I -..ifisi- IHE lilLLSBORC it NO. 1G IUI,LSl50RO, ORKC()N, JUNK 2G. 1919 VOL. XXVI Chnirman of Table at Merchant' Luncheon Sayt to Work in Unity rOINTS TO P. R. & N. RY. A An Example of What Small Town Can Do I'.il. Scliuliucricli, chiiiriiifin at the MiiikI.iv iidiiii luncheon nf I lie 1 Iillnlioro business inrll, lit llir Hotel Washington, this wick, iinunilcd I lit kcynoU of succc,s fur llilUboro mid thil ns " iirnitii)ii mul ' crsisli-ut wink, getting in uivrolls mul double nt r population." Mr. Scliuliucricli sail! that Instance of wlmt coiiiinunity i f fort could tlo luiil Imtii exempli-ttt-4.1 lv getting ""' P'teilic H"'' wnv .V Niivignlion to luiikc lldls Intro tlirlr tcrmhml of tin- Tilht monk lirillirll. Hi' snid tllilt the liulit of ) cost llillilioro li st than $10,000, nml lluit tin' build lug of tin ruml luiil brought to tin- city tin' expense involvcil more than n htiiulri'il fohl in pro fits nloni'. Hi ndvised tin mcrclmiits tak Inn ti tin niattrr of Haw mills, nml siild that every effort should In- iniiili to establish plants here whlrll would In- nlili to use tin shihwnod nml trimmings. tln h'l ter for by products. Tin' question i a rain ground fur lonrisls liv iiuto travrl at the cile mirk wan taken HO. It W'a.4 i I.incsl l.i Iniiiin nml lainily miijgcslcd that some our see t tit- j w rt- in Innu Monday. l'riust council mul J. V. Shnti' an to glv- ilrovc in with hi ih-h l!U! Chan iuij one acre of the ' rk uroumU dlcr, which is one of the classy for this purpose, It would he nil-; cars of the year .. .i i . ' i i vlsable, II was imniKm. to nn, , Tii. w ,ln.11 ,lf , the imn.e of the park put up. will. - 4v, . ft (, m(.t. al .. the invitation for cninpi rs lo sli p ; . , c t vim day nii'ht, J ti lie (iooil inn. i lUrinriit. Tickets, including up a, . in. 1 . icr, ?!. .ah inviien i.i in John I.i luii-in, Jr., ol m ar i c 1 ilar Mill, was an Ari'.us caller on , M ii 1 1 i . The Lehman famil Some big four (used) Ovc IuihIh, and other ut right price. K. I., Prrklim. 8-tf Mini Alice Sewell, who is spi inline tin h ii i ii in i r in Portland, was out Sit in I ay to the home place. I'tirm for rent, near llillshoro. (iooil improvements, including silo. Inquire of Mr. Long. Ar Him o(fic. ' 11-10 11 null Roger Miyn that the Stauilaril HoV l'o. expects to re Imilil tltu mil T 'iliiKlroy eil a few' ilayt if' hy fire. PerkinN now Iwih his free air anil w ater MVKtcln iiiHlalleil - ilrlvc up anil help yourself. V" ' are welcome, 3-t( Jas. Taylor, of the Taylor Itasuiiissi ii (iaraife, ih parti'il the last of the week on n husiness trip to Iteinl, central Ori son. Vi'Kctahle nml (lowering plant now rt-aily at Mucllrr'il (irccn houHC, 12th and Oak. Ily mail or on en II. Telephone 1UU7. 6tf Mrs. I'.nima I'ilmnn, of Port land, came out last week for a lisit wilh her brothers, the l.ol hys, of South Tualatin. Spirilla cor.setlicre.- Mrs. ,M. )'.. Caudle, 1 SI M.I Jackson Street. )rop a card and cj.II, or Id eihom' .'IS V, UilUhoro. The contraclor has tniill a tool house on Third and llaseline, pel liny; ready to tart constrnctioii on the M. I'. Cady fjarnife. We have n great many calls ! for 1(1 to 'JO acre Irai ts. List your property w ith us. Draper Calwav, .V-'it Clmmhi r of Com meree, rortlaud. 13 Hi FROH'THEBEOCROSS Say That Washinnton County People Should Write D'.-pt. TELLS OF MEMORIAL DAY ami enjoy life The matter World hill, 1 S itur of concern to handle Iniililinu materi il w nf al-' mi hrounht lieforc the house, nod . nit i iTort w ill he made to Induce some one to Install a slock of this nature. It. I. I'ltcr will sit at chair man at the nct luncheon, w hi. h wHI he held at 12:1 t a week from next Monday. BRIERLY-WEST M. M. Hrierly. of llillshoro, and Prud'nee WihI, of Wiiitesi.i,; were united in niarri lire, June I 1 lilld, at 'ancouver, Wash. Tin j are at present making trieir hoi O' i at . hileson, Ore., and will re-' mniii there until eptemier w in n yi .)r 1 1 , t thev will lake up their resniener mnv ( al the home of the urooin in Kiti'" N alley Henton County. i Upon their return to Iniesoii they wi re Hivcn n .splendid recc) linn hv the rcsiiUnts there, wle have ii eli rcaili If. ot the relmnnii wei kK ever since the paper sent out its initial nuinlier. I'.il's for Ilatehina -1 roni p.irc hred, heavy winter layinir strain Itose Comh Hlnnle Island Itcdi ;?.r0 for 15 cgut. I all al r. si denee. or iihone i.".'"!. I'. I.. Mr- Corniick, 1.12-1 Jackson St., Hills l.oio, Ore. 4!Mf An authority on antoniidiil-- savs that Washiimton County easily had doulde the cars this it had. ir. H I S. I his is 11 t 1 : 1 1 more man mil leea nie on inn streets, when almost every iUnrd rreidi.-nt Wilson Deliver Addre Craves Decovaletl I lull ' iiici'u an ,1 iirivat . Iieell Ifill Cross ill . letler I . her I lohhs, says in I iss 1 I II ith I'm I rani i , ii mot her, M rs. J. A pa rl : Dear Mother: On Decoration Day I went out to the American cemetery at Suresm s anil heanl I'residt-ut Wilson. He nave a h mild address and the whole was very nnpressu e. r.very .vui- i rn an crave over Mere, m.is in - r iled and seniles held in all the inter places, "I am euclosiuZ front paije of ailv papers, W ilson looks very '. i . i i i - i ii. much worn ami lerriniv iiren. in iks as if he couldn't stand the strain much lonuer. It has lu-eii irililv hard fur him am! the iiu ison ihle actions of so many at Wi If .Mm rvv nod, -.eat Tic s '.f the Hth (!ias. llrooklnan, of near I,: rel, w as ill the city Tin mI iv. 1'lowern for funerals and oilier (u'casions, lieriten Moral C llilUhorn. Miles J. llaiin s, if was up to the county day. I'riiiL'iiiK ") some (iraile students. kale Mailt for Sal. Have .10,000 nice healthy plants. -C Sehoenljachler, '! miles soiitln asl of Reedville, on J rinin I a .11 I'ortl and road. 10-18 Chrihtian Science. .Society Sunday hi rvicf-n at II o'clock; Sunday School at 10:15 a. in. Wednesday eveiiinif mntinits at RIP, I IIIDIRf R IP.TIUITY --" U U LUHIULII nuiiin I III ALL OVERJHE STATE Spruce Division to Offer Mill Ma- chine ry For Sale BIG GRAIN CROP OUTLOOK State Has 486.85 Miles of Road Work Under Way o'clock. Vila J lull, K'28 Wash ington St. tf l'a.tuniLre for CaMl. Vfl.VI the last In I'e day the parkings remind one of l'ortlan l's business streets. A. V. I'alten. former principal none must he aooitt .1 raw . We sun I y do hnpt is much as at home, that pence can come soon. 'The licit Cross is imdcrtak illit lit pholoniapli every arave over here. If any of people you know in llillshoro wi-.li picture of (trave of their sous tell them to send a i'eiuest for it lo the Ilureati of Iliiuie Communiealion, American lied Cross. Washington. D. ('., and thev will send one in due course. It may lake some jeeks or evi n monlhs. hut is iond idea lo ji-t reipiest in early, while the men are worktn; in Hit In hi ov.-r here. All our records w ill lie tak en across to the Washington heaihiiiarlers. ami I think I slml. he asked to j;o down lo Washintt ton with themt which will he tine if thev don t want me to wait around here indelinilely. "A ladv who has lieen in elianre of the suli-seclion of Home Com munication is imi nix have for home al once, so for a few day; I shall have the w hole thitnr on mv hands and all the final paekimj and closimr up Jo supervise. Thi-i r.-allv entitles- to rank of Major; that is, men chiefs in similar po sitions tret that rank. Don't von think I should feel hMtercd! Hut 1 surely dread the next few day .4 or weeks, as it is surely hare work lo uet it all straiithteim out ami shipped across for use on the other side. 1 should be very dad to skip off home myself. Do no! sec any prospect ot leaving he fore July first, hut hope vPl soon .after that date. As ever Tern." this city, was ... i . i i . . .i i.i.i.. r.. : in uiirn m-iinoi m have Known i e urine no humi . . ,r of Vers. Mrs. Hrierly Is an e,k a..e,l,n the Ml 1 . . , .i ii- .. t rade i xcrclsi s al :he court nn rut worker oi ine milium Ilelicf Corps and Is one of White son's estimable ladies. The irroom'ls well known here, where he hnn alway had n host of friends. He was elected Com mander o f C.en. Hansom Post las' January. Mr Hrierly came down the first of the week to settle up bin affair here. The .Win joins his many friends In eonitratulat Injj; him and his bride. Tor crenter vnlue in used cam, don't fail to nee Perkins. That depot ordered at the jui-t- lioti of the S. P. al-d Tillamook I i 1 v.. ..I I. I) . ...... 1.. line on niant ami isorm o ni-. . ... Hi, se many month', aitivis slil i iieifliirible ipianlily. It's all 'kht In the summer time, bid tbirin-x the winter eampaiitn the ncceMsi ty of II buildinir tt ovevwl i-btiirtf. (irade i xcrcisi s al house hipiare. He ami 11. I. Pat ten will on July 1 open the re sort at Cannon Iteaeh. and re main there until October 1. C.'in luui Piiaeh is located below Sea side, and is one of the most .nt Iraeliviv miliiitr jilaci s alonu the coast. Thousands of tons of hay down mul he in if put into I he bars is the record of the past ten days, and it has been some years .since there has been so hiif a hay crop. The Winter grain is siir passiiur itself in ftrowlh, and it would aiuicar thai nolhiust but .. . .' 1 ... mi , . ii . i. a we liaivcsl win itcicr u asu j not on County from the crop of crops. Wheal is lillinif nicely and the most adverse of weather could hardly upset crop pros pects at this time.. BIRTHDAY PARTY On Sunday June IS, a party fath ered at the home of Mr. ami Mrs ... l-.rnest Johnson tin. to ci-h-bratc the birthdays Mrs. Josephine Johnson. lohnson and Georite The ami of South Tuala of Krni Johnson iiav was en oven in iisum . i . l .. a treneral sioon nine, aim n t nn it 1 1 Hish i-e i- I HOI!, nf-is l urn pre f"r Cattle- for old stock: J.1.00 per for icarliiiLM and under. i liro,., Hanks, It. .1. P: ii-ve Mount lindale. Teh nil h Plains. Dr. ami Mrs. I". A. llailcy wen! i Mt. Hood last Sunday, makine ii- trip from Portland with Dr. . P. liiiley and wife, in the m.i line. They w ent ch ar lo I he , . ".ii e i now line, ami nan a niaiinieeni w of the hiif mountain. l or Sale- Team nudes, T .and 10 years, 1 '.'00 IPs. each; L'ooil work animals: harness; Vi5: cow. ill milk, (food averatfe Jersey: .ff).'.. ('has. P. rook .(,', fk W I . t man. IIHIslioro, n. : ar r. i. illiprard place, Ii miles out. IS County Comniissiom r John . Cornelius is moil ruin:; the lo-s if a mitthtv line horse, on.- of lie us! roadsters in the county. J. W. has refused .N0() for the Ihor i n i i i i . . t nil fliliren. 1 lie nurse uiok sk i, i ml pissed ill a few hours. l'or Sale- 1 I T s cyli'ider Ohlsiiiobile, mia.'.intei d In st ass nn eh.lliie.'il cniiilition : inif : cord tires front, and l!n .l ird tires, r. ar; extra lire; t tOO. Terms, or w ill trade en , i income tieariii'' property.- it. O. Itohb. 1 t lC. A. C. Shule and I.. T. Me heelers departed tin- i'l'-l of th cck lor a u.niui; i xp' on ion aj- Ci nlral Oreiron, tnakiiiif th trio OV tr im. I In v expect to make a bin catch, hut cniov tlie Irip w lu lher thee land any of ih linnv fellows or not. Thresher for Sale A l'ussell par.ilor. 2"'5. in jfood shap. Ihiirouirhlv overhauled; self- feeder ami blower; at a liaritain. .S.'laO cash will tuiv. Ucailv to run, except lieltliljf.- ill. llau son, Scholls; Hillsboro, Houte eholls telephone. I'lie slate hiifhwisv eontiaetors have the ceiueiit lanl between the eilv nark and Uock Creek, and iK'sday eommeiiei'd ifctlhijf the I racks UP lor proctH ilniU' east ward. It is expected that ill few days liny will net down to business and striteh out from four to live hundred feet daily. lluiih lioiiers is attain able to handle his work, and s;.ys Ho lumber and lonU'in.S business ov er the stale is itoinu some s.ivs a new mill -foes m lack K. i 1 1 in place, above which w ill cut per d.iv am Portland's (treat aim now must a thirty five foot channel to sea. 1 orest (irove - ;0,000 Mason- . . . ! . 1 .1 ic mil l.aslern .Mar Home assured. Astoria I'ishinjf fleet on lower Columbia exceeds any previous year. I'loreuci Lnurtiiiif camp on South Sloupth bei'ins operations. Portland U. S. Spruce Pro- lucliou Corporation to o!l'-r its ... . ' i i I sawmills, loif-fiiilf raiiroaiis ami limber holdiiists ill Orcifioi and Washiipton to commercial 1 mil er onerators. . wa (V- .i: - rv slopping 1 .0' ;) ' s. i-ijv' w eel- to out side noinls. ( ioverniui-nt experts to search for oil in this state. Posebunt - Apple crop here was .never better. Annual mid-summer mectinir of West Const Lumbermen's As sociation w ill be held at Paradise Inn. Rainier Nation."! Park. Wcd- . i f t I I A nesil.iv ami i iiursiia v, juiv .u and .11. Porlland Contracts for 110.- It miles road work awarileil hv Slate Ilmhwav I onimission. ait it rejf.it in f, with bridite contracts. fl.10t.S18. 50. !lianv Crei'mery Assn. makes (iS.200 lbs butter durinar May. Pendleton to have 1 500-barrcl liVir mill in addition to present re., mills. Albany New i.20.000 cannery to be built here at once. F.iisreiie-- Contracts for $100.- Service The standard of service a bank rentiers to its eiistoiners in particular and the community in gene nil may be fairly measured by its degree of success. The confidence which this bank enjoys Is the resultant of t wcnty-eijthl years of substantial banking service lo the people of Ibis community. hiit; birthday dinner was scrvec ini.ler the maole.s. Those present were: Mrs. Josephine Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Reeves, and Iota Itobb, HilJsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purves and (humb ler Miss Maigaret. and P -arl I.a-1-aulle, of Seattle; Karl Johnson, Porll.ind ; Messrs. and Mesdames p.lwood Johnson. Calvin .lohnson I'.rncst Johnson; Irvin Johnson Cecil'. Milton, Merle, (icorgie. (iilberl. Reuinald ami Ciernld Johnson nml Misses Crvstabel, Dorothy DiKlle and Lorraine Johnwni, of .'south I uaiaiin. , II on the Bank from 15 to 50 M h.ie lwo railway eonneetioiis- the spur to the I il l.imook line ami the Wilson River railway. We invite your banking business, mereial and savings accounts, on the our high standard of .service. Assets over $800,000. bolh eom rei'ord of SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ BUYS ELMORE HOTEL ,1. .1. Krebs has purchased the El more Hotel, mar Rockawey, ami m.'iiiv more cotlanes, Mr. and li.v" Krehs eame over the last of the week ami arc 'now cquipphu !he hotel for the Simnner's cam paiifii. The hotel Is located at ...... .,f l he popular resorts on the Tillamook beach, and host and i . i 1 ... ' .... l.t ..-iieilile nf 'lllsll-ss .11. ..iiiii.t ..... . "4 handling place, of Ibis kind. Their extensive acquaintance ill this section will make thv place .elideions for Washington Coiinlv people. The Arsfiis wishes them sue cess. Wm. 15. his sister, herdeen. lolly, of Portland, ami Mrs. M. M. Thein, of Wash., pioneers of IS 1-7, were in the city 1 uestiay unests of Mrs. Janic Scwell. Mrs I'ln-in came over from Ahcrtteen lo a em (he pioneer nuuiou. came out to llillshoro to n . . r ..: new tile aeipiaiuuioees oi . ivs when Hillsboro was their mm . :ll ..ii 1 it... ... mine. I ne. "in .n leno m . oli.m lo Mrs. Olive Riley, al i , llaml. tomorrow'. It miuhl he ot interest to llmse w ho dcliifhl in the hstic spoi l !o know that Mike lSutler. of Port- in. I. trainer in athletics of Ibis rl. left this week to Htlend tin Willnrd D' nipsev Imut at I o Ohio. Mike was the "till lema n m trained Larry I'Yrusworll for about 1'ern him to 000 woman s huilclinif to lie ler toon. ml - '.S00 h. . plant to In built hv P.. W.. L. .v P. Co. on To malo at cost of $125,000. Orecron has under eonstrnctior . . -i r i iml c'lntrici (mi..i nines oi n u ork. ew oort -10.000,000 ft. of nits lu re to He moveii. J.oititm operntions ready to start. Astoria - ork started on to t Marine railway on i oung s l.ay Means est.iMishment of new su nn'.. The .'rent est ffraiii crei) ever row n in states of Oregon. Wash i til. i r... melon ami iiiaoo assurcn i"i 10H. Klamath Falls plans his street mnrovement program. Conlev Salt Lake cj pitalist . .. e . pureliases il'U acres near oere l'o sink artesian wells to ii'i-iif.it. uid and w ill raise alfalfa and su ar beets. St. Helens Employes of St Helens Lumber Co. here resmn S hour day. (iold !-:'eh -- Euchre Cre J leese f.ietorv ttll'llilKf Ollt 500 lbs. cheese daily. Means distrihu tion of ? 1.500 every 21 hours to lairymcn. AstorLv paper mill rapidly rfrowiiiK into export plant. ir-tO.- 000 improvements being maue Vale Malheur County votes $2.'l0.000 for good roads. PIONEER RECEPTION Mrs. Edythe Toisier-W eatherrci! asks the Argus to notify all toe W.-ishiiPfton County pionee'r friends of Mrs. live Riley that a reception will be tendered Mrs Itilev at the home of Mrs. M. E. Williams. No. S00 Last Stark M.; Portland. Ore., on Friday after noon, .nine .'(, negmnius; ai .. ... i no ... O ClOCk. iiirs. 11 1 icy N (Minn.. and other friends from Hillsboro and Washiimlon Countv are ... . . i... ifiveit coniiai inviiaiiou in oe esent when this daughter ot the lale Col. Jos. L. Meek, Ore oil's first United States Marshal. is complimented. l'or Sab Two yearling heif ers. Will sell cheap if taken soon.- Theodore VanCu'iinsvcn. Impiire of A. VanCiruiisyeu, for est. C J rove, Ore., U. 2. 1-t-lfi A big bunch of Pythians are attending the K. of P. lodge at Forest drove this evening, assist ing i pulling on the floor work with a biff class of candidates. . . i .... i. rimee i itoor al iwnnv twelve months, lo nave ..oi'lh Ihe done to cnabh put the Aritns reporter lo slee but somehow or other the Al ius scribe kept both eyes open. A. Zw finer, of near Tigard. was up to the city Tuesday. He has been one of the pioneer? for permanent roail improvement down ill his sectio i, anil s:ys that stood roads down his way have meant wonderful tbiims for the residents. Property is ehangittu hands at advanced prices all the time, and the farmers hwc de cent highways to i;et to market. He is very anxious to get the road front Crcenburg lo P.etvcr- ton rocked so as to get into tin slate highway enrmite to Hills boro. REYNOLDS BACK C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporaf.nl) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The feest Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thornburgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier John E. Bailey, Vice PrcVid.-nt H. E. Fe-rin, Assistant Cashi!T. W McElclowrvey, Cashier. E. F s. Hurlingham Hughes FOREST G ROVEHATIONAL BAMK FOREST GROVE, ORE. RESOCRCFS Loans $32252(;0.'.'l) Capital U. S. IJonds unci Surplus ..... Certificates .. 23 M35.C3 Circulation Other lionds .... 16.575.88 Deposits Banking House... Other Real Kst. Stock oi Federal Reserve Bank Cash and Diir F r o in Banks and U. S. ir,.H 15.H1 Treas. 195.12 1 .(! I LIABILITIES 2.1 t,i:i5.ti5 lt,575.88 18.502.00 li.l 20.00 1.SOO.00 .$ 25,000.00 .. 53,092. H .. 25,000.00 (591,123.02 $791,81 5. t:i f 794,8 15.43 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK COUNTV IN WASHINGTON INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS C. K. Rogers. Res. 1448 Base Line St., Hillsboro. l'h.364 ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER DAILY TRIPS BETWEEN PORTLAND, BEAVER TON, HILLSBORO, FOREST.GROVE General Hauling. Storage. Long Distance Moving Portland Otlice, 271 Taylor St. Phones' Main 6765 A3 110 - We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and' SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair . work in first-class woik ami our charges are always reasoi.ab! : : : Th.uldeus V. Reynolds, the foun der of th. 201 It Century Grocery. has boueht hack tin business from the firm to which he sold a year niro, and will take posses sion in a few days, inventory starlinsr the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds returned this Soring front nn extended trip to California. Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, nml they will lU.-sin Veoino residents of llills horo. Thev are at present living ,,.,, rimoniea. hut will move to lite city rts soon ns they can find a residence. V. S. Park will he associated with Reynolds in the new business. IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES , SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. Try the Argus for rrr. HOF.F M N Jeweler and Optician Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon i Miller tires are good tires. Perkins hits exclusive territory. Oct his prices before bnviniT new tires. S-tf Vetfersblfi nml flowering plant now ready at Mueller' Green house, l?th and Oak. By mull or .n c.-i!!. TYlel'hone 16117. 5tf