, ttrHl1TirT-,--nn- n - ii T 1 kJ4E X : VOL. XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNE 12; L919 NO. 14 B fl a S.- D ...I' U rt . IXIft "si L UutincM rvien near i rom u. Keiter on State Highway Work GIVE BETTER TOWN IDEAS 1 Phelps Ttlli Aociatci He Wants Help for Celebration Tim IminIiu-hh men' Iuiii-Iii-oii nt thf lloli-l Monday eclipsed liny .iii . i i . . i i t i .v. i .1.1.1, every p.-.i.- at ...o r ; belli occupied, will, room made ! for more. J. H. (-arret pre- , t . iii Heller, win, 1 1 1 . it u- tin- irrndt'M for I lie Mate t Iliidiwav. told of tlo- iiroifress "f i II..- contractor mid ex plain, d why tin- work wan not y.-t hillii.K; it-Mipi.1i. It., bn'i.1 iloil in Hie near ful.irt- tin- conlriictor-i j would doubtless put on mi exlia shift mi at to have the work com - pleted I'V late Fall. H" l-'1' that con-.id.rinn: everylliiinf I''' county ih Ki tting Ireate.l very nie.lv IV the commission, lie K.tid that the eontraet for the mileage lietween the two 4 .unity linen would he let this season; that the hihwny would In com-pleli-d hit ween here and the (irove by Winter; that the ( Lin ton Forest (irove base would be laid, and thin, with the Kex-TI-Kurd road, would (five lit a fine representation on the six million of bonds in the original huisla tiou. II. V. Harms, It. It. .-.aster and ('. II. lluehaiian were appointed to look into the proposition of establishing a camp ground for motorist pitssinir tlirotiKli. ami siiltt fHl I.njfan. They for they will report later. ' merly resided nl the (irove. Vie- l-'.d. Sehnliiierieh reported that ,,r s.ivs that Vancouver is just the council hud taken hold of tlo ouI.I.oiik itself in .-rowim; and cclelirati.m, and liad nppointe.l lakinu; mi new business. n I'll. Ins to direct affairs. Mi I'llelps lirii lly told what was he inu done, mid said that all com mittees had heell named. Messrs. Wells, Weil and John son were named to formulate a plan for the business men to 'ss i Iipoll the worilliness Ol soinmi tioii of funds eoniinn from the outside. There wan some discus sion a to takiuir op the matter of a permanent pavilion nt the city park, and this will he thresh ed out in the near future. (irover Comb and M. II. Ste venson were unmet) to look into the mattrr of inilenu'e ii.'ns for the county seat. C. F.. Wells read a paper in which this neces sity was lirouuht out. W.'W. flos-cow- and V. O, H ire made short talks on celebrations nod the conduct of the city towards its Ifiiesls, both endorsing the mut ter of n permanent liuildintr at Shule Park for nmuveme.its. Mr. Hare contended that we needed somethinir of this nature at all times and cited the condi tion which will obtain when we rive the returned soldier and sailors a w elcome. .. ,. r .1'.:... The woodshed of Carl I.arseii caught lire early Monday morn ing, and before the (lames were extinguished the structure was practically burned, will, perhaps n total loss of from $230 to $300. The wall of the residence next to the burned woodshed was bad ly scorched, and n hose attached to a faucet stopped the blur,. long enough to keep it down un til the city department reached the place. I.nrsen lost a lot of fine tools that descended from the father's estate, and these alone were worth tpiite a neat little mini. The department was late getting out as the alarm was slow niiing through central. Service The standard of service a bank renders to its customers in particular and the community in general may be fairly measured by its degree of success. The confidence which this bank enjoys is the resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial banking service to the people of this community. We invite your banking business, bolh com mercial and savings accounts, on the record of our high' standard of service. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE; Some tilir four (imcd) Ox:.' In. ids, mill other nt rigfit prici-H. K. I.. Perkins, 3 tf Fred It. Clark, of I a in i i n k t i n , was up ti 1 1 1 cily Friday, watch ing tin' weather viinc, ,, Sturm Sr. and Tom S.io.y, of above lilooinliiK, wit. city en llr ri Friday afternoon. Trunk M. Ki-i-h.hi. of above Nllllll Phlill, WHS llltWII to lliC 1 dimly scat Friday, un-i tiiix his iricn.is. Perk In now luis iiis i ji air ,1 water HVNtcui Installed - drive iii and help yourself. Vo, arc welcome. H-tf Sf jM,lH)(.w'K VvXmt. ( im, , Sul, m.rvi,.,.Hi Masses llt ,.., w.( k Ml, ftt h :U0.- J. T. Cslcl..e, iU . to,-. Vegetable and .lowering plant now ready lit Mueller's Green house, 12lh and Onk. Uy mail or on cull. Telephone 10H7. Btf .rllinr llacon, well known in . ,r ('mini, wis out from pur,,,i Hie list of tin we. k, shaking hands w il h Itis I lillsboro fri.n.U. litisti ui Science Society Sunday hi rvicc id 1 1 o'clock ; Sunday School nt 10:15 ... m. Wednesday ev. nini; meeting), at K o'clock. Vita Hall, 12 2 S Wash iiifrton St. tf For S ile Five lots in llilKlio ro, on ( iarili il.li Au iiur; cu. Ii 50x1011. Some fruit tree! tnmll huil.liiiKi ; luirn; chicken Iioihc; i-i 1 1 enclosed ill wire fence. For particular see or write John l'n.eker, Ilillshoro, It. a. U-i I Mr. mid Mrs. Victor l.imh.-r and childi- n were over from Vaiu-out cr the la-l of the wi l l.. i!e-.K of (no. .1. I. mil. i r ami lie. j For Sale t acres; '.' acres of upland; acres of pasture iland; f! room house; haru and 'other Iniildiinrs ; (food represciil alioil of fruit of all kinds; half mile soutli 1 1 f Cio-iielius eitv 1 i in - ,( lf of ., terms,--See A. R. F.nvl.-ind. of Ilillslioi'o, or write MeCleary, Wash. O. 15 K - -.us, 12 I i Sgl. W . V. McKinnev, of the A. I'., F., sends the Argus the blue-book of the personnel of (teueral Pershing's original parly that landed in France June I .'I, l!)17. I.I the list, as one of the (ieiieral's personal staff is the name of ( apt. Nelson F. Mar ge Its, who is married to a niece of Mrs. J. A. Imbrie, of this city, Farm for Sale Have decided to sell in y 12'.i acre chicken ranch, half mile .south of Dilley, Oregon, oil l'.-uilie Highway. A family orchard, b. rrics, all in crop; fair house, barn, 2 chicken houses, KWIlfl and HiMiO; 2 cows; 2 heifers, U horses, farm machinery, incubators and brood ers, household goods, B0 liens, liOO chicks, all Wiile Leghorns. Right price to responsible parly, and give terms. No trades, "'a II and see, or write II. L. Fuller, Oillcy. On-iron. 12-1 I.t. J. R. Dinsmorc, in France I In; past year as I.I. and Surgeon, arrived in Portland Monday af ternoon, lie came through from the Fast coast with over 1.10 wounded, and with his detach ment were s.'k prisoners for Leave. .worth, Kas., the Federal prison, I.t. Hinsiuore expects lo locate in Ilillshoro and resume the practice of medicine. Prior lo cnlislnient Dr. Dinsinore prac ticed at Orenco. Mrs. Dinsinore went lo Portland to see her hus band as he passed through. B, Lcis, of the Aetna Orchards, Calls Attention of Growers JUNE 20TH IS THE DATE lieaverton Man Reminds County OrchardisU of Codling Moth IS. Lcis, of tin- Aetna Orchards, lieaverton, writes tl.n Argus the following letter which is recom mended lo all fruit growers -I "alitor .V rgus - 1 am very liilich pleased to see so much interest taken in our or chards. This is true, at least in my in-jhlioi hood, as I have lo answer all sorts of ipieslions. Now, if we have to believe all we hear ami read the (Killing Moth arc all silliui; on the f.-n.-es ready to swoop down on, our trees lo get in their deadly work mil destroy our apples. Well, I do not think there is any can for it. as I do nut think that the we illier h is been very favorable, for tin in thus far. I have not made it ;i practice of spraying any sooner than 1 1 ii ii t the L'Olli of June, ami al ways with :hc best of rcsul's. This is, of course, the second spraying for worms; nnd the last praying comes about August 20. Out of about I 10 hoves of apples I found two apples wormy, so I belie.- I could not do much hel ler if I spr.iyed three or four times more. I have an orchard i mv mind thai I took care of is! season, the owner being a nt ii resilient. The crop of lit 17 sold for $.'.'. I believe that ev-: i I'V apple had t i-oiii J lo .1 worms (this was -i J I acre tract). I gave il the usulal spraying and as I was I ld by the purchaser of llni crop I here were viol over one per nl of worms I believe that is- not so had. if we consider that last season it was almost next to impossible to keep the worms out of the fruit, as it seemed the Cod ing Moth hatched all of the growing season. For this second spray ing I use 2 lbs neutral arse nate of lead paste to fit) gallons of water. 1 he Mime formula ii il-.o used for the last spraying il. nit August 201 Ii. I find in niv 10 years of orchard iractiee tt .it three sprayings with arsenate of ead will control the worms if the work is done at the proper time, and, of course, thoroughly. In my last letter I spoke of pow dery mildew (it seems to be very prevalent) and also how to con trol, ns r. comnu tided by the IT. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Hy my own experience the Summer pray recommended by them I found effective, 'some years ago I was awarded 100 Jonathan apple trees for having the best ipplcs on exhibition. When the tries wire small 1 gave them the usual winter treatment and prun ing, but did not spray them dur ing Summer except for apples, using Rlack Leaf 10. They got infested badly will, the powdery mildew. As soon as they begun to set fruit I sprayed with lime and sulphur, summer strength, 1 o 0. and the mildew all disap peared. Xtfiv. as I am speaking of m practi -al experience in mv own orchard. I would recom mend getting F.xtension Rulletin K Orchard Sprav Program, for 1 !!!. It is full of useful infor- mat nm asking, count y and can be bad for the or, I think, from the .gent. P.. Lcis, t tna Orchards. Reaver- Tin- ton, Ore,' R. II. Kaltz, the piano tuner, was out from Portland Monday, .hike Milne, of Xorth Plains, was in the last of the week, get ting in shape for haying. Notice to the Public Am now on-pared to deliver ice to the residence section. Leave toilers with L. J. Rushlow; phone 2 IS 7. -Paul Tews. Hillsboro Ice Co. Li-is Attorney Chas. Anderson re turned I he last of the w eek from an extended trip into the Alber ta. Canada, country. He and his companions made a trip into the big coal deposits, anil were pen ned up in a cabin for 21 hours, .wailing the lilowovcr of a snow storm. lien it ahatctl they found 15 inches of new snow to negotiate in order to reach the rail lines. Mr. Anderson and bis associates leased a big coal de posit real bonest-to-goodness coal into which a rail line has been surveyed. They crossed streams in instances where they had lo swim their horses nnd float their camp outfit across on rafts. Try the Argus, $1.80 per y-ir For greater value in used cars, don't fail to pee Perkins. I lias. J. Hern, ol Links, was down lo tin.- cily Monday. A. K. .Schmidt, of Laurel, has moved into the city for the Sum mer. Flower for funerals and oilier occasions. Jlergen Floral (Jo., Ilillshoro. ' 82-tf C. II. Freer, of Jiuxtou, was down to the cily Monday, on le gal business. Miller tires give greater mile age, for dollar invested. See Per kins about them. 3 tf Paul l.ailcy'h.is returned from California, w here his ti rm at col lege is coinpletid for the year. Special terms for Summer class in piano. June 15 lo Au gust 15. Vincent F.ngledinger. Hillsboro. 11-1 t A. Mi llies has taken his team ing out I'll b ick up to Yamhill Count V, where he has a contract of lending. For Sale- A line crop of standing t lover, for hay.- W. J. !b id. at QiMlaina Station. Ore gon F.I. ctric, 12 1 C. A. Peterson, dispenser of mail al I'uxton for many ml. on-, wis gritting friends in town tie last of the w eek. For S,tb Ilcgislered Je.sey hull, with papers; .'I years old. Valley Roberts. Hillsboro. R. I'hone Hillsboro .'iltlia. 12 14 License to wed wtye the lisl neck granted Lester K. Thomp son mid Mrs. Fslher Hard; Max' clh-r anil Ruby Hansen, lieav erton. Wanted: I'ecf cattle, hogs and slice)). Will pay best price for good stuff. Phone Reaverton. Mail address, W. W. Mcllnr, ftecdville, Oregon. 35-35 Win. Pulxds left this week for Pendleton, where be will pa-- the harvest days with kirkp.il riek, one of the big wheal far mers of that section. For Sab . rs. Will soon.-- 'I'b. - Two yearling heif sell cheap if taken inline Van( i ruiisv i liiipiire of A. un( rutisvt n. 1 or est (irove. Ore.. It. 2. I 1 1 '! F. I., (ieiger. of Cornelia-..' was down to the county Seat on Monday in. truing, straightening out a youngster's mixiip on the Cornelius ball grounds. Overland Rig Four for hire Leave orders at Lone Star Res taurant, on Main St. Special rates to Portland and Columbia Highway. Licensed. Phone No. 2(!01X." 9 tf J. R. McNew, of above Rux lou, was in the city Monday, greeting friends. J. H. is work ing on the night shift at the Seo lield sawmill, the shift being ne cessitated because of rush of or ders. Only monument dealers in Washington County. Drop us a card, and we will show you our samples. Write or call on us, at I, Ilia Main St., Hillsboro. Ore gon Monument Works, Hillsboro, Oregon. 49-tf E. F.. Merges, of Portland, was out Saturday, and was given a divorce by Judge Ragley. Mer ges had bis wife at lunch with him, and she said she would see him at home at four o'clock thai ifiernoon, .and when he arrived home she was well on her way to California. Fur Sab- Dark bay horse, 5 years old , 100; will work anywhere- price, $150, with half set work harness. Six mouths time, bankable note come and try him. Also a 2 wagon, with bolster springs, $35. J. A. O'Dell, Laurel, Ore. Telephone Seholls Central. 10 tf The Hillsboro Trailing Com pany, Messrs. Council, Kerr and Freeman, have bought the. La.-scu & Johaiisen feed business in the llarlrauipf building on the P. P. & X., and Clay Freeman will have charge of the selling end. The new (inn will make improve ments ami will nut in a larger -it ock. They hive taken posses si on. L. J. Rushlow was found guil Iv Thursday, in the Judge I? Reasonable court for offering his property, opposite the Oregon Fleet r.e depot, at a price people will think something wrong with Hillsboro, and tbnt improve- ments add no value but such is not the case, as everyone knows prospects were never better, nnd the offer is at such a price there is no question of this being one of the best investments in the county. No trades considered Rnsiness not for sale. tall on or address 1320 Washington Ft. Hillsboro. 12-14 B Report is Encouraging to All Lines of Business CROP PROSPECTS GOOD McMurray Wants Old Oregon Sent on World Tour June '.I The U. S. National Rank of Portland, Oregon, lias just is sued its tpi.irlcrly liiisiness Diget, containing the best opinions of rue. i of national reputation, as well as an accurate statement of Juisiness and crop conditions in all sections of Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho and Mui.tiiia. Lvery tliing points to inerc.iscd business mil the general conclusions to be drawn from the reports say "(io head." The facts contained in Ibis hhoklet nfl'er cut-on nteliii-lit lo all lilies of business. Piirtlami Pacific highway to gt t series ot inns to cost between 2.000.000 and .-f ,'1.01)0.000 : tw o ire in Oregon. Port lantl AVm. McMiirrav, of the O. W. It. ,fc . Co., wants to send old "Oregon" around the worltl as an advertising medium for Oregon, having in operation on the boat a ponv sawmill, fish cannery. Ilonr mill, paper mill, -hiphuihliiig plant ii; full opera tion, as well as other industries of tin- State nil to be amplified by moving pictures of the real thing. Klamath Falls votes 12 to 1 to back the Strahorn railroad. The U. S. Xntimi.il Hank of Portland. Oregon, in its last statement shows resources of over .-f'.tS.OOO.OOO with dexsits running over . 30.000.000. New suspension bridge across Willamette, connecting Oregon City and West Linn proposed. F.stiui-ite.l cost 2n"X,000. Prohibition has encouraged manufacture of all kinds of foods and drinks to take nlaee of liiin,. .iiiiu f e. m, i ,-1 e i.f,..r,t fit, "- - '.- r- " - ohol. Host burg F.stiniate of fruit hipmt-iits from this community -pears. 30 cars; apples, 200 ars; prunes. S.OO0.00O lbs. Raker Lumber mills are en joying prosperity output 100,- 000.000 ft. a month. Astoria Fishing industry iromises to lv good one fits- sea- ... Eugene Improvements on ,1. . T-.1 roait iron, lit re to r .orenee makes travel possible. R.akei l-ields Mutual Mining Co. begins operations. Rosebnrg I'nipqua alley Fruit Union will erect big plant. Try the Argim for a year. Jos. Pongratz, of Buxton, was loun Monday, enroute to Port- and.- Ilovn, to Mr. ami Mrs. Raleigh Walker, of Forest drove, June 8, HUD, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luther, of Salem, spent Sunday with the A. P. Luthers and the Hartran.pfs. For Sale Forty acres of land, I miles from Hillsboro; 12 acres or more in cultivation. i'.u. mil ler, Hillsboro, R. 5. 915 Freil Goet.e, of blooming, was m tlie cily iVio.iti.iy. lie says that haying has just started un- tler way out in lus .section. Wood Orders For your Win ter orders for lli-inch wood, call SI on Line 10. E. L. Kraus, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 2. 12-1-1 Uo not forget that open air dance at North Plains. June 21 Saturday evening. The usual gooil orchestra will lie tin nana. For Sab Three or more Dti- roc .lerscy shoals. , o ins. eaeu. Inquire nt Fearing Spur, Oregon Electric, between Sewt-11 and M.lkapsi Stations.- P. L. Fm- bry. 13-15 F. It. Peals, of Tillamook, mo tored through the county Friday. leals says that he could t'uul all iuds of signs directing- him to this and that place, but could not find any locating Hillsboro. A number of signs on prominent roads would tlo much to help motorists find the historic county seat. Here is a chance for Hills boro to find itself. Eugene Farm for Sale Farm of 1 :t0 neres, nil in cultivation within 2V miles of Euirenc, Ore gon, a city of over 12,000 people; State University town; on tine arravel road; old-lime house; a good barn nnd silo. Good soil; fine for grain or fruit bearing; now used as dairy ranch. Price, $150 per acre. Terms given. Mrs. F.liznbeth Iloenel, Corne bus, Ore., R. 1. 1214 C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboror, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and lit tail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; HilLborc, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North P!a' ; in 263. J. A. Thornburgh, President. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier John E. E xi: -.-j. Vice Vrn ,ikr.t H. E..Ferriu, Assistant Cashier. FORESTGROVENATi BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE RESOURCES Loans $322,200.29 U. S. Bonds and Certificates . 234,135.63 Other Bonds .. 16.575.88 Hanking House... 18.502.00 Other Real Est. 6,120.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 1.800.00 Cash and Due Fro m Banks and U. S. 19o.8I5.Gl Treas. 193,121.61 $794,815.43 ONLY ROLL OF HONOR BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY INTEREST PAID C. K. Rogers. Res. 1118 Base Line St., Hillsboro. Ph. 361 ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER DAILY TRIPS BETWEEN PORTLAND, BEAVER TON, HILLSBORO, FOREST GROVE General Hauling. Storage. Long Distance Moving Portland Otliee, 271 Taylor St. Phones'Main 6765 A3 110 We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We :. o work in first-class v r i! are always rtosi IF YOUR EYES AF.E TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon Miller tires are good tires:.) For Sale Angora goats; aUo Perkins has exclusive territory, la good Jersey cow. E. Des Get his prices before buying new camps, Benvf-rton, Orfgon, Rouiq tires. 8-tf i. 13-15 e . r.idowney, lti.:U;i:i. E. F P.urlingham S. U. Hughes LIABILITIES Capital ,f 25,000.00 Surplus Circulation .. Deposit - ... 53,602.11 25,000.00 691,123.02 i?7P4,8 15.43 ON SAVINGS repair rges DUAL