The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 06, 1919, Image 1

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    I r
NO. 52
Four Thouimnd Dollars in Stock
AiMircd for Livestock Expo
Value of Expoxition Locntcd in
Portland Apparrnt to All
(). M. I'liiinmir, Milliliter of I lie
I'ueilic 1 1 1 ( ' fit n I i n a I I, hi' Slocli
Imposition Co., m nl mil- tiny in
Wiliiiiiiuliill County, in i iiuy
Willi 'I'lios, (', I In- (iii
tun breeder, and at a result t In
Imnkrrt ntnl Mockuuu under
wrote IMMIO iii htock for I lie
r'.xpoitiiu. SharcN of htiirk arc
worth ir'Ufl I'firh, niul tin liolili r
arc t'lititli-il l free admission In
Mhc bitf-jest show in tin- North
west. A big new structure "ill
put up, niul cuttle niul horses,
slurp niul swine nil! In' lrnni.'lil
from nil over tin . Norlliw est fur
Subscriptions will lr tiikrli 'it
I lit Sluilc Saving Hunk, tin'
Ciililinrrriill Hunk, or I'V William'
S. liiiliin rii li, I lit- district ch.iir
mini, nt Hillsliorn; or liy tiny f
tin- iinderw ritcrs ; tin- 1'oresl
Grove National Hfink, t'oreiil
Grove; A. S. Sliole. of tin Cur
io liui Stale Hunk; t'iril (iron-r,
SclmlU; Glen T. Sluph'toii. of
the Gaston I!mk; Mr. Curiuii li
m l, Gaston; Ah Chalmers, A.
I',. Wcstciill, of Ilatik;K. I". Ilnr
Iiiii(Iihiii, Forest irovr, or .1. W.
Iluulies, of Forest (Irovr,
The underwriters of tin- big
concern for this county arc to be
fou nt! iii Hit- full pat't- advertise
mrlit ill miotlirr place in ll'ii
Mr. ('arnilchael. who was lu rr
Sntunbiy, nay tlml Portland is
tin- place for tlir Mir show. Iii'
Miy Unit every stockholder will
have a free admission to tin1 ex
position, niul that it will l' more
to inriilriilr Interest in breeding
good slock limn any other imni
V. Tlir rancher niul iliiiryni'in
will urt mi insik'lil l"t good
breeding tlmt will In- of much
It is not likely tlmt tin' stork
will In- dividend earning for lv
or tlin-c years, Mil il will be
splendid investment llicrcaflei
If you arc interested in
stork, niul want to nee tin- 1 U
gest show In the world. ce nn;
of tin- above niul give llirni yon
subscription for n share or nmi'.
of .stork.
Subscription lmoks nrr nisi
oprn at tin Argus otlice.
I will sell nt puMir mil lion at in
plai-r, l'J. niilrs soutlirast o
Ilillslinro, on tlir Itood road li
l-ariiiiiint"'i. t ' l1' m- "M
Till HSDAV, M AHCll -7,
llorsr, 7 yearn old, works sinirlr
or doulilr, (rood tlrivrr; weighs
nliout 1,0(10; tivr luad of rows,
frrsli by April IStli, in milk now;
one fn-sli row; two hrifrr. Hul
trin nidi's, one frrsli urxt No
vrmlirr; lunvy Wilson; our sin
glr liorsr-wiiffon ; Ihikv ; t- inrh
plow; iloulile sliovrl plow, liolh
new; fiO Ill-nil of ellirkrns, nil
guild laying lirusj two Inatrrs;
enok sliivr, linlslrads, matlrrss,
rooking ntrnsils, olhrr nrtirlrs
too numerous to uirntion,
Trrtiis $20 niul iiudrr, rash;
ovrr, six moiillis limr, aliprovnl
sreurity, nt 8 prr rrnt. iffri rrsl.
Jolin Hiiglu s, Ow ner.
J. C. Knratli, Auelioneer.
Charlrs Crorkrr, Clrrk,
Try the Argus, $1.50 por year.
Now For
Big Year
Start 1919 right by doing your
business through a bank. A check
is just as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
Mr. Mary llclwick Morluii died
nt tlir Iioiiii' of 1 1 1 i- ila it n li 1 1 r .
Mrs, l liii'i nir Kli innnilli, 270
Lust Still St., I'orllanil, March
I, Ullil, nftrr a short illness. She
w as lioni in Pennsylvania seven
lv yrars ago, mul wit marriril to
Win. II. .Morton in I mill. In
lHli'l liny inovril from lYnnsyl
vinia to Mercer Co,. III. I'roin
Hint slate lliry undid to Kaiisa,
mnl in IKNfi lin y moved tu I'ort
1 . 1 1 1 1 1 , Ori uoii, iiinviii to llniv'r
ton in ISK). 1 Ii r liuslmiul Imill
uiir of tin- firxt lartrr ftrvvn
Imusrs at ISrnvrrlun, mid In- ('on
tiniiril in tin hiihss llnrr until a
frw yi nrs vt , w In n lie- tnovrd
to I lilUlioro. starting n (in i n
lioiisr iiitoss tin- hln rt from (lie
I.iuklatir lionir, Mr. Morton
iliril Oil. B, l!U,H, nftrr many
tnontlis of invalidism.
Mrs, Mortiiu li ft Ilillslinro nf
trr lilt- ilralli of In r luisliauil.
mnl 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 - In r Ihiiiii- wild lln
ilaulllrr, Mrs. Klrilisliiitli, Slir
is Hti rt, iv i'il liy tlir follow ing rlnl
ilrrn :
I'.uiiiintl Mortnii, Mrs, Iniilui
I Isloii niul Mrs. I'lorriirr Klrin
i suiitli, of l'ltrl l.'iinl ; Harry Mor
ton. of Wrlilirr, Orr.; I'.ilwnril
Morton, a travrliiiK siilisni.iii
out of I'ni'tl.'iiiil, ami Mrs. Vruo
ni Davis, of li. :ivi rtmi.
Tlir f 1 1 1 1 1 r ; 1 1 timk plarr Tin s
ilnv. mnl tlif pall lirarrrs win
from tlir (i. A. It. l'ost, llillsl.o
ro. I n 1 1 rin i' ii I was in Itnsr Cily
( Yjnrlrry,
Mrs. Morton was woman of
spli iuliil i lia r.'irli r. Mini slir IimiI
many frirmls in this rity. Sin
was piissrssrtl of n (i in- ri ru
like ahilily, anil iliiruiL; I lie ill
lo ss of Mr. Million t . lu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tin' Inisiiuss lurr.
Alfrnl Mor.m, wild tin (). V.
H. .V N, I'ulliuaii srrviiT, ami
Miss Harl Stiw.irl, linth ol
Hillsliorn, were unili'il in inarri
nur Alliany, (M-., I'i lu'uaiy
I!'. 1 I . Tlir uriM iii is tlir rl.l
rs son of Mrs. Ilrnrirtla Mor
trail, mid had just )i ft 1 lit- Naval
srrviro nf I'tirlr Sun prior lo Iii;.
ma rriafii', Tlir liruir is a ilauiili
trr of Mr. iiml Mrs. .1. It. Stew
art, of this rilv. I'olli -. "-ey
wrrk, anil SlirrilT Alexander has
hern nnliliril to inform tin; vrn
irr that thry nrr not to n port nl
Ilillslinro until Marrli .'1 1 , instead
nf tlir l.'lth.
On tlir 12th the Court will
hear naturalization cases, and an
inspector will arrive from Scut
tle to "qui" I he applicants. (In
this day the High Schonl stu
dents will iitlenil si) as to sec
how citizens are nnuiiifaelured
out of L'Dial material from alien
For Sale Several tons of elo-'
vcr and grain hny, linlcd; also
1K0 11m. red clover seed. Geo.
Riersdorf, Cornelius, R. 1 ; tele
phone Ilillsboro SDR2B. 150-2
Passed Away at His Home in
Salem, at 8:45 P. M., March 3rd
Ben W. Olcott Automatically
Becomes Governor of the State
(ioveruor James Wit liyroinlic
died at his lunar at Sali in, Mon
day evening, Mirrli .'I, l'.llil, at
H;t." o'clock, after an illness cov
ering ninny mouths, lie was lirst
attacked prior tu his last gulicr
ualorial campaign, mid has lin n
gradually failing since 1!US. Mr.
Withycoiiilic was elected (iover
uor in Hill, taking the iillicc in
.l.inuarv, UI5, succeeding Mr.
West. In his lirst cuiupaii!ll he
The late (ioveruor
defeated Dr. ( lias, J. Smith. In
the campaign of litis, lie defeat
ed W alter I'ieree. He was inau
gurated the second time in ,lan
iin rv of (his year, luit .since that
dale had hern In the State House
hut tw o or three times.
lien W. Olcott succeeds him as
(ioveruor, mul also remains as
Secretary of State.
(iov. Wit hycoinlie was hnrn in
Tavistock, lK-viinshirc, Knglaud,
March 21, 1ft 51. He was the sun
of Thus, mid Mary Ann W ithy
conilie. -In lK7l" the With'y
coinlics moved to Oregon, set
tling near Ilillslinro, where the
(ioveruor later in life bought the
farm which is now in his name,
and which is located to the south
of Hillsliorn nliout .'I miles.
In JSS1I lie was appointed the
Stale Veterinarian, mnl held tiat
oilier for nine years. For several
years he was the Vice Director
I.VV l sJ IV W v
r . sn v
lien Olcott, Suceesso
of the I ',x peri menial Farms nf O.
A. C, and lived at CorvalliM,
where he, gained tlif wide ac
ipiaintaiiee w ith farmers that re
sulted in his election as gover
nor. Mr. Olcolt. will continue as
C.ovcrnor of the State until 1)121,
his successor to tie electcil in the
Tall of 1!2() at the general elec
tion. Until then lie will act ;is
(ioveruor and Secretary of State.
Mr. Wilhycoinlic was united
in innrriaue to Isahcll Carpenter,
at the Harris liridge Church, in
Washington County, June (,
1875. Hey. O. W . It ichaiilson ot
liciatinu'. The widow and the
following children survive: Har
ry Witliycomhe, Havre, Mont.;
Itoliert, of Union, Ore.; Karl, at
lioine. and Miss Mabel, at Salem.
During the war Governor
Witliveombe was a strong up
holder of the President, and he
devoted much of his time to war
service. F.arl, a son, eulislcd
after three trials to pass the ex
nniinini!' board. He went Fast
and was taken ill. His illness
although he subsequently be
came strong, was a matter of
in u eh anxiety to the father, and
he failed to recuperate in health.
During the campnign which fol-
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Tlu; following new cases were
liled in circuit, court the first of
the w eek :
It. W. Iiriinson, J," W. Thomp
son, W. ViiiKlcck, Win. Steel, K.
V, Snyder, T. M. H iyn.-s, J. C.
Anderson, C. L. Anderson, ,. W.
('rowder mul H. VanKleck, who
worked in n sawmill for 1). M.
Smith, have liled mechanic liens
for their wages nod ask that
lumber at a yard near Kinton be
sold mid the proceeds go In pay
ment of their labor claims,
II. 15. Mallhy sues his wife,
Ida, for divorce, alleging deser
tion. They were married in 1!07
in I'ciinsvlvnnia.
H. C. MeOill sues his wife.
Myrtle, for divorce, alleging that
ic provided a home for her in
Portland mid that when he went
o Camp I'wis in the I'. S. ser
vice, she went to work for an
i in ii si-mi-n I eoinpnny contrary to
lis wishes, and that while work
ing I here she extorted money
from the sons of Ad.iui, mul re
fused to ipiit the company when
ic asked her to. He also say
she called him a "liar" ami nth
rwisc beniealieil him. They
-.vcre married last June mid tin:
i.-ippiness apparently waned be
fore the honeymoon ended
lessie lJurrows sues William
for separation, and asks the re
storation of her maiden name.
'hey wi re married nt Lafayette
in lilt I mid she alleges that
while living nt Forest (irovr.
William deserted her in 1917.
Section Foreman Smith his
leared the Main Street West
bound track on Main, .ind her,
ifter trains can run on the new
improvement, nail I ay lor liu
shed the cement work several
days ago, but it was kept barri
caded so it would harden. The
new order gives much more room
on the street when trains are at
the depot. The north track be
ing barricaded when trains wen
stopping there was no avenue of
travel, and the opening affords
much relief to the rancher who
wants to get through town with
out waiting for a train to pull
Having sold inv farm, I will sell
at public auction at the place,
half-mile northeast of North
Plains, and miles north of
Hillsliorn. beginning at 10 a. m..
Dark gray mare, (i years old.
weight 1-100; dark gray horse, i
years, 1V00; sound and true;
saddle horse, work horse, (i years
old, JOflO; 2 Holslein grade cows
in milk, good How, to freshen in
Sept.; 3 young Jersey cows, to
freshen in Fall; 2-vear full-blood
Holstein bull, eligible to regis
try; two shunts; 2 wide tire
i truck Mitchell wagons; good
is new; M't half-truck; ;t inch
wagon; 1-horse wagon; 2'.'-vd
gravel bed; small Stougliton
spring wagon, bed, and in good
shape; nearly new top buggy;
Hocking Valley ensilage cutter
and (i horse-power gas engine,
complete, mounted on trucks.
nearly new, and up-to-date ; 8-ft
corrugated roller, 5-ft. Adrianee
mower, 10 ft McCormick rake.
17 tooth springtooth harrow.
12 hoe Ciundl.ich drill. 2 peg-
tooth harrows, disc harrow, 1 t
ineh steel beam plow. 12 -inch
steel beam plow, good sled, near
ly new bean harvester,
riding cultivator, .t sets double
work harness, 2 sets single har
ness, small cream separator, 10
gal barrel churn, St. Helens hot
water incubator, 150-egg capac
ity; Many Lee brooder, 8 sets
iipc cutting tools, 2 pipe vises,
t log chains, 2 crow bars. It fiO-
gallon barrels, scalding vat. fan
mill, hand seeder, new mail' box,
new clothes wringer, 5lv, ft steel
bathtub, .'1 single steel snatch
blocks, 4 ten-gal milk cans, 2 5
gal milk cans, 8-gal milk can, 4
stands bees, and numerous other
articles. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale Under ,$20.
cash; ,f20 and over, 8 mouths'
lime, approved notes, at 8 per
cent interest. Two per cent off
on cash over $20.
Paul Paulsen and J. W. Good
in, Owners.
R .P. Cornelius. Auctioneer.
John Vnndcrwal, Clerk.
lowed he made no speecehs. His
health was precarious when the
legislature met and he was inau
gurated, but even his family phy
sician did not think the end was
so near.
Of liiu immediMfe faniilv. Gov
Witliveombe is survived bv two
brothers and a sister: Thomas
Wilhvoomhe. of Portland. Phil
Withyeombe, of Yamhill, and
Mrs, Edward Burton, of Port
Nearly Sixty Millions Loaned to
Farmers by One Concern
Estimated That Oregon Has
Twenty-Eight Millions, 3 Years
With mills starting all over Ore
gon, and with it road program
wlncli means the expenditure of
2S millions, the coining ,'i years
the Oregon country should pro
vide w ork for all its unemployed
Portland - Seven ships total
ing 10,000 tons liuinclieil last
North Portland --Factories,
mills aiut other enterprises in Ihc
Peninsula Industrial District jit
North Portland during 1!UH did
i total business of J?) 12.2C2.000.
North Portland - The Port
ami Cattle Loan Company, the
Columbia ll.isin Wool Warehouse
mil Ihc Livestock State Rank of
this place, during 15)18 loaned, to
farmers and stockmen of the
Northwest $5l. 500.000.
Salem if'2S.OOO.000 in sight
for Oregon higbwayn for next
three years. -
Dallas Polk county co-oper-
itive warehouse makes fi per
cent, dividend.
Contract let for paving 80 30
feet Seaside highway.
Work begun on Hum! River-
Mosii r slate highway.
Salem Legislat lire ad joiirned
with cut of .fl.lilhS.l Ml from orig
inal estimates.
Leading livestock men in Ore
gon, Idaho, U ,'tshihgtou anil
Montana luild conference, in
Portland. Adopt plans for
.fJOO.OOO exposition building.
Reek and Delta mills, on Sius-
l.i w have started operations.
Tillamook co-operative cheese
factories report increased pro
Due to war expenses taxes for
1919 increase 15.5 per cent.
S. P. Co. gets ft7.953.000
from government for use of lines
Logging camps in Clatsop
county begin operations. "
Rend to expend i,.')50.000 on
streets this
Portland phone system merged
into one.
Marshtield Bav Mill installs
electrically operated shingle mill
Reedsport New- .bank lunld-
ing starleil here. uiimorcil tnat
two more lumber mills will start
u)i soon.
Astoria Pacific Power -
Light Co. to install 4.500 horse
power electric generating piam
lire. Addition made necessary
bv erection nf 3.000 barrel flour
ing mill for Astoria Flouring
Mill Companq.
Rend Chevlin-Dixon logging
road extension assured; contract
losed for $100,000 job; 150
nten will be needed for six
Eugene Lane county ranch
of 300 acres bought for $ 1-2.000.
St. Helens Milton Creek
Logging Company to resume op
erations within 60 days.
Having sold inv farm. I will sell
at public auction sale at the
place, 1 mile east of Greenville
and l.'.milc west of Roy, begin
ning at 10 o'clock a. m on.
Gray horse, 10 years, l.'laO;
brown horse, 12 years, 1350;
good work horses; Holstein cow,
5 years old, in milk, fresh next
Fall; 5 high grade Jersey cows.
ages from 2 to 8 years, all m
milk, fresh next Fall, all cxcel-
ent milk How; McCormick mow
er, Uo ft.; McCormick hayrake,
9 ft.; tiO-tooth drag harrow; 15-
tooth springtooth harrow ; Mo-
line disc plow; 14-inch John
Deere walking plow; P. & O.
walking cultivator, 2-Y4 inch
wide tire wagon; top bug"y;
platform scale; log roller, pi .nk
clod niiisder, two water troughs.
I'o horse-power gasoline engine
and power washing machine, ?
woodrneks, hayrack. 5 ten-gal
milk cans, single harness, one
third-horse harness, heavy team
harness, liigb-grade heating
stove and other household goods
and other articles too numerous
to mention.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 and un
der, cash; over $20, approved
note payable Sept. 1, at 8 per
cent, interest.
W. L. Burnett, Ow ner.
J. V. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Otto Oaloway, Clerk.
Try the Argus, $1.50 a year.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Hour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of .POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at
Cornelius, City 1515,
Will soon lead from Portland to
tbe splendid
Beaverton - Rcedville
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
Daily trips Portland to Forest Grove, via Hillsboro and Cor
nelius. Moving household goods a specialty. All freight carried.
Transfer charges reasonable. Hillsboro office at A. England's,
Main Street; Forest Grove olliie Chalmers and Wilson Garage.
Portland office, 271 Taylor, phone Main 5205 j A 8110. '
The Famous Aetna Brand of
Lime and Sulphur Solution
If you need a sprayer, hand or
power, I can save, you money. We
sell arsenate of lead.
B. Leis, Aetna Orchards, Beaverton, Or.
Tel., Beaverton Central
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do r repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street t Hillsboro. Oregon
the Lowest Prices.
Hillsboro, Main 14,
North Plain, Main 263.