The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 09, 1919, Image 1

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    . Hhe Mills
NO. 31
Rev, Walton Skipworth Returned
to llilftboro for Another Year
E. D. Ford Named Supt. of the
Salem District for Year
Tlit niitmitl conferi'iiee of the
Ori giiii .Mctlindikt Church rloscit
tit S'llciu Miiiiil.ty afternoon, nf
tir tlic assignment i of pastors fur
(hi! ('(lining vciir whs uniMiiinr.-d
ly the presiding Bishop,
Hrv. Walton .Skipworth hjis
liontinntrd to return to ililUhorn
for another year, and this in very
fciitisfaclory to tin- people (if
llillshoro, tmtli in nml out of the
church circles, for tin? reverend
Kcnlleiimn w wanted in llilhdm
rti. IU; Him tlie unanimous choice
of hi I'hureli for it return.
The assignment for Wnshliifi
ton Ccniiily are :
IlilUhoro, Walton Skipworth.
i'nri-iit (irove, C. R. Carlos.
ileuvrrton, (1. A. Gray,
Cornelius, J. (5. Croiiier.
llniik, I'. S. Ford.
lillry, J, T. Krntliifr.
M( Ucr and Tiifard, ('.
SelmlU and FariuiiiKton, J
Tualatin and Wllsonvile,
frrd lliiten.
1'.. U. Ford is named ai supcr
intendeiit for tli-j ilist rit-t.
Appointments gniiiK to minis
ters known lo re (.'. I.. Ilitmiltou
(foci to Marshficld ; W. S. ordoii
gols to Sellwood, and I.. I'. H1-
knnp guru to Yainax.
Having old my farm, I will sell
nt pubic line tin n at mv place, !
miles north of Hillsboro, and it
miles northeast of North I'laius,
sharp at 10 a. m., on
Ten Inmd of Grade llolstcin and
Jersey cows, all tuberculin tent
cd ; heavy How of milk; 2 fresh;
ii to freshen in December; 4 in
Jnnuury; 1 in Feb.; 7-8 Holstciu
bull, 1(1 months old; heifer, hi
months; heifer, 6 mouths.' horse,
l.'lOO; mule, 1000, 4 years; mule,
1200, 3 yrs, both broke to work,;
mule, 10 months old; now with 0
small pigs; HO I'ly mouth Rock
chickens; Bain wagon, 3-inch,
nearly new; Bain wagon, 2; 2
acta hack, top buggy, cart, 10
disc, IH Inches, with truck; 60
toolh drajg harrow ; McCormlc!.
ft mower; 12 hose Superior
drill; 1 O f t hayrakc, hayrnck, 8
yd gravel bed; Sinnlley feed cut
ter, 12 Inches, with elevator,
nearly new; Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine, II type, 6 horse-power
j cultivator, 2 14-Inch plows;
HerculcH stump puller w ith 200
ft cable and block ; No. 4 Sharp
lens cream separator; act double
breeching names; et plow har
ness ; 3 nets single harness, fl col
Jars, saddle, grindstone, 2 X-cut
saws, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 log
chains, 5 ten-gal milk cans, cook
stove, heater, some household
furniture and other articles too
numerous to mention.
I.uneh at noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash ;
over, 8 months bankable note at
8 per cent J two per cent off on
cash over $20.
'John Kasscbauin, Owner.
J. C. Kurntll, Auctioneer.
Peter Orossen and J. J. Wis
mcr, Clerks.
"If I Had Just $500"
Haven't you said that a number of times in your life?
You wanted to carry out an idea, to achieve an ambition,
to take advantage of nn opportunity that came your way.
And you coundn't because yon lind not saved any money.
Why not be prepared for opportunity the next time?
Begin to save systematically right now.
A Savings' Account in this Bank is doubly secure be
cause of our membership as a State Bank and our own
substantia! reputation of long and successful banking
service in the community.
RESOURCES, OVER $1,000,000.
An nil to collision IhnI May, on
I he Invlor Icriv Noiid, is the Im
nil of it mill tiled in circuit com-
the past week, Fred Newman at
lefrc tin. t one Ilenj. Kuelin, dnv
liiK an auto truck for Frrd (J
Citreiiter, ran Into liiiu, causing
iilin lioiliy Injuries and wrecking
Ms autoinnliilc, He says he hail
the right of way, and that Kuchn
collided with him hrranse of mi
lieioiiNueMi and wantonness
throwing him against the (tide o
the N'ewtnnn machine, fracturing
his nuNCMinil injuring Ii Im cvr
lie avers that he paid out $000
to make hi auto anything like
wan, and f 5 doctor it bill to put
tils nose In shape, lie wants
$1,000 pcreonal damages, Im'h
mechanic hill and his physician's
hill, making in nil $1(103, beside
$.10 attorne? fern.
An examination of . the
even of 60,000 pupils In
the liiilTalo schools revealed the
fact that of the number the eye
of 23 per cent. necd( d thorough
attention. Avoid the slightest
suspicion that your child has de
fective rvcslght by having Dr.
Thompson examine them, (bus
es arc never recommended unless
positively needed. Consult him
next visit Wcdnesd. iv, Oct. 15
Washington Hotel, Hillsboro
all day. fl0-.11
Thad Reynolds, J. I.. Crow and
W. (). Douclson returned Sunday
from Marshfteld and other Coos
County points. They report find
ing Hcv. Jesse i. Anderson com
fortably domiciled in a power
boat, wherein he cruises ami
holds services all over Coos wa
ters. Thev say that Anderson
handles the wheel like a master
mariner and can land against a
wharf without making the boat
even have a Jit of ague. They
were treated royally, but say that
trollinir off the boat wasn t a suc
cess as ndcrson would lash th
wheel straight ahead inif come
hack and talk about old Hillsbo
ro, w hen the rrulser would pick
up speed so rapidly that when
they had a bite the fish's head
wond be jerked off.
House and lot for sale 7-room
furnished house, ehclrie lights,
hot and cold water, bath; lot 09
by 188; chicken house; small or
chard; lerries, etc.; 1809 Base
line Street, on new highway just
completed. Ootid payment down,
balance $15 per month. See own
er at place. 80-31
Cady & Whiled, of the Grove,
auto mechanics, have started
foreclosure of a mechanic's lien
on a big old-fashioned Stevens
Durvca, basis of suit being for
tires and work on the car when
owned by Robt. W'ahner. The
big car has been changing hands
-everal times and is no longer
owned by Wahncr.
For Sale Indiana Silo, 12x88,
100 tons capacity. Will sell on
place, buyer to dismantcl. In fine
condition. S. II. Davis, Beaver
ton, Oregon, R. 4. Half-mile
west of Bcnvcrton. 29-81
Herman Hcrgert nml Adam
llrgcrt Jr. left Cornelius Wed
nesday for Nmnpa, Idaho, going
in it machine. Their families go
by train. The brothers will t"y
farming up there in the alfalfa
Notice This is a notice that S.
Riley Cogan is no longer associ
ated in buiuess with the firm of S.
R. Cognn it Son nnd Cogan Bros.
S. Riley Cogan, Beavcrton, Or
egon, R. 4, 29-81
Lester Ireland, of North Plains,
was over to the city the first of
the week.
Wanted Horse and cow ma
nure. (Jood price paid. Clarke
Bros. Greenhouse.
Largest Corn Acreage in History
-for Ensilage
Eighteen Millions in Road Con
tract are Under Way
Clatsop County duiryineii raise
milk 40 cents per 100 I lis. Oct
ber 1st.
Douulas nuflcriiiif ureal fruit
losses from labor shortage.
Antelope 34,000 sheep being
shipped to V inter ranjjc to save
flocks from starvation on short
pastures caused by long droulli,
Portland and Oregon City art
planning bridges across the Wi
laiitettt; river.
Portland tax lew 30 mills an
aguiiift 79.1 mills for Seattle.
Oreuon has laritest corn acrt
sue in history; estimated potato
crop 4,000,000 bushels; oaU
8,750,000 bushels; wheat 2,7500,
000 bushel.
Halfway -Lumber mill to start
West fall 447-acrc sjiccp ranch
Si lls for $25,000.
Ordron Cltv--Four tons water
melons harvested from local gar
mclons harvested from local gu
den spot
.Mositr prunes return $1,100
per acre.
Uoscburg Packing plant is
opened. .Most modern on Pacific
The Dalles $47,000 rood con
tract let.
Vale mill ready to handle bulk
Salem Grape industry is re
vived. Ten tons daily used for
elly and jam.
Salem $165,000 modern cold
storage plant to be erected by
'he company.
Dufur school children helping
lave apple crop. School opening
Portland streetcar men asking
80 cents, an hour accept arbitra
tion. S.'It in -Hiuhwav 'iniir-m-mcnl
rt presenting $18,015,000.68 arc
under contract in Oregon. ,
Astoria Lumber shipments by
water for September about fifty
million. .
Dallas About 25 carloads ap
ples to be shipped from young
orchards; 100 carloads expected
next year.
Corvallis 10 acres prunes net
$100 an acre.
Klamath Falls School, garage,
restaurant, hospital, church,.
partinent house and several res-
idenees going up.
Marshlield Smith mills open
ing October 10, employing 350
Hood River anule crop, 2,000,-
000 boxes; only problem labor to
Portland gets $100,000 ma
linery warehouse, nnd ten bun
Linnton Associated Oil I
erect $150,000 plant here.
Albina Entrine nnd Machine
oiks finishes war contracts and
plant goes back to pre-war basis
general shiplmiiaing ami fit
Hunt Bros, cannery makes rec
ord run on pears, 925 tons for
a son.
Wool growers get $4.50 for
fleece in average suit of cothes.
Hcppncr Elks lodge starts the
$10,000 building.
Portland September buildim'
permits one million larger than
in 1918.'
Oregon Citv Rond bonds is
sued for 144 miles pavement.
Portland docks commission
wants $370,484 fr operations in
The Annual Teachers' Institute,
for Washington County will be
held at the High School Building
in Hillsboro, October 15, 10 and
17th. The sessions will open nt
9 A. M. each day. No evening
session will be held.
The law requires nil teachers
to attend the institute at least 16
hours. Directors are requested to
grant three days' time to their
teachers to attend the institute
during which time their pay as
tcucht rs hhiill continue.
N- A. Frost,
30-31 Co. Supt.
Perkins now has his free air
and water system installed
drive up and help yourself. You
are welcome. 8-tf
K. G. Cox, of Oak Park, was in
town Saturday.
Dance at Moose Hall, Saturday
evening, October 1 1.
Win, Tolkc, of above banks
was an Argus caller Monday
(i. S. Keenon and wife, of near
North Plains, were in the city the
first of the week.
Arthur Allen, of Beavcrton
was a city caller the last of tin.
J. C. Miller, of North Plains
wih in town Monday, greeting
f i it-nds.
Henry Kainna, of Blooming
was greeting friends in the citv
Do not forget the dance nt the
.Moose Hall, .Saturday evening,
October 11.
(Jcorge Zimmerman, of ov
Norlh Plains, was a county seat
visitor Monday morning, v
For Sale Several 2500 gallon
capacity round tanks. Pacific
Potato Starch Co.,,
Ore. 31-33
('has, Gardner, former superin
tendent of the county poor farm
prior to its burning, was out from
Portland tin? first of the week.
W. F. Bcllrood, oldtime news
paper man and printer, was out
from Portland Saturday, and vis
ited at the Argus office.
Mr. and Mrs. John' Hav, of
Portland, were out Sunday the
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Imbrie, of Orenco.
Fore Sale Extra fine re-clean
ed cheat seed. R. J. Sehwnnke,
Cornelius, R. 1 ; at Shefflin Sta
tion. Sample at Argus. 33
R. Irmler, of Cormlius, lias
moved to Hillsboro, having pur
chased the Mrs. B. K. II-iines cot
tage on Sixth and Fir Sts.
Wa, Rodman, well known here
in the seventies, died in Portland,
Oct. 3, 1919. He leaves a wife,
who is a sister of Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Corne
lius, of Portand, have moved to
their new farm purchase, the
Ijndsey place, s couple of miles
south of town.
F.nrt Fisher, for a number ol
years one of the popular county
teachers, was up from Beavcrton,
Saturday, and called on liis coun
ty scat friends. Earl is taking a
course in popular cartooning, and
is making good.
W. C. GifTord, of Beaverton,
Manager of the Beaverton Stareli
Factory,' was up to the city Sat
urday evening. . Wm. savs the
factory is doing considerable im
provement and will turn out big
production this year.
Will the known party who took
the Victory Bond left with cheek
book on counter in Shute Savings
Bank return same to .Shute Sav
ings Bank, Hillsboro, .nml nvoid
prosecution. Bond has been ofli-
inlly. registered. .
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ornduff, of
above Laurel, were city visitors
Saturday, their daugther,- Miss
Merle, being in the Robb-Wiley
hospital, where she is
iiig. Sam is busy this season vith
both hops and prunes, neither of
which crop is under contract.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown,
who have been carrying mail on
the rural routes, are taking a
month's vacation, and departed
for Los Angeles, 1 uesday morn-ins-,
accompanied bv their daugh
ters, Elizabeth and Elma Mat.
Tbcv will visit Mr. Brown s
grandmother and Mrs, Brown's
two sisters while in the Southern
it v. They expect to be absent
until the first of the month, anil
their visit is in the nature of a
surprise to their relatives.
I will sell ut public sale at the
Schilling farm, one mile northeast
of Elmonica and three miles
northwest of Beaverton, 10 n. m.,
Team horses, 2800, marc . and
orse, 10 au 11 year1, good
,'ork animals; 3V2 inch Hickory
ragon, in good shape; S wa
on, in stood repair, with hayrack
and woodrack; hack; 12 inch
plow; disc; over three tons of
oats in granary, grindstone, hoes,
pitchforks, shovels, harrow, set
double team harness in fair con
dition, 2 x-cut saws, extension
table, 14-inch plow, brand new;
old wagon, 2 grub hoes, axe, and
numerous othev articles.
I.uneh at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 and un
der, cash; over, ten months' time,
approved note, at 8 per cent.
Gideon Ilickey, Owner.
n. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk,
Little Miss Describes What She
Saw at Capital City
Crowing and Cackling Disturbs
Youthful Slumbers t Fair
(By Viola Nelson, Bacona, Ore.)
un l uesday morning, ol cuir
week, at the Hillsboro station, 1
met Mrs. Zola Morgan, and two
other club winners, Irene Marr
and Bruce Halm. We took the
train for Salem and arrived in
time for dinner, ut om: o'clock.
There were not many girls in
camp when I arrived, tint some
came in the ,-iftt riioon, and about
10:30 seventeen more girls re
Eichty girls were registered in
the girls' camp, rpid fifty-six hoys
in the boys' camp.
A little ways hack of the girls
camp was the building where the
poultry wa exhibited. The
geese, ducks and chickens all
made such a racket that they
kept us awake from three till sir
o'clock, the time we should get
up. .
Breakfast was served at seven.
They would line np the girls in
one line and the boys in another
in front of the mess tent. Then
first one girl and another bov
A'onld go in to eat, so around the
tables every other one would be
a girl and every other one a boy.
Sometimes there would be up
to a hundred and forty people for
the cooks to prepare meals for.
In the day w-e would go and see
all the poultrv, cattle, sheep,
poat and pig exhibits.
One day I saw the smallest
mother in the world. She is 2S
inches tall, 36 years old, and
weighed 87 pounds. ,
In, the afternoons we would go
and see the horse races, which
were very exciting.
In the evenings our chaperones
would take ns to see the horse
shows. We saw the best cows
snd horses in the world.
One morning a chaperon from
the hoys' camp took us to Salem
to see nil the tate buildings. I
We were in all the large build
ings Except the insane asylum,
which they would not let ns visit.
In the penitentiary we only
saw the dining room, some of the
cells, and where they held church.
In the church part there was
large picture that one of the men
had painted. It was very pretty.
In one of the buildings ye saw-
how printing was done. Some of
the men there explained all about
Saturday morning Mr. and
Mrs. Frost came and told "ne that
I had won second prize in my
sewing. I was greatly surprised,
as I didn't expect any prize at te
State Fair.
Saturday all the children left.
as the tent was to be taken dow n
early Sunday morning.
I enjoyed mv trip ery :iiueh.
and hope I may go again.
I will sell at public auction at my
place, 7 miles north of Hillsboro,
!t miles east of North Plains. V-?
mile north of Connell Station, on
United Rv.. at ten a. m.. on
Five Grade Holsteins. 3 jnst fresh
and 2 fresh since July; all with
second calf, and give good flow;
2 shoats, 125 lbs. each; 4 dozen
hiekens; Johnson mower and a
Johnson hayrake, both good ns
new; 14-d:se harrow; 14-inch
chilled plow; 8-scction drag har
row; broadcast seed drill; hay
rack; 3 wood racks; full bills of
lumber for tool shed, 24x44, nnd
for woodshed, 22x28; all kinds
wood cutters tools, including
cook stoves; kitchen range, hea'
er, dining table, kitchen cabinet,
small tools and numerous other
Lunch at noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash ;
over, H months time, hnnkahie
note at 8 per cent; 2 per cent off
on cash over $20.
A. I.. Ouerber, Owner.
J. C. Kuratll, Anetloneer.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pnrdy, of
Forest Grove, were down to
Hillsboro Afondy afternoon.
John Wnnderlieh, of Banks,
was down to the citv Saturday,
feeling pretty good over the first
prize given the Molino plows,
which are pulled by the Molinc
tractors, the award coming from
State Fair judges.
(Incorporated) -Hillsboro,
Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
. Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier
John E. Bailey,
Vice President
H. E. Ferrin
Assistant Cashier
47,30!). 42
U.S. BoiuL
Other Bonds...
Banking house
Other real est.
Stock in Federal
Res. Bank
Cash and due
from Banks.,
A small payment down
brings one to your home.
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. VCe do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable
, Jeweler
Main Street i
W, W. McEldowney,
E. F Burlingham
S. G. Huf-hes
Capital -
t'iiviiSatiiiit .,
$2 5,000.00
and the balance monthly
$25 to $400
The Delta Drug Store
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon