n r 1HE HILLS VOL. XXVI IIILLSHORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 NO. 27 B6R6 f. E. REEVES GETS Elk' Car Disposed of on Main Street, Last Saturday BIG CROWD SEES EVENT Fifth Number Drawn Contained the Winning Number K. 1'.. Breves, electrician with the 1'rrkiu Milieu force, was the lucky mnii to get the chumy Ov erland Sedan given away by the KlkV committee,, lust Saturday afternoon, oil Main Street. There i a gooti sized crowd nt the ti lint, and (iiile a nuiuhcr of tick et were deposed of prior to the wile. Little Helen Primmer, daugh ter of 1. I Praiigcr, drew tlie ticket which corn-Mpoiidcd to the one held by Mr. Reeves the fifth tlntw being the favored panic board. Hi even wait present when the award wan mm tc and after gMng the little girl it leu dollar note, drove bin coveted prize aw ay. The ear was a beautiful one and wax bought by the Klk early In July to be used in connection with the Salvation Army drive. In cne of a Mirpltu the excess was to go to the Salvation Fund, but, like the cure to the apple, there Isn't going to be any mir plus, n nales were very alow. A the Klk eontributed over f.tOO to the drive, atiile from the per Hounl donations, thev are not feeling dowuhenrted. Sum Weil wan the chnirmrn of the romuiil tee. The winner of the ear had jmt nold hit Ford -a day or no prior to the drawing, and he stood iti need of a machine. The lucky ticket bore the num ber 1 000 11. MRS. LAHA1E Mm. Margaret Chantal Lallaie, wife of Ferdinand l.allaie, of Verbooi t, died Sept. (I, HU!. S'.e wan born ill Quebec, Canada, Feb. 10. 1852, and came to the United Staten in I MHO, and to Or egon In I8!4, nettling in Verbourt ill 1907. She wan married to Mr. Lallaie in Canada, in 1878, 'at Ottawa. She l survived by the husband and following children: Mm. Dora Reifenratli. (iastoit; Koma l.allaie, Kelso, Wn.; Mrs. Jan, II. Davin, North Plains; Mm. lliram Davin, llravcrtoii; Onear, Timber; F. P. I.nllaie, a Chief Mate in the V. S. Navy, ntntioned out of New London, Conn. j Anion, Timber, ami Mm, Lawrence Vandehcy, of Galen Creek. The funeral took place from the Vcrboort church .ind inter ment wan In the local cemetery. HYDE SURGEON GENERAL Dr. L. W. Hyde was last week elected Surgeon General at the National F.neampmeut of Span ish War Veteran, held in San Francisco. The honor In a big one anil a splendid notice of the Pacific Northwest. It will be re membered that the Second Ore gon did valiant work in the Phil ippine engagements, and Oregon wan entitled to recognition. For Sale at a bargain, If taken at once 1010 Hupmoblle, just overhauled and painted. A anap. Inquire at Service Garage. 87 Service... The standard of service a bank renders to IU customers in particular and the community in general may be fairly measured by its degree of success. The confidence which this bank enjoys is tha resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial banking ser.vice to the people of this community. We invite your banking business, both com mercial and savings account!), on the record of our high standard of service. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE V. N. Ilathorn, of Laurel, wan a city visitor Saturday, It, It. Ilrowii, of Cornelius, wan n city caller Tuesday, Going to fix up the home a Ut? Good idea. See the C. C. Store for wall paper. 8 5-J 7 Mr, and Mm, J. V. Vandervel dell, of Uoy, panned through town Tuesday, ru route to Portland. Mm. Win, C'onlce and daugh ter, Minn Lorcne, of ltoneburg, were guest of Ilillsboro friends Monday, Ford for Sab 10 17-8 Ford, in good condition, (iood rubber. II. F, Gclvin, Oreneo. Phone 181128. 27 2') John Neep, of Cornelius, wan ill town Tuesday. John reached his 77th birthday yesterday, and he still gets around like a colt. The Ilillsboro Commercial Illdg. Assn. has been improving the F.ant upstairs floor of the building to give more office room for Dr. Robb and Dr. Wiley. For .tab Twenty-six head of grade Shropshire and Colswohl sheep ami lambs.- Mike Sturm Sr., Cornelius, U. 2. Tel. Corne lius 5-1-5. 27-2!) Jack liinsner, of South Tuala tin, was a county scat visitor Tuesday. He still ban bin thresh ing untouched, and in keeping an alixioun eye on the weathir. Corporal Clyde C. Hryant, son of Mr. and Mm. C. M Hryant, has landed in New York from Germany, where he was with the Army of Occupation. All persons i wing bills to the undersigned ill please cell ami settle or send n checks .'. oni e, Hishup Hros., Ilillsboro, lire, R. 1, formerly of Banks, R. 3, above Mountnindale. 24-27 The state highway Is now open from the city park ball ground corner to Recdville, and thin week the line will be open an far east an Aloha. This w ill help some if the roail to the old highway in in any kind of shape. It. S. Stockton, of Hydro, Okla., arrived the last of the week for a visit with his daughter, Mm. I.. T. McPhcclcrs, bin daughter-in-law, Mm. Stockton, of thin city, and his .son, Green Stockton, of Portl.'nd. This in bin first trip to Oregon, For Sale Late 1918 touring car, all new tires, good running order, for quick sale, $H00 cash; also Vulcan gas range in tine shape; set team breeching har ness; spring wagon, good repair. Impure 1820 R. R. St., or tel ephone Hillnboro 150. 27-2S According to the Ben-erton Times the Tile Factory at th..t place is being dismantled and the machinery shipped to various suc tions of the Missippi Valley. The building in soon to be salvaged and the Industry pass for all time. Beaverton naturally re grets seeing the institution lost to the town. The rains the last of the week played havoc with the road lead ing into the city from the West, between Baseline and Washing ton, along the Tillamook line, and many a motor truck was stuck on the detour. By Sunday noon the road had dried enough to negoti ate, but by Monday night it was again a mens of goo, w ith the motors whirling the w heels with out any headway. Meanwhile travelers are praying for a spell of decent w,eather In order to make getting into the town pos sible without the use of profanity or prayer. NORTH COUNTY 10 BE BENEFITTED BY R. R. Logging Road to be Standard Guage From Wilkesboro TAPS NEHALEM VALLEY Will Reach Rich Agricultural Sections and Timber Extension of the. United Hallways into the great tract of timber bought by tin: Fcclca group in North western Oregon, coupled with transfer of the mam olliecs of this group in Portland, is u matter of significance for Oregon This line will tap the agricultural district above Buxton and extend into tin- richest farm belt of the Ni linli in. .Marshficld Mountain States Power Company to supply 40 h, p. for the operation of refriger ating machine for Ice it Cold Storage Company. Negotiations are under way for electric ven eer plant recently completed and new sawmill at .Marsliin l.l. Dallas gets a large wholesale grocery warehouse. (ilenbrook, west of .Monroe, to have 125,000 feet per day saw mill with logging road of stand ard guage into timber on the Al sca river. Forestry service has sold 850,- 000,000 ft. timber at Dee to Ore gon Lumber Co. Portland alcr! ship workers ask wage raise of 8 cents iter hour. Western fruit growers are gel- ting rich this vcar. One straw berry rancher cleared more than .'1000 from six acres, and expects to clear twice that next year, when his plantation gets into full bearing. Albany Red Crown Mills en larging plant. Now receiving 0000 bushels wheat daily. Freewater80 acre dairy farm sells for $1000 per acre. Benton county, to ship .15,000 boxe of apples oon. Roseburg One carload dried loganberries brings $13,000. Helix lets $18,712.20 contract for paving eight blocks. Hard surface of Albaiiy-Jt-lfcr-son road to be laid. Albany Cunning plant to be gin operations immediately. Manhcld will erect if:l500 school building. Bank of Echo to erect home to meet demands of business. Coos Bay section reports great industrial activity. Cherry crop of The Dalles and vicinity 1000 tons, brings $ 1 !(!, titi 5. St. Helens Work rushed on $91)00 contract for street jiaving. Astoria $150,000 apartment house going up. Portland building permits ,-for August, $982,220. August, l!US, $021,305. Oregon rural mail carriers will buy household necessities on a co-operative plan and reduce the high cost of living twenty-live per cent. Oregon City wild blackberry harvest large at 8 cents a pound. Portland starting campaign for $250,000 hospital building. State and local aid will build highway from Redmond to Bend, $235,000. Portland New paper com pany builds $20,000 warehouse. Oregon City will vote on $35, 000 school bonds. Salem Prison warden's report shows that the state will harvest about 100 tons of Hax from t03 acres. Warden Sleiner opposes using convicts in the llax indus try. Loganberry tips and strawber ry plants in great demand. Are profitable by-product for berry growers. St. Matthew's Catholic Church Sunday services, Masses at 8 and 10:30. Week days, Mass at 8 :20. J. T. Costelloe, Rector. Uncle Billy Wolf, who has seen 79 Summers and as many Win ters, is carrying the mail to and from tin.' Tillamook line while Mr. Riggs is convalescing from his accident. At that Billy is some active bov and gets around ns lively as the next onof. Cut-rate price on close-in choice residence lots. These 23 lots range in price from $200 and up to $1,000. Every lot a bar gain. Many have walks, shade and fruit trees. Only 2 and 8 blocks from business district in Hillboro. For particular call up 841, or addres P. O. Box 128, Ilillsb oro, Ore. 27tf It. Ilorneeker, of Route 5, was an Argus caller Tin ".day. Otto Tullcr, of near Bethany, was an Argus caller Tuesday. Flower for funerals and other occasions. Bergen Floral Co, Ilillsboro. 32 tf Trainman Beckett has joined the auto rank, having purchased a new Buick from the Ilartranipfs Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, who recently sold out of the restau rant, have gone to McCready Springs for a vacation. Vegetable and flowering plants now ready at Mueller's Green house, 12th and Oak. By mail or on call. Telephone 16R7. 6tf ' I. H. Ki lly, who has In en suf fering from rheumatism, depart ed Tuesday morning for Ship herd Springs for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Reynolds, who have been living near Kl nioniea since their return fnjm California, have moved into the Harry MeLachlan cottage. Am through threshing, and have three or four hundred emp ty grain sacks for sale. F.d. L. Nay lor, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 01S5. 20 tf Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson and Mrs. Ludemia Anderson re turned from the coast the last of the week, making the trip home via Astoria. Regular Sunday services at the Baptist Church; preaching morn ing and evening; Sunday School at 10 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Thursday eve ning meeting is important. David Kuratli anil wife came over from Tillamook,, the first of the week. Dave returned Wci nesday and Mrs. Kuratli will re turn Saturday, so as to start the little daughter to school next w c-k. E. I. Kuratli has his oflice in the Ilillsboro National Bank Huildin?, upstairs, Main St. en trance. Real estate, loans, insur ance, insurance of autos, etc.j conveyancing. Notary public. Ilillsboro, Ore. 30 tf O. C. Rciter, of Pittsburg, P i.. departed for home Tuesday eve ning, after a few weeks' visit with his son, C. G. Bciter. R. C. Rciter, of Portland, was also a truest at the C. G. Reiters the p.t-t week. John A. Thornburgh, who is Inning his bops picked on his Scwcll ranch, is some busy man these days, and between watch ing the weather and crossing the Held at North Range is as busy as they find them. Only monument dealers in Washington County. Drop 'is n card, and we will show you our samples. Write, or call on us, at 1303 Main St., Ilillsboro. Ore gon Monument Works, Hiilsboro, Oregon. 40-tf It is thought by officials that Chester Clark, the Beaverton hank robber, was one of the trio which tried to rob the Munta villa bank a few days ago. Clark has not been seen since be escaped from the Oregon penitentiary, and many think he is yet in the valley, as he had no means make a getaway. to PUBLIC SALE We will sell at public .sale at our farm, half mile East and a half mile South of Cornelius, on th Irmler farm, at 10 a. in., on SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, Fifteen bead of dairy cows, none over 7 years, four to be fresh by time of sale; balance to freshen in October and November. This is an exceptionally good herd. Team sorrel geldings, 0 and 7 years, weight about 8,000; team 7 years old, weigh about 2,750; horse, 5 years, about 1400; sin gle driving horse ; binder, mower, rake, tedder, spriugtooth harrow, disc harrow, 90-tooth drag har row, iron roller, drill, two garden cultivators, 4 14-inch steel beam John Deere walking plows; truck wagon, 3'j inch wagon with bed, cart, buckboard, fan mill, plat form scales, two hayracks, 8 sets did breeching harness, set single Harness, 10 ten-gal milk cans, hayfork with steel cable 190 feet long, blacksmith vise and set of dies, some household furniture and all tools found on well regu luted fa'rm, including forks, h"V els, hoes, pitchforks, axes, log chains, etc., ten dozen hens, num ber of geese. Lunch nt noon. Terms of Sale Under $20. cash; $20 and over, six months' time, approved note, nt 8 per cent. Irmler Reynolds, Owners. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Frank Sholes, Clerk. L SEPTEMBER 18 AND 13 Supt. Frost Expects Big Attend ance as Interest in Manifest FRIDAY TO BE THE BIG DAY Big Parade Will Form on 19th, High School Grounds, at 10:30 Preparations are well under way for the Washington County School Fair, which will be held at Ilillsboro, on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18 and 19, on the Court House spuare. The main tent is 30x100 feet, the poultry and stock tent, 20x04, and a demonstration tent, will make the cover for the event. The poultry exhibit coops belonging to the scliolo.n were destroyed in the Forest Grove fire, and ten new 5-scetion coops have been ordered so that the chickens and rabbits will have comfortable and attractive covers. A considera ble number of enterprising schools have already made reser vations for booths. The exhibits will be in place Thursday morning, Sept. 18, and the judging will be made and ribbons awarded that afternoon. The big day is Friday, the 19th A parade in which various schools will illustrate industries and historical events will form at the High School grounds, three blocks North of the Hotel Wash ington, at 10:30 a. m., and pass through the principal streets, disbanding at the court bouse stpiare. About $200 in prizes will be (warded to the schools taking part in this demonstration. The afternoon will be taken up with demonstrations bv the cook- nig,, canning ana sewing ciuos. The boys and girls will also try their skill in a contest of judging pigs, calves and sheep. A majority of the schools will close on Friday, Sept. 19, to per mit the students to attend the Fair iu a body. No pupil will be ounted absent from school on the day he attends school fair. N. A. Frost, Supt. PUBLIC SALE We will sell at public sale on our farm. 4V miles southwest of Be vertou, and one mile north uf the Scholia Ferry road, on Cooper Mountain, at 10 o'clock a. in., oa THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, Team bay horses, 12 years, 1860 each; 4 cows, two Guernseys, a ilolstciu and a Jersey, all giving good tiow; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 years old; hack, wood wagon, light farm wagon, mower, rake, cultivator, 12-inch plow, ateel lever harrow, disc, com cutter, feed cutter, stump puller with 70 ft cable, stump jack, clover seed er, corn planter, cream separator, 10-gallou milk can, 5-galiou milk can, 20 -gal churn, 25-gallon iron kettle, grindstone, spray pump, set work harness, two wagon springs, organ, axes, forks, farm tools, and numerous other arti cles. Lunch at noon. Terms Under $20, cash; $20 and over 6 months' bankable note at 8 per cent. Two per cent off on cash over $20. A. and G. Reusser, Owners. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. John Venderwal, Clerk. William Pubols, of this city, returned the last of the week, af ter spending the harvest in the Pendleton country. He says that the crops around the Roundup City were fine this year, and the greater portion is already mar keted. Vulcanising, Half-Soling, Be Treading, etc., done at the Foster Tire Shop, between Third and Fourth, on Main St Hiilsboro. We have a full-equipped shop, and guarantee our work to be of the beat. 85 117 "Dad" W. S. Tilton was a call er the other day and remembered the religiuo.: weekly for anolhc" year. He has taken the Argus for a quarter of a 'century, and it followed him when lie lived ' in New Zealand, away bark in the dark ages. Any youim man who wishes to make a trip to England and re turn in the merchant marine can be placed in a position to do so by sec ing Dr. L. W. Hyde. The pay is $)0 per month, and return fare from New York to the coast in rase the vessel does not come back to Pacific waters. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot skipper ef POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or f rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour Tke Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; HilUboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City ,15 15, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thraburgh, PraaManL D. X. Cheney, Assistant Cashiar John . Bailey, Vice President U. . Ferrin Assistant Cashier FOREST GROVE NATIONAL RANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans U. S. Bands- ..$575,636.89 - 172,946.13 Other Boads 28,599.60 Baakiag House- 18,575.88 Other real estate 6,180.00 Stack in Fed. Re serve Bank 1,800.00 Cash and due from ' Banks 197,907.44 Total $801,885.84 ONLY BOLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS SEPTEMBER VICTOR RECORDS JUST OUT We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hiilsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IFYOUR EYES ARE .TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street Hiilsboro, Oregon W. W. MeEldowney, Cashier. E. P BurliiiKham S. G. H ughea LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 60,445.11 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 701,140.23 Total .$801,585.81 Victrolas, $25 to $40 The Delta Drug Store