3 i M ... j' ... HILXSHORO, 0RK0ON, JULY 24; 1919 NO. 20 VOL. XXVI 2 i i n UP 111 lUNChEOM Btiftiiu-ii Men See Grunt l.oiu n.i Keitult of Untidy Buck Preiiiioit ASK ABOUT WATER USF. Mnniir Tell of I'ive Timon th Output of 1918 Thr Iniiiut'H null. Iiiiirliiou tit tin- IInli I Viisliiii(ilini, M oiiit i v ilium, wit quili' will ittli ml' d, notw illi(iiiidiiig !)' f " thiit 11 Willi- lirntiil mm ii hi anil uiiiuy mil of (nun. 1-1 1 it-r .Inliiitiiii, of llu- Will.c. Alish it t ('"., pri-.ld.-d. II.- as; id M tyor Wnll to r.port iu lli" until r if ilu rn-.! of a pi-numo "I m iliini for niiiiisi iiiciil iiinl iltiui-iilg purpost t at tin- tit V aik :iiul tin- lA.-culivt- Miiil Hint mi iir iltiliit Iiinl In.-uli- ixtimat'- if lji,OI)l) fur tin- hlrurliirr ami ili iHi-.-H-iliiH. Tin- plnii, howi-t.-r. wni I. hi fiiii-li.il I" I'l-'i'ti'-'l-,mi.l in all prolml.ilil.v Mayor W ill -ays. tin- pavilion iotil.1 I ' limit for Imif of H iiioiu y. M miiil tliat tin' I'otiii.iiltri-, of wlih li ,i- is a mi'inWr, will t'd.f il up uilh l.tisiin--i nu n to m i- wlmt rail li' iloni- in Uii' affair a a mat-ti-r of Iiivtmriit, tin- turning t ri-.liiri' llu- priniipal mot pa.V e rurd iutirist. Anotlirr report i ill Iir Hindi! later. Mr. Il.isi-ow nport.d Hint th-4-oitiiiiit tct on roimty l'air l ail in. I with tin- (iriingi-r an. I tint . oiillililt. r hid liri'll uppoillt'l from tliat inciting, tin.! nn effort will hi- mmli- to linvin miiii pl.iei d in til,- ('utility hudget this I all lo Im- put to i voli' at the aiiniial l.ii.li'i t meeting. Mi-r. Weliruiig ami Killin, t wi ll ai tin' Mnvor, tallii il -u tin- mutter In fore tin- liiuclu toi. A. ('. Shut. rallril tin- attention if the gentlemen to tin ion.!ilioii i f the liaik preini-.es of luisim hoiie, ami naiil llmt tin- eoiuli tlon wire hiii-Ii tliat fin was eon Htautly inviti il. Tin- n.i( t.-r -of w ntrr prrsniri' wai aKo t.iki u up ami thr Mavor mul Coum il w i r. III-?!-.! to ti-i that we Jtrt ' Vr" mirr that will !' i ffrrlivr in r" liiw of fin-. J-'riim tin- ntlituili' of thosi prrsriit, mul i-xplanationi of lumi ni si lin n, It ln iinN to look in Hut HilUlioro iiiuit siiuiirr or I it- r liive a garbage plant to lou niiiiu' ilrlirii ami ri fusr now p-.i.-in;' li n kvarils lu liiinl lla- luisim lion . i s. lhislni-ss turn say tlx v (ti iinnt liavr tnnks lo li.inl lliis Muff away ih tlu ri- Is no plai-i' to nnloail it. Tiny liver Hi it llu cit v .iarla'i' Jump amiol an-oui moilati' tlu ir refuse am1 limy can mil put it on private properly no it appears tliat Hie eily nimt proviJe a )ilnee for tliis, Mr. Mailinif, of Hie loeal can nery, reporteil tint his company was put titer up five times llu- oi-l put this year that the cannery di I in )1N, ami lie said that there was much machinery bought which they could not in-.t -ll o, in ir lo the fact that they h id no sewer connection. lie said the firm had paid out thousands of dollars for product and lalior. and they intended enlaruintr the plant this conifiiir Winter so as to hclter handle the fruit and veifetnM. the district will grow. lie said that he knew thai the iiiiinI cnlarirc over their present capaeMy,anil new (piai-lei-s may have to he soiiuht to he in shape lo take care of the future seasons. Try the Argus, $1.50 per y vir Service... The standard of service a hank renders to its customers in particular nnd the community in general may be fairly measured by ils degree of success. The confidence which this bank enjoys is the resultant of twenty-eight years of .substantial banking service to the people of this community. We invite your banking business, both c.ni mcrcial and savings accounts, on the record of our high standard of service, Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ I'or gri uti-r value in used cm--i, don't fail to m-e I'erluns. Win. Itohh, of Sin fflin, w, a eily ealler Moiuhiy afleruooii. Woods, iw for .'.ile clutp; will trade for si-eoiol f t j i i t ear. (1. II. ( alter, Mill. I. on.. Ill 'J I John I'. ( a i'iti li ', of I! in!, s, tin, down In I Iir- eilv Sahinl.iy aflel-iiooii, .'re(liii;( frirlids. Si -ronlll llilllse, hut 'Uld I cild water, plenly of fruit: 'i lots; in Millslioro; for 1,000, if t .ken ;,t onee. 'i ( 'l.uide Met til'.l , of I'orl land, was out the firl of lie- wci k, iu e nie in-; Id, cuslo.ni r. for liin w holi sale Inline, Sjiirella curs.-ttii re, ,M i, !;. Caudle, 1SU!) Jackson Slf.-. t. Drop a cinl .-mil will .c; fill, or til-' I phone .'IS I, llill dioro, Nr. and Mrs. Coy It. ut. r, of Vini-Diii . r, " .li.. c one ov. r llu! firsl of Hi. wi i k to remain unlil I ridav inoriiiii r. lisilnut r. lativen and friends. The (Milton Shnlio has :i:.'nin liei-li op. In ll, III. I it this place oil l .ill si , iuc I !h finest of pho tos and art v. ui'k, Mrs. W ini fred (.union. It M. Kyle, of Cedar .Mill, aC romp illicit hv hi . daticJitiTs, .M r. Squires nn, I Mi-. Alta. was in lliil-.li no. Molt. lav. m ikiii-.' ar-r-iii-i. in. ills f-T the fain r.d of his son. Taken I'l T o heifers Tins i.H ner w ill plea si- call, prove lii-t property, pay enns mid tal.ij cune aw al . Alliert l.u-.li. !' i--. el Ion, Ore., I!. If. Ti I. phone .Ml XI. IS" 2 I Mr. ani! Mrs. hi st. r Joluisi 'I, ,,f Portland, passi d throii'.'.l. the lily Saturday, inroute t the (irove. to i,it lel itives. Wlli'ii In re tin V were f'U'sts of I. or. n .1 ai kson .-.lid ife. (Jet the Dnvton Airless tire for Vi. ur car. No Mow-outs, . m punelurch. Always fed nafc. Taken luiiiiis easier than other I ircn.- Forrest l'litrland, at 1221 Main St., Ilillshoro, 17-20 lo l l l oll. II . 1. III. .. has I.eetJ with the I'. li. .V N. for ii.iny , r.ir, was e.r from Tillamook ihe last of the week, seeking in. dieal Ircalmelit, llerl says :h.,t Till. lino. -k is toinij rii-'ht iloiiu', luil Hint it's mighty lia.'il 'n heal Ilillshoro. Make money in your home town In spare, time. Sell hosiery with n gunnintei'. The kind that won't wear out. Ready market in your own neighborhood. Big money maker. Experience nn necessary; we tench you. Phoe nix Hosiery Cd. West Market Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. I'" NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is her -by unci! that neal.'d hhls will be received for the con struction of a school house for District No, !S. .'I1', miles nortll rust of lliixlon. and opened on Saturday. July 2i. lfll!. t 8 p. m., and contracts awarded at that time. Plans and specifications may be seen at the oilier of the! District Clerk, l'rank Cienzer, post uHieo address-, lluvlon. Ore. or al the oilier of County School Superiuleinlent, N. A. Frost, in Ilillsboro. Ore. The school board rescrvca the l i -lit lo rejeel any or all bids and successful coiil i-aelnr miisl fur nish bend for completion of con trad as per plans and speeiliea t ions. Frank (icn.er. Clerk. BuNlon, Ore.. July 15. 10 10. FOREST GROVE HAS HEAVY HBE L' Itla.c Started in Second Hand Store, With Disastrous Results SUNDAY FIRE TAKES BLOCK Chief Lcnncville Thinks Cause Was Spontaneous Combustion Purest (iron- hullered a 70,000 lite loss Sunday, the hla.c origi nating in the Sanfoi-il Second Iltnd Store, and liehiif lit-st dis eoiered about 1 2 : to. 'Phe intense In at and atmospheric condition were sitelt that by the timi! the fire tleiarliui lit was workili !- with Mtil. r the Odd I'l-IIows ISrick was ihl.i.e, and the Halites r ising on iiie roofs of otln r huilditis. Hur ry up calls were s. ill to Hill.bo-o mil Cornelius, iiinl the liremi n from Ihe two towns soon reached the place. Despite hard work the lire gained great headway uld for a time it looked as tho Ihe entire town would be Con sumed. Tin re was a stilT north west breeze blowing al the tin.e in.) tiiis'helpcd making hard con ditions for the tire li'.'htcrs. Th, lossi s as near as can be ascertained. cotintiiiL' pre-war prices, are as follows: The Congregational Church, Imill at a cost of 912,000. valued now at about .ft 7,01)0 : Ihe fitrni- liire. pew, carpel,, piano and li- oary were taken from the si nur ture. Public library, loss perhaps : t.-.oo. N'.-H'-iiit building, furnii rlv oc cupied bv Hiram Wells as a fc-d tore, '.'.000- contents, tools and ui-ieliiiiery ow ned iy .. i. ( isiiu; U etsou, .:i:o. Three-story dwelling owned lv A. 11. Thom.is, loss all of ;i.,00. 'Phis idaee was recently n nleil and the lessee was about to move in. Dwelling owned by K. N. Sta- ,hr, oeeniiicil bv II. W. Daniels; i.s .'r'l'.riOO; insurance, $1-100. ( Mirage building owned by Dr. C. I., l arge stated thai the in.siir- had el.ipsid. The walls are standing, and the building l restored in the near fu- slill ill tun Heal est ate oll'tce of II. T. I.it lli hales, a small frame structure, owned by Jacob Shearer, loss about 500. Millinery store of C. II. Ad ams, building owned by J. N heel ock Marsh, loss. ,1 K)(i, stock los., .f.'too. I' noeeiipieil frame building, owned by J. Wheilock Marsh, loss $100. Tin greatest individual loss the Odd Pi llows' brick, twn-story building, occupied by M. S. Al len Hardware Store; building loss .l' 12, 000; stock of Mr. Allen. $15,000; I it.il insurance on stock and building. $12,000. The walls of the structure stand on the east side, but the western wall is out of aplomb, and it is doubtful if it can be used, one great section having fallen out of the upper wall. Two-story building owned by Dr. C. I.. Large, occupied by K. N, Slaehr's music store and l?ry i nl's photo 'jallery; buildini'- loss $1200; slock loss, perhaps $1500 Sanford's Second Hand Store, building and slock, loss. $2,000. Iitiildin"' ad joining Sanford's store, owned by M. Peterson, of Portland, fornn r mavor of For est CI rove, structure temporarily vacant, loss $1000. l(avn, in rear of Snnford Store .wind bv James Tumbleson bought recently from A. It. Lea bo ; loss of building, $ M0 ; loss of learn of mules burned to death. .4tr.oo. l-'rame structure owned by J. V Hoffman, loss $100; loss to oe- enpant. photo gallery, etc., Miss Hellc Dirling, $500. The f a pies Pudding, across thi street, loss $100. The Dr. Iliircs plate glass front in bis drug store suffered loss iln-oindi ulass cracking, as did several other glass fronts along Ihat side of the Main street. No one ninn-ars to know whether the blaze started from a bonfire which had been burning in the rear of the Sanford Store, or whether It caught from spon taneous combustion. When th' fire department reached the place a few minutes after tho alarm tne Sanford Store was a mass of (lames. Aff.-tin and again the fire men were driven back from their wovh by tbe infr-nso heat. Len Goar, of Ilillsboro", happened to be passing n the Goar machine when the fire started and he did .plciitlid work for an hour ham! ling the hose. When the Ham. s reached llu Odd I'cllow 'lliiek il was sup pD.icil they would easily be ex tinguished but there wasn't the slightest chance as the walls were assailed by so inti-li.se a In-al that no human effort could check tin progress. Then the Cone. Church caught, and in a few minutes lime it was it ruin, oun Mork, a fireman aged about 17, was ov ercome from smoke mul In at, and fell from a ladder while working it the church structure, anil Dr. Haw ke waited on him. l or tv o hours it was thought he would expire, but he rillied ami by Monday morning recovery was assured. After two .hours the section was laid waste. The Ilillsboro and Cornelius fire departments were ru-lied to the Grove as rap idly as motors would carry them, and the Portland Comp.-ny sta tioned near St. Vincent's Hos,i tal reached the bla.e inside of an hour and twenty minutes. This is considered an almost impossi ble feat, .'onsidci-ing the condi tion of Ihe roads, anil the fid that the engine w is nearly hunt ed out when tin big machine real bed Ilillsboro. Hiltaboro Speeds The Ilillsboro l ire department 1 1 I at, ,,,'tLitltr maiie a gri-nt re ...... Ihe scene of the fire. M. P. Cadv, .. . i il... I,,,.... in a uotige iriicis, jnmi. mid the firemen, and in seventeen minutes after the hose was loaded the department was playing water on the flumes. Those going with Chief Prank Waibi I were: Lee Oakcs, John Pose, Driver Chas. Koontz, Jack Il.rislev, William P.iurick, l'rank Pranger, hil. N . Moore and M. P. duly. Purest Grove's officials were loud in the praise of the Ilillsboro depart ment, and Sunday evening when the Argus representative talked to Chi. f Lentict ille, he said: Ilillsboro certainly came to our elief just at the right time. It w.n very gratifying to us that we had such a hearty response to our trouble call. We arc not forget ting the way Ilillsboro responded, mil whenever we can return the favor we shall be pleased to break our necks getting down there. We onlv hope Hill-boro will be so favored that we must return the compliment in some other way than bv fighting fire. EDWIN R. KYLE T-M win It, Kyle, a unlive of Ce llar Mill, drowned in ihe Tuala tin Kiver, Sunday, while in bath ing. The autop.,v .showed that Mr. Kyle was stricken with heart failure. He was in bathing with a big crowd and was seen to sink. The body was recovered by Ed. Gt igi r, and every effort w is made to resuscitate it, but to no avail. The heart had ceased to function before strangulation. Dr. l- H. Smith, who attended, stated. l-'dwin R. Kyle was born near Cedar Mill. April IS, 1S.U0. and he was the son of Mr. and .Mrs. R M. Kvlc, for many years res idents of that section. The mother is dead, and de ceased is survived by the father and the following brother and two sisters Ray Kyle, U. S. Na vy, aboard the U. S, Ship P.agle, now in Siberian waters; Miss Al ta Kyle, ill home; Mrs. Nellie Squire, wife of Clifford Squire, of Portland. The body was taken to the Geo. J. Limber Undertaking Parlors, and the funeral took place at the Union School. Wednesday fore noon. The particular place where Mr. Kyle was drowned claims a victim every year or so. Deceased was a popular young man. sober, industrious nnd relia ble. His death is a shock to bis illllllV friends in East Washing ton County, and the family b the sympathy of a large circle .of friends. The voun.-y man was a machin ist and had worked for 6 years for the Hesse-Martin Co. of Port land. Miller tires give greater mile age for dollar invested. See Per kins about them. 8-tf H. R. Kagler. of between Ben yerton and Bethany, was an Ar gus caller the last of the week. For Sale Mitchell wagon, fl inch: rock bed, and hayrack. R. F. Reasoner, Ilillsboro. Tele phone 2226. in-21 Christian Science Society-- Sunday services at 11 o'clock Sunday School at 10:15 a. m Wednesday evening meetings 8 o'clock. Vita Hall, 1228 Wash iugton St. tf Product of a Thousand Men is Shipped Through County Seat HIGHWAY GETS A SUPPORT Review of Big Projects Smaller Concerns and Il'is estimated that fully 1,000 men arc now at work along the Tillamook line in the logging camps and mills, am their entire product in logs and lumber is sent through Ilillsboro on the P. It. 8c N. Fires have been raging for several days near Cochrane, but arc now under control. The output this year will be fully 50 per cent higher than in 19 IS. Other industrial notes for the state at large follow: Roosevelt highway wins su port in Washington. Portland prohibits garages within 200 feel of public schools. Growing loganberry tips great industry development in Oregon. Carload Hood River cherries brings $0370 in New York. Standard Oil share of gasoline tax for June, $20,780.12. Ashton to have new enterprise in form of Farmers' Implement Co. La Pine Old Morson yrojeet to be developed. Water for 10, 000 acres to be available next year. Echo Columbia Highway will open for travel by March 1, 1920. Milton First bridge across upper Walla "Walla River has been completed. Freewater Cherry crop from here brought $100,000. Portland Oregon to be sur veyed for oil prospects. Packing plants in Lebanon, Falls City, New berg and Gresh am to consolidate. Suttles Lake irrigation dis trict, Jefferson county, would water 35.000 acres. Corvallis Contract let for O. A. C. engineering laboratory building. Portland Daily News to erect i $50,000 building. Reedsport has many new mildiugs going up. Albany Sumner and Puyallup fruit cannery rushed to comple tion. fter two years operation at a , . . , 1. .... oss, 1 oriiallil sens euy usti mar ket. Three new fish hatcheries cost ing $5000 each will be built, one it Oakridge, 15 miles east of r.u- ene, on Santiam and one in Un ion county. Dufur Number of buildings being erected in order to care for mainmolb apple crop. Portland The First Christian Church to erect large church. Pendleton Entire wool clip , it: nil mnvi-i on. some .senilis i." cents. Portland Contract for deep i i . i .i l .t f... cning x. oiumiua cuauiiei k . $,109,150. Eugene mill and elevator plant, to be enlarged. State harvesting 500-aere flax ... . . o i . . . crop witli convicts ni naiciu. Tillamook Eleven miles log- ,. , .. Tl 'O gang ro.-ul to in- mint to iii.-unie. Railroad projected from Ml. Angel to Bend via Three Sisters. Pendleton Oregon Lumber Co. will erect Collins mill Mnlil ing. Ncwberg Big sale of Jersey attic totals $37,000. Coast states are constructing many new natcnerics. ,-iau- money invested in fish propaga tion yields a large return in food matt-rial and employment of la bor. Albany gets packing plant to handle 25 to 40 cattle a day. Alsea River Timber Company will log 6000 acres m Benton county. Sunnier ami Albert lakes again being developed. Oregon Citv Seven acres of strawberries netted $3300 for II. L Morrell. Port of Astoria lets contract to widen state highway to Miles crossing. Rainier Warren Consruetion 900 feet bithulithic daily. The United State shipping board has recommended private o,.-n..rshin and operation to con gress as a fundi.ment.il policy for nmnmercial shipping, and urges U,., Hie covernment retire from commercial shipbuilding, ship- owning, and ship-operating ac tivities at the earliest date which may be convenient and practical C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. Incorporated ; Hillsboro, Cornelius ami North Plaini Wholesale and lift nil Di-aa-rs In Grain, Hay, Flour, Fee l and Grain Bas Car-lot shipper of POTA'I OLS nd ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolici at any ti.ns Lumber, Sliing! AT cor Beave The Best Flo Telephones; Cornelius, City 151 J. A. Thornburgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier John E. lVVv Vice Peiid-n II. E. Ff rr.n. AsuistaTit Carl,!. FORESTGiiOVENATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans $375,C3li.:to U. S. Bond. 172,946. 13 Other Bonds 2S.599.50 Banking IIouse 1 8,575. HS Other real estate li, 120.00 Stock in Fed. Re- serve Bank 1,800.00 Cash and due from - Banks 197,907.41 Total ...$801,585.84 ONLV ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID WE HAVE IT! Kodaks of All Kinds and Description Let Us Show You We Have the NoaU JEWELRY SUNDRIES .. In the City of HillsWu. V work in first-class work and are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon id Lath n.ii".- Lov-est Prices. if ,f Main 14, .Vain 263. W. McKldowney, Cashier. ' F. Burlingham !. G. Hughes LIABILITIES Capital .... Surplus ... Circulation Deposit .. $25,000.00 50,115.11 25,000.00 701,110.23 Total ..$801,585.8 i ON SAVINGS is v tore Slock of r A i .ill do repair O.IX charges lour I if I 4 i