The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 17, 1919, Image 1

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    A ir i if I
Liu i
NO. 19
MomUy Dy Lonjf RcinemlHred
in Annnli of Wcnther Records
ll.trveit Quickened by Old Sol
Giving ut 102 in the Slmdt;
Moiuliv was ii day hum In In-
in Wiishiitulon ( iiini
ty, fur llic licul jtml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I ; I y
t I' ltisi ended am tiling c. ht;
i-med in Orcifcm for imiiiiv yi iir..
In I lilUl.oro in the simile iin s
tut renrv rcist'icd 10'? in ( In
htllh while outside districts here
:ind (here report n sli uli- rcisler
of KM! Mini Kill 'Hi. ,.1,1 ins) rn
tm-ii I in front uf tin- I lilUhoin hank In!, I llu' story
uf 10'J lit live o'clock, with ;i lei
mint-trie pressure of onlv '."'.
this pressure is ueiiei'iill y alnnu
.'10 in1 iivcr pending it wnrm ilnv
Hie Ion h'iroiiictrr lili'Ulit more
sulirlllll! friliil Ileal tlliill Is iM Ii
er.illv 1 rule,
Oldliincrs vho i.iT,' I'lhi'-.t
I on i ti u ly liro(ilit Imek memori.
of the 'it when t In-v :mseil tin-
Lolly Hiriluire store, the Ihtlt
cry nnd Wiley' resort, where in
ohh ii d.iyo il wits pussi'de to low
er the Ih-es tlmt nu'eil within on
hoi dis- -lint Mon.hiy it wit Of course, there v;
the -.oft drink -lint it did inn,
would Hot, :in,l eniinnl lill lh" lull
Willi thoV who knew (he "other"
ill ihivs iiuone of "yesli r ei r" -ii
Hoiinld Vnniht. now on the hit.1!
sens sitilinir for home, would
One oldliiinr srsid. '('..! !
W i .Ii the hovs Mould nil jL'i-t li n I
mi we euidd line litis i miiel toe
shrike, lee ere.'im woeldn't I-nipt
him; sod.l W liter didn't look ijond
to him; near liecr w as person i
lion nr.ill, and he eonl ndi d th i'
Sain Creek W liter wi w nrm in
fm I, nolhiny hut the mil thin,
wni on his mind, nnd thnl r il
tiling he could nol posst nor
The Winter whent under the
wnrm wave turned r.'tpiill, nnd
it hns foreed tiiiny to ntnrl lin
vest lli'il were i j-t inu: t cut
from il week li ten days Itt.f
The heat has cut the sprini' wlu- il
erop eoiisiderihlv, hut has not in
jiired lh.- I'nll and Winter sown.
Corn, under the impulse of
wnrm days and nitihts harrow n
to heal the hand mid as there is
plenty of moisture in the i-ioun l
vetfelahhs have siillered hut lit
The heat, of ciiurse, has cans, I
an evnlus to the swimminy pool',
and there arc hut few who have
not clijoved the waters of Out),
dales nr" the Tualatin. Old in ",
have turned haek the etoek H few
years and taken their imiiter
sions, lispinut kid come honu
with their haek hair wel and tell
their mothers stories ahont swenl
inn when Muter knew lln-v had
l.een to the creek- and yet she
didn't whip lhem--s!ie just w ish
cd she was hack n few years nnd
n hoy herself, nnd when I'aiher
went'lo npplv the slipper she was
the (iood Samaritan who coiNed
the head of the family out of his
Il was a hot week and Mon
day was Ihe cap-sheaf.
A vigorous eimpniuii dl "vi r
'county i to he iinderlakcit
.itralnst the Canada ihi'tlc whit It
is fast hecominji- serious weed
pest to the farms in this scclion.
The Htandard of service a bank renders to its
customers in particular and the community in
general may be fairly measured by its degree of
The confidence which this bank enjoys is the
resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial
banking service to the people of this community.
We invite your banking business, bolh com
mercial nml .savings accounts, on the record of
our high standard of service.
Assets over $800,000.
Tin eourl has t mi , Ii
ei, ill ii polling ,1 1 in liiel, will
keep ! Im III . ,! . is, d as In f i .'in ,
eoni " i n i i' 1 1" ! !,i ,1 1, . a to I ! ,-I I,
if o' nol any 1 1, in" I, s In ii, 'le
nt M ' O Colli I'ol , ,1 i, , . Ill'"
hem'.' , u ( mil ( fii'i.e. on
w hirh i' i , liii'H II tin ,'. a I'.- I lie.
Hi",, iisl.iiu lie eo r.i I ion ef
llie owner "r neeiip.inl in (lie
eradication of lliit weed.
Tile I I tt s , ll iele.l Ii v I lie .i I
1,'l'islalui'e make il f r
the court lo no in on llu- land end
remove Ihe llii.lhs where In, ac
tion has In i II l ik II llv lie owner
or occupant and llu cost of ll.;s
work niav he eh il' " ,1 n;''i!nsl llnr
I and in lh- form of a Ii, n l( is
also provides that peisuu. ,iie
ili'i. pnssi-ssiirf or havint; el lite
of m n V land i l it I ei ,il or u.iln
provi ,1. inel. .,ed in uititli los"d
who knoiiini'ly permit llu ('nin
th Ihialle lo stand nnlil ihe liti s
vim fails and il a seeils hetiin lo
form shall he snbi'-el lo a line of
not less Ihaii li'-'a of n He liar,
for llu- Ural oil", u. c", id for
ihe s i ou,i not I, "". Ihan if'O i or
more I halt
It is hliee, llusl it will llot
he in !' a-..irt to I l'1'.e a-'li'SI .11
prov ided hv Ihe hw in Ihi- eotm
I v ts lie seriousness of the mIu
lion i-. hei-oiiiin':' well known a '
Ihe property holders v i'l he more
than w i'liit" lo assist in 1'ic ie
velilio.l of the fnrlle r sil','.l. of
this v. eed. Should it he in e, s
sarv. however. I lie procedure as
mlhoi ie.l w i!l he Ink.-ti.
Count v A'aenl
Prohale I l siill ,.f In. I Su t
ler, of .Moeiil.un liile. was lil. I
the past w e. k in pi'otiile. The
n -'.ives his p.'op, ll v lo hts lv o
lirtilli. r., ( nitil lioltiit !j
'.leMli r. liud the t hildretl of the
i hr,a I ami! ii s. u, phew s and
tueci s in!:md. 1 hi court
timed ( ,o! I 1 i-i, ,! .'selila, ill as e
i clitor. ami he ii.i s ipmltlied. M lie
,pr.-Hs,-rs. lie,' I Inf. I'nrfcr. Al
fred (on th I- 'in, I Jacob S.'l lie1 !
,'iiiiti in! tin porp, rl itppraise
l.letit til !".'' 17. Tl.omiis U'il-
la ill', lets ! ell 11 a ne ,1 l s .1 , ! e 1 1 II i s
t r.ilor of the est of his hl oth
, a-. Ihe I i!e .', i s. i!!i tins. Spcu
. i t- Cornish, of (iiston. is liaiitid
iidloilii .1 1 aloi' "f i stale of '""i
Arthcr t'onii di. enmarri. d, w '
,lie,t in .tune. Ihe properly H
vahitd at ah out f I .txii'. and his
iiareuls a re It" in it's, allh.i no
had hroth, i". ami sist.-rs. The
will of Ihe I it, (i. II. Praiii-cr
was tiled in court and llennan
and i. .'. I'l in;', f are lh, i ecu
tors Al'tir ui vine eacli I" tll"
t hiUlrcn llu iiislrniuenl aives tin'
est iti lo the w ife. ho. w in n she
,!e,ii,.M s ot it. is asked l,t itivc it
lo 1 1 i-m-i I.
P. I , M n-v aihel.
later !
ut.l I
t-ti.k. I..
I'eeei la
ia vim' .'ilv'-a !v
lot nielli .
Make money in your home
town in spare time. Sell hosiery
with a frtinniutee, The kind that
won't wear out. Ready market
in your own neighborhood. Big
money maker. Experience un
necessary; we leach you. Phoe
nix Hosiery Co., West Market
Street Station, Philadelphia,
Pa. 18-23
The llillshoro ltaplist Church
and Sunday School will hold tin
all tlav picnic and service at the.
West I'nion Church, on Sutulav,
,1 hI v '-'7. All im nil.ers of (he
church, friend, .and olhers, are
invited lo attend ami brill!.: their
dinners. Tin- West I'uioii Bap
tist Church is the oldest chut'el
in Washington County, and is sit
uate in a beautiful spol, A trip
there will be ?;-ralifyint. TJcv.
Anderson will assist in making
Ihe dav a success.
Try the Arcus, $1.(50 per year
Great Commoner, William Jen
ning Bryan, Tomorrow Evening
VVond'-rful Orator to Talk on
Current Topics, World Politics
The I llison liile haiit.uupm
course opens in Ihis city today,
and will have nfti rnooii and eve
ning sessions until July 2'Vin(lu
mvi . The program this year is
Ihe best ever presented by the
l llison White people, and to cap
Ihe climes; William Jeuiiin
llryan will arrive Friday, July 1H
. .... . i,
anil speak ill tin- evening. M
I ! r V ,1 1 1 is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u with his Usti.
successes on lln plalforin. anil ,-i
(ihntsti lie oilier dav simke t
nearly lifleeil thousand people,
lie is Ihe same splendid orator,
has tin- saute un'UMclic pcrsnneli
te, and is known personally to
some nee or more persons in -v-ery
Imi'il.-t of the I'niled Stat;s.
lie is tin- biggest man today on
the public plalforin, .'ind perhaps
lets a ureitler pcr-onal following
of any in-ill in the I'niletl Slates.
Mr, llryan will arrive in the af
ti rnooii and will be the guest of
( h is. !'.. Wells, Chairman of the
local Chailtautpia Association,
guaranteeing the linaiieinl suc
cess of the 1IM!' meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells will give
the tlislitignishetLvisitor an infor
m il dinner at which will be pres
enl i few who have in Ihe past
broken bread with the N bras-
Serueanl Gibbons, the famous
Canadian aelhor nml lecturer,
will tell his store of his incarcr
it ion in a (it rutin prison; the fa
mous overseas (ptattet will de-li.-ht
the audiences with their
popular numbers; Julius Caesar
Vnplte, Ihe Iftilliaitt Athenian,
ill lecture on the Orient, and
llu: C.-talelluci Hand will be here
with two full concerts on the
fourth dav.
The I'arl Hippie concert onm
o.,v will lie here mid stage a
Ki. lilies patreant. and the Zede-
!,.,. quintet with live master mu
sicians will he heard on the third
I'.vcry day will nv" ''nicllim?
worth while, and authorities tell
us thai never in the history of the
, si has there ever been sucll a
ist of attractions and talent at a
onrse of this nature.
The fifth mole pelt pool of the
reason will be held July 21st to
On those dates mole pelts will
he received ! the ollicc of the
Countv Agent for shipment to the
best markets as were previous
Kaster.i buycr.s still complain
of a number of the shippers who
don not lake the pelts olT ''open"
.uiii who do nol spreiul tliem in
Jin nc. Some trappers
still persist in taking off the pell
w rong side out or "cased" and
I hen sprcadin'r them oiien. w hile
the proper method is first to split
Ihe pelt from the chin to the root
,,f the (ail. then taking it off skin
side out over the legs cutting
these off at the first joint ami
,.iio, Ihe feel off last after the
pelt is removed; Ihe pelt is then
. ,1 fur side down, using tm
ii , ,
n; nd,u lo insure a good slrnien.
No preservative i added and
during hot 'weather should be
dried in the .shade under a screen.
P. lis are increasing slightly In
value and a higher average pri v
is cxpi
tied than for the previous
Neal f. Jamison.
Countv g.nt.
v I Her from Cant. Win. Hai-rctl
to Ike counlv clerk asks for a
birth certificate. As the Clerl
I ha
no record hack lo the tlate of
H ii't'i lt's birth it could nol
f..,.,,; Jt.wl Mini llu' cnrlost'd lot
i Her
to him. llu
was written from Placid
V Y . one of the inter
,i.,d i Summer resorts of that
1 1, -1, , , , i. . -
slate, II is supposed here thnl
Captain Hcrrctt wants this data
for the Department of State In
order to get passports for self
anil wife, who was one of the
Orexds. Thev expect to sail for
hnrope in ihcnol distant fi.turc;
and all persons getting passports furnish a birth certificate.
For greater value in used cars,
3 don't fuil to see Perkins.
The Knights of P.Uhi ..... "ml Pyth
ian Sisters of llillshot'ii will hold
an all-day picnic on the east fork
of O.tiry Creek, abm Mountain
dale, on Sunday, JtiU H7. The
parlies will slrikc out early for
the mountain district, l or sever
al years litis has bi ,i an annual
event, until hi't ynr for lite
members of these two orders at tl
their families, and Ihei are look
ing forward lo sec C. K, Wells d"
Ihe high dive; Hare to do the ac
robatic work on the horizontal
bars as well as pitch for the base
ball games.
Mr. and Mrs, John Lorstms;
have arrived up from Marshliel I
beinir called North because of
the death of Mrs. I.orsiing's fath-
r, A. W. Wilkes, of l)i!lev. They
in ii v locate here or at the drove,
as they do not expect to r. turn
nil,. John reports thai n,'s
ftllnr. Jos. I.orsiint.'. and his
irolln rs. Peter and Jos., are !!
workim: on a bitf hotel In im,
built as a Summer resort near
Marshli.hl. lie nv titer,- is
tl lit V of work dow n in that sec
tion, the eondillon beiiii' aooii
the same .1 it is here in I hit re -irard.
For Sab l ive Holsl, in heif
ers. 2 of them 2 years old; 2 arc
'20 months, antl one a carl in',
Will be fine for brceilinu. Not
bred. Also 3 cows in milk, yond
How. F.. L. Mapes, Laurel, Ore
gon. 17'-'"
A piece of steel from an emery
wheel struck Rev. Jes-c Antler
. . i.ti
sen In lite eve, winle lie was
workinif at the mill, the oilier
dav, mid it was necessary to ha
Ihe eye hall opened in order to
have Ihe intruder extracted. It
was feared at first that he might
lose his vision, but in a day or
two it cleared up and is now in
fair shane.
Oct the Dayton Airless tire for
your car. No Dlow-ouis, no
punctures. Always feel safe.
Takes bumps easier than other
tires. Forrest England, at 122C
Main St.. llillshoro. 17-20
The little I'.lder bov, who was
. . . I
run tlov. n ny an anio tue ,"no
dav, is cetting alonir lowly an!
is able to be out. The machine
was not going over 4 "r . uii'es
an hour and this fact probably
averted a serious accident.
Wmkins Remedy Man has
moved from 1452 Main Street to
850 Third St. Customers will
please take notice. Call, or
phone your wants, i none -soi.
W. II. F.rwin, Agent. 17-20
J. W. Hayes, of MeMinnville.
formerly a resident of near
W.rtli Plains, was down to llills
horo Tuesday, greeting oldtitjie
friends. J. W. is looking hue,
and has lost about liO pounds ot
avordupois since be last visited
Ililltown. He still tips the neam
at over 200 and says that is
enough l' entry around these
. .. ell :.. 1 1,.,
warm days. lie is sun n. i.
In, si. less and mixes it up
with growing hops occasionally.
i'. i I".. .'To lu ifers. The
i iitscii r
.ii ...... I,
ii.. ii. . .. - -
nit i ease can. Ian..' ...
property, pay expenses ami take
'-Albert I.osli. i
same away
verton. Ore., R
d his lumbe
(iulhrie has ortler-
for his platforms
or getting
the material into
I,.. ii.'. for Ihe llillshoro pavin
l .,,,11 start work on bis
utiii .in,
conlraet. The (5. H. P. Lumber
Co. is getting out his preparatory
Vt..,l- Reef cattle, hogs and
Will nnv best price for
a t.,(T Phone BeavcrUn.
Mail address, W. W. Mcllar,
Recdville, Oregon. S5-85
Marriage licenses granted-
'has: Jenne. Portlaiul. and .Marx
. lon iM. lleaverlon. R. 2; Wm. 1'.
'artv, Vancouver, and Mary 1-.
it.palriek, Rcaverton.
ii:..l,.,ot ,rlel uriee naid tor
lllui.n, ... - s - ,
i:...,i..l. Also want several
1 1 V VOU'V-ls.
fresh cows. -C. F. Peterson
Ilillsboro. Phone (i2. 51-tf
'I'll., countv bought anotli'i-
new Winther auto truck from lb.
Havtrainnfs the first of the week
I., swell the licet now hauliiti
roek on the county roads.
Afiller tires are good tires.
v...i,:,a l.aa pxebisive territory
(let his prices before buying new
I ires.
Harry B. I.ockwood, of Porl
liiid. and Anna I?. Huntington
were united in marriage July 12,
1919, Judge V. D. Smith
Wanteil to Rent Furnished or
partly furnished, 15 to 20-acre
ranch, on share basis. Address
n. I.. Huirhes. Cornelius. 18-21
E:gget Weck'a Shipment Re
ported for Many Year
Portland Becoming a Great Man
ufacturing Center
Standard Oil Co. spending large
sums prospecting for nil. Large
sling rig going up in Yamhill
Portlaiul Norl hw est Electric
'o. to htiiltl $1000,000 heating
Prodiiclion for past week at
1 West Coast Lumbermen's
ssocialed milk amounted to
i,H I 5.22 1 feet. New business
im. nutted to 70. 02. '1.1. 17 feet: ami
olal of all shipments for week,
"H.ttt.t'H feet. Traiiseontinen-
al rail shipments were approxi
mately MS per cent in excess of
orders accepted from Eastern ter
Past week witnessed booking
f a considerable volume of
oast wise domestic eart'o lumber
msiness; and it was also one of
the heaviest weeks in recent
months w ith regard to acceptance
f export orders.
Portlaiul shipyards met 5-day
Mooncv strike with a 10-dav va-
McKay storage reservoir in
western "matilln countv to cost
Portland is becominu one of
the ureal manufacturing centers
f the West, and it has been
argelv duo to the development of
industrial districts such as North
Portland where factory sites in-
luding transportation and power
facilities can be secured at rea
sonable niriires. .ny rown can
o the. same thinf if it wishes.
Pacific Power & T.k'ht Co. re-
lion's earnfnirs for May ot iiin.-
'. against ?1 tS.117 for May.
Mills and logging camps gen-
rra'tv closed nuring rouriii oi
Till v week ; n l.irp number of
nlants to remain cloesd or in on
ly partial operation during July
and August, in order that needed
repa'rs may be made.
Salem State Highway Com
mission lets Kill mites new t-on-tracts.
Corvallis Steel britlge across
Willamette has been paved.
NorthBend Another ship -be
ing rmilt tor private concern.
New Oregon hops bringing SO
ts.; record price in 37 years.
Work on road between Inde
pendence and Monmouth rapidly
Echo Hay selling for (fin a
stack m tins viemty.
Echo 35 carloads of sheep
slipped to Chicago.
Roseburg live tons cherries
canned daily at Umpqua Growers
eannerv. ,
,ith Portland, Oregfm. as the
cond largest wool center in the
S.. being exceeded only by
Boston, the West is taking its
dace as a factor in the world s
rool production.
As farmers arc educated to the
nine of trradiug uu their flocks
and producing the highest quali-
wool, this section will advance
a factor in world wool inar-
Manv in this county are
now growing the wool hearers.
Wool production and manutac
1 ... i ii
re in Pacific ( oast states siioum
one of our great industries as
have every advantage of ch
ain! grazing land. r.very
in will have its flock of sheep
e the value of this industry is
otiee is hereby given that sealed
s w ill be received for the c-n-
.....tioti of a school house for
strict No. i)S, Va miles north-
,i of lbtxton. nnd opened on
Saturday. July 2(5. 1019. at 8 p.
and contracts awarded at ut,u
lime. Plans and speciucauot.s
may be seen at the office of the
t;..i Clevlc. Frank la-enzer,
post office address. Buxton. Ore.
or-at the ollicc ot i ouniv "
Superintendent. X. A. Frost, in
Usboro, lre.
The school bord reserves the
.lit to reiect any or all bids and
, r. ssfe.l contractor must fur
i 1 f,. .-oiiinletion of con-
S IIOllll " I
net as per plans and specifica
tions. . .
Frank Genzer, Clerk.
Buxton. Ore,. July 15, 1919.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and R tail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot hipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Ki!'?boro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Aasistant Cashier
John Y.. Pail.;y,
Vice I'lesiilinL
H. F,. Ftrria,
Assistant Cas'i'r.
Loans - :i r ".ioo.:;-i
U. S. HotuK K.fiij.i:;
Other lioinK .... 2,s..-.,.y.;i;
liankiny; House. lS.75,Sa
Other real estate iJ.ll'0.0
Stock in l ed. lie
serve Hank 1.S00.00
Cash and due from
Banks lyr,"07.44
Total ...aiS0 1.585. 34
Kodaks h
of All Kinds and
Let Us Show You
Si Delta Drug Store
We Have the Neatest and Most CmpMe Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable
Jeweler and Ontician
Main Street t IliMsfecro, Oregon
VV. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlirtghara
S. G. Ifuj,'hes
0 pit il
1 i .-.i 'iloll
.. 50.U3.1 1
... '23,000.00
... 701,140.23
Total -.f0 1,585.34.