The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 06, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 43
Five Knilwayi Into Town, and
Witter I raniiportation
Three Big VcmI to no on Port
land Oriental Run
Nin th Cortland A giiiininlt ( d
Wiilir freight rnti' of iiiie-h.-tlf
mill per ton jn-r mill- fur liiiiiing
tin- win-ill iiihI utlirr iiti-hIn fur
I III' ( nliiiiihiii liver luisill iIiiuii
tin- ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , i river fur milling or
exporting piirpiinN ii worth
Ihinkiiijj- ii I ii 1 1 1 1 , M 1 1 1 1 1 f ; 1 1 1 1 1 1- it
uf m If ii ii 1 1 1 1 harp-n nflrr the
iiIhiic h i rn ii 1 1 , ami lln ir
It.'irKi'H Imvr lu i ii i ( n -r (i 1 1 1 1 mie
i'isfiillv on ollirr f.t muni in 1 1 ii '
I ' ii i I ii! Slntrs fur ciiri on tin'
M istUiippi ri-r for ti low n 5
of 11 mill )rr tun i rinili-. The
li llhlnihl Industrial I i kI r i i t on
N'urlli I ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I liarlior ii otlrriii;
i ii 1 1 ii it iiu n 1 1 In iiiillrrx tu 1 1 m 1 1 1 -tlirrr.
N'urlli I ' i r 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 in ri I i
rril fur n i l i i n wntrr shipim-iil
of 1 1 ri i I m 1 1 from tin- ureal inland
I'uiiiilrv. It Iiiih direct M'rviir
of live IrtuiiciiiiUiichliil railroad
ntlil Irrp wiitrr to I In- tica for
lr:iiisiiiilni llir I i 1 1 i -1 1 -1 1 product,
Ailnri.'i hi Is lr '.'0(1,0(11) Standard
Oil ilislriluitinu ilmit.
1'ortliillil Wool lirlil ill ( i V -
i-n mi nl warehouse In n' will he
Mild fill, IS 7.
Astoria fratihcrry industry
Im -1 increased output .'100 per
'anrinivrr piling many new
I'urthind-llrsiiiuplioii of Atin r
iriin commerce with Orient thru
I'orthiml pate way is nssiirril with
f,i -untitle liirn in m otialiitns be
tween I'ncilic Straiiiship Co. anil
I'nilril Statrs shipping board fur
placing of thrri' of completed
hsoo tun sti rl vessels in regular
M-rvicc for Irani trinli.
I'orlhiiul bnfldinir prrmits in
Din inhi r tot :tllil $:il7,i'.'.V
Heavcrton potato starrh fac
tory irrtliiiK new machinery.
I'orllaml stockyards receipts
show Inrui' (iainx for 1!1K.
Hood Itivcr 1!1S pear crop
Mil. I fur $2 to $.1.75 11 l.o.
Klamalh I'lills New Mullin
llmir mills to start soon.
Portland woolen mills frrls i
linnr tin v nitil Saturilav afternoon
Sheridan cannery paid $12fS,
000 for fruit ami wants packing
Work started on Si. Helens
liiiiniripal dork.
Statr linn- plant at Gnld Hill
continued with $10,000 appropri
it I ion .
Pendleton New financial In
stitution with $250,000 here,
ready f"f business nlioul March I
Francis Harold ('ollcltc, n broth
er of Miss ( ielievievc ('ollctle,
Deputy ('utility Clerk, died ill the
(iood Samaritan Hospital, Port
land, Jan. 2!, 1!U!, after 11 short
illness from inilucna and pncti
inoiiia. He was lioru al Rapid
Itiver, Mich., March 28. 1S!:I.
anil was a sou of Mr. mid Mrs.
Ins. Collctte, of MontcHiuio, W11.
He leaves besides his parenU and
his sister in Hillshoro, a lirolher,
Dr. Allan Collctte, .of the U. S.
Naval Hospital at Charleston, S.
('., and a sister, Miss Claire, at
home. The funeral took place
Saturday itnd interment. Was in
Ml. Calvary eeinctcry.
Try the Arns for a year.
Now For
Big Year
Start 1919 right by doing your
business through a hank. A check
is just as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
.loliu l.ofiis, of aliuvc North
I'laiiis, was in the city Sunday,
F. I'licr, of ( :ieliah:ni Ml,,
was in town Hie !irsl of llie week.
John Swalley, of llei'ilvillc,
was up Tuesday, Kricliiif( friends.
Perkins lias mime real bargain
in used cars, mid a Fonl ClmimiH.
Call mid ncc them.
W in. Wailiel, Tuesday, moved
out to hjs new purchase, tin: Win,
Itoliiuson place, near I.uiircl.
l or Sale Fight weanling- pigs.
V. J. (iri-KK, Hillshoro, 11. 8;
I.cisy villc. Phone 31 HUB. 47-9
J. I., llailey, of raltun Valley,
ahove (iaslon, was n city culler
Tuesday, and the Arpis will visit
him fur a year.
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
Sunday services, Musses at 8
and I0:.'I0. Week days, Mass at
N;20. J. T. Coslelloi", Hector.
John Id illy, of m ar Orcnco,
who in the ohh 11 days shijipcd
lliildwiiis to California hy the
e.irliiiiil, was ill the city Tuesday.
Perkins now has his free air
1 11 1 1 water system in operation.
Drive up and help yourself.
Vou'rc welcome. Come initio.
Mrs. .1, A. Vainli hey, of (Vil
li nillc, was a (,'iiest of relatives
ill the county scat Tuesday. She
was accompanied ly her hrotlier,
Alhi-rl , of Vcrboort.
.las. Ad.iuis, I'armiuloii, run
ninu a donkey for I lit- Tualatin
Valley l.iiiiiher Co., was in Tues
day, nrlliiit; repairs for a hrciik
ilow 11 of the engine.
Wanted --liecf cattle, Iiii;;n and
sheep. Will pay hest price for
good tilulT. Plionc Hi in erlim.
Mail address, W. W. Mellar,
Itccdville, Oregon. ."16 .'18
K. I.. Mapes, of aliove Laurel,
was a cily visitor Tuesday. K. I..
ta t i d in the hop luisiiiess with
the last throes of the industry----hut
says 11 good hopyard wouldn't
luuk had f i 1 1 1 now.
I.uinlii r for sale, from 3x8 to
I212i from 8 ft to 40 ft long;
from !?ti to $S per .M. ft. .Aso 225
good cedar posts, 7 ft. long J 80
rods cast of Joe F.s.sner'H place.
W. M. lieeker, owner. 4(i-H
J. O. Stearns, tin attorney of
Portland, called on the Argus,
Tuesday. Mr. Stearns had three
sous in the military ami naval
service and one in the I'. S. mer
chant marine, during the war,
ami lost one in France, Walter T.,
who died from wounds received
in action. Mr. Stearns entile out
on proliate business.
Jaeoh Jeiine, of below F.lmoili
ca, was an Argus caller Tuesday.
Mr. Jeiine stales that Win. K11
liseh. who died recently was aged
about .'l.'l years, instead of being
older, ns the dispatches (irst
slated. Hi' remembers when Mr.
Kulisch lit'st started the store nt
I'.lmoiiica, and says that nl the
lime Kulisch was a mere hoy.
For Sale or Tradi Two colls,
coming 5 years this Spring;
weigh about !()() each; both have
been driven single or double.
Will sell, or trade Ihein fur horse
not over 8 years, weighing about
1 100 or 1250, w hich is guild work
animal, mid can be driven single
oi-louble." Write or sec George
Miller, lieavcrton, Route 4, llox
17. 4fi-8
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scluihnerich
departed Tuesday, after an cx
lended visit with relatives and
friends. They slop at Carlton,
w here they visit the Coopers, and
at Corvallis, to visit the Hurt
Wilkes' and then go on to Cres
well for 0 short stay, after which
I hey w ill make an extended visit
in California, returning in the
Sheriff Can Start as Soon as As
sessor Turns Over Rolls
Assessor's Office Putting Finish
ing Touches on Extensions
It is conlidctilly expected that the
lav rolls for HUH writing will be
opi ned for collection about Feb
ruary 20 if nothing goes wrongs
wilh the final balancing of the
honks. Assessor liolcy has had
a hard time of it this Winter, due
In so much sickness in bis oflice.
force, and this has delayed the
turning over of the books at least
a fii I niu lil .
He now thinks that by Thurs
day of (he second week he will
have sent in the big lax books,
Hid Shi-rill Alexander will he
eollccling the coin of the realm.
It may be two or three days later,
ami money may not be received
unlit the .Monday following the
201 h.
Ily next week of publication it
is thought the exact date can be
The rolls are getting larger
each year, due to the fact that
many places in the Fast end have
In en cut up into small tracts, and
this class of properly naturally
cumbers the books, and causes an
extra lot of writing run! eoinpii-
I ilion.
tigitst Jlriinswiek, V. S. Navy,
died at lircmcrton, Jan. 31, I'll!!.
lb' was the eldest "f John
llrinisw ick. of above Hanks, in
the Arcade District, and was
mrii April 15, 1S!7. He was cd-
iicaleil 111 Hie Pleasant lew
School District. He entered the
service in the Navv Dept., and
was unsigned to University train-
..I . .......
ing. v line al me 1 nulling camp
he contracted Spanish influenza,
front which he recovered. He.
was granted a nine days' liberty,
and on returning tu duty was
stricken w ith measles, developing
into tuberculous pneumonia. The
attending physician states that
young Brunswick put up n heroic
light to the last, but the disease
finally mastered.
He wan obedient to discipline,
and was a universal favorite,
both al Inline itnd in the service.
The funeral took place from the
Arcade District school house, on
Monday of this week. Rev. F. S.
Ford, of Hanks, conducting the
service. A large number of
neighbors and friends attended
the last rites. The floral tributes
from those w ho knew him as man
and boy were very beautiful and
expressive of the high esteem in
w hich he was held.
Deceased is survived by fath
er, "four brothers and two .sisters.
Garlield (iarlhofuer, of the (i. II.
1'. Lumber Co., while examining
a cable under the cant carriage.
last Thursday, suffered an acci
dent w hich came near costing his
life. While working on the table
it broke mid the loose end struck
his head, fracturing his lower
jaw in two places, rendering him
unconscious for a lime. He was
taken lo the (iood Samaritan
Hospital by Dr. L. W. Hyde and
an cx-r.'tv taken, showing an ex
tremely bad set of fractures.
"Gar" takes his food through a
tube these days, and it will be
many weeks before he will be
able to masticate. Had the brok
en cable's end struck him a few
inches one way or the other Im
life would have been snuffed out
His many friends in Hillshoro
wish for him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II, Rower, of
Prairia, Idaho, were in Hillshoro,
Friday nnd Saturday, greeting
friends made while they livci
here and' at Scholls nnd Cedar
Mill several years ago. Mr. Bow
er en me down to have n cataract
removed from one of his eyes,
He was successful nnd will soon
be able to take off the darkened
glasses which now protect tho
eye. He says Hint lilalio is somo
country and he has never regret
ted moving to the new section,
allho he still has a warm plnee in
his henrt for old Wnshington
For Sale Two horses, 4 nnd
7 years;, weight nbout 1300 or
1400; dark bays; rented place
no more use for them. Will sell
cheap. F.. J. Thomns, Beaver
Try the Argus, $ 1 .CO it year.
Tit. N'isscn, of ScIioIIk, wax in
town Saturday, on business.
Flowers for funerals untl other
occasions. iicrgell II oral Co.,
Hillshoro. :i2 If
John A. Lindow, of I-'urinirig-
ton, was up to tin: city Monday
oil legal business.
Perkins has sonic real bargains
in used cars, and a Ford Chassis.
Call and see them.
Hans HnsmiiKsen, of above
Hanks, passed thro town Tues-
iv, cnroiite to Portland.
Will Thoriibiirgh, of above
Hanks, was greeting his many
unity scat friends Tuesday.
John I). Koch, of above Bloom
ing, was transuding Imsim-ss 111
I he huh the first of the W eek.
John Millie, of North Plains,
was greeting friends in the old
limur town lite (irst of the week.
Miller tires arc good tires.
Perkins has the exclusive terri
tory, (iet his prices before Re
tiring. Nurnian (Irecr, now' traveling
out of, Southern Ore
gon, was in the city the last of
the week.
Krwin Hitter, of Bethany, was
a i-ily caller Monday, on business
for the Farmers' Mutual of
Washington County.
Perkins now has his free air
ind water system in operation.
Drive up and help yourself.
Vou'rc welcome. Conic attain.
Mrs. Frank I'aiili has so far
on vnlcsecil from an operation at
the Dr. Smith Hospital that she is
ible to be nt her home in the
Dotielson Block.
(iit your painting and paper
iiiging done this Winter, before
the Spring rush is on. Now is
the time, J. Murrow, Hillshoro.
Tel. 2CH8. 45-8
Jim Loudon, of Iowa Hill, was
greeting friends in the eitv the
lirst of the week. He expects to
get away for Lincoln County as
soon as the swallows begin nest
ing. Christian Science Society
Sunday services nt 11 o'clock;
Sunday school nt 10:15 a. m.
Wednesday evening meetings, at
30. Vita Hall, 1228 Washing
ton St. tf
Vrthur Knox and B. Fleisch-
hatier, of Gaston, were county
scat callers Monday afternoon.
Knox has three sons in the ser
vice ami rieiscniinucr lost one 111
For Sale Belgian hares,
Flemish Giants. Raise your own
meat. Small ones for sale and
many does mid bucks for breed
ing. w. 1. roller. iitiisooro.
Phone 2 l.'ll. 48-50
II. M. Basford, of the River
was a city caller .Holiday. Jl. Al.
found use for some of the con
crete chunks taken out ot llie
street where the railway was ta
ken up 111 trout ot llie postollice,
hauling some of them home for
barn posts,
For Sali Nearly new "Dairy
Maid" International cream sepa
rator, 450 lb. size, close skimmer,
used about one month, $-10. Also
hay, straw and green feed chop
per, used bill few times, same as
new , ie'.'O. A. C. Sellers, Araus
S. S. Jeffries, well known here
is 11 barber years ago, arrived
front Gresh.un the lirst of the
week and arranged to open the
barber shop in the Hotel Wash
ington. Jeff says he will let the
ranch stand nt present, and get
back into the harness again at
the business end of a razer.
Attention to Logan 15erry
Growers Have (iOO to 800 sea
suited cedar bopvard posts. Can
be cut to make two good posts
for Logan berries. Price is only
7c eoeli. If you want a bargain
phone Hillshoro 17118, or write
M. R. Huff, Hoaverton, Oregon,
It. 4. 47-9
Gerald Young, once prominent
attorney in Montana circles, was
Monday adjudged insane and
committed to the State Hospital
at Salem. I lis mental condition
is due to n breakdown from study
nnd concentration, and nt times
he has been homicidal in tenden
cv. He came here last April m
quest of health.
For Sale Twenty acres, fine
soil, all cleared; between two
electric lines; fine for poultry
berry or dairy ranch; no build
inns. Buyer could build nnd
have gas and mountain water,
Milk route; close to schools nnd
church; rural mail route; less
than half-mile from state high
way to be paved this yenr; idea
place for home. Payment down
balance terms. T. O. Box 27,
Passed Through Luxemburg to
Reach the River Rhine
Says Soissons Was the Hardest
Battle From his Standpoint
Clyde C. Bryant, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Bryant, of 848 Sev
enth St., under date of Dec. 19,
writes his parents from Hilgert,
"We have been on the march
since November II. Passed thru
l.iixi iiihurg- a nice little country
lots of old ruins and line sccn
ry. L ft Luxemburg and eross
d the Moselle above Kseh.
March thru Trier. Trabach and
'oblelt. all fairly large towns,
'obleii. the best of the three. It
s a pretty city located on the
Rhine and Moselle. We are now
teross the Rhine in a village of
iboiit .'100. Saw some pretty good
sized boats on the thine, but not
man v on the Moselle. There arc
ill kinds of vineyards along the
river hank, anil many on steep
lillsidcs hardly see how they
ii t up to pick the graces. Saw
several old castles alonr the riv-
r. Have enjoyed the trip .very
niiicli, ami llie lirrman people
lave treated us well they know
they have to. We are now where
we could give them what they
ave the French and Belgians.
Think I will be home soon, as
we were among trie nrst over
u re. Was in the last drives in
the Argonne and against Sedan
two pretty rough battles, but not
overly heavv losses. About the
irdest battle we had was at So
issons. Have learned to speak
some French and expect to pick
up some German.
Clyde C. Bryant,
Co. E, 1st Ammunition Train,
II. Btn., Somewhere in Germany.
Cheap if taken by February 15,
my threshing outfit 1 10 II. P.
Buffalo Pitts Engine; 1 28x50 J.
I. Case Separator, water tank, 2
irood tank pumps. All in good
hape. Engine alone worth the
price asked. -Address ueo. .
Moore, North Plains, Ore. Phone
asFll. 48-9
MILK $3.50
The condensers at Hillshoro and
the Grove are paying .'1.50 for
milk for the first half of Febru-
Having sold my farm, I will sell
at public auction at the place, .'1
miles north of Mouiitaind.-ile and
(! miles northwest of North
lains, beginning at 10 a." m., on
1TM.SDAV, FF.iaiUAUY 25,
Bay horse, 12 yrs, weight 1150;
nay Horse, 1:1 years, liiuu; jersey
cow, giving milk; llolslein cow,
lo freshen in August; brindle
cow to.tresiien in August; jersey
cow, fresh Feb. 1 ; brindle cow,
to freshen in October; Holstein
cow, will treshen 111 lcptemler;
Holstein cow , to freshen in Au-
usl; all cows tuberculin tested;
;it) chickens; !) 10-gallon milk
cans; V. S. cream separator; 5-
orse Stover gas engine; ptimp-
1 ' , fx It '
mu engine and jack; - runs wire
fencing; set double harness; 2
.'(' ( inch Mitchell wagons; hack;
niggy; 14-inch J. I. Case plow;
nib-soil plow; fanning mill;
Bloom manure spreader; 1-horse
cultivator; corrugated roller; 2
horse disc; Thomas mower; hay-
ake ; 50-tooth harrow ; 2-horse
teel-elad stump puller, with ca
bles nnd blocks complete; No, 18
Blizzard ensilage cutter, new;
Banner root cutter; feed rolling
mill; about 200 grain sacks;
Planet No. 25 combination hand
seeder; 10-lb sausage stuffer; Ta-
eilic drag saw; grindstone; cycle
grinder; wood-choppers tools,
mil farm tools of nil description;
2 Charter Oak heaters, 1 nearly
new ; fi hole range ; household
furniture and numerous other ar
ticles. Lunch nt Noon.
Terms of Sale Under $20,
cash; $20 nnd over, 8 months
time, approved bankable, note, nt
8 per cent. Two per cent off for
cash over $20.
Carl Christener,
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Four-foot slahwood, $2.75 per
cord; 16-inch wood, $8.50 per
cord, riace vour orders. G. H.
P. Lumher Co., South Third St.,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint
Wholesale and Retail I): .... i.-. In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will hooh lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Rccdville
Many choice small tracts ou sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evtning into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
HEAR John M. Linden
EVANGELIST Forme: ly First Asst. to Billy Sunday
e3jr m ijmi "r"ir'T
J ,
s '1 L A
the BaptistlChurch,Hillsboro
Begins Evangelistic Wednesday, Feb. 1 9, 1 9
"We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Main Street i
as -sr
i i
..- -
AT 7:30 P. M.
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon
ton, Ore., R. 2. 47-9
Reedvllle, Ore. 47-9
Hillsboro. Phone 942. 48-tf