nILLSBOR NO. 18 VOL. XXVI HILLSKORO, OREGON, JULY 10, 1919 E Record Crowd Comei lo County Scut Independence Day EFFORT WAS FINE SUCCESS Mannf-rr Plielpn lo he Con-jraLi-lated on llnndlin- Bi F.vent I Iillshnro IimiI iU record croud lor it 1 north of July celebration In hI l'riiliy, 'iiul n conservative c-liiniite icrlmM it 15,000 VI -i ft lit till' grotlloU. It i MMIll that llicrc wcr.' two thousand automobile!- parked lit or near I lie City Turk, mid Traveling Passen ger Agent Jenkins, mid Su)'t. Morris, of tin- S. I'. Company, sav tlo ir lines carried 1,5(10 peo lt lo this city, to N'tV nothing of tin- Tillamook line, and those coining ill from tin- South on the red car train. The day was ideal for the Celebration and the huge crowd was good natiii'i d from morning until the last good night was said after the lire works, which were considered the hest pyrotechnic display Illi cit V ever wltnc-tscd. A great crowd witnessed the Imll game between Farinington and Iteavcr ton, and at that Iheir disappear ance from tin- (rounds proper to the diamond fringes hardly made a dent In the bin assemblage which was lu re to have n good time, The parade, like nil parades, w as a little lale getting started, but it made up in ap arauee for any delays. This parade, while not as large as expected, made up in HllraetiveiieHS for lack of iiiimliers, and the acclaim given il by several thousand nlchiii r il atlesteil its popularity, (Continued on 1'uge !t.) MRS. STELLA KENTRAT I r, J 'i I lie will close 'tis ulln a; every Til i-mIhv nflriiioiu during tlu Suoiiiit r hi ihoii niili! furllur nolicc. If idr. mil Mr. J'.d. Wnnii, of Vi heeler, ..lurncd heme Sunil'iy, i ller a few days' visit with Ilill, horn relat-Uris. Kills now has his fri e air waler system installed -nil and help yourself. Vn IV, n nil drive iARVEST IS LAIE OVERTHE DISTRICT Binder Will be Runninu in a Week or Ten Day on Fall Grain 1WKESMING MEN' READY a a. . r ii re welcome. 1 1 Mr. and Mrit. J. 1',. Long, for mer I lillslmroilcH, were out from Portland, enjoying the celebra tion with home folks. Spircll J'. Cnudl I 'r.p a e r.. M. Sir. ( I. or . 1- corsi 1 1 fere, I 50! Jack sou I ami w ill i f. I! 1 eiilioiie ,'IHl. I lillslioi o, Tliere wiis a mar frost Mon la nioriiiiiK, and in a place or two around Ihc mtii V seal pon tiles were ftlightly nipped. Vcgct,ibl; and dowering plant now ready at Mticller'n (ircrn house, lV.Mli and Oak. liy mail or oil . all. Telephone 111117. Btf Mr. and Mrs. Al Latham and family were out from Portland, luling (lie l ouriu. mrs. .i. i.. spe Itutler them. mid sou accompanied Mauls nice In a! baehh r, .'I or S.i hv p mill . 1 . Have mis. C, ,.M1'.M I ,t II- 1S i mini Hi Mrs. Stella Kcntral. of Oreneo, dii-d at the (iood Samaritan llo, pilal, Portland, .July 2, She was aged 6M yi-ars, and was the widow of I'.dwar.l, who died nl Oreneo, October tlh, of lust year. She leaves to mourn her loss several children, one of whom is (ins Kent rat, who went In France with the C S. Army. The funeral took place from from the (ten. .1. Limber Under taking Parlors, and the service wus conducted by Hev.W'm. (iraf of Hcthany. NOTICE My wife Inning left my bed and board without just provocation.1 nil persons are hereby nolitied that I will not be responsible for any claims contracted bv In r af ter this dale. Dated al Ilillsboro, Ore., this lOlh day of lulv, l'U!. I S 1! I F- J. Crabb. Mr. and Mm. John Curse, of Portland, were Ilillsboro visitors the Foiirlh. Mrs. Curse was for merly Miss Anna Hull, and spent her girlhood days in this city. " The .shipyards of 1'orllaml last Saturday gave their men a ten days' vacation, ow ing to shortage of orders. The men in some of the yards had talked of going on a strike and the vacation order came as sort of so prise. The probability it Mini Ihc striU (pieslion will not have so much charm hereafter. Ilillsboro ship yard workers have been steadily working for many mouths and the rest was not a bad Ihing to take. Knlc ! :to.n(iii Sehoi 111 of U.edville. , Port l i ml road. .1. !'.. Zimmerman, of beyond North Plains, has ipiit his posi tion with one of the shipyards in Portland ami is now located at 1 Cherry drove, ! Auction Sal All auction nalc 'of (10 to 70 tons baled No. 1 mix ed hay, at ItalTcty place, in For jest (.rove, at 1 p. in., Saturday, ' .tul v 12. J. W. Hughes, Auc tioneer 17-20 Claude lieltis, who was in tlu) C. S. Navv, is mustered out and has been visiting in Montana. lb; arrived in this week and is visit ing his father. Jas. Pctlis, of the. Main Street Auto Livery. (iet the D.inIoii Airless tire for your car. No blow outs, no punctures. Always feel safe. Takes bumps easier than other I ires. Forrest F.nglaml, at 1220 Main St.. Ilillsboro. 17-20 Kiiu'sley l.xtlc. in France with Ihc Engineers, arrived home tin lirsl of the week. King saw con siderable service across, and his many friends are pleased to set; him back to the old home town. i l ..r S lie Five Ib'Kli in I., if !ers, 2 of tliein'? cars o.l; '.' ,u. '''( months, and one a yearling I Will be line for bi'i ediim. N ol I bred. Also :i cows in milk, .foot ' Mow . 1'.. L. M ipes. I.aun I. Ore- i i i'iiii. .'0 Mrs. Sarah F.mriek, of Port laud, was out the last of" the week, the guest of her nephews, L. I'., and .1. 1!. Wilkes, and faun lies. She leaves .soon for Cana da, where her daughter, Mrs. Thinner, resides. A re on mi. -rest . i! in a I r.iet of III and 2 :t acr. s. ,.t IIiIKImuo I wo houses on place: orchard with lul II houses; nearh all h eidtivalioii. I!i'hl al rock roa. ilio tow n. This pla. e is held h In irs, :ii il will be sold. A elvine for a uooil buy. See W. ( ). I )oe ,-lson, Ilillsboro. 17 20 Leave it lo a kid to get thing right. A youngster who lives in the suburbs, but who hail never seen a regulation hayfork, wit uessed ils operations Ihc first lime Hie oilier day. He ran Home and said to his mother: ",Mr, - has a fine way lo gel his hay inlo the bam - a great big mole I rap comes down on Ihc end of a rope, grabs the hay and carries if right up into the bain," Cool Weather Give Grain Good Chance lo Fill Without Burning Hariesl is later uos season Ulan I '.i I s, ir, hi ii, y last , . ar tart cull ing w ii Inn a fc v da vh a f - ier tin- I ..urtli. I in, a on ine ml we illu r did nun h lo i.-ot.'ct rain in. ihc Tilling, and (he licit:! I m ark all lo I.I- (' li'l- il clear to the lip, mi tli.l lucre will l' i i - . , . - i i IIO sin II III -alm'illll hll-lil hi yield w e had al I lie i 1st hart esi, riireslieruiell every M here p -I the gie.ile I ei op uf U uii I r wheat ever cut ill the ch.lriel, . i 1 1 . 1 1 i in. I nie hit gt uriain ine cios- l of oils, l i i i s. All I olltelld I l,.ll the a r. a-;, ol I all sow II In al i . a good 25 per cenl licav r t hall in 1 11 1 S and w il II tiie iMiuiuiiil guarantee producer wil n- in elm ei'. II- re and llo le is found a In Id I i In at now read) for the hind is. luil il will lie at Ii asl a fort night In lore the harvcl is on ill full sw iug. A In. ivy shower xisilcd many I ions Sunday , as well as in Ihc night it uril iy, anil tins ineaiii iltat tin Sluing crop of ml o il are now out of the d.iu ii one. Oals arc looking -s- p cially hue cierywh. re, aiul a In, uiln r crop will he the result. There appears lo be a shortage of separators this year, as the threshing g.nnc has not In en as profit. ilile as il might have been. Tin hay crop has been very u .i v, and as the vegetable u i.i io i.s in hue shape iiue ohi county should turn III a hue bal ance thin Fall on the credit side of the ledger. Miller tires arc ood tins. IVikin, has tMlii.siw territory. to t his pi ices before buying new tins. 3 If Lester K. (r'auiphell, of Scholls, prominent as a fancier of good airy .stock, was in town the last of the week. Li For greater value in used ears, don't fail to see Perkins. horn, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Shuck, of Ilillsboro, July 7, I!1, son. Flowers for funerals and other occasions. licrgcii Moral l o., Ilillsboro. .'t-Jtf W. T. Duliois came out Salur- i.v to ship his household goods WILL GO AFTER PUBICITY to Portland. City BusineM Men Meet and Di- cuss Affair Pertaining Some bi fours (used) Ovt.-- Move on to Induce Mill Men to anils, and others at right prices V.. L. Perkins. 3 If Recognize Hllisboro at Site Over thirty business men attend ed the Monday luncheon at the Hotel Washington thin week, with Attorney It. F. Peters pre siding. Elmer Johnson, of the Wilkes Abstract Co., will be the master of ceremonies at the next regular luncheon, to be held Ju ly 21 the anniversary of Bull Run. Messrs. W, W. Bohcow, L. T. Mcl'heeti rs, C. E. Wells, W. G. Hare, Ed. Schulmerich and J. H. Garrett were appointed as a com mittee to confer with the local Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Warm, of Oreneo, were Ilillsboro visitors. the last of the week. Peter I! in hers, one of the suc- (esuiul onion growers oi ne tr ."lurwood, wai up to the city on Monday. Mrs. Jackson and granddaugh ter, guests of Mrs. i'. , Ityau, leparted for their Idaho home Saturday. For Sale -Clover hay ill field. One mile i asl of Orelico, on Cor nell road. F. L. (Juaintame. l I--. r iyoo . in in-ii, re. 11 i . i , . I granges in rcg.iru 10 a permanent. St. Matthews ( atholic ( hurch county fair for Washington C -Sunday services, Masses at H C. II. Buchanan, on the eamp- and 1():.'I0. ctk ilays, Mass at I ing place eamtiiittee anent the S:20.- J. T. ('ostclloc, Hector. I city park, said that no report wag U ,. ,,,d iw, d hinder possible at this time, but prom Write to II', nrv P.aucr, lieav, r- '"f1 one lttter- C; E Wells offer lon. Ore., or phone Ilillsboro 7118 , d a "'ffKstion that in some way i. to. r ... to; i. I i,r; ... iw a pavilion be financed at the city I park so as to provide funds for public celebrations, and Mr. Eas- was out io niusooro Jiny , vis- ,,,r m)Vcd that a committee be itmg with fruiuls and ineetmg ,.l,in,it(.,l i() 1 ra. ft a stock corn- others at the celebration grounds ,mnv for the promotion of the For SaleFive registered Jer- same. Mayor Wall, C. E. Wells sey cow s, with rcgistcr-of merit and II. It. Easter were appointed records, all in milk, some fresh, and will report later. rest fresh this Fall. Win. Sehul mi rich, Ilillsboro. 18-21 H. 1.. .Moore, ot li iiiKs, was in the t it v the last of the .vci k. 11. was accompanied by his broth- r Fred, who lives at Seattle, and i over on a visit. I our-toot sluowoiul, per cord; 1 (J inch wood, i'i.bO per load. Place your orders.- (i. 11. Mr. Easter made a partial re port on the housing problem, and said it would cost considerable to make a comprehensive survey of Ihc situation M. H. Stevenson, C. B. Buch- aiian. 1 Mct'lierters ana L,. m. I toy I discussed the sign proposi tion, and Mr. Shute stated that the Shute Bank had purchased 15 signs showing that Hillsboro P. Lumber Co., South Third SI., was on the road, and they would I i Service - The standard of service ;i bank renders lo its customers in particular aiul Ihc community in general may be fairly measured by ils degree of success. The confidence which Ibis bank enjoys is the rc.Niill.-inl of twcnly-eight years of .substantial banking service lo the people of this community. Wc invile your banking business, both com mercial niid savings accounts, on Ihc record of our high standard of .service. Asscls over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ j Highest market price paid for livestock. Also waul .several fresh cows. C. F. Peterson, Ilillsboro. Ph. (S2. fil-tf Mrs. Piter V'andehcv and her il-iiighlcr. Miss iimhla, came out from Portland last Saturday to i isil wild relatives lure and at t'enterville. Wanted: Beef catlle, hogs and sheep. Will pay best price for good .sin IT. Piioife Bcavertou. Mail address, W. W. Mellar, i!ecd ille, Oregon. N 35-35 J. B. Walker, of below Beav-i-i'lou, was uptown Monday on business. J. 11. says that the 125 gophers and moles from an acre wasn't tin? entire crop. Walkins Beinedy Man has moved from 1 U.2 Main Street, to N50 Third SI. Customers will please lake notice. lull, or phone your wants. Phone 2.J1 W. 11. Krw in, Agent. 17 20 The Western Union strike is off so far as local operators are concerned, the ban having been lifted several ilaVs ago. A mes sage can now be sent anywhere - only Ihc rates hit the pocket hook a good bit harder than be fore the war started. Make money in your home tow n in spare time. Sell hosiery with a guarantee. The kind that won't wear out. Ready market in your own neighborhood. Big money maker. Experience un necessary; we teach you. Phoe nix Hosiery Co., West Market Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 18-25 George Brewington, rofmerly of the Ilillsboro condenser, is now "process man" at the big condenser at Nainpa, Idaho, and he has bought an 80-acre place up there and is raising alfalfa tn in wheat on me sine, .-noiiicr Ilillsboro mini, Kenneth Nielsen is the chemist at the same con denser. Arthur Olson, well known here ns a boy, was out from Portland Julv 4, mixing with Ilillsboro friends. Arthur but recently re turned from overseas, and says his brother, Vernon, one of the first to enlist from Ilillsboro, who wits woulidcd- in France, la gelling along nicely. Another l'dward, was killed in Minneso ta last mouth, being in the path of n lornado which swept that part of Ihc Mississippi Valley re cently. Ed. was well known In this city, and was married. Phone 942. 43-tf Mrs. Homer buiiuotl, duugh ter and son, Cecil and ayne departed Sunday for Medford, for an extended visit with Mr: and Mrs. liay field Pooley. I'a.tur.i"!' for C.illlt ., t . r. U for old stock; if' 1. 00 per ill for carlings and under. llisli iio Urns. . Hanks. 11. .'I. Place is In ve Mould Teh lioi: North Plains. Ill-IS Christian Science Society- Sunday services at 1 1 o clock ; Sunday School at 10:15 a. in Wednesday evening meetings at S o'clock. Vita Hall, Wash ington St. tf For Sale- Team mules, 7 and 10 years. 1200 His. each; good work animals; Harness; . ilso cow, in milk, good average cow, Jersey; .TU.i. i nas. iu-ook- nian, Ilillsboro, 11. , near P. I. I illigard place, li miles out. IS The preliminaries of the Jess Willard and H-mipscy light were pulled off in Ilillsboro the night of July 3 in two or three pretty ivclv scrimmages down at the rounds. No one was seriously hurt and all were able to cele brate the tourth, which was more than Willard did, IVmpsey being declared winner at the be uiuniii" of the fourth round. The magazine section of .h Portland Journal last Sunday carried a full-page story of Hit elopement and marriage of Miss Drexcll to Wm. Barrett Jr., for inerlv ol iimsnoro. it is hum Caplain hirrcll. he having hern n vanccd to that position on auving the service in France he maintained bv the institution W. II. Wehrung dwelt on the ne cessity of signs, and the commit tee will have further time. C. B. Buchanan stated that the .Standard liox'Co. was going to rebuild their plants, and a com mittee consisting of Buchanan, J. M. f tour and Elmer Johnson was appointed to confer with the Standard people to see if a plant could not be established in this city. It was a rousing good meeting, ... . l 1 J l." - ami the next one snouia De oi much interest as there are sever al matters to be reported on at that time. Try the Argus, $1.50 per year Vegetable and flowering plants now ready at Mueller's Green house, 12th and Oak. By mail or on call. Telephone l(iR7. 5tf Rev. Verne Spicker is taking care of the Spicker Harness Shop while his parents, Mr. and Mrs .spicker, are enjoying a vacation at Tillamook. Wanlcd A girl for general housework, on farm, for the Slim mer. Address Mis. Austin Sims, Sherw ood, R. 4. or inquire id the farm, a mile below Farming- ton, K-tt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Topper vis ited the last of the week with their son, Lloyd ' Topper, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray LSigler, at Mipsan, Wash., ana while down river were visitors nt Astoria, Ft. Canby and other coast points. A. 1). Cannon, who has been C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hilliiboro, Cornelius and North Plain Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bar; Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.. J. A. Thornburgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier John K. Hailey, Vice President H. E. Ferrin, Assistant Canhinr. W. W. McEldowney, Cashier. E. F. Borlingham S. G. Hughe FORESTGFIOVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOURCES Loans ,-ii322,20.2 U. S. Hiouls ami Certificates ... Other iiontls Banking House... Other Ileal Stock in Federal Reserve liank Cash and Dite F r o in Banks and U. S. Treas. 10,573. 8S 18,502.00 6,120.00 1,800.00 195.815.Gt 195. 121. HI I.IADILITIES Capital $ 25,000.00 Surplus 63,692.41 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 691,123.02 $79l,815..- $794,815.48 ON LY ROLL" OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS WE HAVE IT! Kodak 7- in;ui;!ier ot trie zocn .enuiry C.ipt. Uarrett lias not been in Grocery the past ten months, has Ilillsboro for some years, having I -rone to Portland to work for the hecn in the East. He went to International Company at one of France in the Signal Corps as a lieutenant. Sheriff Alexander returned Julv 4 with Conley, charged with rohhiii' the Iieaverton Bank. their Rose City stores. Mr. Can non hns made many friends dur iug his stay in Hillsboro. Frank L. Hay, Supt. of the Pullman .-civice of the ureal The sheriff states Hint there is no Nol.thfrn Railway, .vas here the imeslum nt an nui ine mini i Clu ster Clark, formerly of For est drove. the prisoner came without requisition. although Sheriff Alexander provided him self with this protection before leaving for the South. Clark's wife came up bv steamer, al-l-houu'h she wished very much to come on the same train with tin olliecr end prisoner. Sheriff Al . . ,1 . . . i exaniter intormcii ncr mat ni ould not prevent her riding on Ihc I rain, but told her sh not be allowed to travel snmc ear with the husband, so he concluded she would conic Xorlli bv sea. Conlcv, or Clarl has nothing to say about tl ehari'.e, but admit'' that he is out of the Oregon oenitenti.iry on parole. He is confined in the county jail, but will not be allow ed the run of the corridors. I ist of the week, the cuest of his ister, Mm. Frank Imbrie, of Oreneo. F. L. said he -wanted to get back to Hillsboro at an o'd tin e cebisration and he did. r was raised below Newton, on the Hay ranib, and he still knows ina'iy of H'e old pioneers. Mr ila J left for St. Paul Saturday. The Forest Grove auto stage counted wun ir. Dnuui s oi,k Cole Eight, on the fill between would Oak Park and James last Staur ., I , . i . i i o . ...!. in toe l day nigm. anoui o nu, wu. -i the Dr. was returning from professional ciU. Dr. Smith lost a wheel and was fortunate that he was not killed. He says he had the ri"l t of vrnv and not at fault, and the riiiver of th stnire went i n his wy in pre tended IgnM-ancs of having struck the Smith car. of All Kinds and Description mm Let Us Show You PK Til Delta Drug Store We Have the Neatest and IVlost Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable ; : IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler arid Optician Main Street HiHabcro, Oregon I