The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 06, 1919, Image 1

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No. 35
Bin Dinner in M. E. Church Ilane
mcnt Friday Night Well Attended
Commit'ee Will Soon Announce
Plant and Amount Fund Needed
Tin' ladies of (lie t'ofl'i-e ( lull en
trrtliined luiiilli'xs II I . II mill Hu ll
"lies til dinner, ill Hie Imnc nielil
of the M. I'.. Church, Friday eve
iiiii, iiiul nver 1(10 plates were
Idid. It was n n pn x nt'ilivi
X.illicriiiK mill Hie t n 1 1 u I was
Hie initial cflnrl of Hie eluli to
foster Hie matter of hiiihlinit:
liieiiuiriiil IkiiIiIiiih fur Hie sen in
nu n wIki fought for their cnun
try, Mini inciilcutally fur those
wIki lost Hieir live in Hie unr
jnsl cloned. There wi re over 10(1
jiliiteH laid, iiinl Mayor Wnll pre
sided. He slalcd Hie object of the
liiirlniK, uinl said Hie effort of
tin Clnli, vvhlch ha lu-en n Ulal
foree in civic affairs fur years',
iiurileil linniicial Miipjtort of nil
giioil citixritiihip.
District Attorney K. II. Tihikih',
Attorney V. (i. Hare ami H. 1'.
IVteri, Sum Weil, Itev. Deck, .1.
11. (inrrett. W. Malum, Cha. I'..
Wellt, (', II. Ituelimimi, (ieii. li.
A1U it, It. II. Kaslcr and others
expressed a willingness to eon
trilnilc with funds nml work to
ee Hint such structure I built,
It n fitiKtfi'olt'il that the Ladle'
Codec t'luli forinnliite plan and
stirst eeitie amount to tlmt
the ire title men would know just
about what the need would lie,
mid stated Hint hen thi was
done n rapid lire campaign would
start. There were not , few who
staled Ihev would contriliute nil
the wnv from $500 to $1000 eneh.
mid nil who expressed themselves
ph dited their earnest Mitpport.
There w,n mum' discussion, nml
the yrm ral enlist inn of opinion
was Hint the structure hsotild he
one of utility n well n of a
memorial nature. Plans will lie
submitted for nn auditorium,' ron
)led with n gymnasium, nml as
soon ni n tnnifihle ilrift in sub
milted there will lie committee
iiointed to nee whnt can he
done in the wny of a campaign.
The ("lull dinner wni n bite sol -eels',
nml there will In; Another in
the not tlistnnt future as soon n
things shape themselves so it Is
known whnt is desired.
Relative -and friend of Willimn
Furl J limed, 18-year-ohl son of
Louis Ilirseh, police sergeant-alarm
nt the city hull, hnve prac
tically given up hope of ever find
ing him nlivt; following his disap
pearance In the woods Inst Sun
day, uenr Cochran, Ore., in Wash
ington County.
OMicer Ilirseh hits lieen absent
from his post at the city hall ever
Nine Inst Monday, aiding in the
search for his liny, lie telegraph
ed Mrs. Ilirseh late Friday night
Hint he had deeided to aliaudou
the search and return home, Mrs.
Ilirseh vus nearly piostrtted on
recciiinif the news at the family
home, 741 Vaughn Street.
Young Ilirseh went to Cochran
to work in the lumber camp of ('.
II, Wheeler, last Saturday, ne
eoriliug to Mrs. Ilirseh. Last
Sunday he went in the woods to
hunt and tins not lieen seen since.
Journal, Nov. 3.
C. Deinmin, of South Tualatin,
whs in town Monday,
"If I Had
Haven't you snid that a number of times in your life?
You wanted to carry out an idea, to achieve nn ambition,
to tnke advantage of an opportunity that'enme your wny.
And you eouudn't because you had not saved any money.
Why not be. prepared for opportunity the next time?
Begin to snvc systematically right now.
A Savings' Account in this Hank is doubly secure bc
cnuse of our membership ns a State Hank and our own
substantial reputation of long and successful banking
service in the community.
RESOURCES, OVER $1,000,000.
Travelers by auto in and out
of Portland arc having quite it
time gelling I lie i I machine thro
Hie dirt road, mingle il (villi cor
duroy, where the highway lend
ing nut of ill iivi iloii going north,
crosses the Walker road. The
place is rolling, mid there is plen
ty of mud, mid more Ilinn one
motorist has lieen stuck in the
guiolio. While the mins are on
this Is the best route into the city,
but it is bad enough, at that, mid
drivers will welcome Hie day
when the highway opens east of
United for Sale Farm nf full
'.'() aires, line soil, all clmrcil
hut little over mi ncre ; line run
ning water; good well; all kinds
of fi;nil and berries; milk route,
mail route; telephone; good Mix
room house, rock cellar; full
equipment of barns and outbuild
ings, close to I'orthtud rock load,
on I'liited Railway. Will sell
farm implements, slock, etc., if
wanted.- Inquire of I), (iiger,
llillsbnro, It. I, llox 74. 7,
Hay Siglcr, of Klipsau, Wash.,
where he is with Hie Life Savin'
Station, under ('. S, ilinction,
came up the first of the week lo
join Mrs, Sigler, who has been
visilitifr home, folks. Tin y return
ed the middle of Hie tcrk. Ilav
slill has four months to serve nml
says he will then return to civd
Only moiiumeiit dealers In
Wnshiimtoii County, Drop us a
card, nud we will show you our
samples. Write or call on us, at
l.'lii'l Main St., Hillsl.oro.-Oregon
Monument Works, Ilillsbori),
Oregon. COIf
Mr. ami Mrs. I rank Monleith.
well known here several years
ago, were here front Fairfield,
near Spokane, over Sunday, the
guesU of friends here ami at Fnr
iii in -it (in. Monleilli is in the
newspaper and real estate game.
I pay highest market price for
old papers nml mngnxini's 23
lbs. to bundle; also buy old rags,
metal, scrap iron, old auto tires,
sacks, every thing. Hen Segal;
tiiephoue 2011, and will call.
Watch for the junk man, license
127. 31-87
Dwk'ht I'oineroy and wife, of
I.cisyville, were in the city the
last of the week. The Argus will
wager that they have more wild
hl.tckhfcrrics canned than any
other young couple in the county.
J. C, I.nntkin is now in his tin
shop on 'Second Street, East of
the court house, where he will lie
pleased to meet his old friends,
lie is prepared to do all kinds of
tinwork, repairing, etc. 34
A. I Luther is home with his
team, after a Summer's campaign
with (iuthric & Co., on the Stale
Highway between here unt llen
verton. lie snys that Hie com
pany will lix up the drainage and
shoulders as noon as weather per
mits. For Sali Four , cows; heavy
work horse; wagon in fair shape;
buggy, nearly new; hand grub
bing machine; shovels, Jioes, farm
tools, etc.; it few pieces of furniture.-
Mrs, F'red Meyers,
miles west of Laurel. Phone,
Seholls 525 Line 13. 3 t-7
J. F. I lay nic nud F. L. lieanti.s,
of Forest ( J rove, called on the
Argus, Monday, while down to
the court opening. Haynie start
ed his 27th year ns nn Agrua
August Tews and family have
moved into their new home in
South llillsboro, and are now "up
in town" proper.
Henry Kainna, of Blooming,
was in the city Monday,
Just $500"
Building Boom Expected 'o Con
tinue Over 1920
G. II. I', Lumber Co. Cutting for
Nchnlem Railway
Lumber mills of slate are cutting
to eapacit) with bite rush of liusi
uess expected during next fuw
months, All elements of the in
dustry are agreed that the build
ing boom calling for such heavy
supply of lumber this year will
continue with increased vigor
next year.
Portland port commission will
till 20-aerc factory site for large
Michigan company to ni innf.ii
ture ready made houses on a
large scale. These houses can be
nhippcd to any part of the coun
try nml set up without employing
contractors or building trades.
The O. II. 1. Lumber Co., of
Hillslioro, is cutting bridge tim
bers mid lies for the S'elialein
railway, now tinder construction.
Hanks iit lluxlon, In Heaver
Creek and the Neliiilem, mid the
entire cut is being laken bv the
railway company.
Hood River pears going to ft
a box.
Noli Tiiiibcrmiu hen- closed
a contract with the Postal Tele
graph company for the delivery
of 1500 cedar poles on board the
Cars at Walton, on the Coos Hay
F.ugene - Farmers eomposiii'.i
valley mini growers' association
holding out for Jf.S a pound for
oil. Offered $7.15. (Dad Iteas
ouer, take notice.)
It use burg Automatic elect rie
brake to lie manufactured here.
Willi bar silver in New York
.selling nt $I.2H, the highest price
in 30 years, long abandoned sil
ver mining districts of West nre
being revived.
Stnyton wants a mattress fae-!
tory. Have nn abundance of wit
ter power, labor conditions ex
cellent and woolen mill nt Slav-
ton from which wool waste could
be obtained.
Dayton has opening for cheese
Hanks. wants a cannery and h is
sullicient fruit for operations nexl
Salem to have $250,000 house
building corporation planned to
erect 100 new houses for work-
ingmen during the next (! months.
I.nkcview wants n Hour mill
and elevator. Flour mill that was
in 'operation burned last year.
That country is raising about
150.000 bushels of .wheat this
year anil will probably double the
yield in 120.
M.nrshlield has recently com
pleted n veneer plant and is de
sirous of securing a paper mill
Purchase of a forest, erection
of a sawmill nml addition of n
plat to Pendleton to .provide
means of alleviating the house
shortage is ndvoealed.
StanhVld- Flume building on
Furnish ditch to carry 150 inches
water, 1000 cars apple crop for
Western Oregon is prospect" nexl
Pendleton Umatilla hard
v.-hent brings record price of
$2.45 a bushel.
Five year old loganberry patch
near Salem returns $1(100 to own
er from acre and a half this year.
Hood River apple crop will
reach 3.000,000 boxes and bring
growers approximately $o000,
Herman Salzwedel, of near
Cornelius, was nn 'Argus caller
Monday afternoon.
Leonard and John
Ilerdlein, of bevond Blooming,
were In town the last of the week.
Wanted Position as clerk, of
fice attendant, or similar .situa
tion. Address Miss Ivy Burk,
Box 88, Dilley, Ore. 3V3B
Gabe F.ssncr, of above Moun-
tnindale, was n city caller the
first of the week.
Perkins now lias his free air
and water system installed
drive up and help yourself. You
are we.leom,'. .J-t f
John Knsscbauni, who has lived
at Cedar Mill and at Shady Brook
for over 25 yars,. now a resident
of Portland, wns out Saturday,
meeting his former county seat
Want 20 to 40-a.cre faint, willl
stock nud machinery, at $4000 to
$0000; $3000 cash. F. M.
Phelps, P. O. Box No. 072, Port
land, Ore. 34-117
Miles J. Haynes, of Sherwood,
was up to the city Saturday,
John Mcl'ce, of Laurel, was in
Monday. John slill watches tin
baseball scores ill season.
Jacob Schneider and Carl Mei
er, of near Leisyville, were city
visitors Saturday.
For Sab Twenty-five head of
Colswold sheep, Joint Caldwell,
MmuiingjOre. 33-35
II. M. Hasford, of near Cedar
Mill, was tip Monday on legal
(iiilcnn Hickey and family, of
near Klutotiiea, have moved to
HilUboro to reside in the North
side Addition.
For sale: Three houses, street
and sewer paid up, also vacant
lot on highway. Inquire at I0,T.
Washington SI. 32-5
Detectives .McCarthy and Cu-
titra, of the S. P, Co., were out
Monday, on special business for
the line.
For Sale ('heap Good, Used
bicycle; new tires nud seal. Write
or impure at 1153 F.dison Street.
llillsboro. 35-37
Dan Klines, of Roy, who knows
just where the fittest trout hold
their meetings in Dairy, was in
town lite last of the week, greet
ing friend s.
For Sale Team horses, 5 years
old, weight about 3000; gentle;.
true to pull; no blemishes. In
quire ol J. I. liarwoou, 2 miles
north of Mountniudnlc. 3 l-G
Michael Kasiiiusseti, of near
Klmoniea, was transacting busi
ness in the county seat Monday.
Mrs. Jennie MeK. (lalhrcath.
of Tualatin, wits visiting friends
in the city Monday.
Taken tip Black ami white
I lo Ul ei ii heifer, about I S months
Id. Owner can have same, bv
proving property, paying adv.
and expense of keep. Nick Kics,
llillsboro. It. 1. J15-37
W. T. Kerr, of Creswell. came
up hist week to look after his po
tato harvest at Gaston. He has
about n thousand sacks of finest
spuds, nnd is selling them in the
Portland market. r
H. L. Scheehla, of below Ti-
gard, was an Argus caller Mon-
lav. A few days more and he
will be able to come to llillsboro
nearly all the way on a hard sur
face road.
Wanted Three to six thous
and cords of first growth of fir
sttimpage. within n mile of rail
road loading station. Also 400
to 1000 cords w hite fir stumpage.
Address Box 25, Oreneo, Ore-
Con. 85-3H
Mrs. F.arl Hollenbeck, of above
Moiintaindale, who has been at
(he Rohh-Wiley Hospital for sev-tt.-il
weeks, following a severe
operation, was taken to Portl.-tn-
for convalescence the last of the
Henry Mohr, of Oak Park, wns
in the city the last of the week,
and brought in some fine exhibits
of purple-lop and cowhorn tur
nips. The are as fine ns any
seen yet this year from local pro
duction. Strayed Yearling Holstein
heifer, mostly black, with white in
forehead; bad bell on. Last seen
near John It. Bailey place, near
Buxton. Finder please notify C.
C. Nelson, Bacona. Ore. 35-37
Three thousand pure-bred ani
mals in the cnltle, horse, sheep,
swine and goat classes have been
entered. Eleven states are rep
resented in the exhibits. Coinci
dent with the Imposition will be
held the extensive exhibits and
practical educational program of
the Western Dairy Products
Show. The annual convention of
the Western Dairy Instructors'
Association will also be held in
eon junction.
For Sale- Place of 12l2 acres,
all cleared and well improved:
new 7-room house ; good well ;
new barn ; lot of berries nnd bear
ing fruit trees; silo; 2 miles south
of llillsboro, near rock road.
Equipped with team, cows, farm
tools. Will sell complete, or -will
trade for farming land; buildings
not necessary..!. E, West. 35-37
Chas. E. Koontz. city "driver,
and Cal. Jack Jr., Cashier of the
Sltute Savings, - started for the
Aenaiem, .Monday, with a camp
outfit, a enre-o of salt, nnd some
narrels, their impedimenta being
taken along to unit down a lot of
jack-salmon. If the fish nre run
ning strong they expect to remain
ix week. Having henrthnt the
weather on the coast side of the
mountains was very warm, eneh
took his bathing suit along.
Sam J. Galloway, of Leisy
ville, was in the city Monday afternoon.
County it Now Well Organized
and Cattle is on
Leaden Expect to Eclipse Record
of Lat Year
The goal sought in the counties
of Clackamas, Columbia, Wash
ington, Yamhill mid Muituomah
is 150,000 new members during
the Red Cross campaign lasting
from Nov. i lo II. Each mem
bership will he one dollar; the
campaign being for mi -tubers, not
funds. With a member.ship as
large ns anticipated, the money
received should insure the con
tinuance during the coming year
of the home service work of the
Red Cross and the relief of re
turned soldiers and their 'depend
ents. The distinction won by Oregon
in 1UI8, by si curing tin: highest
percentage of membership in the
Red Cross, on a basis of popula
tion, of any slate in the union, by
enrolling about 2 l'),000 members,
is one of which the state is prom!.
Leaders in the present campaign
believe this record will be equal
led, if not exceeded, during the
third annua) roll call.
Posts of the American Legion
throughout Oregon have united
with the Red Cross chapters and
branches in their efforts to make
the coming drive an unqualified
Sam Weil, of llillsboro, who
made a record last year for secur
ing the largest percentage of
members of any county in the
state, is again in charge of the
drive in eastern Washington
County. C. G. Reiter is chairman
of the committee of the American
Legion Post at llillsboro. J. II.
(iarrett has been named publicity
manager, and Mrs. L. W. Hyde,
assistant campaign manager. E.
J. McAIear is Red Cross chair
man for llillsboro chapter. The
84 districts tinder the supervision
of Mr. Weil have been lined up
and are ready for the gun.
Mr. Weil has appointed the fol
lowing on local yvork Mrs. L.
W. Hyde, assistant campaign
manager; J. H. Garrett, publici
ty director; E. J., chair
man speakers; Captains. Mrs. O.
B. Gates, Mrs. M. II. Stevenson.
Mrs. C. R. Baglcy, Mrs. M. N.
Lewis; Mrs. O. J. Briggs, train
captain; Mrs. E. T. Helms, Post
Otiiee captain.
Western Washington County
will be bandied by Judge W. II.
Hnllis, of Forest Grove, repre
senting the Red Cross chapter,
and Dr. Ralph Mills, chairman of
Hi Forest Grove Post No. 2, of
the American Legion. Judge IIoI
lis and Dr. Mills report that their
campaign plans are already made
and everything is ready for the
opening date.
. B. Dennis, of ( arlton. who
has handled a number of war
drives nnd several Liberty Loan
campaigns, will be county chair
man for Yamhill County during
the Red Cross membership cam
paign. Major Leonard Hontield.
U. S. Reserve Corps and ( hair-
man of McMinnville Post No. 21,
has been appointed county cam
paign manager, and with Mr.
Dennis is completing the organi
zation of the county committees.
.Frank Swart, chairman of the
Newberg Post of the Legion, is
cooperating with the Xewberg
auxiliaries and war work commit
tees; Sore-it Sorenson, chairman
the Amity Post of the American
Legion, has taken charge of the
organization of committees in
that district.
Seven-room house furnished if
lesired. Real property alotie.
$1900. Payment down, say $S00
and $15 per month on balance
At 1809 Baseline St. Electric
lights, hot nnd cold water, bath
This is a snap. Come and see
this as it will be taken soon. All
kinds of fruit. On new highway
just completed. Owner.
I have sold the Watkins busi
ness to Frank L. Moore. He will
continue selling at 850 Third St.,
and will visit your place three or
four times a year. I will make a
collection trip soon. Wait for the
Watkins' man he will save you
money. 84-86
W. T. Curtis, of Oreneo, wood
contractor, was up to the city on
Monday afternoon. He is in the
market now for several thousand
cords of pond stumpage, elose to
a railway station.
Hilltboro, Cornelius and North Plaint
Wholesali and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time;
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hiiisboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D, R. Cheney, H. E. Fen in
Assistant Cashier Assistant Cu;!ii"
Loans $504,130.88
U.S. Bonds 273,814.59
Other Bonds.. 47,300.42
Banking house 18,710.00
Other real est. 6,120.00
Stock in Federal
Res. Bank 1,800.00
Cash and due
from Banks- 189,863.02
Tuesday November 1 1
Moose Hall
Tickets $1.00
Victory Day Dance
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable . : : ; : :
; Main Street
E. Bailey,
W. W. McEldowney.
K. F Uurlingham
S. G. Hughes
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus- 52,C14.7:t
Deposits ..
. 939,139.18
Total $1,041,753.01
War Tax 10 cents
and Optician
llillsboro, Oregon