The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 13, 1919, Image 1

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Lf-t E
NO. 49
Alarmed Over Falling Price for
Dniry Product in Oregon
Dairymen Propcrout and All
Farmers Will do Well
Tin Oregon lluirymcn' League
Mini-, mil I In4 following open lit
Irr In tilt- Argot:
" I llil'J HU M Itrr VlTV IllUch con
cerned nvcr t lie frcitk IhIi nmrki t
conditions that recently caused n
ilrii of -II per I't-lit in the price
uf hit I tc r fttt within 11 wn k. The
thing llwit disturb tlit' f .t rim r'
iriit't' uf 11 1 i 1 1 1 it tilt' flit Unit
fitil cost lint nut been rrtllit'fil.
I Veil is tin' highest ill history ninl
it will In' two month lit-fttrc re
I ii f run In- luiil.
Turning Id the probable cnuc li'iul to sin Ii mi iinpn i i ill nl
t il drop in tlir market, ir are re
minded uf (hi' remark inmlt' by
it Washington County dairyman
recently when In' Miitl: "Tlir till
wags tin' dog, ""ii it i making
tin- dog (.irk. Wliy don't tin dog
buck lii nml liuikr tlir tail wag?"
llr staled tin' case t nrtly.
'I'liii vt Imlr dairy industry him
been wagged about liy tin Ifiil
t int. Ovr in Tillamook roiitily
where tin: dnlry mrn have ;i per
frit marketing org.'tni,ittijt
within themselves Ihr reverse is
triir. Tlir re tin' dog wag I In;
tail ns tlir dog creator intended
thit lir should. N 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 y illus
trate this lu ltrr tluin thr inrrt
fuel that thr price uf Tilhimuuk
cheese rnini'tl twii tints during
thr same period that butler fat in
Portland dropped twenty cent.
Consumer n rr naturally glad
In kit the price uf something
drop. Iliillrr lull taken thr Irnd.
and if every other commodity
followed in equal proportion
Ihrre eotild be i little complaint.
Such, however, it nut the cute.
From llcrcinhcr '.'Otli to January
'.'ftlh mill feed raised from $.12.10
to K, nr B'2 per eent. The rvi
tli nee brought out at the milk
euiiiiiiissiuuer'N hearing in the
fall showed Hint at the prircti
then prevailing, ilairymen were
nut getting eosl of protliietion.
The reader can imagine how
naiiiful it must lie to tin; dairy
men to lir wagged about by tin
tail end of the industry, with tin
aliove results.
Tu produce lit sueh n loss as
the dairymen are now taring is
ruinous. No other industry enuld
absorb sueh a loss. The dairy
man alisnrliH it by working lunger
hours, by working every memlier
uf the family long hours without
eoiiipensatiuii, nml by disregard
iug interest mi invest incut.
Itelief is possible here nml else
where, as it w as made possible in
Tillamook by organization. The
Oregon Dairymen's League pro
vides sueh tin organization. It
has already produced results in
the market milk situation. The
machinery is in motion, and it re
mains for the dairymen to dem
onstrate their ability to organize
NiiHieienlly to demand fair play.
If ilairymen are prosperous all
the numerous lines dependent, up
on it will prosper. The league
deserves the moral support of ev
ery citizen of Oregon. May we
have it ?"
Mr, and Mrs. A. V. Walker have
received the following letter
from thr louiiiianiliiig ollicer of
the late ( has. Walker:
llrrshhacb, (icrmauy, Jan. II
)rar Mr. Walker Vour letter
of tlir Hllj of December received
and will trv and give you all the
information I have.
Your sou was transferred to
I ' 4 I I I
my cu anil in April, in .nine
hr, with the rrsl uf his soldier
eomniilrs, saw their first artion
in Alsace, lie also kiiw action
Hid look part ill the second bat
lb uf Ihr Marur, Niissoiis anil
Argniuir 1'orrsl, ninl bad always
proved a worthy soblirr to his
full II I IV.
It was in taking the town of
(icsiirs, France, that you Hon fell,
having been bit by a machine
gun I it 1 1 i-t . This was on the lKth
of Orlubrr last, llr was burird
by Chaplain ('. I'. Acres, I2lilh
V. S. Infantry, this same date,
nrar thr place thai be fell.
Personal belongings nnd the
like wire scnl to the authorities
t tint take care of these things,
will be srlil to you in due
Nephew of Mr. and Mr. C
Whitmore, of Laurel, in Marine
Only Four of Hi Company Went
Through to Germany
Itespecl fully Yours,
John D. Spencer,
Captain 127th l?. S. Inf.
rporal W alter I'. F.iscle, U. S.
Marines, a nephew uf Mr. uud
Mrs. ('. W hitmorc, uf Laurel, vis
iting fretpiently at the Whiliuore
nunc when he lived at I 'avion,
ainhill County, writes his pnr-
ii t h in Ohio, from which state he
With the A. K. I-., Nov. 5, 191S
A long time has passed bc-
w t en letters to you, but wc have.
ccn so inisv chasing lilt- tlclcal-
I Huns thai we have had no
line lo w rite or tlo anything else
ut light. It has beeii a very hard
rive this timr as we had far to
march uitli our heavy machine
mis. Then it ra i iii'd quite a bit
mil transformed the low land.4
into marshes where wc hail to
ade mud and water in pursuit ,,is company who went straight
Private Jas. T, Smith, son of
W. K. Smith, well known in the
South Tualatin section, under
date of Dec. I writes Mr. Wal
ker from France:
"Sorrv tu bear the bad news uf
Charley, Will try to lind toil tin
circumstance thru the Hctl Cross
His division was in a hard fight
ill October, and the boys were
iirtttv baillv shot up. I lias, was
a good soldier neither drank
nor sinokrd. He was sure a boy
be proud of and the best friend
I ever had. I regret (didn't get
a chance to stay with him and
see dim through, My division
was at the front continually, and
bail only ten days away from the
front line from the I-'lh of July
until the tiny it was over. I hope
it is only 'wounded' with Chas."
Smith, who is with the Army
of Occupation, bad only heard of
Walker's wounds, and tlitl not
know that he was dead when lit
wrote the above.
E, Wvlllcs, of Cornelius, was a
eily visitor Monday.
l'lowrrx for funerals nml other
occasions. llcrgen Floral Co
llillsboro. SMI
The llu epidemic appears to
have subsided - and Oregon peo
ple are thankful for the rains.
Miller tires are good tires
Perkins lias the exclusive tern
lory, (let his prices before Re
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
--Sunday services, Masses at
ami l()::i(). Week days, Mass at
S :.'(). --,1. T. Costelloe, Hector
Catcher Maker, of Sherwood
silmiii no Willi the Dctroits, has
arrived in the Stales and want
lo get transferred to the I'orllam
Irani if possible.
Wanted l'.eef cattle, bogs am
sheen. Will pav best price for
"ood slitlV. Phone Heavei-lon
Mail address. W. W. Mellar
Iteedvillc, Oregon. .IB-ilS
Farm for Rent Forty nercs
clear; (15 under fence; good for
tlairy; good 8-roniu house, good
barns. Two cellars, orchard, etc.
Cash rent preferred. Mrs. II.
W. Miller, Forest drove., Or. !
Cheap if taken by February IB
hiv threshing outfit 1 10 II.
liull'alo Pitts Kngine; 1 28x50
I. Case Separator, water tank,
good lank pumps. All in good
shane. F.nirine alone worth the
price asked. Address Geo. W
Moore, North Plains, Ore. Phone
:iSFII. 48-9
Now For a
Big Year
My machine gun company ouiy
had enlisted men and one offi
cer after nine tlays oi ngruing.
From then on we moved cant to
. . ... I ! I . 1
norlh oi M. .Jineu, wnr.rc we
were on October 1st, then ernsh-
d through the last remainder of
tin; Von Hindmberg line. In tin:
early morning of the first day I
took my crew through a bad
place in the enemies wire. We
came safely through but about 5
minutes later another crew tried
it and not out; man of the crew
escape t).
We followed the Huns until the
10th when wc were strongly lo
cated at the Meusc river where
we again drove tlu in out in the
attack that I wrote about in the
first part of the letter.
In this attack, myself and an
other man were nil that came thru
safely and without a wound.
When I think of the horror of all
I have gone through in this last
year, I can hardly believe that it
,. l.i i 'ii.
is all over ami mat i win never
ain hear the roar of the big
guns anil ine vicious spai oi uir
mllcts. There arc few Aineri-
. . . , .
cans Dial nave seen more war
than I have. I was in the Second
Division and saw the worst figbt-
i ..... i ii
nig. l ew .marines nave seen mi
uf the six battles we were in.
There are only four of us in
Green Feed for Darie Bet Con
served Thi Way
Sheep Increase is Noted AH Over
the Country
Willi farm lahur question becom
ing inure serious every tlay, far
mers are tiirnine; more and more
lo building silos to conserve the
green food which can be conden-
srii ill small place whit-li allows
fur more intrusive farming.
Appropriations for salmon
liMlclu rirs nrr absolutely neces
sary if the canning imlustry is
nut to decline. Oregon is get
lint; back live dollars for each
dollar invested.
Salem Jam factory is started
here with floor space HOxSOO feel.
Fruit products payrolls now here
total 137,000 a Vt-ar.
Portland Five ships awaiting
rudders are ready for launching.
Myrtle Point American The
industries cannot continue to ex-
I the i-ii t i ii v
I had several men in my gnu
rcw and U was hard lor them to
tanil the grind. I had one little
hap for a leader. He was hit by
hrapml while carrying the gun
tripod. lie fell with it under
him and his first thought was for
Hie Red Cross man to leave him
lone until another man could
t the tripod and keep it moving
forward. f
Last night wc had a long hard
like over a muddy road.
Nov. 8- Nothing new except
more hikes, more, ram mm nun
more cold, nml more shells, as
well ns a bit more fighting nnd a
ot more victories.
Nov. 25 Will send this letter
by way of a friend of mine who
going home nnd I can write
whatever I wish. A few days
fter the armistice was signed,
the Marines began following up
the Huns, Wc marched through
Belgium, crossed into Luxemburg
ami are now on the border of
dcrnianv. I went through tin
worst light of all the evening be
fore the nrmistiee was signed
We crossed the .Meusc river on
pontoon bridges thru the worst
hell tire and machine gun hnr-
., . , MM...
rage that l ever saw. me gnus
nut the next day at 1 1 :()() a. m.
. ,1.1 - 1. OI...I
and a those men were mihu
just so wc could cross the bridge
few hours earlier. 1 was sent
, . , i i ii...
on a ration tleiau iiacn across tin
river the next day and as I have
seen every minute of the Marint
liglrting, I have seen some aw ful
things, but this was the worst 1
ever saw. The dead were just
in piles and lying about every-
icre on the ground. 1 do not
know how nny of us ever came
ilirmiirb alive, but wc did and
trained the other bank and di
lodged the Huns at an awful cost.
I do not know how I chanced to
be so lucky in nil the lighting, in
the last drive, I was knocked
lown by a shell that got six men,
iii.I all the men were further
from the shell than I was. 1 hail
the sleeve torn out of my over
coat bv a jagged piece of shrap
nel, but was uninjured except for
the shock. I have bad my clothe
cut in several places by shrapnel
,,.,,1 Indicts, but something nl
wavs seemed to protect me.
We have no idea when wc will
be sent back to the States, but
only hope that it w ill not be long.
Wc troops, who did the fighting
have had it very hard and now,
through it nil. I am writing this list without the community thrive
... . , i 1 1 -l T
in a l it t It- cate in .vol ition, i.ux-
inburL'. n little hamlet near the
lown of Dcitriek."
Herb Schiilinerieh, of Fnrin-
ington, was ih the city Saturday
Perkins has some renl bargains
i 1 l r,l
ill used cars, and a corn vnassis.
Call and sec them.
Jacob Dahindeii. of above
Hanks, was a city visitor Mon-
-iv, enroule to Portland.
tut your painting and paper
hanging thine this Winter, before impetus durin
the Spring rush is on. Now is
the time. J. Murrow, llillsboro.
Tel. 2CR8. 45-8
J. 11 llavden, ot upper iiaics
Creek, was an Argus caller Sat
unlay. J. R. says there has been
lots of high water up his way
tins inter, hut that the damage
was slight.
For Sale Two horses, 4 and
years; weight about 1.100 or
1-100; tlark bays; rented place,
no more use for them. ill sell
cheap. E. J. Thomas, Beaver
ton, Ore., R. 2. 47-9
Chas. Roston, well known here
seeral years ago when he work
I in the I cii ot wects, lias
, , . . . ii. .
made eleven trips across tin
ocean to France ami England
since be joined the IT. S. Navy
Chas. is a Sherwood boy.
For Sale Nearly new "Dairy
Maid International Harvester
cream separator l-.'io in. size, very
close skimmer, used one month.
10. Also No. tS hay and green
feed chopper, used few limes, bi
t e t . I.
i-iiiiugli tor lew cow s, ior t hick
asle, $15. A. C. Sellers, Argus.
Having sold my farm. I will sell
at public auction nt the place, A
miles north of Mountaindale and
t! miles northwest of North
Plains, beginning at 10 n. m on
liny horse, 12 yrs, weight 1-151
bay horse, l.'t years, 1800; Jersey
cow, giving milk; Holstein cow,
to freshen in August; brindle
cow to freshen in August; Jersey
it may exist, without the indus
Portland district will have
5000 less men in shipyards l cti-
niarv 1st.
St. Johns Foundation in for
woolen nulls duo house.
Free water to get $15,000 bank
Sheen increased 12.0 per cent
. . , ' ., i . . f i..i ,
in the L mien states, iroin juiv t
!!M7, to July 1, 1918. The pro-
. . . f , i i . .1.
miction ot wool aiso snows inai
the sheep industry has" gathered
recent years, and
is a gn at asset to every i.triu.
Portland Spruce producing
eouipmcnt valued nt If 10.000,000
to be sold.
Rend 0. P. Piitnnm sells the
city's onlv daily to local men
Rost'hurg Prune crop brought
oimlv growers 850,000 this
Hubbard creamery has good year
and declares 7 H-r cent dividend
Work to start on state high
ways at once; many contracts iei
.Monmouth to Portland truck
e to make tri-weekly runs.
Rend Tumalo section peti
lions for bridge over Deschutes
Portland I loirs advance in
Portland to $1 7.75.
Port I miiuua, fanners advised
to t-Mieriinelil villi sorghum
tker 1S.700 acres land and
... . , e
oiu In-ill of cattle Mild lor
Portland - Highway As
sociation will mark the shortest
transcontinental route from Ros-
lou to Portland before July 1st,
Dunsnmir Highway unit from
this place to Jiois completed at
osl of i.liiO.000.
Canyon City Highway be
tween (ir.uit ami liaker v ounucs
lo be surveyed at cost of 75.000.
Necessitated by suspension of
Snmpter Valley railroad.
Raker Six ears ot cattle sold
here for lflS.000.
Portland American Marine
rtlll Ol'liS 111 flllisuill l ill""""
atclv $50,000 marine repair snop
quipped with latest devices to
uulle machinery.
Port Fmpqu.i 0 ton purse
1 1 L .. '11 x.,
seine lisnuig mini win .sm.ii
ale off rmiMiiia river. Will catch
'Start 1919 right by doing your
business through a bank. A check
it jut as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
, , i , l.i!.
cow. trcs i eel), ll pruuue cow,
to freshen in October; Holstein salmon, halibut and deep sea tisn.
.,, r I r-.-.i .1 It, . ... -f o H l....-l ViJ
row. will trrsnen in zsciucuioer ; i.-is crew in o. nrnii ......
- i ..... ...
Holstein cow , to freshen m An- ("o. paid fishermen on Lower
riiuti nil nun's tuberculin tested: r'ninnun over friuu.uuu uuriua
;t0 chickens; ! 10-gallon milk 1!US season.
cans: U. S. cream separator; 6
Ihouiih the lighting and danger i horse Stover gas engine; pump- I.t. A. P. Patten, U. S. R., was
past the hard life is not It is very I j, engine and jack; 2 rolls wire out from Portland Sunday.
cold weather for us to be sleep- fencing; set double harness; i jVrkins has some real bargains
in used cars, and a Ford Chassis.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will hoou lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
HEAR JohgJ' Linden
EVANGELIST Forme,'y First Asst. to Billy Sunday
Win. ltisluip, the Mountaindale
saw mill man, was in the city the
set double harness; 'I
ing in a barn on a little straw or hl'( jlu. Mitchell wagons; hack;
on a stone lloor. e can get icw buggy; l-inen J. l. L.ase piow, p ,. , tlenli
! . i .i i r . in. i - -
supplies here anil even mis paper suh-soil plow ; tanning miu;
was taken from a dead Ilun'sj Hloom manure spreader; 1-horse
" I I ; v I.ii- eorrniratetl roller: 2-
I ' . . . . -I . .... ' 1 I ll... t f llu, ,,'
( bateau 1 merry, my nrst nig horse tlise; i nomas mower; nay " ll"
battle lasted .18 days and all wnslr,.,Ue; 50-tooth harrow; 2-horse yot Sale Eight weanling pigs
incessant fighting. From there steel-clad stump puller, with ea- V. J. Gregg, llillsboro, R. 3
we went to Soissons where on m,.s nnd blocks complete; No. 18 h.eisyville. Phone 81R35. 7-5
July 18 we went into a three-day ensilage cutter, new ; Mrs Wcn(in
lint tie. rrom mere we mui. i D.uilicr root, uuin i , '""(( ,, ,, , iimii.,.-.. Fee. fi 1410
con I. I , 'i t'.' .-, -
at their home
a daughter.
Perkins now
vt 9th and Fir Sts.
has his free air
Nancy, nnd were inactive until I mill ; about 200 grain sacks;
Sent. 12. when we went into the. I piam t No. 25 combination hand
battle that closed up the St. Mi- seeder; 10-lb sausage staffer; Pa
li. -il anlieiit. leilie draii saw; imnilstone cycle fl,rli lulled six davs nnd I m in.t. r wood -ehniiuers tools. :ind water system in operation
then we went to Sweepers, iti the nnd farm tools of all description; Drive up and help yourself
Champagne district, just west oflo Charter Oak heaters, 1 nearly You're welcome. Come again.
the Argonne lorcst, between ew ; 6-hole range; nouscnoia (, Zimmerman, who has
Verdun uheims, where we agami furniture and numerous otner ar
had some hard fighting. We went tides
throiiL'h one charge on Mt. Blanc I l.nneh at Noon.
Uidire where our Marine lsattal- Terms of Sale Under $20,
ion of the Fourth Tnfantry eom-l (v,sh ; $20 and over, 8 months
. . . 1 ...... a ittiltisi rr n Tl nnmltl..n vMn(fwl ltntilraltlo nntA n t
Lv. a total of about 1200 mm. 8 Per cent. Two per cent off for U- Red; good ones; fine large
. l
came back with 2.17 men and 13 rash over $20
0ff,(,rs l,t We won the ridge. 1 Carl Christencr,
This is the roll rail of my gun Owner.
,.ri,. killed, 4; wounded, 5; $, p. Cornelius, Auctioneer
safe, myself and one other man. I John Vanderwal, Clerk
been working in a Portland ship-
vnrd. was in the eitv Monday, re
turning from a trip to the ranch
above North Plains
Hatching Eggs for Salt, S. C
birds; good color; none better
L'ood layers. Come and see them
Per setting of IS, $2.00; $9 per
100. D. A. Mitchell, Orenco,
Ore. 8-tf
! ', .,." -fit, '
Begi Evanses Wednesday.Feb. 19,'19
AT 7.30 P. M.
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon