The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 03, 1919, Image 1

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MWf '" " pW'11'11'1"11 iii m urn hi , B m, iiinW"11"'
NO. 17
El C
German Pit nipotcntiaiic First
to Attach Signatures
Pence Tri-nly Coupled to Lean1"5
of Nations Pledget
The old world drew it mIi of n
In f I S.i 1 ii ril i w In i) (In- i"i
llll'H llillll ll till Itt'WK (lllll pl'.'tl'l'
liiul ! it fiigiii'il n( I'a iii, Mini
tluit till' (crrnlrdl nf ill 'ir li.ul
eonie to mi nut. A fit r live yriii-".
if wiirf.'ire, incliitliiiii tin- a cm i .
' tti'f kilned la nt n ruilu r, llir
unl tint h of tin- world i'hii iiKiin
Iff I )IU tl til flll'.illlS. . I t -
live Iniiulri'tl hoiii of W.i'diiinfloii
County idioiihlt ri d nrinx in I lie
hit; ciillllirt. Hundreds of llusr
liuve already return-d, tmt llu-v
n rr hlill ninny in l'r.iiii'e, some in
(irrm.'inv, hoiik' !il Siliriii, mul
Htuilt' In F.ntiliilid, i' ci n ii I r i
lioll .'mil rilliilli III einiips. Al!
of these Mill I"' lioinr ! fit't-f
niiiiiy vi'k". mul iiiiiu- of 'In
Niitliiiuil Army I to remain in
( irrin.'iny with tin' exception f
lluisi. iitlniliril to tin- ri'j'ttl.'tr ar-
The'.'iie of Nations nifr t
meiit Ii made a part of tlir ptvirr
treaty, unit nil signed ircitiii'r
China, that Nation olijerliwr to
home eonce H-imi fjivrii llu- .I.ipi
urn' Kliiiir'.
I'rriiili'lit Wilson, upon tin'
sil'llill lirilllt conipli'li'il. hi nl 'I
entile to tlir I'l it 'il St iti". iim -r-ritiK
that tlir lii piaee l.ihle Iim
si lil til till' Wlirlll Jl IIIM-II.'I I'll.ll!;!
Ilmt spills iiiori' for 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ii lil
trty tlmn any ollici instrument
tin' world had ever sctii ivrilliMi
Hi- Irfl Snliirilay evening on
tin' U, S. Steamer tieortfe Wash
innlon ami will land on Anii iiriu
shores, supposedly Sunday, tin'
litli. Tin' President deelnrcs lliil
In- Ii Kiilim liikr tin' sulijil
liiallrr of tin- I-cauui' of. Nations
lu fun- tin American lYople fur
tlirir. npproviil. ntiil In' in common
with otlii-n everywhere, hilicvc
lllllt till- t'llillll Sllt.S Si Mill.'
Mill mli'pt III" pence li'rins, tri M
ty, League of Nations, .'iml nil.
without icrliuii ohjcclion.
The I.oilifi h, tin1 kniiMW, mul
tin- Heeds, will join with lior.ili
Mini J ii Ii ti hi i ii in oi ill r to oli.'l im I
iictlnii, tmt tin- I.loyiK of Knur
Innil, nrr iiiuli't wiitiiiir a Ihri'i- to
on i .hot tin- Sriuil" w ill con
cur. Ami tin- I.loyils innrr.illv
ifd on the right niilf if i qm.'s
tion. Ri'tiirm-d m-rvlcf men arc prno
licnllv unaniiuoiii for Uif trraty
ami 1 1'tiurur covi'iiant 111 it sl-inds,
and liold that it will In- n grrult t
agi'iiry for the pri volition of war
lli. in anything the world !mi yi t
The young MIhsi-n N'rldit mid
L.itiii Koidirr HurpviMfil tluir par
iiitu, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Korln r.
Tliurilay rvi'iiiiig, Juiu' liJ . hy
inviling in soini' ol tlu ir iiiliinalc
frii'iuln, the occiiNinn lii'ing tluir
15th wedding- iinnivrrviry.
Mu.iii' mid grtincN wt'rc enjoy
nl and delicious refreshments
were served at the close of the
Several henutiful presnils of
cut -glass were received liy Mi',
mul Mrs. Koelier, and the guests
deiai'led nt n late hour, wishing
them many happy returns of the
For greater vnlue in used cars,
don't fail to nee Perkins.
The .standard of service, n bank renders to its
customers in particular and the eoiuimmity in
general may be fairly measured by its degree of
The confidence which tills bank enjoys is the
resultant of twenty-clghl years of substantial
banking service to the people of this community.
We invite your banking business, both com
mercial and savings accounts, on the record of
our high standard of service.
Assets over $800,000.
Chan, tli'lh was ilow u f ruin
lliuilis Momliy nftertiooli.
It. l'uliols, nf West I'liioli, was
taking in I In- town M inula v.
Walter Keller, of Wesl I'liiim,
win in town III last of the week.
Miller tire give greater mile
age for dollar invented. Sec I'er
kiiiN aliout them. It If-
Mrs. Wevriik. of I'mlliiiil.
was the guest of Mrs. II. T, Koe-
lu r the last of the week.
Am prepared to cut and rake
hay liy the lien or tiv the hour.
-1'ho'ne '.'OS I, N.llshoro, 17
Mr. and Mrs. liriiee Silniliner
ii h and Mrs. J. II. Collier' wi re
up from Seliolls .Sunday.
Mr. mul Mis. A. (i. Miiart d. -purled
Saturday for I'liilouialli,
where Ihev will i si I several
weeks willi their siiii, liny Sluarl,
mil faiuiiv.
Have opened an ignition si l
lier station at 1128 Main Street,
i M .'Ignitus anil" carhuri'tors, light
ing and starling systems over-
hauled mul repaired. Salisfae
linii eiiarniiteid It villi's' r
pei'ieliee, W. II. Williams. Tel-
phone t!. Ill-17
(has, I'rouu, who siwmilliil
niuj logged for Jtu years in Soiil'i
U 'iishiiigloti Couiiiy, was in. I I
l.ll of tin- week, i 1 1 rou I ( to
Wheeler, wliT' he iKils rel.l
. lives. ( h iilie still wears the
igoules of optimism, and says
i llu re are plenty rf trnoil years
ahead of him.
John .Met,, of lli(lia. was
down to the eoiinlv seal Monday.
.Inlill lias whillleil (Mil a in it
lioiiie in lli il prosperois seelioii,
where the .Swiss cow lu lls are
jingling, the air is a little purer,
iiliil (lie sunshine a little lirh'lili r
than hack ill old Helvetia and
that's going some.
The contractor of the Iniek on
the Tualatin sile has put in his
forms for the rehiining walls,
mid will soon he ready to lay the
,il!s for the foundation. I le
.tales Hint il is very hard to get
ni.ilerial shipped these days,
thrre tiring such y call on Hie
wiriU w liii Ii I in 1 1 , 1 1 - this class of
liiiihling uialcrial.
llolit, Imhrie, sou of Mr. and
J M rs, ,1. A. Iiuhrie. nrriied home
from (jiianlieo, Ya,, where he is
'iilh the Hospital Corps, l S.
V.i y, He will remain .until next
week, and celt hrale the Fourth
Willi the "lionle folks." He looks
, as llioimh the service agrees w ith
J him, nltliiiiigli he is n Irille thin
; jii'.l good working condition,
Andrew Kiiglaud rt ports
'(lie deeds were .signed on two
j places last week, A. W. Walker
taud wife lo (). M, He'itoii, of
Schnlls, the Wulkcr place at
Sniilli Tualatin; and the ,1. II.
j Itay h niie, I'irst St., Hillshoio, to
.Mr mid Mrs. Walker. Mr. I'.ng-
I .-1 llti also sold the Coll, tic place
of 3-1 acres at Newton to I''. V.
Walsh, of Ilillslioro.
A neat little study in liirilology
is furniidii'd these mornings
shortly after sunrise if you hap
pen along the eotner of I'irst and
Washington Sts. the two yel
low hammers which nested in the
ciittownood in front of the Long
domicile are teaching the young
sters lo fly. They coax llrcm
north to Main, and then Inward
the w noils. The claws of Hit"
young birds arc us sharp as steel
and they do nut look for limbs as
an alighting place, tint tl v
straight against the hark-of a
tree, or n pole. When they try
it on one of the S. I', iron electric
poles Ihcy fail to slick, and lake
i fall to the ground, taking the
conceit out of llieni. After the
first tackle they let the black
poles alone.
Wm. Hanson, of Scholl, Elected
Pro.; A. D. Hill, Laurel, Sec.
Matters Pertaining to Havrest
"Threshed" Out by Separators
The Washington County Thresh
ermi n's Avs'u. met nt the Ilillslio
ro pChdi rooms last Saturday
night to lake up co operation in
handling the 1!1! harvest. As
so many machine nien have oper
ated nt losses the punt few ycur.l
it was deemed lieccssury to get
together and nee what could he
d in the way of purchasing
supplies a n community proposi
tion, and fi prices of threshing would pay a decent interest
nil the big investment essential to
successful threshing.
This is going to lie the heaviest
threshing season the count v has
had in its history, and there are
many things to be considered.
The straw to he handled is going
to average 25 per cent, heavier
than usual, mid this is an cle
ment not to be taken lightly.
The schedule of prices adopted
were Valley points hay hal
ing, !:.. 50 per ton; oats, i cents;
w heat, Ii cent s.
Hill land prices, oats,-5 rents;
wheat, 7 cents; set jobs, 11 to
Tfi't, according to conditions.
This schedule is no higher than
last year so far as oats is con
cerned, the price for wheat being
about '.'(J per cent, higher. Hal
ing price is increased about 10
per centum.
Wm. Hanson, of Scholls, was
elected President of the Associa
tion, and Arthur I). Hill, of Lau
rel, was elected Secretary-Treasurer,
lloth arc oliltinie llircshcr
uieii and know the game.
The -meeting adjourned to
He-tin meet at the Club Hooins on
July 12, in the evening, nt which
lime the matter of co-operative
purchase of supplies w ill he taken
up, and other mailers of impor
tance. Due wanted to
pass a resolution asking Gene
Dant. who threshed here over 40
years, to again get into the game,
lint upon it being learned lln.t
Dant had recently purchased a
liiuh powcr rille the motion was
not presented.
Try the Ar(us for a year.
Chris, kocn-ig, of nenr Scholls,
was an Argus caller Saturday,
Flowers for funerals and lhcr
occasions. Ilergcn Floral Co.,
Hillsboro. it2-tf
W. C. Davison, of Hanks, was
in the city Monday, and called on
the family paper.
Some big fours (used) Over
lands, nud others at right prices.
E. L, Perkins. 3-tf
Attorney ('has. J. Schnabcl, of
Portland, was out Friday, greet
ing ilillslioro friends.
(). P. Malson, who runs a saw
mill up at Jackson Falls, was a
city Ciller Monday morning
Vegetable and flowering plants
now ready nt Mueller's Green
house, 12th and Oak. By mail or
on cull. Telephone 1CR7. 6tf
Mr. and Mrs A. C. Dom Ison,
of Shcdtls. I. inn Counll. were
here the last of the wci k viiiling
wilh relatives mid friends.
Highest market price paid for
livestock. Also want several
fresh cows. C. 1 Peterson,
Ilillslioro. Phone 02. Bl-lf
L, (i. Wcidewitsch, of Corne
lius, was in town Friday morning,
L. G. says that his bovs are doing
nicely at their vulcanizing plant.
Kale Plants for Sale Have
.'10,000 nice healthy plants.--C
Schoenbachler, miles southeast
of Itecdville, on Fnriuiugton-
Portl.tud road. 1(M8
A. P. I'alten departed in his
machine Friday for Kcola, Can
non Hench, where lie and lib
father will conduct the beach re
sort until late this Fall.
Four-foot slabwood, $2.75 per
cord; lG-meli wood, $3.50 per
load. Place your orders. G. H.
P. Lumber Co., South Third St.,
Hillsboro. Phone 942. 43-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Rice, of
Timber, were down to the Elks'
il-inre Saturday night, mid were
uuests at the G. D. Newton home,
on West Washington St.
Wanted- A girl for general
housework, on farm, for the Sum-;
nier. - Address Mrs. Austin Sims,
Sherwood, P. t, or impiirc at the
farm, a mile below Farming
ton, 16-tf
!'red JL (.'lark, of Fnrminglnii,
was in town Monday.
Harry ('line, of near. Laurel,
was in the city Monday.
It. N. llrown, of Cornelius, was
in the city the last of the week.
M. Sturm Jr., of above Pinion
ing, greeted friends in town Men
day. Herb Luck, of near North
Plains, was u city visitor Saturday.
Fur Sale ('lover hay in field.
One mile rust of Orenco, on Cor
nell roacf. F. L. Ouaintaiiee,
Orenco, Ore. 17 20
Geo. Harrow, of beyond Oak
Park, was it city visitor Saturday
arid remembered the Argus with
.in annual cull.
Mrs. Peami Jl and daughter,
Miss Jane, of Cedar Mill, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. I
I'elers, the past week.
Wanted: A good used binder.
Write lo Hcliry liaurr, Heaver
Ion, Ore., or phone Hillsboro 7 II 8
stating condition and price. Is
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
- Sunday
ind10:30. Week days, Mass at
H:20.--J. T. Costclloe, Hector.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Gnnicr, of
Scholls, wefe Hillsboro visitors
Thursday evening, in attendance
t the wedding anniversary of
M r. and M rs. Kocbcr.
Wanted- A housekeeper, in
family of two, bachelor Inothcrs,
residing 1 '- miles north of North
'laiiis. Address Hanz Pros.,
Hillsboro, Ore., IL !l.
The farm owned by Miss Alice
Scwcll, possible rental of which
has been advertised in the Argus,
has been rented. This notice
niav save many from asking
Vrgus about it.
l ive passeng 'i touring car for
hire, local ; trips to ; In- Columbia
Highway and outside poiuls.
Charges reasonable. IL H.
Hughes, ( ornclius, On. Phone
Cornelius 7X. It-17
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. E. Wells
and Mr. and Mrs. Win, G. Hare
went to the DesChutes on a fish
ing trip the last of the week.
I hey camped and fished, uml the
boys took the ladies along to do
the trout to a neat crisp.
For Sale Team mules, 7 and
10 years, 1200 lbs. each; good
work animals; Harness; ,27.i;
ilso cow, in milk, good average
cow, Jersey; $65. Chas. Hrook-
iiiiiii, Hillsboro, It. 5, near P. I.
Lilligard place, 0 miles out. IS
Fred Taylor has arrived home
from overseas and is having a big
lime visiting home folks, the W.
IL Taylors. Fred is in good fet
tle, the six thousand miles trip
having had no bad effect 'on his
appetite -or general health.
F'or Sale Span buy tillies, 3
and 4 years, weigh about 1100
each, well-niatehed ; unbroke.
J. J. Hayward, on John Ennes
place. 6 miles snith of Hdlsboro,
short distance ofT Hillsboio-Lau-rel
road Take Laurel road. 17
Conductor Underbill and
Brakesman Beckett laid off Fri
day ami Saturday from the Hills-
boro-Wheelcr run to devote their
time to the big Elks' dance and
the way the Railway "Bills" sold
tickets between here and Tilla
mook wasn't slow.
Thresher for Sale A Russell
separator, 27x4ci. in good shape.
thoroughly overhauled; self-
fecder and blower; at a bargain.
$350 cash will buy. Ready to
run, except belting. Wm. Han
son, Scholls; Hillsboro, Route 2,
Scholls Telephone. 15-17-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melville
mid Miss Alice Ware, of Port
land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C A, Handc Sunday. The1, were
acquainted back in Minneapolis.
Melville was formerly publisher
of the Sherwood Journal, but is
no. in the ii.siir.'iiii'c b isincss.
JJ If you arc suffering- from
eyestrain allemt to your
i:'cs at onci;. Don't store up
I rouble for future years. Come
in and have Dr. Thompson make
a thorough examination of your
eyes, and probably the eyestrain
can lie readily overcome. Con
suit him. Next visit Saturday,
July 12, Washington Hotel all
Mr, mid Mrs. II. Rasmussen, of
Portland, were out the last of tin
week, guests of their son, Arthur
Rasmussen and family. They
were accompanied by their son
Fred Rasmussen and wife, of
Kcncwick, Wash., the party hav
ing just motored down from the
Yakima. While here they visit
ed the Helt.cls and Mr. and Mrs
J. F. Carstens, of Banks. ,Mr
and Mrs. Rasmussen Sr. formerly
resided near Itecdville, when
they raised their family, and had
a bost of friends.
Leonard Tompkins Takes Output
of Twenty-two Mills
Industrial News From Over State
! Gratifying
Leonard Tompkins, who is buy
im; the output of twenty two lie
mills ill this county, shipped over
;ni aier.-ige of three carloads dai
ly the past mouth, and this uiontl
is to be a record-breaker for lum
ber in Washington .County liro-
Industrial activity over the
title is indicated by the follow-
J.-imit-soii ISO m re famous
Willow Wood stock ranch hero
sells for $75,001).
Klamath Falls Oil drilling u
Klaiii.'ith County to start.
Klamath Falh- irrigation
pumps running in liioianza s-e-
ion. Several thousand acres be
ing irrigated for first time
(il 'id rook. near Alpine, to be
revived as one 'it livcst little
manufacturing towns in valley.
Two sMwmills, 100.000 ft capaci
ty each to be greeted. Contracts
et for erection of H bouses.
Eugene One strawberry plant
ars 1 0!) H berries.
Milton prune growers smiling
hit record offers of $127 a ton.
Astoria Oregon Pacific mill
taken over tiv new owners and
will resume operations.
Building for Pacific Internn-
ion.'il Livestock Exposition to b;
rected at North Pirtland.
argest ot its kirul in trie v. to
over 7' j acres and cost $250.-
Pendl 'ton Warren Construc
tion Co. declare work on Teal
project will begin at once.
Salem Construction of $500.-
10.) paper mill starts here.
( arllon World record sale
price ot an average ot .Tlloo .1
head made at cattle sale here.
Gold Beach $1 57,500 con
tract to grade 7 miles road in
Curry county let.
Brownsville creamery reports
hung thriving business.
Silvcrtun New school build
ing to lie erected.
Bend $3000 contract let for
instruction of Squaw Creek
Corvallis $69,087 ergineer-
ing laboraatorv building to be
built at O. A. C.
Portland Pacific highway to
graded, rocked or paved fro 11
Portl tint to California line by
:nd of year.
Rcedsport Publishing Co. in
corporated with $25,000 capital.
Will install a complete printing
plant soon
St. Helens Dock x lerminal
Co. organized, capital $200,000
To build ! miles railroad, and
2500 ft loading dock on Sauvios
Island planned.
Oregon City Crown Willam
tte and Hawlcy Pulp and Paper
companies announce general 111-
rcisc of 3 cents per hour in
1 rp
wages ot employes, 10 go 000
fleet July V". Means addition of
$120,000 per year to payroll. Or-
gon Citv to have nnvroll from
paper mills and Woolt i) mills, af
ter July 1st. of $3,000,000 i"
vea r.
flic piano students of Miss Wil
o.. assisted by. Misses Mac Da
is and Mariorie Wells, vocalists,
icld a recital. Saturday after
noon, at the home ot lr. ami
Mrs. J. O. Robb.
The pro!rram follows
A Merry Pnncer" Chambers
Alton Everest
'Peasants' Frolic" Gurlitt
Esther Sohoen
'Souvenir No. 1" Schumann
Mary Orritib
'A Wayside Rose" Lerman
Alice Pyle
'The Slumbering Fairies" brown
Iola Robb
'Spinning Song" Elmenn UIi
Fannie Comiieren
March Bnrth Margaret Caily
Twin Flowers" Crawford
lnai Tlrm-nlncr
Vocal "The Birds Go North Again"
Willetiv Mae uavis
Old English Panee Smith
Margaret Long
'The Pancing Marionette" Gahm
T zdio Prnnria
Piano Puet Verdi
Ruby Tipton, Goldie Itrewell
"Magnolia" Ravina
Marie Rushlow
"Pancintr on the T.nwn" Rohm
Jfternicp Via
"On a Journey" Macy
Bessie Caldwell
"Butterflies" Merkel
Goldie Grewell
Scherzo Selected
Ruby Tipton
Vocal "Sylvia" Speaks
Man'orle Wells
"Rustle of Spring" Sinding
Florence Taylor
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Sliinple and Lath
AT ('Of
Beaver Sia'a? flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
John E. P, alley,
Vice President
D. E. Cheney, , . H. E.
Assistant Cashier Assistant
Loans .t32L',260.29
U. S. Bonds and
Certificates 2:tl,t35.(i3
Other Bonds 16.575.S8
Banking House.. 18,502.00
Other Real Est. 6.120.00
Stock in Federal
Reserve Bank 1.800.00
Cash and Due
-From Banks
and U. S. 195,815.61
-Treas. 195,121.61
of All Kinds and
Let Us Show You
Be Delta
We Have the Neatest and Mos'. Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ; : : : : :
Jeweler nnd Optician
, Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon
1 '
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlingham
S. G. Hughes
Surplus ..
Deposits ...
.$ 25,000.00
Drug Store