If? JnlILL ''I. jt'Sb w jdT'HE VOL XXVJ HILLSBORO, OREGON,. DECEMBER 11, 1919. No. 40 i ME Soff? II 1 k Viw COUNIY BUOUEI Villt SEI FUK JAfl 2nU The 1920 Tax Levy Estimate by the County Court now Published MARKET ROADS GET $43,000 Total of County and State Taxet Tabulated t $465,000 The ('utility Court 1ms math; u its ItH'O budget, mid the aninr i bclntf published this week, mill appears in another place in till l-suc. The grand total of tho budget it a little over ljtHia,O(i0. 't in- estimate for tin! hlii-riil'M of lice is lt),IK7.7(); for the clerk' oilier, 5, (till); for election, aii expense wr diil not lime Inst year, 7.. MM); rcrorlcr'i ollice, 3,700; treiiiiirtr' nllicc, $ 1,(1.10; hikh sor ollice, $7,100; surveyor of lice, ijs'lOOj't uty court, commis sioners niol ctpc uses, 1,0(10, Owing In tin! ehangc in the law of 10 per capita county levy for each iuiil of sehool age, hi against 4(t Irtnt year, the school Icty I greater limit last Hcasou by J.1 3,(100. The bridge fund is given ns i.Mi00 let, thnii in I'll!!, and the county roads fund ft I $17,000 less. I he budget contains I lie sum ol ifCI.OOO for lintrkrt roads, ix; .'nth from Cornelius; Thatcher! k imrry; Hanks lluxtoii road;' North I'lains I'timpkiit Ridge j r iul ; Arthur Hill rond, l.ittircl;' -hotl Sherwood rond ; (iardclt I tomc-Me l.gcr rond; (.'orncliiia ( . nterville rond; (irceuville-Kaii-i i. is City rond; Shnckleford rond; cull 1,000; l.nck ii rry -M nun-! t.uiidnle rond, '-',000; Si-bolls' I'm I land rond, n,000; Tunning-' ton llillshoro, Itiver Road, !,', OOO; Latin I ScholU rond, 1,000; North 11 it i ii t Cedar Mill road, 13,000. The meeting will he held in the court lioiise on Friday, January 2, beginning at 10 o'clock a. in. John I'ctcrs, of Ycrbnort, m u city visitor Monday afternoon. Jake Milne, of North Plains, was in town the first of the week. For Sale Five frcnli cow, nil pood How of milk. Grade Jcr lr)', Austin Sim, Sherwood, (ire., R. 4. SchollH phono. 10 John A. Jeffreys, of Portland, n out Friday, attending circuit court. John A. defended the last in. 'i ii hanged for n capital crime committed in the county, being fie attorney for John D. Roselair, v. ho expiated the murder nt the end of a rope nt Snlein. Swcc' peas, finest Spencer va ri' lii ., This is Hie bi st planting t'lne lo g. I hardy vines. I'l nil yon,' rosi' luislir ,. Yon e in gel tin- slips if choicest, hlooins nt Mueller's (Ireen House, l!ith nnd Onk. W'e nisi have eul (lowei'S in stock. Phone '.'SlVJ, Mti tf There ia no one in this city, in OUSt iv who cannot afford to join our "Christmas Banking Club." And it means money ahead for those who do. Bring in your First Deposit, Today. ' IN 50 WEEKS 10-Cent Club Pays $127.50 5-Cent Club Pays 63.75 2-Ccnt Club Pays 25.50 1-Cent Club Pays 12.75 You ran begin with the largest payment and decrease each week lfvi! Other Clubs 50 Cents, $1.00, $5.00, amount to $25.00, $50.00 and $250.00 in fifty weeks. It costs nothing to join, and is the sure way to have money. You will receive 3 per cent interest. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK John It. McNew, of above Hun Ion, was a elly visitor Monday. John hnyu the Mniiilard Jinx i-o have their new mill built and un der cover, nnd were raising the i r smoke slack the first of the week. All Is in rendincNN for the machinery, which bits been order ed from the I'ast and which will hi ulong some tiu'nj between now nod Spring. The new mill will have n larger capacity than the one which tiurued, uiul Unit turn ed out nil the way f rum 73 to 110 Ihousmid daily. The mill will menu u great ileal to that section. Hunch for Sale or Trade- A funo of full 20 acres, tine noil, all cleared lull little over an" acre; line running water; good well , all kinds of fruit nnd bcrricn; milk route, mail route J telephone J gooil six-room house, rock cellar; lull i iuipmeut of bams and out buildings, close lo Portland rock ro'td, on fulled Hallway. Will sell or trade for bouse mid lut in Hiilsboro, ami give, good terms on balance, Will sell farm im plements, stock, etc., if wanted. --liKiuire of I). (Jiger, Hiilsboro, It, I, box 7t. 88 40 liiin I lay, of Forest Grove, sues A Ivy F. liny for divorce. Tiny were married at Spencer, Colo., in I !'() I , nnd have a daugh ter itgcd 17. The wife complains that the husband deserted her over three year ngo, nnd has con tributed nothing lo the support of the family since that time. She s:is she does not know bis w here uboiits, and wants a decree and the care ami custody of the minor Wanted : Hi t f cattle, hogs and sheep. Will pay best price for good httiff. l'liont llenverton 4 on lln - il. Mail address, W. V. Mi llar, Iteedville, Oregon. Drop it post card. 89-89 F.nrl House, of New York, son of 1.. . House, was in the city the last of the week. He is at present playing with a stock com pany nt one of the New York the lites. !! bus not. been here, for a number of years and be had to pirn h himself to get located. He came West to see his sister in Iter last illness, but reached Califor nia n tiny too Inte. He mid his unit her aceompniiied the remains of the nister lo Forest Grove. If you have milk cow, lcef enttlc, bogs, or sheep for sale, drop ute a post card. Highest prices paid. P. (). address, Bea vertou It. 2; Tel. Hiilsboro 2RX1. - Albeit I.osli. 39-39 Sam V., Graf, President, and I'.rwin Hitter, Secretary, of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance As sociation, met with the Board here the Inst of the week nnd set the date for the annual meeting in Hiilsboro, nt the Hiilsboro Club Booms, on Monday, Janu ary 12. l!f0, at 12.80 p.m. The Association will send out notices to its about POO members. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, of above Banks, were Hiilsboro visitors the Inst of the week, in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Fraftklin F.vcrett. Man or Woman, Boy or Girl, JISJMriiGf Trains Stalled all Day Wednes day, and City Deserted WORST STORM FOR YEARS' Stop Put to all Hauling Into the City Machines Stay in Garages With midnight Monday night coiniucnecd the worst know fctorm that has visited Ibis section at this time of the year in the weather history of Washington County. By Tuesday morning there were seven or eight incite fallen, and Tuesday night the fall was aug mented by a steady storm lasting until Wednesday morning. In this city there was close to twen ty inches on the level, and out in many of the country districts the depth wns 20 lo 21 inches. To add to the discomfort of traffic, there was n consiilcr.tblc wind itli it, und drifts were piled high where the air currents had full sw t i p, lb-re ami there! a machine tried to buck the drifts, but those which did, with one or two exceptions, had to be pulled in by team. An Oregon F.lectrie train, be lated, arrived here from Forest Grove ami was stalled all night on Wnshinirtoii Street, between First and the Tillamook line, re maining stationary from inn! night until ti:15 Wednesday morning, wheii nit electric engine pulled il out. Every electric train which tried the route stuck! in the same place, and at noon yesterday a Portland bound train stui'k nnd burned out its motor. The Southern Pacific Bed Car line made it down from McMiliil ville, reaching here about 11 clock. It stuck at iNortli Kance and Main, and w as forced to back out and go East viu the old depot, where engines had broken the road. Delivery men bad a hard time of it, but they made tin; rounds. Milk haulers suffered und all de liveries to the condenser were much belated. The Portland bread wagons failed to arrive at all, and it meant a brend shortage, as Baker Koehler could not supply the de mand. The S. P. mail trains last night ran thro on the main lines, via the the freight depot, being unable to make the curves in ihc city. The Tillamook train was annulled yes terday, und the miow plow wns sent out to clear the track. It may be a day or so yet before the mails w ill get through. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Why Not Make it a Christmas Present Worth Having For Your Wife, Ydur Son or Your Daughter? One that w ill mean something to I hem during their whole life; one that they can have the satisfaction of watching it grow; one that will give vour wife a feeling of inde pemlenee, and a nest egg that she can depend on, regardless of your circumstances or what may bap pen to you; one that will giv vour son a better start in lift than you bad, and one that will get him in the systematic habit of saving small amounts', which will be worth more to him than the amount of money that be will re ccive; give your daughter the pleasure of having a fund of her own, and the satisfaction of knowing that she will have some money all Iter own to use ns she w ishes. There is no way on earth, ns sure, as safe, and that will pay ns large dividends, for the amount of money invested, or that will give thcni as much pleasure nnd satisfaction for the money that II will cost vou, as a certificate is sued bv The Western Loan and Building Co., which pays 10 pet cent on the money invested, you itnt it in small amounts monthly which will be no hardship on yo'i, and your Wife, your Son, or your Daughter will get It all back in a lump sum, and a little over two dollars for each one tl at you put in for them, enough to mean a great deal to them. To your son it may mean success In life to him instead of failure, as the first thousand is the one that is hard to get. H tnkes les thrtn 10 cents a day to give them a $1000.00; 20 cts., $2000.00; CO cts., $8000.00. And when there is only one man In ten in the United States that ever has $2000.00 In their lives, you cau M-o what it means to them. You have lite best security in I he world for every dollar you put in for them. And tho privileges that go with each Certificate arc buch that one can not possibly loac out, and are worth a good deal to them. There are nearly one hundred satisfied certificate holders in Hiilsboro at the pres- 1,11 timc ,,oid'" certificates to uic value 01 oeiwcen two nnu three hundred thousand dollars. Are you, your Wife, your Son, and your Daughter going to have your share of the quarter of a million dollars that the Company will distribute in Hiilsboro? If not, why not? Besides paying you 16 per cent on your investment, every dollar that the Company receives in Washington County cun be used to build homes in Hiilsboro you know whether they are needed or uol! For full particulars call me on the phone, and I will come to your home, nnd talk it over with you and your wife, or call at my office in the Washington Hotel. E. M. Calcf, Secretary and Treasurer Local Branch, Western Loan and Building Co. U9-41 REAL ESTATE List your property for sale with us. Large or small, city or farm property, we will find ti e party that will buy. Please call and see us. TltiS Third St., Hotel Washington BIdg. J. H. Riggi, Hiilsboro, Ore gon. 39-40 PETERSON SCHMIDT Fred Peterson ami Miss Bertha Schmidt were united in marriage in Portland, Dec. ti. 1919, Rev. H. H. Koppleman oiliciating. The groom is favorably known in the lletbanv-Cedar Mill neighbor- mod, and the bride is one of Hel vetia's popular young ladies, be ing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Schmidt, early pioneers of the Helvetia section. After the ei remoiiv a reception wns given Mr. and Mrs. Peterson nt the home of Mrs. ('. Jenny, nt which immediate relatives of the bride tnd groom were present. After the reception the newly weds de parted for the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leitzel, on the Colum bia Highway, at Coopey FalU, for I heir honeymoon. Mr. ami Mis. Peterson are re ceiving tlie congratulations, oi a argc circle of friends from this count v. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to all who so kindly ten- dered aid and sympathy during' our bereavement, the dentil and obsctpn'es of the late Mrs. l'rauk I i it Kvcritt. Also for the beauti ful Horal offerings. Franklin Evcritt, Mr. and Mrs, J. X. Grabel and family. Hiilsboro, Ore.. Dec. 10, li)10. "Gooch" is a new location in Oregon, according to a register at Hie Hotel Washington. Whcth-,-r or not "Gooch" is in the blue book or not is in doubt, and the wise ones arc wondering just where Gooch is. Hugh Rogers knows, but he'll not "pen up and tell. Taken Tp Black mare, about ii years old. weighs about !)00. Owner prove properly, pay Un charges and l ike same away. Peter Hoffman, Baeonit, Or. 41 Hiilsboro. das. Ilhc.t .'18-41 has bought the Andy Miller place south of the old S. P. depot, and will make llillshoro his home. He is ,1 brother of T. A. Rhea, of K.ist Hiilsboro. For 'Sale- Two cows, both fresh; good milkers; 8 and 6 years. A. I.. Gipson, Orenco, Ore., half-mile East, on Cornell road. 88-40 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grebe, of Hillsdale, were up to the oily the first of the week. The first masquerade dance will be held at Moose Hall, Sat urdav evening, Dec. 13. Do not overlook the time nnd place Col. R. A. Miller, of Portland, was attending circuit court the last of the week Y. T. Maddox, of South of the river, was greeting friends in the city Monday afternoon. Frank Reh, of Centerville, was a cit)' caller Mortday. H. Hahn, of Gooch, was a guest at the Washington the last of the week. If you are in the market for a Irtich chassis, I have "trade In" Yelie. D. Corwin. 88-tf BEAVEH SKY PIECE . ! CHAP isLIPS fiftO CHK5 Hits John Anderson, at Forest Grove, Then Visits Here ! GETS CASH "AND DECAMPS Officers on Trail in Half an Hour, 1 But Vanishes in Thin Air j A tall chap, wearing a black over-i coat, which he looted from John Anderson's Store, and with a top piece of beaver-high, dropped in to town Monday evening, just be fore. Portland train time and pur chased some groceries from the Reynolds & Pjirk Store. He ten dered a check fur ,17.25, drawn in favor of "Rowan Bradford" and signed by Jacob SchilT & Co., of New York, lln received his cash balance above the groceries ordered, took his box of merchan dise and stepped out of the place. A verv few minutes later T. C. I)., I.l- I... A. II... ,.1, ,. v in , ,iiiis iii.ri nil. . 1 1 v b t W. Itoscow, concluding it was bo gus. Mr. Boseow called the sheriff, and a .search was made for the fellow with the high chap- eau, but he. had vanished into thin j air. Bradford, as he called bim-j self, showed his star, and two! gats strapped to his body, and j told them he was a Revenue Of- j tieer. This naturally allayed sus-j picion, and the paper was cash-! ed by Mr. Parks wifhout question.! Bradford probably got into a j machine and hit the high places,! aifd may have been bitting fori Portland to start South on a night 1 train. - Bradford pursued the sam tac tics of impersonating an Micer at Forest Grove, where he touched John Anderson, clothier, in a like fashion. Reynolds K Park went to Port land that eveirlmr in the hope of intercepting him, but they did' not run across the chap. The down train was also searched be tween here and llenverton, and he was not aboard that. lie has been playing the game at other points, tnd the wonder of it is that be M ould wear the same beaver hat at all places. If Uncle Samuel gels hold of him he will certainly go to Mc Neil Island for impersonating an olliccr of the I'nited States. The moral of this' is do not cash a cheek for a stranger miles he has absolute iilenlificatioi'. Anderson lost S0 and an over- a! selling at 21), and Reynolds it Park lost .t".2.i in groceries and .f' VO in cash. Bradford also vi.sit- "d a jewelry store in the Grove aluniav and wantett to buy a watch but as there were two other parties in the store at the time, he made no purchase, and the jeweler perhaps was gainer. It is reported thai Bradford was captured in Portland yester day! at the garage where he hired a machine to make the trip to Hiilsboro. PUBLIC SALE will sell at my place, 1 mile west ot ine rlullips hlacksnuin hop, S uiiles northeast of Hiils boro, and 1 mile cast of Helvetia, al 10 o'clock A. M., on Tl'F.SlXVY, DEC. lfi, Horse, weight 1100; 3 Holstein cows, tresli; i uuemisey cows, f resit soon; Jersey cow, select; fresh; 10 tons vetch hay; 10 tons grain hay; tine lot oat straw; hay earner, tork, 150 It 7-8 melt rope; iet work harness, single, work larness, single buggy harness, 3 inch Mitchell wagon; 2-seat hack; buggy, Mel'orinick 5-ft mower, good as new; 8-ft hayrake; 1 horsc corn planter; 14-inch Oli ver chilled plow, new; Ssection drag harrow, 2 garden cultiva tors; 2-horse disc harrow; wood en roller; good hayrack; wheel barrow; milk cart; 4 10-gallon milk cans, 2 5-gallou milk cans; 1) tons ensilage; 5t-gallon barrel full of distillate, Stover 6 h. p. gas engine, line shaft, pulleys, belts; 8-inch burr feed grinder, ptattorm scales, ooo ids; Done mill; emery wheel; 100 cedar fence posts, eider mill; 2 50-gal-lon barrels vinegar; Xew Maudy Lee egg incubator; iron kettle, and n lot of small articles. Free lunch at noon. Terms $20 and under, cash; over IfL'O, bankable not at S per cent; 2 per cent off for cash over $20. D. (Tlci) in r. J. ('.. Kuralli, Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Flint, of Scholls, were in town Saturday morning. c. b. Buchanan & co (Incorporated) Hiilsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesalf and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or roiled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath vr coitNKUL.-; eaver Stale Flour The Brat Flour at the '.owest Pric.es. Telephones; Cornelius, City 1515, f '1 J. A. Thoniburgh, John 3. " President. Vic I P. R. Cheney, H. I.. f Assistant Cashier. A.-wisiafl FOREST GKft ; EMOTIONAL !" ti S"i a K - oA u i, FOREST GROVE, ORE. At Call of Comptroller, Nov. 17, 1919 RESOURCES Loans 4'562,722.00 V. S. Bombs 135.802.56 Other Bonds 102,01)7.20 Banking House- 1)987.2S Other real estate 1,850.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank- 2,250.00 Cash and due from banks 224.G0iJ.fi7 Total $1,0S;),3 15.07 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY This Bank rtiVord.s its pritror.s evory banking facility consistent with conservative management. Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations rt npectfiilly solicited. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS CI simas DOLLS TOYS BCOKS IVORY PERFUME STATIONERY FLASH LIGHTS Victrolas The Delia We Have the Neatest and Most jniplete Stock of JEWELRY and . SUNDR3E ... In the City of Hillsb work in first-class v are always reason IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT OU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. li J k A Jeweler Main Street ooro, Main 14, Fhin, Main 263. W. W. McEldowney, Cashier. . F. Burlinghani, V. U. Hughes. LIABILITIES i Capital $20,000.00 01,031.22 20,000.00 978,284.40 surplus Circulation Deposits Total $1,089,810.67 Gifts Kodaks THERMOS BOTTLES FOUNTAIN PENS Dnw Store o We do repair ad our charges MAN and Optician Hiilsboro, Oregon .1