;. g g TV Ilfail HILLSBORO, ORKGON, OCTOBER 23; 1919 NO. 33 VOL. XXVI JURORS GALLED FOR SHQOTDIStOYALTY Commend American Legion PoU Summary Action HILLSBORO CAMP APPROVE Stand for All-American Policy and Respect for Flag Seoul Harrington C 'a m , of Hill horo, animated by the true Ann r Jciiii niiirit, in iiurr asleep. At a rcecnl session llu" member acleil on tbe following: Resolution - "III view of tlio fuel tliit lit As toria mill Medford, Oregon, there have existed striking cases of disloyally to our eounlry and our hag, our citi.ciis iiikI patriots, mill, Win mis; this disloyalty bin taken n form which has of m et s Mly been given lutieli publicity, iiinl, Whereas; such lack of patriot Inn mill open mill defiant tli-'.oy-nlty on tbe purl of ciiicii, aliens, slackers iiml generally 1111 desirable element is a gi miiiii iiu iifuiy iiml. Whereas; tbe lulled Spanish War Veteran a represented in this Camp in for "All American ism," ready to Maud bark f any and nil loyal mid patriotic en deavors, Therefore; lie it reunited tbal we roimiieiid tin- aggressive loy ally and patriotism of tbe 1'osts of tbe Amerieau Legion located In these Oregon cities for tbeir elTorU to ernilieiili' Ibis (lenient, anil Iiml e rcipicsl Ibe papers to publisli tbe eonli nl i uf this rrs olutioli. , 11. S. Holers, Cliairiuati, ), Uessiner, l V. Hyde. Coiliinitlee." PUBLIC SALE Tbe Bethany (irailiC will sell lit publie nale, nl the (Jriinge H ill, lletliaiiv, at 1 p. m., on SA Tl'HDAY, OCT. 25, About half acre of laud and the (irnugc Hall, KlxI'.O, single story, conliiniug b'l of Al lumber, ceil inir Ininlier, flooring lumber; tbe burse shed, comprised of rough lumber; will sell in .tcttions, b iv er to hike "'as- is," or vill sell it entire; Singer piano in tine shape; h;ill stove; two big lifll hnnying limps; other somII lamps; 'lot of dishes, tcat'ops, saucers, lie., knives, forks, spoons, eoU'ee boilers, cooking utensils, 3 bin eo!Tee boi'i r . washliib, ami numerous other ir tielea; also lot benehes, eb irs, t a bleu, Terms of Sale $'.'0 and iiu.b r, cash; over $20 nix months' tiiie, baukable note, at 8 per cent. A. I Iloleoiuh, Henry SlolTer, C'levc Owens, Committee. Cornelius, A net inner r. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND To Hi Itoawrrlt Mmwirlnl AnelnHon, TIkw. 11. T'jnpir, County Clwifinnil, llilUlumi, Orrgnii. I lirrmvltti tithsc'rllii- I lip nun of Id ttie HiKl!IT MtNMIIAl. I'CKB. Name , Aililrru 'I I aintft (mount U iiicknrd hrrewitli. Amirillo to tW pln uf ll, R.Hcflt Miiw.rUI Awk-latlon, thf K"Vflt Mrnmihil l-iiml of l.ooo.oiHi. ito ! Ui Ik utiliicl I" ,-fis i u Vilmiml M.'Huiim-iiI in WvalHiiali'ii. II. C; I" m-quir sml nminUin ill- nark nl (trr May. S. V, mi'l ullimiilrl)' to Inrlu-lr Miinrr Hill, II Hirirll kmnc, llu ii-m. to l nim'fvnt like Mount VrriKHi nml l.lliiilli' lilln lit .sjinin l.-'d : null I" vll li.w Niilhuml (-latr lu m-i-IuuU- Uik pnwiiiloi unit l't.il ( 1 lioinlnist Hwrrlt. Rmh roiitrllnitor tn tlw fmi'l will rlir a crrtili. t of mfmlirrslilp In tlx KiiumvoI M.-mnfiiil AMixInl""!. A ecirtJIV-t will be irtriitl tu mrrf IkkiI mnlriUuUiw tu Hi (mill. TIik imnie of evrry miitnlitilnr will lie plnrnt im Hie llt of nami drpunHtd la Uw NiiIiuii) Mmiuiwiit tu be crKtrd Wa.liliiUu, U. C. Clerk and Sheriff Draw Venire of Thirty-one TO CONVENE NOVEMBER 3 Grand Jury has Eeen Working on Criminal Case li. I' GRANGE BASKET SOCIAL The Hillsbon) (iraiijfe will (five a llasket Social at their Hall, Fri day evening, Oct. 2-1. F.vrrv- body Invileil to come and bring baskets. Proceeds will be usn to improve tbe ball. Program will be given. For Sale - Several 2500 gallon rnpaeily round laliks. P.uilie Potato Starch Co., Ilenvetioii, Ore, 31-;i:i ('. I", beers and son, (ieurge, of Conn litis, were in tbe eitv Tues day. Mrs. M. Abadie, of near Cedar Mill, was a Hillsboro visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. (iarrett visited In r father, M. M. lirierly, at llos kins, Polk County, the past week. (ieo. Doughty has three big lots on Main, between F.lcvciith and Twelfth M recti. I'riee per lot, 200. 32-11 (i. F.ggcr, owner of the New ton Winner place, beyond Laurel, was over to tbe county seat last Monday and became a mem ber of the Argus family. l or Sal Three high grade Jersey cows; "frci.li 10 days. Victor l.aheyne, on the ltailey place, mile wesl of Hillsboro, on ltaseline road. 3.1-5 Win. Mohr, the Oak Park old timer, was in the city .Monday. Win. nays he feels like he lit 'o fit hack to the shoemaker b'-iu b when Winter comes on.. V. ( (iala'Aity, of the Wash ington County Hank, Hanks, wan iugton County Hank, Hanks, was in tow n Monday, enroute to Port land on ;i business trip, Lost or Strayed Two-ycnr-old Holstein heifer; bad bell on at time of disappearance. John Mrrx, Hillsboro. Otrc, It. 1. Near Helvetia, on the United Rail way. 3-5 Alfred Millar, of below Ueed ville, was in town Monday, pre paratory lo moving over to Ore gon Ci'lv, where be will try ranching. He has sold his place in Llits county, For Sale Nine-room house; bath; sewer; cement walk; wired; lot 100x0(5; located on Main St., near court bouse. Easy terms. Income, 15 a month. Address, sealed envelope, "No. A, .1., care Argus." 83-5 "If I Had Just $500" Haven't you said that, a number of times in your life? You wanted to carry out an idea, to achieve, ail ambition, to take advantage, of an opportunity that came, your way. And yon coiiudn't because you bad nut saved any money. Why not be prepared for opportunity tbe next time, f llegin to save systematically right now, A Savings' Account in this Bank is doubly secure be cause of our membership as a State Hank and our own substantial reputation of long and successful banking srrviec in the community. RESOURCES, OVER $1,000,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK Manager Phelps, of the Liber ty Theatre, played to a big au dience Friday and Saturday, in the Shepherd' of the Hills, 'peo ple from as far as ten miles out were in to see the celebrated film. Herman Hehse and Fdw. Hoge departed Sunday for a 'week's hunting trip below Itosibnrg. This is a trip the boys take near ly every year, and they never come back without a buck. Mr, and Mrs. (ieo. Itiugle came up from Rainier the last of the week for a visit nt the old Hills boro home. Mrs. 1( ingle will re- np main several days, mid (ieo. re turned Monday afternoon to his position with the North Coast Power people. John Campbell, of near Hoy, was in tow n the lirst of the week. Mr. Campbell and the Aiitns ed itor were old I'inatilla County residents 30 years and more ago, before old Pendleton ever thol of ranking as the second city in Oregon bank deposit'. Will party who picked up 100 Liberty Pond in Hillsboro, Sat urday, -please mail same to the Argus olliee at once. Number is known and registered. Will pay liberal rew ard, rather than be de layed in tracing, as owner lcetls the money. No questions asked. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wells and V 11. Simpson, of Portland, were guests of tbe C. K. Wells' and L. A. Lonu's Sunday. Wells and Simpson were together in the submarine service, at the New London base, during the war. and stationed near them was F.lmcr Wohler, of Oak Park. Thus. S. Wilkes, w ho has been up in the Wallowa with a govern ment survey, on a Forest Reserve road, was in the city the first of the week. He is making up his field notes in Portland now, and afler a fortnight expects to get back behind the transit. Thus, is looking as though Held work aureed with him. F.il. Morton, traveling tor a Portland bouse, was in town last Monday, on business connected with the sale of the Morton Greenhouse property to II. G. Vincent, of Ueavertoii. Mr. Vin cent w ill build a (ine residence on the corner, and may build a sec ond house. The property is lo cated on Second and Lincoln, north of tbe court bouse square. Attorney Chas. Anderson and family, of Oreneo, returned the last of the week from an extend ed visit with l'll ilives at San An tonio, Texas. They arrived in San Antonio during the terrific ! storm that devastated the const line, and Mr. Anderson said that jibe, driving rain had a force sutli cicnt -to force itself through the Southern Pacific steel coaches, so that the floors of the cars were puddled. The second night, they were there it rained several inches and be says the much boasted Oregon rains amount to nothing by the side of the Texas stem-winders. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Roscburg Five thousand boxes of tomatoes from hvc acres of land at Dillard is the record made bv T. H. l'.vnns & Son. the largest tr rowers in this section. Small fruit area in Marion Co. to be increased by 2.000 acres. F.nterprist Rebuilding saw ., i , i i. .. i mill oi wreiron i.uinner v . oen is delayed on account of labor. Prineville starts new Masonic Temple, and has line building boom. Hood River Payroll of the Clerk Kuratli and Sheriff Alex ander this week drew thirty-one jurors who have been summoned to convene for the coining term I of Circuit Court on Monday, No vember 3. The grand jury lias been sifting criminal cases sev eral days, and the docket of law infraction will be quite large. The venire drawn : Thomas M. Haynes, Laurel Peter Hoffman I'aeona Harry L. Clark Garden Home F.lmcr Piirdin ..Forest Grove, It. 1 Geo. IL Hidwell . Hillsboro, R. 5 Frank L. Jaiisen Hillsboro Gerhardt Goetze.. Cornelius, R. 2 W. A. Long Forest Grove Ferdinand L.mgcr Jr.... Slier :d Fred J. P.crger l.'illsbor ., R. 4 Geo. IL Withyeombe. .Gaston, 11 3 Alfreil Greeiiberg.. lieavertot: It 1 Frank P. Bailey Buxton Geo. F. Davies Heavertoii, It 1 John C. Jones. : Metger P. G. Miller Laurel, It. 2 J. It. HarL'i'avc Hillsboro Theo Nissen Hillsboro, R. 2 I John A. York Heavcrton Jas. I. Minor ..... Hillsdale, R. t Clarence W. Allen Beaverton E. J. Lawrenz Sherwood Martin C. Larsen.-Beaverton, R 2 Geo. Laemerman Bank.s, R 1 C. I). Farnham Hillsboro, R 1 J. F. Allen Hanks, R 1 Henrv Jan sen . Gales Creek J. CHcebeii Hillsboro, R 1 Fred Stueki Hillsboro, R 4 F.mest C. Brown Forest Grove G. H. Baldwin Forest Grove ESCAPED GIRL CAUGHT Alice l)dpc, committed to the Girls' Industrial School, was caught last Thursday afternoon, near Raleigh, where .he ha neen taken by a Portland youth of 19, who gives his name as "Hi d Nel son." Voting Nelson was i'.so apprehended and lodged in jail, eriarsreil Willi nciping i si.-u lo pickers will reach 225,000 Li(ir!,e to escape. The lad con Ashland has sent out seventy cars of fruit. Corvallis- Shortage of npph boxes causing loss to growers. Corvallis--New bakery has in stalled 10,000 outfit. Baker Rich ore has been found near here valued at 1000 per ton. Albany doing building stunl in spite of high cost of materials. Plenty of small payrolls make the most prosperous town. Klamath Falls Large tract of t . , .1 . T I , 1. .1 veyeel trie girl to naieign, inu then tried to get her clothes, which were in Portland, at the house of his sister. The officers eautrht them without trouble. Young Nelson was to have Ink en the girl to Ctlifornia, the eap- ture is one of importance as the uirl is a valuable witness in a criminal case now pending before ireuit court AUCTION SALE Jand to be thrown open for home- j wiu scu al public auction on the stead entrv. Grcsham Burns Lumber Co. to build new sawmill. Hood River Fruit Co. has erected 10,000 concrete build- in sr. Clement place, 1 mile sotitn of Beaverton, near the Brickyard, al 10 o'clock a. m., on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, Black horse, ! years, 1500; bay horse, 13 years, 1300; bay mare, Railroads promise to divert io vears. 1300 ; colt, 2 years ; Jer-1 1000 more cars daily to the saw- sey Cov, 9 years, freshens next mills. March : 2 Guernsey heifers, f resh- LaGrande 1,408.000 county eu April 1; Holstein heifer, good good roads bond issue carries. flow f ,nk ; Durham cow, 4 yrs. Oregon has 32 banks with de- ot)j How; John Deere binder, posits ot over one minion earn. srood as new; Hodge mower. Concrete bank building to be Hodge rake, 84 Mitchell wagon; erected in Silver Lake. 12-inch plows; 14-mcli plow; Pacific Highway between Gold ruck wairon, 3-horse plow, 3- Hill and Central Point completed uorsc plow, 3-horse disc, 2-borse Plans to get 60.000 additional H,,osier seeder, cultivator, dm acres small fruits planted in Ore- shovel plow; harpoon hajfork gon and Washington to produce w;tb 00 feet rope; kitchen 10,000.000 raw material for ,-ange, two 10-gallon milk cans, canneries and juice industry. woodrack, 20 tons loose hay, 30- Crater Lake company to build tns baed bav; 2 bogs, ab:uit 200 new tourist hotel for next season. bs each; 3 dozen W hite Leghorn bickens, ind numerous other ar ticles. Lunch at noon. Terms 20 and under, cash; over $20, ten months' time, bank able note, at 8 per cent . C. Arthur Allen, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealeri In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thorn burgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Anistant Caahier Lakeview looking for railroad connection and box factory. Pish i uir industry on lower Umpqua pays $000,000 a year to employes. Hood River pear growers net ted as high as $2000 an aere Rosebursr ork started on Hanilev & Co. brick building. Myrtle Creek 2000 prune trees here bring in I0,!UU. Farm for Kent Auoui l Reedsport sawmills have pay-1 acres tillable land, and about ISO .. 1. I . l , T. 1 i'o lis ot iiou a uav. ncres pasture, num. fine imusi-, Forty acres prunes at North large barn, good buildings, "4 Albany netted $1500. nmc fr0m R. R. station and gnod school. Apply to Haskell Car I. O. Murray, of Cedar Mill, penter Co., Cherry (.rove. .14 .. 11 1 1. . I - A - I. . I - .,, 1 1 1 was a cit y caner ute nisi 01 me -rcn larne, tullv-deveiopea week. Northern Spy apples on a twig Mrs. M. F.iseben. of Cornelius, six inches in length-found exhibi- here the tion in the Argus window me past week. They are from the orchard of E. M. Rice, and it cer tainly is production dcl.uxe. Mr Rice always raises a fine crop of pippins, and when picking his crop the other dav accidentally 1 . ... Perkins now has his free air ran across the plienom neiore anj and water system installed of the apples nan lane., .r.m. drive up and help yourself. Yot' their precarious holding. All the are welcome. 8-tf I apples were perieci 111 6i,.. visited with relatives last of the week. C. r. liergstrand, ot near Recdville, was in town the last of the week and called on the fami ly paper. . John E. Bailey, Vice President H.E. Ferriu Assistant Cashier W. W. MeEldowncy, Cashier. E. F Burlingham S. G. Hughes FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans $501,1.10.88 U.S. Bonds 273,81 t.5S Other Bonds- 47,30D.-V2 Banking house 18,710.00 Other real est. 6,120.00 Stock in Federal Res. Bank 1,800.00 Cash and due from Banks- 189,863.02 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus . Circulation ... Deposits $25,000.00 .. 52,014.7.'! 25,000.00 9.19,139.18 Total $1,011,753.91 Total $1,041,753.91 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS BUY YOUR VICTROLA NOW A small payment down and the balance monthly brings one to your home. $25 to $400 The Delta Drug Store We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work nnd our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jvreler rd Optician Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon I: