The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 02, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 30
Gives Sugf-eitiona at to Personal
Follow Paragraph! of Advice and
You'll be Repaid
County Health Oilie r, Dr. L. W.
Hyde, sends thr press t he fulliiu
liiK iHtcr mti'iit the hillui'iixa, or
"I In," tm it It ciiiiiiniiiily rnllril:
"Tin' history of liilliiiii.ii,
"Mil," "nr''lH'i" Spanish iiilliii-n-nil
litt'imiiiff the mi iiu1 dis
ease, show lluit nil epidemic is
followed frequently liy a repeti
tion if the niiiih disease after
unity inuulli',, Last Winter there
was a severe epidemic through
nut llir world, ami well known
mill studious tin II of science look
fur a repetition this year of tin'
mine disease, This liinv or may
not come in milder form. It it n
very treacherous nmt serious dis
use, lielujf often rnpiilly fatal,
tlioiiltli considered to lie litfht nt
tin lc;iniillitf,
'I'lieri' nrc n few oitf'iestioii
for prevention that have been
helpful ill tlie past, nnil follow inp
the practice of henltli oilicers in
otlier parts of the eoiinlry, the
following Is Niiliiuitteil for I In
puldic to net nn.
Influent- ('Tin") destroy.!
i iiiimy live a iliil the World
War s
1. Be personally clean, hatli
liil nn often ni Is necessary to
keep the hody healthy. This
should he nt least twlei n week.
2, Keep the house elenn of
dirt, garli'ic, dirty tlothin or
old ras nnd dump, had smelling
3. The nose nnd throat nod
upper nir pnssnKe ''' the stnrl
in points of "J'lu." I'se a sprrtv
or ntoniier nnd such medieiiK' in
it ns you can K"t from the 1 rujjr
jiist. Spray nlht nnd morniiijr.
If n cold develop spray oftencr.
4. If fever or nehes nnd pains
mi eh ns commonly oeeur In jrrlp
oeeur, ko to lieil nmi ronsiilt your
5. Don't (ret up until feeling
well. Many eases of death from
relnpse hnve occurred from mild
cases of "Flu" because the pn-
tietit pot lip too soon.
"An miner of prevention
worth n pound of cure."
The Annuitl Tenchers' Institute
for Washington County will he
held nt the High School HuildiiiK
ill Hillslioro, Oetoher 15, 1(1 nnd
17th. The sessions will open nt
u A. M. inch day. No evening
session will he held.
The lnw required nil tenchers
to attend the Institute nt lenst 1(1
hours. Directors nrc requested to
(rnnt three days' time to their
tenchers to attend the institute
during which time their pny ns
tenchers shall continue.
N. A. Frost,
.10-31 Co. Sunt.
An unusually large number of
schools nre stnrting lute this yenr
on account of the shortage of la
bor nnd help of the children being
needed nt home. Nearly nil will
be in session the first week in
Irene Mnrr, of Kansas City;
Viola Nelson, of Haeonn; Harold
Of the Condition of the
September 12, 1919
I,onns $(i35,!)30.73
Stocks, nonda and
Warrants 120,010.8!
Hanking house,
furniture and fix
tures 41,400.00
Other real estate ... 600.00
Cash and due from
banks 174,552.17
Sept. 12, 1919 $894,800.84 Sept. 12, 1!)19.. $894,8(10.84
Sept. 12, 1918 027037.55 June 30,1919 757,179.08
Increase .. $200.1)29.27 Increase $137,087.18
Commercial and Savings Deposits Solicited
Ilulliorii, of I. mini, nnd linn
Ilium, of Moitiititiiidalc, report n
very plensnut week nt the fair lit
Snlem. Tlicy were the winners
in the hoys mid uirls industrial
( Illll COIltcsts.
Viola Nelson, who won first
place in Hewing project Division
I, in Washington County, won
second place in the slnte-wid
eoulesl illinium two hundred com
petitors. Harold liithorii's IIlo
stein heifer won fifth plncc in tin;
cluli contest in competition with
nil lireeds. lie also entered the
open competition with Ilolsteius
wltinini" first iri,e.
Wnsliinutoii County ludustriiil
Chili general exhibit won fiftl
plnee, 1 welve counties were
N. A. Frost.
Having sold my f;irm, I will nell
nt inililc auction at mv plncc, 0
miles north of Hillslioro, nnd 21
miles northeast of North Plains,
sharp at 10 a. m., on
Ten head of tirade Holstein and
Jersey cows, all tuberculin test
ed ; heavy (low uf milk; ' fresh;
2 to freshen in December; in
.January: 1 in Feb.; 7-8 Holstein
bull, 111 months old; heifer, It!
mouths; heifer, 5 months' horse,
1300; mule, 1000, 4 yearn; mule,
1200, 3 yrs, both broke to work;
mule, III months old; sow with 5
sin ill pigs; 30 l'lvinnuth Hock
chickens; liain wagon, 3 inch,
nearly new; Haiti wagon, 2; 2
seta hack, top buggy, cart, 10
tlisc, 1H inches, with truck; 60
tooth drag harrow; McCoruticl.
4'n ft mower; 12-hose Superior
drill; 10 ft hayrnke, hayrack, 2
yd gravel bed; Smiilley feed cut
ter, 12 inches, with elevator,
nearly new; Fairbanks-Morse
gas engine, II type, fl horse-power;
cultivator, 2 14 inch plows;
Hercules stump puller with 200
ft cable and block ; No. 4 Sharp
less cream separator; set double
breeching liantes; et plow har
ness; 3 sets single harness, fl col
lars, saddle, grindstone, 2 X-eut
saws, 2 wheelbarrow, 2 log
chains, 3 ten-gal milk cans, cook
stove, heater, some household
furniture nnd other article too
numerous to mention.
Lunch at noon.
Terms $ 20 and under, casli ;
over, 8 months bnnknble note at
8 per cent; two per cent off on
cash over $20.
John Kassebaum, Owner.
J. C. Kurntli, Auctioneer.
Peter Grosser! and J. J, Wis
mer, Clerks.
In order to make room for our
pullets, we will sell 100 yenrling
While Leghorn hens nnd 450 2-year-nld
White Leghorn hens; all
of the heaviest laying trap-nested
.tock. Plncc your order nt once
if you wish some excellent breed
ing stock. Price, $1.25 eneh
L. C. HoeftM & Sons, Witch Ha
nd Station on the S. P. P. O. ad
dress, Denvcrton, It. 4. 28-30
The Coffee Club will meet nt the
home of Mrs. Minnie Downs, nt
1.108 Main St., Saturday after
noon, Oct. 4, at 2:30.
Hillslioro High School will piny
Vancouver High the first 191D
game. In this city, Saturday, Oct.
4. Game called nt 2:45. Admis
sion, 25 cents. Come out and
help the boys win the game
Try the Argus, $1.50 per yenr.
Capital . $(i0,000.00
Surplus nnd profits 24,180.96
Deposits 8!4,8(i(),84
Attend American Bar Associa
tion Sewion at Boston
Vittied Lincoln's Old Home in
Cliarli s J. Schnabel, Portland at
torney, returned front attending
Hie annual meeting of the Ameri
can liar Association, in ISoMoii,
anil while there he was cIiom ii
neral Council, relireseutiii''
the State of Orroii, nnd was
placed on several important com
mittees, nriinng others coutestef!
applications fr membership by
persons suspected of haing ne
gro blood, a very delicate subject
Willi the national association.
Mr. Schltabel regards this meet
lng as one of the most important
and impressive ever held by the
A. H. A., as much will be expect
ed mid done by the Har in the
coming reconstruction da vs.
Port la ml is known nil over as a
light fill convention city, mid its
climate nnd the hospitality of its
people is commented upon. Port
land wns urged by Mr. Sihnali 1
.is the city at which the IH'.'O
meeting is to be hi hi. nnd it is
now being considered by the Kx-
i! t
ceiiuvr i ominiliee w lncn makes
the selection in January. The
importance of selecting a striinj-
man for President was empha
sized, nnd after it contest in
which W. A. Blunt, of Florida;
F.diuund F. Trnbue, of Kentucky,
and Hampton I,. Carson, of Pciin
svlvania. figured, the latter was
elected. General Carson is
against all anti-constitutionalism
revolutionism and Russian Soi-
etisnt. The stand taken bv that
ody was emplcisued bv the
ringing resolutions adopted with
in the sight of Fanuiel Hall and
Bunker Hill. It stiffened the
spines of the authorities who
were flirting with the police sit
uation. The same set of resolu
tions were adopted nt the en
campments of the G. A. R. ami
Sons of Veterans, held at Colum
bus, Ohio, the following: week.
Columbus got a valuable lesson
from Portland on taking care of
the old sldoiers nnd kindred so
cieties. An old soldier's money
for a cigar or sandwich or pop
was not received, while convey
ances of every description were
tendered them and subject to
their beck and cull. Mr. Sehna-
)d enjoyed his stay in Colniu
itts, at the encampment.
On his way West he Tnade a
pilgrimage to Lincoln's home, nt
Springfield, Illinois, visited his
ormcr residence, the court room
which he appeared, his tomb,
and also tlie spot nt the old de
pot where Lincoln made his fare
well address to his neighbors and
friends on his way to Washing
ton. This address Mr. Schnabel
insists is one of the finest and
moot pathetic utterances in tin
F.nirlish language.
Committees hnve been ap
pointed to raise a large fund to
build n tomb or shrine nt Oyster
Bay, (running into the millions)
which will equal if not extell that
of Lincoln, nt Springfield. Grant,
at Riverside, or Napoleon, on th"
Seine, in memory of bint who is
regarded as the greatest Ameri
can of his time.
He says two panaceas are be
ing suggested in the East as to
the times nnd period--less under
production nnd more co-open' t ion
between employer and employee.
Clifford L. Long, on the U. S.
Ship Buffalo, arrived in the. New
York harbor Inst week, after over
sixteen months nt sea. His ship
belongs to the Pacific Fleet, and
he expects to get back to coast
waters as soon ns the vessel is
overhauled. He writes that the
boat's trow is woefully short of
men, owing to releases under the
duration of war clause.
Notice This is a notice that S.
Riley Cogan is no longer associ
ated in buiness with the firm of S.
R. Coirnn & Son and Cognn Bros.
S. Riley Cogan, Beaverton, Or
egon, R. 4. 29-31
Rev. Walton Skipworth, pastor
of the M. E. Church, departed
Tuesday morning to nttend the
annual Methodist Conference, nt
Salem, for the State of Orejron.
There Is a strong request that
Mr. Skipworth be sent back to
Hillsboro the coming conference
James Robb, of near Roy, wns
in town Tuesday.
L. Bauer, of Helvetia, was a
city caller Tuesday.
For Sale Green carrots in the
ground, 20x150 feet. Must bi
taken up. F. M. Heiilel, City.
Hiclmrd Council, of Portland
was out the first of the week, the
guest of relatives.
, Wanted Horse and cow ma
mm. Good price paid.- Clarki
Bros. Greenhouse. 30-32
Carl Pfuhl, of above Bloomim',
wns down to the count v seat th
last of the week, greeting his
many county a-;at friends.
Waitt -d Night fireman for a
party wanting all-Winter posi
tion in the dry. Clark Bros
J. W. Itavnanl, of near Mid
way, and E. C. Mulloy, of Laurel
wire in town the nrsi oi tin
Wm. Hanson, of Seholls, was
iii to the citv .Momtav, He re
ports a rather killing frost down
his w ay Sunday night.
Perkins now liaJiis free air
and water aytenW4nstalIed
drive up and help youriclf. Ye
arn welcome. 8-tf
Itobt. Sinclair, of f.eisyi ill", re;
turned home from Germany last
Monday evi niifi. If- w is with
the Eighth Infantry in the Army
of Occupation.
For Sale Indiana silo, 12x30,
100 tons ccjacitv. Will sell on
place, buyer to dismantcl. In fine
condition. S. II. Davis, Beaver
ton, Oregon, R. 4. Half-mile
west of Beaverton. 29-81
Ernest l'oord is still walking
on crutches, nursing that broken
leir, but hopesi to lie able to wn'k
without them in n fortnight or so.
He had (he east removed this
Taken Up Two head cattle
one 2-year-obl heifer nnd u steer
-nt my place near West Union
Peter Jossy, Hillsboro, R. 1.
Phone, North Plains 18F21. 30
C. L. Crocker writes that he is
now located at Couiniiskcy, Ind.,
15 miles from the Ohio River. wants the Arsrus sent to
him. mid tells us that he- was out
the other day and picked a bas
ket of "paw-paws." Crocker is
living in n section where there
are just "gorge" of wild plums
and if you never ate a wild
plum you've missed one of the
"citiiiest" things you cer
dreamed of. Chas. says to prop
er'v eat a wild plum you wr.ut it
good and ripe, so it crushes be
tween your fingers and thumb
and the kids all lick their thumbs
dear up to the last joint to get
last spinrkle of juice.
I will sell nt public sale at the
Schilling farm, one mile northeast
of Eliiiouiea and three miles
northwest of Bilivcrton, 10 a. m..
Team horses, 2S00, marc nnd
horse, 10 and II year-, good
work animals; Si.' inch Hickory
wagon, in good .shape; 31,4 wa
gon, in good repair, with hayrack
nnd woodrack; hack; 12 inch
plow; disc; over three tons of
oats in granary, grindstone, hoes,
pitchfork,' shovels, harrow, set
double team harness in fair con
dition, 2 x-cut saws, extension
table, 11-inch plow, brand new:
old wagon, 2 grub hoes, ne; myl
numerous other articles.
Lunch nt noon.
Terms of Sale -$20 and' un
der, cash; over, ten months' time,
approved note, at S per cent.
Gideon Mickey, Owner.
H. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vnnderwnl, Clerk.
1 w ill sell at public auction nt mv
place, 4 miles north of Hillsboro,
3 miles east of North Plains, 14
mile north of Council Station, on
United Rv.. nt ten a. in., on
Five Grade Holsieins, 8 just fresh
and 2 fresh since July; nil with
second enlf, and give good flow;
2 shunts, 125 lbs. each; 4 dozen
chickens; Johnson mower nnd a
Johnson hnyrake,. both good ns
new; 14-disc harrow; 14-inch
chilled plow ; 8-scction drag har
row: broadcast seed drill; hay
rack; 8 wood racks; full bills of
lumber for tool shed. 24x44, nnd
for woodshed, 22x28; nil kinds
wood cutters' tools, including 4
cook stoves; kitchen range, hen'
cr, dining table, kitchen cabinet,
small tools and numerous other
Lunch nt noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash;
over, 0 months time, bankable
note at 8 per cent; 2 per cent off
on cash over $20.
A. L. Cnierber, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Purchases Made From the State
Lime Plant
Four-eighty Per Ton is Average
Cost to Buysrs
Many of the farmers of Wash
ington County are co-operating
in the purchase of ground lime
stone from the stats lime plant.
Three or fo-ir car have id ready
been received and probably dou
ble that many more w ill be order
ed in the mar future. Many of
the orders are coming from com
munities where the County Agent
has made tests of the soil, to de
termine lime needs and here it
has been ,hown that 1 ' to 8
tons per :u re of linTe was re
The only soil yet tested in the
county that has not shown a high
acid per cent was the beaver dam
soil. All l !n r types have proven
to be stroni'ly acid and can bene
ficially use : t hast two tons per
acre. ,
Applications of lime stone are
hot made in the fall after nlow-
ng, before t!i sowing of grain
on which clover will be sown in
the spring, a a best results are ob
teined on legume:!) crops.
1 lie cost of the ground lime
stone to practically all points on
the Southern Pacific in Washing
ton Countv is $4.80 per ton.
roultrymen to Tour
The poultrvmcn of Washington
County will make a tour of the
larger poultry plants Thursday,
October 9th. '
The following is a schedule of
the plants to be visited and the
places of meeting:
9:00 a. m. Assemble on the
street on the west side of the
University ' Campus at Forest
9:15 a. m. Arrive at the
farm of A. C. Smith on Greenville
road ;
10 00 a. ni. Leavi A. C. Smith
fa rni :
10:10 a. m. Arrive at the
inn of F. S. M hilchouse, on Pa
cific Avenue ;
10:55 a. m. Arrive at farm of
H. E. Thompson, at Oak Park
station west of Hillsboro.
12:00 a. in,. Eat lunch at
grove near lliompson tnrm or
proceed to Hillsboro Grange hall.
1:10 p. m. Leave Hillsboro
for farm of W. II. Hocffel, Witch
1:25 p. in. Arrive at Hoeffel
2:10 p. ni. Leave Hoeffel
2-40 p. ai. Arrive at farm
of Fred Vedder, near Ccib -rSVIill;
3 '25 p. m. I.r.nve Vedder
farm and arrive nt farm of An
drew Eggiman & Son;
4:10 p. m.- End of tour.
All poultrvmcn nnd others in
terested in poultry arc invited to
accompany this tour. A basket
picnic will be held near one of
the poultry farms if weather per
mits, but if not the picnic will be
hef.l in the Flilkboro Grange ball
so that those interested should
bring their lunch nnd prepare to
stay all day.
The committee will appreciate
it if poultrymen having machines
will make room for other poul
trymen who do not have this con
venience. Mr. C. S. Brewster, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, hns
promised to be present, and Mr.
Upson, of the Oregon Poultry
Nsoeiation, will probably ntten'.
This will be nn excellent time
for beginners in th? poultry busi
ness to get valuable suggestions
regarding the poultry industry
bv obsevving the methods used by
the successful poultry rnisers of
the county, nnd hen ring them ex
plain their secrets of success.
Countv Acnt.
C. V. Oalaway, Mountaindale.
was in town yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Geo. I.. Baker, of Port
land, formerly of Sherwood, was
in town Tuesday.
Cong. Church services Sundv.y
a. m. only, this week, Mr. Myers,
of Portland, in the pulpit. Mu
sic will be under the direction of
Mrs. O. B. Gates;.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II. Peters, of
above North Plains, were in the
city Monday. L. II. has a White
Leghorn pullet that supplied him
with an egg that measured 6
by 8 inches, the other day, the
eaekleberry weighing a shade un
der four ounces.
Hillsboro, (Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot snipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro. Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thorn burgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier
John E. Bailey,
Vice President
H. E. Ferrin
Assistant Cashier
Loans $
U. S. Bonds
Other Bonds
Banking house
Other real est.
Stock in Federal
Res. Bank
Cash and due
from Banks.
Total $1.041,753i
A small payment down
brings one to your home.
The Delta Drug Store
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro. Orerfon
W. W. McEldowney,
EL F Burlingham
8. G. Hughes
Di-posits ....
Total $ 1,04 1,753.91 i
and the balance monthly
$25 to $400
i :