VOL. XXVI HILLS BOKO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 NO. 28 . -LUGY YATES, PIONEER, IS DEAD Widow of Hon. C. P. Yates, Rep resentative in tha Nineties LIVED IN COUNTY 66 YEARS Her Father Settled in the South Tualatin Section Mr, i.ucy Yad'N, widow of tlie lute lion. C. 1'. Villi died ttl tin limue of h r iliiiiijlitrr, Mrs. A. 1.. Stephen,' tif above llnukx, Sept. 1 1, I!JIH, mki iI 71 year and H IIIOIltll. She wa tlic daughter of tlx' lnli: S. (.'. Ititehey anil wife, nud ih born hi UfiiK'oi'k County, III., Jan. 2, 1848. The ItiUluy fnm ily crowd t lie Plain in 1853 unit m lllftl three mile south of HilU liuni, on a donation, a part of which it now tin' Ed. Si liiiluu rii li farm. 'Miry resided there a num ber of year, when Ihrv sold anil move. I to Portland, where Mrti. Vaten ntti-udid mhoul for twelve yenrx. At the age of Id she imiteJ with the Chrlnti-ut Church mill for 6!i )er lion followed it Christian life, carnet and pur mHefiil. She wan a gentle, pa tient ami lovable, diameter, and was always governed by the lav of love and truth mid justice. She wan united in inn Triage to Christopher 1". Ynte in 187t), nt 1'orthml, living there until in the lnlili'H, whin tlu-y moved to M KtituiiK. aliove Hank. All her life since ninrringr hit lin ii spent there cvccpliug about six yeari, spent in Sheridan anil MeMinnville, w hi re Mr. Yules was engaged ill the newspaper liiihiiimt. She wan the mother of five children. The hiithniid and two son have paused uw.iy, nud those surviving are (icorge S., of Montana; Mm. A. I.. Stephen, of Hunks, ittid Ivan It., employed in Portland. She left one sister and two brothers - Surah J.llod inaii, I'lirllHinl; V. J. Ritihey, l.nCenter, Wash., mid Sherman Hitchry, of North Hclid, Ore, A few years ago .Mr. Yates was stricken with n nervous ail ment from which her physician told her mIio. could not recover. In April, 11117, her youngest son, nns we red the ("ill of his coontr) mid served with the A. K. I'., in 1'ranee, The strain bore heavily n her in her weakened condition, nud the two years of anxiety grenllv enfeebled her. Her life Min spared until the sun returned last May, and the reunion was a happy one. On August 22 she was obliged to take to her bed, lit the home of her daughter, and the end rant after weeks of lov ing care, nt twilight, hist Thurs day. 1'iincral services were conduct ed by Ilev. O, P. liurris, in the Hanks Church, and interment was in the Hunks cemetery, by the side of her husband. The (lorn! tribute to her worth and char acter were many and beautiful, POULTRY SALE In order to moke room for our pullets, we will Nell 11JD yearling White Leghorn hens nml 450 JS y ear-old White Leghorn hens; all of the heaviest laying trap-nested Mock. Place yur order at once if you wish some excellent breed ing stock. ' Price, $1,211 each. I.. C. HoeiTcl & Sous, Witch Ha y.el Station on the S. P. P. O. ad dress, Henvcrton, It. 4, 28 .10 Mrs. Ida I'alignr, of Ilcthany, wa a city caller Saturday. Henry I'liegy, of Phillips, was a city visitor the first of the week It. Mcknight, of Meek Plains, was in the city the first of tile week. John ami Henry I'ucgy, of Phillips, were city callers the lirst of the week. A, C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was greeting friends in the city Mon day. Pcrkiui now haw till free, air and water nysteni initialled drive up and help youmelf. Yoe are welcome. B-tf J. II. Dorland mid Allen T'Ul noek, of beyond North Plains, were city visitors the lirst of the week. M, X. Ihniliuiii, for nearly fifty years hi the class-room, opened school nt the i ru Ixl district, be low Miuter bridge, Mond; V. St. Matthew' Catholic Church Sunday Nervices, Masse a at 8 and 10:.'I0. Week days, Mass at 8:20. J. T. Coslelloe, Hector. J. V. Hughes, Purest (trove, was in town Monday, hiving ju -t returned from a trip to Coos Comity, w here be cried a big mic tion sale of stock. M, (ioet.e, of above Blooming, till carrying his arm in n sliny as a result of his encounter with a bovine, was in the city the last of the Week. Wanted Middle-aged woman or reliable girl for general house work, family of four. Write to Mrs. 1, It. Campbell, Hillalioro, It. 2; phone Si holls central. K. J McAlear Is the new dele gate to attend the Pythian (iraril Lodge this Fall. E. L. Moure is the holdover It. 1'. Peters was elected alternate. Jos. Cawrse, one of the pio neers in hopraUing in the olden days, now out of the business, was in from near Shi lllin .Mon day. "Wish I hud a hundred acres of I he vines rlirht now," sniil Jo.:. To Trade Wish to trade a good team, weighing 1500 each, for a smaller team, one weighing in the neighborhood of 2400. Clins. Robinson, Ilillshoro, II. 2; 5 mill s Mouth of Ilillshoro. 29 llapti.t Church HiMe School at 10 a. m. Prof. G. U. Sehlaueh, of MeMinnville, will preach Sun day at 1 1 a. m. ami 8 p. in. Morn ing subject, "The Holy Spirit;" evening subject, "Followers of Cod." Cordial invitation is ex tended o nil. Philip Doughty, who enlisted in the navy lust week was not sent to San Francisco, ns antici pated, but was sent Fast to the (treat Lukes Training Station. Two other Oregon hoys went Fust with him. Home for Sale Five-room house, Sixth mid Fir, with pantry and closets, light and water. Close to school and oarline; flag ship at place. Plenty of fruit, Lot StUxlOtl. Reasonable. Some cash and terms to riaht party.- Mrs. H. K. Haines, at the J. Ii. Hensley place. 28-2!) J. 11. Iluntintoi., who attend eil P. V fifty years ago and was acquainted with the bite Con pressman Tongue, the Imbri-s the Meek, mid all the ol.Jtimer::, was in the city from Spokane, 1 ucsday, meeting oldtime friends Huntington says that he always remembered old Washington County and its hospitable peopl of olden times when no man ever went hungry or was ever turned away anywhere near nienl time. SOLD ElOlljUBKOLDS Structure Known a the Grange Building, Change ' L.nd SAME OWNERSHIP 32 YEARS Patroni of Husbandry Retain the Upper Story of East Half The pioneer (ir.'inge liiiilding on Main St., three and four doors west of the Posliilliee Itiiihliug and built in 1K87, was sold last week by John W. Shute, Fmmott Bros, taking the Fast half, lower story, and Th.nl Reynolds, of Park & Reynolds, grocers, tak ing the West half of the structure. This is the, original brick in Hillsboro'i business district, and each hall has a frontal"- -f about 30 feet, with a depth of SO feet. The Grange has the upper story, Fast half, so long as it hall maintain meetings, which will probably be perpetual. 1 he Fast half of the brick was built by the Co-Operative Co., n Grange organization, chief of the stockholders Ix'ing the late llenj Scholiiehl, the late Itobt. Imhrie, the late James Scwcll," the laic Win. Mau.ey, the late Win. I). Hare, the late John W. Scwcll. ami Mr. Shute, who relimpiishei' hist week. This company eon ucted a store which was later (old to Mr. Hare, who had retired from active law practice. Later on Mr. Shute acquired the inter est of the other stock h diicrs, the Grange retaining the home up stairs. J. W. Shute built the West half. The Einmott Bros, will not move in until several mouths Iiavc elapsed, and until Mr. Patterson idmll have secured other qi. alters. Mr. Reynolds will in the not dis tant future remodel his purchase and put it in shape for a tempo rary home for the grocery lirm of which he is a member. The. brick was made bv J. O. Klincman for $5 per M ami they were trood bricks at that. Peter Jonsy, of Helvetia was a ity visitor Tuesday inorninf. (t, I Mnrimg, of Virginia Place, was up to the. city Monday. Herman IJoge, of Farinington, was transacting business in the ily Monday. I-', H. Thicle, of near Farming ton, was an Argus caller 1 lies-day. L. (i. Wcidewitsch, of Corne lius, was down to the city Mon- lav afternoon. For Sale Some fine, clean h'rat seed for sale. Henrv Fue- gy, at Phillips, Ilillshoro, Route I. 26-2S Mrs. 15. K. II lines has returned o Ilillshoro after n lengthy ab sence, visum; Ii.'k k in tier old louie stale, IK nois. One Hillnboro automobile thlcjf came to grief last Thursday nighl w her. Clifford Garr, who stole the O. E. McCarthy Oakland Six, was arrested at lacoma, Washi, and held on the charge of laiv L. C. Hoeflel, who has one of 'eny. He was brought from Tar th- n il poultry yards of the ""' u"uay night by Ueputj lislriit, was up from Witch Ha- r.et, ar.ir'!.iv. Vegetable and flowering planti now reaJy at Mueller's Green house, 12th and Oak. By mail or on call. Telephone 16R7. 6tf Kltner Wol.hr has finished hi-. onion harvest and sold a carload Irtt week at top prices. He ex pects to ship a car c-ich w ek mi- iting with the A. W. Walkers. til Ins crop is out of the way. Frank C. I'Vancis, of Oak Park, was in town Tuesday, trying to get help to pick up onions. With school starling help is rather more than scanv. Taken Up Two head cattle one 2-Vear-old heifer and a steer at my place near West L'nion Peter Jossy, Ilillshoro, It. 1. Phone, North Plains 1SF21. 30 (J. A. Plieth, one of the pro- HEAR WILSON Quite a number of county people drew tickets at the Auditorium, Portland, to hear President Wil son Monday evening, while bun drcds of others went to Portland to see the Presidential party in the street parade. At the lunch eon at the Hotel Portland, Mav r John M. Wall and Thos. II Tongue were in the truest 'ist. I. L. Langley, formerly of Forest Grove, was also with the dining party. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brandaw of South Tualatin, were eitv vi itors Tuesday. We Will Lease A farm of 140 acres, nil in cultivation, nt Cherry Grove. Haskell Carpen ter Co., Cherry Grove, Ore gon. 28-30 E. L. Naylor, of Forest Grove, was down to the city Mimday. E. L. says he is willing to give dirt for the state highway gradiiiB, provided the county will take it where he wants them to move it from, but ns it is desired on r frontage along the place he nat urallv wants the money for it. STATEMENT Of the Condition of the SHUTE SAVINGS BANK, HILLSBORO, OREGON, September 12, 1919 Resources Liabilities Loans $J15,9!l0.7a Capital $(10,000.00 Slocks, Bonds and Surplus and profits 24,1 86.!5 Warrants 12(1,010.8!) Deposits 8!)4,8(i1.8 Hanking house, furniture and fix- $!)7!),05.'t.7O '. tu res 41,400.00 Other real estate ... 6(10.00 Cash ii ml due from banks 174,552.17 $!)79,05!l.7! Sept. 12, 1910.. $894,8(5(1.84 Sept. 12, 1919 $894,H(i(1.84 June 30,1919 757,17!).(i Sept. 12, 1918 027937.55 Increase ....$2(i(i,929.27 Increase" $137,(187.18 GROWTH IN DEPOSITS Commercial and Savings Deposits Solicited Clifford Garr, Purloiner of Mo Carthy Oakland, in Toils UNSAVORY ARMY RECORD Brought From Tacoma Sunday Night by Deputy McQuillan Sheriff McQuillan and lodged in the county j-iil. i Garr stole the machine Wed nesday night, Sept. 10, (the ann versa ry of the day that Capt. Pti, ry put one over on John Bull at Luke Erie) add ran the car to Tacoma before nightfall the next lay. He was met near Chehalis bv Mr. and Mrs. Miller, now is- Notiee of the theft had beep telegraphed to Tacoma during the day Thursday, and all ffaracres in the Citv of Destiny were on guard. When Garr pulled in with the machine he had a pass enger whom he had picked up near Centralia, and the driver at once exculpated him, saying that the stringer was only paying for half the gas used. Garr is about 2 4 years old, and is married, his wife having left was in the city the last ot tin week, greeting his county seat friends and having a conference with the county court. ('has. J. Sclmabel, of Portland, who is back nt the big G. A. It. Convention at Columbus, Ohio, writes that he will be home Sept 20. He sw Cletn huncr on the trec' at Columbus. Kressive eitiirens of near Tiitard. for Idaho i'aturday night. The thief was in the army, bn it is s.iid bis record is unenviall;. He will be held to the coming grand jury unless he pleads giu'l ty. The ear was stolen about mid night from the McCarthy garage, an i s ispiciop pointed to Garr be cause the footprints about the roadway leading to the street corresponded with those of the l or Sale 1 wo tieifers, six self-confessed purloiner, cows; most all to freshen this Me. will be out no expense in Fall. Grade Jersey good test- the return of the Oakland, as he ers, good milkers; $70 each. Al- bad it insured bv John Vander- so have some pigs, 8 weeks old. wal. the insurance agent, . . Jaquith, Scholia; Lau rel I". V. Z7-ZH Vnr B.lp T 1Q1K tn.;n car, all new tires, good running wood, who has hammered the an- order, for quick sale, $300 cash; v il for 25 years in the thriving also Vulcan gas range in fine metropolis of the Southeast Coun- shape ; set team breeching har- ly, was in the citv Tuesday morn- ness; spring wagon, good repair, ing. and renu mbered the rcli" Inquire 1826 R. R. St., or tel ions weekly two years in ad- ephone Hillsboro 156. 27-2S '"e. mi, ,1. i iniK aooui your wuriu a rcc- I.t. Ross Diordorl, the 1'acihe or,i for nvjnar j,eng 8nd believe, Fleet, stationed at P.remcrton, Ls if vou vvii tmt an Qreeon hen here, the guest of his mother and h,., aul four ejrgS j one day of hi uncle, Wm. Ross, of Meek for an Oregon hen can do almost Plains. He was originally on tlu- tie unbelievable but Hillsboro Shaw, which had all kinds of dis- h,as tlvm & beaten. A yearling aster in the Atlantic. Mrs. Dier- ...j.:i., Talllfsilam wl1K. mnsres dorlf went over to Settle to jown on Yir St ..in the neighbor- meet the Lieutenant when the hood of Mrs. J. J. Meaeham's lici t steamed into the Sound, am- pOUilrv yard, laid two eggs at the son returned with her to visit I onu "rest" the other dav. Each the old home. HENRY AND JUDITH was a perfectly formed egg, shell and all, but one egg, with a per- feet shell, was inside the outsida egg. The twin measured 92"" 73,i inches. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale nt the Po'Mbv ranch, four miles south vept of Hillsboro, south nest of the Jackson Bottom bridge, at 1 o'clock p. m., after lunch is served at place, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, Twenty-one head of High Grade Jersey cows; all of them give fine Hows. Outside of two cows, all of them are aged from 3 to 0 yrs; some of them will be fresh at date of sale, and he balance -will freshen soon after that date, in September or October. All but two produce 40 to 80 pounds dnilv. . Due to this fact that I am going into breeding of Registered Jer seys, I am making this sale. This herd is an exceptionally fine one from a producing standpoint, and will he fine additions to any dai ry. No contagious disease has ever been in the herd and all of them have been tuberculin test ed. Lunch at noon. Terms Cash or approved note at 8 per cent per annum, on six months' or one year's time. F. IL Howlbv, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Aue'ioneer.- John Vanderwal, Clerk. Henrv and Judith Abli Henry a "oil 80 and Judith 85 tlx woman being much the more sprv PUBLIC SALE of the twain, had their troubles ili circuit court this week before We will sell at public sale at our Judge Hagley. Both are more or farm, half mile East and a half less feeble, and each really needs mile South of Cornelius, on the the care of the other, and vet Irmler farm, at 10 a. in., on Henrv and Judith arc trying to SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, get have tried to get Judtre Fifteen head of dairy cows, none Bagley to cut the knot that tied over 7 years, four to be fresh by them together away back in 1902. 1 time of sale; balance to freshen When thev married, Henrv had in October and November. This 5'2( and Judith had $500. Thev is an exceptionally good herd wedded and saved, and came Team sorrel geldings, 6 and 7 North to Hillsboro, have two years, weight about 3,000; team houses and three lots, one home 7 years old, weigh about 2,750; being rented. Henrv gets about horse, 5 years, about 100; sin- !)2 bucks from the government as gle driving horse; binder, mower, a pension for being a Civ il Wa rake, tedder, springtoolh harrow, veteran, while Judith, while not disc harrow, 90-tootli drag liar biivoiii. put H e kibosh on one Mr. row, iron roller, drill, two garden Voogol in a personal encounter cultivators. 4 lt-inch steel beam a vear aeo, so all things being John Deere walking plows; truck equal they should have gotten w agon, SV'i inch wagon with bed, alonff together nicely. Not so. cart, buckboard., fan mil), plat TI. nry is sore nt Judith and Ji- form scales, two hayracks, 8 sets dith is sore nt Henrv. Each says dbl breeching harness, set single the other is a liar and they are harness, 10 ten-gal milk cans, irreooncili able, so Judge Baglev havfork with steel cable 190 feet told them Monday he would give long, blacksmith vise and set of them a week to settle their pnvo-ldics, some household furniture crtv rights, or he would act as and all tools found on well regu Solomon himself. Each vants the lated farm, including forks, 'h-v decree and not to anticipate the! els, hoes, pitchforks, axes, log court's dec ision more than likely chains, etc., ten dozen hens, num Judge Bnglev will give each oflber of geese. them separation from the other. I Lunch at noon. What he should do is to eoniman- Terms of Sale Under $20, deer some help and spank Judith cash; $20 and over, six months' nfter permitting Judith to spank time, approved note, at 8 per Henrv. and tben make them live I rent. rryreM,cr for Judith reillv needs Trmler & Reynold.-., Owners. Henrv and Henrv snrely needs J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Judith. Frank Sholes, Clerk. C. B: BUCHANAN & CO. ; (Incorporated) ,, i Hillsboro, Qormeliu and North Plains 1 Wholesals and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or ; rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Tfeornbargh, President. John E. Bailey, Vice President D. S. Cheney, H. E. Ferrin Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier W. W. MeEldowney, Cashier. E. P BttrliiiRham S. G. Hughes FOHEST GROVE NATIONAL DANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Laaas tJ. S. Bons -$875,036.39 - 172,946.13 Otker Bands 28,599. B0 Jaakiag House- 18,575.88 tie real estate 6,120.00 Stock in Fed. Re serve Bank 1,800.00 CasM and due from Banks 197,907.44 Total - $801,585.84 LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 50,449.11 Circulation . 35,000.00 Deposits 701,140.23 Total $801,685.81 ONi VhOLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON f rlAS COUNTY INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS SEPTEMBER VICTOR RECORDS JUST OUT Victrolas, $25 to $40 The Delta Drug Store We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable .:;::: IF j YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. ft .ii : V f Jeweler and Optician Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon ii 1 t