The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 30, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 31
,1 1 J iii33
Earliest Freeze County lint Wit
nested in Quarter of Century
Will Moan Diminution of nt
Least 10 Per Cent Hill Potato
A ffcc.c (if (In- limt of tilt- week
visited tin- entire Northwest, mill
hi ruc k ultl a nIj in jj; I ii m County
llllliKllil Willi II C'HISI lll'llt Inns
of nl Irnst ti n pi r cent in llif
r ouiiliiin mill hill potato crop. In
tin' lnt cj ii.i 1 1 1-r nf a century
there Iiih tutu mi diit li A relic
wiiifher in tliit M-dimi, mill tlir
lull sections, gi'mriilly Ininiiinr
fi i'iu frost 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lute in Nov t in
licr, Hlillrl-t il with the ltm lullik
Vines uliitli wi re ni'tittliift grit ii
in llif ilinl liiiul territories, were
fill to llic ground, arresting tin
linul fi'U u ri ki growth Ilinl
menus nl li'iist ten, if nut lifh i n
)Mf n ut. of tin- crop. In place
where I'nrii will nut hen tofoic
nipped this ensilage tiller wiih
withered, mill farmers nt once
hurried In nit it unci ni t it into
llif silos.
Il is slated I'V many clone nli
kirvt'rt that llif hill potatoes
li'ivi' Ilinl n I i u growth through
out Octoher, no the ot will mil
lie -.n great, Imt tin mnl fifteen
JUT (III. in the general ulcrage
"Vines of nil kinds, which have
flourished in tin' hills, int't (In
general result, mul the liclds mnl
gardens Innk like those li.'irk in
old Miiioiiri mnl Imlinna,
"Never saw tin- like" is tin
general cprcsiou tf those who
lime made Oregon their limites
for many years. Overcoats were
lirniiuhl out of seclusion mnl
DVD's Were slleil fur II more coin
fort ft tile lining, mnl the olilliint
Orcgoiijau wnteheil I hr haroiitc
tT in hopes tif seeiiiif sialics of
precipitation. Hut it tliiln't pre
cipilate worth n cent.
'I'lie undersigned w ill si ll nt pul
lie unction nt his resilience, tun
miles mirlh of Forest (irove, on
the It inks i't ul, on
('oiiimeiicinu; nt I o'clock p. in.,
the follow lii th'scrihed property:
II grade Jersey mnl grade llol
kli'iu cows, 4 freshen this Full, 2
to freshen nt time of sale, 3 to
freshen In Dec, 2 I41 freshen in
Spring; 2 yearling heifers; reg
istered Holstcin hull, It monllis
!, fall eiilf. All tnlierciiin test
cil. Eight 10 gallon milk cans;!
sow with 5 pigs; 4 liottlts Bah
cock milk tester; l'laiiler Jr. need
drill ; Overland touring car; 4
horse gas engine.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 nml under,
cash; 011 sums over $20 11 credit,
of (i iitmil lis will he given with 8
jicr cent interest mid approved
ceurity. No properly to In; re
movetl until terms of salt; are
complied with.
Henry VanDyke, Owner.
J. V. Hughes, Auctioneer
Win, A. Vnndcrvelden, Clerk.
J. C. I.nmkin is now in his tin-J
nhop on 'Second Street, Knsl of
the court house, where he will he
pleased to meet his old friends.
He is prepared In do all kinds of
tiuunrk, repairing, etc. .'It
"If I Had
,. Haven't you Haiti that n number of lime In your life?
You wanted lo carry out an idea, to achieve an ambition,
to lake advantage of an opportunity that enme your way.
And you coumln't you had not saved any money.
Why not be prepared for opportunity the next time?
Rcgin to save systematically right now.
A Savings' Account in this Bank is doubly secure be
cause of our mcnibcr.ship ns a State Bank nml our own
substantial reputation of long and successful banking
Hcrvieii in the community.
RESOURCES, OVER $1,000,000.
Italph Illinium, of lliixtou, was
,1 fit y caller Friday."
W, A. Long, of I'ort t (irow,
was 1111 rgns cclli r Saturday.
John Sinclair, of l.eisy ville,
.us in the city the last of the
Neil Hciiiit lt, of Laurel, return
cil from Tillamook the I'l'-t of the
week, ,
K, I., (''vens, of licyontl llloom
in, was in tow n Saturday, (trecl
inT frifinls.
Roy Schiilmericli, of Soulli Tn
nl.iliii, whs 11 city caller the first
of the wet k.
.I0I1 11 lint ker Sr. departed
Tuesday to spend the Winter in
California with a son.
Alfred lleywiMiil, of Oak Park,
ft tut I'.. (i. Cox, of Varley, were
city callers the last of the week.
I), (iitfer, of near Phillips, was
in town SiiturilayT after a Imsy
i ,inii lii'ii (luriiiij harvcht mul Fall
1'iank Ilolcnmlt, of West l'n
ion, mul J. II. Dorland, of Shady
Itrook, were in the city Saturday
Perkins now has his free air
ami water system installed
drive up mid helf yourself. You
are welcome. J t f
Wanted -Position as clerk, of
lice attendant, or similar situation.--
Address Miss Ivy ltiirk,
Ilo as. Dilh y, Ore. " a i- ;mi
Want I'O to 0 acre farm, with
slock iiiul machinery, at $1000 to
isllOlHI; iji.'tooo cash. I". M
Phelps, P. O. Jinx No. i!72, Port
laiul.Ore. 81.17
For Snle- -Tcam horses, 8 cnrs
old. weight iihout ,'tOOO; gentle;
true to pull; no lili-inishcs. In-
piire of J. F, (iarwootl, S miles
iiorlli of Moimtaiiiilalt'.
Mirriaie licenses were llic last
of the week granted to Win.
Ii iiwsi'ii mul Maru 'mitlcraii
den, of Hanks, It. !1 ; Win. J. Vnn
decoevering mill Delia Viiudclicy.
if Vt-rlioort.
Win. Musrrov(, of Portlaml,
now with mi Insurance Compiiny,
was in the city the last of the
week, fjrectiiiK oltltime frieinls.
Musi;rovc foriucrly lived near
Oreiico, and has niany friends
Mr. ami Mrs, Sam Sipp de
parted Friday for linker, Ore,
where they will spend the Winter
with Ihcir sou, Al, 011 his home
stead. They stopped olT at The
Dalles for a day or so to visit
another son,
John l.oflis, of the Arcade Dish-id.
and J. (', Miller, of North
Plains, came in Saturday, to sec
how thiuirs were proffrf ssinix at
the county scut. They lived ns
ucitfhlior.s many years, and nc
ipiircd the habit of coming in to
gether back in the dark ages.
For Sale Four cows; heavy
work horse; wagon in fair shape;
buggy, nearly new; hand grub
bing machine; shovels, hoes, farm
tools, etc.; a few pieces of furni
ture. -Mrs. Fretl Meyers, 1 'n
miles west of Laurel, Phone,
Scholls 825 Line 1.1. .'14-37
Ranch for Sale Farm of full
20!) acres, fine soil, all cleared
but little over an acre; line run
ning water; good well; all kinds
of fruit ami berries; milk route,
mail route; telephone; good six
room house, rock cellar; full
equipment of barns and outbuild
ings, close to Podium! rock road,
011 I'niled Railway. Will Hell
farm implements, stock, etc., if
wanted. Inquire of D. Gigor,
Hijlsbor.), R. 1, IJox 74. SO
Just $500"
Local Demand for Lumber Best
for Year ,
Two Ycnr of Building Suitpcn
ion Mean Dearth
Notwithstanding the high jirices
of lumber, rough and dressed,
llic building program ail over the
nation continues unabated by tin
approach of Winter, This ni. .ue
much for Oregon, as the Mate has
unlimited timber resources. Tin
big limber belt in North Wash
inglon County and the Nt bnlein
continue its extensive logging
and lumbering operations, mul
this means employment of hun
dreds of laborers. The cessation
of building during the war period
means a dearth of homes for t lit
constantly growing population -hence
the enormous demand for
The largest shipment of Scotch
marine boilers ever made from n
Pacific Coast cilv to the Orient
will leave Portland this week,
when Hie Oracc Dollar, a 10.000
ton British ship, calls for 1 .'! boil
its built by tin- Willamette Iron
& Steel Works fur the Fnii nrcti
t'V Fleet Corporation. Tin- ship
ment, valued at more than .:t00.-
000 i for F.lilergclicv Fleet ishio.
under construction at Shanghai,
Marsblii Id Mount aill Stales
Power Co. closes contract for
furnishing 200 horsepower elec
tric energy to the Western -f.uni
her iS; Mantifaeturiug Co., which
plant is starling double shift op
War.'cnton Land acquired for
dock fronlasre on Columbia.
Salem to have nalatorium ami
ami amusement park at Fast end
State St.
Klamath Falls--Strahorn line
to be extended from Dairy to
Portland Countr budget lo
be nearly one million dollars
higher than 1!U).
Weston dedicates public mem
orial hall.
Oregon fit v Count v to vote
on road issue nml 5-mil! pay-as-you
go tax.
tJraves canneries running: at
Brownsville, Sheridan, Woodburn
nml Philomath.
Cottage, (Irovt Western saw
mill installs machinery to in
crease cut 20.000.
Jefferson Flouring mill here
to get 2.100 additional water pow
er. Pendleton has $.'100,000 con
struction work on buildings un
der wav.
Portland County plans to ex-
iend .f 1,212,7(55 on roads in 1020.
r.ugcne Fruit gorwers now
sell apple pulp refuse for $(i0 a
ton that was formerly bauleil
ftwav as rubbish of no value.
Monmouth votes $i0,000 for
water supply from Teal creek ten
miles away in the foothills of the
Coast Range,
North Bend forms comniunitv
club to secure commiiuitv build
Crcswcll Apple crop surpass
lug all expectations. Storage and
manufacturing capacity are no!
able lo take care of crop.
Portland motor-car factory
builds addition to plant 100 by
100 feet.
A Hard Times Social will be held
at the Cedar Mill Hall, on the
evening of October .11, for the
benefit of the Cedar Mill School,
Miss Alicia Bennett, Tcucbei'.
Those attending; arc supposed
to dress suitable to hard times.
wearing patches of variegated
colors, with old twine and strings
for slme laces, etc., old bats, and
the like. We will tax each per
son n few cents upon entering
the ball for nny finery being
worn ami free admission will
go only to those who come attired
as ragged as possible. Forms of
amusements will be such as guess
nig the number of seeds 111 a
pumpkin; the number of kernels
on an ear of corn, etc. We will
charge 5 cents per guess and give
a prize to tbe one guessing the
nearest to the actual number. We
will also have a Fortune Teller
and a laughing contest, and will
serve coffee. Pumpkin pio and
sandwiches will be served at. a
small charge. Later in tbe eve
ning the pupils will give a pro
gram. Everybody is invited to
help out the fund.
For Sal --Twenty-live In rid of
Cotswold slit c. John Cahl v. cll,
M milling, Ore. tl.'i;i5
I Jan Roe ant) Jos. I .s .iii-ri of
above Moillit.'lillcl ale, were city
visitors Monday, on h inl busi
ness. J
For sale; Three houses, street
ami sewer paid up, also vacant
lot 011 highway. Inquire at 10. It
Washington St. !(2-8
For Salt --Several fresh cows.
Reason for selling is shortage of
barn room. Jos. Werrc, Hills
boro, R. 2; !l miles southwest of
Hillsboro. Phone 2:iR. :i Mi
Win. lioiieseiii, of Murlaugh
Creek, was down to the city Mon
thly, laying in Winter supplies.
Pill concluded it was going to
freeze up ami be hud belter get
ill bis groceries while the going
was good.
Only monument dealers in
Washington County. Drop us a
card, and we will show you our
samples. Write or call on us, al
Diii.l Main St., Hillsboro.-Oregon
Monument Works, Hillsboro.
Oregon. 80 tf
I jiay highest market price for
old papers ami magazines 23
lbs. to bundle; also buy old rags,
metal, .crap iron, old auto tires,
socks, everything. -Tit 11 Segal;
telephone 2li41, anil will cull.
Watch for the junk man, license
127. ,11-37
Mr. ami Mrs. L. T. McPhect
crs returned Sunday evening, af
ter an extended visit with rela
tives and friends in Oklahoma
and nearby states. Me says he is
lilatl to rct back to old Oregon,
where things are "just right." lie
is again at the desk in the Shule
Savings Bank. .
I have soltl the Watkins' busi
ness to Frank L. Moore. He will
continue selling at H50 Third St..
ami w ill visit your jilaee three or
four times a year. I will make a
collection trip soon. Wait for the
Wat kins' 111 it 11 he will save "you
money. ItV-.'Ki
Mrs. J. II. Wirt, of Oak Park.
untl Mrs. A. C. Wirtz, of above
Mouiituimlalf , departed Monday,
for extended visits in California.
Mrs. J. II, will visit a sister, Mrs., at Santa Cruz, and an
other sister, Mrs. Phillips, in San
Francisco, anil the Mountaimlale
Mrs. Wirtz will visti her sister,
Mrs. Miller, at San Jose.
Clarence Conklin, locomotvic
engineer, came up from Rosehurg
the first of the week to take the
rim of ('has. Folletle for a fort
night. Clarence commenced tir
ing on the P. R. ,S; X. in 1911, and
was promoted to his engine some
months ago. This is his first run
ning on the Tillamook line, ami
he ill he welcomed by the boys.
Win. Firtniit. "of Gaston, hasi
sued A. Ii. NortheV. He asks for
If 1275 for K500 Loganberry
plants, which he claims are his,
or were his, and which were on
the Northey place, Oct. 21. He
says that Northey removed them
ami converted them to bis own
use, ami he wants damages in the
sum above named. Xorthey's
answer is not yet filed in court.
("has. Meacham. who is hand
ling the macadam work north of
town, was in the city Monday.
He says he will close the gap be
tween here anil the Johnson place
this. Fall, w hether it rains or stays
clear. If it ruins, bis crew will
slip out to Helvetia and finish up
a short stretch so rock can be
hauled, and if the rains do not
conic the job will be well towards
completion by Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holeomb,
of near West Union, have moved
into the city for residence. They
report that the Bethany Grange
hall ami equipment was soltl at
public sale last week, the prop
erty bringing over $800. The hall
and lot did not bring any more
than was expected, but the dishes
were sold for more than was paid
for them years ago. The piano
also sold well, considering that
il had been used for years.
F'rctl C. lYldsliau, a contractor,
has been granted a change of
venue to this county, before
Judge Geo, R. Baglcy, on .1 suit
against Clatsop County, asking
for $21,(il4.8(i, for work on a
four-mile contract on Lewis &
Chirk river, Clatsoji County. He
swears the county court forced
him to admit of force account
against his protest and be Aban
doned the contract. Judge Scott
Cornelius, well known here, who
is the executive member of the
court, has not as yet made up his
answer, but it is exjiected to run
true to form when he does. Feltl
shnu alleges in his complaint that
the county took teams which were
working for him and in the shift
paid them higher wages than h
had been paying.
Judge Bagley Say Likely to be
Three Months' Run
Grand Jury Will Turn in Big Lot
of Indictments Monday
Circuit Court will convene next
Monday, with the following jur
ors summoned for the term;
Thomas M. Haynes, Laurel
Peter HofTmiiii Baeonn
Harry L. Clark. Garden Home
Elmer Purdin . Forest Grove, R. 1
Geo. H. Bidwcll Hillsboro, R. 5
Frank L. Jansen Hillsboro
Gcrhardt Goctze... Cornelius, R. 2
W. A. Long I'orest Grove
Ferdinand I.anger Jr.. Sher.v:od
Fred J. Bergcr I'illsbor , R. 4
Geo. II. W'ithyc(omh'...Gaston, H "I
Alfred Greenberg.. Beavertort R 1
Frank P. Bm'ley... Buxton
Geo. F. Da vies Bc.ivertoii, R 1
John C. Joiil's ', Metzger
F. G. Miller ... Laurel, R. 2
J. R. Hurgr.-ive Hillsboro
Theo Xissen Hillsboro, R. 2
John A. York Beaverton
Jas. I. Minor Hillsdale, It. 1
Clarence W. Allen Beaverton
E. J. Lawrenz Sherwood
Martin C. Lar.eil Beaverton, R 2
Geo. Laemermau Banks, R 1
C. D. Fa rn ha m Hillsboro, R I
J. F. Allen Banks, R 1
Henry Jansen Gales Creek
J. CBechen Hillsboro, R 1
Fred Stucki Hillsboro, R 4
F. rncst C. Brown. Forest Grove
G. H. Baldwin Forest Grove
The Grand Jury, consisting of
Foreman S. G. Hughes, Harry
Goh", M. P. Cady, T. J. Ott, Aug.
Obcrst, II. C. Carstens and An
drew Benson, have been busy for
two weeks taking evidence on
criminal cases, and the indict
ments promise to be many.
Judge Geo. R. Bagley says
there use two cases coming here
on change of venue from Tilla
mook County, and one from Clat
sop, ami these eases alone will
take the best part of a month for
The Merit) ease, sent back from
the Supreme Court, will be up for
re-trial, to d -tcrmine whether or
not Mrs. Merit) killed her hus
band, Jos. Merit), ip self-defense,
or if she was guilty of murder.
The Court thinks the docket
will take at least three niouths'
time to clear.
The criminal calendar, consist
ing largely of minor infractions,
w ill be extensive.
I will sell at public sale, at the
Peck jilaee, half mile south of
Qiiatama, and one mile north of
Reedville, on the Baseline Road,
at ten a. 111., on
Six cows, as follows one, 3 yrs
old; two five years old, fresh Oct.
one fivev years old, fresh last
July; one four years old, fresh
last August ; one four years old,
fresh last July; all first-class
cows, all good milkers, ana are
gentle; 2 nice yearling Jieifers;
year-old registered Holstcin bull;
team heavy draft horses, 7 and 8
years old, weight 3.000, good in
woods or on farm; good harness;
Sl-o Mitchell wagon; light hiun-
Iry wagon; 14-inch Oliver jilow ;
5-foot disc; lot of small farm
tools; a large kitchen range.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 and under,
cash; over, o' mouths' note, ap
proved, "at 8 per cent interest; 2
per cent off for cash over $20.
Geo. Holt, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
We are making arrangements for
a lolly uaiiowe en 1 artv antl
Basket Social, to be held at the
Laurel School House, Nov. 1st, at
8 p. m.
You are cordially invited to
attend and join in the festiviti s.
The ladies arc requested to bring
a basket of lunch for two, to be
sold at auction.
Bring all your friends and rel
atives. Committee.
Seven-room house furnished if
desired. Real property alone,
1 1900. Payment down, say $800,
and .ft 5 jier month on balance.
At 1S09 Baseline St. Electric
lights, hot and cold water, hath.
This is a sua). Come and see
this as it will be taken soon. All
kinds of fruit. On new highway,
just completed, Owner,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Whol rsalr. and Retail Dealrm In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. K. Cheney,
Aasistant Cashier
John E. Bafley,
Vice President
H, E. Ferrin
Assistant Cashi
Loans $504,130.88
U. S. Bonds 273,81 1.5!)
Other Bonds 47,309. 12
Banking house 18,710.00
Other real est. 6,120.00
Stock in Federal
Res. Bank 1,800.00
Cash and due
from Banks 189,8o'3.02
Don't Grope in the Dark
An Ever Ready
Flash Light
The Delta
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do - repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable
Main Street i
W. W. McEldowne:-,
Cashier. .
E. P Burlingham
S. G. Hughes
Deposits ....
Drug Store
and Optician 1
Hillsboro,, Oregon )