IH 'MX m&rp ; o VOL. XXVI hill ,0.0, GKEGON, DECEMBER 4, 1919. No. 39 SHUTE SAVINGS BANK Doublet lu DepoaiU Iniide of Eiht Ye. r 1811 to 1919 THIS YEAR 57 P. C. GAIN Official of Bank and City Proud of Big Financial Showing On t he twenty-ninth day of November- I a t Snturdny t li e Shale Savluirs Hunk. t the clone of till day's llllNilll'NN, sllOWt'd 11 deposit balance of over one mil lion dollars, a record of which tlir city mul county, on well as the bank nllicials, are naturally very proud. Tin Shule Saving Han rcor K n it i . i'l nine year ago with de posit totalling a tnflr over a half million dollar. Tin- bunk ai t its tiinnti- of 800,000 fur IS year future, hut to iti surprise the $800,000 mark w a m made In less time tliiui was anticipated, mul ly the hint of the week the mil lion murk in deposit was reach ed. Tin' high water mark reflect the nuiterinl growth of the county find of HiiUlmro, mul U a mutter of gratification to citizens who lone made their home in the din trill. President A. C. Shute statea that the institution Inn over tfilliO.OOO lonned to Hillsboro mid Washington Coiuily people mid enterprises, and tlmt the hank's policy him materially con- Irihuted to the growth and wel fare of the section In without Iplf stiltl), The cecuthe of the hank ha been connected with the Institu tion since ill reorganisation, and was with the old first National, mul the American National, which succeeded it. " Calvin Jack Jr., for many years Cashier, is too well known to need any introduction to Argus reader. I T. Mi' rhcelers, active Vice President, became a fixture with the bank ing; house a few months ago, anil the trio make a team In which the county seat take n pride, There are mighty few town of Hillsboro' population which can point to a million dollar bunking tcnceri,. PUBLIC SALE At Campbell' ranch, Scholli, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, Having purchased the entire, herd of pure bred Jersey brum 11. K. Crosby. 1 will offer for Mile all of my grade cows uml heifers, con sisting of It) eows in milk, and N heifer' also itne pure-bred hull calf. Thi i U a high producing herd, uml n record ha been kept of each milking, no the cows are all known to be profitable producers. The heifer are all Hired by n pure bred hull and are from good row. Alo 8 grade eows.Crosby herd, l unch at noon. '".ale begins immediately ufter, Lester Campbell, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Tor Sale--Five freah eows, all j good How of milk. Grado Jerseys,- Austin Sim, 'Sherwood,! Ore,, H. 4. Scholls phone. 40 . The first masquerade dance will he held at Moose Hall, Sat urday evening:, Dec. 18. Do not overlook the time and place. t Complete line of Pyralin Ivory for Xmni gifts, at the Pharmacy. Kaneii lor aale or I rade . farm of full 20 acres, line soil, all cleared hut little over an acre; line riiniu'ng water; good well, all kinds of fruit and berries; milk route, mail route telephone; good six room house, rock cellar; full i ipiipiiinit of liiirn mid out buildings, rinse tu I'ortluud rock ro-iil, on 1' lilted Hailwny. Will sell or Irmb' for liuuse and lot. in Ilillilioro, nii, give good terms on balance. M ill Mill farm im plemenls, stork, etc,, if wanted. - Inquire of I), (iiger, J lillslioro, It. I, llo 71. 88-40 lohii II. 1 Iiimnlirrys, who re cently returned from the Wc iiatehie count rv, where he wa i ny.igcil in tin apple harvest, suf fcrcd a partial paralytic stroke in I'ort lit ml the nt her day, hut is sill fieieully rceiivrrcil to visit Hill boro. lie ha displayed home fine apphs in tin Argil window, which have t-xcllnl considerable ndmiration, They were grown by Mark llcrdaii, in the eiiatehie the district which had an apple harvest worth nearly fifteen mil iums iu HUt). Wauled: Href enttle, hog and sheep, Will pay best price for good stuff, Phone llenverton on lin - II. Mail nildre, W. W. Mi llar, Hiedville, Orrgon. Drop a post card. 89-89 I). ('. Jolly, of Virginia Place, has a yard of six months' old pul lets that are hiving 12 dozen eggs per day, Hi jiiim have 230 hens, hut tl Ider ones nre moulting, ho it behoove the younger one to get busy. A dozen of the out put weighed .'I I ounce and a dozen per day at "5 cent per is not a bad Income from the raek lers, If you have milk cows, beef rattle, lings, or sheep for sale, drop me a put eitrd. Highest prices paid. P. O. address, Bea vertou II, Tel. Hillsboro 2RXI. - Albert l.nsli. 30-39 Itnlit. A. Rriisoncr and wife, of Obcrliu, Kb., arrived Saturday for a visit with Mr. Iteasoncr's brother, 1). H. Hrasonrr. The hrotlo-rs are having a big reunion having been separated : years. After a visit here they will go south to I ,oi Angeles, where Mr. licisoner will visit nnother broth er, Henry, Im left here several years ago, wearing the champion ship bell us fisherman and never ill ,yoiinL stripes as a crack -a-jack story teller. l or sale: A 191!) Chevrolet, in good shape ; new tire. run but H.100 miles. At a bargain. Al herl I.osli, Cornell Oararge, west of Cedar Mill 2 mile. Phone SfltXl Hillsboro. - 89 0 Log train coming in from the moitnt.'iiiis the first of the week were covered with mow, and Council Crest, on the Portland mountain, also had a visitation of the beautiful, Monday morning. For S.de High grade Duroc hoar; aged 10 month. F. J. lira inlaw, Cornelius, Ore., R. 8. Flume, Cornelius, Hill 551. 40 W. E. Magill, interested in the Garden Tract Addition, a few years ago, wa in the city Mon day, on legal loislness. He I now practicing law in Portland. I'erklm. now has his . free, , air end water hVshmi installed drive up and lu-lp ymirsi 1 f. You are welcome. 3-t f Ceo. II. Wolf, the Roaverton transfer man, was in town Satur day, feeling mighty fine over the new highway into Portland, If you are in the market for a tnteh chassis, I have "trnde in" Velio, 1). Corwin. 88-tf Statement of Condition Nov, 17, 1919 RESOURCES Loans $(l80,8.1.OO Stock, Hondo and Warrants 1 88,406. ! Ranking House, Furniture and Fixtures 41,400.00 Other real estate SfiO.OO Cash and due from Hanks 220,722.07 $l,085,R82.8o LIABILITIES :. Capital ..$ fiO.OOO.OO ! S u r i 1 ii s n n d . . prolits 28,432.31 Deposits 997,560.03 " $1,088,982.80 C.ROWTH IN DEPOSITS Nov. 17, 1019 $997,560.05 Nov. 17, 1918 (108,861.41 Increase $388,698.64 Nov. 17, 191J)......$997,5(i0.05 Sept. 12, 101!) 894,8(56.84 Increase $102,693.21 j SHUTE SAVINGS BANK LEVY SPECIAL W Thouaandi of Dollars Voted For Macadam Roads the Past 10 Days MAJORITY VOTE TEN MILLS Five Districts Levy Eight Mills Each Several Defeat Levy Thousands of dollars were voted in special road taxes the paht ten days at the two set of road meet ing held in November. The great bulk of the money will be used for macadam roads, and 2!) districts levied 10 mill each, while eight districts passed tin 8 mill levy. The voter in District Nofy near Sehollx, voted down the Iey anil within a few day concluded Ihnl road improvement w-aa nee ensiiity and signed up a petition for a ten mill tax with all hut 4 or 5 of the resident taxpayers on the lit.1. A. II. Flint say that all who art property owner will yet ign the p'iper. The vote affirmative was: Dist. Location 1 Tualatin 2 Sherwood .'I Laurel t (iastou . Hlooming 7 fleedville Tigard licnv erton Cedar Mill (ialr Creek Hanks North l'lains Rclhan y Middlcton RiiKlnn (iaston Jaeklown Heavertitii, It. 2 A rendu Wallace Uov Scholls licnvertoii Vcrboort Schiuidlin Shady Hrook Denny King Sherwood Timber Middlcton Helvetia Huxtou Cooper Mt. South Scholls (iaston Seoficld Sherwood I.ousignont Lake Cornelius Cornelius Those defeating a special levy were districts Is. I.eisyville; 1. North Forest drove; 51, Orenco; 50. Sewell; 8. F.ast Scholls; 23. Scoggins Valley : 6, Orahrl dis trict, south of Hillsboro. 10 1 I Hi 17 IH l! 20 21 2t m 2l! SI7 2K HO .Ml ;; 33 3 I .'i.'i 3i I" 43 r ;o 17 ts 52 53 54 50 57 58 Mills 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 8 5 8 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 5 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT when there i only one man in tun in the United States that ever ha ij2UOU.OO in their lives, you can hoc what it rncaiig to them. You have the best security in I lie world for every dollar you put in for tliein. And tU; privilege that go with cuch Certificate are such that one can not poftsibly lime out, ana arc worm a good deal to them, There are nearly one hundred satisfied certificate holder in Hillsboro at the pres ent time, holding certificate to the value of between two and three hundred thousand dollars. Are you, your Wife, your Son, and your Daughter going to have vim r share of the quarter of a million dollar that the Company will distribute in Hillsboro? If not , w by not ? Ui sides paying you 10 per cent on yiiur investment, every dollar that the Company receives in Washington County can be used to build houies in Hillsboro you know whether they are needed or not ! l or full particulars cull me on lin phone, and I will come to r home, and talk it over with you and your wife, or call at my office in the Washington Hotel. J'.. M. Calef, Secretary and Treasurer Local Branch, Western Loan and liuilding Co. 80-41 ' MRS. WOLFGANG MEIER Air,. Mary Meier, wife of Wolf gang Meier, of a mile southeast of Hillsboro, died December 1, 1 !)!!. after a few days illness, lit r affliction was all attack of In art trouble. Her maiden name was Mary Meier, and she was born in Switzerland, town of Oberagcri. August 1 I, 1SC3, and ranie to America in in. .-ne was married to Mr. Meier Feb. I I, 1 S S 5 , at the Vcrboort Catho lic ( 'hnrch, and has resided in this county all her married life. Sev in children were? bom to the union, the husband and the fol low J , ii- si children surviving: Al bert, residing near Newton: Mrs. l'lizahi tli Neusham. of Forest tirove; Joseph. Carl. Adelaide and Fred, all nt Jiojuc . Tle-de- . i f It ct .iM'U dull! v, as .ii rs. m mm W.-.il.el. Mrs. Meier was a devoted mem ber of the Catholic Church and the funeral was held eilnesilay. nt St. Matthews Church, Rev. Fal her Cosfclloe officiating, Un ib i-t.iki r Donelson in charge of the burial. Mr.. Meier was a loving and dutiful wife and mother, and she is , Mourned by u large circle of friends who extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. ' The wealth of floral tributes at the uhsetpiies was a testimonial of the high esteem in. which she V is held. FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hutchinson, of above North Plains, on the II id ire. were host and hostess to a family reunion at their home on a recent Sunday. All of their chil dren were present and all grand children excepting one were pres ent: Theodore, of Manning; Ar nold, of North Plains; Charles, of Salem, and Mrs. A. T. Oarrigus. of Hunks. REAL ESTATE vour property for sale with Large or small, city or farm we will find the party lm v. Please Vail and fc.-e us. llfis Third St., Hotel Washington Hldg. ,1. H. Riirgs. Hillsboro, Ore gon. 89-40 List us. property that 11 Why Not Make it a Christmas Present Worth Having For Your Wife, Your Son or Your Daughter? One that will mean something to them during their whole life; one that they can have the satisfaction of watching it grow; one that will give your wife a feeling of inde pendence, and a nest egg that she can depend on, regardless of your circumstances or what may hap pen to you; one that will give your son a better start in life than you had, and one that will get him in the systematic habit of saving .small amounts, which will be worth more to him than the amount of money that he will re ceive; give your daughter, the pleasure of having a fund of her own, and ttie satistaction oi knowing that she will have some money all her own to use as she w ishes, ; Therq is no w ay on earth, as sure, as safe, and that will pay as lartjc dividends, for the amount of money invested, or that will give them as .'nuch pleasure .and satisfaction for the money that it will cost voii,' as a certificate i- sucd hyV the . Western Loan and Huilding Co., which pays 16 per cent on the money invested, you put it in' small amounts monthly which will be no hardship on you, and your Wife, your Son, or your Daughter will get it all back in a lump sum, and a little over two dollars for each one li nt you put in for them, enough to mean a great deal to them. To your son it may mean success in life, to him instead of failure, as the first thousand is the one that is hard to iret. It takes less than 10 cents a dav to give them a $1000.00; 20 cts., Oak. We also have cut flowers $2000.00: 50 cts., $6000.00. And 'in stork. Phone 2802. ' 30-tf The Pharmacy has Xmas gifts for old and young. Win. Meierjergen, of near Orenco, was a city caller Monday morning. , Masquerade Fall at , Moose Hall. Saturday night, Dec. 13th. 'I'snal prices. Garthofner & Hemsing report all kinds of orders coming in to the mill, and expect a big run the c, iming year. Token Up-- l'.laek marc, about 6. years old, weighs about 900. Owner prove property, pay Un charges and take same away. Peter IbjITnian, Hacona, Or. 41 Hillsboro. 38-41 Mr. and Mrs. Cms Kempfer have returned from Hood River, w here they were during the ap ple harvest. Cms says they saw some snowfall before they left. Sweet peas, iinest Spencer va rieties. This is the best planling time to get hardy vines. Plant your rose bushes. Yon can gel the slins- if choicest blooms nt Mueller's Green House, 12lh and II! c. Pioneer of 1862, Ex-Co. Judge, and For Years in Business FOUR SCORE YEARS AND, 4 Veteran of Civil War and Was Judge Advocate in 1862 Judge Alston C. Archbold, a pio neer of Oregon since the latter part of 1862, when he came to Oregon an the result of broken down health, died at the family home on Third Street, betweea Main and Lincoln, Sunday monHi mg, Nnvemhi.- "(0. 1919. He was born in Virginia, August 28 lS.'tS, the sou of Edward and Ra chel Arehbold, the father being an attorney. . His early life was spent in Ohio win re. at the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted as a volun teer in H Company, 25th Volun.- teer Infantry. A year prior thei ar he had been admitted to the bar and formed a partnership flv- iMMi,.f . m rit r r, , 1 ', r I" ! (' - , ''I ; . ' I r- , t ,': L C. B. BOCHAiafi & CO. (Incorpont ".; j Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain Wholesale and Retail Pcl-rs In Grain,' Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot thipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour -v. The. Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, r Corneljus, Cty 1515, North Plain, Main 263. 3. A. Thornburgh, I President. I I). R. Cheney, I Assistant Cashier. John E. Bailey, Vice President. H. E. Ferrin, Assistant Cashier. W. W. McEldowney, Cashier. E. F. Burlingham, S. G. Hughes. FOREST G ROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. At Call of Comptrolh r, Nov, 17. 1919 RESOURCES v; LIABILITIES with bis father. After enlistment hi-; ii 1 1 ii pa ii y was sent to Grafton, Virginia, and later he was in the Battle of Greenbrier, near Cheat Mountain. After the engage ment he was made a Lieutenant in A Co., and shortly afterward, because of his legal training, was appointed Judge Advocate, after serving as Provost Marshal. Poor health forced him to leave the service, and, in company with Jas. Steele, a Portland pioneer, they came to Oregon in the Fall of ist;;. He settled first at Cen tei'ville. but later came to Hills boro, w here he made his home for 57 years. He formed a part nership w ith the late Hon. W. D. Hare in the mercantile business which existed until Mr. Hare was appointed Collector at the Port of Astoria. On August 20, 1S65, he was married to Miss Frances Wilcox, daughter of Dr. Ralph Wilcox, pioneer of 1815. Mrs. Arehbold died Jan. 20. It) 13. Eight chil dren were born to the union, fonr of whom were with the father when he died. The surviving chil dren are: Mrs. Geo. Loeb, Leb anon; Mrs. E. C. Huntington and John A. Arehbold, of Port land; Hugh, of Marion County; Alston Conway, at Antioch, Cal., now in a hospital convalescing from a severe illness; and Miss Bessie, employed by the WiJJses Abstract Co., Hillsboro. Ralph died when aged 23, and a daugh ter, Mrs. John Beagle, is de ceased. In 1 866 Mr. Arehbold was elected County Judge ov! Wash ington County, and held the of liee four years. He continued in the mercantile business in this city from the early sixties until 1885, when he sold his stock to Wehrung & Boscow, and embark ed iu the hardware business. He also farmed for several years and . i J ! - was at one time lmeresieu in ; sawmill. ' 1 He was a man of exceptional, ability, and well-informed. He always took an active interest in politics, and followed ideals rath: er than party. Of his immediate, family he is survived by a sister,' Mrs. .1. C. Lamkin. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. Rev. Walton Skip worth officiating. Interment was iu the Masonic Cemetery. Under taker Donelson directing. For Loans ..$552,722.00 ld5.Sdi.5G U. S. Bonds Other Bonds 102097.26 ' . Banking House-- 19,87.28 Other real estate 1,550.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank- 2,250.00 Cash and due ' . from banks 224,606.57 Capital ; j .Surplus Circnlat ion Deposit, $25,000.00 61,031.22 25,000.00 -. 978,284.45, Total 11,089,315.67 7'ofd .$1,089,315.67 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK iV WASHINGTON COUNTS This Bank affords its patrons every I .;-!. in facility consistent with conservative management. firms and corporations respect tuny s m il -i. INTEREST PAID O"; .i-W.NGS is of individuals, PYRALIN IVORY- We have a very Complete Stock, and Our Prices are Right We Advise You to Make Your Selec tions Early. The Delta .'Drug Store We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and .SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair ; work irj; first-class work and our charges are always reasonable .:;::: Sale- ; good ,--A. I. half-mil -Two cows, both milkers; 3 and 6 Gipson, Orenco, e East, on Cornell 88-40 t IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. fresh ve.'irs Ore., road. Frank Reh. of Centerville, wa a city caller Monday. Dance at, Banks, Saturday night, Dec. 6. HO F Jr tu. jtl IM Jeweler and Op'ictan Main Street Ilillsli ..j o. Oregon