HillsbcTI A, m VOL. XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 24. 1919 NO. 7 - 2 Over Four Hundred Member at Dairymen' League Saturday BIGGEST MEET IN HISTORY Addrestet Made by Alma D. Katx, Food Com'r. Micklc F.tnlt Tin? greatest kcssIuii of dairymen ever liclil in Wnshiiiutou Count v was in evidence lit Liberty Then trc lust Saturday uttcriioou 1 1 nil tif 400 members of the On Ki I'ulryiiien n League n ssi in bled to take iit'tiuii calling for n united front by tin' milk pro duccrs of tills section. The mil uni well advertised iiinl lli coiiiily Hint Iiinl ii visitation which will lou tr he remembered Tin! street were full of iiiiloinii biles mill buggies anil lllr collars tioil on tlir walks lii-fiirr nmi itf- ti-r tilt' meeting reminded one of conditions on tilt Fourth of July Alum I), Knl., of Poill.ind President of tin.' State League was iin-M'iil mill prcnilri! iivit llii- meeting. Out of tin- over KIO ill attendance nt tin- sissiiiii tlirri' were but live or six w ln wrrr nut member of tin' Lcnguu Mr. K ittx Hinted that, the dairy men of Oregon only wanted llieir just iIih'h iiinl iiiioteil r 1 i . 1 1 1 1 au thorities tluit l.iisli rn dairymen were uettiug better prices fur tin ir roiluet, especially in tin condenser ilisl riils. Mr. Kut mi ill that the time had conn when the iliiiryineu must put up n united front or llieir business would fnee ruin. Tin re un just one way, and lh.it way wn the highway of eo operation. Any oilier ruml, be said, vouhl It-itil I lit- dairy men to the ttuns of 1 1 -trenehed low prices. He eliiimeil (lint the eoiupl iiul w.is universal thai where Miles of milk over large district went to units against whieh was hut little checks, losses were suffered nil the tiincthrniigh shorl weights and low tests mid he alleged that this must be eured, eould be eured, mid would be eured, or the dairy business would go into a slouch of prnlitlrss emlenvor. I'rof. litis, of (). A. C, not unknown here through his cou lieetion with the eouuly agent's otliee two years ago, delivered an address on co-operation in dairying, mid dwelt upon pro gressive producing, paying n tri bute to the .silo fever now preva lent in the distriet mid said this w as I he thing. J. 1). Miekle, Slate Food & Dairy Coniinissioner, who has made a big fight against substi tutes tor tlairy products, deliver ed an address w hieh was ehecred to I he echo, and he eonteiuled that dairymen should "get into polities," no that their needs would not have mi unsympathet ic ear in the Ntute's legislative balls. A committee of five A. K. Westcott, Hanks; Ferd (irouer, Seholls; Finis Ilrown, Laurel. It. It. Denny, Iteaverton, and Geo. Hicrsdorf, North Tualalin Plains, was selected to install an olliec in Ilillsboro and have general .supervision of executive work for Ibis zone Washington County, and a laboratory will be installed here for tests. A man will be se lected to take care of the pro ducers' Interests nt the condens ers and the committer will take care of the sellers' end. Meeting will be held live or six times per year hereafter, and every month, if necessary. Potentialities. A big word and a big idea ! Together they make a big jnan. This word in your mind mid energy and ambition in your heart make for the accomplishment of Hig Things. One way to realize the potentialities of life, the oppor tunities everywhere about us, is to maintain a savings necount. A savings account consistently built up will soon grow into a fund large enough for investment. With this .sum you will be prepared to develop some of the potcntials tieH about you which may mean success, independence and power. Assets over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE I eier .lossy, o Helvetia, was a city caller the lai,t of the week .iiiiiii .wcrz, oi Helvetia, was ii i . i transuding business in town Sat unlay. Miller tires give greuter mill age for dollar invested. .See I kins about tbeiu. ,1 If Carl I'fulil ami John Km link were in from above lllooining III last of (he week, It MiKui.ght, of near M,e I'lains, was greeting the city the last of tin Iriemls III week, For will: A good Mitclii wagon, H'j Inch., pr ice $t0, F, It. Fish, opposite I. () co. at Oren fl-7 Tom Tlioriiburgh, formerly Ibis county, has been appoint postmaster nt Oiml, Jefferson County. Dance at the North I'luim pa vilioti, Saturday night. Don't forget Ibis opni air alTair Sliced' orchestra. For wile: Two fresh row, one Guernsey ami the other Jersey Witch Hazel station, fourth house due north. fi-7 Al. Wnvinr. the locomulivr engineer, was ilown Irimi .Vili in the last of the week, greeting o lime Ilillsboro friends. cgetable ami dowering plants now ready at Mueller's Green house, I'.'lli ami Oak. l!y mail or on call. Ii leivlione JtiK7. Ctf John I.ippert, of Hanks, am Henry Cop, of near Greenville Were ell v callers .Motnlav, oil business at the court house, Wanted: Some Canadian field peas. Also ii lew slock Miecp. I'.d. Naylor, Forest (irovr, On I'lioiie 0IH3, 1 oresl (irove. fi-7 A. H, (iarrigus, of abm Hanks, was a city visitor last W'i'i k. A. It. has lived on tin (iarrigus homestead for .'15 years Lost: While pointer (log, one venr old ; lemon spot on ear. Must be in Hillsboro or vicinity Notify Lloyd Hrown, 130 Jack son St. Iteward of (I S D. C. Slol.esbury, of Forest irove, was down to the county eat the last of tin Week. "lied" Is still utile to luiilil roads with I II V of tin ill. Wanted 12 or 15 bead of boats, Address or see l'ortlanil Cheese Co., at Christie Station, on I lilted, .ildress Hanks, Or., U. .'1. Telephone, North I'lains, tlil't. 7-l Max Hebling, lessee of the big Millie ranches near North I'lains, was in the city Monday morning. Max has bis hands full these lays with handling his ow n place nut ihc rented aires. According to n statement bv the Secretary of State's otliee (i.i.MK) auto licenses bad been is sued by lust Saturday night. This is in excess of the 1!I18 number by several thousand, and the end is not yet. It is estimated that the 1!1! licenses will go over 75,000 before the season closes. Parents: Would you like to have a set of picture of your old .school mates the boys you used to .sera)) with the girls you used to lease? If you knew where to get them you would have them if you had to steal them. Now your children want pictures of their fellow schoolmates which will grow dearer to them as the years roll on. Give them money to have good pictures taken for exchange nud not let them ac quire the habit of stealing. Re member that Johnson's Studio is headquarters for school pictures, as well a a kodak finishing and nil other photo work. 15-8 GEO, RACETTE STRUGK AND KILLED BY AUTO James Vet, Aged 17, Run Liown Kea ivian near iigard FATALITY ON A BRIDGE Young Man Had Recently Join ed U. S. Marine Joy Ridinar Jaincn Vest, aged 17, Hon of Van coiivcr man, ran down (eo. Kae cue, agi n nu years, on the cover ed bridge a mile south of Tigaid .Sunday afternoon, about tv o clock. Itaectte suffered a frae lureil skull mid Internal injuries from which be died a short tunc after he was run down. 1 lie Portland police were ioti lien oi the 1 .1 1 n U I v ami as yiniiiif est had proceeded on his way without waitinu to see bow bi.lly ic aged man was injured arch was made for him. II was located later. It appears that Vest boui;li the machine trom tin- I . I., i.o.h Co., of l'ortlanil, Saturday, ami U'ave his father's name in the raiisaelion. The father did not know of ll purchase .Sunday nitjlit when the llicers call'd to see if Vounj Vest had arrived home, which h had not. ('has. I .n n Ii .'i ii i , a Portland l it ican driver, witnessed I In acci- h'hl, and told I'ortl.ind authori tics that a soldier, two sail.irs, and three voiinir women were oc lipants of the Vest maeliiiu and that when he saw tin III the river bad his arm around one of the dirls, who was silti'iiir in front with him. hen est icll the scene it H lid that he remarked that tin mail had only fainted. Coroner Limber investigated the fatality. Vest was arrested Monday morning nt III Slain .St., rort- aud, and taken into custody bv Sheriff Alexander, The innnes was held Tuesday bv Coroner ico, J. Limber, and the verdict (Concluded on I'age 1!) GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McCormick rbrated their golden wedding their home near Laurel, Sun ny, April 20, 1!I!, in company ith their children. They were married at Stanton, Kansas, April Hi, 1859, and on the fourth day after the rcir nagc started with an emigr.mt train for Oreiron. They ar,i ed the Rogue River country l.'nt II, but later moved to the Wil- iinette Vallev. having lived in Washington County forty four cars , I'cn children were born to the union, two dyinir in infancy, the hildren are Mrs. Jos. S. Robin son, llillslioro; I',. I.. jMcl orm.ck it v Recorder of Ilillsboro; Mrs. D. M. Mclnnis, Aloha; C, II. Mc- orniick,- New berg ; Mrs. W. R. Davis, Laurel; Mrs. J. A. Mes- sinircr. iWc.Minuville, Ore.; .los- h W. and Ira G. MeCorir.ick, f Laurel. All these were pres- nt exeenting Mrs. Mclnnis, v ho as absent because of illness in ic family. Others participating in the lebration were Mr. and Mrs. J. . Alterbiirv; the Misses Eva II. McCormick, Monica' McCormick, race and Rlanchc McCormick; Masters Kldon, Lome, Hudson mil Victor McCormick. A REAL SURPRISE tlomey Win. G. Hare had the first surprise of his life Saturday veiling so far as a surprise party is concerned. The occasion as his birthday. The evening as enjoyed in rive Hundred, and liffht refreshments were rved at the close. Those who inaugurated and ef fected the surprise were Messrs. and Mesdamcs C. E. Wells, G ro ver Combs. F. J. Sewell, A. C. Sluite, L. T. McPhceters. J. W. Council, L. A. Long. Geo. Em molt, E. L. Moore, Wm. Nelson, It. E. Peters; Mesdamcs Hamil ton, Morgan and McKinney, and Russell Morgan. Mrs. Alice M. Darling, of For est Grove, died Saterday, at the aire of 87 years. She was he widow of the late James Darling, and was born in Oswego County, V. V., in 18.12. She married Mr. Darling in 18156". Three daugh ters survive Belle Darling, Mrs. Winifred Aldrieh nnd Miss Dee Darling, the piano instructor. The fnmjjy moved to Forest Grove in 1003. The husband died nt the Grove In 1911. A sister, Mrs. Mary Austin, of For est Grove, survives. I'or greater value in used cars don't fail to nee I'erkins John Lindow, of Fariuiiigton was up to the dairy meeting Sat urdny. Flower for funerals and otlu occasion!). liergen Floral Co. Ilillsboro. 2-tf Mr. and Mr, Clcll Carsleiis, o Hanks, were dow n to the county seat Jsatunlay, some tug lours (used l uver lands, and others at right prices V.. L. Perkina. 3-tf John P. Vandecocveriiig, i Vcrboort, was an Argus cilN the last of the week. V. F. Perry, of Witch ll was a city culler .Saturday, nil will read the Argus lu realti-r U. K. Long, switching in tin Portland yards for over a year was out Sunday, th guest ol his pa rents. John I. Marsh, of Cciiterville was down the last of tin- wi ek mixing with his county si-at ac ipiaiiitauces. Dance Ht the North Plains pa vilion, .Saturday night. Don't forget this open air a Hair. .Sliced n orchestra. Highest market price paid lor tfi . ,. . ... livestock. Also want several fresh cows. C. F. Peterson Ilillsboro. Phone (i'2. 6I-tf St. Matthew' Catholic Church Sunday services, Manses at 8 and 10:30. Week days, Mass at 8 :20. J. T. Costclloe. Rector. Mrs. J. E. Long and ilauh ters, of Portland, returned Mun lay after spending f.aster with relatives, the ILilhorns, at Lau rel. cor ,-taie voon as new i-nn ge potato planter, used on icrcs ouiv. .mi i ii rt in r use rea son lor selling. Peter .Hansen. See machine at Allen's Hardware Store, Third St., Ilillsboro. S Mr. and Mrs. Edw. 1). ISi.hr, who have been in California srv- rat months, have returned to Portland, and were in llillslioro ic last of the week. Thcv for merly lived near North Plains. Only monument dealer in Washington t-ounty. urop us a card, and we will show you our amples. Write or call on us, at 1363 Main St., Hillsboro. Ore gon Monument Works, Hillsboro, Oregon. 49-tf Arthur Spiessehaert, of above North Plains, on the Anthony Tongue ranch, was in the city Monday morning. lie savs (bl ow lands farmers want some good weather to get in their seed. Eggs for Hatching Single Comb White Minorcas, prise win ning birds, American Beauty strain. Per setting of 18, $2.00. Won 24 prizes at two 1018 shows Two roosters for sale, good type, pure white. Wm. Tupper, Hills boro, Ore. 49-tf A cow belonging to F. M. Crabtree, of near Laurel, swal- owed a whole potato one niirht ist week, and the tuber came ar choking the bovine to death. s the cow was a valuable one a tirry call was put in for Dr. eagan. who was out to Ranks on a call. Dr. Julius Sovcnson nt out about midnight and soon had the ollending spud ut of the throat. The animal is orth over $200 and saving her a matter of eongratulal ion. Florence F.tbington thington for divorce, Ic were married in ic husband deserted sues J. W. The cou l!H(i. ami her a year go. 1 lie wite alleges that the husband knocked her down once mil threatened her many times. She savs that be openly boasted to her that he had expended three thousand on other women since their marriage. The only issue of the marriage is one child fed 21 months, a girl, and the . ... wants ".'5 per month to support cr. She swears that her hus band is worth ten thousand i ml e asks for a thousand perma nent alimony in one payment. Ed. liarngrovcr, of James, i,as truck by an auto on the Dairy Creek bridge, west of the cRy, one evening last week, and ear- ied nearly fifty feet, liarngrovcr and Miss Lorsung had bee i to the theatre in the city, nnd vere alking home. A machine was approaching them and they Iged over to the railing. When c saw the machine was i-oing to bit them linrncrrover liimned in front of Miss Lorsnng to protect er. 1 lie auto hit bun nnd car ried him the distance, severely injuring his back. The driver never stopped to see the result, but stepped on the throttle, jiul bugged away, with his party laughing. Some of these d.ivs the road agent will get into trouble. THE FIRSI COUNTY OVERJNJHE U. 5 Washington County the Initial One to Sign up Applications OTHER CLAIMS NO AVAIL Chairman Thomburgh Goes up in Flying Machine; Signal Honor Other; may claim, but it remain cd for Washington County to L absolutely the tirst in the t'n.ted States to send in fully .signed ap plications for its quota of Vic tory Ljii Ponds. Chairman J A. Tlioriiburgh, of Forest Grove is won a signal victory and put the ohl county on the Ied.ra map, tirst of all going to Port mil with the entire ipiota sul)- cribed and underwritten bv sol id financial institutions while other counties in the Nation were cuiiteiuliiitr they had liledifed their quotas but they did not have the applications to the ! ov rnment sitfneil up. In recogni tion of the honor, Mr. Thorn- urirh was one to receive the lonor nt living with the big air circus, and he was at the hint meet Monday, and went up high er than the highest. John was strapped into the machine, am said that after the first descent ill was well. He saw morj of Portland at one uliinpse than he ver saw before in a thou '.and once overs." Now that the banks of Wash ngton County have underwritten be county ipiota it is up to Mic Hi.enry to as tar as possible re- icve them ot some ot the sub scription. The bonds are a fine investment, and run for four years with the privilege of re funding at three years. They raw ii per cent, and are non taxable. Get your patriotism to work. and remember, that while your subscription will be only justice, will also be a line investment, and one that is dollar for dollar w ith a good interest return. The action of the banking ouses has relieved the situation unl relieved the people from a ioiisc to house campaign. They mve done their part anil your art together, and it is now u to the people to do their share. The quotas taken bv the diPer- Wash. Co. Bank, Banks. $1(5,(150 ent banks are : Bank of Beaverton 20,025 CornHius State Bank 15.750 Forest Grove Banks 12G.450 laston Bank 18.225 Hillsboro Banks 88.325 Sherwood Bank 10.350 County Quota $104,475 ROSE WHITMORE Mitchell II. Rose and Miss Gol- ie M. Whitinoro were unite in marriage at the home ot the iride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .la id) W hitmore, April 17, 1!U, at o clock in the afternoon. Rev. esse i, Anderson ottieiating. The bride is well known in this ity, and has a host of friends ho are tendering congratulat ions, the groom is empl.ived the Southern Pacilic Co., at the depot at the south end of ond Street. After a sh.rt lonevnioon trip they will re. urn to Ilillsboro to take up their es- lenee. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN Ilaviii!; rented my place, I offer or sale my entire herd of 25 ad of registered Ilolsteins, hich includes 9 cows, 8 heifers, heifer calves, 8 bull calves and lie ticrit sire, 1'icterje Ueauty iieis No. 165,58!), whose near- st seven dams averaged 29 pounds of butter in 7 days. These line animals will be offered at private sale nnd can be seen at the home place, 4 miles north of Cornelius. A. Bendler, Cornelius, Route 1. Phone 39R8, Hillsboro. fi-7 PUBLIC SALE At my farm, 3 miles northeast of appoose, Ore., beginning 10:30 in. sharp on TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919 Fifteen head Holstein cows and heifers; 10 head work horses; 10 sets harness; saddles, farm wag ons; heavy spring wagons; light spring wagons; ton Studebak er covered auto truck; buggies, potato planter; potato digger; mowers; rakes; gas engine; three pair scales; (i-ft. Deering hinder; 65 tons baled hay; oats, rye and wild hay. Frank L. Smith, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer; J. W. Council, Clerk. C. 6. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot .hipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. Contract is Let for State Highway AND A HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL LEAD FROM PORTLAND THROUGH THE FAMOUS Beaverton-Reedville Acreage NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR HOME BEFORE PRICES RAISE. A SPLENDID ELECTRIC SERVICE WILL TAKE YOU TO AND FROM YOUR WORK IN PORTLAND. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON C. K. ROGERS ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER 271 TAYLOR STREET - Daily Trips to BEAVERTON HILLSBORO' FOREST GROVE Phones: Main 6765, A 3110 GENERAL HAULING LONG DISTANCE MOVING Office With P. R. England O N Old Accounts We get results. We report results. We remit results. We pay the expense. We take the blame. Knight Adjustment Company Hillsboro, Ore. BUMP & BUMP, Managers We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon Res. Phone: B 1464 1 LOOK FOR THE FED BALL TRADE MARK Jiil1 IV -r r II Ml '.: F-..cU :. i litaiiiiiumuiuuimiun Shootini Rfehf , eg 1 Qti"'vtk I 3E 1 u