The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 29, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 12
Get Almost Unanimous Vote
AKninnt McMinnville mid F.ugrnc
Miller lire give grctilcr mile
age for dollar invented. See Per
kins about lliein. ?) tf
Si hi lit (In ii is home, lit On li
en, lining received liii discharge
from llii! army.
(i, ( iustafsou, of below Itt'i-d -villi',
was 'greeting friiniU in
town tin- first of tin' wri li.
YV, Whitninre unit Win.
Criticise President's Stand on
' Prohibition War Order
Itrml, Central Oregon, gets 1 1 if
next St.-itc Grange Convention,
reecivitm n groat majority mcr
I'ligene niul McM iinivilli4. Tlir
Pastern uml Central Oregon I 1 -t
gale worked like beaver t"
Kit favorable consideration of
llii' new town in tin plaletiu re
gion and vrr NO A oli-s were cast
in fmor of Hiiiil, F.ugeiic getting
a nml .McMiunville H.
Tin ! ranger endorsed tin'
League of Nations iroiostil, ml
vncntnt tin- greater teaching of
fiirni economies in olir public
schools, criticised President Wil
son fur asking tin repeal of tin
war legislation on prohibition,
selected llieir urxt meeting place
nml adjourned list Friday nr
lilng, closing the lil! emu riilimi
nt I In stroke of twelve.
Slate Master C. K. Spruce nsk
llutl tin- press express the appre
ciation of tin' Stale Orange iinil
himself ns to tlu hplrmliil treat
ment given tin-in by Ilillstmro.
Mr. Spcnee until ;
"I do mil remember lliut we
June ever liiul better I real mi ni
anywhere since I have been con
nected with tin Grange move-:
mint. Your pi-oplf certainly
gave ti every courtesy nml cmi
iilt i :i lion, nml we are gratefully !
appreciative, It pleased nu- j
tin- business clement of your city j
entered Into our riilcrtaiiiiin nl
w ith Mich n hearty good w ill, i
Tin- Grange meeting was n spit 11 j
iliil our, nml tin delegates were
treated so royally that nil work
ill with n will. Hillshorn np-'
pt-nri-il In br in closest Kymp.iihy j
willi what wt arc trying to do
fur tin producing interests of tin-j
state, niul tlii w ii - w lmt wiih i
pi rlcd from tin firit il.ilry cimii- ,
ty in Orfjim. v kihiII nlw iiy
rememlifr the corilinl ri-i-ipl inn
given hi by the citi'eiiH of your
county Kent."
Tin Grunge also ctulnrsril the
Itixi-o-ilt Highway proposition,
but votnl tlmt it fchnnltl be buill
bv direct tnxntioii the (iri nge
being opposed to tin bunding; i--une
as n mutter of prim The
(iraiigc one mill tux for roml
juii'posc, of course, wiis in
(lor-ii'd, it being n Pntrons of
Iliisbtiinlry mi-imin.
Ih coiiversntion with m,uiy of
the ilrlcgnle. liowcvcr. it wns
lenrni'il that sn.-iny Inleml to vote
for the Roosevelt Highway nicns
li re.
All tin- ileleg.'iti's cmiglil tin'
tniins for llieir IliuneH Sntlirdiiy
miiruiiig. The bountiful wrfillier
nml tin hospitnlity of Ilillsboro
during their session m.nili tin
visit nnr long to In remembered.
I will offer nt public auction nl
the rims. 0. Kocbcr place, near
Scholls, following bis public sale
now advertised, on
Vive In'iid of liorscm as follows:
marc, 13 years, weigh!
nt 1 M 50 lbs; buy marc. yrs.
M-eiifbt nbout 1200; black marc,
8 years, weight nbout 1150 lbs;
bhick gelding, .1 yenrs, weighl
iilmiit 1000; sorrel colt, 1 year.
Terms of SaleApproved
note, fi months, nt 8 per cent.
Jus. II. Jack, Owner.
J, V. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Steady Downpour of Saturday
Night of Great Benefit
Walker, ol uciir J.auiil, were
Ilillsboro visitors, Saturday.
Marriage license w as last w ei k
granted lleury Walters, of West
t'liinu, nml Miss Anna Spadv, of
Cedar Mill.
For Sale - Forty acres of land,
I miles from Ilillsboro; l'J ncres
or more in cultivation, I d. Mil
ler, Ilillsboro, It. B. ! -IB
V. It, Mitiilgiimi rv, who ha
been ill for some lime, is again
on tlic payroll ns assistant J 'lii
tor nl the court house.
Vegetable nml llowering plants
now ready at Mueller' Green
house, l'Jlh and Oak. lly mail or
on call. Telephone 1 117. Btf
..Arthur Topper, of Wasco,
writes his father, Win. Topper,
that the Sherman County wheat
prospects are very fine.
For Sale - Hi gisli ml Jersey
hull, with papers; II years old. -
Vnllov lloherls. Ilillsboro. It. i.'.
l'lu.n. Ilillsboro alter,. 11' I t
Mr. and Mrs. (Jail W. Wells,
of Portland, were out Sunday,
guests of relatives. Wells is
slill with the Columbia shipyards
WitedKlderly man, eapal b
of taking care of live cows, uml
Irv, garden, and gt Herat chores.
Call 21105. llc.ivcrton. limit.'
i, llos I t'2. 1) II
I.i liny Tupper and wife, of
Salem, spent Sunday with Win.
Tupper and family. Lrltov is
firing a locomotive on the Saleni
Itlack Hoik road.
American Wonder seed pota
toes for sale. Fine selected
stm k.--Hoy Cook, Cornelia ;, H.
I. Telephone Cornelius 27XX,
Cornelius N. 53. 10-12
Mr. nml Mrs. .1. M. Coir hive
bought the 1 Idler bungalow in
South Ilillsboro. and will lake
possession at once. Fran. Pauli
will occupy tin present Ooar
Taken l'p Day horse with
marks - about I vi arsold. Own
er prove property, pay charges
and adv. and take same away.- -.1,
,1. Wi-uuer, Cedar Mill, nd
ilrcss, Portland. It. 2. 1 l-.'l
Paul C. Long, recently return
ed from Frame ami lietgiiim, de
parted Saturday for Montana,
and after a few days there as the
guest of his brother, l.eon I..
Long, of Itavalli. goes to Wiscon
sin to visit his mother.
lor Sale aires: - acres
of upland; 2' acres of pasture
land; 15 room house; barn and
other buildings: good represent
ation of fruit of nil kinds; half
mile south of Cornelius city lim
its. Half of price, cash; balance
terms.- See A. II. l'ntilainl, of
Ilillsboro, or write O. I!. Km us
McClearv, Wash. 12-1 t
Fred lieverinaii, of Portland,
was out Monday, with a pvospee
live farm buyer. Fred says ihal
nianv are looking for farms and
the urenl majority of them are
seeking to locate in Washington
Count v, which is just now much
in the public eve as a great plan
for a farm home. The fact that
the Iliirhwnv is under conctnic
lion, and that a paved road to
Portland will menu a market in
side of a couple of hours, meaic
much for Washington County.
Fred says tlmt nil his prosp-'cls
like Ibis section of the stale bet
ter than nil others.
Activity in all Lines Noted in the
Oregon Country
The standard of service n bank renders to its
customers in particular and the community
general may be fairly measured by its degree of
The confidence, which this hank enjoys is the
resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial
bunking service to the people of this community.
We invite your banking business, both com
mercial and savings accounts, on the record of
our high standard of service.
Assets over $800,000.
The copious rains of Saturday
night mid Sunday morning wire,
worth thousands of dollars fur
Washington County, and mil
lions for the Willinietle Vniley,
coming at the right time for l.utli
Winter and Spring grains i-ml
"The feeling of confidence ill
the future of the Pacific Const
lumber market is based inure on
I'.i; e i i ; n conditions than on the
buying that is likely to euaie
from Ibis country. It is certain,
however, that w hen the crops arc
harvested a general buying
movement will be launched in
lliis country, for slm ks arc much
h ph ted and the farmers and
uinll townspeople are uelting
cady to build. I'.vcry w her'' llie
imniisc of bumper crops give
issuranec ol prosperity in me
I'niti d States."
North Portland New wooden
ware plant of the North Porll ind
Hox Co. starts operation uivim;
uiplovnuut In ihont i0 men and
wanieit. it is oniv plain in sum'
turning out completed package.
h as lard tubs, candy pails, fir
kins, etc.
North west wheat crop is cli-
uiate.l to be 70.000,000 bushels.
Highway between Albany and
Jefferson to be paved.
Halfway - New flour mill to In!
in opcrrilii.n by September.
Contracts lor new road pro
tects costing .f l,fiUU,HHi iiwarneii
bv state bighw. v commission in
Portland, May 27.
North Portland The Nicolai
Door Mfg. ( o. is increasing lis
loor manufacturing plant by
15,000 square feet floor spate
tin! will employ 125 men. The
firm has orders from the last
Inch will require the ciiian'ci!
I a nt until October to fill.
Astoria Astoria Flouring
Mills Co. increased new nill
ilnns to 1.000 bbls. eapaeiti' per
North Portland- The L Moore
Dry Kiln Mfg. Co., w hich is com
pleting its plant here has tin or
der ftir six drv kilns from the
Weverhiuser Milling Co.. of l'.v-
en tl, i asiinmion.
Dufur -- Practically all
mills in this vicinity have started
operations prepared to bam
lartre lumber demand tin comn'u
Columbia I he logging camp
. t Ml. .. ..
west ol Here win reopen.
Port la ml .Nineteen slenni-
lips, aggregating I6!,K00 dead
. ... .hi t ... i . . i i
weiiilit tons, win lie lauiieuco ,u
Pacific Northwest shipyards dur
ing Mav. according to estimates
of government officials. Of these
shins Seattle is expected to
launch S, Portland 7, Tacoma 2
and Vnneoiiv er, Wn., 2. The pre
vious high record of . monthly
laiiilehings was made last Juno,
when I t vessels of IIS.SOO dead-
. ... vi. ,
weight tons were ileliveren.
Crowing demand for lumber e
in evidence largely due to gener
al building work in Fast and the
Middle West.
- St. Helens Shipbuilding Co.
expect to build a double-eiuler
steam schooner with carrying
capacity of 1,(500.000 feet of
Dan Klines, of Sln-liUo, was a
city caller Friday.
For greater value in used cars,
don't fail to hv.k Perkins.
Win. llaase, of Iowa Hill, was
a l ily culler the last of the week.
Flowers for funerals and other
ot'i-asinns. Uergen Floral Co.,
Ilillsboro. 2lf
firant Mann, of near Corne
lius, was down to the county
scat Monday.
It. Ii. Denny, organizer of the
Oregon Dairy League, was in the
city Mnnil.iv, on league business.
Tell Men to Cut Clover for Best
Tells of Satisfactory Methods by
Practical Men
The yield of clover seed on the
Mr. and Mrs. (). II. Marrs, of farms of Washington Countv has
i . , i . . . .
Portland, were out Sunday, the
guests of Mr. nml Mrs. Herman
Highest market price paid for
ivestoek. Also want several
fresh cows. C. F. Peterson,
Hillsbnro. Phone f,2. Sl-tf
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
Sunday services, Masses at H
ii.) I0:.'i(). Week days, Mass at
S:J0. - J. T. ( ostclloe, tU-ctor.
Wanted Position in Hillsbo
, as stenographer, by young
lnilv w ho has also had some book-
Address, J!ox
1 1 1 1 1 slioro.
Morris ami Jake
Ik Hospital service
ret ii rued the last of tin
Weil, with
in France,
week, re-
f rnm
coving llieir Ul-.eliarges
Camp Lewis.
Overland Big Four for bin
Lciive orders at Lone Star Res
l.-iiiraut, on Main St.
rates to Portland and Columbi
Highway. Licensed. Phone No.
2C0IX. 9-tf
Abe Trammer, who has been
visiting at Helvetia, lell llie last
f the week for 'lis cantonment
at Curtis 15uv, near Baltm,' re.
Mil., where lie is stationed with
the Army.
Christian Science Society
Sunday services at 11 o'clock;
Sunday School at 10:15 a. m.
Wednesday evening meetings nt
S o'clock. Vita Hall, 122S Wash
ington St. tf
l'or Salt Four cows; 2
iml 2 to freshen in September.
It. H. Uanst n, 3 miles southwvst
f Itcedville; 5 miles southeast of
HiUsboro, close , to Faruiingtnii
Itivcr Iload. 11 13
1". I'liger, tif near Laurel, was
city e.'tller Monday. He says
the farmers up his way art
uit over the rains, and a big
bay crop will result, ns wc.l a .
finer prospects for grains.
Only monument dealers in
Washington County. Drop us a
cam. ami we win snow you our
samples. Write or call on us, al
IHii.'t Main St., Ilillsboro. Ore
gon Monument Works, Hillsboro.
iccii rciluceil very much some
seasons, and fields have been re
ported from which practically no
seed was harvested. In most
eases lliis was Hue lo trie clover
flower midge, which is a very
small lly that deposits its eggs in
the clover blossoms and the lar
va which hatches feeds on the
young seed. Where both hay and
seed are desired the midge can
controlled by cutting the hay
at the proper time. Ordinarily
if cut not later than the first
week of June Ibis first genera-j
lion will be destroyed and the,
seed crop will then be free from
the pest. Where the crop has
been pastured early in the season
ire must be taken that no blos
soms be left after the above date.
In some eases it is advisable to
p such a field to destroy all
ossoms. une nictliocl ot eleter-
iniiitfir vtlii.ti li.ii- .p., it
Special L. t,llt t)) C))nirj tflis jllsect js t()
examine the heads and when the
tiny - maggots are found to be
turning to a pinkish tint the cut
ting should not be long delayed.
C". W. Creel and L. P. Lock-
wood, ot the L. ft. department
of Agriculture, have made the
ibove investigations and further
tate that the midge may not be
is serious this year as in some
years, hut constant vigilance is
tiecessarv to control.
Canadian Thistles
Canadian Thistles are fast be
coming one ot the worst weeil
pests on the Washington County
farms, and unless something is
lone to stop their spread or hold
them in cheek, large areas, as in
some of the F.asteru States, will
tie abandoned as far as farming
is concerned, and turned over to
the thistles. There arc now
ireas which are so thickly seed-
1 that only SO per cent crops
ire obtained.
The reason for the seriousness
of this weed and at the same
time the cause for its dilheult
.. .- ..,..1 i . i.
eradication, is mat tne plant nor
onlv spreads by seed but also
hears "creeping underground
stems which being nourished by I
the stem and leaves above the
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any lime
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Pic.e.
Telephones; HilKboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 2G3.
Contract is Let for
State Highway
102 Fourth Street
Robert W.
iii liiis, son of
Y t'idewitsch.
The business men's luncheon on
Monday took up the matter of a
Fourth of July celebration, ami
it was thought advisable to have
the City Fathers take up teh af
fair. A committee of two- -M.
P. Cadv and Ed. Sehulnierieh-
was appointed to confer with the
( ilv Council next 1 uesday cve-
nimr. It was decided to ask the
Mayor and Council to appoint n
man to look after the celebration
this year, an executive committee
o be selected to act ns a boare
of directors, t ins being an un
usual Fourth of July, it w as tlmt
.i .1. . x . 1 :i.
unite Hie proper iiiing m nave n.
fathered by the municipality.
idewitsch, of t'or-
Mr. and Mrs. L. G
returned nome
from California Sunday, bavin!
at last received his discharge. H
a ill oneii up bis shop at Corne
lius nt once.
For Sale--lioiler, 45 II. P.
tested to carry 120 lbs steam
feed pump, slack and all fitti.igs
cheap if taken soon. Also sever
al thousand good brick. Phone
SPfi Forest Grove. -Carnation
Flour Mill. Carnation, Or. 10-2
Fiiulley McClmid, of Gaston
w.-is in t he cit y .Monday, l-iiutlcy
,-ivs that Wanato Lake fields an
icing rushed to seeding, the iar
licst for some time. He states
that the rains of the first of tie
ivi-ek have helped crops wonder
Circuit Court The case of
W. linker versus W asluimton
Countv in the matter of tin
county ro.-ut past the Orelico
Xm-serv: the demurrer ot the
county has been overruled find
ii" anient on the ease will taki
nl.-iec as soon as it can be
drought to issue. Maynie Sel
la rds was granted a divorce from
Inhu W. Scllards and' custody of
the minor children was given the
wife W in. It- I'arker was
o-r.'inleil a divorce from Abhie
Parker, of the Grove. The court
round sometimes travel for a
ong distance beneath the surface
and send up new plains ,'u inier-
ils as they go."
For Large Areas
Where very abundant and over
, .i . i . , .
i large area rne tnisties can
probably be best controlled by
the bare fallow method. Ferd
Groner and Tbos. Carniiehael
have found this method very sat
isfactory. Mr. Carmichael states!
that he eradicated the thistles in
one season, but had to keep con
tinually at it. Plow the land as
the thistles are about to bloom.
just deeply, enough to turn over
the root mat. The land should
then be harrow vd, preferably
ith a spring-tooth, care being
taken not to drag the root to ui!-
infested areas. Cultivation must
then be continued throughout the
growing season. Usually it is a
good plan to follow with a heavy
smother crop, as oats and vetch.
This crop may be harvested ear
ly, the ground plowed, and plant
ed the second season to a culti
vated crop. This crop should be
cleanly cultivated never allowing
the thistles to appear.
For Small Patches
Small patches may be eradi
cated bv grubbing, thus gradual
ly exhausting the stored food
apply in the roots, and killing
he plant. Spraying the cut por
tion of the plant with a concen
trated salt solution, sodium ar
Phone: B 1464
Dailv Trips to
Phones: Main 6765 A 3110
Office With P. R. England
Ferd Groner, of Scholls, i'ie-!
brnted a birthday during the
State Grange; session. Cnreful
inquiry failed to discover just
how aged Ferd is, but his friends
have hern pucssinjr him not .uder
than 43. lie and Mrs. Groner
entertained a big party of the
Grange delegates nt the wilnut
farm last Wednesday, and they
returned to Ilillshoro throwing
bouquets at the big fellow and
his wife.
r..,,.,.l llie evidence that 111
i .a...-. .mr ., no I,,.,,..,! t. m ilnite or misoline. are other meth
,'-r" I-"""-" . - , ., ; .
his own meals and many times
,-Mt Ihem in solitude after he had
prepared the repast. The wit
ioined the IVntecostals, n relig
ious sect, sometimes called the
Holy Rollers, and she was guilty
of attacking the Methodist re
ligion, to which the husband was
i convert. The domestic atmos
phere became so warm that the
wife finally left the husband to
his own resources. The Stat
Accident Commission was given
:i iiuh'-mept against Oliver R. Vi
trei, logger and sawmill man, for
$7!t.42. Florence Ethington
wns granted a divorce from J.
W. Ethington, and the wife was
riven $1,000 gross alimony, and
uls that are in use. C overing
with tarred paper is also a meth
od that is used for small areas.
N. C. Jamison,
County Agent.
Having decided to make general
improvement in the Lewis I eme
tcrv. near Farmington, we find
that it will be necessary to raise
more funds. Therefore, thosr
who have friends and relatives
are asked to contribute.
Remit to any of the following
directors C. M. Johnson. Sher
wood. R. 4; II. T. Hesse, Hillsbo
ro, R. 2; J. B. Adams, Hillsboro
ok ncr month for the cnrV of H. 5, or Geo. J. Jack, Secretary
1 ' - - - I TT'll I ... T
minor child
1 Hillsboro, R. 2.
Old Accounts
We get results.
We report results.
We remit results.
We pay Ihe expense.
We take the blame.
Knight Adjustment Company
Ilillsboro, Ore.
RUM P & BUMP, Managers
Grand FrizeMitofM
Write for Catalogue
ft 2
Wetproof 'f
We Have the Neatest and Most Compete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonably ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i HiUsboro, Oregon