The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 27, 1919, Image 1

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    iijl 'T' T 's w rr
NO. 3
agST'v m win
Go Over Slalo Highway and Pro- j
nutince Selection Best for all i
Mrs. ( hrislina Piters died
Sent ii Dakota, March 1, HMD.
lli-r maiden mi tut' wits Chris
linn She wan horn nt
Helve, SchlcKwig IloUtein, Gi r
niiii.V, Oil, a, 1 H 17, mill ciiii
gntlcd willi lir i- littshuiiil in IH72
to , uu rfiti, lirsl si-tiling in Con
tllsville, Pennsylvania. From
there tlu'.v moved lo Itrlli- I'liiiii,
lima. Afterward thev moved to
Goon lo Forest Grove, Where ),l(l,i), where tiny livid for n
They Were Entertained at Lunch! I'""' Cornelius. Lalcr she
lirnl III roruanu, ai uir iimr
Mild Winter Wa Beneficial
Just Enough Freeze for Bug-Kill
Tin Slain Highway Coiiiiiiishlixi,
consisting of Messrs. S. llriiMtn,
It. II. Hootli mid Mr, Thompson,
mi'tiiiii!tiiiid by Engineer Noun
iiiul Secretary klinc. f tin' rum
lllllMtHI, vUitett llillxlioro n f "W
minutes Monday morning, after
inspecting (lir highway route
now ii title r contract for ri m nt
paving, from tin' Multnomah I'"'
lo ililliitioro. i
Tin lltlhhoro ('lull w i h ooi il !
I lie riintiiiiiiliiii nt I lir '1m1.'
of lu-r ih'iith she Jived with her
dntiithtcr, Mrs, John Krugger, of
Spencer, South Dakota, Her hus
band preceded Iter in deiith 12
years ago, itnd alio n daughter,
'Mrs. Katlirine Wnjiitil, in Port
hunt. Her age H 71 yearn, (5
in. mills mid 10 days, Deceased
leaves to nioiirn her departure
oiii' sister, Mrs. Peter Diet, in
llelle Pltiti, Iowa, mid H i hihtn ti
-Henry Pi'lcrs, 1 i n k i tit' Ita m , la.
Mrs. Anna Tathol, Cornelius,
Ore.: , hi, Lena Nickel, Hill
room-, and President Easier, "' jMi1 . Mr,, n.,,,,,,,,, of
the Club, gave then. assur.,.., e J s htkltln. ('iri,t J, t
that their visit was . Iconic be-( ' s s ,,. Mrs j,,,,,,
vniiil measure. Mayor Wall
voiced the sentiment of the rlnl
and city In telling the commission
that the county v. as
them in all respects. Mr
paid his respects to Commission
it Hobnail, of Portland, for not
working in harmony with the
state eomniission, and said that
we did not want any "dead citils"
to tin' east of us.
Mr. lieiisoti, eliairntan of tin'
commission, ninth' a short l i'li
mid Said he tho iht the
of the route, w ith IN .small per
rent of gride, and draiu'it
course, was a w isr one, and
thanked the people here and al
the drove for the lo lp in U tttog
the ittnlter seltletl. l it County
Judge Pwnsoiter raine in for root ion iii hit wtirk in ijr tdioft
and also for the m-h-rthm of th"
Mr. Thompson, of I'matillt
C'.oiiitv. on the nIhIi' hoard, sai'l
Ki'ii'ier, Spencer, S. .', .Mrs,
Jessr I'aireliild ami John 1'elern.
II, I l.,...,.... ,.,,,1 c,t.,r,il
kt iiiiim ......
"i i i i. ......
te it Kraitu, noil uri-ui- K ' hiioi mi"
' . ei. .. t ..I i .......
lot llllllli'l mum. nil, ......
nt the resident',' of Mr. and Mrs
Thom:t Talhot, Curiielius, Ore.,
Monday. Mareh 10. at !)'..I0 A.
M roinlueled I'V llrv. J. II. Kar
ieiiHtein, of the Lutheran rhtirel..
lulernieut wiim made at the
ei an terv at Cornelins.
The Weils; have houirhl the re
inainiiiir thirty feet of frontage
ami ill the rear of the Moris
from Mr. Me( itillan, nud the
deal was elosed hiHt week. This
Hives the (inn 100 feet of front
it r on holh Main and I.inrolii
Streett, one of t he hrst httsinrss
nroperties in the ritv. The tle'
! hiiihlintr It l rover the mlir
....I f.I.. -...I II......
II, , .. :,, ,, ,, I I troill li;i- on .11,1111, rieo f;iit t"" "
he , Rlnil to inert w il l n, am , . , ,
i rear. ISuililiitir opt r.tllont will
! hesjiit just as Mtmi ns material
! run he nsseiuldeil, and it w ill
eert.iinh help out the looks of
Willi it two-storv hrlek, and
thiil I tie eommiksltiit hail ileeli
to loan Mulliioiitalt County the
money to pave the other end tin
id their hiidirrt meet next' Fall.
It appears that fCO.000 had hern , '
i-ole.t l.v the hiidurt la .l l U f"" i "'' ..M."'
, .... .1... I..... 1 1 " I'"
us 11 , T '! will, i.o partitions on the trrotmd
"diverted. A.vw. h"lh M r ,,..,. , m,noI.,s
it.......... M f I iiomwoii are t . " . . '
1,1 nr.. ii ...... ..... .......
satislii'd thrre will he no trouble
on that neore.
Mr. ISooth tlitt nut express Itim
mlf, nltliotiKli he wits assured
that the people, of Hillslmro wrre
n unit in his st-iyinir on the State
Mr. Nimn infontird the Arirns
that the rotitrart was let for run
strtntion lo HilKhoro, and thit
the eontrartor would soon st.tit
work laying nuk and remeiit.
The roininissioti left lu re nhonl
11 :.'() wilh J. A. Tliornlmrch mid
Itrprrsentalivr (Jr.iham, and
they were fjivrn n liineheon at
the ridlei(e eily.
A limit, fifty nieiul'ers of the
rlult rtilerlaiiieil I he visitors.
F.x-Jude Hfasolirr (old how
he had worked in sympalhy wilh
the commission during his liiruni
henrv of six years, and rrl.-tled
that he found them always rrndy
to ro-operale with him.
the Ntrnelure will add murh to
I he aiitienranre nf the Imsiness
serf inn.
Charles C. Ueuiiuill, of Siutl
Tualatin, anil Miss Christina
Wcrre, of near Sherwood, were
unitetl in niarri.'iijr. in this tit y,
Mareh 2'J, l!ev. Jesse 1.
Anderson olfieiatiiio;. The groom
is well and favorably known in
his serlioii, nm: tlte Jjrhle is onr
nf the iioiitilar voting ladies of
the Sherwood tlistrid. She is n
sister of Jos, Wcrre, of 1'arniin;
Ion, ami has :t brother in the m r
viee in Franre, The yuiiiiK cou
ple arc receiving the eonitrat ula
t ions of a wide circle of friends
We ilesirr to express our unset-re
and heartfelt thanks for the sym
. ,i l 1 .tin.
liatov aoo null..."-. ir i i i i ,
1, mi i .. ..f ( ai- hv. and wife. He looks like
tllff lite tiiuesM nun .Mi,-.. .(.... .-. .
l H I l.lll.,'..ii." . Ml...
Ted H.ildnt, bandsman for th
Third Oretron, anil who went to
France under t'ul. May, arrived
home n few days ago, and mint
out to Hillsboro to visit nt hi
old birthplaee. Ted was n guest
!of his brother-in-law, O. K. M
our beloved wife .'iml niolhef, the
late Mrs, Ueiheit, and also for the
beautiful floral oll'eriiiirs.
('. lteibrtt and I'aiiiilv.
Roy, Ore., March !2'-, I'll!).
All kinds of team work done.
- Call Telephone 152. 51-.1
Nil VS
that he wouldn't have missed 111
trip for a million hueks anil
wouldn't have missed coining
hack to Oreiron for n collide of
Try the Argus, $t.S0 n yenr.
Indicalion. are That a Bumpei
Yield Will be Harvested
Washington County now h,t
promise of it bumper yield of
tall and Winter sow it wheat, ami
nothing but untoward weather
between now and June 1, or a
visitation of bugs or rust, will
stop il. The acreage is the great
est ever sown lit tlte rniiiity
partlv tint: brrause of the good
price for the cereal during war
times, ami partly due beritiiM- of
l practical guar inter on the part
of the government that prices
will remain good for the staff of
The weather last Fall w.t
more than good for seeding, ai;d
many seeded nn until the lirsl of
February, and their was just
freeze enough to help nt'o-r
than hinder.
Only in a few spots was the
crop injured by rains, ami that
was whirr the land laid vrry
low and watrr stood on the new
grown blades.
With any decent kind of
ring there should be many
lields yielding from 25 to tt)
bu-hels' per acre- a not unusual
crop for this section when condi
tions arc right.
Spring work is beginning here
and there where tin- drainage is
good, the two or three days of
sunshine last week, and a cessa
tion of rainfall havil g done won
ders in drying out the soil.
As it is estimated that there is
t train of 25 per cent, if not
more, in Fall sown grain, the
Spring work will not represent
mneli nereaire as lit oilier
Noticeable is the fact Hint
here and there small farmer
who have heretofore raised lio
wheat now have in from ten to
fifteen acres of the Winter
irrown. Ami it brings the money
these davs.
has. K. Adams, now at. I.usk,
Wyoming, writes he is in a
loom town, where people have
to almost light for lodgings, and
in y walk the streets all night.
has. visited Salt Fake, Orcen
River, Rock Springs, where he
lord put up a bank building;
thru to Chrycnne, and finally
anib d at i.usk, the. center of a
w oil district. Several of the
ells arc (lowing 12,000 barrels
.. .... , i
ml v. I nt' re is a natural gas
ell close by that the promoters
are unable to cap, and the
ante fron i. reaches a hundred;
it in heighlh, lighting up the
otinlrv for miles around. lb-
tvs that husk is to build a huti-
Ired million dollars worth of
structures this vctr, and one ho-
I is to cost over $151,000. The
w court house is lo cost $5."!.-
000. Rooms at the hold are !
cr night, so ("has. ami his iieph-
w arc "baching il. I hey are
orking lit carpenter work and
t $I.l2,' rents prr hour. ( has.
ivs there are two saloons there
and as hundreds arr routing in
very day it it hard to get up to
bar. Whiskey sells nt .tflc per.
, , . .. . I
tint lierr ,'tl S cents- aim "inv
two per cent" at that, ( has.
.i-t the beer is no better than
the near beer sold out here ami
there isn't ft decent kick in it.
tbimn savs men work outside
there when it is 12 or 15 below
and think nothing of it.
If R. H. Booth, of Eugene, did
not leave Hillshoro and Forest
firove feelinir that people npprt
eiated his work and presence on
the State Highway Commission,
it was not the fault of the riti-
y.rns of the two cities. At each
place he was given a token of
l heir aitoreciatioti, and the Ar
gus thinks that this feeling pre
vails over the state. JU r
noih is n wealthy man. a man
of affairs, and of wide exper
ience, and his work on the com
mission always insures n fairness
i., tin. lioblie as well ns lo the
livirtors. Just how he ran let
go of the commission under the
sl.'tuees it hard to realize.
IT,. i n siilendid third to the
commission, and the interests of
the state are such that he is
,,i,ted to remain inst where be
is, Mr. Booth would make tio
statement ns to whether or not
he would remain on the board.
Now For a
Big Year
Start 1919 right by doing your
biminess through a bank. A check
ia just as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
The Washington County war rec
ords, consisting of about '20
boxes of uuestioimaires and a
huge box of index regbtrntion
en ..Is. have been boxed up by the
War Hoard ttiul sent to Washing
ton. 1). C to the war depart
ment for safe keeping. Mrs. .s'g-
,.,nii lias arranged all the data
end manifested the grouping and
r-iti-oenler C. 1'. Smith has boxeil
up the entire lot. Tlte cards will
iro hv rxviress. but the boxes go
by freight, and -the government
will have lo annex a pari oi toe of Virginia in order to take
care of all the county archives in
the country.
J. K. Bissncr, of South Tualatin,
nod Mrs. C. II. Turner, of fort
land, were united in marriage in
the Rose City, March 22. 1010.
ti,.r n short wedding trip Mr
n.l fi-a llissner will reside on
the Hissncr ranch, south of Hills-
The groom is n well known
r nf this Acctinn. and the
bride Is n professional nurse.
TI,..iH mntiv friends in Portland
nud Hillshoro extend congratula
Fonr-foot fllahwood, $2.7S per
cord; Id-Inch wood, $3.50 per
cord. Tlncf. vour orders. O. H
P. Lumber Co.. Ronth Third St
I Tlillsboro. Phone 949. 48-tf
May Turn Out a Car for Two
Hundred and fifty
Try the Argns. fl.50 per yenr
F.. J. Hoffman, of South Tual
atin, was in town Monday.
Try some I.ykiui polish on
our ear. U is good 1. i or-
ii, Hillshoro. 1-3
f.. (i. Weidrwitseh, of C'orne-
ius. was down to the county seal
Monthly, on legal business.
For fishing tackle, paints.
Holders hardware, piiimiuug
supplies and automobile at i t s
sorirs, see I). Corwin- 1-5
Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, of ( lark-
ton. Wash., spendug Hie Win
er lu re, went to Seaside cd-
ncsday morning for a fortnight.
Wanted A L'rade Holstein or
Shorthorn hull, about a year old.
Must be reasonable. J. .Sop. r.
Ilillsboro, Fv. I. on Hawthorne
ranch. 2-4
Fred .MeVelh , of Meek Plains,
was in Monday, taking home a
big load of feed, lie stys that
the roads wcr;- very fair after
two or three davs of sunshine.
For Sale Two passenger Max
ill, in fair repair. Good rub
ier. ill consuler traue on leant
or farm Telephone 525 Pat-
on, through i-oresi wrove ccu-
ral. 2-4 !
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wells, of
Portland, were out Sunday, tin
guests of the C. F. Wells nud 1..
A. Longs'. Gail is one of tin
leetrieians working for the Col
mbia Shipbuil ling Corporation,
Only monument dealers m
Washington County. Drop us a
ard, and we will show you our
am es. Write or call on us, at
136.1 Main St., Hillshoro. Ore
gon Monument Works, Hillsboro,
Oregon. -
A marriage license was grant
1 Fail II. Mattoon. of Clatsoi
County, and F.ltha Kennedy, of
Portland, the past, week, and an
ihcr to Chas. C. Denunin, of
Pilooming. mid Christina erre,
f Fartnington. Sh- Barred Rock effirs.
O. A. C. strain, $1 per setting.
so "vounir reffistered Jersey
bull, 10 months old, all from reg
iutci'-nf-mef t. stock. Also some
young heifers, bred. Wm. Schul
merich. Hillshoro. 48-8
State Highway Commissioner
Thompson Monday told a good
story on himself and A. C. Slmte.
It seems they were together nl
Corvallis. and came down from
that city to Hillsboro in Shutu's
ir n few vears nto. Kiev
lied Hillsboro about mid
ight, and Thompson had tt
ihoned from MeMinnville to
1',.1-Miinil for a ear to meet him
re in Hillsboro, nt the Slmte The car armed a qu-irtri
of nn hour ahead of Slmte and
Th.iwoii. and the clialleur
waited in front of the bank
while the niffht officer kept nn
eve on him as nn embryo bank
robber. At midnight Slmte nnd
Thompson rolled in. Slmte s
i was not. recognized by the
iirht watch, and when A. C.
took Thompson in to show him
the niceties of the bniikin"
house the officer rushed up nnd
hammered on the ttoor ilemnml
inn- admittance. He thought
there was a hank robbery li:
milled off and wns Eroin(r to
rtineh the hunch until he reeog
ni7ed Shute. And at that they
couldn't go and buy a drink
for Hillshoro was hone-dry.
W. Steel to Finish Two More
Steel Ships
adras North Unit irrigation
strict carried election for
5,000,000 bond issue, to be
uaratiteed by state.
Salem State fair grounds to
landing place for the airplane
Pendleton anil Walla Walla
.... i
noil to lie connected won penna
nt highway.
Wnhlport- Reports from oil
In Id continue encouraging.
storia completing reservoirs
lo supply city 4.000,000 gallons
Toledo -Yacpiina h.iv sawmill.
eetrie plant and logging road
to he in full operation bv new
omortnv bv March 25.
Willamette Valley tie m.-nui
facttirers arc organizing to ex
tend output.
France is in the market for
000,000 railroad ties.
Henry Ford looking for water
power to establish plants, and
ay establish m Portland. He
expects to tmilil a still cheaper
tr nt it-250.
Railroad fares from Portland
lo S.-tt Francisco to be increased
front $'.'0 to $22.51 or full Hirer
cuts a uiile. All special and ex-
ursion rates are abolished tinder
new ruling oi froveraineiti opera
lion. i
Astoria California capital is
.'inning large milk and vegeta
ble cannery to be located here.
Greatest obstacle is shortage of
suitable labor to milk cows nnd
row vegetables.
Petitions arc out to refer na
tional prohibition amendment.
Portland -N. M . Steel Co. au
thorized to finish two more steel
Portland macaroni factory tias
200-barrel per day drier.
Astoria Clatsop county cran
berries averaged 35 bushels to
the acre.
Penflleton to get $25,000
Standard Oil distributing station
Echo Contract let to Warren
Co. for $1,000,000 irrigation pro
Sntherlin New eannerv in-
orporated Lore for $50,000.
Prairie Work on highway
between John Day and fish tr,
to start soon at cost of ?! 11.000.
St. Helens Contract for new
school house let for $38,000.
Bend Immediate const ruction
to Weill on The Dalles-Califor
nia highway. .
Bend 11(50 acres of land
2300 ewes ami 200 tons ot na
i this vicinity sold for !?75.000
I. inn count V to get hard stir
ice roitds. I'irsl unit of CO
... !:.... 1
miles nctwet ii .-saiuimn mn.i
Mbany to be built this .summer
H cost of $108,000. Highway
ommissioii awards $146,000
contract for grading and paving
of 7 miles Albany to Jefferson
Pendleton About S nines
it i
more ol tltl nurse roan, pul
ing through Athena and Adams,
11 be immediitely bardstir
Salem $500,000 paper mill
lo be established here.
rwenty-two miles good road
will he const fiicleil from Med-
ford to Crat.-r Lake this year by
late and county assisted by fed
eral government, Cost $2Ki.000.
Marshlield -Coos county il.n
i ... 1 1. . . ..
rvmeli organize lo uener men
Sntherlin Cannery nnd fruit
drier to he built here.
M a rshtleld Management of'r II 11 Coal mine under
takes additional development
and is increasing output.
Secretary C. IS. Stewart, of the
Utah Woolgrowers' Association
sasy that n special effort w ill b.'
made to encourage farmers to
raise, more sheep so that every
farmer will have at least a few-
He savs: "Not until every ranch
, " , .i . ...oi
ami tarin owner noes mis- win
production of livestock be sulh-
eient to mci t the demand for
meat in the future. That sheep
bv nature of their close grazing
habits can eat the weed am!
trrasses of the farm that e.-
cannot touch nnd thus practically
maintain themselves is in favor
of the "own a few sheep, earn
pnign "
Wanted Beef cattle, hoes and
sheep. Will pay best price for
good stuff. Phone Beaverton.
Mail address, W. W. Mellar,
Rcedvilk, Oregon. .15-88
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-Iot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Contract is Let for
State Highway
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
C. K. ROGERS Res. Phone: B 1464
Daily Trips to
Phones: Main 6765 A 3110
Office With P. R. England
The Famous Aetna Brand of
Lime and Sulphur Solution
If you need a sprayer, hand or
power, I can save you money. We
sell arsenate of lead.
B. Leis, Aetna Orchards, Beaverton,Or.
Tel., Beaverton Central
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable : ; : : :
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon