f 3 ,ssS3i235: niSLLS HILLS BO RO, OREGON, JUNE 5, L919 NO. 13 VOL. XXVI BR V I A i 1 i , iuviinIiiiin.- llirgrli Mural C.'u., Graduates Given Diplomat nt lIjNliorii. SI If Exercises l.ant Thursday Eve lf.nry Simlli, of nrnr Hoy, i i wu.t down to IlilUboro tin- lust "f PRES. ACKERMAN TALKED j k. Some bljr fmim (tmeil) Ovc- Chairman A. C. Shut Presented ludn, anil ollum at right YjWc. Diplomat to Proud Gradt 1 Hcrli.it Lurk, J.uk (mllli.li '.mil Clair Sample h ft Monday ly Tlu- Krrt.luriti.nl .xrr.U.H for tlx- ((( f(r ft.w dnv In U: N Clam of IIMII, IIilKlx.ro 1 1 ijur.lt, I m(., wax In lil at llir iW. 1'.. ( Iiiiitii laii Tliurnday i-vtniiiK, I a raparity au.li.'iii'i', and Cliairiiuiu A, ('. Sllllte prrrlltrd thf following 1 I liid.-nti villi tlirlr diploma: Orntui Murium- W HI, l.va F.lith. Siinptuii, IVurl Marj.'inr itr (i.irdii.r, I-.dytht- Mae Unui, I'.dgar F.arl Carlrr, l'.Ui.' Frit. la Jov. Mari.' A. H.il, Adah I'. KHiliam, Salilna I. lull.' (irand, Maltrl Caruliiu' Taylor. In d William Millr.n. I'.ula Ialn-I llosw . ll, Arthur Lawrrnri' H.-il j iittf inn I Arthur Il. nj. Surtiisnii. J 1'rcKident Ackrruiaii, of llu Statr Normal, dclivrr-d the ad-1 dress and It wan one of hi t st I HTort. II.' cntourau.d I In- ' young men ami women in Mini their Alma Mater front the Ore-, ilu ir lii. 'In r . ,1 . i c r lieati.m, and nt.lted that On-goil institution ranked with nnv of tlie oilier coll.Kes Irom oilier Miitr lie sai.l I lie .liv lunl eonie i when men and women who trad i lialeil from Oregon colli t;es were ' received Into Ihi world wild ni iroii.t itecl.iim ni IIioh.' who bad other iiitliliilioiii an their Aim is Pres. Aekeruian delivered a Very thoiiiihtful addrri, ami toiieh'd upon world affairs, lie aid (hat lion Hav. and remained here nil he resented the unjiiHl criticism ' j . lirst of the week, the tlireitc.l at President W ilson dur ing all the mouths that lie lias siniulit lo uplift the world to n basis of heller iin.l. rslandiiiit in j his elTorts to ir.iiuulH;ale the I t v... II ..e.',Ku.- o, .,. . I lie invociiiion nv ir. m iiihii , Sklpworlh, of Ihc M. F. ( hiireli. w as n gen. in intensity, and char i cteri,tie of his Usual heal I f-l t i , . . . ,.. . ...i ! Mill II "I III .1 ...Jm. . .... . ........ The program as prepared b Supt. H. W. Harm s, who has just closed a successful year against adverse circumstances occasion ed by the malady which visited Uillsboi'o, urts as follows: "America" .. Audience Invocation - Itev. Sklpworlh Vocal solo Marjorie Wells Commencement Address Pres. J. II. Aekerm in Violin solo Prof. Carl (Irisscn Awarding of Scholarsl ips ,. Supt. H. W. Panics Prcscntalion of Piploui'is. ,k Chairman A, C. Shute Heliedielioii Hey. Sklpworlh Scholarship A wards--Arthur Heiliug was given his choice of a year at eithi r .if these college : Pacific University, Pacific, Phil omath, Albany, or Me iunville. F.lsie .lossy was first for a year nt Willamette; F.va Simpson, sec ond. INVITED Recently the llillsboro Argus gave the work of the Tiinb. rhell Circuit a splendid write-up in their paper. It especially com mented on the meeting we re cently had at Wcstimbcr, when our pulpit was a poker table. We wish to thank the Argus for this interest in the "Circuit." We al so would extend an invitation to the editor to make a personal trip some, time and visit our meet ings. The Timber Pelt Circuit. Will be there when the chick en dinner is ready. Service... The standard of service a bank renders to its customers In particular and the community in general may be fairly measured by its degree of success. The confidence which this bank enjoys is the resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial banking service lo the people of this community. We invite your banking business, both com mercial and savings accounts, on the record of our high standard of service. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ Fur realer value in liM'd I'nr.'i, duu't fall to m:is I'rrkliih. Krie W'riihl ruin nf m ar Nrlnill' wn a til.v vinilur Monday. I'lowiis fr funrraU mill olliir For Salt' A fine rrop of .lainliiiif rlovrr, for hay. W. ' II. ul, at (Juatama Elation, rr Kim F.l.ctric. 12 1 Mr. and Mr. Arthur ltaiiius- mil Imw' movrd into Ih.-ir in -w i.iiiu-, r.-i.-nlly pttrrhard from ! Hi riiuiii Collier. For Sale Forty acres of land, I miles from llillshoro; 12 aer. a lor more in cultivation. - I'd. Mil- ler, HilUhoro, H. 8. !M5 (ieo. ii. Soliler and Anna 1 Sehmidlin, of n hove HunIoii, were (fraut. d m iniate li. nv the hiit of the week Vegetable and flowering plant now rcauy ni mucnn house, 12lh and Oak. l!y mail or 'm. t-all. Tth'lilioim 10117. 6lf l. l ...II...'., l'....,.n. Harry Vcntcli and falnilv, of I'orlhiiul, were in the city over ,, ,..;,, I)av. uuesN at the Iiome ol .Mrs iiarrie. . n.. i. For Sale Hi ist. r. .1 Jersey hull, with papers; .'I years old.- -Valley Hob. rls, Millsboro. H. I'h.mc llillsboro :iH(!5. I - I t Mr. ami Mrs. (ieo. Stevens and son, of Astoria, were up lb'eoni- . if It . : . i '.... t ..I. ifiiests of of relatives rind friends. Wanted : Uecf cattle, hogs and sheep. Will jmy best price for ..ud slulT. Phone Hcavcrton. Mail address, W. W. Mellar, Hcdville, Oregon .15-38 i. Mr. and Mrs rank ( "abtree, of Unrcl. w en- H.l sboro visitors ' " ' - 1 heir .l.iuu'hter, 1 1. - I..mriee. ii slowly re. "Verm I.auri. from an extended siege of the inllucn.a. For Sale--Four cows; a frc.di and '-' lo freshen in Seplemb. r. H. II. Hansen, I! miles soiithv.'.t ,.f Iteedville; fl miles southeast of llillsboro, close to I armin-t..n River Road. IMS Mrs. Olive Allen and daugh ters. Miss Pe irl, a teacher in the 1 1 itf It School, rind Miss Valine, who resided here during (In school year, returned the lt-t of the week to their home in Amity. For S ib Heavy farm was4.n1, in line .shape; serviceable hack; set light buggy harness, bnggv toni-Mio. Will sell at bargain. -J. T. Mellov. llillsboro. R. . Hon ISA; S miles north of llillsbo ro. n-1.1 A. H. Krouel. a locomotive euirinecr with the Northern Pa cilie, at Lester, Wash., was over Ihc last of the week, called her. bv the death of his brother in law, Thus. Small, of near Oren- CO. The accuracy of your ex aminatiou for glasses tie iiends oil the skill and the exper ieuec of the specialist and his ability to use correctly scientific instruments. Or. Thompson of fers you the benefit of many vears research and practical ex iierience. which assures you of perfect lilting glasses. Consult him about vour ovcs.'on his next visit Thursday, June 12, at the Hon Hotel, all day. 13 Experienced Bandmaiter i tat Charge of Organization ABOVE TWELVE ELIGIBLE Jos. M. Hicks, Master, Wantt to Have Twenty-five at Least It begins to look as though Ilills- mro is to have a real concert iaii.1. Joseph M. links, a band- masl. r ol zi years experience, ins been engaged by the McHou- jil .Music In., ol roriiaun, 10 kc , charge of the llillsboro mil organization, -and Mr, Hieks w ants at h ast twelil v -iive layers. There are already IH 111 the haii. I, ami nils niinilx r may be augmented In nt leasl "5 f not !I0. There will be free instruction n those wiiliim: ( take up band 1 .... 1 . music ami associate 1111 nu siv es viilli the band, and lads above 12 ar are eligible. All wishing join should report nt the Irmd hull this Thursday iveniny. June . ai 1 :.iu, or gttc ineir nanu s in (me bind member so lime may e allotted to them. One day , -III I all. iieli week win ne iievineii 10 caching by Mr. Hieks. and there mil ne no cnarifc mr instruction llillsboro has some r-'iuarknhle lal. nt. and lu re is a chance for a and 11iif.ie.1l education f ri e of x pense Mr. Ilieks has just returned from the Armv service, here he was in the Fourth Prov. R.iii- inrntal I.ail.l. He is possessed of Haiiilmaster's Deirree from tli; Kenlta Hall Colleire. London, l'.iiiil.'ind : was soloist in the fa 1.1 ,( r i iimus I. mils 11.111.1, 111 .in- 1:11111 n Divton, Ohio, I'lan.l. and in the el. brated Nashv ille II. -mil, ono nf the best musical ortr-iniz.-itions f the Southland. The nucleus of the band ill for mation lias a milliner ol ohllnne bandsmen who have for many ears eiven their services irat- s to the public as a matter of oial pride. Many of them arc iii.iuess and professional men. who are with the ogranniiitio from sheer local pride and lov of 111 it vie. lhev have give months after months of the time, and are willing to so 1! tiriiu just to itive llillsboro musical aggregation in which t' it y can lake pride. Open Letter My attention has been ealle to the necessity of a Hand ! our eil v. For several years pa ll illshoro could not '.mast of sue 1 musical organization. The nee of a Kami has been demonstrate lime and atrain, and a cilv . :t()00 people, should have a goo musical organization and it ongl lo be assisted in every way po- hie. I am pleased to note that , r 1 1 niimiicr m our rcviticui inns cians have organized once ngaii and are hopeful that it will b successful. Prof. Ilieks, of Port land, connected with a musier house there, has made a proposi to the present organization to teach the Band for the next three months free of change with he proviso, however, (hat the music mil instruments to be purchased shall be purchased through hi. firm. It is also provided in the Mtrreemctit that a class. of voe.i.g boys from 12 to 1(5 shall be fur nished him to be taught such mu sical instruments rs they mav se lect, commonly known as Band instruments. The young boys Would be taught their instru ments without cost except the or iginal cost of the instrument, and Prof. Ilieks assures us that he will teach those boys to play I hose instruments in three or four months, so they may join the men's organization. Tn other words, it is a clean cut proposition on the part of Prof. Ilieks that he will give his services free to both of these musical organizations providing the instruments and music to be purchased will be ptivchnse.l through his firm. Ur.doubteiMy Ihis i-t a fair proposal, and espec ially in face of the fact that the present organization lack fi nances. My purpose in writing this coiHiuupication is to nsk the peo ple of the city to encourage and patronize tnese men m their laudable endeavor. I nm told that as soon as possible the band xvill give a concert in the court yard, and I am sure this effort lot the part of these musicians should be reciprocated. Need less to siv also tint this is mi op portunity for bovs to learn some hini' of music wihout cost, ex cept the buying of the instrn-tneiit-i they wish to learn. John M. Wall, Mayor. Lewis Powers, of Li isyvill.-,. was in the city Monday. Will Jackson, of North Plains, ..... 1 1 . 1 1 was n i lly Visitor me i.tsi 111 me week. Will lioiicseili, of above MiiiiM- taindale, was a city caller Mon day morning. Miller tires give greater mile age for dollar invested. See Per kins about them. 3 tf P. J. Christens. 11, of North Plains, was over to the courtly seat Monday morning. Special terms for Slimmer class in piano. June. 15 to Au gust IS. Vincent F.ngledintfer, llillsboro. 1I-B A11.lv Wchtberg, of Farming- toil, was in town Monday. Andy says he has prospects of a fine apple crop. Perkins now hus Ins Iree nir and water system installed - -drive up und help yourself. Yd ire welcome. 3-tf Mrs. Sarah McNutt, of Corne lius, was a city caller Monday. She is now happy in a new home it Cornelius. St. Matthew's Catholic Church - Sunday services, Masses at 8 and lOl.'IO. Week days, Mass at S-.20. J. T. Cost. Hoe, Hector. Notice lo the Public- Am now nrep ired to deliver ice lo the resilience section. Leave ifders with L. J. Rushhuv; phone 157. Paul Tews, llillsboro it Co. 13-15 John II. Footc, former owner of (he Hotel Tualatin, and ils landlord for many years, was in louii Monday, greetintr frieinU. He was looking over the old site, low being excavated for tli" iiiaiiiiuolli brick, I'.ggs for Hatching From pure bred, heavy winter laying strain. Il.ise Comb Rhode Island Rid-: 1 .50 for 15 eggs. Call at r. si il. nee, or phone 227 t. 1'. I.. Me Cormick, 132 Jackson St., Hills l.o.o. Ore. 4!-tf I'.arl Carver, formerly with the Mays Pros., of North Plains .vid now 111 the mercantile husiness with Mr. Mays, at Donald, was lu re over Sunday, ihc truest ol the M.tvs' at North' Plains, lb the i -ice. but did no tin uojii. 1 ....v...... ' For Sale Dark bay horse, ,1 . '11 u . years old , iuu; win worn auv where price, $150, with half t work harness. Six months time, bankable note come and trv him. Also a 2?i wagon, with bolster springs, $35. J. A O'Dell, Laurel, Ore. Telephone Seholls Central. 10-tf Elmer Wohlcr, of Oak Park was in town the other day. liais inir onions is taking up the bet ter part of his time these days .n, he Inn s that it is 111st as confining, or more so than work in'' for Uncle Sam in the IT, S v.,v even if it is considerably more profitable. I'.uuene Farm for Sale rami of l.'tu acres, all in cultivation within 2V2 miles of Eugene, Ore .Mm, a city of over 12,000 people Stale University town; on line gravel road; old-time house; 1 good barn and silo. Oood soil line for grain or fruit bearing now used as dairy ranch. Price 150 per acre. Terms given. Mrs. Elizabeth Ilocnel, Co-ne litis. Ore., R. 1. 12M In, lire Ooodin last week heard the cases against Albert Me llreen and Charles Riggs, th vminir men who doped with C V. Hedinoiul s auto a few week ,i'n, and took it over to Washing ton State, along with two minor school eirls. McBrcen was pa ruled to his parents and Rlggs was paroled to the shentl. 1 h hols are to pav tile costs to ill. county in getting them Into cits toilv. and arc also to pay th damaires inflicted on the m chine, and if they are not livin up to the parole are again to he L L. BELLINGER 111 Writes Hit Aged Grandmother, Mr. Nancy "Johnston, of Trip IS EXPECTED HOME SOON Former HilUboro Boy With the A. E. F. Sees Mountain Peaks L. L. Bellinger, formerly of this city, and grandson of Mrs. Nancy Johnston, of North Plains, has been with the A. K. F. for many months, and under date of April 10 wrote that estimable lady, from a big resort in n r the Span ish border. He says in part: "Am on furlough with six oth- r bov s, at a town called Luelnm, .great slimmer resort We are iiiv live miles Irom pain. e will He lu re seven days, and Had thn e .lays' trip getting lu re. c rii.l ov er at Bordeaux ii2 hours. V.iu have heard of that itv no doubt. It is a wonderful rest and trip tor me. 1 tie only iv we can get over into Spain is to walk, and it t ikes aheitt 1 tours, hut i wouldii t miss seeing the (ouiitrv under auv eir.11.11 taliees. ill send you some cards. Y ire .stationed at a troou notei. . .1.1 ilh line aeeoinmod itions, and was fortunate lo g t an outside room. Tomorrow I go into the mono ains. we are in sight 01 ine vrcnees, and I can stand on th.' porch of my room and see many peaks 111 all directions, and am seeing some of the prettiest seen ry 1 ever witnessed. i on can see all sorts 01 wateriaus nere , , . 1. . r 1 1 1. . Thev have natural sitlpbur priiigs, and I am going to take a 1.1th in one of them tomorrow. priiigs are the reason this lias iceii made a resort, iiarry maw . . T IPI pent part of Ins early career icre. and the 1. M. x. . - nuini ... x it rt 11 ,11 ing here was formerly owned by him. It was formerly a gam ding house. Many aristocratic , . , ... ". 1 . . p. ople trom Hie Mates come iiert very year. Will tell you all tbotit what I've seen when I get home." CHAIRMAN CALLS The Argus: The time is drawing near when this county should give a recep tion to the returning soldiers. As they were leaving this county in the various quotas, the Council f Defense and Patriotic League promised that, upon their return, . . , 1 . 1 a suitable anil tiierireu reeep'oo. wo'il.l be givui them. The re ports indicate that all the boys w ill return the early part of Ju- v; 1 large pi r tentage of them lave already returned, and this reception is deferred unlit sttcli time that a full representation of the soldier bovs will be home. Therefore, 1 am writing a let- ter to the chairman ot each hool district, announcing that sometime between Hie Kith and th of July will be an oppor tune time to arrange lor ine re- eeiition: the exact date to he an - 1 tiouneed later. My purpose in writing at t' is time is to get an expression trom all school district chairmen as to the advisability of holding the reception, and the character of . I I I T program, 111 case one is neid. 1 will ask you to write me a letter, giving expression to these sug gestions so that we may act as unanimously as possible. Awaiting your early response. beg to remain. Yours very truly, John M. Wall, Chairman Council of Defense and Patriotic l eague. Highest market price paid for livestock. Also xvant several fresh cows. C. F. Peterson, ... - Im 1 din ' lfi'-' J-J.A?.jJfri Hillsboro. Phone 62. 51-tf C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thornburgh, President. John E. Bai!y, Vice President D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier -THE.- Forest Grove National Bank FOREST GI10VE, ORE. Directors: E F Burlingham, S. G. Ilughes, John E. Bailey, W. W. McEldowney, J. A. Thornburgh, STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Call of the Comptroller, May 12, 1919. Resources ! Liabilities Loans $322,260.29 U S Bonds and Cer. 234,435.65 Other Bonds 16,575.88 Banking House 18,502.00 Other Real Estate. . 6,120.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.... 1,800.00 Cash, and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 195,121.61 $794,815.43 Only Roll of Honor Bank Interest Paid C. K. ROGERS ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER 271 TAYLOR STREET Dailv Trips to BEAVERTON HILLSBORO FOREST GROVE Phones: Main 6765 A 3110 GENERAL HAULING LONG DISTANCE MOVING Office With P. R. England We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable ;::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GL ASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPS ; HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon Miller tires are Rood tire. Vegetable and flowering planU Perkins lias exclusive territorv. now ready at MueIe' Oreen Gt t his prices before buying new ; house, 12th and Oak. By mail or tires V s-tf ! on call. Telephone 16R7. Mf 'V. H McKldowney, Cashier. H. F. P?rrui, Capital . . . Surplus . . Circulation Deposits . . $ 25,000.00 53,692.41 25,000.00 691,123.02 $794,815.43 in Washington County on Savings Res. Phone: B 1464 placed in custody.