t ... rtlLLSBORC VOL XXVI IIILLSUORO, OREGON, APRIL 10. 1919 NO. 5 . r . i a r. . : trr Than 50 I. In. for March " j AFTER MILKING 6 MONTHS ! ucra loniainm itiree ot forty) R..I In dIVVl r. T..,l (iro. Hie rulorf, uf Ninth Tuala i... I'l,.;..- .. I, ....i ..i i.i... i ll .It rscyt which liavr hccli fa- ' inoilM ill milk production, nn.l . n Mi ll lire lierluiliN one of tlir lust r n 1 1 H in i laKsi s in I In- nl.it-. Nearly all of tlir lienl have lit i n in milk over m tiiinilh uml fur I In- tiinntli of Mai'rli mailc I In- 1 MirprUiiitf avcriijie of fiO.JMi piitiinl of Inillrr fat. This in Millie ( rrroril, ami .how tin- valur of i Komi 1 1 r i -1 - 1 1 i lC uml cari'ful m h e ton). Of it i las ij 4,0(10 ruu'H tend il in thr t'lnlnl SlntiN ill HUH .Mr, i: I r- I I i il mi r.tiiuri h in rti iihiwiiiis iihi i. j out of the 10 hest fur jiruilm intr. ; Willi a ii ii in I it-r of yiiiinuslt is etuuiiiK on, ami with liniiteil ham room, Mr. Itierstluif has com elinli'il to have a Kale this Fall, ami all his matured town as well ih Home voiintt heifers ninl lililU , wiil he Mild. The slock in of the St. Mawes N,t ruin eclrlirated for iroilnetioii and hij-h tests . ! This will he n irreat oiiiiortimi-; , , , , 11 ... IV inr jersey iirreuers as mis herd is nut only productive in the extreme, Iml typifies the wry hest in ri'itistered strains, follow ing elosily the desired type of Jersey stoek. It is worth one's while to visit the liiersdorf dairy one of the most eiinveiiif nt ami iimilerii in the eoiinly, i AUCTION SALE - The undrrsiKMed will sell at puli-j lie auction on the Dirt l arm, oil , the (ierinantowii road, lu twei u ! lletl.ni.y and rhillii.s, nt 10 a. m. TL'J'SDAY, AIMtll. 15 j ... , ... , ! Jllaek mare, UOO; liav uiare, l'.'OO; two year -old coll; Il year old Idly, broke; marcs are oiid work animals, single or 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; Jerit'y ffrnilc cow, (I years, in milk; Jersey rade cow, li years, in milk, fresh in May; rade llulstein, 2 yrs, fresh nevl l'all; 2 Jersey (trade heifers, yearlings, 2 Jersey )raile hulls, yearling.; llulstein ttrade heifer calf; 4 10 gallon milk cans; S gal milk (an; II shoats, 7 months, !I0 to 100 His; sow, 4 miiiiths, thoroughbred Iterkshire; alioiit !t dozen chick ens, good layers; raldiils and lit ters; lot haled straw; fl inch wa gon, light wagon, heavy hack, hiiguy, set work harness, liuggy harness, 2 single harness, saddle, covered wagon hed ; 2 pair wa gon springs, 12 inch plow, 2-see-tion harrow, 2 incubators, small farm tools, stove and rendering; kettle; lot of household furiiilure iind many other articles found on a farm. T .ii mil nt noon. Terms of Sab $20 find under ensli; over $20, six months' time, bnnknhle note, at H per cent. Two per rent off for cash over $20. (irnnl C. Dodge, Owner. J. (', Kuratll, Auctioneer. For Sale Nearly new "Dnirv I Mnid" International Harvester j crenin separator 480 lb. Blue, very j close skimmer, used one month, j $40. Also No. 8 hay and green feed chopper, used few times, big enough for few rows, for quirk asle, $15. A. C. Sellers, Argus. , Thrift... That's the twentieth century way of spelling success. The w ar has made it. n common word in the lexicon of every dcsirnble citizen. We now know that it. does not. mean penurlousness but rathVr the exercise of one of the primary attributes of good citizenship." When you open a savings account with n reliable bank you betrny certain characteristics which go far to wards insuring n successful career. Von are more than merely thrifty. You are also prudent. Anil these two qualities positively exercised are the beginning and end of success. Our bank's assets total over $800,000. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE; i' or Kreanr Viilur in usi'il ears, ilnu'l fail to nci' IVrltiiiN. r raiiK i litter, ol I lielialctii MiMinlain, sih a cily caller Fri .lav. Sunn fniim (iihii!) Over I',. I.. I'crklim. a if It. II. Collins, roiirt haililT, rr mnnl.rr.-il tin- Arn f..r hi ar.ih year llic last uf t In- week, " -iwo n""'1 cow, f'v,l. thin limit) h. I. II. j hillen, Muiiiil.'iiiiiliilr. . (i J. A. kric-fi-r, of Vrrlm.nl iinr in Fritlav nn.l uncut "tlx llltiriilllfr tr I'i'i-i HHr f...i.l.j H. W. K. Srlilaltiiuiii, of I'. mohira, t rniisacli il lniMiirss at the eoiirt house I'riilay after ii it in. Wanted: Snine ('aiiailiaii I'chl peiii. Also n few stuck slice! I'll. NaInr, Fiirtst Grove Or I'hniie 0IS5, Forest (irove. fi-7 M.irii.'me license,: Frank II Wailii'lil .umI .Minna liraillcy, of aluive Ranks; Carl I.oren. ami Mrs. lila Kniinif, of near Itux ton. , Fur sale: (iiind mare, 7 years ll'OO; 7,'. Will work any ilaee. I'red Harper, Gales Creek; I '. miles aliove store , Timlier road. B C em ."Miaiier, ot ,orlli I'lains road, .loll v city Miunl.iv Plains, was in the til, , ru 1 1 , ,r ilf.i fiitr n t . ' ' M ' M ' likely Inokiiiff youlik'ster heloni- inn to Win. Mcquillan. ,. , ,.i., i lor sale: .Minnesota 1H seed eurn for sale, Well aeelimated. The lust fur the silo; 10 cents per lb. Clem Shaner, Hillshoro, It, .'I; .'1 miles out on North I'lains road. 5-7 Mrs. Hay Siili-r depai'ted Sat urday to join her husliaml, w ho is in the Coast I.ifr (iuard service over on the llwaeo peninsula, at Klipsan, Wash, The Argun will visit them in their new home, I'ur Sale Several heatl of K(1j v.iun Jersey trade cows, j,, uilt Also heifer, fresh vll)1 priced reasonalile, A. K. l..inrV) Jl,lWi,ru, Ore., It. It. Telephone :u'I. Three miles north of I lillshiirn, .'t-fi , W. J. (iregg, uf I.cisyville, was a city caller Friday. W. J. has taken the Argus for n quarts of a century, and wijr he still wants the old sheet. 11 bought, his pres ent holdings as the result of an adv. in the paper- and says he has never regretted it. We saw all kinds of dimension lumber from til sl-growth limber, and are equipped with planer. We have a good deal of drj Inc. her on hand from last year's cut. If you contempl'ite building a si hi, barn, or house, put your order in early. We give figures nml estimates. Canyon Lumber Co., Hanks, Ore. l'linnc U'll. Lo cated 2 miles north of Mountain dale. n-B Sam R.'ilVety, of Mountain lale, w here deer run with the cows up to within n day or so of the open ing of the season, was in Satur day. Sam bruiigiil in with hi n an extra of the Argus, published 22 yi ars ago, when Itufus Norman was killed at Tualatin, his sep arator gointf thro a bridge. This was the first extra ran by a news paper in Hillshoro, barring the one the Argus issued when Wnch line was executed. Sam also pos- I sesses a ft cent ami a za rent mm idaslers, like the old ones issued right after the Civil war. Another unique relic he owns is a 25 cent gold piece, issued in Cnlifoinia in the sixties. In those days down Soul h these pieces wen one of them t lit equivalent of a good "swig" of obi Crow. S Junior Red Crosses in District Making Good NEARLY 2000 IN COUNTY Outline of Health Action Given Children f ifty live thousand Oregon rhil tireii, vii.uoo ot i Ik-iii iii tin- coun ties of Multnomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Columbia and Tillamook, are now modern health criiVnlcrs of the American Junior Itcd Cross. And of those counties, while Multnomah heads the list be cause of close organization in Portland, Clackamas comes a re markable hecoml best with tl.'iO children embracing the students of two thirds of the ctmnly schools, taking up the Red Cross Health prognrTn. The Junior Hed Cross Crusa ders in the other counties of tin; Portland Chapter are : Columbia, l.'IOO; Tillamook, 12 (this show ing due to many schools closed as a result of influenza, but ex pected shortly to be w oinlcrf illy bettered); Washington, 1877; Yamhill, 2000; Multnomah coun ty outside Portland, 112); and 31,180 in Portland proper. And you know the reason Mr. and Mrs. Parent, why little Wil lie has been going to bed early so religiously, scrubbing his teeth, washing his face nml hands, (leaning his finger nails, getting; lots of sleep, anil always smiling. For Willie and 55.000 other school Willies and Marys are 'determined to be enrolled first as squire (which takes five weeks of this regular program.) then as knights, which requires 10 weeks, and then ns knights bannerets which requires 15 weeks perfect score. "Hut who keeps score," you ask. Why the Junior Itcd Cross crs themselves. The whole Cru sade idea was based on honor. lust the same with the modi rn Crusaders. So every little Willie iml every little Mary is engaged nightly in keeping count of the number of glasses of water dri.nk every tlav, the number ot times faces were washed, ami the num ber of baths taken. The teachers have lie'ped enthusiastically. No state In the union can com pare with Oregon's health show ing. Soon all over Oregon, then will be still a finer showing, rnd the Junior Red Cross will have lone it. Schools whose members are not yet leagued with the modern health Crusaders, and who are not in the Junior Red Cross may learn all about it bv writin? to Mrs, S. M. Tilumaner, Junior Hed Cross, who will refer them to the proper otlieial in each county. NEW CASES New eases filed in circuit court are: John nml Florence Marion and Clark and Kiln Cory sue for the partition of an eleven acre tract near the Taylor Ferry road, the defendants being Chas. Mar ion and a large number of other heirs. The plaintiffs want .-the tract, which belonged to the lale Tipton Marion, divided, or if di vision is not practicable, want the tract sold and divided among the heirs. The Marions nml Corys each have a seventh interest in the properly by will. Mnttie Ruder, who married Samuel Knder in Hillshoro Dec. 1!, 1007, asks for a divorce, nl leging the husband deserted her seven years later. Mie niso iisks the custody of two minor chil dren. Ralph Ilannan.of Iluxton. sues Carl Teller for $128.47, for mer chandise furnished and unpaid. Laura F.rvin, of Portland, sues Frank F.rvin for divorce, alleging simple desertion. The defendant husband is a Portland policeman. NOTICE The ranch of 40 acres of the Into J. C. Peterson has been ordered sold by the County Court of Multnoiiinh County, State of Or egon. Prospective bidders can send bids on same, to Peter Gott lieb. Hillshoro, Ore., R. 1. Rids will be received Up to April 13, 1919. Ten neres clenred; smnll house and ham; fair orchard; !o cnted In Multnoninh County, Or., nhout 5 miles north of t onncll Station, on United Rv., and 1 mile northwest of Mason school house. Peter Gottlieb, Administrator. Hillshoro, Ore., R. 1. (icorge Walters, of West L'n ion, was a city visitor Monday. II. W. Prick. It, of Hanks, was a cily visitor Friday morning. Phil White, of near Cedar Mill, was an Argus caller last week. J. C O'Connor, of Hazeldale, was in town Saturday afternoon. II. II. Mailer, of above Hanks, was in the last of the week, pay i 1 1 IT taxes-. Flowers for funerals and other occasions. Hergcn Floral Co., Hillshoro. 82-tf II. V.. Rest, of Moiintaindali was in town the last of the week, greeting friends. Miller tires give greater mile age for dollar invested. See Per kins about them. 3 If Win. (ioodin, of James, and F. F. Ilauley, of I.cisyville, were in I In- city Saturday. J. II. Wirtz, of Oak Park, was in thr last of the week and railed nn the weekly visitor. 'I. II. Maxwell, of above Moun t4.i111l.1lr, was a county seat visit or '.he last of the wrrk. A. V. Hcrgcii, of Hillsdale, was in Friday, paying taxes mid call ing on the family journal. A. C. Mulloy, of Lnurel.nntl W. (i. Hesse, of Sr hulls, were city visitors the last of the week. Miller tires are good tires. Perkins has exclusive territory, (iet his prices before buying new tires. 3-tf Mr. ami Mrs. Guslar Teufel. of the liarnes road, below Cedar Mill, were eitv visitors the last of the week. F. L. Henmis and wife, of For est drove, were visiting with frit litis in the county seat Thurs day evening. Perkins now has Tiis free air and water system installed- drive ni) and help vourst lt. 1011 ire welcome. 3-tf John Gerber, of near Cedar Mill, was up Saturday,, .showing his youngsters the intricacies of the county seat. J. koplin, of Forest (irove, and Kobcrstcin, formerly of Gaston. now of Portland, wire Hillshoro oghleseers Monday. Wanted: Canary birds male mil female. Itobt. McF.wcu, ad dress J.eavenon, u. 2, lm in; at 1 1 11 1 villi . Phone 2H(!5. 5 Arthur Yuylslcke, uf Hanks, was 111 saturilay , visiting tils brothers and transacting business t the court house. Highest market price paid for livestock. Also want several fresh cows. 0. Peterson, IliUsboro. Phone 02. 51-lf St. Matthew's Catholic Church Sunday services, Masses at 8 and 10:30. Week days, Mass at 8 :20. J. T. Costelloe, Rector. For Sale A good family cow, in milk, lresii next .ugiist; also ,'1 doxen good chickens. Henry Stofl'ers, IliUsboro. Telephone lfill 15. 3-5 Hen Uoolev, of Hanks, was a . .1 caller atuniav. isen says w line nroute in he saw W. G. Walker llshing in old Dairy, ami he ex pected trout when be returned to Hanks for supper. Wanted--Farmers to grow cu cumbers for delivery to Knight Parking Co.. Cornelius, Oregon, Phis is a good pa ing crop. Seed furnished at cost. For full par tieulars write Knight Packing Co., Portland, Ore. 3-5 Arthur 1". Uailcy, who carries mail on Home 1 oiu. 01 i.aurei. was in Saturday, taking a day of rest. He says bis brother. Neal, is 011 a homestead down in Cali fornia. His son 'Walter is still in Germany with the army of occu pation. F.ggs for Hatching Single Comb White Minorcas, prie win ning birds, American Beauty strain. Per setting of 15, $2.00. Won 24 prines at two 1918 shows Two roosters for sale, good type, pure white. Wm. Tupper, Hills horo, Ore. 49-tf Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Collier de parted this week for Orlando, Cal., whero they expect to remain several weeks, Herman has inier esls down there ami may invest ngain if things look right to ' im. Orlando has a big future, and Herman thinks it O. K.., even if the state is going into the Sahira zone shortly. Over 00 per cent, of the new- cars this season are equipped with U. S. L. batteries, among which nrc Oldsinohiles, Over hinds, Buieks, Chevrolets nnd mnnv others too numerous to mention. Hillshoro Battery Ser vice Co., nre ngents for the bat teries, which are sold on fifteen months guarantee. 6-6 Marry Mills Over State are Being Rebuilt PORTLAND BUILDS HOMES Railroad Tie Ordered to Tune of 175 Million Feet Seventy-two lumber mills liaison hand ;)!).'( million feet as against 419 million feet in January. Shipments are increasing and production falling off on account of high ri.t of manufacturing due to unsettled labor conditions and high prices of mill supplies. The government has withdrawn all but 10 million fri t of its stork oil hand from thr market and placed orders for 175 million feet of Douglas li r railroad ties. The Shipping board has decided lo 'provide ships A for Atlantic coast trade. Portland interests to acquire thirty steamers to carry tits to eastern ports. MeCorniick Co. ind other 111 ij 1 m have orders for tH.000.000 feet. Building for new bank going up at Tigartl. Heppncr Elks will Imild a lodge hall. Marion county votes on bond issue June 3 for 130 miles market roads. F.ntcrprise enters on $125,000 paving enterprise. Astoria Marine Iron works rated third largest ship-fitting plant in United States. Albany will build steel bridge over Penniwinkle creek. Hoseburg has a new iron foun lry. 'Oregon will have 25,000.000 to spend on roads the next three years. Gold Beach Horn silver strike, ore 75 per rent pure, made on French hill. Portland buying 8000 barrels road oil for .suburban streets? Three western states, Arizona, Nevada ami Washington, have restored the death penalty and Oregon added life sentence for mldiip crime. West Coast Lumbermen's As sociation asks government to as sign large number Ferris type w oodi n ships to handle lumber cut for eastern .shipments. Wasco ranchers pay IjitiO to !f(j5 month ami board for farm hands. The Mary wage scale for ship yard workers, against which Se attle strike was directed has been xtended for six months. Asfjiria Contract let for $33,- 775 dock extension. State workmen's compensation commission suspends nil pay ments into state fund for three months having a large surplus. The McKinley sawmill nt Bend lo be rebuilt. Grants Pass Sawmill and box factory on Sardine creek to he operated. Echo flouring mills have re sumed operations. MRS. A. M. SCHILLER Mrs. A. M. Schiller, wife of the ate Eugene Schiller, died at the 'aniily home near Heaverton, pril 2, 1 !'!!, and interment was at Sylvan, last Sunday. She had esidrd in Oregon 33 years. She 1 ft four daughters and two sons lo mourn her loss Mrs. J. . Cook, Mrs. Fred Kling, Mrs. (ins I'ertncr. Mrs. Y. F. Darling; Perry Miller and Kugcne Srhill r, and of her immediate family is survived by two brothers, C. K. anil F. J. Jenne. NOTICE To all Persons Concerned You nre hereby notified that it is the intention of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Association, In- eorporntcd, ot Washington loiin- tv, Oregon, to amend Article 1 of its Articles of Incorporation. so that it shall read as follows: ARTICLE I The name bv which this Cor poration shall be known nnd un der winch 11 shall no business is the "Farmers Mutual Fire Insip ance. Association, Incorporated of Yashingtnn County, Oregon.' This action is taken nnd this notice imblished hv virtue of a Resolution of the Board of Di rectors duly nnd regularly jjjrtro duced and passed at a regular mectHV' of said hoard, hv n unanimous vote of all of the Di rectors of said Company. Dated this 20th day of March. 1919. Samuel Graf, President, F.rwin Ritter, Secretary. Try the Argus, $1.60 a year. C. B. BUCHANAN (Incorporated) IliUsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Hour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot skipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or v rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beayer State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Cornelius, City 151 5, Contract is Let for State Highway AM) A HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL LEAD FROM PORTLAND THROUGH THE FAMOUS Beaverton-Reedville Acreage NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR ' HOME BEFORE PRICES RAISE. A SPLENDID ELECTRIC SERVICE WILL TAKE YOU TO AND FROM YOUR WORK IN PORTLAND. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON C. K. ROGERS Res. Phone: B 1464 ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER 271 TAYLOR STREET Daily Trips, to HEAVERTON HILLSISORO FOREST GROVE Phones: Main 6765 A 3110 GENERAL HAULING -LONG DISTANCE MOVING Office With P. R. England n Old Accounts i We get results. j We report results. I We remit results. We pay the expense. We take the hl.-une." Knight Adjustment Company Hillshoro, Ore. i P.UMP & RUMP, Managers j We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillshoro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. Hoffman Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon SCO. Hillshoro, Main 14, North Plain, Main 263. AsK Your Dealer Firearms Ammunition fej! Write forCfttMogue TMC REMINGTON ARMS U M C CO INC WT toa ESI