n rr" ' '! I II M liM! '-''''''l "'" I I IN limillll liJU' Ihe .fiiLLSBTO VOL. XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. No. 36 v Y V PORILAI NOV. 11-22 Scvnty-live Tlioutund Dollar in Cash Premium COUNTY WILL HAVE SPACE Hieedert' in WathinRton County Own Stock in Grounds I mt Htn ii It an Washington County Inn Hi'iiri'i of livestock lin-i-iln i who liinilit slink, nt n mutter uf pridf mill liiriil piitrlolliin, in tin I'ncilie liili-rioilioiuil I.IvchIinI, i'.kpotnl ion in I'm I Imitl, nml ns tr lme iiiiiiiv lirrnli'ri of neutered liveMork w ho uill eilhnr liuvi' in trim, ur attend I In jIih' ill I'orl IiiiiiI, Nov. 17-22, tin- ii M hi r U of liilcrtst lit hundreds of Arjjn rrideri, TIiiih. Cnriiiic liiu l, the vctrriiii stiii'kmtili of (iiiilnli, h.ivs tin idlovt will In' till' Jtrt'illrst ever seen in tin- NorthwcHt nml Mr. Cnrmii Imi I know, The dirrrtor will pty $11.1,000 in ciisli pri-uii mill, nml there are .'1000 head uf toek entered. 'Mil" new tu i ti 1 1 n U s are ready - mid the show w ill lie I'lirtlftiiil'ii lilfji'st ii n n mil event. T!i program: Monday, N'uv. 17 Di'ilieiitliin nml (iiinriinr's I i y . I'oriiiul opening nml dediention of new $!I00,000 inviliiiii. (tovrrnor of Northwest States invited. Cere monial fur pioneer Kiipporter o( livNtoek industry fur wlium memorial plate w ill lie Iniil. Ilnnd miisie. 3,000 breeding animals on exhihltion. llursi' slime in tde evening. Tuesday, Nov. IS I'neilie Coast Day. Judging in nil de partments. Ilnnd eoneerts. Horse show in (lie evening. Wednesday, No'. Ill Port liiiul and Vaneoiivrr Day, Judg ing ion 1 1 ii tif-i) . . A net inn sales. Hand imisie. Horse sliow in the evening. Friday, Nov. 2 1 t'lminiion Day. Judging eoneluded. Auc tion hulis. limn) concert t. llril limit enseinlde of (-ItampioiiMhip animal in Main arena nt night horse sliow, Saturday, Nov. 22 Cliildren'i Day, Children's; matinee and horse show, Shetland puny pa rade. Special feature. Hand concert jn afternoon. NORTH PLAINS K. P. (rand Chancellor Julian A. Hur ley, of Vale, Ore., visited (ilen eoe Lodge, Knights of l'ythias, ut North Plain, Saturday night, lie was aeeoiupanieil by (irand Vice Chaiieellor Clark, of Port land, nnd Past (irand Chaiieellor Fred Johnson. The gentlemen were brought out in n machine, and came over the llaeoii Hill, much to their discomfort. They returned via the ieriiiniitow n rontl. The (Irand Ollleer'n olliclal ad dress was received with much in tcrcat. Those. attending from here were Judge J. W, (iitodiii, A, K. Dickason, S. F.. Fayram nnd I..A. Long, nml A. K. Reynold-, of Cornelius. (1, C. Hurley will visit Cornelius on the night of Nov, 2.1. He will not make llillsboro until after the first of the year. I have Hold the W'ntkins' busi ness to Frnnk L. Moore. He will continue Hi llinjr nt 860 Third St., nnd will visit your place three or four time h year. I will make n collection trip soon. Wait for llie Wntkins' man he will wive you money. 34-30 Chas, J. Herb, of Batiks', was n city visitor the last of the week. "If I Had Haven't you said that a number of times in your life f You wanted to carry out an idea, to achieve nn ambition, to tnke advantage of an opportunity that came your way. And yon couudn't because you lwul not saved any money. Why not be prepared for opportunity the next time? Begin to nave synf-ematieally right now. A Savings' Account In tin's Rank is doubly secure be cause of our membership as a State Bank and our own substantial reputation of long nnd successful hanking service Jri the community. RESOURCES, SHUTE SAVINGS BANK F,. W. Dalit, of Iteedville, was up to the county scat Monday, and drought in two pears e of which was from a third crop and one from n fourth crop. Ilolh were matured, nnd made good ruling, (iene says his tree .always iniikes the third crop, hut not nl ways the fourth. When in the city, Mr. Dant visited the counly court to sec what could lie dune in regard to sinus slowing up au di travel through Iteedville, where drivers g through at .10 miles mi hour. Fast driving will mean a disastrous wreck nt that point sonic time, as travel coming at right aitlcs can not easily he seen, Hunch for Sale -Farm of full acres, line soil, all cleared hut little over an acre; fine run niiKf water; good well; all kinds of fruit and lurries; milk route, mail route; telephone; good six loom house, rock cellar; full equipment of hums and outluiihl ings, close to Cortland rock road, on United lUilwny. Will sell farm implements, stuck, etc., if w anted, -- Impiire of D, (Jiger, llillshurn, It. I, Mux 71. .'17 F. W, aleh, who recently sold his First St. grocery to I,. M. Hoyt, the business now hcing con ducted hy Hieh liuyl and Ilerherl (irecr, has leased his new pur chase of (IM acres at Newton to Alhcrt Meier. F. W, has 'con cluded to retire from business nf tcr 1 1 ' years active service in the city." ' I pay highest market price for old papers nm) mnRnxincs 23 lbs. to liuuille; also Imv old rags, metal, scrap iron, old unto tires, sacks, everything, Hen Segal; telephone 1M!1, and will call. Wntch for the junk man, license 127. !U-37 J. II. Humphreys, well known lu re, has spent the Summer nt W'enatchie, Wn., in the fruit or chards, and has returned to the Willamette Valley. He is nt present staying near Portland, and expects soon to visit Hillslio ro. For Sale Four cow; heavy work horse; wagon in fair shupe; huggy, nearly, new; hand grub hinif machine; shovels, hoes, farm tools, etc.; n few pieces of furni ture. Mrs. Fred Meyers, iyjj mill's west of Laurel. Phone, Seliulls 825 Line 13. S I-S7 About sixty head of work stock belonging to Contractor Sweeney passed through town Sunday, en route to the Sweeney ranch for Winter quarters. The outfit has been working on n railway up above Carlton. Taken up- lilack and while Holsteiu heifer, about H mouths oll. Owner can have same by proving property, pnving ndv.j ami expense, of keep.- Nick Ke, Hillslioro, R. 1. .15 -A1 San Francisco claims man who has been .sleeping two weeks. That's nothing this section has 1 number w ho have Ih-cii asleep a quarter of n century. Hoy MeKnight en me down from Huxton, Sunday. He says that n little snow fell up there the last of the week. lfll'O Maxwell for sale. .Have another make of car nnd do not need both. Call nt City Ment Mar ket, Third St. Will sacrifice. 87 M. Sturm Jr., who now lives near Hcttmny, was in Saturday greeting former Hlooming friends. Frank Long, of Cornelius, wns a Hillslioro visitor Monday after noon, ' Hhv F.mmolt has returned from a, week up in Ynmhill County. Just $500" OVER $1,000,000. FOREST GROVE WINS 115 BIG SEWER CASE Attorney E. B. Tongue, For City, Fight 3 Year For Victory CITY NEED NOT PAY DEcre-d Suit Wa Brought Against City Three Year Ago by Contractor Judge Hubert (i. Morrow, of Portland, Ijist Friday handed down a decision releasing the City of Forest (irove from pay ing fur its sewer system, the com plaining contractors being the I'.l liott Construction Company. )'.. II. Tongue, of Hillslioro, w.ii the attorney in the case, aand he was assisted by Jay Jintvcrmari, The case is the biggest one in Ore gon's municipal history outside of Portland, mid never before has been won so sweeping a victory by a city of Forest (irove's class in the annuls of Oregon's juris prudence. Forest (irove has a sewer system which is not using, but, perhaps, can be used with a little expense, and under its con tract the Court declares it need pay linlhing. Statement of the Case On October 7, lit 15, the City of purest (irove let a contract to the Elliott Contracting Company to install n sanitary sewer system in the City of Forest Grove at a contract price of 58.48.00 and for the installation of n sanitary sewage disposal plant nt n con tract price of 1150.00. The con tract provided that the city should pay fur extra or additional work according to nil ilemi.ed schedule of prices. The Elliot Contracting Company's bid was the lowest bid by several thousand dollars, and several thousand dollars lower than the original estimate of the city engineers. The contracting Company at tempted to install the sewer sys tem during the winter of 1!M5 nnd '1(1 which turned out to In line of the worst winters that Oregon has experienced for 25 or SO years. There wns much trouble nnd much friction be tween the city and the company during the period of construction. During the. Fall of 191(5 the 'con tracting company tendered the system to the city as completed and demanded payment therefor according to an itemized schedule and also stated nt the time that the schedule did not contain items of damage for which the company would expect to hold the city. The city refused to accept the sewer for the reason that the eon tractors had not cojn plied with the agreement in several particu lars. Several attempts were in-ide to settle me mailer wiinoui avmi. which resulted in the contracting Company briuirlng a suit during November. l!l(i, against the City of Forest (irove in the Circuit Court in Portland, Ore., through its attorneys, Clark, Middlcton & Clark, to compel the city to ac cent the wer and to pnv to the eontriiclinir comunnv the sum ox $ 1 2H.8liS.7U. The Citv of Forest Grov throimh its attorney, K. 15. Tongue, challenged the jurisdic tion of the Multnomah County Courts nnd nfter several argu ments upon" this phase of the. question the Court determined that the court in that county had the power nnd nuthority to try the case. The case was set for trial and the late United States Senator C. . Fulton was em idoved bv the City of Forest drove to assist in the defense When the matter was called for trial Mr. Fulton was ill and was tillable to proceed, nnd the mat ter was postponed, but upon the trial day the Senator was stilt tin ble to proceed, and died a short time afterwards. Jay Howermnn then assisted in the defense. The trial of the case, together with the various adjournments, ex tended over a period ending with the !th dav of Jul v. 1019, ntfout four or five months being eon , . . I . i I sumeel m inning tesinuouv. irreat mnnv legal questions were involved. At the trial the r.uioTt Contracting? Co.. admitted that the system did not comply in n-rent m.'inv respects with the n . . plans and specifications, and con tended that thev had deviated from the plans and specifications upon the orders nml directions of tjie City Engineer, and that they had been constructed according to his directions, and that they had performed the work as he directed and that the company was therefore entitled to its mon ey notwithstanding that the sys tem was not n good workable sys tem. The city contended that the system was not a workable sys tem, ilul not comply with the plans and specification, and the ontract; and that these docu ments had been violated over the protests uud objections of tin- City Engineering Department. Something over 100 witnesses were examined. In the neighhor- iiiod of 5,000 different docu ments mid photographs were in troduced in evidence. A great many experienced engineers on sanitary sewer construction were xainineii, The cross examina tion of one of tlie engineers fur the contracting company filmic ousuiii''d about two weeks. The case was tried by Hoscoe i. Nelson of the firm of Iteueh, .Simon Nelson, anil .Malcolm 11. Clark, of the firm of Clark, Mid- llcton Clark, for the plaintiff. while the city of Forest (irove s interests were looked after by E. 15. Tongue and Jay Howerumii. I'he matter was an equity ease and was tried before Judge Itoh- rt Morrow. The contracting company had not been paid any thing upon account of const ruc tion work, nnd according to the leeisiuii of Judge Morrow the it v will not be compelled to pay anything at all to the contractor. RANES BRANDT Fred Kanes, of Portland, uud Miss Fuye Hrundt, of Salem, were united in marriage at Forest irove, November (i, 1919, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Snp pingtuu. The groom is a son of Mrs. Suppington, and is an auto salesman. 1 lie Happy couple will reside at Goldendale, Wash. W. (i. Walker, of Hanks, was own to the city Saturday. John Ironside, of near Laurel.' was greeting friends in town the first of the week. Perkins now has his free air am! water system installed - hive up and help yourself. You are welcome. 3-t l C, Jesse, of near Hoy, trans- tcted business in the city Mnn- dav. i Wanted Position as clerk, of fice attendant, or stutilark situa tion. Address Miss Ivv Hurk, Uox 38. Dilley, Ore. I -III! Dave Willers, of Oak Park, was shaking hands with his Hills lioro friends Monday. For sale: Three houses, street nil sewer paid up, also vacant lot on highway. Inquire at 10.11, Washington St. 82-5 Hanks w ill ask for incorpora tion in the near future. Sonic of these days Ranks is going to get on the map in good shape. For Sale Cheap Good, used bicycle; new tires and seat. Write or inquire fit 11511 Edison Street. Hillslioro. 3 5 ;7 Alex Gordon, of near North Plains, was in town Monday af ternoon greeting his many friends in the county sent. .Want L'O to tO-aere farm, with stock and machinery, at $4000 to $i00i); $11000 cash. F. M Phelps, P. O. P. ox No. 072, Port land, Ore. .'14 .17 A number of the road districts have petitioned for a -meeting to vote for .or against a special road las lew. and notices arc being uiblished-in the comity papers. For Sah Team horses, 5 years old, weight about 8000; gentle; true to pull; no blemishes. In quire of J. F. Garwood, 2 miles north of Monntaindale. 84-6 Saturday night the Warren Construction Co. had completed laying of bithulithie on about half of the highway between Forest Grove and Cornelius. Strayed Yearling Holsteiu heifer, mostly black, with white in forehead; had bell on. Last seen near John H. Bailey place, near Huxton. Finder please notify C. (. Nelson, liaeona, Ore. 85-87 Sam J. R.iffety, of Mountain- dale, sends find looking raspber ries, picked in his garden Novem ber 8. Sam expects to have dessert from his vines on Thanks giving. Sheep for sale: 23 bead of Shropshire ewes and 2 Shrop shire bucks; 4 ewes nnd 2 bucks registered; balance are high errndes. Also registered Jersey bull, 18 months old. Ben Sah now, Hillslioro, K. 1, 5 miles northeast of Hillslioro. 80-88 Mr. and Mrs. F. L. French, of Hood River, were in the city the first of the week, guests of Mr and Mrs. G. H. Carter. M French was released from the ser vice last Spring. He is a nephew of Mrs. Carter, nnd formerly re sided in this city. Mean Much for Washington County Producer BEAVERTON FACTORY BUSY November Review of State Look Promising The Portland Hillslioro cement highway, which was completed October "21, is supposed to be opened for travel November 20, if the regulation "seasoning" of 80 days is observed. This w ill be of immense value to the farmers, as it affords a hard-surface road from Forest Grove to the Port land market. While the Tcrwil liger Koulevnrd is closed to team, after passim; Raleigh one can turn to the left and go in on the Raleigh-Seholls road over the Sylvan -Cany on road. The Valley Tie & Lumber Co., of Eugene, has a (if) -day order for 250 carloads of ties for an Okla homa railway. Some order! Gardiner The l'mHpia timber company organized, capitalized for 250,000. The Dalles will install cluster lights on the main business streets and change the county poor farm into a county fair grounds. Beavertc!! Starch factory en larging plant and aeeiiuiulatint; potatoes. The industry failed last year from lack of labor to harvest potatoes. Roseburg has syndicate to build new tourist hotel. Portland Loggers and con tractors machinery firm buys 17 acres to build large plant for manufacturing supplies for north wst. Hon. Bill Cuddy, in Oregonian: "Government cannot say that a man must work if he docs not so desire; but it does say that a man shall work if he wishes so to do; and the government will see that he has the opportunity." Better highway from Harris burg to Eugene is sought. Gresham Burns Lumber Co. to erect sawmill here. Reedsport sawmills have pay rolls of approximately $1100 per day. Umpqiia river fishing industry w ill pay $1100,000 to its employes this year. F'ugene Fruit company in stalls new refrigerating rooms to care for increased business. Eugene Fruit Growers Associa tion sell carload apple pulp, for merly considered of no value, to Missouri concern at $110 per ton. Every important town in Cen tral tJregon has a highway crew, and progress on the main trunk highway from Bend to Burns is rapid. Portland-Hil'sboro concrete highway opened by Nov. 20. Hood River apple pack esti mated to be worth $5,000,000. The Dalles- A'ortsmen r.-iisin' fund fur fish ladder over Colum bia Falls. Salem Receipts corporation lep.irtment for year ending July l 1. 1919,, were $22:1.17(1.8!: com pared to elf 7.50 1.47 tor previous year. Expense of "operation in in tins - department were de creased. Portland gets a factory from one- St. Joseph, Mo., to make piece clothing. McMinnville business men are backing a fruit and vegetable cannery.. Stavton with a large excelsior industry wants a mattress fac tory. Portland has a new factory for making silk shirts and shirtwaists Hood River to get first apart ment house. Heppner votes $100,000 for gravity water system. Portland Riverdale to get $4S,000 school house. Delay in settling things that have to do with peace is meaning not only suffering among men and women and children in Euro pean countries, but disruption of . 1, , our own toreign ana domestic trade development. HOUSE AND 2 LOTS Seven-room house furnished if desired. Real property alone, $1900. Payment down, say $800, and $16 per month on bnlanee. At 1809 Baseline St. Eleetrie lisfhts, hot and eold water, hath. This is a snap. Come and see this as it will be taken soon. All kinds of fruit. On new hiirhwav. jnst eompleted. Owner. Jas. Peppard visited at Carey, Ore., the first of the week. C. B. BUCHANA (Incorporated) HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Grain, Hay, FJpur, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any tim Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Tboraburgh, Pr Mid est, D. S. Cheney, Asdatant Caahier John E. Bailey, Vice President H. E. Ferrin Auistant Cashir FOREST GMM NATIONAL A FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans , $604,136.88 278,814.59 47,809.42 18,710.00 U.S. Bonds Other llonds Banking house Other real est. Stock in Federal Res. Bank Cash and due from Banks- 6,120.00 1,800.00 189,863.02 Total ..$1,041,763.91 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IV WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID AshYourDealer Grand PrizeHa,(l firearms 6 Ammunition M Write for Catalogue s- , Ut THC REMINGTON ARMS UM CCO. INC Dr. J. Sen iisi-ii lins opem-d :i ' Yt'li liii.-iri.in ullii-t- iit the furmi-r ! .tmis otliee, on Seeond St.. r;ist s of the court housi:. CalU an.swrr- j ed dav or night. i We Have the Neatest and m lis 113 lft.'r"i-4 wMwum nn tow on ViS T nl ' -1"' t 'l' :" 1 JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler Main Street t N &C0 W. W. McEldowney, Caahier. E. F Burlingham S. O. Hughe LIABILITIES Capital ' Surplus Circulation Deposits $26,000.00 52,G 14.73 25,000.00 939,139.18 Total 4 1,041,753.91 ON SAVINGS Your earninjpower when it rains is made sure l3 REFLEX SLICKER look for the A-J-TowiaCa Established I8U Boston, Mass. Most Complete Stock of- n! Op'iein Hillsboro, Oregon In 1 J