The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 22, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 11
i Alii ivJUiJ O v
Real Touch of Western Life De
picted in Paator't Report
Hoyi Like Pator' Pipe A Sax
aplione But Wanted Smoke
'1'lu' "Tiuilicrlult Circuit," a flyer
issued by Presbyterians, mull r
dale .f Miiy 11, llil l. lit. h tin- fol
lowing excerpt which slum -t tli it
tin- north of tin- " n ii I y -stilt
Knows it ''poker table."
"About 7 :.I0 lust Monday
nil-Ill tin- pastor riiinlilril inl" Hie
W'-sl Timber f .ii in 1 -rin (i',ip
fur tin- purpose nf (milling h rc
liuious service. Id' hunted up
Mrs. A. It. B.iird, tin' faithful S.
S Supl , wlio liiul i liirui of tlu
scrvicc, mill borrowed n
with which In- rt'iiunvil sonic of
(In- W'n li!ii(tiin County real i
t;ttt- frniil lilt lint, suit n ml shoe-.,
Tli" scrlce witt held in Hie lobby
nf llir Imti'l thanks to tin' Iti'.il
ncss nf tin- inaiwitft-me nt. Mr.
Edward Logan, w lio has cliar-jre
nf llif holt I, arranged tin- chairs,
light itlul pulpit (which consist-t-il
of n piker tiilit l) fur us ml
we were ready to begin, 'he.
nu n who slay at (lit- Imlrl, tun!
whose living roiiiii we were .is
ing, ailed nn true unit nut
mil) reiiiiiineil fur the service 'ml
gave lit iindiriili d nlti'iu'uii.
W hile it limy seem out "f plnee
to interrupt the game with I re -bilious
serviee, yet our nriiiy c
pi -rleiiee pruveil nu n an nl
wiiyn willing to Inke nn inter, -.1
in religious thing. Such mn
the case here,"
The above rt calls iucidilils
I oKI by the lute Hret llnrle, in
hli early California storii s
lacking only the bottles on the
"Iwieh h'ir."
Another paragraph in the re
port rends:
"Sinee there was no ins' ru -inelit
in the lobby the pastor c-cd
hit .miiphuii", Ahuul tin .-U.--I1
Smuliiy Sehoul boys who nltci.d
eil agreed tlmt the "Pastor's Pipe'
uiiiile enough noise, hut nut n ir
ly enough smoke."
The Editor of the report from
which the uliuve it tnken it I.lovd
Ciirriek, Pastor, who lint seen .-tr
inv .terviee.
The S, i'. Co., Red Car line, now
runt trains through the eily its
To I'ortliiiul From Portland
7:22 a. in. 8:18 n. in.
10:10 n. m... ... 10:5!) n. in.
1 :.'ltl p. in 4:21 p. m.
4:.i:i p. in. i:47 p. in.
tl:.'IH p. in !:()() p. in.
!):f)() p. in 12:11 it. in.
7:20 pin. (Sunday only)
(Snt. liiul Suinliiy) 2 ;0!) o. in.
,'I:.I2 i, in. (Sat. mid Sunday)
(Suinliiy only) rt : 10 p. in.
A surprise shower was given nt
the home of Miss Anna I.t iiiheek.
Wednesday evening, May I (Ih.
in donor of MNs Mnry Ovt rr..d
tier, who liee-une Mrs. John II "an
Sixteen girl friends of .he
hriile were present, mid she re
eeived many heniitifiil mill use
ful gifts. ' Refreshments teen
nerved, iiml nil enjoyed a most
pleasant evening,
Miller tires give greater mile-
i . .1 i 1
age for dollar invested. M-e rer
kins about them. 8 tf
The standard of service a bank renders to its
customers in particular and the community in
general may be fairly measured by its degree of
The confidence which this bank enjoys is the
resultant of twenty-eight years of substantial
banking service to the people of this community.
We invite your banking business, both com
mercial and savings accounts, on the record of
our high standard of service.
Assets over $800,000.
l-'or greater value in used earn,
don't fail to see 1'erkiiiN.
I', V, Itolierlsuii, of Cheirv
(irute, was a eily caller Friday.
1 lower fur funerals and other
occasions, - IScrgcu Moral Co.,
Ilillsboro. If
I). Gigrr, of near I'hillips, twit
in town Saturday, renewing the
Aryns mid conferriiilf with I In
eoiiiily court.
I'or Sale Loose mixed vetch,
oats and cheat hay. l'liouc
.'I0HX2.- 1'retl Klntt, Hillsht ro,
It. 1. ' -IO
Marriage licenses (Milled -driiit
J. Ilurlmid ami llertha M.
N'orlhriip; Leland J, Sparks and
Alice M. liurwitz.
Danee At W. O W. Hall, lie
mile noiihui st of Cedar Mill, oil
Saturday niyhl. May 2 (. I.'tr
snn orchestra. All are intitcd.
Si. Mallln w's Culholie Church
Sunday sen ices, Masses at H
ami lOi.'tO. Week day. Mast at
H ;'.'((, .1. T. Hoc, Itcctur.
.1, II. Wcscott, the orchard man
uf (i tstnii, was down to the city
Monday niurninir. jireetintf hit
euuiily seat friends and he Ims
not a few down here.
Wanted; llei f entile, hoji" find
sheep. Will jiay liest price for
pmil stulT. I'lioue llenvertou.
Mail nddri-Hi., V. W. Mcllnr,
lteeilt ille, Oregon. !I8 .115
.1. I". Oliver, living at Coll.iire
(iruvt , was lu re the last of the
week. He has sold out iu,tn
licit way ai-d wants to Incite
aain in this eouiily at a cash
for Sale Lady W'ashin;tuu
seed beans, nice and clean. Ac
eliuialcif. - Carl Meier, Ilillsboro
It. .'I; .'I miles northwest uf Hills
horn, near Leisvville. Telephone
:i:UU. ' 8 10
I'.rwin Hitter, w ho is in ir"
than luity between raiichiuu; ami
lakiiii; care of the 1 arincrs' ilu
tunl fur Wa-diini-tun County, n.
secretary, was in town Saturday
nn business.
I'or Sale or I'.xchaniie Fine'
dwelling mid one acre nut1 a busi
ness biiihlini; in Forest (irute
Want (ten ae or cipiippctl f irm.
.1. A. Campbell, Owner, Forest
drove. 10 12
A Vancouver, W'n., rcss no
lice gives the marriage of Mrs.
I'.dith Magrudcr to Funis
l'hury, last Friday, The bride
lived in Ilillsboro in former v '.H-:
ind the groom is a ti.nber eruist r
F.ggs fur Hatching From pure
bred, heavy winter laying strain.
Hose Comb Rhode Island Reds;
l.5() for 15 egits. Call at resi
dence, or phone 2274. F. I.. Me
Coriuick, 1324 Jackson St., Hills
boio. Ore. 4t tf
The Reeves cottage, 'n Fast
Ilillsboro, was s-dd at miction,
hist Saturday, mid it is of intertst
to note that the buyer is an Ar
gus subscriber. It pays to .".dvcr
tisemid particularly so. Well
vou use the columns of the r -li;.'
ions weekly.
For Sale or Trade Interna
tional Harvester Cream Separa
tor, 450 lb. si.e, cost $(15, same as
new ; Hell reasonable or trade fur
young eow or heifer to freshen in
near future, Holstein preferred.
A. C. Sellers, Argus olliee.
A. C. liracken, a Portland trav
eling man, while in the city Sat
urday, accidcnl.'lly ran aernv-- C.
C, llecrs, whom he had nut -ecu
fur eleven years. They were ae-
(niainted back in Nebraska.
where liracken worked for Beers
brother, who was in the hard wan:
business. The twain had a big
time talking over old ipeid.nls
and people of their aeipiaintanci'
Newberg Citi.eni Take a Lively
Interest on South Slope
Would Aid Big Settlement Be
tide Making Scenic Route
K. L. Mapes mid Win, Fizcllc, as
sisted by their neighbors, huve
been making a valiant light for
better roads up to iiuld 1'enk on
the north slope, and while lin y
ttill soon have u rock road up to
the Majies placi at least by
f all -and expect to see a rock
road clear through to the nin
hill line in another season, ilicy
have not stopped at that. Tin y
recently went over to Newberg
to tisil the business men of that
city. They were wtleuiiu;d by
the Commercial Club uf that hi
It rprising town, and it begins to
look as though Newberg ami
Vmnhill County will buck their
-diuiihlcrs and lay a ruck mac up
I he south slope at n less than 'ive
per cent grade. Mr. Mapes, if
ler his riturn, received the fol
lowing letter from J. L. Coleord,
Cashier of the I'. S. National
I! ink of Newberg, the letter ti ll
ing its ow n story :
"Mr. F. I.. Mapes, Laurel,
Ore iron.
Dear Sir- A report was made
last 1 1 i 1 1 1 to our Commercial
Club as to your ollieial visit here,
ind it it needless to say that the
members of the Club were very
much pleased, as wt; were at 'he
lime of your visit, u learn au;iiit
vuur ruad improvements Mid
id ins to complete )our work 'his
season. The conditions of the
roads on Chchalcm Mountain
i a ve
so very
bad that our
ixoiile do nut travel over them
ople do I
d do not
ind du not know how vour peo
ple are situated over on that side,
but as our work has been started
hy some live wires on the moun
tain and have interested all on
this side as to the possibilities of
getting an easy grade as well as
tu open .some of the best eou itry
in tin.- state, mid also to develop
une of the attractive scenic
routes, the work will now be
backed up by our business men,
and will be pushed along as fast
as such improvements can be
considering the heavy costs mid
shortage of labor.
Vour road, if not much lunger
to Laurel and Ilillsboro, has
many advantages over any other
road ns now laid out, as it will
give the easiest gratle and makes
the outlet fur more roads from
the north side uf the mountain,
and can be completed .sooner
than the other road or branch
which we are planning for, run
ning tu the cast and connecting
with the Scholls road. The Ciub
ordered the Road Committee to
push the work as much as can be,
to get a surveyor as soon as pos
sible and nlso get the petition
ready and presented to the
Court for n short piece not yet
l,)jd out lis a road.
Wishing yon success in your
good work and that you may lie
able in a few months to feel that
vou have access to the big tfiVri
in which you live mid to be nbl
to mingle with mid enjoy your
nciiiliburs as you have not been
permitted to do in the past.
Vcrv trulv yours,
' J. ('.' Coleord."'
American Soldiers, Sailors or
Marines, or enlisted men in any
branch of serviee in the war
might be interested to know that
the American Legion is now be
ing formed, to which any of the
uve men are eligible. LI. -Col.
riieotlore Roosevelt is the tem
porary chairman ; u.-v m. uen
nclt Clark, of Missouri, is vice
chairman, and the Oregon tempo
rary secretary is Dow V. Wnl-
cr, - Care Multnomah Clubi
Portland. The idea is to form a
uist" or "dugout" in every
town. 1 lie purpose ot the or
ganization is non-parlisan mid
non-polilieal. anil it will tie a
genuine "service man's" body.
Any service man who wants to
start nn orsranization here, or nt
any town in the countv, can get
information from Mr. Dow, by
writing hint n letter, or railing
him on the-.telephone. It makes
no difference whether or not a
man served abroad he is eligi
ble, just the .same. The T.egion
is to stand for law mul order, de
cent living mid thinking, mul true
A meriennism.
Mayor Wall has been asked to
give this matter publicity, and
here it is.
Try the Argus, $1.60 a year.
Henry Fucgv, of Phillips, was
an A runs culler Friday. .
Hoy Cook, of Cornelius, was
down Saturday, greeting friends.
Pony for Sale With saddle
and bridle. Phone 2.'I77, Ilills
boro. 10-12
Julius Foege, of near Hubcr,
tvus mi Argus caller the last of
the week.
H. Flcisehailer, of near (in it'Oi,
greeted friends in the I'ouity
scat the lust uf the wet k.
Miller tires are good tires.
Perkins has exclusive territory,
(Jet his prices before buying new
tires. 3 tf
Jack Killin, of above the
drove, was shaking hands with
llillsboro's oldtiiners the last of
the week.
Vegetable and flowering plants
now ready at Mueller's Green
house, 12th mid Oak. liy mail or
on call. Telephone 1CR7. 6tf
Louis Hoi., uf lilooiuing, was
in town the first of the week,
ilul. has bet u thresliermaii and
h.tler in his section for many
Wanted Position in Hillsbn
ro, ns stenographer, by young
lady w ho has nlso had some book
keeping. Address, I!ox 204,
Ilillsboro. 10-12
Philip Schneider, of near
l'luoming, was .-greeting fri -nils
in town Monday. He brings
roseate reports of crop conditions
out his way.
American Wonder seed pota
toes for sale. Fine selet t'-tl
stock. Hoy Cook, Corneliu It.
I. Telephone Cornelius 27XX,
Cornelius N. 55. 10-12
J. 1J. Wilkes has resigned his
position with County Assessor
Holey mul has taken the local
agency of the I'nioii Savings .V
1 .oaii Association, of Portland.
Those desiring dry slab wood,
four foot or 16-inch, four foot fir,
I (i inch fir, or coal, notify us at
once. Prompt delivery. IL D.
Sehmeltaer, Tel. 2477, res.; office
542. tf
Joint Kainna, the big Farming
ton rancher, was in Moml.iy.llis
crop is all in except his corn fur
ensilage, and he says prospects
were never better for a bumper
Cash Rent for Farm I will
pay cash rent for a farm, furnish
ed or unfurnished, with from 80
to 200 teres under cultivation.
J. F. Oliver, Cottage Grove, Ore
gon. 11-13
A. Ilendler, of North Tual din
Plains, was in town Satur "av
He recently sold some of his
his young registered bulls to
l'reil In hrin.inn, of Yar.-hill
County the Argus adv. doina
the business.
Lost April 27 or 28, between
First Street and place in country
on road going north past High
School, matting suitcase, contain
ing toweling and curtain mater
ial, etc. Suitable reward for re
turn to Mr. Kerr, at Third Street
Itlacksmith Shop.
I will sell at public auction at the
Thos. Wilkes place, two miles
north of Cornelius, the follow ins;
property at ten a. nt., on
Team horses, 11 years, guild
workers, single or double; heavy
fyjflftjess, :i plow harnesses, 2 cls
luli'gv harness; Holstein row.
gives 52 His. milk when tresii.
now giving nucket-tull to milk
ing; heifer, 2 years, coming fresh
last nf August; 2 18-niouths heif
ers; yearling eifer all of good
milk strains; nearly new John
Deere buggy; good Moline wag
on, hayrack, new wagon bed; 5
ft mower, 10-ft hay rake, good ns
new; iron frame ball-bearing
riiulstune ; fan mill, mail cart
shovels and spade; manure forks.
potato forks, pitchforks, horse
ind hand cultivators, nearly new
1 4-inch Oliver plow, rolling cut
ter, harrows, x-cut saw, hand
saws, sledges, shoemaker outfit
F.dison phonograph with about
100 recoriw, rockers kitchen
chairs, stoves, tables, beds ami
bedspreads, brand new blankets
never used, new pillow cases
spray pump with 12 ft hose, iron
rod, complete; about 400 lb
new smooth wire in rolls, some
1x12 lumber, chickens, rabbits.
halters, horse collars, sadd!
bridle, martingale; 10 neres of
Spring onts; 5 neres of Spring
wheat; lt- neres 'Winter wlf-nt
and numerous other articles, ft
member this must be sold.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $10 and unih
cash; over, (I months time, n
proved note, nt 8 per cent.
Thro. VanOrnnsvrn,
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Win. Vandervelden, Clerk.
Completion Will Mean a Brick
Row, 400 Feet
industrial Activity Over State is
Within a few months Ilillsboro
will have a solid brick front on a
400 fet block, on the north side
of Main Street. Excavation of
the basement on the-old Tualatin
Hotel site started the last of the
week for the Nathan Weil brick,
w hich is to be completed by Sep
tember 1, for the stocks of the
il Department Store.
Portland The Nicolai Door
o. it increasing its door inaiiu-
tetiiring plant by fortv-nve
iiiiis.iiid square feet floor spa ,
mil will employ 125 men. The
nn has an order from the F.ast
hieh will require the enlarged
lant until October to fill.
The Roosevelt highway would
open up 350 miles of const coun
try and put Oregon on the in.-p
ith one of the most scenic
i the world. It would mean the
expenditure of $5,000rOOC to be
aid by the! government, and Or-
gon s motor license system, not
ly the taxpayers. 1 lie people
f.nnot nITord to vote it down.
Oregon Manufacturer.
Roscburg New school house
to be hurried to completion.
Stayton may get mattress nmn-
facturiiig concern.
Reetlsport Hone Island sold
Western Development com
pany tor .T20.0UU.
The L. Moore Dry Kiln Mfg.
o., which is completing us
hint here h-s an order for six
lrv kilns from the Wcvcrhauser
Milling Co., of Everett. Wash.
Ciresham Much' building nc-
livity going on around here.
Roscburg Owner of 40-acre
prune ranch near here sells this
ears yield at price above 1
It cents a pound.
Eugene Contracts awarded
for road work in Lane county to
il $17(i,02t.
Construction soon to begin on
McKenie Pass Highway, a Jis-
mce of 68.0 miles for which
IS7,750 has been appropriated.
Senator B. C. White, of Buffa:
, one of the pioneer wool men
f Montana, says: "The whole
tone of the wool market, hotn
foreign and domestic, conn ed
front the Commercial Bulletin of
pril 27, indicates that the niar-
et is strong mul advancing, es-
. ,, .. . . i i .
)eci;;::y so on mie siapie. wi-tus
Lebanon - ork on new ran
..... . .1
nery building practically t m-
Mt. Angel New water system
to be installed here.
.Jordan Valley highway to he
Portland Bids for lugt ay
projects totalling more than
1.500,000 and covering more
than 50 miles opened recently hy
State Higliwn - Commission.
Astoria Entire waterfront
holdings of Flavel estate iur-
hased bv Messrs. Sanborn tor
1 50,000. ,
Astoria -f.ocal Milling Co. to
upplv iH.UtW unit, nour, a, us
hare of $:iO,O()O,000 order, I irsr-
, I VT tl
est ever pineeti in .son nt est
Seio condenser)' equipment be
mg increased to nve times it
present capacity.
I'hree new divorce cases were
filed in circuit court this week.
Irene Moore, who was married
to E. M. Moore, at The Dalles, in
19 1. asks for separation on the
grounds of failure to support
her. Last February he left her
without means, and afterward
wrote her he was troinir to Cana
da. Slip wants her freedom, as
he says she lias worked to sup
port herself the greater portion
of the time sinee E. M. was sup
posed to look after her.
Jas. K Bovu. wiio was with the
biar National Army, and lias re
cently returned, asks for a iii
vorcc from bis wife, Grace Boyd,
whom lie married at Santa Rosa,
CaL, in 1909. He alleges that
Ihe spoils? was unfaithful to him
while lie was fiirhtinir, for liberty
ind names one Louis Wynliard
as co-respondent, the offense al
leired to have been located nt
Forest Grove. The plaintiff also
asks for the custody of two stall
Ruth McCnllouifli asks for tli
voree from F. D. McCullouch Jr.
mid snvs that ever since their
marriage at Vancouver, Wn.,
1907, the husband has
her inconsiderately.
Try the Argtii, $1.50 per yesr,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Itetail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Contract is Let for
State Highway
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
C. K. ROGERS Res. Phone: B 1464
Daily Trips to
Phones: Main 6765 A 3110
Office With P. R. England
n Old Accounts
We get results.
We report results.
We remit result
We pay the expense. '
We take the Idanie.
Knight Adjustment Company
Ilillsboro, Ore.
BUMP - BUMP, Managers
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ;:::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro. Oregon
r.. .,i
-Il firearms Ammunition pi)
3 v
!a..' s.1 rm. iiitfV"uTM