n. E. Whlteaell (6-1-20) Uln illpWniimiiiiiF ( , m"" IHE OlLLSB vol. XXVI HILLSIiOKO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. No. 37 DAMAGE CASE er a Newman Ccti Verdict for $462. 04, Repairs Auto and Self NOTHING FOR HIS NERVES Case of Interest Tried by Twelve Men in Circuit Court Fred Newman, of A in it v, wa tfUcii a verdict fur niaiiist Fred Carpenter and Fred kiiehn, of (ardcu Home; in eir ui court, 1 1 Ts week, as the result of n long: court trial for .ilam- mi.s rcHiillnit of a colliniiui on 9 tlit Capitol Highway, May 21, U!l. New man allc-rcd ill Ill's complaint t lint lie liml tin' rihl of way on tin C'npitol Hill lilnliuav at tin- intersection of the Taylor Ferry road, when Kurhii came nlonjr with mi nutii truck, driving for Fred Carpenter, tin; Garden lliitiic merchant, lie alleged Hint K inline wantonly ciilliihxl with him, threw the N'ewuiaii ina (hiue olT the road, hlauimcd it up itK'iinst nu Iron hi-cn pout, injureil the machine $.100 worth, badly damn-red Newman' nose, and I luil hN nerve were si hlmttcn il front the ncciileiil (lint he wa iliiiuiigeil in the Mini of $1,000, ln siili H the cost of repairing the auto liml the live dollar of ii phy sician' hill. The jury rellKmu ly gave ,Ywntnn every cent he thnt he )mld the f"1" - pairing the machine mul the, $3 doctor' hill, but no more. New man was in court, ""mid the pre sumption thnt the juror hrhl thnt he wnn not Injured no fur nt hii nerve were concerned for thnt wm their verdict. The tritl ha established one thing thnt N n mighty good pre cedent, however, for n careless tlrivnr, or owner of a machine which in driven by careless driver, mint pny for damage mmtained by nny person intoi whose machine they rum nn out J law cur. j The jury: 1. . Barber, M.ir tin Larcn, J. C. Hechen, !. I.. Jensen, II. F. I'urdy, A. M. Por ter, O. (). Frost, Alfred lireen bcrg. John Ireland, J. A. Kirk wood, (iro. Buckingham mid B. l.nnioiit. Jnck Wilson, charged with non support, will have until Nov, 21 til pleiid. Ft hid Williams, charged with unlawful cohnbilulion, will plead Nov. 2. John Ocklind, who smashed Nome windows up in the Cherry ' (irovc section, pl aded guilty to the charge mul wn lined 100 for his I. W. W. tendencies. Oil pny- mi nt of If 10 lie sUiuis panicti. J. V, Hatfic.l I was granted ' decree of divorce from Olive Hat field. NOTICE Having Hold the grocery nnd feed business formerly condiictd by me on First St., South Itillshorn. nil persons owing me for pur chases nre requested to cull nnd tltle same Immediately lit the Hillsboro Commercial Hunk. . F. W. Wnlcli. Hillsboro, Oregon, November 18, Hl. , " ,(i fl John Donley, of nenr Banks, wns culler Tuesday morning. John wns one who knew how to "knock one over the fence" back In the good old days of loenl base bull. ' If I Had Just $500" Haven't yon said that a number of Jimcs in your life ? Yon wanted to carry out nn idea, to achieve, nn ambition, to take advantage of uu opportunity, that came your way. And you couudu't beennse you had not saved nny money. Why not be prepared for opportunity the next time? Begin to Have systematically right now. A Savings' Account in Ibis Hank Is doubly secure be cause of our membership as a State Hank nnd our own substantial reputation of long and successful banking service in the community. RESOURCES, OVER $1,000,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK Wnllcr Keller, of Portland wns hi town Tuesday, greeting friends. This is his first trip to Ilillslmro hIiu'C he rcc rivril nn in jury by mul through the collapse hi n iitii'ciivc (livaior. lie I still on crutches and will have ti use them yet for several week His father. J. M. Keller, came ii from West Union to meet him w hile he wns in I lid cii. Wullei llilnLs II tnnoh lin k to be In tin thick of It ill the submarine one throughout the war anil tin come home to get n fall In measly elevator. llaiii'h for Sale Farm of full 20 acres, line soil, all cleared but little over an acre; line run liin;; water; good well; all kind of fruit mid berries; milk route mail route: telcphoiir ; good six room house, rock cellar; full ipiipineiit of barns mul outbuild bias, clo.e to Portland rock load on I'niled li.iilwny. Will sell farm implements, slock, etc., if wanted.- - Impure ol I), tutirr Hillsboro. It. Ijbix 7t. 7 As a result of the Washington ( 'ouiily ( onimmidiiig Odiccrs ex amination of the V. S. Girl' He serve Corps, which wan held in I'orlland, N'ov. II, Miss Clara tinnier has been appointed to fill the vacancy left by the promo tion nl .Miss I rallies llnll I ruin this ollice to the Oreijoti' State General Staff. Miss Hamer lins accomplished unusually fine, work for n period of over nine months, during which time she served ns a Capliin on the Washington Co. General Staff. Miss Hall will make out her final report and turn the book over to Miss Ha mer In the near future. Mnin v to l ean On improved Willamette Valley farms for ?ucli periods mul on such terms ns to re pavmcnl a will i.uit Ihe" re quirements of borrowers. Mv ,ui( connection w ith ami !l r i yli knowledge of the valley enables me to j'ive prompt serv..'c. Vo i o in in iv, inns charged.- A dd ri.s Win. MicMastcr. 1'. S. N'l tioii.il Hank, roillaiul. Ore gon, nt S7 Couiily Agent X. C. Jamison has been nltcnding the Livestock Show nt rortlnnd nil week, nctinit as clerk to the Jiultfes of stock. He reports IS00 more stock en tries than were expected and the Association will have to build more sheds next year. Guernsey herds from ns far East as Minne sota are reported in attendance, and the Northwest exhibitor have it all over the Fast on good looking stock, as a rule. Sheep for sale: 23 .bead of Shropshire ewes and a Shrop shire bucks; I ewes and 2 bucks registered! balance arc high tirades, Also registered Jersey bull, 1H months old. Hen Sah tiow, Hillsboro, It. 1, ti miles northeast of Hillsboro. Sil-88 It. A. McKcnzie, of Aberdeen,1 Wash., wns here over Sunday, the guest of his uncle, F.. C. Lamb, tie was enroule to Polluted, Ida ho, where lie will take cdarge of the .shoe department for the big Wyerhauser store. For Sale Four cows; 'heavy work horse; wagon in fair shape; buggy, nearly new ; hand grub bing machine; .shovels, hoes, farm tools, etc.; a few pieces of furni ture. Mrs. Fred Meyers, l'j miles west of Laurel. Phone, Scdolls 525 Line 13. 3-1-37 Lutheran services next Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt the Ad vent Church, on Baseline- St. P. It. Sehaus, Pastor. Chas. V.. Wells, of the Tele phone Co., went to Portland Tuesday to see the stock exhibit. LUMBER CUT WILL BE New Contract Let by State Higli- way for 155.14 Milea FARMS ARE 30,000 OREGON Seven Million Acre are Farmed in the State Portland New packing concern with paid up capital of $500,000 to build plant covering 15 acres. Dallas New machine shop and foundry being built. St. Helens Hoad to be repaired between here and hcappoonc. Ashland Contract let for grading ami paving new street The lumber mills of the state ure cutting to capacity with n big rush of business expected during the next live months. Portland Contracts let for I5S.l t miles state roads. Iloseburg Local plant han dles 100 tons apples. Astoria More than 80 acres in Clatsop county to be set to lo ganberries ami strawberries this toinnifi spring. Oregon Citv 1 50,000 pulp plant unit ready to run. .St. Helen-- Columbia counlv plans $250,000 fund for road work. Oregon has 7,000,000 acre of laud under crop cultivation, and 30,000 farms in state at present. Gold Hill cement plant soon to resume operations. Fifty men at work. Oregon to follow Washington in restoring death penalty tor murder. Dallas -Hank deposits $1,269,- 000 on October 1st; greatest in the. city's history, and increase of 25 per cent over last bank call. Oregon CityCrown Willam-1 ette Paper Co. will immediately erect a new paper mill at West Linn w hich will employ 200 men. Largest and fastest paper ma chine in West to be Mistalled. Salem fruit union handling five carloads daily nt packing plant, and shipping apples to Last and in New Zealand. Itoscburg has demand for at least one hundred new houses for workers. Vnle Dam completed on Warm Springs project to irrigate .'10.000 acres. Stanlield Odd Fellows will erect comfortable lodge building. Union --Apple industry here will total 23,000 boxes. Over half million in sight foi improvement of Malheur county roads. ' . Shingle manufacturers will hold third annual session of Red Cedar Shingle Congress in Seat tle, Dec. 10 and 11th. Program is in charge of J. S. Williams, sec retary of shingle branch of West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Pendleton Woolen Mills install, machinery to increase output 20 per cent.- Wilbur New snwmill cutting 13.000 feet per day; two miles northwest. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL Chairman Thos. H. Tongue re ports the following fund raised for the Roosevelt Memorial: . Place Chairman Amount Banks, Will Moore $ 88.1 1 Heayerton, F. W. Cady.... 45.TS Cornelius, Frank Sholes 22. to Council, Frank Council 10.00 Dilley, Abner Hriggs O.10 Forest Grove, A. E. Scott 189,I0 Garden Home, T. E. Hills 20.25 Gaston, Glen Stnpleton 25.14 Gales City. J. McClaran... 18.15 Hillsboro,' M. P. Cady 233.21 Hillside, Chas. Bamford... 10.00 Laurel, Wm. Hathorn 2.00 North Plains, Elmer Mays 7.00 Orcneo, Itex Parsons 5.00 Iteedville, J. B. Imlay 8.45 Seholls, F. I'. Rowell........... 44.50 Sherwood, C. 1. Calkins...:.. 14.00 Tigard ; , 8.00 Tualatin, E. A. Eddy 86.00 Miscellaneous Schools 27.44 Total ...$719.84 Quota of Washington Co...$575.00 Excess of Quota .'. $144.54 or 25 per cent. Of the above amounts credited to towns, a portion was raised in the schools nnd placed in the to tal amount turned oyer bv the lo enl chairman. Of the amount credited to Hillsboro $44.75 was iviven by the school children in the city. - l!)20 Maxwell for sale. Have another make of car and do not need both. Call nt City Meat Mar ket, Third St. Will sacrifice. 87 A. L. Grebe, formerly of Lau rel, has moved to tin- Hillsdale section. John Pooley, who is now in Altoona, Pa., writes for the home weekly for a year. Henry Hoge, of South Tuala tin, was in town the first of the week. Herman Metzler, w ho has hew ed out n nice little place near the Rood Uridge, was tip to the city 1 riday. rcrkiiis now lias ins tree air and water system installed drive up and help yourself. You are welcome. 3 t f A. Bendlef, breeder of regis tered Holstcins, of North Tuala tin Plains, was a Livestock Show visitor Tuesday. l or sale: Three houses, street .Hid sewer paid up, also vacant lot on highway. Inquire at 103V Washington St. 32-5 A. I). Hill and Finis Brown, prominent Laureliti-s, were in the city the lust of the wek. For Sail. Chi lip Good, used bicycle; new tires and seal. Write or inquire at 1103 Edison Street. Hillsboro. 35-37 Aug. Desinet, farming the Her man Ko'chnke place under lease, south of Oak Park, was a city caller lite nrst ol the week. M. S. Woodman, whose old homestead at Banks is now a por tion of the town, was an Argus caller Monday. For Sale Three stock hogs. Downs & LnChapelle, Fern Hill Farm, Cornelius, Ore., R. 2. Tel ephone, Fern 552. 37-39 Oscar Peterson, of Peterson Bros., auto dealers, goes to Me Minnville to take charge of a branch office for the firm. John Wisiner, of Cedar Mill, and Erwin Hitter, of Bethany, were city callers Monday after noon. Wanted Steady work on farm by young man. Address, B. L. Dryden, 909 Second St., or ad dress Box 188, care Dr. F. A. Bailey, Hillsboro, Ore. 39 Miss- Eva Carstcns, of Port land, was a HilUbiro visitor the last of the week, enroute to Banks, being called there by the serious illness of her grandmoth- er, Airs, lanme eriuav. Make money raising strawber- ries; luu plains lor .pi. special rates on large lots. Varieties: Gold Dollar; New Oregon, Ma- . , , .il IT goon, .dilrcss, i. nils, iiansou, Hillsboro. Ore., It. 5, 15x44. 39 Peter Huffman, of Bacona, was . . .. . w 1 . . . Jr.. in r t tie city :lonuay, auenaing court, ninl while here went on lown to see the Livestock show. Slubwood delivered four foot, , .... ... , I i, m per com, .i.sn; in-iucii, -?.. o per load. Immediate delivery. Phone !t2.- Alexander Jiros., Hillsboro. 85-87 M. Borden, formerly of Witch Ha.el, was in town-Monday. He and his wife have moved to Port land to reside. L. H. Peters, of above North Plains, was in Saturday. L. IL says that the hill potatoes are the finest he has ever seen. Slightly used Ludwig piano , ' a V 1 1 mahogany unisii io ur sum on easy pavments. Liberty Bonds taken nt face value. Patterson Furniture Co.. 1261 Main St. Chris Johnson and son, Chas., of Mason Hill, were in town on Monday, visiting the son and brother, Thos., who is convalesc ing from an operation, for appen dicitis nt the Robb Hospital. Only monument dealers in Washington County. Drop us a card, and we will show you our samples. Write or call on us, at 1363 Main SI., Hillsboro. Ore gon Monument Works, Hillsboro. Oregon. , B0-tf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Overroe- der, of Elinonica, were city callers Tuesday afternoon, visiting with Hillsboro friends. Frank is on the Overroeder place, and bis parents have moved to Hillsboro for resi dence. I pay highest market price for old papers and magazines 25 lbs. to bundle ; also buy old rags, metal, scrap iron, old auto tires. sacks, everything. Ben Segal; telephone 2641, and will call. Watch for the junk man, license 127. 84-37 .Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cook, of Cornelius, were in Saturday, get ting ready to move the first of the week to their new purchase, u pari of the d o. Robinson place, near Farmington. They have the only real hone.&t-to-goodness ar tesian well in the county. fOrilf SIX DIWS CALL RMDMEETiNGS To Vote for or Againtt Special Road Tax i GOOD ROADS MOVE GROWS mouM Thai utany Will Levy Special laxe tor 19Z0 i'orly-i. ryaU district in Wash ington County have called meet ings lo vole tor or uga.iuat special) Ui lor rouii work, Allowing tiiatl cue goou roads movement is is growing right along, luis i! me largest, e.ui in the History ot j cue county nnd many will carry a levy. i'lie dislnets, places of meetings ami dale tollow: Dist. 1, C Geibergcr'n house, .Nov. 22. i.t. 2, Rock Pit, Campbell's place, Nov. 'i'i. Dist. 3, Laurel School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 4, Swedish Church, Cher ry Grove, Nov. 22. Dii.1. 5, Ii looming School tlou.se, Nov. 22. Uitt. (i, draliel School House, Nov. 22. Dit. 7, Iteedville, Nov. 22. Dist. 8, Uiteon, Nov. 22. Dist. 9, 1. O. O. 1'. Hall, Nov. Dist. 10, C. W. Allen's, Nov. 22 Dist. 11, Union Chapel, Nov. 22. Dist. -12,- Lcisyville School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 14, Residence of Waiter Rosw urin, Nov. 22. . Dist. 16, Sargent's Hall, Nov. Dist. 17, I. O. O. F. Hall, at Banks, Nov. 22. Dist. 18, K. P. Hall, at North Plains, Nov. 22. Dist. 19, Rock Creek School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 20, Union Hall, Nov. 28. Dist. 21, Grange Hall, Buxton, Nov. 28. Dist. 23, Forestdale School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 24, Hill's School House, Nov. 25. Dist. 25, Jacktown School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 26, Barnes' School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 27, Areiide School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 28, Wallace School House Nov. 22. Dist. SO, Old Store at Roy, Nov. 22. Dist. 31, Grange Hall, Nov. 22. Dist. 82, Garden Home School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 33, Verboort Hall, Nov. Dist. 34, Scofield School House Nov. 22. Dist. 35, Shady Brook school House, Nov. 22. Dist. 86, Older & Greener, at Denny's, Nov. 22. Dist 30, Mullov Hall, Nov. 22. Dist. 42, timber School House, Nov. 22. ' Dist. 43, Middleton School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 45, Helvetia School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 46, Mead School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 47, Hazeldale School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 48, School House, School Dist. 96, Nov. 22. Dist. 50, Warehouse at Sewell Station, Nov. 22. Dist. 51, City Hall, Orenco, Nov. 22. Dist. 52, City Hall, Gaston, Nov. 28. Dist. 53, School House in Dist. 53, Nov. 22. Dist. 54, Town Hall, Nov. 22. Dist. 56, School House in Dist. 56, Nov. 22. Dist. 6", Centerville School House, Nov. 22. Dist. 58, J. C. Buchanan Farm, Nov. 28. . HOUSE AND 2 LOTS Seven-room house furnished if desired. Real property alone, $1900. Payment dow n, say $S00. and $15 per month on balan e. U 1809 Baseline St. Electric lights, hot nnd cold water, bath. This is a snap. Come nnd see this ns it will be taken soon. All kinds of fruit. On new highwny, just completed. Owner. j Chas. Bloom, of the River Road, was up the last of the week. He will have ten neres of baby hops next season. Chns. just had to get back into the busi ness a train. R. H. Hansen, of the River Road, was an Argus caller Friday. I B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains , Wholesale and Retail Deal? rs In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Fiour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thornbargh, President. D. R. Cheney, Aasiatant Cashier John E. Bailey, Vice President ,, H. E. Ferrin A Militant Cashir FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans . $504,13j.8S 273,81 .59 47,309.42 18,710.00 U.S. Bonds- Other Bonds Banking house Other real est. Stock iit Federal Res. Bank Cash and due from Banks.- 6,15!0.00 1,800.00 189,8ri3.0' Total .$1,041,75:1.91 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID " r ii i i i , ? PYRALIN have a very Complete Stock, and Our Prices are Right. Wa Advise You to Make Your Selec tions Early. The Delta1 Drug Store ii ' ' "p We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon W. W. McEldowney, Cashier. E. F BurlinKham S. (J. Hughes LIABILITIES Capital Surplus Circulation $25,000.00 .. 52,1514.73 . 23,000.00 . 939,139.18 Deposits Totd ...$l,041,753.81 ON SAVINGS i