"4 m l miriim. .,, , , " &iu&mtmMt f L S NO. 8 t VOL. XXVI HILLwSIiORO, OREGON, MAY 1. 1919 m H 0 1 ft BIG PYTHIAN DISTRICT MEETING SAT., MY II) MiMmnvillc to Entertain Boy From Three Vnllcy Counties DIANA PROMISES BIG TIME Special Trnin Iden it Ahnndorfd, But Many Will Vi.it The Pythian of Vnmliill, Wash ington 1111(1 TilllllllOllIt (iMIIllit arc lit ! entertained at ii district CHIIU lltillll III lit! Ill 111 lit All M in n illi . iimlrr the dine lion of t In- local I ). 1 u . nt tlmt Jiluc i-, ;iiil Diiiiiii I .in I u i , inn' of llir lust iii llir nut state, irouif t'N Unit 'lie follow i-ri uf )iiiiiiii :lliil I'u'ihtu shall In- givi ii royal n ccpli hi Tin' tl.ilr fur llir big conclave is mI fur Saturday evening, Mnj 10, mill il w ill lie mi -ill night st -.iiiii. North 11 ft i it will nil a I ion t twenty; IlilUliurn nt ' 'il li ft y ; ( ''iriirlitiH n doin r lif It-i n ; I'ur.'st Grove a half hini tlntl. iiiul (iiislini nt leu-.! thirty nr furU . anil llir irorn in will hnvr II splendid support Tin- proposition if ii "I'll iil Iniiti litis been abandoned, be cause its rust tinilrr present tariff- would hi- prohibitive, iintl sniltr ttill go ill machines, while oilier u ill go on hr Ir.'iin, re turning ln rr llir in-xt day 10 o'clock. Tin sr tlislrirl convcnlio'i ere nliiiinliiiiril during w ir tiine, hut rirr iiiiw I" I"' revived ns I ' i-v hnvr always been prod n-t i v. uf milt Ii lnlrri -1. I'nli-ss llu-rr is ii .lortn llir highway will lir in good sir ir fur motoring, tintl Mr. is only a hllle mrr mi hour' Ir-ivil. All riillitlsiiislir I'vliinlls ere requested to get husy iiiul ar range for tlir trip. COLLIER GETS BUSY .1. II. Collier, of llilKlioro. Ore gon, who nlrrntly owned proper- nt this plurr, in.'itlr llir pur tv I,,,.,. ll.U week of llir .1. M . l.roiuirtl orchard, u niilr south of town, adjoining llir railroad. Thr Iniiti, IS itrrrs. is nil planted to tree., about H acre being in oranges, i i" lemons illitl Ihr hnl niirr in trees of several olht r sorls. Mr. Collier contemplates buying t h-'tst one tit hi r tract of Iniiti during his present visit, iiiul expect ere long to close mil his business tiitercsls in tlir northern Mate nml ronir to (bland li miikr his hiinir, Orhinil, (t'nl.) I nit. Tlir iihovr rrfrrs to llt riiinii f'ollirr, of 1 his city. Mr. Col'irr li ft lirrr s'l-vrrnl wri ks nr.i, tvjll rt-tiirn in n frw wrr ks nml rruinin hrrr until hit drp-iruirr for prrinniirnt rrsitlrlirr in CiUi-furniii. TAGGART HOME l.nwrrncr TiiltK'irt . of Ihr I'. S. Ship rittshurgh. nrrivtil hrrr thr first of thr wrrlt from Nrw York, f(-r Npriulinji nrnrly two yrnri in South Anirririin wntrrs, iihimril thr I'illshiirgli. Hr rr tnuiiis nhoiit trn tlnys from tin ilntr of his nrrivnl iinlrss hr ciin .r, t mi rxtriislon of linir, whirl) is possihlr. l.mvrrnrr looks lit ns n fighter, hut iiiy hr isn't pnrtir uhii'ly riiiiiiiourrtl of South Amrr Un nt phu'r for lrniilhy so journs. Thr ohllimrr founrt n jiriirty wrlronir nwniliiiK him. Ilr Nhip)irtl riu-ly In l!MH. nlonr Avill) C'lilTonl I.oii-f, hut thrv srp nrntnl in April of tlmt yenr. nml hnvr not crossril pnths sincr, I.tinpr hnvinj hrrn in Frrnrh nml Mrililrrranrnn wntrrs for n yrnr. . .Iti'.t krt i ill liiiuil thill Nul uf diiy rriiiiit ihinrr nt Moosr Hull oil Mny H. Alrx Chiiluirrs, tlir Shorllnirn lirirthr uf nritr Sin-HI in , was in Ihr ily Ihr lust of llir rrk. 'i Kt-liihli,- mill llowrring phtnlx now rrndy nt Murllt-r'n (irri-u-housr, I 'J III nml Oilk. Hy Mini I or on mil. Trlrphonr liU7. fitf .Itihil Itithluiu, Ihr I'orrst (irovr ohllimrr, was down Mon tlay inoiiiiiiK, and was ivi-u a rr lrnsr froii' jury si rvicr hi rinuit rouit. Wiirrrn Williams, of nhovr M oinitiiiiid ilr, was down Ihr insl uf Ihr wi-t k, a nurst at tin; Mrs. Jnnir St-will Inline, (). 1'.. Mrl'nrlhy has n kooiI, latt- 11)1(1 Dollar for hiilr. In linr Khnpr. N w riird tirrs. Impiirr at 1 uriiilurr Store, Third Street, IlilUhoro. 7- (ieo. W. Still, our of the early si lilt rs of the lieaverton heeiion, was up to the eity li e lirsl of 'he week, jjret tilifi his rolinly . at f rieiuls. I'or Sale - Hiirhnnk need pota toes. John W. Oaten, Hillshoro, It. !t. Two miles northwest of ilillshoro, on the I.eisyvillr road. Til. .1 1 HO. ' O S The weather Suntl.iy t sphi.h ! Ihr old legend that a rain on Hos ier SiiildiV meaiis riiii for seven enlist eiilhe Suiulays. The '. V was as i ll itr n a lu ll, and tiil warm in tin- afternoon. Only monument dculcri hi Washington County. Drop ui n riird, nml wc will show you our Humplm. Write or call on ui, t 1303 Main St., Ililltihoro. Ore izon Monument Workti, Hillnboro, Oregon. 40-tf Tims, S'ithveomhe, of 'ort-l.-iiid, was out Moiitlay. Mr. ilhyeoiulie says the Itair sale, Hi ar Tiuard. saw some of ill fin est tlt rv situ k III thr st ile sold -and the pliers went up in line shape. Muhrrt liermirds. of Me.Miuu- illi-. and Herman Iternnnls, of ('iirllmi, are ilown this week, wit nesses on ii l'W suit involving a rijjht of w ay aeross a farm w hit h the lleriianis formerly owne I, to he used ns a tlilt h tt drain I.ous imiont Lake. The jury Welti nut Monthly In view the proposed tliteh and the prohnhle damages ailtl henefits, I'or Sale A line farm train, i years old: .'1000 His.; strontf Har ness ami Stutlel aker wn)tonj ;.;si hiuh hreil hunuy mare; harness nml hnirifv. Also farm for suit or rent, suilahle for 23 to .'10 lead of eattlr. Hve rythinir modern and up-to-date on farm; one-'ialf mile northwest of Kinton IIih Seiitiol. I. Slrohel, Heaverton, Ore., It. a. S-10 Wm. Ashahr, who was wit!) the tand Hivisiou at Chateau I lner ry, the Maine and the Aritonne. mid who eauie out of one hittle with hut IN men sound in his company, arrived home front fiitnii Lewis. Siindnv. Will says tlw it the Ainri'irans were sun "some hoinhres" when it eiinir to liahtintf. and that when the Yanks and French were toircthei takiiitr ohieelives the Yanks al iiii reached their ilestina ion an hour or two or three ahead of id.. Frank. Ashahr hail out III He to say ahout his own pat in tin- licht. out H is known nere that he mine out of one rnirisc nient with ahout nil his clolhinr shrapnelled oil' him except three (jn n-ters of a shirt. He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ashahr, of litis cily. lie joined as n volun teer with the Third On iron when so many Ilillshoro hoys out of 1 1 iyli School went into servi -e in April, 1017. JOHN QUINDV JOHNSON ENDS LITE SATURDAY Shooti Himtelf With Revolver, nt Home on Oak Street SON HLARS FATAL SHOT Had Just Returned From Trip to California in Queat of Health Itihil Quilicy .lull n soil , better known to his intimate friends as "Fanner" Johnson, shot himself in the temple at his (piartt rs in a house on Hast Oak St., this city, Saturday morning, ahout ten o'eloek. Death was instantan eous. His hotly was found hy hin youngest son, Albert Johnson, who heard Ihe shot fired, and who was then hurrying to (he place to keep an eye on the father. Johnson recently returned from California, where he went hitter his health, lu in a suf ferer from Bright' 'disease. Hi; came ,ortn as lar us .Mtillonl, with Ihr intention of visiting some medical springs, ami find ing he eoultl not reach them ow ing to snow , came on up to Ilills- ioro, arriving Friday night. Ilu went to the home of Mrs. Mtillin, on Washington m., net ween ."sec ond ami Third St reel s, and re mained there " during the n i irl . Two of his children live with Mrs. Mtillin, and Mr. Johnson in ipiiretl Ihe whereabouts of a re volver which he had left at tin; Mnlliii home before leaving for the South. Thr gun was located ind Albert found the cartridges, lohiisoii told Mrs. Mtillin that there were rats at Ihe place w here he lived, and sheuiposcd that he was taking the gun to de stroy them. As he left the house Mrs. Bower, who occupies Ilu: upstairs, asked Johnson if lit! wire goilijaw a V. He said, "Yes, I am goinir lo Heaven." A few minutes later she told the son (hat he had better watch his fath t . . . . . it ns she tcarctl lie might he trou bled. The son had promised to go down to the Johnson place in the afternoon, upon Ihr father' rrtpiest, but concluded that he would change his plans ami go at once. As he neared Ihe gate he heard the shot which ended Johnson's life. He found a note on the door saying, "I will he in the woodshed." Going to the rear the son found the body of his father with a bullet hole in his temple. I o roncr I.inihcr licit! an in- ipicst over the remains, and the jury found that death was due to a revolver shot, tired with suici dal intent. Thr funeral took place from the Limber I'nderlnking Parlors, Tuesday afternoon, and inter ment was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. Johnson was horn in Nashville, Holmes County, Ohio. Sept. 23, 185.'). After coming to Oregon he homesleaded up above Moun laindale. ami later went to 1 ho Dalles, where he worked in rail way empolv. lie was married to Myrtle Mn'llin, at The Dalles, in 18!KI. I'or some years he anil his wile have been ilivorccil. lie is survived bv the following eliil , ..'1 ! ilrcn narry mm r.uwarn, in Portland, both of w hom were re cently released from the Nation al Army; A Inert, mitt ISessic, both of whom make their home with their grandmother, .Mrs. Mtillin. Potentialities. A big word and a big idea! Together they make a big-, inn. This word in your mind and energy and ambition in your heart make for the accomplishment of Big Things. One way to realize the potentialities of life, the oppor tunities everywhere nbout us, is to maintain a savings account. A savings account consistently built up will soon grow into a fund large enough for investment. With this sum you will be prepared to develop some of the potentials tics about you which may mean success, independence and power. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ CLAUDE ROBINSON C anile ltohmson. aged " years died at the Oregon City Hospital April 2 t, 191!, after an illness of over a M'lir. involving partial paralysis. The funeral took place Friday. He is survived hy his mother. Mrs. Alfretl I.ndd, of Clackamas Heights, anil a sister Mrs. Delia Animer, of Oregon Cilv. His father mid a sister died while residing nt Hillsboro Itobinson was a printer by trade and learned the business in Hillsboro, later taking a poly technic course in Chicago. Aft r it. 1.. i 1 reluming ironi uie r.nsi tie win ed at Hood River, and then went into the furniture business in Til lamook. Ill health took him to California. His wife died sever al years ngo. Robinson was a talented young fellow. His peo ple lived below Newton, near the old F. M. Kelsay place. Hall, Sitnr Do not for- Danec at Moose lay evening, May .'I. get it. Hon. Ira I'urdin, of tin (i,-o.c. .I i . i i was ilown liiestiav, on Hie nig railings case, Karly varieties of nerd corn for sale. C. F. Il'irneeker, Hills boro, K. it. Near I.t isy villi-. !) Mrs. Malintla Hocking, of Ilillshoro, bus been granted $25 er month pension from the f (5v- rninent. J an. H. Jack, principal of the Washougal, Wn., schools, was .1 i over Miturtiay, greeting vi nsn ingtijii County friends. Straved or stolen Small Jcr- ..ii- i.t sev cow, Willi cnain uruiinii uie lorns. It (.-ward for recovery -- W. Ituchnmui, Reetlville, Ore gon. C. M. Andrews, District Freight and Passenger Agent for the Southern Pacific north of ishland, was a city caller the ist of the week. I'or Sale Minnesota l.t si nl .i . i orii, lute sioi K, nrsi-ciass. - John Frciideiithal, Hillsboro, K. lihone HtXl. Near New ton,! low Hillsboro. S ! G. I.. Thompson, agent for tli.il Oregon Electric, has been sick more than a week, and Delbcrtl Blackburn has been relieving '-im J t the oilier as special man. For Sale An Al driving mare urfectlv gentle, and a woman an drive; weighs about 1100; buggy anil harness; ,7."i take all. C. Hch.sc, K20 Sixth St., H:lls- boro. "! Henry Olaliie, of O.-.k Park, It-parted this week for Quantico, Va., his old station in the I . S. Marines, after an eti titled visit with his mother. Mrs. I rank (. Francis. Christian Science Society- Sunday services at 11 o clock ; Sunday School at 10:15 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings nt 8 o'clock. Vita Hail, 1228 Wash ington St. tf ('has. Green, of Wnshougal, Wash., mine over the last of Ihe week to renew old acquaintances. Green was in the I . S. service, mil returned home last Winter. He formerly worked for . J. Gregg, of Lcisyville. For Sale or Trade Interna tional Harvester Cream Separa tor, 430-11). size, cost !?(5, same as .ii. i i . e new ; sell reasonanie or iraue mi young cow or heifer to freshen in near future, HoJstein preferred. A. C. Sellers, Argus oflice. 15. F. Purdy and son, Clifford, . .. . were down irom l-oresi iiroir. Tiiest'.iv. Clillord is up on a visit from the Imperial Valley. Cm., where th-y grow tilt greatest crops of canteloupcs the world ever witnessed, and he returns in a week or so. Eggs for Hatching Single Comb White Minorcas, priae win- ning birds, American jjeauiy strain. Per setting of 16, f 55.00. Won 24 prizes at two 1918 shows Two roosters for sale, good type, pure white. Wm. Tupper, Hills boro, Ore. - James Smith, .son of Mr. end Mrs. W. F.. Smith, who fornv.-i-lv lived in South Tualatin, now of Sherman County, arrived in the lirst of the week, returned irom France. Jim was in the big fight ing bunch, w here lie. saw the I. ) s piled up but he says the Yanks look their obieetive ahead of time every time. and family dc evening for Can- vonville, ('re., nere tncy win reside in the future. J. A.'s mother lives down in Douglas County, and he takes his family South so as to be near her. Du Bell has made many friends in Hillsboro. and they are regret ting his departure. James II. Jacobsen, of West I'nion. returned n few days ago from Florida, having been given his release from the United States Marines. James II. was across to the ''big doings." He came in Monday night to visit Pythian Lodge, having enlist.'d a few days after he was given his ast rank in the order. Nearly Two Million Dollars Spent for R. R. Ties MILLS SELL BELOW COST Lumbermen's Association Claims Cut Made at a Loss J. A. Dullell parted Monday Pacific Steamship Co. will load two ships with Hour at Porllanil. Portland flouring mills to build evntor to cover entire block. j Portland plans .'1,050,000 .lb- j lie buildings anil improvem.-' Is. I Dallas prune packing plant for' 1 f I 8-1 1 i handles H', million pounds. I Albany Far West wood chest j manufacturing plant doubles ra pacity. I kliiiiiath I alls railroad to be! t tendt ! 20 miles to Sprogiie; river. ! Newport Company organized lu re' to build logging flumes. 1 Fir lumber manufacturers in Oregon and Washington .-is'.cd hv Railroad Administration to; supply 2.000,000 ties, worth! nearly .fl,750,000 for use of i st em railroads. Five thousand acres leased or oil drilling between The D.lles mil Duftir. Despite strength of lutiln-i- market, fir nml spruce manufac turers arc selling lumber for Jess than cost according t data com piled by West Coast Luio.lernien Association, which shows fiat cost of production in I ( liru-irv averaged .-,21.01 as against a sell ing price ot .t21.!M per thousand. Mavor Baker, of Portland, is opposed to allowing the police to form a union anil go under labor union federation. He says they are not laboring men in the trades union meaning of the word. They are civil officials, ollicc-holihrs, eiijoviug special privileges, supposed to be the servants of all the people.. In case ot strikes anil riots tlu-v must enforce law and order against labor organizations as they have been conducted in the ; past. That they could not do im- partially if they were atllliated ; with the strikers. j Douglas county prune crop for 19 IS sold for 1, 500,000. The 191!) crop expected to be 80 car loads. Athena Half-section of land near here sells for $65,250. Reedspnrt mill to operate in near future, capacity 125.000 ft. Astoria in need of ano.heri modern hotel. i Fight well known lumber, lien from Oregon and Washington j were elected to Board of Direc tors of National Lhr Mfg. A sn. Thev are: E. T. Allen. Portland J. H. Bloedal. Seattle; Ralph H. Burnside. Portland; A. C. Dixon.1 Eugene; D. C. Eceles. Baker. Or., ami Salt Lake City; F. 1?. Hub bard. Centralis-. Wn.; T. A. Mc Cnnn, Bend; and R. S. Shaw, of Astoria. Echo Three of the Farmers I'nion elevators in county sold. Albany Steam laundry to have $25,000 building. Rosebnrg A $11.1 1 1 eon t -act let for grading Divide-Douglas county line section of 1.2 miles. Portland State highway 'om mission lets 10 paving ami I grading contracts, totalling $2,000,000. Planting of trees in 1 Oregon forests and one national forest started. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. , Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. Contract is Let for State Highway AND A HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL LEAD FROM PORTLAND THROUGH THE FAMOUS Beaverton-Reedville Acreage NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR HOME BEFORE PRICES RAISE. A SPLENDID ELECTRIC SERVICE WILL TAKE YOU TO AND FROM YOUR WORK IN PORTLAND. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON C K. ROGERS Res. Phone: B 1464 ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER 271 TAYLOR STREET Daily Trips to BEAYERTON HILLSRORO FOREST GROVE Phones: Main 6765 A 3110 GENERAL HAULING LONG DISTANCE MOVING Office With P. R. England o N Old Accounts! CARD OF THANKS The 0TS Dr. Will 'CS Portland J. Thompson, eye-sight spec ialist, will visit Ilillshoro May 17, and may he consulted nt the local holi'l. Dr. Thompson will he pleased to meet both old and new natrons and look after their eye glass needs while in the city. At the Washington nil day Saturday.. May 17. Parents: Would you like to have a set of pictures of your old schoolmates the boys you used to scrap with the girls you used to tease? If you knew where to get them you would have them if von had to steal them. Now your children want pictures of their fellow schoolmates which will crow dearer to them as the years roll on. Give them money to have good pictures taken for exchange and not let them ar . i . .. i . i. in quire i ne namt oi stealing, ne undersigned desire to ex press their heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly gave us aid and sympathy during our bereave ment, the death and obsequies of the husband and father, the late John Jacob Wcik. Mrs. J. J. Wcik, And Children. Hillsboro, Ore., April 2(i, 1919. We get results. ! We report results. j We remit results. We pay the expense. We take the blame. Knight Adjustment Company Hillsboro, Ore. . BUMP & BUMP, Managers 11 f H III tiu1". AshYourDealer vemmoion Grand Prizell firearms 8 Ammunition Write for Catalogue m E5t.i iWtbroofffi -7' nx'tf i REAL ESTATE We have choice farms, acri.ige and city property on sale. We will be pleased to show this prop erty to those looking for a home Sec us before you buy. Those wishing to sell plcsse call and list your place with us. We have made some splendid sales the last few days. J. H."Riggs. Hillsboro, O.e. Office Hotel Washington, 3rd St., Room 1168. 7-10 Come in and see our modern anil up-to-ilate Uatterv rjpair and charging station. We can member that Johnson's Studio is open your Battery in a few r.iin headquarters for school pictures i utes ind show you your trouble. as well ns kodak finishing and all Hillsboro lJattery fierviee Ma We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. other photo work. 5-8 'tion, 1130 Second St. 7-8 HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon j