, Plaintiff.
Sophia Van Windel and Van
W indel, her husband ;
Also all other persons or parties
unknown, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest In the real
estate described in the complaint
herein, Defendants.
To Sophia Van Windel and
Van Windel, her husband;-
Also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real es
tate described in the complaint here
in, the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In the above
entitled court and cause, on or before
the last day of the time prescribed in
tho order for publication of this sum
mons, to-wit:
On or before the expiration of six
weeks next, from and after the date
of first publication of this summons,
the date of first publication thereof
being on Nov. 27, 1919, nnd set forth
by way of answer any claim you may
have to the real property hereinafter
described; and if you fail so to ap
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in bis said complaint, to-wit: That
plaintiff, L. E. Wilkes, be adjudged
and decreed to be the owner in fee
simple of all the following bounded
and described renl property situated
in the County of Washington and
State of Oregon, to-wit:
Lot 1 in Block 10 in West Portland
Place, Washington County, Oregon,
nnd that the title of plaintiff to said
property be absolutely quieted;
And that it be decreed thnt you
and each of you, and' all persons
claiming by, through or under yon or
either or any of you be forever bar
red and precluded from claiming or
attempting to claim, asse'ting or at
tempting to assert, any interest,
right, title, claim or lien, in, to or up-
L. E. Wilkes, Plaintiff,
I'. J, Strayer and Strayer, his
Also all other person or parties
unknown, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the complaint
nerein, Defendants.
lor. J. Strayer and Strayer,
nis wiie;
Also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or Interest in the real es
tate described in the complaint here
thc above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you fn the above
entitled court and cause, on or before
the last day of the time prescribed in
the order for publication of this sum
mons, to-wit:
On or before the expiration of six
weeks next, from and after the date
of first publication of this summons,
tne date of tirst publication thereof
being on Nov. 20, 1919, and set Tona
by way of answer any claim vou inav
have to the real property hereinaiter
described; and if you fail so to ai-
pear and answer said complaint lor
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in his said complaint, to-wit: That
plaintiff, L. K. Wilkes, be adjudged
and decreed to be the owner in lee
simple of all the following bounded
and described real property situated
in the County of Washington atiu
State of Oregon, to-wit:
Lot 6 in -Block 9 in West Portuinu
Place, Wasbii.cton County, Oregn.i,
aid that the title of plaintiff to sa. ,
property be absolutely quieted;
And that it be decreed that you
and each of- you, and all persons
claiming by, through or under you oi
either or any of you be forever bar
red and precluded from claiming or
attempting to claim, asserting or at
tempting to assert, any interest,
right, title, claim or lien, in, to or up
on said premises or any part or par
cel thereof advcr-, to the title oi
. i . .,
piaimiir xnerein ana thereto; am,
that plaintiff have such other anu
further relief as to the Court may
seem jut ana equiraMe.
This summons is served upon yen
oy publication in the Hillsboro Argus,
by order of Hon. George R. Bagley,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which order was made and dated
Nov. IS, 1919, at Hillsboro, Oregon.
M. B. Bump and D. D. Bump,
Attorneys for Plaintiit.
Residing nt and having their post ci
lice address at Ilillsboro, Oregon.
Help Yourself
And Save Money
I!y buying your lircu! frm.i your homo-town
Uaki ry. Y.u n-it only s;ivo money, but you
get lire-id ,-.n.l pastry that is whole-sume; ami nt
the saiiic linn- yon lidp to build up a home
Our Bread and
Pastry Excel
Purity Bakery
of December, 1919, ,ai! dr.;e bun;;! Nov. 13, IfiH), at Hillsboro, Oregon,
after the expiration of fix wtrksi M. I. Hump and D. D Bump
from the date of the first publication Attorney for Plaintiff
at and having their post of
s at Hillsboro, Oregon.
of this summons upon you, the date R.-si 'i
of the first publication thereof being rice
the 30ih day of October, 1919, :.r.d j
Die date nf the hint publication ;'i.
of being the llth day of D.vemVr.-i
1919, and if you fail eo to appear and j
answer said cop, plaint tor want,!' .
thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to;
the court for the relief prayed for in ;
her Complaint, to-wit: For a decide i
dissolving the marriage and the psar. '
riage contract now and hereto: .-,-:
existing between you nnd tr Dm- -tiff,
upon the ground of d.s"rfi i. i
and for such other relief as to
court may seem proper.
This summons is served up ,- -f ,
by publication thereof in the Kii'-'bo-'
ro Argna, pursuant, to an order uf -Honorable
Gvorfe R. Barley. Jus-j. : W
of the above entitled court, n.a.le ;, . ,
dered and dnt-vi ppn the '29th div of i-'
xikes, Plaintiff,
iimcr and Palmer, her
..ii other persons or parties
in, claiming any right, title,.
len or interest in the real
!. bribed in the complaint
1. Defendants.
i e Palmer and Palmer,
i; -Land ;
all other persons or parties
miming any right, title.
''I-'. real-if." !i,-n Or tnlanf In Ik. u.l
tnl p 'd-f rv,"-At,": ? Tfl-1 in the complaint here-
for Plaintiff. the abo.e naned defendants.
Resident atrrev Str.te of Orepn. ' In t he name of the State of Oregon,
Post Office address-. Shute Savirgs you and each of you are hereby re
Bank Buildmjr, Hillsboro, Oret-np quired to appear and answer Uie com-
I plaint filed against you in the above
SUMMONS ' ! entitled court and cause, on or before
the last day of the time prescribed in
tne 0I.j,ir for publication of this sum
IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF '1 HE, '.to-wit: u ...
STATE OF OREGON FOR r before the expiration of-six
WASHINGTON COUNTY "T3 .w'dl',.fr(".n and after the date
I V will- n.,'!;ff , Ur?t Publ,fation of this summons,
L- " rlll"lWf the date of first Publication thereof
r p v:,,J. i r. t Y. ,. on Nov. 20, 1919, and set forth
& V f 1 l by way of answer any claim you may
Ira Rus and Rusa. his wife: hv ti, .i i.' .L
A1m all other person or partes j described; and if you fail so to ap
unknown, claiming any right, title,) pear and answer sai.l cmnl;nt ?,
estate, lien or intert in the real
estate described in the complaint
herein, Defendants.
To J. E. Vince and E. J. Vince, bis
wife, Ira Russ and . Russ, his
Also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title.
estate, lion or intt-rtst in the re! es--f
Florence Morrison, Plaintiff,
.'. . vs.
John Morrison, Defendant.
To John Morrison, the aliove named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you are hereby notified and required
to appear in the alwve entitled conrt
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the. above entitled
cause, on or before the'l6th day of
January, 1920, said date being after
the expiration of six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons upon you, the date of the
first publication thereof being the 4th
day of December. 1919. and the date
of the last publication thereof being
tne i fit n day of January. 1920; and if
you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof, the
Plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In her complaint,
to-wit: l'or a decree dissolving the
marriage and marriage contract now
and heretofore existing between you
and the Plaintiff upon the ground of
desertion, and for such other relief
as to the court may seem proper.
Thi summons is served upon you
by publication thereof-in the Hillsbo
ro Argus, pursuant to order of the
Honorable Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of
the above entitled court,' nnde, ren
dered nnd dated upon the 2?th day of
November, 1919.
Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorneys
for Plaintiff.
Resident Attorneys, State of Ore
gon, Post Office address, Shute Sav
ings' Rank Building, Hillsboro, Ore,
tate described in the complaii.t here-! Lot
in. me aoove r.r.nioa (leiendant. . f'-T rert'an.t
In the name of tne State o: Oregon.! Counts', Oregon
pear and answer said complaint for
warn inereoi, tne piamtifr will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
jn hi3 said complaint, to-wit: That
plaintiff, L. E. Wilkes, be adjudged
! '" 1 decreed to be the owner in fee
simple of all the following bounded
and described real property situated
in the (Vinty of Washinoon nnrl
oi, to-wit:
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause, on or before
the last day of the time prescribed in
the order for publication of this sum
mons, to-wit:
On or before the expiration of six
weeks next, from and after the date
of first publication of this summots,
the date of first, publication thereof
beinir on Nov. 20, 1919, and set forth
by way of answer any claim you may
have to the real property hereinafter
described; and if you fail so to ap
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will npply
to the court for the relief prayed for
and 21 in Block 1 i.n
Place, Washington
and that the title of
ur.tit'f to s.I property ha absolute
ly quieted;
And that it be decreed that yon
and each of you, and ail persons
claiming by, through or under you or
either or any of you be forever bar
red and precluded from claiming or
attempting to claim, assorting or at
tempting to assert, any interest,
right, title, claim or lien, in, to or up
on said premises or any part or par
eel thereof adversj to the title of
plaintiff therein and thereto; and
that plaintiff have such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication in the Hillsboro Arjrus,
in his said complaint, to-wit:' That by order of Hon. George R. Bagley,
plaintiff, L. E. Wilkes, be adiuded Judge of the above entitled Court,
suu uecr-eea io oe ine ownermieeiwiiicii oruer was made and dated
simple or all the following bounded I ov. is, 191 9, at irillsboro, Oregon,
and described real property situated j M. B. Bump and D. D. Bump,
in me i. ounry or wasnington and
State of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 1 and S in Block 9 in AVest
Portland Place, Washington County,
Oregon, and that the title of plaintiff
to said property be absolutely quieted
And that it be decreed that vou
no eacn oi you, and all persons
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residing at and having their post of
fice address at Hillsboro, Oregon.
Notice of Final Account
Noti- e is hsreliy given that the lin-
claiming by, through or under vou or "Iws'gffl fi!"d in the County Court
either or any of you be forever bar- of th.f Statli f Oregon for Washing-
mipg or um -ounu', on uie lssth. day of No
g or at- vernier, 1919, bis final account in the
tempting to assert, any interest, c"",ate of. !' J Colfelt, deceased,
right, title, claim or lien in to nr ..n- Now, tin. rote, said Court
on said premises or any part or par- Pie ,t,n,8 and place for hearing ob
cel thereof adverse to the title of ieL'tl'l-I: "o suid linal account as Mon-
plamtiff therein and thereto: and Ui:.v .
that plaintiff havo .such other and at. t-!
runner re nef as to Hie rv.m-1- m,
seem iust and eauitnble.
This summons is served, upon you
by publication in the TTillsborn iv-na
by order of Hon. George R. Bagley,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which order was made and datx!
at -;
e 2'Ji.d day of December, J919,
-! our of 10 o'clock a. m., of
y, at the County Court room
-it House at Hillsboro, Ore-
I thia November 20th, 1919.
Edw. Colfelt,
nUtrator de bonus non of the
H' Fred Colfelt, deceased.
M. Wall, Attorney for Estnt .
Florence Percy, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
Will Percy. Defendant.
To Will rcic.y, the above PoiuoJ
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby notified and re
ouired to appear in the above enti
tled court and answer the Complaint
filed against you in the above- enti
tled cause on or before the 15th day
lt4t us show vou llt if ...... rr n . n. . u i i..
Situation from your pl;,u- to the iini.lR Louse, to the
Ict satisfaction. -, Watch the two houses just south of
Mam a.ul Baseline road, just West of the Advent
See ouf plans and get our estimates.
Everything on hand to complete your
Phone 841
Main St. & P. R. & N. Tracts,
Hillsboro, Ore.