see HlLLSBOR IHE VOL. XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 31, 1919 NO. 21 GAS CAR TELESCOPES CABOOSE ON FREIGHT Tillamook Gasoline Driven Cnr F.nroute to Dallas, Collides BREAKS LEG OF ENGINEER Mechanician Has Ankle Frac turcd Sninili-up Sunday Mom Tin- dHiilinr nir w hjrli li.t linn iimkiiin tin' Tillamook Wlu-i-h-r run for Home tiuu-, Sutid.-iy iihh-ii-Ini!, Miiilhlinl inlit the rcitr of lilt' ! tiiliiiiisi- nf n(.'Kiiii( train which! was (linked on. tin- main Tilla mook lint- Inside tin- llillslioro yard limits, with I in result that Mutineer lluslar, njjed alioul 1,0 Jrir, siislaineil it liroken h-ft just In o tlx- hip, mill Mechanician Mliiniek friietiin-il his ankle. Ex tra ( iiiiiluetnr MrNnrVi in charge if (he motor, was nut in jure, I. 'I'hi- ucelvline hh heiullif,'ht of the luotor was smaslieil when llie pilot of the car leli i'oK il tin- i ii hnose mill Imth ears were set on lire. Tin' lire ilrmrtinciil was culled mill remind the seem- in lime to tiiiiilsh the hlae, or (mill motor niul cmIiihim- would have liei n total losses, Comliielor McNnry says that he htul no knowledge of any train In-ill' nil tin- main line, and there were no lihtu on the radon. c. When I'.nilleer lhihbir saw the eahoose louiiliiiK u ill the dark lo ss hi- applied the iiir ami juinp- j il, break Inn his; c:f when lie struck the ground. The itieciriii ie indentured .to juuii, hut1 -it li x li I his foot, an. I ns dually iirifiuTU irniii nir cnr ty the coti iliietor. MeNnry, nlllioiigli tin- enrs were nil ami', went iniderucath i mid cut off the gas tnipply. II id : this not liein iiccoinpli lied tin re wciiild linve been n nasty cxplo himi when llu- Ihiniex n aclicd the reservoir. The ncchli-nt responsiliility has mil been placed as yet, although mi invi-stigntion has been held. The rules are that an engineer in side tin yard limits must have control of his power to such an extent that lie can stop his train within "tiering distance," Conductor I'lulcrhill wits in chnrge of the freight which w as ! pcrieuce during Iho elect rie storm parked. i last week. He was passing be- Chief Mi I.Miiclilan eaine out j tween his bants when the electric' Sumlav morning and looked over j lluid struck and he felt the shock. the wrecks nml sent them inlo;hcn he went into the burn In; I'ltrll.ind oil their own wheels. discovered that all of the lighN The collision occurred about on one side of the barn wen! i!;.'IO in the morning, and llie promptness with which the de paitinent respoiub'd showed good work. 1 lie loss will run around $-',001). The mechanic was able In lal e the morning train into Cortland, but Engineer Hosbir, who was cared for bv Dr. K. II. Smith, will be laid up fur many weeks. David Iblgg, of below Hecd ville, was a city caller Monday morning. Some big fours (used) Ove.' luud.i, and others: at right prices. K. L. Perkins. 3 tf The awning over the front of the County Agent's quarloi-s in the National Hank Annex, caught lire during the night and was ex tinguished hy Nighl Olliecr Tom F.inrick, after he was compelled to lear most of the shade away. No one knows what slarlcd the blaze. Service... The standard of service a bank renders to its customers in particular and the community in general may be fairly measured hy its degree of success. The ronfiilenrc which this bank enjoys Is the resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial banking service to the people of this community. We invite your banking business, both com mercial and savings accounts, on the record of our high standard of service. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Hurry W'ol fnril, of Hunks, wu-i a I'ilv viiilnr I In- HinI uf tin' wii k l-'or Siih- l'ln runj(c, ood iin new, Cull I IilM.oro. 21 Court ltriortrr IIiiiiviiii wn j nut from I'lirtluiiil Munil.iy inoni j Mr. riml M n. I'.. I.. . iiIiiihiiii j inoliiri il to ,Sliii)rrd Springs mill rciinifiit'd over Sunday. Sri- tin' IlilUliuro Trailing Co. nliout hilling your imN, liny, w IicmI, t lih-kt us, pork, etc. "Ulf Attorney "f l'rt laiul, wits out M oinl ay , on i n 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 lift - illCSM for till- V(ll fj l I' I ht.lll', of S In-r w ul . Dr. V. D. V mil, v.h .si- fminlv is pt tilling the season ill Uuck.i n.'iV, rami' over .Niiuriy to riiii.'iiii a week in III-' rily. Ir. I'll m- will tlosi- 'i ullii every Til l.' silny nfli-rno-ni iliiriim tlx- Su nt in i r m ason until further notice. li. If Mr. anil Mrs. (ico. I'.ininotl wclil lo ,Sl. Martin's for n w ei k M.-irtiiitr fvi t u rila y iiioiiiiiil;. J In V were aecouiiaiiii il hy Mrs. 11; win. Harry Siixtou, who returned last week from overseas, drought it 1 r-lu ll liriile liome with linn Harry looks us iho his lrii nyrei il with him. Wanted : llei'f i-nltlc, hogs and sheep. Will pay brut price for good stuff. I hone licavcrlon Mail address, W. V. Mcllnr, Keedville, Oregon. 35-88 ill.- llillslioro 1'nst of tin Amerieaii l.cuion will meet in tin derails room in the county court house, I iiriulu v in iiniij, (August .1, ut h o'clock. All i -' service melt arc invited. i I). I'.. I rank, ol Kecilvillc, was ! up to tl.c city Sattinl.'i t . t.ikintr a r, N( ,,f(cr helping J. A. kii kw o ul JJul m l:ty t roj. O. I'., was ,, Li ,,wr kiikwood' l.ri.e .1 - ------ - -i lot, on Sixth, to see what the outlook is for idling a silo. Stolen- I'ockc Ihuok, coiitain Htoiiey, rings, letter, i le. If par ly, who is known, who took hame, w ill return rings, letter, and other articles he may keep the money Mini mi ipieslion.s will be asked. Kings highly pri.ed bv owner.--Mrs. M. lYi'singcr, llillslioro, II, I. .inn Wood had quite an cx- burned out, and in another part of the barn every oilier light was burned out. Scleral lights were also bullied out in his house. The two transformers taking the cur reitl to his irrigation plant down on the bottom, next to the Tual atin, were completely burned out and had lo be repaired before ir rigation could resume. REEDVILI.E ALOHA With W'eisenb.-iek twirling mar velous ball, Itecdville put the. skids under Aloha, Sunday, for the third lime this season, 7 to .'I. Aloha's pitcher was formerly with the N. W'. league, but Un moral elTeel of the fact appeared not lo count, as enough hit's were, garnered oil' him lo enable tilt! Itecih illeiles lo score heavily, while a few scattered bits were all that Aloha could glean off W'ei sen back's offerings. Tan. Much Paving is Contracted for by Highway Commission SHEEP SHEARERS GET MON Review Says From Twenty to Thirty Dollars Daily '.ii-ilie Highway through Oregon tn be hard surfaced I li feel w ide, Savings in, sl.ili- banks show increase of ff 1 I ,:PJM,8.H() for fiscal X ear, Ml. Angel pushing rail exleii hiiiii with right of way ouniiittec. Highway from 1!om Alyrlic I'oint surveyed r.' ( )n U'ni ( ity - ( 'mm! v lung to to cost paving 'i -mile I ri I c. ol Seaside i'l.ilis completed for 1 I rge in w hotel here. Powers has an auditorium cost ing if'iDIM). llond Hit cr has two new pack ing plants for fruit crop, cost '.' .001). Alhina shipyard for four steel vt'ssi gets contract s for Norwav. Marshlii Id New sawmill lo be located on ( 'mis Hay. Hood Kivi r Contracts b t for 'IT miles hard surface hithway. Pciiil - s. ooo contract for 1 1 .. miles of highunv let." Pi ndletoii ijiHOOO improve ments to be uiade at Haw thorite StlllMll. Portland Iiy. I.. P. Co. con sidering important power devel opment on upper waters of thu Clackamas river. (iold lieach Contract for 8.8 miles hiuhwav let for $!!!, SK). Astoria Flouring Mill Cos new mill being rushed to completion. Yale - Contract for big 3' , storv limn- mill and warehouse is let. ' Klamath Falls New hospital being built here. Telephone Company allows b.-ii-k pav to striking cmplovcs I'ltiii June 1 li. Pendleton County starts high- xv a v lietweell l.ahliaire Hill and K.'imela, Slaiilicbl Large building of St.inlield Auto Co. Hears comple tion. noM'liurg IS. lilt) acres agri- liltural and timber lands in 1 mi i;l.-t s county, and 7i,'!! acres in Cons county open to entry. ( 'orvallis- I'.xcavation started for itwll.OOO I'ligiueeritiir buihlinur t O. A. C. Astoria Work on const ruc tion of new main building of As- loii.i Paper Co's plant com menced. Improvements lo cost $ K),0()0. Contract for paving a 12-mUe si retell between F.ugcne and .Junction let for ir,.".(!.00:t.,ri0. Shipping board allots 2J) steel curriers lor l'acilie coast eont- meree. Slalu Highway commission let 1 :i emit racts of roads. Cusluti.-in - Delia Shingle Co. buys eipiipnient for logging road. Sheep shearers making .20 to 2.5 a day. Paving contract from Scnfert lo 1 he Dalles awarded. Coiilraet let for paving Salem to Dallas for ff.'f.'O.T lli. Asluria to have two new- apart ment houses, four and six story. Mhaity Prospects excellent for greatest building year that Albany has enjoyed since l!H2. Jicedsport Warehouse it Pudd ing Co. to build large warehouse and dock on waterfront. THRESHING TO STAPT A. D. Hill, of above Laurel, was in town Tuesday. His baler still has several days work, and when completed be will start his thresher on the hill, turning out several sittings on the way down, and then work in the valley. Ha says Unit he looks for the general average of Winter wheat to hit around ,'lt) or :V2 bushels, allho there will be many fields which will go 40 and over. Mr. Hill says that the last week of warm weather injured the head on both ends, and this naturally has cut down the prospective yield. Mr. Hill expects to get his separator started Monday, at least, and L. llulz, of Piloouiiiig, will by that time hi: in the field. There aru .several outfits already threshing, but mine of the big ones is start-til. Alfred Kriekiion, of Mountain dale, was in town Monday. For greater value In used cars don't fail to see Perkins. (i. Schumacher, of ni-ar Quata ma, was up to the county scat Tuesday morning. Warren Williams, of above Motiutaiiidale, was a city call Tuesday afternoon. W'oodsaw for sain cheap; will trade for second-hand car. (J IL Carter, Hillsboro. 19-21 Sam Kutiz, of Portland, for iiterly of Uethany ami Orenro was out from Portland, Tuesday iiieeting with county friends. Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Martin and two children, of Turner, were guests at the ). II. Cobb home the last of the week. For Sab Lot (55x198 feet, on F.ighth end Fir; four blocks from school; near highway. J. W Enochs, Hillsboro. 21-2.1 Lou Hammond, who is work ing for Frank Lackey, at Hub bard, was ovtr Tuesday, be tween trains. Lou says that Lackey has 80 acres in hops over in Marion County. E. A. Lewis, with the Haskell Carpenter Co., of Cherry Grove, was in the city Saturday. He re ported quite a fire in at the head of Sain Creek, and through his request Gov. Olcott sent the state patrol ii; to stop its ravages. K. I. Kuratli has his office in the Hillsboro National Bank Pudding, upstairs, Main St. en trance. Real estate, loans, insur ance, insurance of autos, etc., conveyancing. Notary public. Hillsboro, Ore. 80-tf Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Long, of Portland, and Bud McDonough, a brother of Mrs. Long, were out Sunday, guests of the L. A. Longs, McDonough recently re turned from France, where he was at the front for over a year. W. W. Moscow and wife, ac companied by Mrs. I). P. Patter son, of Dallas, motored to St. Martin's Springs, Saturday night, returning Sunday. They report 1). P. as getting along nicely af ter living iiWhe mineral waters for a week. Mrs. Patterson re turned to Dallas the first of the week. For Sale Several head of cows, heifers and calves; cows are Jersey grades; heifers and calves run to Holsteins. Will sell reasonable if taken at once. All cows are in milk, and some com ing fresh this Fall. Also have bop press and supplies which will be sold reasonable if taken at once. E. L. Ma pes, 8 miles west of Laurel store. Address, Laurel, Ore. 21-28 Attorney Chas. J. Sc-hnabel, of Portland, is the proud grand father of a boy, born recently to his son-in-law and daughter, Ser geant O'Neil and wife. Chas. re ceived the news at Victoria, B. C, just as he was going to take a flight in a Curtis plane. The air man took Chas. up 8,500 feet and signalled the new grandfather the query if he wished to go high er. "Sehn.-ibel signalled back to make it a mile, so as to give his granilfatherly head plenty of room. They went the mile and Chas. is determined to make an aviator of the grandson. LIME USE GETS RESULTS That results in the use of lime should not be looked for too quickly after applications and that its value may not show up for some time is demonstrated on the farms of Ferd Groner, of Seholls, and F. Peerenboom, of Boy. On the latter farm very fa vorable results were noted on clover one year after the appli cation of lime, while Mr. Groner reports that he is still getting re sults from lime applied six year ago, and he can easily see by the increased growth the point to w hich lime was used. From the 60 or 70 tests of soils in different parts of the county the necessity for the use of lime is assured, with the exception of the beaverdam soils. All other types show that 14 to 8 tons are needed to correct acidity. It should he applied after plowing previous to seeding of a legu minous crop the following spring, and considering that It will give results for four or five years, its cost of four or five dollars per ton should notdiscourage its pur chase. Orders should now be made for ground lime stone to Insure receipt before the rains set in In the Fall. County Agent. GETS QUAINT IETTER Offender Send Woman Officer of Foreat Grove a Present NOW GOING JIGIIT ROAD Youngster, Once Arrested, Sends Her Handsome Wrist Watch Dora Heed Barber, with the U. S. Dept. of Justice, last week re ceived a neat lillle wrist watch, the donor being unknown. She is wearing the gift with much satisfaction, and will not disclose the name of the donor. She inti mates that "Me" is a discharged soldier anil the "kid" is now his wife. The husband was taken into custody by Mrs. Barber some months ago, just after the war started, and the letter ac companying the gift shows that the young fellow b-is acquired the law of averages nicely. He said: T used to hate you like poison, but I guess you were right and I was wrong. Anyhow, 1 learned some things that they don't teach in school, and one of them is that some day you'll get what is com ing to you. You helped me learn it. I am willing to pay for my schooling. The kid thinks you will like what we are sending. You'll le glad to know one of us is trotting square again, and that's what me and the kid are doing. All I can say is go get em." Mrs. Barber says "ine and the kid" are married but you could not get her to tell you who they are or w here they are living. The official has been abused many times, and unjustly, and only the officers of the law know just how valuable her work is to society. FROM THE MAYOR Hillsboro, July 29, 1919. It appears that the North Coast Power Company has adopted some rules restricting the use of water for sprinkling and irrigat ing purposes. These rules have been mailed to all water users within the City of Hillsboro. In the circular so mailed it explains that the company is furnishing the water to the contractors building the state highway, inti mating thereby that the city must be deprived of the use of water so long as the company is selling water to the contractors; in other words, the contractors are given a preference over the wa ter users of the city, ami therefore, are eonseipiently strieted in its use. we, re- t his My purpose in making statement is to call attention to the fact that in mv opinion the North Coast Power Company has no authority to estaniisii any rules or regulations in conflict ith the provisions of the fran chise; or if such rules or regula tions are attempted by tjie com pany, then the same must be ap proved by the Public Service Commission. The franchise pro vides that the company must fur nish the city with an ample sup ply of water. Unquestionably, this is not being done or restric tions in its use would not be nec essary, tm tar, the city lias no information that the recent regu lations have been approved bv the Commission. Therefore, in my judgment, the water users of the city, pay ing by meter, are not legally or morally required to pay any at tention to the regulations of the company above referred to. Users of water on a flat rate mav be subject to such regulations, but certainly not those served bv meter. Respectfully, John M. Wall, M.ivc.,-. SGT. NELSON HOME Wm. Nelson Jr., who was with the Engineers in France, return ed the last of the week, and is enjoying a rest with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson Sr. Will was handling a motor truck for his corps, and was kept busy 11 the time. He says that he saw very tew Washington lounty boys while over there. Nelson savs the service Agreed with him and his appearance justifies the assertion. Try tie Argus, $1.80 per year. C.B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plaint Wholesale nnd ! u ' ' - r In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A- Thornburgh, President. D. B. Cheney, AaahrUnt Cashier John E. Bailey, , Vice President H. E. Ferrin, Assistant Cashier. FORESTGROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans -1871,686.89 - 172,846.18 U. S. Bonds. Other Bonds 28,688.50 Banking House. 18,978.88 Other real estate 6,120.00 Stock in Fed. Re serve Bank 1,800.00 Cash and due from Banks 187,807.44 Total $801,818.14 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID MR. DAIRYMAN THERE IS A REASON 21 Gals, of NOX-A-FLY sold in 1916 98 Gals, of NOX-A-FLY sold in 1917 213 Gals, of NOX-A-FLY sold in 1918 BECAUSE NOX-A-FLY is the most effective fly spray made It is non-poisonous. It is sold under an absolute guarantee to be satisfactory or "money refunded. THE DELTA DRUG STORE We Have the Neatest anfd Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAI Jvweler and Optician Main Street HilUboro. Oregon W. W. MeEldownoy, Cashier. E. F. Burlingham S. 0. Hughes LIABILITIES 1 Capital . $28,000.00 Surplus 0,441.11 Circulation 28,000.00. Deposit 701,140.19 . 4, Total ON SAVINGS mm 1