1LLSB0R VOL XXVI HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 3; 1919 NO. 4 H mi4 Clini. F. Titjnrd is Elected Irc idcnt of New Institution IT MAS CAPITAL Of $15,000 FriU EUner, Vice I'rrMilcnl; W M. Evnnt i the Cadiicr Tlnard, on tin' Oregon l.leitrie mill Siiiillirt'li I'aeilie, llcavcrioir lllsliiiri( culiilf, ii few 1 1 1 1 - Mllllln Jlsl of Ili'llVcrtoll, ll.i in' ilii,i il ii new bank, anil ( ', I . Tluard, wi ll known nil over tin' county, Inning represented iih in tin' IrniiliillU'r, is tin" new n'.i ilriit nf tlir conei rn, which is In - illLC opened in Hill of till' COI.lill)' i elious nf t In' cii'iiil V. 'I'lir low I' ink Ii e.ipilalie., nl $ I A, (HID. "ml I ' olliccrs are- C, 1'. Tiiiard, (in xiili iil ; Frit F.U in r, icc prcsiih lit; W. M. I'..uis cashier; T .11. Williams, II. W. hiMclisi n, II. W. MeDolahl mill ,1ns, M.u'N.'i'iuiilini, ilirc I orv. Mr, I'.vans, w ln orn'ini.ril tin1 I Ml II k Will formerly t'Ulllh'i It ll with tlir Hank 'if Sherwood. "Flu new luinkinu house opens this week in temporary quartern, nud at sunn as Contractor II. F. Itnm -tci Ii- f in ri'n I ii 1 1 ii 1 1 I i i . ii lo slory hrirk, a new home will In- irnviili'il. It ii expected lluil tin- lirirk will In- completed l.y .Inly I. Tin- ,flcw president ii 1 1 11 of tin- pioneers nf Tiganl, .'mil i- lirlil ill liiull i-tccni liy .1 liHre circle of frirllili. ImiIIi lit home mill ihrouiiliout Washington County. Tin' banking ho.isc comes to (ill n necessity of the cvpauding (ninth of tlir MT'ion Tigard has about ii tliouv.ud population, anil is in tlir center of m rit'Ii agricultural rcti'.n. which now docs ill hanking i'l I'oi'tl'iiiil, Heaverlon mill Hdl.bo ro, willi a ii'iipIh r of 1 .i t rs nlsn nt Sherwood. This will i'ivc tlir people a local banking house Unit will be welcomed. NOTICE To nil Persons Concerned You i nrc hereby notilii 1 that it is tin I intention of the German Mutual j Fire Insurance Association, In-; corpoiatcd, of Washington Conn- tv. Oregon, to uinriiil Article I of its Article of Incorporation, ho that it shall rrnil us follows: AHTICl.r. I Tin' name hy whirh this Cor poration shall lir known iitnl un ilrr whirh it shall ilo business is tl "Fanners Mutual Fire Iiimi mice Association, Incorporated, of Washington County, Ori son." This nctioii is t.ikru (i nil this notice puhlishcil hy virtue of a Hcsolntioil of the Itonnl of Di rector duly and regularly intro duced nnd passed at n regular iiu'iliiiic f inid hoard, hy a unanimous vole of nil of the Di rector of xaiil Company. Dated this 20lh day of March, 11)10. Samuel Graf, President, Krwin Hitler, Secretary. .Joseph liniiidenhurff, of Orrii co, was a city visitor Saturday, greeting friends. His son is slill in the sen ice of Uncle Sain, in the Navy. For Sale - Two young cows, one just fresh, other will he fresh next Scptemhcr; hotli are heavy milkers. Lot Hutler, llillshoro. It. 5, llox 111. South of llills horo :1o miles, near Dan Hurk halter place. ' t1'! NowJFor Big Year Start 1919 right by doing your business through a bank. A check is just as good as a receipt. We are always ready to give your ac count, however small or large, courteous attention. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ lit urv Smith, of m ar Hanks, n us a eil v caller Friday. Dr. (iiiy 'ia,.of Iluton, was in tlic city the last of Hie week. Marriage license has hi en granted I'.il, II TriHilnian ami Mae S, l.ovegrcn, of (iahs ("reck Miller tires are good tins, I'l'ikius has exelusli'e territory. ( ii t his prices lief. ire luiying new tires. .'I If - I'd. I.. Ilrowii and I'., (i. Ha gev, ot SlirrMood, tiiadc the rounds of the county seal Friday afternoon. Wauled At once, girl to op erate sttileli hoard lit Seholls. House f iiriiixheil. Impure ot' ,1. W. Itavuaril. llillshoro, It. or of I',. ('. Mlilloy, Laurel. 1 tl W. II. Cash, of near Helvetia, was in Saturday, paying taxes anil renewing for the family pa per, Mr, Cash is thinking of si II ing mil his ranch ami retiring from farming. Logging team wanted -A good liig learn, suilahle for logging work, with driver. Will pay if I per hour. All Summer's work. For particulars write or call on Phillips Johnson, Manning. Ore. 41 Waller Zrt.mnn. of Portland, rami" out the last of the week to pay taxes and meet wilh his f ir filer Shelllin friends and county scalers. He says that Mrs. Zel man is improiing in health won derfully. Wanted - Farni'-rs to grow cu ciiinhers for delivery to Knighl Packing Co., Cornelius, Oregon. This is a good paying crop. Seed furnished at cost. . For full par ticulars write Knight Packing Co.. Portland, Ore. .'15 Mrs. T. F. Cornelius and Mrs, John Miller, her sister, were out from Portland the last of the week. Mrs. Miller has a son, Hugh, in the I1 1st Division, in the same company with Paul C. Long, a brother of the Argus re porter. We saw all kinds of dimension lumber from lit st-grow th timber, and are equipped with planer, We have a good ileal rf dry luci her on hand from last year's cut. If von contemplate building a si lo, barn, or house, put your order in early. We give figures ami estimates. Canyon Lumber Co., Hanks, Ore. Phone U'll. Lo cated '-' miles north of Momitain ilatc. .1-8 W. F. Vaughn, who was in the Naval Training Station at Seat tle until Dec. IS, sues his wife, Lillian, for divorce, alleging thai against his wishes she attendee! ,b es in Portland while he was in the service. He returned after his discharge, and on January 4 she left home contrary to his ex pressed wish, and went to a dance. He says he wants his freedom. The wife lived with her mother while he was in train ing. John Hughes, for several vcars u resident of below New ton, started Fast to Jennings County, Indiana, Monday after noon. In looking over his obi relies Sunday he ran across a deed or patent given his fuf'icr. away back in lSIIlt, when An drew Jauksoii was Presid nl. The tract was in Jennings Conn ly, Intl., and was written on sheepskin, He is guarding' that relic will) much nnxiely, and .nay turn it over to the Indiana Stale Hi'lorical Society. Mr. Hughes has not been back to old Indiana for many years, and he antici pates having a big lime but he will be back to old Oregon, the. Argus predicts, before a yen" or so elapses, a GIVES CH1GKEN SUPPER One Hundred and Sixty People Enjoy Evening Latt Friday FINE MUSICAL NUMBERS Oversea Boy Renpond to Calls by the Toastmaster The Pythian Castle Hall, on Sec ond Street, w as last Friday t ve iling the scene of one of the big social successes of the season w hen the Pythian Sisters and lluir families were entertained at. a line chicken dinner at :.!(. with a musical program later. It is estiiiialcif tnal over one iiim- Ired mid sixty people wcrr nt table. There were musical numbers . , . , ii i which were thoroughly enjoyed, some talks by the overseas boys, and dancing ami cards following the program. The musical program Vocal tolo, .Mrs. I ih II l avui", vocai so- , Miss Marjorie Wells; vocal solo, Miss Florence (iarrett; pia no solo, Mrs, Fred Sew ell; vocal solo, Hussetl Morgan; Mrs. .. J. .Sewell ami lucent I.ngelillMger were piano accompanists. Talks were made by the fol owing overseas boys - Corporal (ileii I'.pler, Sergeant I litton iglcv, Archie Pitman, who was ', . . f i i ii w ouiuleil in aciion, u.iskcii t ar- ler. who was in the Chateau- Thierry light mid was gassed; , . . ' . .i i :i i. ami Jtclirv wianif, w no was won the Marines ill the fight on the St. Mihii l salient, and who wears his wounds. All but Olanie en listed from llillshoro High, and were members of Co, H, Inf.-tit- . . . i . f ry, i flame returns soon ui ijunu lien. Va., for discharge. The light fantastic was tripped by the young folks anil hy some of the Knights who were not so voting. Mr. Campbell, who was with the Canadian Scr . . , i ,i ii... vice, furnished ine music ior uo- merrv makers. VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN The success of the Victory erty Loan means that the iile of the I'nited States I.in- pen have not t plow Iropped the handles of the until the furrow is done. The first four loans .sent the boys to finish the job ovt r there; the Victory Loan will bring the boys back to their job over h. c. Security of principal, regulari ty of interest payment, and pop ularity as an investment are three recognized principles of bond investment. Hy this .stand ard, does any investment in the world compare with the Victory Libert v Loan? Our un eminent does not have to Moat a Victory Liberty Loan. A government less decent would raise the money by taxation. The Kaiser, if he had been victorious, would be taxing von right iow and your receipts wouldn't good for their face, five, ten. be lif feen. or twenty years front now --not by a "Spurlos Verseukt,' not to mention that little inteies eoimmi coming to von every six months, cither. If von borrow monev from vtiik for ninety days, yon do not exiiect the hank to present the note for payment in ten days. The Government borrowed from von for a definite time and you wanted vour monev back he tore the time was tin. With so m liy of you not sticking to your em of the bargain, the marvelous way in which prices of Liberty bonds kept tip, which were is sued on a patriotic basis, leads many shrewd observers to be lieve that the new Issue the Vic tory Liberty Loan made on an investment basis, will always maintain a market of par or bet' ter. NOTICE The ranch of 40 (teres of the late T C Peterson has been orderer Bold hv the County Court o Multnomah County, State of O pn-on. Prospective bidders can send bids on same to Peter Gott lieb. llillshoro. Ore.. It. 1. Aids w ill he received tin to April 13 1019. Ten acres cleared ; small house and barn; fair orchard; lo eated in Multnomah County, Or about 5 miles north of Connell Station, on United Ry., nnd mile northwest of Mason school house. Peter Gottlieb. Administrator. Hillsboro, Ore., R. 1. D. Ii. Cooley, of Laurel, was in the city Monday. For greater value in used cars, don't fail to see Perkins. W. C. Dat ison, was transacting of iii ar Hanks, business ill I lie city the last of the week. For Sab Seven room house mid 'Yi of an acre. C. J. Crook, 1 35:1 First St., llillshoro. Ii 1 Oscar Johanson, of I'ortl.iiid formerly of Fariiiington, w is in llillshoro Saturday, on business. Abe Meier sues to foreclo.e en 10 acres of land ill this county, the defendant being I'ruce Wol verton. Finis Brown, of near Laurel, on the stock committee of the Livestock Exposition liuilding. was in town the first of the week. Highest market price paid for livestock. Also want several fresh cows. C. 1'. Peterson. Hillsboro. Phone C2. 51 If F.I la Marie Pliilomcna Gilbert sues Havilaml vorcc, alb gii.g The defendant Gilbert for Ji desertion in l!'17 ii back in Wis- cousin. Spring and Summer hats, mod erately priced; all this season's models. The Handy ariety Store, next iloor to poslollu e, Hillsboro. 2- Gus lircdof .sucs'.Mcrth.'t Pred- f for divorce. The complaint savs thai thev were marrieii 111 Prsedee, Russia, in 1!07, and that in 111 12 she deserted l.im. lie lives in this county. For Sab Several head of good, young Jersey grade cows. in milk. Also heifer, fresh .... 11 t i- soon. 1 need rcasonaiuc. .v. v.. Hanb-v, Hillsboro, Ore., It. 3. relcphone ."llXl. Three miles north of Hillsboro. .1-5 Some time during the latter tit of "Vpril. or in May, Dr. R. M. Krwin will start Last to at- nd clinics nt the Mayo Pros. Hospitals at Rochester. Mum.. t Chicago, and in New ork. tie intends being absent for several months. For Sale Two good marcs; .. . . i .. 1 1 one 7 vcars, line annual, aoom lUr.O, $150; other 7 years, 1200, 5. Both work well any place . i I if Oil pill thCIII. I' it'll narper. Gab s Creek, Ore. Mile and lull hove store, on the Timber , O ft road. " " Jollv Jones, son of N II. Jones formerly of bevond Ni.rth Plains, was out the last of the eek, greeting county friends. II. is now enlisted with the V. Marine-!, and at present is sta- , . . , 1, . 1 ... 1 l :i loueil in ine roriianu neeriiu- ing ouiee. G. N. Tagga rt. of Portland, is in town Monday. His on. Lawrence, is slill in South Ameri- an waters, on the V. S. Ship Pittsburgh, which has patrolled South At antic waters ever since the war opened wnu uie f S. as a factor. . f 1 .... I. .1. .. IT James Malum, with the Artil lery in France, arrived home on Monday evening, retching Port and at 7 ','H), enrnutt to Ft." te ens, on tin; ( olumnia. Ills par- nts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Malion, went down to meet him on his ar- ival in the Rose City. Jatno las been on the sick list since hi 1,0, ed at Newport News, hut is now mending' rapidly. Dennis, the little son of Mr. Pureell. of the Oregon Kestau- ant. fell about 20 feet, from an Olll-Of llOOIS 11 psiairs i iiiuili!;. , 1 1 1:...,. the rear of the building, the last of the week. I he lit lie chap fe'l into a tiile of trash, which cush ioned hint from a severe. shakei Vs it was he sullered a few minor bruises and a nasty shaking. Dr V.. II. Smith rendered first aid. Mayme Sellards. of Gales . has sued John . Sellards, sup posed to be in California, fo" di vorce, alleging failure to provi.h for the wife and three minor hildren: Thev were married at Independence. Mo., in 1SU0, and Hi,, husband left her in Califor nia, and she came to Oreiron thinking she could better support herself and minor children up here. She asks for no nlim.vny tnd does not know where he i 1 .1 now located. F.. L. Mapes, of near Laurel was a city caiier moniiay. ru reports that Oscar Thayer, v el known near Gaston, is just re covering from n runaway acci dent sustained some days a;;o lie had been to Portland and h daughter, Knthryn, met him at the station at Gaston, and on the return home one of the buggy wheels went into a rnt and threw Miss Thaver out. The team s'art cd to run and Thaver, renminbi in the buggy, had but one lint This was of but little use to him nnd he was soon thrown ot.t landing on his back, causing painful Injury. uVEIUflE STATE l.oq Demand is Great, Owing to Resumption of Mills HOPS CONTRACTED AT 25 Mill Wages at North Bend Now Standing at $3.20 Per Portland Willamette Iron and Steel Works ships six marine boilers for ships being oiilliTlcd by the Todd Shipbuilding Co., at Tac oma. North licnd has orders for 20. 000.000 feet lumber for middle W.st. North Rend milk conibnscrv if ill reopen with enlarged plant capacity. Portland gels 25,000 "'to fender and body factory. Portland - Saw mills in North- '.vest resinning operations rapidly Over 100 voiles permanent I will be constructed in Dm ir is eountv during corning months present plans are brought to (insinuation. Miirmi fit v $1 11. 2 Hi. 15 eon-! raet let for grading and gravel-; .. 1 k .... nig 1.2 miles of .fohti way ii.,mi- IV. North Rend Iluehner Lum r Co. to reduce wages April 1. from ?l to ,:i.20 a da v. Whenever a banker induces an ii 11 to become a depositor he is it'lping make a good citizen and iving our institutions. Hood River--"Dee Mill" of Oregon Lumber Co. to resume icrations this month. Portland Oregon log demand rung due to resumption of op- rations by mills of Western Or gou and Washington. St. Helens Columbia River aiming Co. paid farmers and bor total expenditure of $!H,- sOii during four vears of opera- ion. Ranks Much lumber shipped iv Cetlar Valley Lumber Co. Portland Public dock eoin- mission lavors construction 01 2,000 ton drv-dotk at once. Astoria - $15,000 worth of ,11a linery to be installed in Far est plant immediately. Sherwood Clackamas Coun- Hop Farming Co. receive big ontract from foreign buyer for 10,000 lbs. hops at 25 cents per pound. Willamette. W est Linn and Milton to build $62,000 school. St. Helens The MeCormicks , w 1 :. . ire now operating 1 ; snips, se- ral of which ply regularly to Portland. Thev recently sold S. 000.000 ft. of ties to the rail- 1 , . . . t 11: road ailniinisiraiion ior unni n Boston, Philadelphia and oth- ... . . , nil . 1 : :11 r Atlantic ports. ine lies win earrietl in their own vessels. riiev operate two large sawmills St. Helens, ami are large r'l!'- arcs 111 tne 1 11 inner ami snipping .1 1 , -.1 1. : : industry of the coast. Maey Shipyard wage seal IX- ended to ueiofier 1st. Lumber production in If) IS ell oil' .1 .000.000.000 ft. Pacific Metal Trades Council . . 1 1 t 1 111 session at l oriiaun tavortii .1 n-eneral coastwise strike on April , to enforce the original tle , 1. 1 , . i . 1 mantis ot snipvaru siriKers, ami favoring a six-hour day. Smite h1'" fours (used) Over- amis, anil otners at riyni lrn-i-s. E. L. Perkins. Mrs. Churehill, ,1-tf of the Det'ker iiisiuess Colleire, nnd Mrs. C. II. '.inniolt and little daughter, all of Portland, were quests of Mrs. Geo. Eniinott Sunday. PUBLIC SALE will sell at publie sale at Banks. Ore., at 10 :.'50 o eloek a. in., on THURSDAY, APRIL 10, . . i . i i i .... my entire line ot norse-urawn ve hieles, all new with the exeeplion of a few artieles, eotisislin; of walking plows of all sizes nnd all purposes ia-ineh two-bottom ;atnt plows. 11-18 dise harrow, S-18 revolving dise harrow. Sprinutooth nnd drag harrows. single mill double dise ilrills. 50 and 70 Bush spreaders, eultiva- tors. surrey, hacks, buggies, road earts, extra shafts and poles; H' wnaron and extra wagon boxes. tU and B-ft cut mowers, H-f t rake. Delavan and U. S. cream separators, power pumps, 1 " and 2V" II. P. gas engines, No. a Clipper fan mills, 1000-lb. farm platform scales, hay carrier, s"w ing machines. White, Singer m Mew Davis, and numerous other artieles. Terms Under $20, cash; $20 and over, fl months' time, on ap proved note, at 8 per cent. John Wunderlich, Owner J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. W. O. Galoway, Clerk. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. Contract is Let for State Highway AND A HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL LEAD FROM PORTLAND THROUGH THE FAMOUS Beaverton-Reedville Acreage NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR HOME BEFORE PRICES RAISE. A SPLENDID ELECTRIC SERVICE WILL TAKE YOU TO AND FROM YOUR WORK IN PORTLAND. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street C. K. ROGERS ROGERS' AUTO TRANSFER 271 TAYLOR STREET Daily Trips to BF.AYERTON HILLSBORO FOREST GROVE Phones: Main 6765 A 3110 GENERAL HAULING LONG DISTANCE MOVING Office With P. R. England The Famous Aetna Brand of Lime and Sulphur Solution If you need a sprayer, hand or power, I can save you money. We sell arsenate of lead. B. Leis, Aetna Orchards, Beaverton,Or. Tel., Beaverton Central We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Slock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In .the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. k m ami Jeweler Main Street PORTLAND, OREGON Res. Phone: B 1464 A v and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon