The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 20, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 2
I'red Llewellyn, Born in Thin J
City, Placed on PcrshiiiK' Staff 1
Lather wa County Clerk I Icic
From 1878 to 1R82
I'n-it Llewellyn, former Major of
till' Washington National (ill.llll,
;i ti k 1 1 1 H a Major In ti t It
troops friim I lie state Merc hint
In I ranee, ha lu i n luiiilf ii l.ii ii
1 1 ii.i ii t Cii. mi I, nml ii mm mi
1 1 1 1- si. ill of OYiicral John I'crsh
i 1 1 1 , with llir (i r n i n i of 1 1 i 1 1 1 i
linn, in (ieniiunv. I.init Colo
m l llcwcllyn hu nl his m lioml
ill this cily, Mini as liorn on I In
hlork now owned by li i'I
Siuilh, on Sri'iiinl, between llase
linr Mini Washington. Ills in I !i
i M iniiiili II name ih Mori. in
M t i -1 1 1 , nml hln' hili In i II ii r
iihiil of Seattle fur many yeurt,
'I'hr Lieut, ('nloinl was in
riiiiiin.'iiiil of tin- ashim-loii
Irnnps jil t In- Mexican lionli r.
ninl w Inn war broke I In- Wash
ington coiitinrlil ni one of the
l'i rst In t I nrruss In France,
Tin olliecr stunted ill (it'll
turrit nml was ctuislaiilly ad
vanced, III-, recngMlioit liy tin"
War Department is ii mailer of
pride In his 1 tillslmrn frit nils,
many of ulinni rrim uibt r him as
n hoy in school.
Hi- w as placed in cotiiiiiaiid i f
tin' Hilsl Infantry Ii 1 1 reach
i 1 1 Irance, ISnlli his father ainl
his ftrrttitl fnlhcT were county
links of this loiinlv, his fallnr
succeeding his grandfather.
Tin' lali' J. W. Morgan wis
deputy clerk for A. V. l.lcwtl
Ivn, father of t lie nll'iccr.
Mrs. Llewellyn, tin- mother,
-.till resides in Sriilllr, and lim
ited lliis fit v two years iu:n, in
company with Mr. nml Mrs. .1.
W, Springier.
knclier's Individual (lioeo-
l.lll'S, ft ('fills.
(ill n Staph lull, till' (iiistoli
hanltt-r, was down In tin1 rily Friday-
April fool fn ml y at Knelier's,
not yri iml noon.- Koriii-r s
I'. M, Lackey, of Laurel, who
has iniit nl lo lln- low rr Willaui
i tlr Valley, w as in the rily Mini
Wanted -Young horse, weight
iiliout l.'IOO. deluge Jlitrsdorf,
Cornelius, On-,, It, 1. I'htiiie
il'llCifl. 52 1
Jesse W. Ilinlt, of I'nilluiid.
was out tin' first of the week, tin'
guest of his sister, Mrs. It. II
( irecr.
Fur fishing tarklc, paints,
builders' hardware, ) t it in I i 1 u
supplies anil 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 1' mi-is
sorit s, see I). Corwin. I .1
M. M. Donald, of lhr Oregon
Nursery, of Orciifo, was in the
t'ily Saturday. Mr. McDonald
has t barge of tin' nullity Arnn'
nian Drive,
I'or Salt-- lie cleaned mtiI
mils, while. $ii() per Ion.- ('.
Slmiii r, I lillslioro, Itiuilf Ii, on
S'orlli Plains roatl, .'I milts tint
of lliltslioro. 'i t
Carl Tin rrianll, with I In- (ir-t
nrniv A. I'.. 1'., i;oinji with a M011
tint.'t compaiiv, itrrivtil In rt' tin
last of Ihf wttk mid is lhr i'iif.t
of his molhfr, Mrs. C. T. Vomitr.
TIioup (pnlrinjr dry Hlnliwoml.
four foot or lfl lneli, four foot fir,
1(1 liifli lir, or coal, notify "I
oner. Prompt delivery. II. P.
Srlmirltxrr, Tel. 2477, rr.; offier
B. tf
John C, Cioeker, of ahove
N'm-lli I'laiiis, was over to llill.
horo Mondiy. and railed oil lhr
Ar-'Mt for another Vear. after
readini; it for n ipiarter of a ren
in ry.
Christian Srirnrr Society
Snntlay Kcrvicm nt 11 o'clock;
Sunday xchool nt 10:16 a. m.
Weilnestlay evening mcetingd, nt
7:.'I0. Vita Hall, 1228 VRhin
lon St. tf
j I'. C. Srhlaeh, of Molilalia.
Mis, Christian Iteiliell, of Hoy,
tl it'll nl the family home Sunday,
Mirth 1(1, l!)l!. Iter maiden
name was Maria I.. Tolke, ami
she was liorn in (iermany, Jan.
MO, IM30... She ci to the
Ciiited States ill 117.1, landintr in
New 'ork. She wni married to
Mr. Heilirll in Philadelphia. Pa
in 1 S77, iflld came lo Oreiron in
IHSO. She is survived ly lhr
hushand and the fullowin-; chil
dren :
Mrs. Marie Srhihls, of Tilla
inook ; Mrs. I'.li.alit ill Taniirr, of
Itivtrsitle, Wash.; Christian lit i -In
n Jr. j Mrs. .las. Hnhli, of Itoy ;
(It'll. Urihell, Professor ill the
Cniversily of California; I'd
ward and Otto I'.niesl, at hoiin'.
A lirolhrr. Win. Tolkr, resides
nliove ltauks,
The funeral took place W'rd
nrsilay. from t lit hoinr and intrr
lurul was at lhr Hanks rrmt trry.
As my time is takrn up with tin'
sale of Molinc Universal Trad
ors, I will sell my horse-drawn
farm machinery at. a sacrifice.
This (dock -.vim lionjrhl he fore the
raise and I wil nave you money
drills, harrows, disc harrows,
manure spreaders, plows, cl.'.
Yon can save real money hy huy
inn from me.
John Wunderlich,
12 Hanks, die. market "rice paid for
livestock. Also want several
fresh rows. C. V, PiTcrson,
Ilillshoro. Phone 02. B 1-1 f
houuhl the Hi ft Messinicer ranch
of 71 acres last week, and has
laki 11 possrssion. The sale was
made through l'.itt;t.'tiil Col
lier oilier.
Forty Acres for Sale (i miles
south of llillslioro; half clear,
halauec -jood timher; good huild
iuys; family orchard; also tram
and implements. Chcap.--1'..
Close, llillslioro, Oregon, It. 1!,
Box !l I. 62-2
Win. P. Atkinson, formerly
fit v marshal lu re in the days
when a man was on uiuhl and
day, was out from Portland.
Monday, grrrlinji friends. Hill
is nursing a hand, which was
hrokrn early in the winter, lit
is employed hy the City of Port
land. There will he an examination
of applicants for lhr Pravrrton
poslniastrrship, in I lillslioro.
April 12. The other pavs .flJIOO
per vear. There is .said In In
tpiile a niimlier innkinu; applica
tion for the examination. lirav
rrton has four rural rontrs to
takr care of.
I'or Sah Twenty acres- with
in half mile of new slateMiiuh
way which will he paved in 1!M!;
all clear except half acre of fine
oak timher. Fine, Mark soil;
hrt ween two clrctric lines; close
to mail and milk routes; close to
church and schools; land goini;
up all around on account high
wav: no huildinirs ; line place for
poultry or veuftahle ranch.
Write" Pox No. 27, Itecdvillt
Ore. 62-2
Now For a
Big Year
Start 1919 right by doing your
burliness through a bnrik. A check
in just as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
fcive Employment to Thousands
of Men
Highway Commission to Con
tract for 200 Miles of Tavcrni-nt
N'orth Portland Over $ 250,000-
001) of business was handled dur
ing HUH by the Livestock Stale
I'.ink, which handles part of the
iiisiness of factories and live
stock ilili-iests here,
North Portland -The new f.-ic-iry
of the Slay Itouml Silo Co.,
for 111 11 11 11 f :tt-t 11 rin silos, grain
lius mid other farm utilities, is
now in operation.
Work Marls oil Aurora -Salem
Oregon should excel ever
stale in the union in wool grow
ing ami woolen goods 111.111uf.1c
lire, and it is up lo our fanner
to see that wool product ion is in-
rea set).
Oregon to gi t lj!1.2r per 100
rale 011 potato slarel: to Fast this
vir. factory to use ri000 tons
nil poLil ies heretofore wasted.
Punt-lie starting fund of $100 -
0(10 to he raised for W uiiini s
Portland will expend 2.10,000
in building for annual livt sloel
Portland - Standifer Shipbuild
ing i o. says peace will doom
ill industry on coast.
Portland needs 000 to 5000
new houses lo 'iictt )'.)!!) grow! 11.
Willi co-operation on the part
of the stale in propogation of
l ouug salmon, Oregon can great
ly increase its salmon pack to
he enrichment of the whole
Host burg Douglas County
has issued lateral roatl bonds for
ll.iiitlou offers free site for
shipyard 1000 by S00 feet on
Coipiille river.
Silverton ork started ovcr
iiMiliiig Silver Falls sawmill.
Portland lumber mills reopen
employing thousands.
Salem to have a half million
dollar paper mill. jtiiutiing
si art soon.
Southern Pacific Co. will assist
huildintr state highway from Cot
tage drove to Walker ami cut
out four dangerous grade cross
Hood ftivir English capital
ists to build fruit warehouses
In re.
Oregon Highway hoard let
ting contracts lor 200 miles pav
lieiid - Improvements planned
for citv this v.-ar total between
if I ftO.OOO and $200.00'
Lebanon nu n to set out a 200-
icre prune orchard. -
Salem Mitoina hop ranch to
increase acreage 10 1.11 acres
Albany linn gets contract for
.f 10.000 school building at St.
North Jiend lumber mil! to op
en with minimum wage scale of
U cents per hour for common
labor instead of 13 ami 00 cent,
New scale acceptable to L. L. L.
Silverton now assured of $20
000 armory.
I'.ugeiie cannery will enlarge
plant and build a cold storage
w art-house.
Amity has cheese factory turn
ing out line product which is a
good seller.
Monmouth farmers urged to
raise more berries for canneries
of Willamette Valley.
The Dalles Eleven inches of
rainfall insures wheat crop in
Wasco county.
The ranch of 40 ncres of the late
J. C. Peterson has been ordered
sold tv the County Court o
Multnomah Count?, Slate of Or
egon. Prospective bidders can
send bids on same to Peter Gott
lieb. llillslioro. Ore.. It. 1. Bids
w ill be received up to April 1,1,
Ten acres cleared ; small
house and barn; fair orchard; lo
cated in Multnomah County, Or.,
about 6 miles north of Ctuinell
Station, on United Itv., and 1
mile northwest of Mason school
Peter Gottlieb.
Ilillsboro. Ore, It. 1.
For Salt' or Exchange Seven
room bouse and "1 ncre of
ground in town of 500 to ex
change for property, or acreage,
at Ilillsboro. Address 1.153
Ilillsboro. Oregon. 52-2
John C. Hi in h, North Plains,
was in Saturday,
All kinds of team work done.
-Cull Telephone 162. 81-3
J. W. Vamlervt hb ii. of !,inks,
was in lhr. city Monday.
Wanted --Girl for general
housework. Phone Ki.'l, Ilill.sbo-
ro. 62 2
John T- Hire, of Forest
Grove, was down to the county
seal Saturday afternoon.
I'or Sale About two tons of
first class loose clover hay.-- J
. linbrie, Ilillsboro. I .
Prank lierry. of mar N'.irley.
i -parted Monday for an cxleiul
tl trip to lieml, Oregon.
A few medium priced hats for
hiltlren, at my home, 1.1 LI Kase
me Mrccl. iiirs. ,. j, i erkins,
Ilillsboro. 52 tf
Vivtor I'nrwn, well known at
Forest Grove, was down to Ililis-
iiiro, Monday, on business at the
tiurt house.
Ilcfore you buy automobile
ires tins season conic in ami
niiK over my line oi l iiiicu
Slates Tires. I). Corwin. 1.1
Herbert Ilcidel, son of Mr.
ami Mrs. F. M- Heitlcl, was out
rom Portland, the last of the
, . V f I 1
week. lie lias oecii reiraseu
rom the nrmv.
Four-foot slnbwood, $2.75 per
ird; 16-inch wood, $3.50 per
ord. Place your orders. G. H.
P. Lumber Co., South Third St.,
Ilillsboro. Phone 942. 48-tf
Robt Gr.ccr Jr.. enlisted with
the cavalry, and stationed at
imp Greene, N. ('., has been re-1
t r '.i 1 r
eased I rom (lie service ami is
I home nt Oakland, Cal.
Wanted Ilecf cattle, hogs and
hrep. Will pay best price for
good stuff. Phone Hrnvcrton.
Mail address, W. W. Miliar,
Iieedvillr, Oregon. 85-35
W. N". H.ithiirn, of Laurel, was
i the city Monday, enroute lo
ortl.-ind- Ilathorn says quite a
ew stockmen out ins way art-
going to suliscrihe lor mock in
the Livestock Association
Eggs for Hatching From pure
red, heavy winter laying strain
hose Comb Rhode Island Reds;
1 1.50 for 15 eggs. Call at resi-
lenee or phone 2274. E. L. Mc-
Cormick, 1324 Jackson St., Hills-
ioro, Oregon. 49-tf
I. I. Knight, of McMinnville,
was in tow n Friday. lie says his
, ii i , t
son. l.orne. nas lamieti at an .vrc-
post after four years of travel
north of the Arctic circle. He
xpects him home before many
For Sale Nearly new "Dairy
Maid" International Harvester
ream separator 450 lb. size, very
lose skimmer, used one month,
to. Also No. 8 hay and green
feed chopper, used few times, big
noiigh for few cows, for quick
ti . . r o il t
asle, if 10. .. v... oeiiers irgus.
('has. Mel'aililen. who has been
.i i- .1
working tor me ivroeger pooi
II several months, has ordered
a stock of tobacco ami will in
inrt time start ul bis cigar fac
tory. I has. know s how to turn
out the "smokes" and nsrrs of
lhr weed are anxiously awaiting
ir lime they can get one of his
Mrs. Mary Traehsrl. aged 73
i " .1. i-i i..,
years aim mouuis, turn m tot-
home of her daughter, Mrs. .la
id) Lush, at lleavcrton. March
10. She was the mother ot uose.
Margaret and Jacob Traehsrl, of
Portland; Mrs. Ulrich Acnger, ot
Lents; Mrs. Rudolph Matleli ami
Mrs. Herman Utrch. Silverton
Mrs. Fred Losh and Mrs. Jacob
Losh, of 1'icaverton.
Thirty years ago today th
i ". i ' i. -1 ):...- :.. 1 lilkl,
on v nr t'K iniiiiiina to "iii"""'"
was flu- late Ileiirv Wehrnng s
.ilL- house: a team loaded with
wheat from the Hawthorne
anch was stuck down in front
of the Mrs. J. . Sewell place,
(ben owned by J. L. Laniard;
"Pard" was running the engine
r,.- 1 .1 Moru-an. down at the
"old tleixit. The late Mik
f..i-e uns farming on Jackson)
Lake: ("has. P.loom and the Ar
reoortrr were working for
Joe Hare, over in South Tuala
tin. on lhr W. !) Harr ranch
Senator S. P. Huston, Thus. P
llantllry and the late Kenyon
Crnmlail had a seance in Hill
M.iur'a sbon: Georsre Ledford
shaved Nate Mead; Dr. F.
ltnil.-v oreilieted a little rain; V.
D. Hare, running the Piltengc
Sltiir for tlic .sitrtlies, a lug
Must Reply or Registraiton is to
Cancelled Forthwith
Clerk Kuratli Sending Out Be
tween Five and Six Thousand
County Ch rk Kuratli has a man's
size job on his hands these days,
as under the law lie is required
l send out live or six thousand
not ires to voters in the county
whose names have not been
(becked as liming voted at the
last primary and general elec
tion. The clerk will send each
voter a card .-iml he must send
back hi sinned statement or else
hi-i name is stricken from the
registration books. In many
cases the clerks failed to indicate
that the voter had "voted," but
this makes no difference under
the law. So. should you receive
this word from the county clerk,
just sign the request to stay on
the register of Electors. ' The
card sent out reads:
"It appearing from the poll
books that you have not voted in
Precinct at any (lection
lieltl throughout this county dur
ing the i ear you art- here
by notified that pursuant to law
vour registration will be caneel-
II. A. Kuratli.
County Clerk."
I hereby certify that I still re
side in the above precinct and
I hat mv present postofliec ad-
lrcss is as it appears above hrre-
f. and request that my name
remain on the Kegister ot Elec
Signature of Elector.
N'ot. If yon have changed
our address, it will be necessary
o call at this office and re-reg
ister. Hooks are now open.
lav's trade. A chap by the name
of I.vnch talked at the cour
house, and wanted to put in
water and light plant; Hen Cor
lielins. Sheriff, went out to old
Gleiieoc to serve papers. Jud
frnndall remarked that the gi
srantie seouoia in front of tl
court house were growing "like
d unit
i t Ii in
this card is returned
days from the date
rhere may be ten or twelve ref
. .tin.
erendum measures on me oanoi
it the special election in June as
follows :
To create Malheur Lake and
, i.i i . .
marshes a nirn reserve, ami snip
using its waters for irr
Io establish industrial anil re-
onstrurtion hospital without re
piiring ratification vote by th
Lo authorize 2,500.000 l-onds
for const ruction of Roosevelt
highway along the coast, with
lid of t' government.
l bond state for $5,000,000
for reconstruction program, in
haling settlement and reclama
tion proiects.
To levy two-tenths of a mill
tax for anting soldiers and sail
ors to get an education, not to
xrerd $200 a vear for four
years per man.
To levy one mill state tax tor
ountv market roads, to be ap
portioned among such counties
...11.' i ,i e
as are entitled to a snare inereoi.
For bond issue of $.1,000,000
for hospitals, armories, educa
tional and charitable buildings
to be erected in different parts of
the slate.
State guaranty of interest for
live years on irrigation and
drainage districts, same to be re
turned to state from land im
To raise indebtedness limita
tion of counties from two per
ent to six per cent of the assess
d valuation.
To give Hoard of Control pow
er to sell reconstruction and oth-
r bonds if voted.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Contract is Let for
State Highway
102 Fourth Street
Daily trips Portland to Forest Grove, via Hillsboro and Cor
nelius. Moving household goods a specialty. All freight carried.
Transfer charges reasonable. Hillsboro office at A.England's,
Main Street; Forest Grove office Chalmers and Wilson Garage.
Portland office, 271 Taylor, phone Main 5205; A 3110.
I will sell at public auction at mv
nlacc, 1V miles southeast, of
Ilillsboro, on the Rootl road to
Farniington, nt 1 p. in., on
Horse, 7 years old, works single
or tloulile, gooil driver; weigns
about 1,000; five head of cows
fresh by April 15th, in milk now;
one fresh cow; two heifers, IIol
stein grades, one fresh next No
vembcr: heavv wagon: one sin
gle horse-wagon; buggv; 12-inch
plow; double shovel plow, both
new ; 50 head of chickens, all
good laying hens; tyvo heaters;
cook stove, bedsteads, mattress
eookni!' utensils, otlier articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms $20 and tinder, cash
over, six months time, approved
security, at 8 tier cent, interest
John Hughes, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
1 Charles Crocker. Clerk.
The Famous Aetna Brand of
Lime and Sulphur Solution
If you need a sprayer, hand or
power, I can save you money. We
sell arsenate of lead.
B. Leis, Aetna Orchards, Beaverton,Or.
Tel., Beaverton Central
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Slock of
In tiie City of Hillsboro. We do' repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon