The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 04, 1919, Image 1

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    ' V JIL J. . .... .JftJP'-
NO. 2G
By October 15th Travel Can be
Having Smooth Sailing
Thoroughfare to Make Portland
Travel Eay After the Bump
(iulliilc ft Comumiy are rapidly
(iiiMliiiig tliu paving for tin- stale
liixliwny wtftiin lliu corporate
limits of llilUlmro, itml if itiatcr
iiil nIuiiiiiiU art! not delayed tin
route (hruugli thi city will be liii
ixheti with in ten days, nml open
ed to travel by October 15. A
part of the roul will be opened
within a few tiny, an it lias been
"hi I" for at leiiHt thirty day, nud
thli in the time limit for curing.
Ily Monday morning there
were hut about "even block to
complete ami when material is
on hand the fort'r can jmvebout
a block each da'.
Owing to car uliortage, bow
ever, it it alway welt to diseount
the future, no the men in churge
say that all will be completed
within ten dayn, Thin will mean
that by the middle of October the
entire utrctch between North
ltaiige anil the canter n city limits
en 11 he used in connection with
that portion of the highway
w hich will nt that time be open
ril. That will in ran an far eit-l
mi lleavertoii without douht.
After yrarn of hard sledding
between Hillsboro ami Jleiiver
ton the imiiiith surface of the ce
ment will be a welcome change
to trnvi-lcri, and going to the
Hose City will br n pleasure in
stead of a trip filled with Impre
cations by the profane, and
"lllcni My SouU" by the rever
ent. l'.ven should the route between
lleavertoii and the Multnomah
line he not ready there will be at
least a pretty fair mad from Hea
verton on in to town over two or
three routes. Warren Ilros. will
doubtless: by some time in Octo
ber have a roiiniilrraWe part of
the Hcnvrrton-C'anyon road
completed tt that there wjll be
but a tihort Jistancc'of turnouts.
Regular meeting uf the Coffee
Club, Saturday, Sept. flth, at 2:80
p. in., at the home of Mrs. L. V.
Hyde, at 1854 Lincoln Street
Mm. Wells and Mrs. Hyde, honl
esses. Topic, "Community Needs
and How to Meet Them."
Little l'smerclda Coulter, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mm. James Coul
ter, of 1740 Washington Street,
wan awarded a -score of Ul2 per
cent at the Parents' Educational
Bureau, Portland, a short time
ago. The little lady scored as
high as any child in the contest,
ami Hillsboro is naturally very
proud of her. Mr. and Mrs.
Coulter's two other children
scored 100 per cent in contests
in the State of Washington, prior
to their coming here, Esmcreldn
was born in South Hend, Wash.,
where the. Coulters have lived ev
er since the town started, and
where the Coulter men have ran
steamers and engine rooms on
vessels since dipt. Simpson first
started navigation on the Hay of
the Willapa.
The standard of service a bank renders to its
customers in particular and the community in
general may be fairly measured by its degree of
The confidence which this bank enjoys is the
resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial
banking seiwiee to the people of this community.
We Invite your banking business, both com
' mcrclal and savings accounts, on the record of
our high standard of service.
Assets over $800,000.
Mr. and Mr, Krvin Hurkhalter
are spending the week at Netnrt.
11. W, I'rickctt, of Hanks, pass
ed through town Tuesday, en
nui te, for Portland.
Flowerj or funeral and other
occasions. Itergen Moral Co ,
Hillsboro. 82 tf
1''. M. Austin, of below lleaver
toii, wan an Argus caller the first
of the week.
John Oppenlandrr, of Varley,
was greeting 'friends In town
Picking begin at the Thorn
burgh hopyiird, northeast of
Hillsboro, September Kth.
I'ord touring car for tale. Al
most new, and in beit condition.
Ha run 8,000 milct. C. .
Hedge, Heaverton, Or. 17
Mis Marion Lytic visited over
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mr, t". P.. I.ytle, at Salem.
Han Jtnsmusseli, of above
Moutitnindule, was in the city the
last of the week, greeting friends.
Auto truck hauling and general
transfer. Town or country trip.
Telephone 872. Kmmet Nicho
demua. J5-27
W. X. Iluthorn returned from
N'etarts the last of the week, bis
family returning the end of the
present week.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kngcldiug
cr, were over to Hillsboro Sun
day and Labor Day, visiting with
the Knnnotts and Mr. Baldwin.
Am through threshing, and
have three or four hundred emp
ty grain sack for sale. Ed. I..
S'aylor, Forest (irove, Oregon.
Phone 0185. 2(i-tf
Mr. L, II. Barrett and son.
John, returned the last of the
week from Montana, where they
were guests of Dr. Ira Barrett
and family.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Olsrn have
returned from their trip to Wald
port and the Alsea country, and
Fred is again handling the mail
on itoute 4.
All person wing bills to the
undersigned ill please cull and
settle or send ii check .'. omiv
Bishop Bros., Hillsboro, Ore.,
R. 1, formerly of Banks, R. 8,
above Mountnindale. 24-27
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Metr.ler, of
Flrdiilc, South Tualatin, depart
ed yesterday for Belleville, Indi
ana, for a three montlu' visit
their first trip back to the tld
home for 28 years.
Mr. and Mr. John Powell, of
Portland, were out Sunduy, the
guesli of Mrs. M. A. Powell, go
ing on to the hill above Dilley,
where they will visit at the Den
nis ranch. John spent a few days
in the bill after a buck.
Only monument dealers in
Washington County. Drop u a
card, and we will show you our
sample. Write or call on us, at
1308 Main St., HilUboro. Ore
gon Monument Work, Hillsboro,
Oregon. . 49-tf
F. II. Bowlby, of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Tuesday. Mr.
Bowlby has bought some regis
tered Jersey cows and heifers,
and will have a public sale Sept.
'."2 and sell his grade stock. His
griides are all line producers, but
F. H. wants to get into register
ed stock as rapidly as possible,
hence the sale.
The Elks' Overland Sedan will be
disponed of Saturday of this
week. Those interested should
he on bnnd, for someone is going
to drive that car home.
Best Crop of Winter Wheat Ever
Raised in the District
Hop Picking Begins and Price is
Quoted at Better Than 50 Cents
Harvest is about closed ho far as
the grain crop of Wailiingtun
County is concerned, and the re
suit is the hi st yield of Wind r
wheat ever known in the district.
There is here and there it farm
that has not threshed, but it is
the exception. Spring grain was
only an average yield.
The acreage of W inter wheat
was more limn heavy probably
the heaviest in history, even in
the days v. hen grain wax I lie
principal crop.
Many lields went bitter th.m
40 bushels per acre, and the gen
eral average is close around ys
It is estimated that a million
and a half bushels of wheal wen-
placed on the market ns the re
sult of l!M) harvests, ami ,-is mi
wheat went under the $'2.tW mark
this means much money for pro
ducer. Hop Picking Commencing
Hop picking is begiiiniiiLr in a
number of yards, and the crop,
while not heavy, is of excellent
cpiality. The yards are not nu
merous, owing to so many iilian-
doninir their lit Ms ami souiim to
other crops us the result of pre
vailing poor prices for a term of
Hops being now better than
SO cents has caused quite a stir,
and many new yards have been
planted thi year in anticipation
of better price levels indicated
bv strength of demand after Hie
close of the war.
Ellrnsburg, Wn., Sept. 8. (Spec
ial to the Argus) France O'Con
nor, of Hillsboro, Oregon, who
specialized in the grammar de
partment at the Washington State
Normal School, at Ellensburg, re
ceived her diploma August 27.
The Normal School awarded Hi
life diplomas, 28 diplomas and 11
certificates to students from five
states at the close of tin Summer
Miss O'Conner is n daughter of
the late Mrs. Ella O'Conner, and
is a niece of Attorney Wm. G.
Hare mid Mrs. Henrietta Mor
Am leaving ranch ami will sell at
public sale, nt the place, .')'..
miles northwest of North Plains,
on B. P. Cornelius road, and .'I
miles from Mountaindale, at
ten a. m., on
Team black Perchero.n marcs, !
years, 2200; black Pcrchcron
colt, 15 months; horse, 10 years,
1100; bay horse, 8 years, 1175;
bay horse, 7 years. 1050. I'linrini
teeil work single or doubl-1; mule
colt, 14 months; mule colt, .'! yrs
next Spring; mule colt, coming 2
in Spring; Grade Holstein cow. I
yrs, fresh time of sale; 2 grade
Holstein heifers, .1 yrs. fresh last
of Sept.; cow, Jerscy-llolstcin, 5
yrs, good milker, fresh Nov. 21;
Jersey cow, in milk, 8 yrs, fresh
Jan. 80 next; (i hogs, Johnston
(i-ft cut binder, good shape; Os
borne mower, hayrnkc, Tiger
drill, disc, 14-inch plow, single
shovel cultivator, 5-toolh cultiva
tor, two 60-tooth steel frame har
rows, 3-inch Mitchell wagon. !t1't
Mitchell wagon, Spaulding hack,
Spaulding buggy, 2 vets did har
ness for work, one nearly new ;
set , buggy harness, set double
hack harness, (i tons Winter oats,
several tons loose hay; 150 ft
hay rope and fork; 1 ' acres late
potatoes, 1 H-egg incubator,
green bone mill, 00-gal gasoline
tank, Noi 8 cook stove, good con
dition, heater, .3 beds, dresser,
sideboard, 2 organs, dining table,
8 chairs, 5 rockers, kitchen treas
ure, 3 10-gnl stone jars, 2 wash
tubs, nearly new clothes wringer,
and many other articles.
All cows tuberculin tested.
Lunch at noon.
Terms $20 and under, cash;
over, 8 months' bankable note, nt
8 per cent. Two per cent ofT on
cash over $20.
Harlen Kelly, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Henry Fuegy, of Phillips, was
u city caller yesterday.
John Freiidenthal, of below
Newton, was a city caller Tues
Going to fix up the home a bit?
Good idea. See the C. C. Store
for wall paper. 25-27
George Madison, of below
Iteedville, was a city caller the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pcrrv Gardner,
of Quutama, were in the city La
bor Day.
The Thoriiburgli hopyard will
begin picking at the yard north-
ast of Hillsboro, September 8.
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
--Sunday services, Masses at 8
and I0:.')0. Week days, Mat; at
8;'.'0.- -J. T. Costelloe, Rector.
Win. Meicrjcrgen, of near
Oreiieo, was in the citTucsday
Frank Bernards, of Verboort,
was a city caller Tuesday eve
ning. "Oak wood for sale four-foot
and Hi-inch. Delivered on order.
Fred Eggiman, Hillsboro, Ore.,
R. 1. 26-28
The market reports show that
prime hop are now up to 53
cents. Those w ho still have yards
are feeling good over prospects.
Fred Willis was in from the
Helvetia section the last of the
week just getting ammunition
to bag that venison.
Wanted Position as salesla
!y, by college girl. A year of
business experience. Can do
stenographic work. Address Box
hi, Forest Grove, Ore. 26
Miss Marie Lt.iuger, of Asto
ria, was the guest of the Sam
Stephens family, Mrs. Ludemia
Anderson, and the Tom Gheens,
the past week.
W. G. Hare, Russell Morgan
and E. M. Calcf motored to Me
tulius and Redmond and other
Central Oregon points, last week,
returning late Sunday evening.
For Sale Yellow Bantam
Sweet Corn, for canning pur
poses. Any quantity. H. D., corner Eighth and
Oak Sts., Hillsboro. Phone
2477. 25-27
Ed. Morrill, of Lane County,
came up the last of the week for
a short visit with his perents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Morrill and with
the Theo. Pointers, of Portland
Ray Reasoiicr is putting in the
bridge for the county at Gales
l'itvv McClaren has started rock
laying on the highway and in a
mouth it is expected that the
road to Gales will be in better
Vulcanizing, Half-Soling, Re
Treading, etc., done at the Foster
Tire Shop, between Third and
Fourth, on Main St Hillsboro.
We have a full-equipped shop,
and guarantee our work to be of
the best. 25-87
Mr. mid Mrs. Chris Zimmer
man, of Black Falls, Alberta,
Canada, motored from their home
in the North to visit Mr. and Mrs,
John Gfeller, of above Mountain-
dale, and hosts and guests were
in the city Tuesday, The Gfel
lers anil .lmmermaus were
friends back in Kansas thirty
vears ago. The Zimmerman
mav eventually locate in Oregon
To the Taxpayers of Washington
County, Oregon:
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Equalization of Wash
ington County, Oregon, will meet
on Monday, September 8, 1919,
at the Court House, in Hillsboro,
in Washington County, that be
ing the second Monday in Sep
tember, and the time and place
provided by law to publicly ex
amine the assessment rolls of
said County for 1919, and cor
rect all errors in valuation and
description or quantities of land,
lots or other properties, and it is
the duty of all persons interested
to appear at the time and place
appointed, and if it shall appear
to the. Board of Equalisation that
there are any lands, lots or other
property assessed twice or in the
name of a person or persons not
the owner of the same or assess
ed under or beyond its value or
any lots, lands or other proper
ties not assessed said Board of
Equalization shall make the
proper correction.
The Board will remain In ses
sion for one month from Sept. 8,
Assessor of Washington Coun
ty. Oregon.
Hillsboro, Ore., Aug. 4, 1919.
Will Build New Parsonage on th
Third Street Property at One
Also Make Some Necessary Im
provement! on the Church Bldg.
Business of real importance to
the City of Hillsboro was trans
acted last Monday evening, at
the Fourth (Quarterly Conference
of the Methodiot Episcopal
X'hurch, when it was voted to
build an entire new parsonage on
the garden tract of the parsonage
property; remodel the old resi
dence and rent it out; and make
some necessary repairs and im
provement on the church struc
ture itself, such as repainting,
etc. John W. Shute, President of
the Board of Trustees, was made
chairman of the committee on
building and repairs, and he will
have supervision of the work,
w hich is to be done as rapidly as
material can be assembled and
men procured to perform the
work in hand.
The M. E, Church has been
greatly advanced by the power of
the energetic centennary move
ment taking place in the denom
ination, and Hillsboro becomes a
beneficiary of the Centennary
tender. Rev. Walton Skipworth's
three years of pastorate has been
marked by a harmony and good
feeling so characteristic that the
hureh is fitly styled "The
Church of the Friendly Greet
ing." At the recent meeting the af
fairs of the church in all depart
ments revealed a condition so
satisfactory that the organization
and the pastor had worked to
successful issues to the extent
that a change at this time was not
desired, and it was voted to ask
the M. E. Conference to return
Mr. Skipworth for his fourth
year. The request was unani
mous, and the decision will be
determined at the coming confer
ence, which will convene at Sa
lem, October 1.
It is stated that citizens out
side of the church organization
will present a memorial to the
conference asking that Rev. Skip
worth be retained a tribute
rarely extended to a minister.
By his broad vision and keen
insight and sympathies, Rev.
Skipw orth has endeared himself
to all-Hillsboro, and his friends
in and out of the church hope
that the conference will heed the
request to be sent to them next
We w ill sell at public sale on our
farm, 4,4 miles southwest of Bea
verton, and one mile north of the
Scholia Ferry road, on Cooper
Mountain, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
Team bay horses, 12 years, 1850
each; 4 cows, two Guernseys, a
Holstein and a Jersey, all giving
good How,; 2 Holstein heifers, 2
years old; hack, wood wagon,
light farm wagon, mower, rake,
cultivator. 12-inch plow, steel
lever harrow, disc, corn cutter,
feed cutter, stump puller with "f0
ft cable, stump jack, clover seed
er, corn planter, cream separator,
10-gallon milk can, 5-gallon milk
can, 20-gal churn, 25-gallon iron
kettle, grindstone, spray pump,
set work harness, two wagon
springs, organ, axes, forks, farm
tools, and numerous other arti
cles. Lunch at noon.
Terms Under $20, cash; $20
and over 6 months' bankable note
nt 8 per cent. Two per cent off
on cash over $20.
A. and G. Reusser, Owners.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
John Venderwal, Clerk.
Hop picking will begin at the
Maxwell hop yard, above Moun
taindale, on Dairy Creek, on
Thursday, Sept. 4th. Good wood
and water, fruit and vegetables,
such as grown on the place, will
be furnished campers free. 18
J. J. Schmitke, of below Van
couver, Wash., was over the first
of the week, getting walnut slips
from the Ferd Groner orchards
for transplanting on the Clark
County ranch. The visitor still
owns bis Mountaindale farm, and
says that when we get the state
highway completed, and the work
finished on the Hillsboro-Moun-taindale
road, it will be only a
short drive between places.
. , HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
. .Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags , t
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ,'. '
. ONIONS- Grain chopped or . ;
. . rolled at any tinv
Lumber, Shingles aid Lath
Beaver State flour
The Best Flour at the Love:t Prices.
" Telephone; Hillsboro, Main 14,
, Cornelius, City 1515, North I'la.i., Main 263. .
J. A. Tbornburgh,
John E. Bailey,
Vice President
9. K. Cheney, H.E.
Cashier Asa istant
Laaas $878,636.39
U. S. Bonds 172,946.13
Other Bonds -28,S99.50
Banking House- 18,S75.88a
Other real estate 6,120.00
Stock in Fed. Re
serve Bank 1,800.00
Cash and due front
Banks 197,907.44
r-TT TTrn-TiTrn tinam
rwi i ii i i in Millie . - - -a -
We Have the Neatest and Most Compile Stock of j
In the Gtyof HilUboro. We do repair '
work in first-class work and our charges i
are always reasonable
Main Street t
W. VV. McEldowney,
B. P Burlingham
.-v G. Hughes
$25 to $40
The DeUa Drug Store
and Optician
Hillsbsro. Oregon