r mm .riniin WJ-f , J. "'al ILLSB NO. GO VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, FEBRUARY 20. 1919 IHE X J f AS From Sherwood to HilUboro it I lie Proposed Road SCIIOLLS AND HILLSBORO Meeting Held at Scholia, Tuct day, at HilUboro, Saturday 'I'lii' Tiiulalin Valley C noil RoiiiIh A HHot-ltttioti wiit formi'il at Seholls, Tuesday night nf last wnk. Tlir Hurling adopted it resolution calling fnf si. ill' feder ill mil fur building ii lined surface romt between llillslioro mill Scllolls, mill t'OMi mi t tt'l'M Iiiivc In ril lliiinril tn xrr M lint cull In 1 1 1 1 , even tu tin' extent if Ink Ink it up with tin' legislature, On Saturday evening, I',. Wcil slrotu mill .lin k Reynard came In Hillsboro mill nut with I lit- 1 1 1 1 1 -linru ('lull, where tin1 rrNiilutinii uf tin- organisation adopted ul SclnilU was approved. Mr. Wiiislriiiii addressed the llillshoro (lull, n t it I i mu tin' object if Ihi' visit, mill siiiil llmt luiril work was needed In get lliinu started. Ill' paid hi1 respects In llu' W'nrri'ii Construction Co. niul tin ir patent pnvi' mill evoked eonsiili riilili' applause 1 y the way, he handled his Nlilijeet. The resolution M i i i l I nt Seholls mill 11 pin n 1 1 here fol low h ; Whereas; A railroad survey was niaile on the south side of the Tualatin Hiver; mnl, whereas, Haiti railroad has not heen built mnl never will he, a hard sur faeed roads, automobiles ami trucks will he the menus, of trans portation and serve as feeders fur the railroads and whereas; all the territory laying south of the Tualatin Hiver from Sher wood to Hillsboro is without transportation and is hemmed in (oil the south hide) by the Che haleui Mountain and on the north side by llu1 Tualatin Hiver; be it therefore resolved that the Tual atin Valley (iood Roads Associa tion proceed at oijee to procure money from the Slate of Oregon or the Federal (iovernment and build n hard surface road from Sherwood to llillshoro, on the south side of the Tualatin Hiver. He it further resolved, that the shortest route for the county road from Sherwood to llillshoro is to he used; hut wherever after care ful calculation it will be found advisable to secure rights of way to straighten the road by making new grades, such work shall re ceive first consideration. How ever, any party or parties who desire this road to run close to his or their place of business or residence may offer a bonus large enough to defray the extra cost thereof. Such propositions shall receive careful attention. He it further resolved, that, there shall he elected a commit tee of four, which in conjunction with the President and Secretary Treasurer shall constitute a Hoard of Directors who shall work out the details of' this un dertaking and shall be authorized to engage the services of a com petent attorney to help untangle the legal cobwebs we may run into. These resolutions may be add ed to as circumstances and condi tions may require." Strawberry Plants for Sale Magoons and Hood Rivers. Both choice table and canning berries. Hood River extra fine shippers. Per 100, 40 cents. J. W.F.nochs, llillshoro, Ore. 48-60 I.. V. (iiiihl, of Scholia, was a cllv visitor the first of the week. blowers for funcruU and other occasimu. - Bergen Moral Co., llillshoro. 8 2 -If Win, Mct.ler, of 1'Yrn Hill, was transacting; business in town Sat urday. .1. Sehinilkc, of above Moun tainilale, was in the last of the week. Vincent Kngcldingcr, I'iano Studio, Itiiom IS, Tmiiiesie ltuild ing, llillsluirn. 60-62 ()rel (iardiu r, of Mnuiilainibile and Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Peters, of above North Plains, were city callers llie last of the week. For Sale or TradeAllainont horse, a line driver; will trade fi r good in ilk cow, up to $75 in val ue. W. II. Hoyd, Heavertou, Ore. 48 0 Mrs, (ieii. ((allium, of Laurel, whs in the l ily Saturday, accom panied by lii-r son, (iuy, who has just In en released from the I'. S. Navy. Wanted - lieef cattle, hogs and sheep. Will pay best price for good slnlT. Phone Heavertou, Mail address, W. XV. Mcllar, Itecdville, Oregon. ,16 .16 'Che llillshoro Fire Depart ment's new ollieers are Frank Waibcl, Chief; John lleiislcy, Assistant Chief; John lluse, Pres ident ; I.ee Oakes, Secretary, and Fred Sewell, Treasurer. For Sale Helgian hares, I'h iiiish (ii inls. Raise your own meat. Small ones for sale and many dues and bucks for breed ing. -' D. P. Potter. llillshoro. Phone "till. 48-50 J. C. Miller, who now lives at North Plains, was a city visitor, Saturday, "baking hands with his I'ljuiity seat friends. J. C. says it is hard to filial enough to do since he left the ranch to live in town. For Sale or Trade. General merchandise stock, invoice $4000 annual business $20,000.00; one man can handle. Haver ran hold down homestead while running store. Will trade part for small farm, improved or not. Address J. Wilbur Ouhser, Fort Rock, Ore. 49-62 The Sixty-fifth Coast Artillery arrived from France Monday and were given a reception in Port land. Among those who went to France with this company in the injured and death list were Har- ... . , M il II 1, t - vev I. rainier, I lillsnaie, (lieu in I'.ngland: Philip I (olseheimer, of Iteaverlnn ( I'.lmonica, and a sou nf (ieii, I liilscheiiner) wounded in action at Verdun. Oct. P. Probate The will of the late Sarah 1'. Ives, whose estate con sists of a joint interest in 170 ai res, .'lit acres of other land and if 8 5 worth, of war stamps, lias been filed ill court. She gives her husband, A. K. Ives, $1, he hnv ing properly of his own, and to nil her children except one she gives $5. To the exception, Ray W, Ives, she gives all the cstah FOR UBELLE FRANCE By Portland's Foundation Yard Since War Came STATE TO LAY WOOD PAVE Five Mile to be Tried on Some State Highway with the above bequests subtract ed. Peter Peterson, who died Feb. SI, 1!)1!. aged 71 years leaves his land, H acres near Port land, and !fl !()() in Liberty Honds to one Chrisoph Hokclman; C. I and Linus (tusander are witnesses to his will. The estate of the late John Henry abler, wlm tlietl on Feb. 10, has been lileil. 1 1 is par ents. Washington Cabler anil wife, and two brothers and sis lers, are his heirs. The parents live near Hillsdale, ('.mil Kuratl has been named administrator of the effects of John Saleen, who was killed near Strassel last week. The value is given as at or near 100. Now For a Big Year Oregon has 2t co-operative can neries and growers associations. Oregon Humane Society opens jj'SOUO plant for handling mid dis posing of abandoned and neglect- 1 dumb animals at Portland. Astoria Contracts signed for reel ion ol ,ruo,iu Hour mill. Florence - Tidewater sawmill mav resume operations. Wasco One-story block con-j rcte stores to he erected. Portland Foundation Co. oiiipletes building of 20 ships for ranee, I'inatill.t county will vole on March 4th on $1,050,000 road Minds. Ilarrislmrg to get a cold stor age plant. Che liean slate printed text look bill would start a big indiis- ry. Hydroelectric power develop ment amendment to constitution roposed with f lOO.TXM.OOO bond hsiic ami ileiieils ill operation is guaranteed by tax-payer. Legislature passes hill to lay! miles wood block paving. Oregon Highway commission i ts if 1,1)00.000 contracts. Salem Marion Creamery & roiluce Co. here employs 20 icople and pays farmers from .20.000 to if.'IO.OOO a month. Cottage (irove timber is to In: shipped to Italy. Sheridan cannery paid out 1 25.000 for fruit and If 1(5.000 for labor last year. Hood River Vinegar company la ns expansion. Want lo be able handle between 1.000.000 and 1,500.000 gallons juice next sea son. Fairview IKS acres loganber ry land sold for iflSUOO in- If 1-25 in acre. Salem---Contract let for 10.(15 miles vicrvais m .vurora p.ning for .2:i0.5 t7. Monmouth creamery distrib utes .fl02.577.iKI among patrons in 1!H8 for 2HL000 lbs. of but- er. (iihson Sawmill with daily ca laeily of 20.000 ft. being built here. Corvallis - brow nsville V.ur- ., . i ... . I ... I . :t nerv will I til t II III!' n am nere 11 ite is forthcoming. Pond may gel aunt her sash and door factory. llnschiirg -- Douglas county fruit crop brought growers over . 1.000 .000 in ISMS. Milton- First National Rank of Milton and Frcw uter to erec $15,000 building. l.( Try the Argus, $1.60 a year. Henry Reach, of North Plains, was in Saturday. C. R. Adams, the ohltime.r of Seholls, was in town Saturday. For Sale Six pigs, six week old. J. Schmitke, Mountain dale. 49-81 John I.ippcrt, the oldtimcr of Hanks, was .dow n Monday, on le gal business. J. J. Wismer, of Cedar Mill, was ii Monday, on business at the clerk's office.. Jacob Michel, of Portland, for , . . .- , i , . . merly a resuieiu oi mis cuy, was out Monday, greeting ohltime friends. Arthur Mcfiahcy, of Wanna. o re he is engaged in logging, . , i was over llie lirsi oi inc ween on legal business. Jonas Johnson, of (iaslon, was in the city Monday, enroute home from visiting the Norlhrups in Shady lirook. C Circuit Court for March Term is Deferred TILLAMOOK NOW HOLDING it" Sheriff Has Sent Out Notices to the Panel Sheriff Alexander and Clerk Ku ralli have drawn the jury list for circuit court for the March term, and the panel has been cited to appear lure for court session March l.'l, the delay being caused by the fact that Judge Ragley has a lengthy court involving over 20 jury cases in Tillamook. The venire has received notice of lluir selection. The panel: Jacob Dahindeii, Ranks, R. 1. W. J I. Til.bc U, Gales Creek. Robert M. Hanks, Hanks. John Hergcrt, Cornelius, R. 2. '.'ill -Clapshaw, Hanks, R. 1. Arthur (iilrnore, llillshoro. Louis R. Tucker, Iicaverton. Alfred Frecrksen, Forest Grove . 1. Lewis L. Crawford, Manning. L. W. House, llillshoro. John XV. Pritchard, Gaston, R. John M. Friday, Hanks. Alfred Hey wood, Hillshoro, R. 'alter Roswurm, Forest Grove. John XV. (iates, llillshoro, R. 3. Anthony Cliristeirsen, Hills b . R. L Wm. E. Mel.eod, Hcaverton, R. Ileiuka Peters, Sherwood, R 5. (ieo. XV. McGraw, Ranks. Frank Mandcl, Sherwood. William Morgenscn, Garden Home. Wm. B. Emmons, Beavcrton. Charles C. Frick, llillshoro. John IL Garrett, Hillshoro. Wm. H. Reiling, Hillshoro. H. R. Harrington, Sherwood, ('has. W. Mertz, Forest Grove. did. Place your orders. G. H. P. Lumber Co., South Third St., Hillshoro. Thone 942. 48-tf Mr. and Mrs. XV. S. Atchison ire thinking of going to Wilming ton, North Carolina, as soon as thev can settle their affairs in Hillshoro. For Sale Twenty tons of good mixed baled hay. F. XV. Jackson, one mile Northwest of North Plains. Plains. 5 T 1 1 . 49-51 A. F. .illmer, of Cedar Mill, for 12 years dairying there, was up Friday. A. F. has been trying to dairy and fight the flu, and he has found it an uphill game. For Sale Several tons of clo ver and grain hay, baled; also 150 lbs. red clover seed. Geo. Hiersdorf, Cornelius, R. 1 ; tele phone Hillshoro 39R25. 50-2 Christian Science Society Sunday services at 11 o'clock; W,,.l.if ufliiiiil nt 10 MR ft. nt Wednesday evening meetings, at 150 f"r !5 W 7:110. V ton St Walter IL Cole, Forest Grove, Telephone, North R. 1. uernaru Urtman, rorest lirove R. 1. Chas. O. Roe, Forest Grove. Cornelius Rlaser, Hillshoro. lav evening meetings, ai ,'ita Hall, 1228 Washing- 'h-nec ,.r phone 2274 ( ormiek, 1 H2 4 Jaeksi For Sale: House and lot, strict ly modern home, with all eonveni- Wm. Hainelman, of Cornelius, was an Argus caller Monday. The Seholls Ladies' Aid Soci ety will hold a social at the Seholls Grange Hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 22. Eggs for Hatching From pure bred, heavy winter laying strain hose Comb Rhode Island Retls; Call at resi . E. L. Me son St., llills horo, Oregon. 4!)-tf eiiees; (i rooms, a quarter-block lot. Inqnir of Y. Start 1919 right by doing your busincus through n bank. A check is jimt as good as a receipt. We are always ready to give your ac count, however small or large, courteous attention. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ wa nti Ira lir.' 1 the the 1 (in the tail ing Sam OrndulT, of Laurel, one of the pioneers in the prune raising industry, was over Friday, greet" ing friends. Hatching Eggs for Sale S. C. It. I. Red; good ones; fine large birds; good color; none, better; good layers. Come and sec them. Per setting of IS, $2.00; $9 per 100. D. A. Mitchell, Orcneo, Ore. 48-tf G. Garthofner, of the G. II. P. Lumber Co., returned the last of the week from Good Samaritan Hospital, where he was taken when injured three weeks ago He is getting along fine, and w ill soon be able to be in charge of his work again. Jas. Hickeiibottoni and. wife, of Clarkston, Wash., returned home Monday, after a visit with valley relatives. Thev spent the first of the week with Ed. Nortb- rup and family, of Shady Brook Messrs. Ilickenbotton and North rnp are what yon call "double-brothers-in-law," each being mar ried to the other's sister. Eighth St. Y HI sell eillier or house and W. S. Atchison, 51 Ider Walter Reynolds, pastor the I'nitcd Brethren Church, in the city Monday, return from a Sunday engagement Shadv Brook. Elder Reynolds died here twenty years ago is now located in Portland. AUCTION SALE I will sell at public sale, on the S. 11. Thwaite place, one-half mile east of M inter bridge, and three and one-half miles, southeast of Hillshoro, on SATURDAY, MARCH 1, beginning at 10 a. m., the follow ing described property: Gray horse. 8 years, weight 1250; sorrel mare, 10 years, wght ll t I... ... 1 1-- or JNile liarreu hock eggs, i.khi; nay driving mare, o years; . C. strain, $1 Per setting. I rubber tier buggy, and harness young registered Jersey :i Durham-Jersey cows, 5, (5 and l(i months old, all from reg- S years old; red Polled of-nierit stock. ing heifers, bred.- ieh, llillshoro. Also some Wm. Schul- 48-8 bin Emi'iek, son of Mrs. Hul- Enirick. returned the last of week from Florida, where he. I with his boat in the U. S. Na- Dan savs it is a great life he is only sorry he didn't get nake a trip across the Atlan- The State Industrial Accident Commission has sued F. C Hraun, Wm. Braun and Otto Sci delman, sawmill and logging men for $50.01 for per centagc due The commission alleges that they accepted the provisions of the commission, and under the law did not advise that they were go ing to quit. E. B. Tongue files llie complaint for the State. An other case in circuit court is the foreclosure suit of John Lippert against Jesse am asking for the sale of 158 acres above Banks, to satisfy the sum of $2,000 with interest since Au gust, 1016. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale, and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will foon lead from Portland to the splendid Beavcrton - Reedville Acreage ... Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise conies. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON HEAR John M. Linden EVANGELIST Forme. ly First Asst. to Billy Sunday nj;us Jersey cow, 8 years; grade Jer- m. ,, "11 scy cow, 7 years; an in miiK; Guernsey-Jersey heifer, 2 years old. bred; 3 months old heifer calf. This stock is all tuberculin tested. I (ay rack, LaCrosse dou ble disc plow, wood-rack, about 3 do.cn chickens, McCormick bind er, 7 ft. cut, with portable truck; 8-ft. Buchs land roller, Adrianee hay rake, Columbia Osborne mower, 12-hoe Gundlaeh drill, 2- A. 1 ratten, former principal liorse International rT-sliovel eul- of the High School, came out tivator, about 7 ricks of 16-in. from Portland over Sunday. Prof. I wood ; South Bend l V-inch steel Patten, who made his lieutenancy plow with t shares, Koskoshing: at the Ollieers 1 raining t amp, is I feed cutting machine, two 1- now instructor for the Juvenile I horse cultivators, hand garden Court boys, at the Home out on I cultivator with five attachments. ic Canyon Road, w here Multuo-1 50 tooth J. I. Case drag harrow, man lias a larm oi over zuu acres l 25-tootli steel narrow, neavv ' i where the hoys arc taught indus-1 Moline wagon complete, light old trial pursuits. wagon, set work harness, 1.4 set plow harness, about 25 sacks po tatoes, big iron kettle, 2-seateti buggy, road cart, 2 crosscut saAvs, ledge and wedges, forks, shov els, hoes, a lot of small tools, stoves, tables, household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon Terms $20 and under, cash over ipso, seven montns time bankable note, at 8 per cent Two iter cent orT for cash on all sums o f $20 and over. None of 1 Susan Beard, t,lis Property to be removed nntil ettl 1 for. Floyd Brown, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Anetioneer; John Vanderwal, Clerk. ?i V'. 1 k '. - i,K- , I . -S . - 4 ! v r-. 8 vr I ' -i, V... j-L'" "O f 1 '". tlfe Baptist Church, Hillsboro Every Evening at 7:30 We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES -ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon . 1 I